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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Einführung in die grundlegende Terminologie der Sportart Rugby

Nagel, Lisa Marie 20 January 2020 (has links)
Rugby und seine Terminologie – für eine reibungslose Kommunikation im Fachgebiet Rugby wird in dieser Arbeit die grundlegende Terminologie der Sportart deskriptiv aufgearbeitet. Sprachmittler sollen dazu befähigt werden, Texte des Fachbereichs Rugby besser zu verstehen und die Terminologie des Sports korrekt anzuwenden. Eine Einführung in die Sportart gibt Überblick über Regeln und Spielabläufe. Die anschließende Auseinandersetzung mit theoretischer und praktischer Terminologiearbeit bereitet auf das Erstellen einer zweisprachigen Datenbank im SDL-Multiterm-Format vor. Der gesamte Prozess wird dabei dokumentiert: Rugbyspezifische Termini auf Englisch und Deutsch werden zunächst gesammelt und systematisiert, bevor sie zusammen mit anderen relevanten Informationen, wie Definitionen und Kontextbeispielen, in die erstellte Datenbank aufgenommen werden. Die Datenbank ist somit wesentlicher Bestandteil der vorliegenden Arbeit.

Miguel Angel Vega a jeho přínos k rozvoji translatologie / M.A. Vega and his contribution to Translation Studies

Marksová, Romana January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this Master's thesis is to introduce the Czech public to the works of the contemporary Spanish translator, historian of translation, professor and humanist, Miguel Ángel Vega Cernuda. In the introductory part we define the position of M. A. Vega in today's Spanish translation and interpreting studies. We focus mainly on a subject that is crucial for Vega - translation history in a cultural and social context. We also present Vega's own translations as well as his views on modern theory of translation and the education and profile of a translator. We also mention his cooperation with the Institute of Translation Studies and his connection to Jiří Levý, whom Vega introduced to the Spanish environment. Key words: Miguel Ángel Vega Cernuda, Spanish translation and interpreting studies, translation history, interpreting history, translations cultural aspect, free translation, faithful translation, Jiří Levý, Franciscans, conquest and colonization of the Americas.

Vulgarismy v překladu literárního textu z francouzštiny do češtiny / Vulgarisms in literary translation from French into Czech

Huml, Zdeněk January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the question of how vulgarisms are translated in the context of a literary text. First we sum up the theories of expressivity used in both common and literary communication. We point out the main typological differences between Czech and French as well as the key cultural differences in the perception of expressivity. We define the term 'vulgarism' and try to outline the use of substandard language in both Czech and French literature. In the following chapter Michel Houellebecq, his work and the fundamental traits of his writing style are presented. We also look at the reception of the Czech translation of Houellebecq's novel Les Particules élémentaires. Then we analyse the translation, focusing on the transfer of vulgarisms in order to trace and evaluate the translation method used to convey the vulgar elements of the original work.

Titulkování živě přenášených divadelních představení / Subtitling in Live Theatre Performances

Wanková, Kristýna January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with the little explored phenomenon of subtitling of live theatre broadcasts. Its aim is to describe the subtitling practice and the outer process of the translation, to determine the translation norms applied in this domain and to monitor reception of the final product. The descriptive thesis explores the translation practice of the NT Live series, which is one of a kind in the Czech Republic. Several case studies help to explore the reception and translation norms. The research makes use of both qualitative methods, such as semi- structured interview and comparative translation analysis, and quantitative methods, such as standardized questionnaire. The results are interpreted with regard to theoretical findings of translation studies in areas related to the subtitling of live theatre broadcasts. The thesis concludes that the client's requirements are minimal and the norms are gradually established by the subtitlers themselves, or adopted from television subtitling practice. Although the live cuing of the subtitles is an inseparable part of the translation process, there is little cooperation between the subtitlers and those who cue subtitles during the broadcast. Concerning reception, the audience is rather satisfied with the subtitles, but it could be advisable to revise...

České recepce Dürrenmattovy hry Play Strindberg / F.Dürrenmatt: Play Strindberg. Czech Reception

Tolarová, Soňa January 2012 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is Play Strindberg (1969), a play by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, which is an adaptation of Strindberg's drama The Dance of Death (1901). The thesis first discusses the context of the play's origin and the reactions to its first showing. It then goes on to analyze nine Czech theatrical productions of Play Strindberg and also one made by the Czech television. The main part of the thesis presents a detailed criticism of two of the drama's translations (1969 and 1989) based on Katharina Reiß' translation analysis model. Both translations meet the requirements for a functional translation. Curriculum vitas of translators Bohumil Černík (*1924) and Jiří Stach (*1930) are also enclosed.

Jak je důležité, aby měl překladatel filipa : (porovnání dvou překladů knihy The importance of being Earnest Oscara Wilda) / Importance of being an Earnest translator

Cvachová, Daniela January 2012 (has links)
MA thesis - Daniela Cvachová - 2011 Abstract: This thesis compares two Czech translations of the drama The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. The comparison is based on findings of currently recognised theoreticians of translation (Levý, Knittlová, Králová, Reiss). The translation of Jiří Zdeněk Novák is half a century older than the translation by a team of young beginning translators led by Stanislav Rubáš and Zuzana Šťastná. The thesis focuses on the comparison of those aspects that are characteristic for Wilde's works and difficult for translators: lexicological problems like puns, bon mots, allusions to realia. In spite of the fact that the drama is not of a large extent, it offers a wide range of "tough nuts to crack" like that.

Francisco Ayala a jeho přínos k vývoji translatologie / Francisco Ayala and his Contribution to Translation Studies

Buaiscia, Romana January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this Master's thesis is to present the renowned Spanish author Francisco Ayala as a translator and translation theorist. The core of the thesis is then the analysis of Ayala's main writings concerning translation. Moreover, we outline the history of translation and translation studies in Spain and Hispanic America to put Ayala's work into a broader context. We also inquire into other areas of Ayala's interest closely related to translation − publishing, lexicography and professional proofreading. To conclude the thesis, we discuss the general situation of the exiled Spanish translators who worked in Hispanic America during the Franco's regime.

Translation Studies ve středoevropském myšlení. Analýza vztahu mezi poznaňskou překladatelskou školou a překladatelským centrem v Nitře / Translation Studies in Central European Thinking. Analysis of the Relationship between the Poznan School of Translatology and the Translation Studies Centre in Nitra

Styková, Klaudia January 2021 (has links)
(in English) The master's thesis entitled Translation Studies in Central European Thinking. Analysis of the Relationship between the Poznan School of Translatology and the Translation Studies Centre in Nitra is devoted to the development of the Translation Studies discipline in the Central European region in the second half of the 20th century. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces the reader to the process of creating the discipline of Translation Studies in the Central European context and presents the emerging centres of translation research in Poland and Slovakia: the Poznań School and the Nitra School, as well as the most outstanding representatives of both translation schools and the key issues of their translation concepts. The thesis, based on available sources and literature on the subject, presents relations and contacts as well as an exchange of inspiration between the Poznań School and the Nitra School. The practical part analyses the article by Edward Balcerzan, Poetics of Artistic Translation (1968) and the book by Anton Popovič Poetics of Artistic Translation (1971), key representatives of both schools of translation, and among others, looks for the answer to the question What was the poetics of artistic translation for Balcerzan and what was it for Popovič? The aim of the...

Translatologická témata na stránkách časopisu Slovo a slovesnost v dobovém společenském a kulturním kontextu po r. 1945 / Translation Studies in Slovo a Slovesnost afrter 1945

Voříšková, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this paper was to overview the appearance of translation themes in the Czech linguistic periodical Slovo a slovesnost (Language and Literature), from 1948 to 1989, and confront those themes with the social and cultural background of the epoch. Realization of this purpose required a meticulous selection of translation themed articles from all published articles in selected years in this periodical and their further examination. The review of social and cultural context is based on additional literature, primarily on translation theory and translation history, partially on general linguistics or history. As a result of this research, content and period importance of 113 translation articles in the periodical Slovo a slovesnost were described. 41 of them include the theme of translation theory, 33 of translation criticism and 45 of machine translation. This paper offers complete overview of translation articles published on the pages of one of the most important Czech linguistic periodical, describes their meaning and together with the theoretical chapters makes a synoptic picture of translation themes that were treated on the Czech territory in years 1948-1989.

Historie překladů z rumunské literatury do češtiny / History of literary translations from Romanian to Czech

Šeflová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with Czech translations from Romanian with emphasis on the translatological aspect of the topic. The theoretical part analyzes a list of translations created by the combination of a number of sources according to the original authors, the publishers of the translations, the year of publication of the Czech translation and the translators. The theoretical part also includes the outline of the development of Czech translation theories and a brief summary of modern directions in translatology. The practical part shows, using an analysis of the Czech translation of Țiganiada (Gypsiliad) by Ion Budai-Deleanu, how should look the analysis of the translation before the translator starts translating, or during his work. This part includes a practical analysis model with a division into individual segments. Each segment includes examples of potential problems and suggests a way to deal with them from a theoretical point of view.

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