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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Síntese e caracterização de cerâmicas bifásicas de fosfato de cálcio (Hap - ß-TCP) puras e dopadas com magnésio / Synthesis and characterization of two-phase calcium phosphate ceramics (Hap - ß-TCP) pure and doped with magnesium

Webler, Geovana Dresch 06 July 2015 (has links)
The calcium phosphates have been extensively studied for biomedical applications due to their chemical and structural similarities with our mineral phase of teeth and bones. In this work, biphasic calcium phosphate ceramics - BCP (mixture of hydroxyapatite and β-tricalcium phosphate, Hap/β-TCP) pure and doped with magnesium were obtained by solid state reaction. Magnesium (Mg) is known as an important element in the composition of bones and teeth. Recent research has shown that the addition of Mg in BCP structure improves consists mainly in bone metabolism and mechanical properties, without affecting its biocompatibility. The samples were prepared by solid-state reaction, using calcium carbonate, monobasic ammonium phosphate and magnesium nitratehexahydrate, as precursorssource of calcium, phosphate and magnesium, respectively. For pure BCP samples,it was investigated the influence of heat treatment on the formation of the material and for samples doped with magnesium,it investigated the different doping levels in the BCP structure. Several characterization techniques were used. The composition of the crystalline phase and morphology of the prepared materials were characterized by X-ray Diffraction and Electron Scanning Microscopy, respectively. The functional groups were analyzed using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Raman Spectroscopy. Cytotoxicity tests were carried out and the results suggested that the materials prepared in this work have for biological application as biomaterials. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Os Fosfatos de cálcio têm sido amplamente estudados para aplicações biomédicas devido à sua similaridade química e estrutural com a fase mineral dos nossos ossos e dentes. Neste trabalho, cerâmicas bifásicas de fosfato de cálcio - BCP (mistura de hidroxiapatita e β-fosfato tricálcico, Hap/β-TCP) purase dopadascom magnésio foram obtidas através da síntese de reação de estado sólido. O magnésio (Mg) é conhecido como um importante elemento na composição dos ossos e dentes. Recentes pesquisas tem mostrado que a adição de Mg na estrutura BCP melhora o composto, principalmente, no metabolismo ósseo e nas propriedades mecânicas, sem afetar a sua biocompatibilidade. As amostras foram preparadas através da síntese reação de estado sólido, usando carbonato de cálcio, fosfato de amônio monobásico e nitrato de magnésio hexahidratado, como fonte precursora de cálcio, fosfato e magnésio, respectivamente. Para as amostras de BCP puras, foi investigada a influência do tratamento térmico na formação do material e para as amostras dopadas com magnésio, investigamos os diferentes teores de dopantes na estrutura do BCP. Diferentes técnicas de caracterizações foram utilizadas. A composição da fase cristalina e a morfologia dos materiais preparados foram caracterizadas por Difração de Raios-X e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura, respectivamente. Os grupos funcionais foram analisados usando Espectroscopia de infravermelho por Transformada de Fourier e Espectroscopia Raman. Testes de Citotoxicidade foram realizados e os resultados sugerem que os materiais preparados neste trabalho, apresentam potenciais como biomaterial em aplicações biológicas.

Neoformação óssea e osteointegração de biomateriais micro e nanoestruturados em ovinos / Bone formation and osteointegration of micro and nanostructured biomaterial in sheep

Regalin, Bruna Ditzel da Costa 21 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:24:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PGCA14MA130.pdf: 1998964 bytes, checksum: 145e149b4c0a26553d621c120349c867 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / New techniques for bone replacement have continuously been searched, to find new alternatives for treatment of fractures, bone tumors or any orthopedic disease requiring transplants or bone grafts. With that proposal, we performed surgical procedures in both sheep s tibia to evaluate the osteoregenerative capacity of biomaterials of different compositions. Eight female, mongrel sheeps, 12 months old, weighting on average 30kg were obtained for the animal study. Three bone defects, in both tibias of each animal, a total of six bone defects each, were produced, being four of them treated with four different types of biomaterials and two with autogenous bone grafts, as a control group. The biomaterials implanted were: hydroxyapatite (HA), beta-tricalcium phosphate (TCP-β), hydroxyapatite/beta-tricalcium phosphate 60:40 (HA/TCP-β 60:40) and the nanocomposite hydroxyapatite and alumina (HA/Al2O3 5%). The animals were allocated in two groups: Group 60 (n=04), in which the animals were euthanized sixty days after the implantation of the biomaterials and Group 90 (n=04), in which the animals were euthanized ninety days after the procedure. Were performed radiograph images on the preoperative period, on the immediate postoperative and at 30, 60 and 90 days of postoperative period, to excluded any previously disease or postoperative complications that could compromise this research. After euthanasia, the tibias were collected for macro and microscopic evaluation, which was accessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optic microscopy. The results suggest that HA, TCP-β and HA/TCP-β present a great osteoregenerative capacity. The last one seems to be the best for a long-term outcome, due its best control in the solubilization and releasing of calcium and phosphates ions through the biological environment during the bone formation. The nanocomposite HA/Al2O3 5% didn t show a good response on this study, and we suggest new researchs to better evaluate the potential and applicability of this new biomaterial / Novas técnicas para substituição de tecido ósseo têm sido continuamente pesquisadas, buscando novas alternativas para o tratamento de fraturas, tumores ósseos ou qualquer enfermidade ortopédica que indique o uso de transplantes ou enxertos ósseos. Com este intuito, foram realizados experimentos cirúrgicos em tíbias de ovinos, objetivando avaliar a capacidade osteoregenerativa de biomateriais em diferentes composições. Foram utilizadas oito ovelhas mestiças texel, com 12 meses de idade e peso médio de 30 kg. Foram produzidos três defeitos ósseos em ambas as tíbias dos animais, totalizando seis defeitos, sendo que quatro foram preenchidos por biomateriais, e dois por fragmentos ósseos retirados do próprio animal, funcionando como controle. Os materiais implantados foram: hidroxiapatita (HA), tricálcio fosfato-β (TCP-β), hidroxiapatita/tricálcio fosfato-β (HA/TCP-β 60/40) e o nanocompósito hidroxiapatita/alumina a 5% (HA/Al2O3 a 5%). Os animais foram alocados em dois grupos: Grupo 60 (n=04), em que os animais foram eutanasiados após 60 dias da colocação dos implantes e Grupo 90 (n=04), em que a eutanásia ocorreu 90 dias após a colocação dos implantes. Foram realizadas radiografias nos períodos pré-operatório, imediatamente após o procedimento e aos 30, 60 e 90 dias de pós-operatório, a fim de excluir qualquer alteração prévia ou complicação pós-operatória, capaz de comprometer a pesquisa. Após a eutanásia, foram coletadas as tíbias para avaliação macro e microscópica, por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e microscopia óptica. Os resultados encontrados sugerem uma boa capacidade de neoformação óssea com a HA, o TCP-β e o composto bifásico HA/TCP-β 60/40. Este último apresenta o melhor resultado a longo prazo, devido ao melhor controle na solubilização e liberação dos íons cálcio e fosfatos para o meio biológico durante o processo de neoformação óssea. O biomaterial nanocompósito HA/Al2O3 a 5% não apresentou resultados promissores neste estudo, e sugerem-se novas pesquisas a fim de investigar melhor o potencial e aplicabilidade deste novo biomaterial

Obtenção e caracterização de α-fosfato tricálcico por síntese de combustão e aplicação em cimentos ósseos e arcabouços de criogéis

Volkmer, Tiago Moreno January 2011 (has links)
Os cimentos de fosfato de cálcio apresentam uma série de vantagens de utilização em ortopedia e traumatologia, sendo as mais destacadas a sua biocompatibilidade e bioatividade, as quais permitem a osteocondução dos tecidos ósseos e o endurecimento “in situ”, permitindo maior facilidade de manipulação. Entretanto; através dos métodos convencionais de reação no estado sólido há uma grande dificuldade em se obter a fase α- fosfato tricálcico pura. Com o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foi possível sintetizar a fase α-fosfato tricálcico nanoestruturado com elevado grau de pureza, utilizando-se o método de síntese de combustão em solução. Após os estudos da influência do pH, da natureza do combustível (uréia ou glicina) e dos teores estequiométricos de combustível (0,75; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0) foi possível definir os melhores parâmetros de síntese (pH 1,5 e combustível uréia em teor duas vezes maior do que o estequiométrico). Com a definição dos parâmetros ótimos de reação, estudou-se a viabilidade de sua utilização como cimento de fosfato de cálcio. Nesta etapa verificou-se a influência do tamanho de partícula através do tempo de moagem. Para tempo de moagem de 180 minutos foram obtidos valores de resistência mecânica à compressão de até 30,4 MPa. Porém após a imersão em solução de plasma sanguineo simulado (SBF) em tempos crescentes de até 28 dias, ocorreu a diminuição desta propriedade o que é indicativo da alta solubilidade dos pós de α-fosfato tricálcico obtidos via síntese de combustão em solução. O ensaio de citotoxicidade In Vitro demonstrou que o CFC sintetizado neste trabalho não apresentou efeito tóxico para as células. Na sequência do trabalho, investigou-se a viabilidade da aplicação do CFC como substituto ósseo e como carga cerâmica em criogéis poliméricos para utilização em engenharia de tecidos. Inicialmente utilizou-se o sistema dimetilaminoetil metacrilato (DMAEMA) com a adição de 5% de um ácido acrílico (ácido acrílico ou ácido metacrílico), porém tal sistema se mostrou muito instável e apresentou baixa reprodutibilidade. Dessa forma, substituiu-se o ácido acrílico pelo monômero hidroxietil metacrilato (HEMA), pelo fato de o último possuir maior estabilidade química e melhores propriedades mecânicas. Com o uso deste sistema foram obtidos arcabouços porosos através do método de criopolimerização com porosidade de até 75% e poros de até 1 milímetro de diâmetro. A adição de α-fosfato tricálcico às estruturas porosas pouco influenciou nas propriedades físicas da rede polimérica e nas propriedades mecânicas dos arcabouços porosos, porém aumentou significativamente a biocompatibilidade destes, permitindo a adesão e a proliferação de células tronco mesenquimais. A presença de colágeno do tipo I e de fosfatase alcalina são bons indicativos de que as células tronco mesenquimais estão se diferenciando em tecido ósseo e demonstram o potencial destes materiais para o seu uso como biomaterial e mais especificamente como substitutos ósseos. / The calcium phosphate cements have a large number of advantages regarding its use in orthopedics and traumatology, being the most prominent its biocompatibility and bioactivity, which allows the osteoconductive of bone tissue and in situ hardening, allowing greater ease of handling. However, the use of conventionals synthesis methods, e.g. solid state reactions, brings great difficulty to the obtainment of highly pure α- tricalcium phosphate phase. In this thesis, the use of the solution combustion synthesis method allowed to synthesize nanostructured α-tricalcium phosphate with high purity. Further studies on pHs influence, fuel natures (urea or glycine) and fuel ratio (0.75, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0) allowed to define the best synthesis parameters (pH 1.5 and urea fuel content in two times higher than the stoichiometric). After choosing the best paramaters to the obtainment of higly pure α-tricalcium phosphate, we studied the feasibility of their use as calcium phosphate cement (CFC) by studing the influence of particle size by increasing the milling time from 30 to 180 minutes. The better results were found for the milling time of 180 minutes. Compressives strength of up to 30.4 Mpa were obtained for this formulation. However, after soaking the calcium phosphate cements in simulated blood plasma (SBF) in growing times up to 28 days, a decrease in the compressive strenght was noticed, which is an indicative of the high solubility of the α-tricalcium phosphate powders obtained by solution combustion synthesis. After the obtainment of the calcium phosphate cements, its application as bone substitute and as ceramic load in polymeric cryogels for use in tissue engineering were studied. Initially, the system dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA) with 5% of an acrylic acid (acrylic acid or methacrylic acid) was used, but due its great instability and lack of reproductbility this system was abandoned. Since it has greater chemical stability and good mechanical properties, the monomer hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) was chosen as pair to the DMAEMA monomer. With the use of this polymeric system, porous scaffolds with porosity of up to 75% and pores up to 1 mm in diameter were obtained by the method of cryopolymerization. The addition of α-tricalcium phosphate to the porous scaffolds did not showed a significant influence on physical properties of the polymer network nether on mechanical properties of porous structures. However, it increased significantly the biocompatibility of the scaffolds, allowing the adhesion and proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells. The presence of type I collagen and alkaline phosphatase are good indicators that mesenchymal stem cells are differentiating into bone tissue and demonstrate the potential application of these materials as biomaterials, more specifically as bone substitutes.

Obtenção e caracterização de α-fosfato tricálcico por síntese de combustão e aplicação em cimentos ósseos e arcabouços de criogéis

Volkmer, Tiago Moreno January 2011 (has links)
Os cimentos de fosfato de cálcio apresentam uma série de vantagens de utilização em ortopedia e traumatologia, sendo as mais destacadas a sua biocompatibilidade e bioatividade, as quais permitem a osteocondução dos tecidos ósseos e o endurecimento “in situ”, permitindo maior facilidade de manipulação. Entretanto; através dos métodos convencionais de reação no estado sólido há uma grande dificuldade em se obter a fase α- fosfato tricálcico pura. Com o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foi possível sintetizar a fase α-fosfato tricálcico nanoestruturado com elevado grau de pureza, utilizando-se o método de síntese de combustão em solução. Após os estudos da influência do pH, da natureza do combustível (uréia ou glicina) e dos teores estequiométricos de combustível (0,75; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0) foi possível definir os melhores parâmetros de síntese (pH 1,5 e combustível uréia em teor duas vezes maior do que o estequiométrico). Com a definição dos parâmetros ótimos de reação, estudou-se a viabilidade de sua utilização como cimento de fosfato de cálcio. Nesta etapa verificou-se a influência do tamanho de partícula através do tempo de moagem. Para tempo de moagem de 180 minutos foram obtidos valores de resistência mecânica à compressão de até 30,4 MPa. Porém após a imersão em solução de plasma sanguineo simulado (SBF) em tempos crescentes de até 28 dias, ocorreu a diminuição desta propriedade o que é indicativo da alta solubilidade dos pós de α-fosfato tricálcico obtidos via síntese de combustão em solução. O ensaio de citotoxicidade In Vitro demonstrou que o CFC sintetizado neste trabalho não apresentou efeito tóxico para as células. Na sequência do trabalho, investigou-se a viabilidade da aplicação do CFC como substituto ósseo e como carga cerâmica em criogéis poliméricos para utilização em engenharia de tecidos. Inicialmente utilizou-se o sistema dimetilaminoetil metacrilato (DMAEMA) com a adição de 5% de um ácido acrílico (ácido acrílico ou ácido metacrílico), porém tal sistema se mostrou muito instável e apresentou baixa reprodutibilidade. Dessa forma, substituiu-se o ácido acrílico pelo monômero hidroxietil metacrilato (HEMA), pelo fato de o último possuir maior estabilidade química e melhores propriedades mecânicas. Com o uso deste sistema foram obtidos arcabouços porosos através do método de criopolimerização com porosidade de até 75% e poros de até 1 milímetro de diâmetro. A adição de α-fosfato tricálcico às estruturas porosas pouco influenciou nas propriedades físicas da rede polimérica e nas propriedades mecânicas dos arcabouços porosos, porém aumentou significativamente a biocompatibilidade destes, permitindo a adesão e a proliferação de células tronco mesenquimais. A presença de colágeno do tipo I e de fosfatase alcalina são bons indicativos de que as células tronco mesenquimais estão se diferenciando em tecido ósseo e demonstram o potencial destes materiais para o seu uso como biomaterial e mais especificamente como substitutos ósseos. / The calcium phosphate cements have a large number of advantages regarding its use in orthopedics and traumatology, being the most prominent its biocompatibility and bioactivity, which allows the osteoconductive of bone tissue and in situ hardening, allowing greater ease of handling. However, the use of conventionals synthesis methods, e.g. solid state reactions, brings great difficulty to the obtainment of highly pure α- tricalcium phosphate phase. In this thesis, the use of the solution combustion synthesis method allowed to synthesize nanostructured α-tricalcium phosphate with high purity. Further studies on pHs influence, fuel natures (urea or glycine) and fuel ratio (0.75, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0) allowed to define the best synthesis parameters (pH 1.5 and urea fuel content in two times higher than the stoichiometric). After choosing the best paramaters to the obtainment of higly pure α-tricalcium phosphate, we studied the feasibility of their use as calcium phosphate cement (CFC) by studing the influence of particle size by increasing the milling time from 30 to 180 minutes. The better results were found for the milling time of 180 minutes. Compressives strength of up to 30.4 Mpa were obtained for this formulation. However, after soaking the calcium phosphate cements in simulated blood plasma (SBF) in growing times up to 28 days, a decrease in the compressive strenght was noticed, which is an indicative of the high solubility of the α-tricalcium phosphate powders obtained by solution combustion synthesis. After the obtainment of the calcium phosphate cements, its application as bone substitute and as ceramic load in polymeric cryogels for use in tissue engineering were studied. Initially, the system dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA) with 5% of an acrylic acid (acrylic acid or methacrylic acid) was used, but due its great instability and lack of reproductbility this system was abandoned. Since it has greater chemical stability and good mechanical properties, the monomer hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) was chosen as pair to the DMAEMA monomer. With the use of this polymeric system, porous scaffolds with porosity of up to 75% and pores up to 1 mm in diameter were obtained by the method of cryopolymerization. The addition of α-tricalcium phosphate to the porous scaffolds did not showed a significant influence on physical properties of the polymer network nether on mechanical properties of porous structures. However, it increased significantly the biocompatibility of the scaffolds, allowing the adhesion and proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells. The presence of type I collagen and alkaline phosphatase are good indicators that mesenchymal stem cells are differentiating into bone tissue and demonstrate the potential application of these materials as biomaterials, more specifically as bone substitutes.

Struktura a vlastnosti kompozitů na bázi hydroxyapatitu a hořčíku, připravovaných metodou proudem asistované slinovací infiltrace / Structure and properties of Hydroxyapatite-Magnesium composites produced by the means of current assisted infiltration sintering

Casas Luna, Mariano January 2020 (has links)
Hořčík a kompozity fosforečnanu vápenatého jsou slibnými materiály pro biodegradabilní a nosné implantáty určené pro regeneraci kostí. Předložená práce je zaměřena na návrh, zpracování a charakterizaci vnitřně propojených kompozitů hořčíku s fosforečnanem vápenatým (Mg/CaP). Fosforečnany vápenaté jako jsou hydroxyapatit (HA), kalcium-deficitní hydroxyapatit (CDHA) a fosforečnan vápenatý (TCP) byly syntetizovány a použity pro výrobu skafoldů s kontrolovanou porozitou pomocí metody robocastingu. Byly připraveny porézní předlisky s ortogonální mřížkou a s vnitřními makropóry o velikosti ~500 µm, které byly následně slinovány za teploty 1100 °C po dobu 5 hodin. Vnitřně propojené Mg/CaP kompozity byly připraveny infiltrací čistého hořčíku a hořčíkových slitin obsahujících malá množství vápníku nebo zinku, například 0,2 hm.% vápníku a 1 hm.% zinku do porézních keramických skafoldů. Infiltrace byla provedena pomocí námi vyvinuté a nově popsané metody známé jako “Proudem asistovaná slinovací infiltrace” (z angl. Current Assisted Metal Infiltration (CAMI)). CAMI metoda umožňuje do 15 minut infiltrovat porézní keramický předlisek roztaveným kovem. Pulzujícím elektrickým proudem bylo dosaženo rychlého tavení a následného tuhnutí Mg/CaP kompozitů. Fyzikálně-chemické vlastnosti finálních vnitřně propojených kompozitů byly stanoveny pomocí rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie, počítačové mikro-tomografie, rentgenové difrakční analýzy a optické mikroskopie za účelem stanovení fázové distribuce a interakce mezi materiály. Kromě toho byla u připravených kompozitů hodnocena jejich mechanická pevnost v tlaku, degradační rychlost pomocí různých metod a biokompatibilita spolu s pokusem o uvedení těchto typů materiálů jako potenciálních degradabilních biomateriálů určených pro výrobu desek a/nebo šroubů pro ortopedické aplikace.

Comparação de dois parafusos de interferência bioabsorvíveis estudo in vivo em ovinos /

Scorsato, Paulo Sérgio January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Sheila Canevese Rahal / Resumo: O trabalho teve por objetivo comparar, por meio de exames de imagem e avaliações histológicas, dois parafusos de interferência bioabsorvíveis implantados em ovinos. Foram utilizados 22 ovinos, misto de Santa Inês, adultos, fêmeas, com massa corpórea média de 42,3 kg. Em todos os animais, o membro pélvico direito recebeu o parafuso de PDLLA (70% de L-lactídeo e 30% de DL-lactídeo) e o membro pélvico esquerdo recebeu parafuso de PDLLA 70/30 + β-TCP (30% de beta fostato tricálcico), os quais foram aplicados na região metafisária distal do fêmur por acesso lateral. Os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia, de acordo com o tempo de observação e permanência dos implantes, como segue: 1 mês (n=6), 4 meses (n=5), 7 meses e meio (n=6), 18 meses (n=5). Pelo exame radiográfico, o local de inserção do parafuso PDLLA mostrava-se inicialmente como área radiolucente circular, que progressivamente apresentou-se menos definido e com presença de radiopacidade central. Pela tomografia computadorizada (TC) havia área de hipodensidade no período inicial, que com o passar do tempo apresentou aumento da densidade no eixo central. No último tempo de avaliação, a microTC mostrou acentuado aumento da densidade do parafuso, principalmente nas regiões corticais. Na avaliação histologia o parafuso estava degradado, com áreas de formação óssea discretas e outras mais evidentes. O parafuso de PDLLA/β-TCP foi facilmente identificado nas avaliações iniciais pelos exames de imagem, sendo tanto radiopaco como h... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This study aimed to compare two bioabsorbable interference screws implanted in sheep. Twenty-two Santa Inês mixed sheep, adults, females, mean body mass of 42.3 kg were used. In all sheep, the right hind limb received PDLLA screw (70% L-lactide and 30% D,L-lactide) and the left hind limb received PDLLA70/30 + β-TCP (30% beta-tricalcium phosphate) screw, which were applied in the distal metaphyseal region of the femur by lateral access. The animals were submitted to euthanasia, according to observation time and permanence of the implants, as follows: 1 month (n = 6), 4 months (n = 5), 7.½ months (n = 6), 18 months (n = 5). On radiographs, the PDLLA screw insertion site was initially visibilized as a circular radiolucent area, which progressively was less defined and had central radiopacity. Computed tomography (CT) showed an area of hypodensity in the early period, and over time showed increased density in the central axis. At the last evaluation time, the microCT showed a marked increase in screw density, especially in the cortical regions. In the histology, the screw was degraded, with discrete bone formation areas and others more evident. The PDLLA/β-TCP screw was easily identified in the initial evaluations by imaging exams, being radiopaque and hyperdense, with progressive loss of definition by radiographic examination and density change on CT. In the last evaluation, the screw remained hypodense and surrounded by discrete bone tissue on microCT. Histologically, its centr... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Rheological Properties and Decomposition Rates of Gellan Gum

Dhameri, Sulaiman Ali A. 04 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The ion release behaviours and water sorption of novel resin-based calcium phosphate cement

AlZain, Afnan Omar, 1981- January 2010 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Calcium phosphate-filled restorative materials were developed to provide calcium (Ca) and phosphate (PO4) ions, which have been proposed to enhance remineralization of demineralized tooth structure. Recently, tricalcium phosphate (TCP)-filled restorative materials were introduced as an alternative to amorphous calcium phosphate. The TCP filler has a more crystalline structure than ACP and is therefore potentially stronger. The aim of the present study was to examine TCP-filled restorative resins at different concentration levels at different time intervals to characterize the concentrations of Ca and PO4 ions released, and to measure the water sorption (WS) of these resins. An in vitro study was conducted by formulating resin composite using TCP as the filler mixed with EBPADMA, HmDMA, and HEMA as the resin matrix. One-hundred- sixty samples were prepared, 40 samples of each filler concentration (30 percent, 40 percent, 50 percent, and 60 percent) by weight. From each filler concentration, 5 samples of each of the 8 time points (time intervals of 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, 24 h, 3 d, 7 d, 14 d, and 21 d) were immersed in 100-ml deionized water. Calcium and PO4 ions were measured using atomic absorption spectroscopy and light spectroscopy, respectively. Water sorption (WS) was measured according to ISO 4049 specification and then the WS and the diffusion coefficient were calculated. The significance level was set at p = 0.001. The results indicated that Ca and PO4 ion release increased with increasing filler level at a rate faster than being linear. In addition, WS results were very high and failed to meet the ISO 4049 specification requirement. Diffusion coefficient results were also high. One-way ANOVA test for only 21-day data revealed that there is a statistically significant difference in filler level percent, and two-way ANOVA testing revealed that there is a statistically significant interaction between time and filler level percent on the Ca, PO4 released and WS. It can be concluded that the concentrations of Ca and PO4 released and WS were affected by composition of the monomers, filler level and type, dispersion, and the absence of coupling agent. Although this TCP-filled restorative material may release Ca and PO4, it cannot serve as a restorative material due to high WS values. Further study is needed to improve the material and evaluate its ability in promoting remineralization of the tooth structure in order for it to serve its purpose.

Développement de biomatériaux poreux pour la régénération osseuse : Biomatériaux biphasiques à base de phosphate tricalcique béta (β-TCP) / Development of porous biomaterials for bone regeneration

Arbez, Baptiste 17 December 2018 (has links)
Avec plus de 2 millions d’interventions chirurgicales par an dans le monde, les actes de chirurgie osseuse sont les plus fréquents, ce qui pousse les entreprises du secteur des biomatériaux pour la régénération osseuse à investir massivement pour sans cesse améliorer leurs produits. Cette thèse est issue d’un contrat CIFRE effectué avec l’entreprise Kasios afin de l’aider dans le développement de céramiques et polymères poreux principalement pour des applications en chirurgie maxillo-faciale. Les travaux réalisés s’articulent autour du développement de biomatériaux biphasiques à base de phosphate tricalcique béta (β-TCP). En premier lieu, des microfibres de polycaprolactone (PCL) incorporant des particules élémentaires de β-TCP ont été fabriquées par électrospinning. Les principales applications des fibres concernent la régénération osseuse guidée pour la préservation alvéolaire ou les opérations de relevés de sinus. L’électrospinning des fibres a utilisé des solvants ne présentant pas de toxicité aiguë. Les fibres ont formé des membranes manipulables qui peuvent être facilement découpées et suturées même en environnement humide. Les études in vitro n’ont révélé aucune cytotoxicité et les membranes ont permis la prolifération de cellules ostéoblastiques. La seconde étude a permis la fabrication d’éponges de gélatine et d’acide hyaluronique saturées ou recouvertes en surface de granules de β-TCP pour le comblement alvéolaire. Les éponges étaient facilement façonnables pour correspondre à l’alvéole du patient. Le chirurgien pourrait alors bénéficier de la nature biphasique du dispositif médical afin de faciliter l’implantation et éviter la manipulation séparée des éponges et des granules. L’utilisation des éponges permettrait par ailleurs d’assurer un positionnement idéal des granules pour la cicatrisation alvéolaire. La troisième étude, plus fondamentale, porte sur l’interaction des cellules osseuses avec le β-TCP et sa résorption. Des études de biomécanique et de biodégradation ainsi que de biodissolution ont également été réalisées sur des biomatériaux produits par l’entreprise. / With more than 2 million surgeries per year, bone tissue is one of the most concerned tissues and biomaterial companies have developed massive investments to continually improve bone regeneration.This thesis was conducted during a CIFRE contract (a tripartite contract linking a student, a university and acompany) and was done in association with the company Kasios for the development of new porous polymers and ceramics. This thesis was specifically centered in the development of biphasic biomaterials based upon beta tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP). First, polycaprolacton (PCL) microfibers incorporating β-TCP elementary particles were produced using electrospinning. These fibers were developed to provide membranes for guided bone regeneration usable in alveolar preservation and sinus lifting. Electrospinning of the fibers did not require any high toxicity solvent. Our fibers formed membranes that could easily be handled, cut and sutured in dry and wet environment. In vitrocytotoxicity studies confirmed the non-toxic nature of the material and showed the ability of the membranes to encourage survival and proliferation of osteoblastic cells. Secondly, freeze-dried gelatin and hyaluronicacid sponges saturated or embedded with β-TCP granules were developed for alveolar filling. Theses ponges could easily be shaped to fit the patient’s dental socket. The biphasic nature of the sponges could make the implantation easier and faster by avoiding surgeons to handle separately the granules and the sponges. This medical device could also insure a correct and optimal positioning of the granules for the patient healing. Lastly, a fundamental study was conducted on resorption of β-TCP and the interaction between bone cells and the biomaterial. Biomechanical and biodegradation/biodissolution studies were also done on different types of biomaterials produced by the company.

Understanding The Growth And Properties Of Functional Inorganic Nanostructures : An Interfacial Approach

Viswanath, B 06 1900 (has links)
Surfaces and interfaces are of fundamental importance from the nucleation to growth of crystals formed under different conditions such as vapor phase, liquid phase including biomineralisation conditions. Recently there is lot of interest in controlling the shape of nanoparticles during the synthesis due to their excellent shape dependent properties. Understanding the role of surfaces and interfaces is vital for such shapecontrolled synthesis of nanomaterials. On the surface, coordination number, structure, density and composition are different from that of bulk and hence the properties are completely different in the surfaces and interfaces of any crystalline material. Especially when the length scale become nanoscale, the surface and interface play a dominant important role and leads to several new and interesting phenomena. In this dissertation, the role of surfaces and interfaces on the synthesis and the properties of inorganic functional nanostructures have been studied. The work primarily relies on basic chemistry to synthesize nanostructures that brings the importance of surfaces/interfaces into the picture. Though several basic characterization techniques have been used, electron microscopy has been the emphasis and has been used extensively through the work to probe and explore the materials for characterizing the structures over a variety of length scales. The entire thesis based on the results and findings obtained from the present investigation are organized as follows: Chapter1 gives a general introduction to the surfaces and interfaces to create a background for the investigation. This emphasizes the role of surfaces and interfaces in several aspects starting from nucleation, growth to the properties of inorganic crystals. It gives some exposure in to the different type of surface phenomenon which is common in nanoscale materials. Chapter 2 deals with the materials and methods which essentially gives the information about the materials used for the synthesis and the techniques utilized to characterize the materials chosen for the investigation. Chapter 3 deals with predicting the morphology of 2D nanostructures by combining the crystal growth theory into chemical thermodynamics. Morphology diagrams have been developed for Au, Ag, Pt and Pd to predict conditions under which two-dimensional nanostructures form as a result of a chemical reaction. In addition, it provides the general understanding of shape control in 2D nanostructures with atomistic mechanism. The validity of the morphology diagram has been tested for various noble metals by carrying out critical experiments. As a result, 2D nanostructures of metals projecting the lowest energy facet resulted in a complete novel way in the absence of any capping/reducing agents. Chapter 4 deals with predicting the formation of 2D nanostructures of inorganic crystals formed as a result of precipitation reaction. Morphology diagram has been developed for the case of hydroxyapatite, an inorganic part of the human bone. This answers some of the long standing question related to the shape of the HA crystals formed in the bone by biomineralisation. The generality of the method has been tested to few other inorganic crystals such as CaCO3, ZnO and CuO formed through precipitation reaction. The key finding of the above two chapter is that the low driving force of the chemical reactions results in two dimensional nanostructures. On contrary, high chemical driving force combined with the optimum zeta potential results in porous aggregate of nanoparticles. Chapter 5 discusses the formation of porous clusters of metals and ceramics at specific conditions. The mechanism behind the formation of monodisperse aggregates are investigated based on the interaction energies of nanoparticles in aqueous medium. This chapter reveals the role of surface charge and the surface energy in controlling the stability of nanoparticles in aqueous medium. In addition, it provides the simple methodology to produce well controlled porous clusters by exploiting the competition between surface charge and surface energy during the aggregation. The application of the porous clusters of Pt has been tested for methanol oxidation which is essential for fuel cell applications. Chapter 6 deals with the development of porous biphasic scaffolds through the morphology transition of nanorods. Rod shape is not stable when subjected to high temperature due to instability and spherodisation takes place to minimize the surface energy. Here in this chapter, by exploiting spherodisation along with the phase transition, highly interconnected porous structure of hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate is achieved. Combined with the morphology transition, by adding naphthalene as a template, the possibility of achieving hierarchical porous structure also presented. The mechanical strength of the biphasic porous scaffold has been tested by microindentation. Mechanical properties of apatite are generally poor and there are lots of efforts to improve the mechanical properties apatite by the composite approach. Chapter 7 deals with the HA-Alumina and HA-TCP composites. In spite of much attention given to the mechanical properties of the composites, the interfacial phenomenon that takes place between the components of the nanocomposite has not been studied in detail. In the present study, interfacial reactions in hydroxyapatite-alumina nanocomposites have been investigated and new reaction mechanism also proposed. The degradation of densification process has been observed for the HATCP composites due to the creation of porous interface between HA crystals and TCP matrix. Mechanical properties of these two composites have been studied using microindentation. The mechanical properties of HA and TCP single crystals are important for developing the biphasic composites with reliable mechanical properties. Chapter8deals with the mechanical behavior of hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate single crystals. The mechanical properties of HA and TCP have been studied by performing nanoand microindentation on specific crystallographic facets. In case of hydroxyapatite, the anisotropy in mechanical properties has been explored by performing indentation on its prism and basal planes. Nanoscale plasticity is observed in both HA and TCP crystals which arise due to the easy movement of surface atoms with lesser coordination compared to the bulk. Nanoindentation has been performed in the calciumdeficient HA platelets provides important clues about the role of calcium deficiency on the mechanical behavior of bone and has implications for the properties of osteoporotic bones.

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