Spelling suggestions: "subject:"translatological"" "subject:"translatologická""
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Translation of the UnterhaltungsromanMercer, Deborah January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Jak je důležité, aby měl překladatel filipa : (porovnání dvou překladů knihy The importance of being Earnest Oscara Wilda) / Importance of being an Earnest translatorCvachová, Daniela January 2012 (has links)
MA thesis - Daniela Cvachová - 2011 Abstract: This thesis compares two Czech translations of the drama The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. The comparison is based on findings of currently recognised theoreticians of translation (Levý, Knittlová, Králová, Reiss). The translation of Jiří Zdeněk Novák is half a century older than the translation by a team of young beginning translators led by Stanislav Rubáš and Zuzana Šťastná. The thesis focuses on the comparison of those aspects that are characteristic for Wilde's works and difficult for translators: lexicological problems like puns, bon mots, allusions to realia. In spite of the fact that the drama is not of a large extent, it offers a wide range of "tough nuts to crack" like that.
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Un monde en un mot du bouddhisme chinois : études autour du terme xiang à partir du Sūtra du diamant de Kumārajīva / A world in one word of Chinese Buddhism : studies about the concept xiang from Kumārajīva's Diamon SūtraWang, Han-Chi 03 May 2017 (has links)
Le Sūtra du diamant est réputé et populaire aussi bien en Orient qu’en Occident. Il s’est très tôt introduit en Chine et n’a pas cessé de faire l’objet de multiples traductions du Ve au VIIIe siècle ; il en existe six versions distinctes, toutes traduites par d’éminents moines, sous le contrôle officiel de la Cour Impériale. Toutefois, seule la première version de Kumārajīva (407) a été la cible de commentaires et d’annotations au cours du temps. Ceci nous permet d’approfondir la raison pour laquelle sa version mérite d’être étudiée dans ses différences par rapport aux autres versions. De là nous mettons en évidence la prédominance de l’emploi du terme xiang相 comme le concept le plus récurrent dans cette version. Il semble en effet que xiang ne dérive pas d’un seul et unique mot équivalent en sanskrit, d’où l’intérêt de notre recherche sur le décalage textuel entre l’original indien et sa traduction, ainsi que sur l’osmose culturelle entre le bouddhisme et la pensée traditionnelle chinoise. Dans cette optique nous axerons notre approche selon trois plans parallèles : philologique, philosophique et esthétique de la traduction. Nous évoquerons d’abord les facteurs extérieurs des textes-source et des textes-cible, puis nous entreprendrons l’analyse textuelle comparative entre les versions sanskrites et les traductions chinoises, en mettant en avant simultanément le sens terminologique et philosophique du texte. Comme xiang (phénomène) est aussi un concept clé dans l’ensemble des textes bouddhistes, nous élargirons notre vision dans une sphère plus globale, en nous référant à d’autres textes connexes. Nous finirons par l’étude de l’utilisation du terme, et son retentissement culturel dans le monde chinois dans la perspective traductologique, ce qui nous conduira également à réfléchir à la traduction bouddhique en français. / The Diamond Sūtra is renowned and popular in both the East and West. It was introduced very early in China and has not ceased to be the subject of numerous translations from the 5th to the 8th century; There are six distinct versions, all rendered by eminent monks, under the official control of Imperial Court. However, only the first translation of Kumārajīva (407) was the target of so many comments and annotations over time. This allows us to demand why this version merits further study of its differences to other versions. From here we find the use of the term xiang 相 as the most recurrent theme in the text. It seems that xiang is not derived from one single equivalent in Sanskrit, hence the focus of our research on the textual shift between the Indian origin of the word and its translation, as well as on the cultural osmosis between Buddhism and Chinese culture. With this view, our approach is based on three parallel axes: philological, philosophical researches and aesthetic study of translation. We will first deal with the questions about external factors of the source texts and the target texts. Then we undertake the comparative textual analysis between the Sanskrit and all Chinese translations, highlighting the terminological and philosophical meaning of the text. Since xiang (phenomenon) is also a key concept in Buddhist jargon, we suppose to reframe and refine our perspective by referring to other related texts. We will conclude with the use of the term and its cultural repercussions in the Chinese world from a translatological view, which leads us to think, going forward, about Buddhist translations into French.
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Pode entrar Meryl Streep! A ética da tradução em um romance de Rachid Daif / Come in Meryl Streep! The ethics of translation in a novel by Rachid Al-Daif.Francisco, Felipe Benjamin 06 May 2014 (has links)
Este estudo consiste numa análise da tradução do romance Tistifil Miril Strib, de Rachid Daif, proposta por nós, do árabe ao português brasileiro. Com base no trabalho de Antoine Berman, A Tradução e a Letra, ou o Albergue do Longínquo, selecionaram-se decisões tradutórias que demonstrassem o nosso esforço em realizar uma tradução que levasse em conta o objetivo ético do traduzir, acolhendo o Estrangeiro que reside no texto original. Com essa finalidade, analisou-se a ação de três tendências deformadoras próprias da tradução da prosa literária, que agem sobre os traços mais característicos desse romance; são elas: 1) o empobrecimento quantitativo; 2) a destruição ou a exotização das redes de linguagens vernaculares; e 3) o apagamento das superposições de línguas. Em seguida, avalia-se até que ponto se consegue evitar essas forças deformadoras que afastam a tradução de seu objetivo ético, uma vez que destroem a letra do texto, isto é, a sua forma, em favor da transmissão do sentido. Conclui-se que, embora o tradutor tenha consciência da atuação dessas tendências durante o processo tradutório, esse não consegue se libertar plenamente delas. No entanto, isso não o impede de encontrar soluções que possibilitem a manifestação das estranhezas e das particularidades do texto original na língua de chegada, obedecendo à ética da tradução / The purpose of this study is to analyze the translation, proposed by us, of the novel Tistifil Miril Strib by Rashid Al-Daif, from Arabic into Brazilian Portuguese. Based on the theory proposed by Antoine Berman in his work La traduction et la lettre, ou Lauberge du lointain, we selected some of our translation decisions so as to demonstrate the effort of performing a translation with the ethical goal of hosting the foreigner who inhabits the source text. In order to do so, we analyze the action of three deforming tendencies typical of translating literary prose, which affect the inherent character of this novel. They are as follow: 1) quantitative impoverishment; 2) the destruction of vernacular networks or their exoticization; and 3) the effacement of the superimposition of languages. Then, we consider how well we can neutralize these deforming forces, which keep the translation away from its ethical aim by destroying the text letter, its form, so as to keep the content transmission. To summarize, even though the translator is conscious of how these tendencies work during the translation process, he cannot free himself completely from these forces. However, this does not stop him from finding solutions that enable the manifestation of the strangeness and particularities of the source text, within the target language, according to the ethics of translation
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Terminologie et discours spécialisés : les vocabulaires de la « gestion de l’eau » en français et leur incidence en traduction arabe / Terminology and specialized discourse : the vocabularies of water management in French And their translation incidence into ArabicSalim, Chaza 10 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit essentiellement dans le cadre de la terminologie en ce qu’elle utilise et étudie les termes. A partir des propositions de la terminologie, de la traductologie, ainsi que ceux de la praxématique, nous menons une étude sur la terminologie scientifique et technique du vocabulaire de la gestion de l’eau en français (FR) et en arabe (AR). Notre objectif principal est de rapprocher le terme du praxème à partir de leurs fonctionnements discursifs. L’analyse est sémantique puisque nous étudions le comportement du terme en discours. Différents niveaux de discours se distinguent par le biais de différents phénomènes discursifs. Nous avons effectué un essai de catégorisation des genres de discours de la gestion de l’eau en français, et l’avons comparé à celui du corpus arabe. Des paires d’équivalents termes FR/AR sont établies ouvrant un autre horizon d’études terminologiques et traductologiques. / The present work generally subscribes into the terminology frames (studies and uses of terms). From the propositions of terminology, translatology as well as praxematics, we have conducted a study of scientific and technical terminology applied to the water management vocabulary in French (FR) and Arabic (AR). Our main objective is to bring closer the term to the “praxème” from their discursive behaviors. The analysis is semantic because we have studied the behavior of the term in discourse. Different levels of discourses are distinguished through the discursive recurring phenomena. We have conducted a test of discursive genre categorizations in French, and compared it with the Arabic data. Pairs of equivalent terms FR/AR have settled other new horizons in terminology and translatology studies.
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Pode entrar Meryl Streep! A ética da tradução em um romance de Rachid Daif / Come in Meryl Streep! The ethics of translation in a novel by Rachid Al-Daif.Felipe Benjamin Francisco 06 May 2014 (has links)
Este estudo consiste numa análise da tradução do romance Tistifil Miril Strib, de Rachid Daif, proposta por nós, do árabe ao português brasileiro. Com base no trabalho de Antoine Berman, A Tradução e a Letra, ou o Albergue do Longínquo, selecionaram-se decisões tradutórias que demonstrassem o nosso esforço em realizar uma tradução que levasse em conta o objetivo ético do traduzir, acolhendo o Estrangeiro que reside no texto original. Com essa finalidade, analisou-se a ação de três tendências deformadoras próprias da tradução da prosa literária, que agem sobre os traços mais característicos desse romance; são elas: 1) o empobrecimento quantitativo; 2) a destruição ou a exotização das redes de linguagens vernaculares; e 3) o apagamento das superposições de línguas. Em seguida, avalia-se até que ponto se consegue evitar essas forças deformadoras que afastam a tradução de seu objetivo ético, uma vez que destroem a letra do texto, isto é, a sua forma, em favor da transmissão do sentido. Conclui-se que, embora o tradutor tenha consciência da atuação dessas tendências durante o processo tradutório, esse não consegue se libertar plenamente delas. No entanto, isso não o impede de encontrar soluções que possibilitem a manifestação das estranhezas e das particularidades do texto original na língua de chegada, obedecendo à ética da tradução / The purpose of this study is to analyze the translation, proposed by us, of the novel Tistifil Miril Strib by Rashid Al-Daif, from Arabic into Brazilian Portuguese. Based on the theory proposed by Antoine Berman in his work La traduction et la lettre, ou Lauberge du lointain, we selected some of our translation decisions so as to demonstrate the effort of performing a translation with the ethical goal of hosting the foreigner who inhabits the source text. In order to do so, we analyze the action of three deforming tendencies typical of translating literary prose, which affect the inherent character of this novel. They are as follow: 1) quantitative impoverishment; 2) the destruction of vernacular networks or their exoticization; and 3) the effacement of the superimposition of languages. Then, we consider how well we can neutralize these deforming forces, which keep the translation away from its ethical aim by destroying the text letter, its form, so as to keep the content transmission. To summarize, even though the translator is conscious of how these tendencies work during the translation process, he cannot free himself completely from these forces. However, this does not stop him from finding solutions that enable the manifestation of the strangeness and particularities of the source text, within the target language, according to the ethics of translation
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Translatologická analýza českého překladu I Munjolova díla Básník / Translatological analysis of the Czech translation of Yi Munyeol's work PoetKim, Marie January 2019 (has links)
In the beginning, the specific problems of the literary translation will be introduced on a theoretical level. Based on the theory, the detailed translatological analysis of chosen Czech translation of Yi Mun Yeol's novel The Poet will follow. The translation will be compared to the original from various points of view. The biggest focus will be on various translation methods and strategies used for the transfer of the lexical and grammatical expressions, the information structure organization of the target text, cases of amplification, reduction, etc. The attention will be also focused on non-linguistic aspects of translation, such as transferability of cultural and historical facts to a distinct environment.
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When Words Go Beyond Words: Notes on a Hermeneutical and Sensualistic Approach to Text and Translation in the Poems of Kezilahabi and LeopardiGaudioso, Roberto 11 September 2019 (has links)
In this paper, I propose translation as a main tool for a sensualistic and hermeneutical approach to texts. In agreement with the writer and thinker Euphrase Kezilahabi, who claims that the text has to be considered as a living event, I propose to look at a text not as an object but as a living body. I ague that this approach reduces the distance between the body of the text and that of the reader. Perception can thus be used as a means to know and critique a literary text. I present a multifocal sensualistic analysis based on an analogical idea of knowledge, taking translation as a tool to push the critic to focus on the text word for word (not excluding the paratext or the context). The translations discussed here are poems by Kezilahabi and a proposal for a Swahili translation of the poem L’infinito by the Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi.
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Translation Studies ve středoevropském myšlení. Analýza vztahu mezi poznaňskou překladatelskou školou a překladatelským centrem v Nitře / Translation Studies in Central European Thinking. Analysis of the Relationship between the Poznan School of Translatology and the Translation Studies Centre in NitraStyková, Klaudia January 2021 (has links)
(in English) The master's thesis entitled Translation Studies in Central European Thinking. Analysis of the Relationship between the Poznan School of Translatology and the Translation Studies Centre in Nitra is devoted to the development of the Translation Studies discipline in the Central European region in the second half of the 20th century. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces the reader to the process of creating the discipline of Translation Studies in the Central European context and presents the emerging centres of translation research in Poland and Slovakia: the Poznań School and the Nitra School, as well as the most outstanding representatives of both translation schools and the key issues of their translation concepts. The thesis, based on available sources and literature on the subject, presents relations and contacts as well as an exchange of inspiration between the Poznań School and the Nitra School. The practical part analyses the article by Edward Balcerzan, Poetics of Artistic Translation (1968) and the book by Anton Popovič Poetics of Artistic Translation (1971), key representatives of both schools of translation, and among others, looks for the answer to the question What was the poetics of artistic translation for Balcerzan and what was it for Popovič? The aim of the...
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Historie překladů z rumunské literatury do češtiny / History of literary translations from Romanian to CzechŠeflová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with Czech translations from Romanian with emphasis on the translatological aspect of the topic. The theoretical part analyzes a list of translations created by the combination of a number of sources according to the original authors, the publishers of the translations, the year of publication of the Czech translation and the translators. The theoretical part also includes the outline of the development of Czech translation theories and a brief summary of modern directions in translatology. The practical part shows, using an analysis of the Czech translation of Țiganiada (Gypsiliad) by Ion Budai-Deleanu, how should look the analysis of the translation before the translator starts translating, or during his work. This part includes a practical analysis model with a division into individual segments. Each segment includes examples of potential problems and suggests a way to deal with them from a theoretical point of view.
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