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Depositional periodicity and the hierarchy of stratigraphic forcing in the Triassic carbonates of the Dolomite Alps, N. ItalyForkner, Robert Murchison, 1977- 04 March 2014 (has links)
The Dolomite Alps of northern Italy are a classic field locality in the development carbonate stratigraphic theory. Included in the many discoveries rooted in the geology of the Dolomites is the concept of a hierarchy of stratigraphic forcing in the Alpine Triassic. The hierarchy states that carbonate sedimentation is dominantly a record of eustasy, resulting in organized stacking patterns, and that these stacking patterns reflect the interplay between low frequency (1-10 my) eustatic cycles and their component bundled high-frequency (100 & 20 kyr) eustatic cycles. The overall aim of this study is to further investigate the validity of the hierarchical model after recent dating of Anisian and Ladinian successions called the Milankovitchian periodicity and/or allocyclicity of the cyclic series into question. The study was completed using four sub-studies, 3 based on data collected in the field and a fourth based in cycle theory and computer modeling. First, it can be shown that allocyclic forcing exists in the Anisian/Ladinian platforms of the Dolomites by comparing the stratigraphic sections measured from 2 time-equivalent, independent carbonate platforms, the Latemar and Mendola Pass. Second, computer modeling of Anisian/Ladinian carbonate platform stratigraphy using Milankovitchain solar insolation as a proxy for high-frequency eustasy shows that both pure Milankovitch forcing and mixed Milankovitch/sub-Milankovitch forcing will produce synthetic carbonate platforms with stratigraphic successions comparable to those of the Anisian/Ladinian platforms of the Dolomites. Third, it can be shown that the while the Norian Dolomia Principale (a regional carbonate shelf) was affected by differential subsidence, megacycles systematically increase in their number of component cycles from 2-3:1 in the eastern Dolomites (updip) to 5-6:1 in the western Dolomites (seaward). In conclusion, the concept that carbonate platform stratigraphy is a record of an interplay between eustasy, subsidence, and sedimentation is upheld, while the validity of Milankovitchian forcing acting on all Alpine carbonate cycles is questioned. Instead, cyclic carbonates with sub-Milankovitch periodicities were common in the early and mid-Triassic, while cycles with Milankovitchian periodicities were common in the late Triassic. / text
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Lower Triassic Coelacanths of the Sulphur Mountain Formation (Wapiti Lake) in British Columbia, CanadaWendruff, Andrew Unknown Date
No description available.
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Environments of Deposition of the Moenkopi Formation in North-Central ArizonaBaldwin, Evelyn Joan January 1971 (has links)
In north-central Arizona, the Moenkopi Formation of Triassic age consists of generally unfossiliferous red mudstones, siltstones, gypsum, and sandstones that contain abundant sedimentary structures, such as ripple marks, cross-stratification, ripple laminae, salt crystal casts, mud cracks, sole marks, parting lineation, and core-and-shell structures. Three informal members were established for this study: the lower member, the lower massive sandstone, and the upper member. Flaser, wavy, and lenticular bedding, bimodal distribution of ripple laminae dips, parallel ripple marks dominant over cuspate ripple marks, gypsum beds and veins, salt crystal casts, and lack of channel deposits are the suite of sedimentary features that are interpreted to indicate a tidal-flat environment during deposition of the lower member. The very fine grained lower massive sandstone can be divided into four subunits, which were formed by a transgression-regression of the sea. Wavy and ripple laminated beds in subunit one were probably deposited in very shallow water. Medium-scale wedge-planar and trough sets of cross strata with mean dip directions to the southeast make up subunit 2 and indicate megaripples formed by longshore drift. Subunit 3 consists of lenticular, wavy, pod-shaped beds that were created in water shallower than that for subunit 2. Continuous, large-scale, low-angle cross strata of uniform thickness and medium-scale wedge-planar and trough sets of cross strata characterize subunit 4 and are typical of beach deposits. The significant sedimentary features in the upper member are unimodal distribution of ripple laminae dips, cuspate ripple marks dominant over parallel ripple marks, channel deposits with shallow trough cross strata, an increase in the number and thickness of sandstone and siltstone beds compared with the lower member, plus vertebrate bones, tracks, and plant impressions. This suite of features indicates a flood-plain environment. Early in Moenkopi time, north-central Arizona was a tidal flat and sabkha. The sea to the west fluctuated east and west and finally transgressed over the entire area. As the sea regressed, a beach formed, and rivers flowing from the east deposited sediment on a westward-prograding flood plain. In the northern, southern, and central portions of the region, sabkhas existed for a time during regression. At the end of Moenkopi time, the entire area was a flood plain. Considering the association of red beds and evaporites, the absence of fossils in the lower member and the lower massive sandstone, the paleowind directions, and the theory of continental drift, the climate during early and middle Moenkopi time was probably hot and arid. The influx of sandstones, the presence of Calamites (?) impressions, and trackways and bones of amphibians in the upper member suggest that the climate became more humid at the end of Moenkopi time.
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Mineralization and Alteration of the Late Triassic Glacier Creek Cu-Zn VMS Deposit, Palmer Project, Alexander Terrane, Southeast AlaskaSteeves, Nathan 14 January 2013 (has links)
The Glacier Creek volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit is hosted within Late Triassic, oceanic back-arc or intra-arc, rift-related, bimodal volcanic rocks (Hyd or Tats Group) of the allochthonous Alexander terrane known as the Alexander Triassic Metallogenic Belt (ATMB). The deposit presently consists of four tabular massive sulfide lenses with a resource of 4.75 Mt. at 1.84% Cu, 4.57% Zn, 0.15% Pb, 0.28 g/t Au and 29.07 g/t Ag. A deposit-scale thrust fault offsets stratigraphy along the axial surface of a deposit-scale anticline.
The massive sulfide lenses are barite-rich and are divided into 6 main ore-types based on mineral assemblages. There is a large range of sphalerite compositions, with low-Fe sphalerite dominant throughout the lenses and high-Fe sphalerite at the top and bottom of the lenses in pyrrhotite-rich zones. Lenses contain anomalous Sb, Hg and Tl. Gangue minerals include barite, quartz, barian-muscovite, calcite, albite, highly subordinate chlorite and locally hyalophane and celsian. Overlying massive sulfide is a tuffaceous hydrothermal sediment with anomalous REE patterns and local hyalophane.
The general footwall to all four lenses is a thick unit of coherent to volcaniclastic feldspar-phyric basalt containing extensive lateral alteration. Four alteration facies are recognized based on mineral assemblages. Mass balance calculations for the footwall indicate general gains of S, Fe, Si and K with coincident loss of Ca, Na and Mg, along with trace element gains of Tl, Sb, Hg, Ba, Zn, Cu, As and loss of Sr with increased alteration intensity. Short wavelength infrared (SWIR) spectroscopy shows a general decrease in Na, K and Al content of muscovite and increase of Fe+Mg and Ba content towards ore.
Integrated petrographic, mineral, chemical and sulfur-isotope data suggest a transition during deposit formation, from high-temperature, acidic, reduced hydrothermal fluids mixing with oxidized, SO4-rich seawater, to later cooler, low fO2-fS2 conditions of formation and a lack of SO4 in seawater.
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The origin and tectonic significance of sediment-filled fissures in the Mendip Hills (SW England)Wall, Gavin Richard Tod January 1992 (has links)
No description available.
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Novos materiais de Rhynchocephalia da formação Caturrita (triássico superior) do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil : estudo anatômico e implicações filogenéticasArantes, Bruno de Amorim January 2011 (has links)
Os esfenodontes (Lepidosauria, Rhynchocephalia) formam um dos grupos mais abundantes da fauna da “Formação Caturrita” (Triássico Superior), do Rio Grande do Sul, e representam o registro mais antigo de Rhynchocephalia para a América do Sul. O primeiro espécime encontrado foi reportado por Ferigolo (2000) sem, entretanto, apresentar uma descrição formal do novo táxon. Posteriormente, Bonaparte & Sues, em 2006, descreveram dois crânios com mandíbulas articuladas (holótipo e material referido), determinando uma nova espécie, Clevosaurus brasiliensis e formalizando a Família Clevosauridae composta pelos gêneros Clevosaurus, Brachyrhinodon e Polysphenodon. O presente trabalho apresenta a descrição anatômica de sete novos espécimes pertencentes à coleção do Laboratório do Setor de Paleovertebrados do Departamento de Paleontologia e Estratigrafia do IGEO/UFRGS, representados por materiais cranianos e mandibulares, com dentição. Constatou-se que todo o material estudado pode ser seguramente atribuído a C. brasiliensis, com base em sua diagnose original. A fim de testar a consistência da Família Clevosauridae e o posicionamento de C. brasiliensis, foi realizada um análise filogenética com base em uma matriz dados contendo 26 táxons e 67 caracteres. Na matriz os novos materiais descritos, bem como os materiais descritos por Arantes et al. (2009) e por Ferigolo (2000, 2009) foram codificados como C. brasiliensis. Os resultados da análise filogenética apontaram a coesão da Família Clevosauridae, e mostraram uma associação mais próxima da espécie brasileira com Clevosaurus mcgilli e C. bairdi. Sendo assim, conclui-se neste estudo que C. brasiliensis continua sendo a única espécie de Rhynchocephalia presente no Triásssico do Rio Grande do Sul. / The sphenodonts (Lepidosauria, Rhynchocephalia) form one of the most abundant groups in the fauna of the “Caturrita Formation” (Upper Triassic), on the Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, and represent the oldest record of Rhynchocephalia in South America. The first specimen was reported found by Ferigolo (2000) without, however, a formal description of the new taxon. Later, Bonaparte & Sues, in 2006, described two skulls with articulated mandibles (holotype and referred specimen), determining a new species, Clevosaurus brasiliensis and formalizing the family Clevosauridae, which comprises the genera Clevosaurus, Brachyrhinodon and Polysphenodon. This work presents the anatomical description of seven new specimens from the collection from the Laboratory of Paleovertebrates, Department of Paleontology and Stratigraphy, IGEO / UFRGS, represented by cranial and mandibular material, with teeth. It was found that all of the material can be safely attributed to C. brasiliensis, based on their original diagnosis. In order to test the consistency of the family and the placement of C. brasiliensis, a phylogenetic analysis was performed based on a data matrix containing 26 taxa and 67 characters. In the matrix, the new materials described, as well as the materials described by Arantes et al. (2009) and Ferigolo (2000, 2009) were classified as C. brasiliensis. The results of the phylogenetic analysis showed the cohesion of the Clevosauridae, and a close association of the Brazilian species with Clevosaurus mcgilli and C. bairdi. Therefore, we conclude from this study that C. brasiliensis remains the only Rhynchocephalia species present in the Triassic from Rio Grande do Sul.
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Concentrações biogênicas em sistemas fluviais, fácies de planície de inundação : Sítio Linha Várzea, um estudo de caso para o triássico sul-brasileiroMartinelli, Greice January 2007 (has links)
O Sítio Linha Várzea, localizado a cerca de 4 km a nordeste da cidade de Paraíso do Sul – RS é composto por três afloramentos principais, situados às margens de três açudes artificiais de captação de água, o LV1/Base, o LV1/Topo, ambos subdivididos em Margem Leste e Oeste, e o LV2. Estes afloramentos são formados por siltitos avermelhados, característicos do Membro Alemoa da Formação Santa Maria. O conteúdo fossilífero desse conjunto de afloramentos é constituído por dicinodontes e cinodontes de tamanhos distintos, arcossauros e material icnológico representado por coprólitos atribuídos a formas herbívoras e carnívoras, constituindo-se assim, de uma assembléia fossilífera típica da Cenozona de Therapsida. O material referente aos Synapsidas é mais representativo e estágios ontogenéticos distintos podem ser evidenciados nos dicinodontes. Os espécimes apresentam variados graus de desarticulação e seguem duas formas preferenciais de preservação: bem preservados e mal preservados (“inchados”). Fósseis desarticulados são predominantes nos três afloramentos, mas estes apresentam diferenças nos aspectos de preservação. O LV1/Base possui fósseis preferencialmente “inchados” na Margem E e bem preservados na Margem W, no LV1/Topo são encontrados fósseis geralmente em bom estado de preservação, e no LV2 destaca-se a presença de um Dinodontosaurus semi-articulado, relativamente completo e “inchado”, possivelmente alvo necrofagia. A tafocenose, é interpretada como autóctone, e a análise sedimentológica e de paleoalterações indica uma variação na relação tempo de exposição/taxa de deposição para cada afloramento, com um distanciamento relativo do canal principal, num ambiente de planície de inundação. / The Linha Várzea fossiliferous site is composed of three main outcrops, at the margins of artificial lacustrine environments, located 4 km northeast of the town of Paraíso do Sul – RS. The outcrops are named LV1/Base, LV1/Top (both subdivided into Eastern and Western margins) and LV2. The outcrops are composed by reddish siltstones, characteristic of the Alemoa Member, Santa Maria Formation. The fossiliferous content is constituted by dicynodonts and cynodonts of different sizes, archosaurs and ichnologic material (coprolites), attributed to herbivores and carnivores. These fossils constitute the typical fossiliferous assemblage of the Therapsida Cenozone. Synapsids are far the most represented, with distinct ontogenetic stages recorded on dicynodonts. The specimens show all degrees of disarticulation, but main forms of preservation: well and badly preserved (“inflated”). Disarticulated fossils are the most common in all three outcrops, with slight differences on preservational processes. LV1/Base records prefferentially “inflated” fossils at the Eastern Margin, and well preserved at the Western Margin. Fossils at the LV1/Top are generally well preserved. At LV2, a semi-articulated, almost complete and “inflated” Dinodontosaurus is studied in detail, suggesting the record of necrophagy. The taphocenosis is interpreted to be autochtonous. The sedimentological and paleoalteration analysis indicate a shift on the relation exposure time/sedimentation rate for each outcrop, with a relative facies change outwards the main fluvial channel, in a floodplain environment.
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Descrição osteo-histológica de elementos fósseis de Dinodontosaurus turpior (Therapsida, Dicynodontia), Mesotriássico do Rio Grande do Sul, BrasilBueno, Ana de Oliveira January 2015 (has links)
Estudos relacionados à microestrutura óssea de elementos fósseis surgiram no século XVIII, porém começaram a desenvolver-se mais profundamente somente nas últimas décadas. Hoje, a Paleohistologia é uma das áreas mais promissoras dentro da Paleontologia, pois nos possibilita acessar uma série de características do espécime fóssil que complementam nosso conhecimento sobre o animal. Assim como outros clados, os Dicynodontia vêm sendo estudados por esse viés há muito tempo, e hoje conhecemos os padrões ósseos e de crescimento de um grande número de espécies. A presente dissertação traz a descrição ósteo-histológica de alguns elementos fósseis de Dinodontosaurus turpior, uma espécie de dicinodonte de grande porte do Mesotriássico, encontrada em afloramentos da Formação Santa Maria. Os ossos analisados apresentam majoritariamente uma matriz do tipo fibrolamelar, com alguns subtipos da matriz em dois fragmentos, ausência de linhas de crescimento nos espécimes juvenis e presença destas em fragmentos de espécimes adultos, possibilidade de EFS em um fragmento de adulto, reconstrução secundária surgindo apenas em estágios mais avançados e córtex razoavelmente espesso. Tais características não divergem do padrão já descrito para o grupo como um todo, cujas interpretações para a biologia do animal incluem um metabolismo mais acelerado e uma rápida osteogênese, quando comparada com a de terápsidos mais basais. / Studies related to bone microstructure of fossil elements started about the 18th century, however, they began to significantly grow only in the past few decades. Today, paleohistology is one of the most promising areas inside paleontology, because permits to access several characteristics of the fossil specimen which complement our knowledge about the animal. As in other clades, Dicynodontia has been studied in this subject for long time, and now we know about bone growth and microstructure patterns in a variety of species. The present study shows a osteohistological description of some fossil elements of Dinodontosaurus turpior, a medium-to-large size dicynodont species from Middle Triassic of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, founded in outcrops of the Santa Maria Formation. The bones analyzed present a fibrolamelar type of bone tissue as major matrix, with some subtypes appearing in a couple of fragments. Growth lines are absent in all juvenile fragments, but appears in the adult ones. One of the adult fragments seems to have an EFS. Also, it was observed secondary reconstruction in adult sample and a thick cortex in all slides that RBT can be calculated. All these features were already been observed in the Dicynodontia clade, whose biological interpretations include an accelerated metabolism and rapid osteogenesis, when compared with basal therapsids.
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Inunditos como um modelo sedimentar: identificação na área do Gráben Arroio Moirão (RS)Lima, Laís Gabrielli January 2016 (has links)
Os depósitos triássicos da Bacia do Paraná no Brasil ocorrem somente no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, mais precisamente, diretamente sobre a porção centro-sul do Escudo Sul-Rio-Grandense entre os paralelos 30º45‟e 31º15‟S e os meridianos 52º45‟e 53º15‟W. Com o objetivo de definir o modelo sedimentar do tipo inundito para os depósitos triássicos contidos no setor nordeste do Gráben Arroio Moirão realiza-se aqui uma abordagem em termos de estratigrafia de sequências. Para tanto, aplicou-se técnicas de mapeamento geológico de rochas sedimentares, levantamento de seis perfis colunares e coleta de amostras de rochas para análises. Com isso, foram definidas dezoito fácies, oito sucessões de fácies, sete superfícies-chave e dois marcadores estratigráficos, o que corroborou com a elaboração do arcabouço estratigráfico para a região de estudo, bem como, com a proposição do modelo deposicional do tipo inundito. As litologias encontradas na região são invariavelmente mal selecionadas, têm grãos angulosos a subangulosos e possuem geometrias em lençóis ou tabulares, características típicas de tal modelo sedimentar. O modelo de inunditos consiste em fluxos subaquosos episódicos progradantes de baixa densidade que com o passar do tempo passam a desenvolver canais efêmeros, que, por sua vez, ocorrem rapidamente por meio de feições rasas e desconfinantes. Há então a etapa transgressiva, quando o nível de base sobe e o fluxo é afogado e, posteriormente, ocorre exposição subaérea. Assim, deposita-se a sequência sedimentar clássica do modelo tipo inundito: a sucessão de fácies granodecrescente ascendente com depósitos tabulares e em lençóis de conglomerados, maciços ou com estratificação cruzada tangencial, intercalados com camadas de arenitos grossos a conglomeráticos, maciços, ou com estratificação cruzada tangencial, por vezes com intraclastos argilosos, seguidos por depósitos tabulares e em lençóis de arenitos de granulometria média a grossa, maciços ou com estratificação cruzada tangencial, cruzada tabular ou plano‐paralela, podendo também conter intraclastos argilosos. Quando há o desconfinamento, depositam‐se arenitos muito finos a finos com laminação plano‐paralela de fluxo superior, maciços ou com estratificação cruzada de baixo ângulo. Após, têm-se os depósitos tabulares de siltitos e lamitos com laminação plano‐paralelo ou maciço, com intercalações de níveis micáceos e feições de exposição subaérea no topo. / In Brazil, the Triassic deposits of the Paraná Basin only occur in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, more precisely, over the south-central portion of the Sul-Rio-Grandense Shield between the parallels 30º45 'and 31º15' S and 52º45 meridians " and 53º15 "W. In order to define the sedimentary model inundito type for Triassic deposits contained in the northwest sector of the Arroio Moirão Graben is held here an approach in terms of sequence stratigraphy. In selected outcrops, by applying geological mapping techniques it was proposed columnar profiles, photographic documentation and the sampling of the units for further analysis. The columnar profiles allowed the recognition of eighteen facies, eight successions of facies, seven key surfaces and two stratigraphic markers, which corroborated with the development of the stratigraphic framework for the study area as well, with the proposition of the a depositional inundite type model, since the lithology found in the region are invariably bad selected, have angular grains subangular and have geometries sheets or tabular, typical features such sediment model with which it is to subaqueous episodic progradational flows low density with the passage of time. They go on to develop ephemeral channels, which, in turn, occur rapidly through shallow desconfinantes features after they have to transgressive step, when the base level rises and the flow is drowned subsequently occurs subaerial exposure. So is deposited classic sedimentary inundite type model: the succession of fining upward facies with tabular deposits and conglomerates sheets, massive or tangential cross bedding, interspersed with layers of coarse to conglomeratic sandstones, massive or cross-stratification tangential, sometimes with clayey intraclasts, followed by tabular deposits and sheets of medium grained sandstones thick, massive or tangential cross bedding, cross-tabular or plane-parallel, and may also contain clay intraclasts. When there is desconfinamento, deposited in very thin sandstones fine with a parallel lamination higher flow, solid or cross-bedding of low angle. Then, there are the tabular deposits siltstones and mudstones with lamination plane-parallel or massive, interlayered with micaceous levels and subaerial exposure features at the top.
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Morfologia pós-craniana de cinodontes traversodontídeos da zona de associação de Santacruzodon, triássico médio do Rio Grande do Sul, Bacia do Paraná, BrasilBertoni, Ricardo Saboia January 2014 (has links)
A grande maioria dos cinodontes não-mamalianos possui seu esqueleto póscraniano completo, porém muitos se encontram apenas parcialmente descritos. A maior parte do conhecimento acerca deste grupo e de suas relações filogenéticas com os mamíferos baseia-se na anatomia sincraniana e dentária, uma vez que a abundância de material desta natureza é relativamente maior do que a de restos pós-cranianos. O afloramento Schoenstatt localiza-se na periferia do Município de Santa Cruz do Sul (BR 471), Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, ao lado da rodovia RST 287, sendo atribuído à Zona de Associação de Santacruzodon. Neste afloramento, é registrada uma fauna meso-triássica na qual predominam os cinodontes nãomamalianos, dos quais já foram registrados pelo menos 100 espécimes. Com base em material craniano e dentário, já foram reportados nesta localidade os traversodontídeos Santacruzodon hopsoni, cf. Massetognathus e Menadon besairei, enquanto que o material pós-craniano ainda não foi estudado. Esta dissertação objetiva descrever a morfologia do material pós-craniano pertencente à família Traversodontidae, coletado no afloramento Schoenstatt e depositados na Seção de Paleontologia do MCN-FZBRS, estudando comparativamente espécies das demais Zonas de Associação do Triássico do RS e de outras formações triássicas gonduâicas. Todos os restos pós-cranianos aqui descritos, foram separados em dois morfótipos distintos, sendo proposto para o morfotipo I, Menadon besairei e para o morfotipo II, Santacruzodon hopsoni. Para esta classificação, foram utilizados critérios anatômico-morfológicos específicos de cada osso, bem como o tamanho dos ossos e associação destes com material sincraniano e dentário. Após a análise morfológica, pode-se observar uma mescla de caracteres ditos “reptilianos” e outros “mamalianos” para os espécimes estudados, o que corrobora com os estudos anteriores sobre anatomia pós-craniana de cinodontes não-mamalianos, sendo observado que o morfótipo I, possui uma maior quantidade de caracteres primitivos em relação ao morfótipo II, mais derivado e similar à condição mamaliforme dos mamíferos mais primitivos. / Most of the non-mammalian cynodonts have its postcranial skeleton complete however in most cases partially described. The most of the knowledge about this group and their phylogenetic relationships with mammals is based on sincranian and dental anatomy, since the abundance of such material is relatively higher than the post-cranial remains. The Schoenstatt outcrop is located on the city of Santa Cruz do Su (BR 471)l, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, side of Highway RST 287, being assigned of the Santacruzodon Assemblege Zone. In this outcrop, is predominant one meso- Triassic fauna typified by non-mammalian cynodonts, of which there have been recorded at least 100 specimens. Based on cranial and dental material, have already been reported for this localition the traversodontids Santacruzodon hopsoni, Massetognathus and Menadon besairei, Whereas postcranial material has not been studied. This work aims to perform the morphological description of the postcranial material of the traversodontids collected in Schoenstatt outcrop and deposited in Paleontologycal Collection of the Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul studying comparatively the other species of the others Assemblege Zones of Triassic of the RS and others Triassic Gondwana formations. All postcranial materials described herein, are separated into two distinct morphotypes, being proposed for the morphotype I, Menadon besairei and for the morphotype II, Santacruzodon hopsoni. For this classification, specific anatomical and morphological criteria of each bone were used, well as bone size, and association of these with sincranian and dental materials. After morphological analysis, we can observe a blend of "reptilian" and other mammals characters for the studied specimens, which corroborates previous studies on postcranial anatomy of non-mammalian cynodonts, been observed that the morphotype I, has a greater number of primitive characters relative to morphotype II, more derivative and similar to mamaliforme condition of primitive mammals.
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