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Utvärdering av ett modelleringsverktygs förmåga att prediktera koncentrationen av TCE i inomhusluftBinnås, Caroline, Lindgren, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Polluted areas are places where the level of contamination can be harmful for human health and the environment. There are about 80 000 possibly polluted areas in Sweden, 25 000 of which have been classified according to the risk of specific site. To evaluate the risk and distribution of a contamination on polluted areas, the most common way is to do a risk assessment. In addition to environmental engineering studies and surveys of the site, modelling tools can be used as a complement to try and predict the risk of polluted areas. The purpose of this study is to evaluate such a modelling tool called JAGG 2.1 (Jord, Afdampning, Gas and Grundvand) and its applicability to predict concentrations of the chlorinated solvent trichloroethylene (TCE) in indoor air of buildings located on contaminated sites. The questions that are to be answered in this study is whether the modelling tool can be used to predict concentration of TCE in indoor air and what parameters that affect the calculated value the most? The work with risk assessment could be facilitated by validating this modelling tool. The modelling tool was tested on three different contaminated sites in Sweden. When testing the modelling tool, relevant data was used to calculate the concentration of TCE in indoor air and thereafter the results were analyzed. This study showed that the modelling tool underestimated the concentrations of TCE for three out of four tested rooms in the buildings on the contaminated areas for all the tested parameters taken into account. The one room where JAGG 2.1 predicted correct TCE concentrations, compared to the measured result, is considered to have all the right parameters. The parameters are ceiling height, ventilation, the slab-on-grade thickness and the depth where the sample was taken and other geological conditions suitable for a successful calculation. This led to the conclusion that this modelling tool only can be used as an assisting tool and cannot replace environmental engineering studies. The obtained results must also be critically reviewed, before using it for risk assessments. Keywords: JAGG 2.1, modelling tools, vapor intrusion, chlorinated solvents, trichloroethylene.
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Spridning av klorerade kolväten i mark och grundvatten i Upplands Väsby kommun / Spreading of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Soil and Groundwater in the Municipality Upplands VäsbyHarnevie, Nicole January 2018 (has links)
I Upplands Väsby kommun finns det många industrier och olika typer av verksamheter. I samband med exploatering har det upptäckts att flera industrier och verksamheter har bidragit till föroreningar som klorerade lösningsmedel i mark och grundvatten. I Upplands Väsby kommun ligger grundvattenmagasinet Stockholmsåsen-Upplands Väsby som även är en del av Hammarbys reservvattentäkt. På grund av föroreningarna i mark och grundvatten riskeras grundvattenmagasinet och dricksvattentäkten att förorenas genom spridning via grundvattensströmmar eller genom hydraulisk kontakt med grundvattenmagasinet. Klorerade lösningsmedel har traditionellt använts i stor omfattning i olika typer av svensk industri. Användningsområdena inkluderar bland annat användning inom kemtvätt, i elektronikindustri, kemiteknisk industri och i metallindustri. Användningen av klorerade lösningsmedel var som störst under1930 till 1970-talet och ämnena förbjöds år 1996. De klorerade lösningsmedel som undersöks inom detta arbete är främst tetrakloreten och trikloreten samt dess nedbrytningsprodukter. Klorerade lösningsmedel har visat sig vara potentiellt cancerframkallande och är en risk för området samt för vidare spridning tilldricksvattentäkten. I denna rapport sammanfattas allt relevant material från miljötekniska undersökningar där klorerade lösningsmedel påvisats. Materialet analyseras sedan efter de kemiska och fysikaliska egenskaperna hos klorerade lösningsmedel och efter hur den geologiska formationen ser ut. Analysens syfte var att bedöma om föroreningen skulle kunna påverka grundvattenmagasinet Stockholmsåsen-Upplands Väsby. Analysen visar att det finns en förorening som påverkar grundvattenmagasinet Stockholmsåsen-Upplands Väsby, men att de hittills upptäckta värdena späds ut med föroreningsspridningen och att halterna underskrider riktvärden för grundvatten. Potentiella källor till föroreningarna som har hittats är verksamheter där det använts klorerade lösningsmedel som lösningsmedel, avfettningsmedel eller vid kemtvätt. I det förslagna provtagningsprogrammet rekommenderas det att miljötekniska undersökningar görs vid dessa områden och även vid känsliga områden där det redan påvisats höga halter av klorerade lösningsmedel för att utreda om det förekommer föroreningsplymer under fastigheterna. / Upplands Väsby municipality has for a long time been a municipality with many industries and a large variation of other activates, which recently have been shown to pollute the soil and groundwater, the pollutions that this work focus on is chlorinated solvents. This has been discovered during property development in the area and an inventory of activities. There is a groundwater reservoir in Upplands Väsby, which is also connected to Hammarby´s drinking water reservoir, and as a result of the pollution there is a risk of contaminating the groundwater reservoir as well as the drinking reservoir. The contamination could possibly occur through groundwater streams or hydraulic contact. Chlorinated solvents have traditionally been extensively used in Swedish industry, their applications include: use as a solvent, dry cleaning, electronics industry, chemical engineering industry and the metal industry where it is used for degreasing before surface treatment of metals. The chlorinated solvents examined in this report are mainly tetrachloroethylene and trichloroethylene as well as their degradation products. Chlorinated solvents have been shown to be carcinogenic and are a risk to the area as well as for further dissemination to the drinking water revenues. In this work all relevant environmental engineering studies where chlorinated solvents have been detected in Upplands Väsbys municipality are summarized. The data form the studies were then analyzed with data from the geological formation, with the purpose of assessing from whether that the contamination could reach the Stockholmåsen-Upplands Väsby reservoir or not. Analysis shows that there is a high risk that the contamination has reached the groundwater reservoir, but that the so far discovered contamination levels in the reservoir are below the guideline values. Potential contamination sources are sites where chlorinated solvents were used as degreasers of dry cleaner solvents. In this report a sampling program is proposed. It is recommended that environmental engineering studies should be carried out not only for where the potential contamination sources have been located but also in the sensitive areas where high levels of chlorinated solvents already have been detected. This in order to Upplands Väsby municipality can investigate the presence of pollutants under the properties and map how the contamination is spreading in the groundwater and if it may affect the groundwater reservoir Stockholmsåsen-Upplands Väsby even further.
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