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En handbok för sjömän som vill segla på utlandsflaggade fartyg / A handbook for seafarers on board foreign flagged ships.Gibbs, Nick, Eurenius, Robin January 2021 (has links)
Äventyr, värme och omväxling i livet var några av de anledningar som bidrog till att människor sökte sig till sjöss. Verkligheten såg annorlunda ut då än vad det har kommit till att bli idag. Förr gjordes fler världsomseglingar med fartyg och rederier med svenskt flagg och det spenderades mer tid till kaj. Syftet med detta arbete var att skapa en typ av “handbok”, som beskriver de rättigheter en sjöman kan förvänta sig vid en anställning på utlandsflaggat fartyg som seglar med ett Marine Labour Convention (MLC) avtal. Fokus har legat vid försäkringar, pensioner och social säkerhet. Med en kvalitativ datainsamlingsmetod sågs det till att all insamlad empiri blev noga undersökt vilket gjort arbetet objektivt. Slutsatsen blev således att en sjöman som är skriven i Sverige, mönstrar på ett utlandsflaggat fartyg, med en vilja att flytta utomlands till Kroatien som exempel, kommer till att får mer i lön och betala betydligt mindre i skatt, samtidigt som förmånerna i Sverige nästintill blir detsamma. / Adventure, warmth and change of atmosphere are the reason why many went to sea in the past. Unfortunately, the reality is different today, the ships and shipping companies that sail with the Swedish flag do few world voyages and with little time alongside. The purpose of this study is to create a type of "handbook". The handbook will examine what the minimum rights for a sailor are when sailing onboard a foreign-flagged ship sailing under the MLC agreement. It will also have covered moving abroad, insurances, pensions and social securities. With a qualitative data collection method, it was ensured that all collected empirical material was carefully examined which made this study objective. The conclusion is that a Swedish seafarer residing in Sweden that wants to sign on a foreign-flagged ship with an MLC agreement and is willing to become a Croatian resident and move to Croatia then the seafarer will most likely have a higher salary, have to pay significantly lower taxes and get almost all the same benefits as in Sweden.
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Disability Pension with Special Reference to Sick Leave Track Record, Health Effects, Health Care Utilisation and Survival : A Population-based StudyWallman, Thorne January 2008 (has links)
Background. In Sweden 10 percent (550,000) of the labour force, aged 18 to 65 years are disability pensioners and about four percent are on sick leave. The knowledge of the course from healthy individual to disability pensioner is not well known and was the theme of this thesis. Objectives, Material and Methods. The aims of the thesis were to follow the study population regarding sickness absence, health care utilisation, quality of life, and survival. Population based data including 14,538 women and men from three cities in Sweden were used, of whom 1,952 were granted a disability pension at baseline or received one during follow up. Register data, including sickness spells, health care utilisation, and mortality data during 30 years of follow up, and questionnaire data including socio-economic and quality of life data were used. Results. The most powerful determinant for being granted a disability pension was cumulative annual sick leave days, more powerful than all other tested determinants together. The degree of explanation for all determinants combined was 96%. Health care utilisation among disability pensioners continued to be high also after disability pension, 2.3 times higher for hospital admissions and 8 times higher for primary health case appointments than among referents. Disability pensioners had lower quality of life than non-pensioners and old age pensioners. For those who became disability pensioners after the baseline measurements quality of life measures decreased progressively until disability pension was granted and were then stabilised on a low level. During follow up 525 (7.6%) subjects died. Compared with subjects who did not become disability pensioners the hazards ratio was 2.78 among women and 3.43 among men, even when the effect of a number of other outcome affecting variables were taken into account. The mortality differences were not explained by underlying disease. Conclusions. The risk of disability pension may be predicted but only late in the course of events. Disability pensioners continue to have a high level of health care utilisation, and have a worse quality of life development and a higher mortality rate than non-pensioners. Given the unfavourable outcome of disability pension, other means of managing the reduced work capacity might be considered.
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Sickness absence in Sweden : A study of early retirement and sickness absenceNajafi, Maja, Wollbratt, Marcus January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis has been to analyse seven major factors that tend to influence the rate of early retirement in Sweden. The scope of data was gathered for every municipality in Sweden. Economic theories of labour supply, Moral Hazard, Adverse Selection and the Insurance Model were used to analyse the empirical results. In the analysis, earlier studies of the rate of sickness absence were important and used as a framework in choosing the explanatory variables for the econometric model. The analysed variables were; average income, average sickness days, educational level, foreign born, public sector employment, unemployment and the share of women in the population. As a consequence of the rift that occurred in 2003, when the average sickness days decreased and disbursed early retirements simultaneously increased, the relationship between these two variables was given special attention. The empirical findings confirmed our conjectures and were consistent with earlier research. Average income and the level of education were negatively related to the rate of early retirement. Moreover foreign born, average sickness days and unemployment showed a positive relation to early retirement. The relationship between average sickness days and early retirement had statistically changed and decreased between the years. A possibility is that other factors, such as changed social norms and increased stress in society (which are difficult to measure in a statistical and economical sense) might have become more relevant in explaining the rate of early retirement. / Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att analysera sju viktiga faktorer som tenderar att påverka graden av förtidspensionering i Sverige. Data omfånget insamlades för alla kommuner i Sverige. Ekonomiska teorier om arbetsutbud, Moral Hazard, Adverse Selection och Insurance Model användes för att analysera de empiriska resultaten. I analysen var tidigare studier utav graden av sjukfrånvaro viktig och användes som ramverk i valet av de förklarande variablerna till den ekonometriska modellen. De analyserade variablerna var; medelinkomst, genom-snittliga sjukdagar, utbildningsnivå, utlandsfödda, offentligt anställda, arbetslöshet och andelen kvinnor i befolkningen. Som en konsekvens utav den klyfta som uppstod 2003, när de genomsnittliga sjukdagarna minskade och utbetalda förtidspensioner samtidigt ökade, gavs sambandet mellan dessa två variabler speciell uppmärksamhet. De empiriska iakttagelserna bekräftade våra förväntningar och stämde överens med tidigare forskning. Medelinkomst och utbildningsnivå var negativt relaterade till graden av förtidspensionering. Dessutom var utlandsfödd, genomsnittliga sjukdagar och arbetslöshet positivt relaterade till förtidspensionering. Relationen mellan de genomsnittliga sjukdagarna och graden av förtidspensionering hade statistiskt sätt ändrats genom att ha minskat mellan åren. En tänkbar förklaring till detta skulle kunna vara att andra faktorer, såsom skiftande sociala normer och en ökande stress i samhället (vilka är svåra att mäta statistiskt och ekonomiskt) kan ha blivit mer relevanta i att förklara graden av förtidspensionering.
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Regional Variance in Sickness Insurance UsageKroksgård, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
Which factors best explain the regional variation in sick-listing and early retirement? Data from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency is fitted against variables describing different regional characteristics that have been linked to sickness insurance consumption in the literature. Results, in line with earlier empirical investigation, suggest that particularly the employment rate, the populations‟ age, and its wealth are strong determinants of regional insurance usage. Two further factors, though less discussed in the literature, appear to have some relevance as well: A high share of large workplaces is found to predict higher rates of early retirement, while a large share of foreign-born predict lower sick-listing rates. Both effects have been found before, though the first one perhaps not in Swedish cross section analysis and the latter does not appear to be well understood in the literature. A tentative explanation for it is given here.
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Regional Variance in Sickness Insurance UsageKroksgård, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Which factors best explain the regional variation in sick-listing and early retirement? Data from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency is fitted against variables describing different regional characteristics that have been linked to sickness insurance consumption in the literature. Results, in line with earlier empirical investigation, suggest that particularly the employment rate, the populations‟ age, and its wealth are strong determinants of regional insurance usage. Two further factors, though less discussed in the literature, appear to have some relevance as well: A high share of large workplaces is found to predict higher rates of early retirement, while a large share of foreign-born predict lower sick-listing rates. Both effects have been found before, though the first one perhaps not in Swedish cross section analysis and the latter does not appear to be well understood in the literature. A tentative explanation for it is given here.</p>
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Sickness absence in Sweden : A study of early retirement and sickness absenceNajafi, Maja, Wollbratt, Marcus January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis has been to analyse seven major factors that tend to influence the rate of early retirement in Sweden. The scope of data was gathered for every municipality in Sweden. Economic theories of labour supply, Moral Hazard, Adverse Selection and the Insurance Model were used to analyse the empirical results. In the analysis, earlier studies of the rate of sickness absence were important and used as a framework in choosing the explanatory variables for the econometric model. The analysed variables were; average income, average sickness days, educational level, foreign born, public sector employment, unemployment and the share of women in the population. As a consequence of the rift that occurred in 2003, when the average sickness days decreased and disbursed early retirements simultaneously increased, the relationship between these two variables was given special attention. The empirical findings confirmed our conjectures and were consistent with earlier research. Average income and the level of education were negatively related to the rate of early retirement. Moreover foreign born, average sickness days and unemployment showed a positive relation to early retirement. The relationship between average sickness days and early retirement had statistically changed and decreased between the years. A possibility is that other factors, such as changed social norms and increased stress in society (which are difficult to measure in a statistical and economical sense) might have become more relevant in explaining the rate of early retirement.</p> / <p>Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att analysera sju viktiga faktorer som tenderar att påverka graden av förtidspensionering i Sverige. Data omfånget insamlades för alla kommuner i Sverige. Ekonomiska teorier om arbetsutbud, Moral Hazard, Adverse Selection och Insurance Model användes för att analysera de empiriska resultaten. I analysen var tidigare studier utav graden av sjukfrånvaro viktig och användes som ramverk i valet av de förklarande variablerna till den ekonometriska modellen. De analyserade variablerna var; medelinkomst, genom-snittliga sjukdagar, utbildningsnivå, utlandsfödda, offentligt anställda, arbetslöshet och andelen kvinnor i befolkningen. Som en konsekvens utav den klyfta som uppstod 2003, när de genomsnittliga sjukdagarna minskade och utbetalda förtidspensioner samtidigt ökade, gavs sambandet mellan dessa två variabler speciell uppmärksamhet. De empiriska iakttagelserna bekräftade våra förväntningar och stämde överens med tidigare forskning. Medelinkomst och utbildningsnivå var negativt relaterade till graden av förtidspensionering. Dessutom var utlandsfödd, genomsnittliga sjukdagar och arbetslöshet positivt relaterade till förtidspensionering. Relationen mellan de genomsnittliga sjukdagarna och graden av förtidspensionering hade statistiskt sätt ändrats genom att ha minskat mellan åren. En tänkbar förklaring till detta skulle kunna vara att andra faktorer, såsom skiftande sociala normer och en ökande stress i samhället (vilka är svåra att mäta statistiskt och ekonomiskt) kan ha blivit mer relevanta i att förklara graden av förtidspensionering.</p>
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Systém sociálního zabezpečení v ČR / The social security system in the Czech RepublicROUBALOVÁ, Šárka January 2010 (has links)
Thesis focuses on social security system at Czech Republic, mainly on health insurance area. The aim of the thesis is to analyze healt insurance development, which projects itself into calculations of healt insurance allowances (sickness compensation, motherhood financial support and nursing compensation) and to evaluate influence of legislative changes during observed period of time (2005 {--} 2010) at these calculations. Thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical one, which describes all social security system areas as they were at year 2005 from the employee point of view and from the accounting viewpoint as well. Second part consists from five chaptures, where is gradually described choosen company {--} Southbohemian regional veterinary administration {--} profile, it´s social security obligations as an employer, calculations of healt insurance allowances and in conclusion results evaluation and legislative changes influence assesment.
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