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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tree Community Patterns and Soil Texture Characteristics of a Meander Bend, Lower Trinity River, Southeast Texas

Nyikos, Sarah Ildiko 2011 December 1900 (has links)
Meandering rivers and associated vegetation communities are highly dynamic systems that interact through various geomorphic and successional processes. However, much is still unknown about these interactions. Studies that focus on system integration rather than examining fluvial-related and vegetation dynamics individually will benefit science and the management of river systems. Tree communities in riparian areas, although consisting mainly of bottomland hardwood species, can be very diverse. Diversity has been linked to environmental influences such as meander migration, and changes in elevation and soil texture. This study focused on a single meander bend of the lower Trinity River in southeast Texas. The purpose of this research was to examine interactions between soil texture variation and the establishment and succession of riparian tree communities, as such interactions contribute to the formation of complex riparian landscapes. A bend-scale approach was utilized to provide a detailed study of vegetation pattern and of soil texture resulting from sedimentation processes, to examine for any relationships between them. Aerial imagery was used to assist in interpreting patterns of vegetation succession. The field portion of the study collected species and size class data on trees and soil samples for textural analysis. These data were analyzed separately to understand variations in tree communities and soils, but also together, to determine any relationships between soil texture and what tree communities are able to establish. Mean annual flow data from gauges upstream and downstream of the site were analyzed for changes in flow following dam construction upstream, as river regulation could potentially alter the vegetation establishment regime. Results showed five distinct communities or zones of vegetation. Soils on the site were strongly skewed toward finer sands and high silt and clay content. Zone locations and community structure were not directly related to soil texture; however, given species had clear relationships of relative density or dominance with specific soil textures. No changes in flow were noted between pre- and post- dam construction periods, indicating that the riparian system at this site may operate under near-natural conditions. Further studies in species-soil texture interactions, and for rare and invasive species in particular, may prove beneficial in improving understanding of the complex functioning of riparian systems and in providing valuable information for their management and restoration.

The role of trophic interactions in shaping tropical tree communities

Hazelwood, Kirsten January 2018 (has links)
Tropical rainforests contain exceptionally high biodiversity and account for >30% of the world's carbon fixed by photosynthesis. Consequently, there are compelling reasons to deepen our understanding of the mechanisms that maintain these highly diverse forests and of the potential long-term threats to their preservation. An important process shaping tropical plant communities is negative density dependence (NDD). NDD occurs when plant performance is negatively impacted by increased neighbourhood density. Reduced performance at high neighbourhood density is thought to arise through ecological interactions between plants and their natural enemies. Thus in a healthy ecosystem, trophic interactions play vital roles as mechanisms driving NDD and are important as dispersers facilitating escape from NDD mortality. However, interruption to ecological processes caused by human activities, such as hunting, can perturb NDD interactions and cause cascading effects throughout an ecosystem. In my thesis I investigate the role of dispersal and mortality in NDD dynamics of tropical tree communities, as well as investigating local and global impacts of removing ecological interactions in tropical rainforests. In my thesis, I begin by addressing the presence and variation in strength of NDD among tree species and ontogenetic stages, the mechanisms driving NDD, and the role of trophic interactions in this process. The Janzen-Connell hypothesis predicts that host-specific natural enemies drive NDD by selectively reducing conspecific density, and increase diversity by suppressing competitive exclusion, thus allowing heterospecifics to persist. In chapters 2 and 3 of this thesis, I show that mortality driven by conspecific NDD is prevalent at the early life stages, and this effect is considerably stronger during the year after germination. Furthermore, this process is driven exclusively by host-specific fungal pathogens, which cause mortality selectively among conspecifics and drive diversity. As seedlings age beyond their first year, NDD interactions become less impacted by conspecifics but are impacted by closely related neighbours or by general neighbourhood density, representing changes in the mechanism driving NDD as seedlings age, and a decline in host-specificity of natural enemies. Equally, relative growth rates (RGR) are reduced under high neighbourhood density irrespective of species identity. Results suggest insect herbivores are the strongest driver of reduced RGR but not mortality under increased neighbourhood density. As a consequence of stronger inter than intra-specific NDD effects on RGR, insects had no impact on seedling diversity in the short term. This study supports assertions that regionally rare species experience stronger NDD than common species, accounting for the high variability in species relative abundance in the tropics. In the second part of my thesis, I address the role of large vertebrate dispersers in shaping tropical tree communities and the consequences of defaunation for tree assemblage and carbon storage. Dispersal allows seeds to escape NDD and persist to reproductive maturity and is therefore vital for the maintenance of diversity. Vertebrates disperse the seeds of more than 70% of neo-tropical tree species. However, many large vertebrates are becoming scarce due to widespread hunting. The decline of large vertebrates and their role as dispersers is predicted to alter tree community composition. Additionally, large vertebrates are responsible for the dispersal of large-seeded species, which are linked to species with high wood density. With wood density positively associated with carbon storage, there is a potential cascading influence of defaunation on global carbon storage. We investigate the consequences of declining large vertebrate mortality agents in chapter 3, and the consequences of declining large vertebrate dispersers in chapters 4 and 5. Although community composition is altered in a defaunated forest, species dispersed by extirpated fauna do not appear to drive this. In fact we find that many species thought to be heavily reliant on extirpated fauna manage to persist. Although it is thought that the simultaneous loss of seed predation from large terrestrial vertebrates may create compensatory effects, we found little support for this, with an absence of large terrestrial vertebrates driving only temporary changes to species diversity. Neither a loss of large frugivores or large-seeded species lead to declines in species with high wood density, but we detect a worrying decline in large stemmed species, which has negative implications for carbon storage. Overall, my thesis highlights the importance of NDD and trophic interactions, particularly fungal pathogens, at the early life stages in shaping tropical tree communities and in maintaining diversity. I provide evidence that the removal of trophic interactions among larger natural enemies and dispersers does not impact community assemblage in the directional manner found in previous studies. I provide evidence for the variability in response to trophic interactions among species and ontogenetic stages. I show disproportionate relative importance among natural enemies and dispersers in the maintenance of tropical tree assemblage, with implications for conservation and for assessing the consequences for tree diversity under the influence of degradation.

The species and functional composition of bird communities in regenerating tropical forests

Mayhew, Rebekah Jane Watts January 2017 (has links)
The widespread threat of species extinctions caused by the destruction and degradation of tropical primary forest (PF) could potentially be mitigated by the expansion of regenerating secondary forest (SF). However, the conservation value of SF remains controversial, and is dependent on many site- and landscape-scale factors, such as habitat age and isolation. The aim of this thesis was to assess the role that SF can play in conserving forest bird communities in central Panama. We study a chronosequence of SF aged 20 – 120-years-old, with sites either isolated from or connected to extensive PF. Our results suggest that SF supports high levels of avian species diversity, and similar community composition to PF. Whilst forest age plays a small role in determining compositional similarity to PF, connectivity to extensive PF was the main determinant of community composition. However, despite high species richness and complex community composition, some specialist PF bird species were consistently absent from SF, and isolated PF. The functional diversity of bird communities did not vary substantially across the forest age and isolation gradient, although we did find some inter-guild differences; with distinct responses in communities of avian insectivores and frugivores. Isolation caused shifts in the trophic traits of insectivores, but resulted in alterations in the dispersal traits of frugivores. The response of bird and tree community composition to forest age and isolation was similar, although isolation had a stronger impact on bird communities. Bird diversity and composition tracked changes in forest structure over succession. When examining the role of birds in seed-dispersal networks, we found bird gape width was the key predictor of seed size consumed. Large-gaped birds consume a wider variety of seed-sizes than small-gaped birds, and small-seeded trees attract a greater number of bird species than large-seeded trees. These results imply high levels of redundancy among small-gaped avian frugivores and small-seeded plant species, but low levels of redundancy among large-seeded plant species and their avian dispersers. This suggests that large-seeded plants may be most at risk of dispersal failure following any change in avian frugivore assemblages. Together, these results suggest that SF can play a key role in sustaining most tropical biodiversity, and in maintaining ecosystem services. Our findings emphasise the importance of integrating SF into conservation strategies to support and buffer tropical PF habitats.

The influence of soil factors and anthropogenic disturbances on tree species assemblages in central African forests / Influence des facteurs édaphiques et des perturbations anthropiques sur l'assemblage des espèces d'arbres dans les forêts tropicales d'Afrique centrale.

Vleminckx, Jason 29 April 2015 (has links)
La diversité végétale exceptionnelle des forêts tropicales a toujours suscité une part d’incompréhension chez les scientifiques qui tentent de comprendre les processus à l’origine de cette diversité, ainsi que les mécanismes expliquant les changements spatiaux de composition spécifique. Une des clés de ce dernier mystère résiderait dans l’influence de la différentiation des niches écologiques, mais aussi de la dispersion limitée des graines et d’événements stochastiques (purement aléatoires et non prévisibles). La niche d’une espèce contraint celle-ci à s’établir dans un habitat présentant des gammes de conditions bien délimitées en termes de propriétés du sol (disponibilité en nutriments et toxicité de certains éléments) et d’intensité lumineuse. Par exemple, certaines espèces sont plus tolérantes à l’ombrage (espèces « sciaphiles ») que d’autres qui ne peuvent s’établir que dans des trouées forestières offrant suffisamment de lumière (espèces « héliophiles »). En Afrique centrale, les communautés d’arbres sont aujourd’hui en grande partie composées de ces espèces dites « héliophiles », alors que les ouvertures forestières naturelles sont rares. Il est fortement suspecté que la dominance de ces espèces soient la conséquence de trouées générées par l’homme qui, jusqu’au début de la période coloniale (vers 1900), occupait de vastes surfaces de forêt où il pratiquait l’agriculture sur brûlis. Cependant, peu d’études ont jusqu’à présent déterminé dans quelle mesure ces pratiques agricoles ont influencé la composition spécifique des forêts à l’échelle régionale comme à l’échelle locale.<p>L’objectif du présent travail est de faire la lumière sur l’impact de ces perturbations humaines mais aussi plus généralement sur l’influence relative de la niche écologique des espèces d’arbres par rapport à d’autres facteurs (dispersion limitée et facteurs stochastiques) sur leur distribution spatiale. Pour cela nous avons utilisé des données botaniques et environnementales provenant d’inventaires réalisés dans une forêt tropicale située en République Démocratique du Congo (quatre transects parallèles mesurant chacun 500 à 600 m de long), ainsi que des données similaires complémentées d’inventaires anthracologiques (estimation de la quantité de charbons de bois dans le sol, utilisée comme indicateur de feux passés d’origine anthropique) récoltées dans trois régions du sud du Cameroun (208 parcelles de 0,2 ha chacune). <p>Les données récoltées nous ont permis de mettre en évidence un impact significatif des propriétés physico-chimiques du sol sur la composition en espèces d’arbres. Plus précisément, nous avons pu constater une différence floristique marquée entre deux habitats très contrastés (sol sableux vs. sol argileux, Rép. Dém. Du Congo), et cela à une échelle spatiale locale (< 1 km²) où l’on pensait que de l’influence des facteurs stochastiques et de dispersion limitée étaient prépondérante. Mes analyses ont également démontré que cette différence était plus marquée pour les arbres de la canopée que pour les arbres des strates inférieures (« sous-canopée »), ce qui est sans doute lié au fait que de nombreux individus de la sous-canopée sont composés de juvéniles régénérant la canopée, parmi lesquels de nombreux arbres subissent une exclusion compétitive en cours (brouillant ainsi les signaux d’association espèce-habitat). <p>À une échelle spatiale beaucoup plus large cette fois (de 5 à 100 km, inventaires du Sud Cameroun), nous avons démontré que la diversité floristique était également influencée de manière significative par l’hétérogénéité spatiale de propriétés abiotiques du sol, notamment par les concentrations en (i) certains nutriments essentiels pouvant présenter des valeurs potentiellement limitantes (K, Mg, Ca et P) ainsi qu’en en (ii) élements pouvant être présents en quantités toxiques (Al et Mn). Cependant, alors que le signal environmental a été clairement détecté à l’échelle communautaire, seule les abondances d’une minorité d’espèces (< 15%) ont répondu significativement à la variation des conditions de sol. En outre, le nombre de réponses significatives a augmenté avec l’échelle d’observation ainsi qu’avec le degré d’hétérogénéité environnementale et/ou floristique. Pour mettre en évidence cet effet du sol, nous avons introduit une nouvelle approche permettant de tester la fraction d’une analyse de partition de variance correspondant à la part de variation floristique expliquée par l’effet de conditions édaphiques spatialement structurées (co-variation entre effets spatiaux et édaphiques), en combinant l’analyse de partition de variance avec des vecteurs propres de Moran (« Moran’s eigenvector maps ») et des translations toroïdales. Bien que cette méthode nous ait permis de déterminer si la fraction en question était significative, nous avons également mis en doute son interprétation habituelle suggérant que cette fraction représente une structure floristique directement induite par des structures spatiales de conditions de sol. Grâce à des simulations de populations végétales liées à des propriétés environnementales, nous avons mis en évidence que la valeur de la fraction étudiée ne semble finalement pas influencée par le degré de structuration spatiale des conditions environnementales, remettant donc en question l’utilité de l’analyse de partition de variance pour inférer des effets de processus écologiques sous-jacents sur la distribution spatiale des espèces d’arbres.<p>Enfin, les données floristiques et anthracologiques du Sud Cameroun ne nous ont pas permis de démontrer statistiquement l’hypothèse que les perturbations humaines passées sont en partie responsables de la dominance actuelle des espèces héliophiles. L’absence de corrélation significative entre l’abondance relative de ces espèces et la quantité de charbons de bois dans le sol peut s’expliquer par le fait que la majorité de ces charbons (60%) étaient trop vieux (1500 à 3000 ans) pour refléter des perturbations ayant influencé la diversité végétale présente. <p>Les conclusions générales de ma thèse de doctorat soutiennent que la niche écologique des espèces d’arbres des forêts tropicales africaines contribue de manière significative à déterminer leur assemblage dans l’espace, mais aussi que ces effets de niche dépendent fortement du contexte environnemental étudié ainsi que de l’échelle spatiale d’observation. Ce travail lève donc en partie un voile sur l’écologie des écosystèmes forestiers d’Afrique centrale qui restent largement méconnus par rapport à ceux d’Asie du Sud-Est et des régions néotropicales.<p> / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation biologie végétale / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Interactive effects of elevation and forest-use intensity on tropical tree diversity in Veracruz, Mexico.

Monge González, María Leticia 21 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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