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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automated Treetop Detection and Tree Crown Identification Using Discrete-return Lidar Data

Liu, Haijian 05 1900 (has links)
Accurate estimates of tree and forest biomass are essential for a wide range of applications. Automated treetop detection and tree crown discrimination using LiDAR data can greatly facilitate forest biomass estimation. Previous work has focused on homogenous or single-species forests, while few studies have focused on mixed forests. In this study, a new method for treetop detection is proposed in which the treetop is the cluster center of selected points rather than the highest point. Based on treetop detection, tree crowns are discriminated through comparison of three-dimensional shape signatures. The methods are first tested using simulated LiDAR point clouds for trees, and then applied to real LiDAR data from the Soquel Demonstration State Forest, California, USA. Results from both simulated and real LiDAR data show that the proposed method has great potential for effective detection of treetops and discrimination of tree crowns.

Modelování vybraných geometrických parametrů lesních porostů z dat leteckého laserového skenování / Modelling of selected forest geometric parameters from airborne laser scannig data

Sedláčková, Oldřiška January 2014 (has links)
Modelling of selected forest geometric parameters from airborne laser scanning data Abstract The main aim of this work is to approximate the shape of a tree crown with mathematically describable 3D shape based on airborne laser scanning (ALS) data. And consequently derive geometrical parameters describing the tree from this model. Included in the work is a custom designed algorithm based on angular segmentation. Measured results of this algorithm are then compared to an algorithm based on RANSAC and field measurement. The first part of this work describes airborne laser scanning, its use to derive characteristics of forest stands and individual trees and the theory of tree crown modelling. The next part contains a description of both algorithms and presentation of results and field measurements. The conclusion summarizes and evaluates the outputs of the custom angular segmentation algorithm and discusses its possible modifications. Keywords: airborne laser scanning, tree height, crown width, crown height, crown cover, crown volume, crown shape, RANSAC

Automated Tree Crown Discrimination Using Three-Dimensional Shape Signatures Derived from LiDAR Point Clouds

Sadeghinaeenifard, Fariba 05 1900 (has links)
Discrimination of different tree crowns based on their 3D shapes is essential for a wide range of forestry applications, and, due to its complexity, is a significant challenge. This study presents a modified 3D shape descriptor for the perception of different tree crown shapes in discrete-return LiDAR point clouds. The proposed methodology comprises of five main components, including definition of a local coordinate system, learning salient points, generation of simulated LiDAR point clouds with geometrical shapes, shape signature generation (from simulated LiDAR points as reference shape signature and actual LiDAR point clouds as evaluated shape signature), and finally, similarity assessment of shape signatures in order to extract the shape of a real tree. The first component represents a proposed strategy to define a local coordinate system relating to each tree to normalize 3D point clouds. In the second component, a learning approach is used to categorize all 3D point clouds into two ranks to identify interesting or salient points on each tree. The third component discusses generation of simulated LiDAR point clouds for two geometrical shapes, including a hemisphere and a half-ellipsoid. Then, the operator extracts 3D LiDAR point clouds of actual trees, either deciduous or evergreen. In the fourth component, a longitude-latitude transformation is applied to simulated and actual LiDAR point clouds to generate 3D shape signatures of tree crowns. A critical step is transformation of LiDAR points from their exact positions to their longitude and latitude positions using the longitude-latitude transformation, which is different from the geographic longitude and latitude coordinates, and labeled by their pre-assigned ranks. Then, natural neighbor interpolation converts the point maps to raster datasets. The generated shape signatures from simulated and actual LiDAR points are called reference and evaluated shape signatures, respectively. Lastly, the fifth component determines the similarity between evaluated and reference shape signatures to extract the shape of each examined tree. The entire process is automated by ArcGIS toolboxes through Python programming for further evaluation using more tree crowns in different study areas. Results from LiDAR points captured for 43 trees in the City of Surrey, British Columbia (Canada) suggest that the modified shape descriptor is a promising method for separating different shapes of tree crowns using LiDAR point cloud data. Experimental results also indicate that the modified longitude-latitude shape descriptor fulfills all desired properties of a suitable shape descriptor proposed in computer science along with leaf-off, leaf-on invariance, which makes this process autonomous from the acquisition date of LiDAR data. In summary, the modified longitude-latitude shape descriptor is a promising method for discriminating different shapes of tree crowns using LiDAR point cloud data.

Evolution of Plants : a mathematical perspective

Lindh, Magnus January 2016 (has links)
The Earth harbors around 300 000 plant species. The rich and complex environment provided by plants is considered a key factor for the extraordinary diversity of the terrestrial fauna by, for example, providing food and shelter. This thesis contributes to the understanding of these questions by investigating how the interplay of physiology, demography, and evolution gives rise to variation and diversity in fundamental plant traits. This will help us answer questions such as: How has this amazing diversity of plant species emerged? Which mechanisms maintain diversity? How are plant strategies and plant diversity influenced by variations in the environment? A plant faces multiple problems to survive and reproduce successfully. These problems can be modeled by considering traits, trade-offs and a fitness measure. For example: How to maximize growth rate, while maximizing structural stability? I will investigate four plant models in order to understand the function of plants, and mechanisms promoting diversity.  Paper I: We study how annual plants with and without growth constraints should optimize their flowering time when productivity or season length changes. With a dynamic ontogenetic growth model and optimal control theory we prove that a bang-bang reproductive control is optimal under constrained growth and constant mortality rate. We find that growth constraints can flip the direction of optimal phenological response for increasing productivity. The reason is that the growth rate of vegetative mass saturates at high productivity and therefore it is better to flower earlier and take advantage of a longer reproductive period. If season length extends equally both in the beginning and the end of the season, growth constraints control the direction of the optimal response as well. Our theory can help explaining phenological patterns along productivity gradients, and can be linked to empirical observations made on a calendar scale. Paper II: We introduce a new measure of tree crown-rise efficiency based on the loss of biomass of the tree during growth. The more mass the tree looses during growth, the less crown-rise efficient it is. Top-heavy shapes loose more biomass than bottom-heavy shapes. Light-use efficiency is defined as the mean light assimilation of the leaves in the crown times the ratio of leaf mass and total mass. We then study the trade-off between light-use efficiency to crown-rise efficiency for tree crown shapes. We assume that the total tree mass is constant, and a constant vertical light gradient represent the shading from a surrounding forest. We find large differences in crown shapes at intermediate vertical light gradient, when both self-shading and mean-field shading are important, suggesting light-use vs crown-rise efficiency as a new trade-off that can explain tree diversity. Our crown-rise efficiency measure could easily be integrated into existing forest models. Paper III: We extend an evolutionary tree crown model, where trees with different heights compete for light, with drought-induced mortality rates depending on ground-water availability and the depth of an optional taproot. The model does not include competition for ground water. Our model explains how ground-water availability can shape plant communities, when taproot and non-taproot strategies can coexist, and when only one of these strategies can persist. We investigate how emerging plant diversity varies with water table depth, soil water gradient and drought-induced mortality rate. The taproot enables plants to reach deep water, thus reducing mortality, but also carries a construction cost, thus inducing a trade-off. We find that taproots maintain plant diversity under increasing drought mortality, and that taproots evolve when groundwater is accessible at low depths. There are no viable strategies at high drought mortality and deep water table. Red Queen evolutionary dynamics appear at intermediate drought mortality in mixed communities with and without taproots, as the community never reaches a final evolutionarily stable composition. Paper IV: We extend a size-structured plant model, with self-shading and two evolving traits, crown top-heaviness and crown width-to-height ratio. The model allows us to identify salient trade-offs for the crown shape. The most important trade-off for top-heaviness is light-use efficiency vs crownrise efficiency, and the most important trade-off for width-to-height ratio is self-shading vs branch costs. We find that when the two traits coevolve; the outcome is a single common evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS), far away from the highest net primary production (NPP). When only sun angle is decreasing with increasing latitude both the crown width-to-height ratio and crown top-heaviness decrease. However, when light response in addition to the sun angle decreases with increasing latitude, the crown width-to-height ratio is nearly invariant of latitude except at low site productivity when the ratio decreases with latitude. Top-heaviness is always decreasing with increasing latitude. Finally, we find that crown top-heaviness increases with the NPP or leaf-area index (LAI) at ESS, but crown width-to-height ratio is maximal at an intermediate NPP or LAI. / Artikel I: Arters reproduktionsframgång (fitness), till exempel antal avkommor eller frön som produceras under livet, är ofta avgörande för huruvida de är evolutionärt framgångsrika eller inte. Här undersöker vi hur ettåriga växter med eller utan tillväxtbegränsningar ska optimera sin blomningstid när produktivitet eller säsongslängd ändras. Det är optimalt att gå direkt från tillväxt till blomning när tillväxten är begränsad och dödligheten är konstant. Vid ökad produktivitet sker blomningen tidigare med tillväxtbegränsningar men senare utan tillväxtbegränsningar, vilket beror på att med tillväxtbegränsningar ökar den vegetativa massan långsamt. Därför är det bättre att blomma tidigare och ta tillvara på en längre reproduktionsperiod. Vi får samma resultat om säsongslängden ökar lika mycket i början och slutet av säsongen. Vår teori kan bidra till att förutsäga blomningstider vid produktivitetsförändringar och säsongsförändringar. Artikel II: Tillväxten hos träd kan begränsas av brist på ljus, vatten, och näring, men också genom förlust av grenar. Vi introducerar ett nytt mått på tillväxteffektiviteten hos trädkronor baserat på förlust av biomassa under trädets tillväxt. Ju mer massa trädet förlorar under tillväxt, desto mindre tillväxteffektiva är de. Topptunga former förlorar mer biomassa än bottentunga former. Vi studerar avvägningar mellan ljuseffektivitet och tillväxteffektivitet för trädformer, där ljuseffektiviteten definieras som medelljusupptaget för löven i kronan. Vi antar en konstant totalmassa, och en statisk vertikal skuggning som representerar skuggningen från en omgivande skog. Vi hittar stora skillnader i kronformer vid en medelhög skuggning, då både självskuggningen och medelskuggningen har betydelse. Vårt mått för tillväxteffektivitet kan enkelt integreras i existerande skogsmodeller. Studien visar att avvägningar mellan tillväxteffektivitet och ljuseffektivitetet kan vara viktig för mångfalden av trädformer i en skog. En överraskande upptäckt är att konformade eller sfäriska trädkronor aldrig är effektiva, men däremot timglasformade kronor. Artikel III: Växter kan försvara sig på olika sätt mot torka, till exempel genom att rulla ihop bladen eller genom att reproducera tidigare och därigenom undvika uttdragen torka. Här undersöker vi fördelarna med en pålrot vid torka. En pålrot är en rot som växer nedåt för att nå djupliggande grundvatten. Vi utvidgar en evolutionär modell av trädkronor med grundvatten och en pålrot, där träd med olika höjd konkurrerar om ljus. Det finns ingen konkurrens om vatten. Vi undersöker hur mångfalden hos träden beror på vattendjup, vattengradient och dödlighet orsakad av torka. Med hjälp av pålroten kan träden nå djupt vatten och därigenom minska dödligheten, men den medför också en kostnad, så en avvägning måste göras. Vi ser att pålrötter upprätthåller mångfalden hos växterna vid ökad mortalitet, och att pålrötter uppstår när grundvattnet är grunt. Det finns inga strategier som kan överleva om grundvattnet är djupt och dödligheten är hög. Vår modell kan förklara hur grundvatten kan förändra sammansättningen på trädsamhällen, när träd med och utan pålrot kan samexistera, och under vilka förutsättningar endast en av strategierna förväntas dominera. Artikel IV: Träd som växer upp i en skog måste konkurrera med andra träd om ljus, framförallt större träd. Detta ger upphov till en asymmetrisk ljuskonkurrens, där de små träden hämmas av större träd. Små träd har därmed små chanser att överleva utom då skogen nyligen störts och det öppnas upp en glänta. Vid denna ljuskonkurrens kan man anta att trädkronans form har stor betydelse för trädets framgång. Frågan är hur de evolutionärt fördelaktiga kronformerna beror på latituden och produktiviteten. Vi antar att latituden påverkar solens genomsnittliga vinkel och ljusrespons. Vi utvidgar en storleksstrukturerad trädmodell med självskuggning där två evolverande egenskaper beskriver kronans topptyngd och bredd. Med modellen kan vi undersöka vilka strategiska avvägningar som bestämmer om kronans form blir konkurrenskraftig. En topptung krona har högt ljusupptag eftersom det finns mest ljus högt upp i grenverket. Å andra sidan har den en låg tillväxteffektivitet eftersom topptunga kronor måste tappa mycket grenar för att behålla sin form. En bred krona har en låg självskuggning eftersom bladen är utspridda. Å andra sidan har den höga kostnader för de långa grenar som krävs. Vi finner att när dessa egenskaper evolverar tillsammans så finns endast en evolutionärt stabil strategi (ESS), långt från den högsta nettoproduktionen. När endast solvinkeln minskar med ökande latitud minskar både kronans bredd och topptyngd, men när både solvinkel och ljusrespons minskar med ökande latitud så är bredden nästan oförändrad utom vid låg produktivitet då den minskar med latituden. Kronans topptyngd minskar alltid med latituden. Slutligen ser vi hur kronans topptyngd alltid ökar med nettoproduktionen vid ESS, medan kronans bredd har ett maxium för ett mellanvärde hos nettoproduktionen vid ESS.


森岡, 昇, MORIOKA, Noboru, 近藤, 稔, KONDO, Minoru, 小木曽, 謙治, KOGISO, Kenji 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

Matematické metody segmentace obrazu pro dálkový průzkum Země / Mathematical Methods of Image Segmentation for Remote Sensing Applications

Novotný, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Segmentation of an image into individual tree crowns is a key step in the processing of remotely sensed data for forestry practice. The doctoral thesis gives a broad overview of this topic. It comprehends theoretical context from mathematical point of view and defines basic terms from airborne imaging and laser scanning. Mathematical methods of tree detection are focused on a robust adaptation to the actual conditions in a region of interest. A novel approach of crown area delineation is introduced, it combines a seeded region growing technique with an active contour as a crown boundary representation. The parametrisation of all algorithms is analysed in a practical half of the thesis and more application-oriented issues are mentioned. Executable computer programs are attached.

Classification des matériaux urbains en présence de végétation éparse par télédétection hyperspectrale à haute résolution spatiale / Classification of urban materials in presence of sparse vegetation with hyperspectral remote sensing imagery at high spatial resolution

Adeline, Karine 18 December 2014 (has links)
La disponibilité de nouveaux moyens d’acquisition en télédétection, satellitaire (PLEIADES, HYPXIM), aéroportée ou par drone (UAV) à très haute résolution spatiale ouvre la voie à leur utilisation pour l’étude de milieux complexes telles que les villes. En particulier, la connaissance de la ville pour l’étude des îlots de chaleur, la planification urbaine, l’estimation de la biodiversité de la végétation et son état de santé nécessite au préalable une étape de classification des matériaux qui repose sur l’utilisation de l’information spectrale accessible en télédétection hyperspectrale 0,4-2,5μm. Une des principales limitations des méthodes de classification réside dans le non traitement des zones à l’ombre. Des premiers travaux ont montré qu’il était possible d’exploiter l’information radiative dans les ombres des bâtiments. En revanche, les méthodes actuelles ne fonctionnent pas dans les ombres des arbres du fait de la porosité de leur couronne. L’objectif de cette thèse vise à caractériser les propriétés optiques de surface à l’ombre de la végétation arborée urbaine au moyen d’outils de transfert radiatif et de correction atmosphérique. L’originalité de ce travail est d’étudier la porosité d’un arbre via la grandeur de transmittance de la couronne. La problématique a donc été abordée en deux temps. Premièrement, la caractérisation de la transmittance d’un arbre isolé a été menée avec l’utilisation de l’outil DART à travers la mise en œuvre d’un plan d’expériences et d’études de sensibilité qui ont permis de la relier à des paramètres biophysiques et externes. Une campagne de mesures terrain a ensuite été réalisée afin d’évaluer son estimation à partir de différents niveaux de modélisation de l’arbre, dont un modèle réel acquis par mesures lidar terrestre. Deuxièmement, une nouvelle méthode de correction atmosphérique 3D adaptée à la végétation urbaine, ICARE-VEG, a été développée à partir des résultats précédents. Une campagne aéroportée et de mesures terrain UMBRA a été dédiée à sa validation. Ses performances comparées à d’autres outils existants ouvrent de larges perspectives pour l’interprétation globale d’une image par télédétection et pour souligner la complexité de modéliser des processus physiques naturels à une échelle spatiale très fine. / The new advances in remote sensing acquisitions at very high spatial resolution, either spaceborne (PLEIADES, HYPXIM), airborne or unmanned aerial vehicles borne, open the way for the study of complex environments such as urban areas. In particular, the better understanding of urban heat islands, urban planning, vegetation biodiversity, requires the knowledge of detailed material classification mapsbased on the use of spectral information brought by hyperspectral imagery 0.4-2.5μm. However, one of the main limitations of classification methods relies on the absence of shadow processing. Past studies have demonstrated that spectral information was possible to be extracted from shadows cast by buildings. But existing methods fail in shadows cast by trees because of their crown porosity. The objective of this thesis aims to characterize surface optical properties in urban tree shadows by means of radiative transfer and atmospheric correction tools. The originality of this work is to study the tree crown porosity through the analysis of the tree crown transmittance. Therefore, the issue has been divided into two parts. Firstly, an experimental design with the use of DART tool has been carried out in order to examine the relationships between the transmittance of an isolated tree and different biophysical and external variables. Then, the estimation of the tree crown transmittance has been assessed with several tree 3D modelling strategies derived from reference terrestrial lidar acquisitions. Secondly, a new atmospheric correction method appropriate to the processing of tree shadows, ICARE-VEG, was implemented fromthese previous results. An airborne and field campaign UMBRA was dedicated to its validation. Moreover, its performances was compared to other existing tools. Finally, the conclusions open large outlooks to the overall interpretation of remote sensing images and highlight the complexity to model physical natural processes with finer spatial resolutions.

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