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International Day-of-the-Week Effects: An Empirical Examination of iSharesImtiaz Mazumder, M., Chu, Ting Heng, Miller, Edward M., Prather, Larry J. 01 September 2008 (has links)
Ample evidence suggests that day-of-the-week patterns exist in US and foreign equity returns. We extend the evidence on the day-of-the-week effect in equity returns by examining the return patterns of iShares for 17 countries and Standard and Poor's Depository Receipts (SPDRs) to establish whether previously observed predictabilities in equity returns are reflected in iShares' returns. We utilize a split sample to examine return patterns and develop trading rules using the initial subsample. We then test those trading rules out of sample. Empirical results reveal that iShares exhibit day-of-the-week return patterns that can be exploited by informed traders.
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Technical analysis as a sophisticated form of forecasting technique has a varying popularity in the academic and business world. In the past, users were sceptical about technical trading rules and their performance. This is substantiated by the acceptance of the Efficient Market Hypothesis and mixed empirical findings about technical analysis in widely cited studies.
The flag pattern is seen as one of the most significant spread chart patterns amongst stock market charting analysts. The present research validates a trading rule based on the further development of
flag pattern recognition. The research question concentrates on whether technical analysis applying the flag pattern can outperform international stock markets indices and prove the inefficiency of these markets. The markets observed are represented by the corresponding indices DAX (Germany), DJIA (United States) and IBEX (Spain).
The design of the trading rule presents several changes with respect to previous academic works: The wide sample used when considering intraday data, together with the confiuration of some of the variables and the consideration of risk, concludes that the trading rule provides greater positive risk-adjusted returns than the buy-and-hold strategy which is used as a benchmark. The reported positive results strengthen the robustness of the conclusions reached by other researchers. / El análisis técnico es una forma sofisticada de técnica de predicción cuya popularidad ha ido variando en el mundo académico y de los negocios. En el pasado, los usuarios eran bastante escépticos respecto de las reglas técnicas de trading y su performance. Todo esto, se encuentra sustentado por la aceptación de la hipótesis del mercado eficiente y descubrimientos empíricos mixtos sobre el análisis técnico, que se mencionan en un número amplio de estudios.
El patrón bandera es visto como uno de los patrones gráficos más significativo y difundido entre los analistas técnicos de mercado. El presente estudio valida una regla
de trading basada en el desarrollo futuro del reconocimiento gráfico del patrón bandera. La pregunta de investigación se centra en si el análisis técnico basado en el patrón bandera puede batir los índices internacionales de mercado y probar, de esta manera, la ineficiencia de dichos mercados. Los mercados observados son representados por los correspondientes índices DAX (Alemania), DJIA (Estados Unidos) e IBEX (España).
El diseño de la regla de trading presenta varios cambios y novedades con respecto a trabajos académicos previos. La amplia muestra usada al considerar los datos intradía, junto con la configuración de algunas variables y la consideración del riesgo, confirman que la regla de trading proporciona mejores, y más ajustadas al riesgo, rentabilidades positivas que la estrategia de buy-and-hold que se utiliza como referencia. Los resultados positivos corroboran la robustez de las conclusiones a las que también se llegan en otros trabajos. / L'anàlisi tècnica és una forma sofisticada de tècnica de predicció, la popularitat de la qual ha anat variant al món acadèmic i dels negocis. En el passat, els usuaris eren
bastant escèptics respecte de les regles tècniques de trading i la seva performance. Tot això, es troba sustentat per l'acceptació de la hipòtesi del mercat eficient i descobriments
empírics mixts sobre l'anàlisi tècnica, que s'esmenten en un nombre ampli d'estudis.
El patró bandera és vist com un dels patrons gràfics més significatiu i difós entre els analistes tècnics de mercat. El present estudi valida una regla de trading basada en
el desenvolupament futur del reconeixement gràfic del patró bandera. La pregunta de recerca se centra en si l'anàlisi tècnica basada en el patró bandera pot batre els índexs internacionals de mercat i provar, d'aquesta manera, la ineficiència d'aquests mercats. Els mercats observats són representats pels corresponents índexs DAX (Alemanya), *DJIA (Estats Units) i IBEX (Espanya).
El disseny de la regla de trading presenta diversos canvis i novetats pel que fa a treballs acadèmics previs. L'àmplia mostra usada en considerar les dades intradia, juntament amb la configuració d'algunes variables i la consideració del risc, confirmen que la regla de trading proporciona millors, i més ajustades al risc, rendibilitats positives que l'estratègia de buy-and-hold que s'utilitza com a referència. Els resultats positius corroboren la robustesa de les conclusions a les quals també s'arriben en altres treballs. / Michniuk, K. (2017). PATTERN RECOGNITION APPLIED TO CHART ANALYSIS. EVIDENCE FROM INTRADAY INTERNATIONAL STOCK MARKETS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/78837
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以White的真實性檢定與Stepwise Multiple Testing來檢驗技術分析在不同股票市場的獲利性 / Examining the profitability of technical analysis with white’s reality check and stepwise multiple testing in different stock markets俞海慶, Yu, Hai Cing Unknown Date (has links)
在使用White的真實性檢定和Stepwise Multiple Test消除資料勘誤的問題之後,有些技術分析確實可以擊敗大盤,在1989到2008,DJIA, NASDAQ, S&P 500, NIKKEI 225, TAIEX這五個指數中。但是在較不成熟的市場或較過去的時間內,我沒辦法找到任何強烈的關係在這些市場與超額報酬間。還有學習策略通常沒辦法獲得比簡單策略更好的表現,代表使用過去最好的策略來預測未來並不是個好主意。我同時還發現在熊市比穩定的牛市更有可能擊敗買進持有的策略。 / In five indices, DJIA, NASDAQ, S&P 500, NIKKEI 225, TAIEX, from 1989 to 2008, some technical trading rules indeed can defeat the broad market even after using the White reality check and stepwise multiple test to solve the data snooping problem. But in the markets like less mature ones or the one which was in the older period, I can’t find a strong relation between these markets and the excess return in my research. And the learning strategy usually can’t have a better performance than the simple one, means applying the rule which had a best record to forecast the future may not be a good idea. I also found that it is more likely to beat the buy and hold strategy when there is a bear market but not a steady bull market.
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The Predictability of International Mutual FundsMazumder, Mohammed Imtiaz Ahmed 08 May 2004 (has links)
The predictability of the US-based international mutual fund returns has received renewed consideration in recent academic studies. This dissertation extends recent research by exploring the 2,479 daily return observations covering the period from January 4, 1993 to October 31, 2002 for all categories of international mutual funds. This exploration splits the sample, uses the initial sub-sample to investigate return patterns of international mutual funds and develops trading rules based on the predictable return patterns, and tests those rules on the holdout sample. The empirical findings suggest that smart investors may earn higher riskadjusted returns by following daily dynamic trading strategies. The excess returns earned by investors are statistically and economically significant, irrespective of load or no-load mutual funds and even in the presence of various exchange restrictions and regulations.
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