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Analýza difenciace cenové, časové a vzdálenostní akcesibility v rámci sítě ČD / Analysis of price, time and distance accessibility diferentitation in the Czech railroad systemHanes, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
Analysis of differences in price, time and distinct measures of accessibility for eské dráhy Abstract The main aim of this thesis is to resolve the issue of accessibility in the passenger rail network of eské dráhy in the Czech Republic. Secondary objectives are the analysis of distance, time availability, and price of passenger rail service. The main sources are the Railway Timetable 2009 and the geographic database Arc R 500. Basic tool for the processing is geographic information system (GIS) with extension Network Analyst. The main aim of the thesis is to provide a database with the values of distance, time availability and price. Secondary aims are to produce partial maps which present various types of accessibility. Part of the results are also the methodology for establishing different kinds of accessibility, the evaluation of methods used, and quality assessment models used in relation to the database and partial results of comparison with the literature. Keywords: transport accessibility, rail transport, network analysis, accessibility, availability of models, Network Analyst
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Kollektivtrafik i Dalarna : En undersökning om tillgänglighet i Falu kommunHörlin, Unn January 2024 (has links)
Public transport is of importance for mobility and creates accessibility forindividuals and in the long run also important to create welfare in a modernsociety. There are many pros with public transport, it transports many people, noneed for a car, a better option then most for the environment and made to transportalmost anybody. Still there are challenges facing public transport. The major one iseconomy, it is expensive for the region or municipality that has responsibility forit. With prices going up public transport now faces a reality where the costs have tobe minimized. This leads to fewer departures and this affects mobility in thesociety. Especially rural areas can be affeccted of the reduction of departures, it isoften here the cost per traveler is the highest and there are also fewer travelers. In this paper the reduction of busdepartures in the municipality of Falun isexamined and connected to accessibility. It investigates wich areas are affected, ifthere is a difference in urban and rural areas and if any age groupe is negativlyaffected. This is done by using quantative data from the municipality of Falun andDalatrafik (the public transport authority).
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Dopravní dostupnost obcí Karlovarského kraje individuální a hromadnou dopravou / Transport Accessibility of Municipalities in the Karlovy Vary Region by Individual and Public TransportJaroš, Václav January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the spatial orientation of transport links in the Karlovy Vary region, with emphasis on links between the centers of the region and its hinterland. The first part describes the general characteristics of this area. It is followed by a selection of the Karlovy Vary Region transport centers and analysis of their acccesibility. This forms the basis for the transport-geographical regionalization of the region, according to the accesibility rates. The final part of this thesis is devoted to the comparison of the individual regionalizations and the identification of factors that affect them.
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Transportfattigdomens betydelse för god hälsa : en litteraturstudie / The importance of transport poverty for good health : a literature studyAndréasson, Linn, Olsson, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Transportfattigdom innebär begränsningar för individer i deras förmåga och möjlighet att resa, exempelvis genom resor till och från arbete, skola, livsmedelsinköp och fritidsresor. Transportfattigdom kan förvärra livskvaliteten för utsatta grupper i samhället, särskilt under perioder av ekonomisk nedgång (Trafikanalys, 2018). Piotr Zają (2016) belyser den starka kopplingen mellan transport och folkhälsa, och förespråkar en hållbar och hälsosam transportinfrastruktur för att förbättra människors hälsa och livskvalitet över hela världen. Syfte: Syftet med den aktuella litteraturstudien är att sammanställa hur transportfattigdom påverkar möjligheten till god hälsa ur ett jämlikhetsperspektiv. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie har använts. Sammanlagt inkluderades 20 vetenskapliga artiklar från databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Bland annat har följande sökord inkluderats i sökningarna: transport affordability, public health, mobility disadvantage, exclusion, access to transportation samt transportation poverty. De inkluderade artiklarna hade både kvalitativa och kvantitativa studiedesigner och genomförda i Kanada, Australien, USA, Korea, Nepal, Japan, Tajikistan, Malaysia, Tyskland. Resultat: Studien resulterade i 19 olika teman och subteman (Figur 1). Av dessa kategoriserades fem ut som övergripande teman; Tillgänglighet och tillgång till transport, Hälsa och välbefinnande, Social rättvisa och hälsoklyftor, Äldre och transport, Begränsningar av transport för personer med funktionsnedsättningar. Slutsats: Transportfattigdom påverkar möjligheten till god hälsa. Vid planering och utformningar av transportlösningar är det därför angeläget att säkerställa tillgänglighet och tillgång till transport för alla samhällsgrupper för att skapa bättre förutsättningar för jämlik hälsa. / Transport poverty is a new concept that includes limitations for individuals in their ability to travel, for example traveling to and from work, grocery shopping, and pleasure travel. It encompasses all types of transportation, for instance personal vehicles or public transportation (Trafikanalys, 2018). Piotr Zają (2016) highlights the intimate connection between transportation and public health, and how sustainable and healthy transportation infrastructure can improve the quality of life for the world’s population. Purpose: The purpose of the current literature study is to compile how transport poverty affects possibillity to good health from an equality perspective. Method: A systematic literature review was conducted. A total of 20 scientific articles were included from the databases Cinahl and PubMed. The search queries encompassed following terms: transport affordability, public health, mobility disadvantage, exclusion, access to transportation, and transportation poverty. The included articles had both qualitative and quantitative study designs and were conducted in Canada, Australia, USA, Korea, Nepal, Japan, Tajikistan, Malaysia, and Germany. Results: The study resulted in 19 different themes and subthemes (Figure 1). Out of these, five were categorized as overarching themes: Accessibility and access to transportation, Health and well-being, Social justice and health disparities, Aging and transportation, Limitations of transportation for people with disabilities. Conclusion: Transport poverty affects the possibility of good health. When planning and designing transport solutions, it is therefore important to ensure accessibility and access to transport for all social groups to create better conditions for equal health.
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Dopravní dostupnost jako faktor výše nezaměstnanosti v územních obvodech obcí s rozšířenou působností Moravskoslezského kraje / Transport accessibility as a factor of the level of unenployment in the administrative districts of municipalities with extended powers of the Moravian-Silesian RegionČiminga, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The presented work deals with analysis of relationship of transport accessibility and the level of unemployment in the Moravian-Silesian Region or how different level of unemployment in the various administrative districts of the region, depending on their time accessibility to the regional capital and the capital city of Prague as the most important economic, political and cultural center of the Czech Republic. The quality of transport infrastructure directly influences level of economic development of the region, one of the consequences of underdeveloped transport infrastructure, or limited availability of transport may be unemployment. The work is based on different characteristics of the sub-regional units Moravian-Silesian Region using methods of regression analysis to demonstrate the extent to which affects the accessibility level of unemployment in the area.
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Analýza dopravní obslužnosti pardubického mikroregionu / Analysis of Pardubice micro-region's transport serviceStaněk, Jan January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis provides a comprehensive viewpoint at transport services in the Pardubice region, both in terms of public transport supply and demand from people at it. One of the key objectives of this work is to find the influence of characteristics on the selection of mode of transport used by the people to get to work and school at the municipal level. In addition to analysis based on secondary data there is a part of this thesis, which evaluates questionnaire study, particularly in relation to the previous analysis. This comparison of two views, first based on objective statistics data and second based on the subjective view of the reference population of the region, is one of the main values of this study.
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Rekonstrukce areálu učiliště Dubňany. Stavebně technologická příprava stavby. / 1. Reconstruction of the vocational school Dubňany. Construction Technology PreparationDohnálek, Marek January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this technological preparation of construction is to find out scope of work needed for reconstruction of former miners school in Dubňany.In Czech Republic exits plenty of these abandoned places and this master thesis should serve as an example of reconstruction of some theirs parts.Within this project I would like to valorize the experience gained from excursion to foreign countries, where the passive and low-energetic buildings are common.Missing project documentation of some part of this facility was replaced by 3D modelling based on my own laser measurement.The main object SO 01 has been already rebuilt into passive apartment building but without building-technological study and proper project documentation.Due to missing foundations and confidential internal documentation of the construction company is impossible to compare the real material, human and financial resources with those mentioned within this thesis. The master thesis contains technical report for the building-technological project, coordination of the transport routes, chronological and financial plan, realisation of the main technological steps, equipment of the construction project , draft of machinery, time schedule of the main project, plan of getting the needful resources, technological regulations, control and probationary plans, disposal of asbestos reports, owning contract, two roof decks comparison from the point of view of thermal technology and specialization from the building field.
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