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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of gifted programming on student achievement: differential results by race/ethnicity and income

Dean, Kelley M. 21 January 2011 (has links)
The central research question is the extent to which gifted programming effects student academic outcomes of gifted as compared to not-gifted students and how this differs by race/ethnicity and/or poverty status. Since the identification of elementary school students as gifted is not random, propensity score matching is used to remove this bias in the estimates of the effects. A matched sample of North Carolina middle school students based on individual level data of both gifted and not-gifted students of varied racial/ethnic groups and income levels is used for this analysis. This enables a comparison of sixth, seventh, and eighth grade student achievement to determine the extent to which participating in gifted programming differentiates effects by race/ethnicity and poverty status. I show the additional test score gain, if any, from being in gifted programming compared to students not participating in gifted programs. Variations in gifted program effects across race/ethnicity and income are assessed. This research adds empirical evidence to the more qualitatively focused gifted debate by analyzing differences in student outcomes between gifted and not-gifted students in North Carolina. Since black and lower income students are less likely to participate in gifted programs, they disproportionately encounter less experienced teachers, lower expectations, and fewer resources. The extent to which these additional learning supports translate to differences in student outcomes are analyzed.

Experiential Sampling For Object Detection In Video

Paresh, A 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of object detection deals with determining whether an instance of a given class of object is present or not. There are robust, supervised learning based algorithms available for object detection in an image. These image object detectors (image-based object detectors) use characteristics learnt from the training samples to find object and non-object regions. The characteristics used are such that the detectors work under a variety of conditions and hence are very robust. Object detection in video can be performed by using such a detector on each frame of the video sequence. This approach checks for presence of an object around each pixel, at different scales. Such a frame-based approach completely ignores the temporal continuity inherent in the video. The detector declares presence of the object independent of what has happened in the past frames. Also, various visual cues such as motion and color, which give hints about the location of the object, are not used. The current work is aimed at building a generic framework for using a supervised learning based image object detector for video that exploits temporal continuity and the presence of various visual cues. We use temporal continuity and visual cues to speed up the detection and improve detection accuracy by considering past detection results. We propose a generic framework, based on Experiential Sampling [1], which considers temporal continuity and visual cues to focus on a relevant subset of each frame. We determine some key positions in each frame, called attention samples, and object detection is performed only at scales with these positions as centers. These key positions are statistical samples from a density function that is estimated based on various visual cues, past experience and temporal continuity. This density estimation is modeled as a Bayesian Filtering problem and is carried out using Sequential Monte Carlo methods (also known as Particle Filtering), where a density is represented by a weighted sample set. The experiential sampling framework is inspired by Neisser’s perceptual cycle [2] and Itti-Koch’s static visual attention model[3]. In this work, we first use Basic Experiential Sampling as presented in[1]for object detection in video and show its limitations. To overcome these limitations, we extend the framework to effectively combine top-down and bottom-up visual attention phenomena. We use learning based detector’s response, which is a top-down cue, along with visual cues to improve attention estimate. To effectively handle multiple objects, we maintain a minimum number of attention samples per object. We propose to use motion as an alert cue to reduce the delay in detecting new objects entering the field of view. We use an inhibition map to avoid revisiting already attended regions. Finally, we improve detection accuracy by using a particle filter based detection scheme [4], also known as Track Before Detect (TBD). In this scheme, we compute likelihood of presence of the object based on current and past frame data. This likelihood is shown to be approximately equal to the product of average sample weights over past frames. Our framework results in a significant reduction in overall computation required by the object detector, with an improvement in accuracy while retaining its robustness. This enables the use of learning based image object detectors in real time video applications which otherwise are computationally expensive. We demonstrate the usefulness of this framework for frontal face detection in video. We use Viola-Jones’ frontal face detector[5] and color and motion visual cues. We show results for various cases such as sequences with single object, multiple objects, distracting background, moving camera, changing illumination, objects entering/exiting the frame, crossing objects, objects with pose variation and sequences with scene change. The main contributions of the thesis are i) We give an experiential sampling formulation for object detection in video. Many concepts like attention point and attention density which are vague in[1] are precisely defined. ii) We combine detector’s response along with visual cues to estimate attention. This is inspired by a combination of top-down and bottom-up attention maps in visual attention models. To the best of our knowledge, this is used for the first time for object detection in video. iii) In case of multiple objects, we highlight the problem with sample based density representation and solve by maintaining a minimum number of attention samples per object. iv) For objects first detected by the learning based detector, we propose to use a TBD scheme for their subsequent detections along with the learning based detector. This improves accuracy compared to using the learning based detector alone. This thesis is organized as follows . Chapter 1: In this chapter we present a brief survey of related work and define our problem. . Chapter 2: We present an overview of biological models that have motivated our work. . Chapter 3: We give the experiential sampling formulation as in previous work [1], show results and discuss its limitations. . Chapter 4: In this chapter, which is on Enhanced Experiential Sampling, we suggest enhancements to overcome limitations of basic experiential sampling. We propose track-before-detect scheme to improve detection accuracy. . Chapter 5: We conclude the thesis and give possible directions for future work in this area. . Appendix A: A description of video database used in this thesis. . Appendix B: A list of commonly used abbreviations and notations.

Sampling Ocsilloscope On-Chip

Forsgren, Niklas January 2003 (has links)
<p>Signal-integrity degradation from such factors as supply and substrate noise and cross talk between interconnects restricts the performance advances in Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI). To avoid this and to keep the signal-integrity, accurate measurements of the on-chip signal must be performed to get an insight in how the physical phenomenon affects the signals. </p><p>High-speed digital signals can be taken off chip, through buffers that add delay. Propagating a signal through buffers restores the signal, which can be good if only information is wanted. But if the waveform is of importance, or if an analog signal should be measured the restoration is unwanted. Analog buffers can be used but they are limited to some hundred MHz. Even if the high-speed signal is taken off chip, the bandwidth of on-chip signals is getting very high, making the use of an external oscilloscope impossible for reliable measurement. Therefore other alternatives must be used. </p><p>In this work, an on-chip measuring circuit is designed, which makes use of the principle of a sampling oscilloscope. Only one sample is taken each period, resulting in an output frequency much lower than the input frequency. A slower signal is easier to take off-chip and it can easily be processed with an ordinary oscilloscope.</p>

Preemption strategy for traffic signals at intersections near highway-railroad grade crossings

Cho, Hanseon 30 September 2004 (has links)
Because the operational characteristics of signalized intersections near highway-railroad grade crossings (IHRGCs) are different from those of signalized intersections located elsewhere in the traffic system, standard operational strategies do not apply. This is because safe operation at IHRGCs takes precedence over all other objectives. Because the prime objective of the current preemption methods is to clear the crossing, secondary objectives such as safe pedestrian crossing time and minimized delay are given less consideration or ignored completely. Consequently, state-of-the-practice strategies may cause serious pedestrian safety and efficiency problems at IHRGCs. Therefore, there is a definite need for research on how to improve traffic signal preemption strategies. An important element of preemption strategy is detection of trains and prediction of arrival times. However, because of the limitations of current detection technologies, estimation algorithms, etc., there is a wide range in these warning times. In this dissertation, a new train-arrival prediction algorithm was developed using detection equipment located farther upstream from the HRGC. The state-of-the-art transition preemption strategy (TPS) was developed to ensure that as preemption is initiated by approaching trains, the signal display does not change in a manner that endangers either pedestrians or drivers. However, because it does not account for the variability of predicted train arrival times, there is still a possibility of failure. Therefore, a new transition preemption algorithm that is specifically designed to improve intersection performance while maintaining or improving the current level of safety is developed. This dissertation developed a preemption strategy (TPS3) that uses better train arrival time estimates to improve the safety and efficiency of IHRGCs. The approach was simulated on a test bed in College Station, Texas, and it was concluded that the new TPS improves the safety and operation of intersections near highway-railroad grade crossings.

Multi-Method Chronometric Constraints on the Thermal, Structural and Morphotectonic Evolution of the Eastern and Western Sierras Pampeanas with Special Emphasis on K-Ar Dating of Fault Gouges

Bense, Frithjof A. 26 January 2013 (has links)
Die hier präsentierte Studie umfasst detaillierte Untersuchungen zur thermochronologischen, strukturellen sowie morphologischen Entwicklung der Östlichen und Westlichen Sierras Pampeanas in Argentinien, zwischen 26°S to 34°S südlicher Breite. Kapitel 3 diskutiert thermochronologische Daten (Apatit Spaltspuren, Zirkon und Apatit (U-Th)/He) sowie K-Ar Illit-Datierung an Störungsletten aus der Sierra de Comechingones sowie Ar-Ar Alter an Vulkaniten des vulkanischen Gürtels von San Luis (Östliche Sierras Pampeanas). K-Ar Illitalter belegen den Beginn spröder Deformation vor etwa 340 Ma. Thermochronologische Daten dokumentieren geringe Exhumationsraten seit dem späten Paläozoikum sowie eine maximale Exhumierung von etwa 2,3 km seit der späten Kreidezeit. Ar-Ar Datierungen an vulkanischen Gesteinen des San Luis Vulkanischen Gürtels ergeben Alter zwischen 7,54 Ma und 1,91 Ma. Dies belegt ein ostwärts gerichtetes Fortschreiten der magmatischen Front, welches mit einer Verflachung des Subduktionswinkels der Nazca Platte unter die Südamerikanische Platte vor etwa 11.2 Ma assoziiert wird. Darüber hinaus deuten die hier präsentierten thermochronologischen Daten an, dass der Anteil Andiner Exhumation und Hebung an der Gesamthebung und Exhumation der Sierras Pampeanas von geringer ist als gemeinhin angenommen. Kapitel 4 präsentiert Ergebnisse von Niedrig-Temperatur thermochronologischen Untersuchungen sowie K-Ar Alter retrograd gewachsener Illite aus spröden Störungszonen der Sierra de San Luis (Östliche Sierras Pampeanas). K-Ar Illitalter belegen eine lang andauernde Aktivität spröder Deformation welche unmittelbar nach dem Ende der Chanic Phase der Famatinischen Orogenese vor etwa 320 Ma einsetzte und zeitlich mit dem Übergang von duktilen zu spröden Deformationsmechanismen übereinstimmt. Jüngste Illitlater liegen zwischen 222-172 Ma. Diese können als Abkühlalter des Grundgebirges unter die zur Illitbildung benötigten Temperaturen interpretiert werden, jedoch nicht als Ende der spröden Deformation. Diese Interpretation wird von den Ergebnissen thermochronologischer Untersuchungen bestätigt. (U-Th)/He Datierungen an Apatiten und Zirkonen, sowie Apatit Spaltspuranalysen dokumentieren die Exhumation seit dem Perm, welche möglicherweise in Verbindung zur San Rafael Orogenese steht. Die ermittelten Abkühlalter belegen geringe Exhumationsraten sowie die damit einhergehende lange Verweildauer der Proben in den Temperaturbereichen der partial annealing bzw. parial retention zone von Apatit und Zirkon (PRZA, PRZZ und PAZA). Die finale Abkühlung auf Oberflächentemperaturen fand im Verlauf des Jura und der späten Kreide statt. Die Abkühlgeschichten der Sierra de San Luis und Sierra de Comechingones werden in einem Entwicklungsmodel zusammengefasst, welches signifikante Unterschiede in der thermischen Entwicklung beider Gebirgszüge offenbart. Kapitel 5 diskutiert die thermochronologische Entwicklung der Sierra de Pie de Palo, einem ausgeprägten Höhenzug in den Westlichen Sierras Pampeanas. Thermochronologische Untersuchungen zeigen das die strukturelle Entwicklung der Sierra Pie de Palo bereits im späten Paläozoikum einsetzte und von jeher durch tektonisch kontrollierte Erosion geprägt wurde, welche sich im Verlauf des Mesozoikums aufgrund extensionaler Tektonik zwar verlangsamte, jedoch andauerte. Die heutige Topographie des Gebirgszuges bildete sich im Zuge Andiner Kompression im Verlauf des Späten Mesozoikums und Paläogens durch die Hebung und damit einhergehender Denudation einzelner Grundgebirgsblöcke. Die mit der Hebung assoziierte Deformation schritt dabei von Ost nach West voran. Der Gesamtbetrag vertikaler Hebung seit dem frühen Paläozoikum kann auf ca. 3,7-4,3 km eingegrenzt werden, wobei die Gesamtexhumation etwa 1,7-2,2 km bei einer Exhumationsrate von 0,03-0,04 mm/a beträgt. Kapitel 6 stellt eine Methode zur Interpretation von K-Ar Illit Feinfraktionsaltern aus Störungsletten aus nichtsedimentären Gesteinen vor. Gemäß der vorgestellten Methode werden die ermittelten K Ar Illitalter in Kombination mit den Untersuchungsergebnissen unabhängiger Parameter, z.B. Illitkristallinität, Illit-Polytypie und Polytyp-Quantifizierung, Korngröße, Tonmineralogie, K-Ar Abkühlaltern des Nebengesteins sowie mit Ergebnissen thermochronologischer Untersuchungen (AHe, ZHe, AFT) evaluiert. Dieser Interpretationsansatz wird im Rahmen einer regionalen Studie innerhalb der Östlichen Sierras Pampeanas exemplarisch angewandt. Im Zuge dessen wurde eine große Zahl von Störungsletten systematisch beprobt und analysiert. Ermittelte K-Ar Illitalter decken die Zeitspanne vom Devon bis in die Kreidezeit und dokumentieren eine lang anhaltende Phase bruchhafter Deformation in der Region. Alter >320 Ma sind synchron mit einer Periode kompressiver intra-Platten Tektonik, während Permische und Triassische Alter mit einer Periode flacher Subduktion der Farallon Platte unter die Südamerikansche Platte assoziiert werden können. Darüber hinaus belegen die K-Ar Illitalter ein von Nord nach Süd Fortschreiten der spröden Deformation in den Sierras de San Luis und Comechingones. Die Integrität und Konsistenz der analysierten Daten belegt die Leistungsfähigkeit und tektonische Signifikanz der hier vorgestellten Methode, welche somit einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Entschlüsselung komplexer Abkühlungs- und Deformationsereignisse bieten kann. Jedoch kann gezeigt werden, dass die Aussagekraft der hier vorgestellten Methode stark von der Abkühlgeschichte des Untersuchungsgebietes abhängt. Kapitel 7 präsentiert thermochronologische Daten aus den gesamten Sierras Pampeanas. Darüber hinaus werden alle verfügbaren thermochronologischen und geochronologischen Daten zur Abkühlgeschichte der Sierras Pampeanas diskutiert und in ein Abkühlmodell zusammengefasst. Die Daten belegen eine Abkühlung unter 200°C im Verlauf des Karbons. Im Verlauf des Perms und der Trias schritt die Abkühlung von West nach Ost fort, räumlich und zeitlich einhergehend mit dem fortschreiten eines flachen Subduktionsereignisses der Farallon-Platte unter die heutige Südamerikanische Platte. Mesozoische Riftereignisse und damit einhergehende Sedimentation und Versenkung zeigen nur lokal Einfluss auf die ermittelten Abkühlalter. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die zum Verlust der Altersinformation der thermochronologischen Systeme notwenige Versenkungstiefen nur entlang der schmalen, räumlich eingeschränkten Kretazischen Riftbecken erreicht werden. Die finale Abkühlung auf Oberflächentemperaturen verlief diachron in den nördlichen und südlichen Sierras Pampeanas. So können im Norden Neogene Alter beobachtet werden, während die südlichen und westlichen Sierras Pampeanas spätestens seit der Kreide bzw. frühen Paleogens auf Oberflächentemperaturen abgekühlt waren. Letzteres deutet auf die Existenz einer positiven Topographie in den südlichen Sierras Pampeanas, bereits vor dem Einsetzen Cenozoischen Andinen Kompression und der im Neogenen einsetzenden flachen Subduktion der Nazca-Platte hin. Dies wiederum wiederspricht der allgemein akzeptierten Hypothese, dass die Exhumation und Hebung der Sierras Pampeanas allein mit der Neogenen flachen Subduktion der Nazca-Platte in Verbindung stehen. Im Gegensatz dazu wird vorgeschlagen, dass diese Neogenen Prozesse lediglich zu einer Überprägung und Akzentuierung des bereits existierenden Reliefs führten. Diese Vermutung kann durch die Berechnung auffallend niedriger Denudationsraten in den Östlichen und Westlichen Sierras Pampeanas von 0,010 0,024 km/a gestützt werden, welche auf stabile Bedingungen, zumindest seit der späten Kreidezeit, hindeuten.

Lengvąją atletiką sportuojančių paauglių asmenybės nerimo ir psichinės būsenos prieš varžybas ypatumai / Personal and pre-competition anxiety peculiarities of track-and-field adolescent athletes

Gedvilaitė-Moan, Akvilė 12 May 2006 (has links)
Pre-competition anxiety in sports is very common not only among professional athletes, but also among adolescents who are active in sports, compete a lot and experience physical, emotional and social changes in their lives. The aim of the study was to evaluate track-and-field adolescent athletes’ (12-18 years old) personal anxiety level and pre-competition anxiety. The hypothesis of the thesis was based on the assumption that adolescent track-and-field athletes’ personal anxiety level and pre-competition anxiety components (somatic, emotional and cognitive) differ depending on gender. Personal anxiety level was determined using J. Taylor’s test. V. A. Alekseev’s pre-competition anxiety test showed dominant competition state anxiety component among adolescent athletes. Examination of the results and setting the personal anxiety level for the track-and-field adolescent athletes studied showed no gender differences (p>0,05). The findings of the results among track-and-field athletes’ pre-competition anxiety components (somatic, emotional and cognitive) suggest dependable differences between adolescent girls and boys (p<0,05). The test results also showed that cognitive anxiety was most common in both groups, i.e. boys and girls. The comparison of the results (those of both methods studied individually for every athlete) of the personal anxiety level and pre-competition anxiety tests from the perspective of gender suggested that the differences between gender do exist (p<0,0... [to full text]

Towards a Precision Measurement of Parity-Violating e-p Elastic Scattering at Low Momentum Transfer

Pan, Jie 27 July 2012 (has links)
The goal of the Q-weak experiment is to make a measurement of the proton's weak charge ($Q^p_W = 1-4\sin^2\theta_W$) to an accuracy of ~4%. This would represent a ~0.3% determination of the weak mixing angle ($\sin^2\theta_W$) at low energy. The measurement may be used for a precision test of the Standard Model (SM) prediction on the running of $\sin^2\theta_W$ with energy scale. The Q-weak experiment operates at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab). The experiment determines the proton's weak charge by measuring the parity violating asymmetry in elastic electron-proton scattering at low momentum transfer $Q^2 = 0.026 (GeV/c)^2$ and forward angles (~8 degree). The anticipated size of the asymmetry, based on the SM, is about 230 parts per billion (ppb). With the proposed accuracy, the experiment may probe new physics beyond Standard Model at the TeV scale. This thesis focuses on my contributions to the experiment, including track reconstruction for momentum transfer determination of the scattering process, and the focal plane scanner, a detector I designed and built to measure the flux profile of scattered electrons on the focal plane of the Q-weak spectrometer to assist in the extrapolation of low beam current tracking results to high beam current. Preliminary results from the commissioning and the first run period of the Q-weak experiment are reported and discussed.

Towards a Precision Measurement of Parity-Violating e-p Elastic Scattering at Low Momentum Transfer

Pan, Jie 27 July 2012 (has links)
The goal of the Q-weak experiment is to make a measurement of the proton's weak charge ($Q^p_W = 1-4\sin^2\theta_W$) to an accuracy of ~4%. This would represent a ~0.3% determination of the weak mixing angle ($\sin^2\theta_W$) at low energy. The measurement may be used for a precision test of the Standard Model (SM) prediction on the running of $\sin^2\theta_W$ with energy scale. The Q-weak experiment operates at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab). The experiment determines the proton's weak charge by measuring the parity violating asymmetry in elastic electron-proton scattering at low momentum transfer $Q^2 = 0.026 (GeV/c)^2$ and forward angles (~8 degree). The anticipated size of the asymmetry, based on the SM, is about 230 parts per billion (ppb). With the proposed accuracy, the experiment may probe new physics beyond Standard Model at the TeV scale. This thesis focuses on my contributions to the experiment, including track reconstruction for momentum transfer determination of the scattering process, and the focal plane scanner, a detector I designed and built to measure the flux profile of scattered electrons on the focal plane of the Q-weak spectrometer to assist in the extrapolation of low beam current tracking results to high beam current. Preliminary results from the commissioning and the first run period of the Q-weak experiment are reported and discussed.

Understanding the Long-Term Change of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) during the Late Twentieth Century

Kim, Who Myung 03 October 2013 (has links)
The strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is believed to be associated with changes in surface buoyancy in the subpolar North Atlantic, which naturally leads to a notion that the AMOC has been weakening under global warming. Yet, a variety source of observations and its assimilation into ocean circulation models have not supported such an AMOC decline so far. In this study, an aspect that has not been paid attention, regarding the maintenance of the AMOC strength, is explored: storm activity in the subpolar North Atlantic (NA). An analysis using reanalysis data shows that the wintertime turbulent heat flux variability in the LS deep convection region is largely controlled by a small number of extreme heat flux event days, suggesting a pivotal role of winter storms in prompting LS deep-water formation. A set of forced ocean-ice model simulations, in which synoptic winter storm activity associated with these event days is either suppressed or doubled over the subpolar NA, confirms the above analysis as the altered storm activity results in a substantial change in LS convection and the AMOC strength. These experiments also show an upward AMOC trend during the late twentieth century, the degree of which is to some extent related to the intensity of storm activity in the LS. The upward AMOC trend found in the first part of the dissertation opposes to a downward AMOC trend in the twentieth century coupled model simulations employing the identical ocean component. An analysis suggests that contrast to the ocean-ice model, storm activity in the LS convection region and associated heat flux decreases during the late twentieth century. Although there is also a buoyancy increase over the LS, the wintertime heat flux decrease appears to be a more dominant factor for a decrease in convection in the LS, as an increasing freshwater input from Arctic/Subarctic Ocean bypasses the interior LS along the western boundary current. Therefore, the downward AMOC trend in the coupled model can be linked ultimately to the decreasing storm activity over the LS. This study therefore suggests that storm activity over the major convection regions needs to be paid further attention in assessing AMOC variations, including long-term trend in response to a warming scenario, in future studies.

Disability Pension with Special Reference to Sick Leave Track Record, Health Effects, Health Care Utilisation and Survival : A Population-based Study

Wallman, Thorne January 2008 (has links)
Background. In Sweden 10 percent (550,000) of the labour force, aged 18 to 65 years are disability pensioners and about four percent are on sick leave. The knowledge of the course from healthy individual to disability pensioner is not well known and was the theme of this thesis. Objectives, Material and Methods. The aims of the thesis were to follow the study population regarding sickness absence, health care utilisation, quality of life, and survival. Population based data including 14,538 women and men from three cities in Sweden were used, of whom 1,952 were granted a disability pension at baseline or received one during follow up. Register data, including sickness spells, health care utilisation, and mortality data during 30 years of follow up, and questionnaire data including socio-economic and quality of life data were used. Results. The most powerful determinant for being granted a disability pension was cumulative annual sick leave days, more powerful than all other tested determinants together. The degree of explanation for all determinants combined was 96%. Health care utilisation among disability pensioners continued to be high also after disability pension, 2.3 times higher for hospital admissions and 8 times higher for primary health case appointments than among referents. Disability pensioners had lower quality of life than non-pensioners and old age pensioners. For those who became disability pensioners after the baseline measurements quality of life measures decreased progressively until disability pension was granted and were then stabilised on a low level. During follow up 525 (7.6%) subjects died. Compared with subjects who did not become disability pensioners the hazards ratio was 2.78 among women and 3.43 among men, even when the effect of a number of other outcome affecting variables were taken into account. The mortality differences were not explained by underlying disease. Conclusions. The risk of disability pension may be predicted but only late in the course of events. Disability pensioners continue to have a high level of health care utilisation, and have a worse quality of life development and a higher mortality rate than non-pensioners. Given the unfavourable outcome of disability pension, other means of managing the reduced work capacity might be considered.

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