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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expressão do complexo troponina em E. coli e mapeamento dos domínios funcionais da troponina T / Expression of the troponin complex in E. coli and mapping of the functional domains in troponin T

Bettina Malnic 01 August 1995 (has links)
A contração muscular esquelética é regulada pelo complexo troponina/tropomiosina de maneira dependente de Ca2+. O complexo troponina consiste de três subunidades: a troponina C (TnC), a troponina I (TnI) e a troponina T (TnT). A troponina C é a subunidade que liga Ca2+, a TnI é a subunidade inibitória e a TnT liga-se fortemente à tropomiosina. A TnI e a TnT são altamente insolúveis a baixas forças iônicas, a não ser que estejam complexadas com a TnC. O complexo troponina pode ser reconstituído \"in vitro\" a partir das subunidades isoladas simplesmente misturando-se as subunidades em razões equimolares em uréia, que depois é removida através de diálise. Na primeira parte deste trabalho um vetor para a co-expressão da TnC, TnI e TnT em E.coli foi construído. Utilizando este vetor nós produzimos um complexo troponina funcional montado no citoplasma de E.coli. A presença da TnT é requerida para regulação dependente de Ca2+ da contração muscular esquelética. O papel da TnT em conferir sensibilidade ao Ca2+ à atividade ATPásica da acto-miosina foi analisado. Mutantes de deleção da TnT foram construídos através de mutação sítio-dirigida e expressos em E.coli. Complexos troponina contendo os mutantes de TnT e/ou mutantes de TnI foram reconstituídos e analisados em ensaios de ligação ao filamento fino e ensaios de atividade ATPásica. Baseado nestes resultados a TnT foi subdividida em três domínios: o domínio ativatório (aminoácidos 157-216), o domínio inibitório (aminoácidos 157-216) e o domínio de ancoragem do dímero TnC/TnI (aminoácidos 216-263). Nós demonstramos que o dímero TnC/TnI está ancorado ao filamento fino através da interação entre a região amino-terminal da TnI e da região carbóxi-terminal da TnT (aminoácidos 216-263). Um modelo para o papel da TnT na regulação da contração muscular dependente de Ca2+ é proposto. / The contraction of skeletal muscle is regulated by troponin and tropomyosin in a Ca2+ dependent manner. The troponin complex consists of three subunits: troponin C (TnC), troponin I (TnI) and troponin T (TnT). Troponin C is the Ca2+ binding subunit, TnI is the inhibitory subunit and TnT binds tightly to tropomyosin. TnI and TnT are highly insoluble proteins at low ionic strengths, unless they are complexed with TnC. The troponin complex can be reconstituted \"in vitro\" from the isolated subunits simply by mixing the subunits at equimolar ratios in urea, which is then removed by dialysis. In the first part of this work a vector for the co-expression of TnC, TnI and TnT in E.coli was constructed. Using this vector we were able to produce a functional troponin complex assembled \"in vivo\" in the E.coli cytoplasm The presence of TnT is required for the Ca2+ dependente regulation of the skeletal muscle contraction. The role of TnT in conferring full Ca2+ sensitivity to the ATPase activity of acto-myosin was analyzed. Deletion mutants of TnT were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed in E.coli. Troponin complexes containing the TnT deletion mutants and/or TnI deletion mutants, were reconstituted and analyzed in thin filament binding assays and in ATPase activity assays. Based on these studies, TnT was subdivided into three domains: the activation domain (comprised of aminoacids 1-157), the inhibitory domain (comprised of amino acids 157-216) and the TnC/TnI dimer anchoring domain (aminoacids 216-263). We demonstrated that the TnC/TnI is anchored to the thin filament through interaction between the amino-terminal domain of TnI and the region comprised of aminoacids 216-263 of TnT. A model for the role of TnT in the Ca2+ dependent regulation of muscle contraction is proposed.

Modeling the response of troponin C to calcium in increasingly complex systems

Siddiqui, Jalal K. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of the Ca2+ Binding Properties of Troponin C On Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle Force Development

Lee, Ryan S. 30 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Charakterisierung des kardialen Phänotyps bei transgenen Mausmodellen mit Mutationen in kardialen kontraktilen Proteinen und dessen Veränderung durch arterielle Hypertonie / Characterization of the cardiac phenotype in transgenic mouse models with mutations in cardiac contractile proteins and its modification by arterial hypertension

Schmid, Eric January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Myokardhypertrophie ist in hohem Maß mit einer vorbestehenden bereits niedrig gradigen arteriellen Hypertonie verbunden und gilt als ein unabhängiger Risikofaktor für kardiovaskuläre Ereignisse. Für die familiäre hypertrophische Kardiomyopathie sind aktuell mehr als 450 Mutationen in über 13 Genen, welche für Sarkomerproteine codieren, insbesondere im kardialen Troponin T und im α-Myosin-Schwerkette Gen bekannt. Die hypertrophe Kardiomyopathie ist mit einer Prävalenz von 0,2% die häufigste monogenetisch autosomal-dominant vererbte kardiovaskuläre Erkrankung und eine der häufigsten Ursachen des plötzlichen Herztodes. Unter Berücksichtigung der dargelegten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse resultierte die Aufgabenstellung dieser Arbeit in der Charakterisierung des kardialen Phänotyps bei transgenen Mausmodellen mit Mutationen in kardialen kontraktilen Proteinen (Troponin T und α-Myosin-Schwerkette) und dessen Veränderung durch arterielle Hypertonie (ausgelöst nach dem Goldblattmodell). In der Zusammenschau zeigten operierte Tiere bedeutend signifikant höhere systolische Blutdruckwerte als die „sham“ Gruppe (Messreihe 2007). Die MyHC-R403Q Gruppe zeigte im EKG präoperativ hoch signifikant verlängerte QT-Zeiten zur Kontrollgruppe auf. Dieses Ergebnis bestätigt, dass hypertrophe Kardiomyopathien mit einer QT-Zeit-Verlängerung assoziiert sind. Die MyHC-R403Q Tiere zeigten vier Wochen postoperativ im EKG ebenfalls eine signifikant verlängerte QT-Zeit, jedoch geringeren Ausmaßes, was vermutlich an einer zu starken Stenosierung des Gefäßlumens der Niere mit konsekutiven Niereninfarkt lag. Weiterhin wies diese Mauslinie präoperativ in der Echokardiographie signifikant größere linke Ventrikel ohne Wandverdickung auf. Man kann dies als Hinweis auf eine exzentrische Hypertrophie betrachten, postoperativ konnte allerdings keine Veränderung nachgewiesen werden. Möglicherweise beruht die exzentrische Hypertrophie auf sich entwickelnde schwere Klappenfehler. Eine eingeschränkte systolische Funktion der MyHC-R403Q Tiere konnte durch eine geringere fraktionelle Faserverkürzung prä- und postoperativ zur Kontrollgruppe festgestellt werden sowie zusätzlich eine Tendenz zur postoperativen links-ventrikulären Hypertrophie. Die TnT-Trunk Gruppe zeigte präoperativ eine Tendenz zu geringeren links-ventrikulären Wanddicken im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe als Hinweis auf eine geringere Herzmasse sowie signifikant geringere absolute Herzgewichte. Im Trend wiesen postoperativ TnT-Trunk Tiere eine auffallend gut erhaltene systolische Funktion auf. Zusammenfassend scheint die MyHC-R403Q Mutation im Vergleich zur TnT-Trunk Mutation eine bedeutendere Rolle für die Ausprägung einer hypertrophen Kardio-myopathie einzunehmen, wobei die geringere Fallzahl berücksichtigt werden sollte. / Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy frequently coincides with a previously existing arterial hypertension and is regarded to be an independent risk factor for cardiovascular events. For familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy there are currently more than 450 mutations in more than 13 genes identified which encode sarcomeric proteins, especially in the cardiac troponin T as well as in the myosin heavy chain gene. With a prevalence of 0, 2 %, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most frequent cardiovascular disease which is passed on monogetically and autosomal-dominantly and it is counted among the most frequent causes for sudden death. With regard to these scientific conclusions, the aim of this paper is the characterisation of the cardiac phenotype concerning transgenic mouse models with mutations in cardiac contractile proteins (troponin t and myosin heavy chain) and its alteration by arterial hypertension (caused by the Goldblatt-model). Generally, operated animals showed a significant rise in systolic blood pressure results in comparison to the sham group (test series 2007). Preoperatively, the MyHC-R403Q group displayed significantly prolonged QT-times in ECG in comparison to the control group. This result affirms that hypertrophic cardiomyopathies go together with a QT interval dispersion. Four weeks after the operation, the animals of the MyHC-R403Q group again showed a significantly prolonged QT-time in ECG. This time, however, less distinctive, which is probably due to a hyper-stenosis of the renale vessels with a consequent infarct of the kidney. Moreover, the mouse line preoperatively displayed a significantly grown left ventricle without ventricular hypertrophy. This could be regarded as an intimation of excentric hypertrophia though postoperatively, no evidence for any deterioration was found. Excentric hypertropia perhaps results from severe valve defects which develop over time. A limited systolic function of the MyHC-R403Q animals was proved by evidence of a less significant fractional shortening of the pre – and postoperatively in comparison to the control group. Additionally, a tendency towards postoperative left-ventricular hypertrophy was diagnosed. The TnT-Trunk group’s display of a preoperative tendency to slighter left-ventricular wall thickness in comparison to the control group might be a clue for a lower cardiac mass as well as for significantly lower absolute heart weight. In conclusion, the MyHC-R403Q-mutation seems to play a bigger role for the development of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in comparison to the TnT-Trunk mutation. However, the smaller number of cases has to be considered.

Biomarqueurs des risques cardiaque et métabolique / Biomarkers of metabolic and cardiovascular risks

Kuster, Nils 19 January 2016 (has links)
Il existe des interactions profondes entre les fonctions rénales et cardiaques. Un dysfonctionnement de l'un ou l'autre de ces deux organes entraîne un dysfonctionnement du second. Ces interactions entre coeur et rein sont regroupées sous le terme de syndromes cardio-rénaux. Les biomarqueurs sont, par définition des indicateurs objectivement mesurés d'un processus biologique normal, d'un processus pathologique ou d'une réponse pharmacologique à une intervention thérapeutique. Les marqueurs biologiques dont très utiles à l'exploration des phénomènes pathologiques cardiaques et rénaux. En pratique clinique, la fonction rénale est quotidiennement estimée à partir de biomarqueurs de filtration glomérulaire, la créatinine et la cystatine C en premier lieu. Dans l'exploration des fonctions cardiaques, des évolutions importantes ont eu lieu ces dernières années. Au niveau analytique, des améliorations significatives des performances ont abouti à la mise sur le marché de méthodes dites hypersensibles de mesure de la troponine. De plus de nouveaux marqueurs explorant de nouveaux aspects physiopathologiques de la dysfonction cardiaque sont également intensément étudiés, tels que les marqueurs de fibrose (ST2 soluble, galectine-3). Après une revue de la bibliographie des biomarqueurs rénaux et cardiaques, ce travail s'attache à l'étude de l'optimisation de l'usage des biomarqueurs rénaux et cardiaques, tout d'abord par la maîtrise des procédés analytiques puis dans l'utilisation de ceux-ci en pratique clinique.Dans une première partie consacrée aux marqueurs rénaux, nous cherchons à optimiser l'utilisation des marqueurs permettant d'estimer au mieux le débit de filtration glomérulaire, meilleur index connu de la fonction rénale. En pratique clinique, le débit de filtration glomérulaire est estimé à partir de la créatinine. Au niveau analytique, nous montrons dans ce travail que les méthodes colorimétriques, basées sur la réaction de Jaffé, devraient désormais être abandonnées au profit des méthode enzymatiques. Ces résultats sont illustrés dans différentes populations de patients, une cohortes issue des bases de données hoispitalières ainsi qu'une population de patients cirrhotiques. Chez ces derniers,la créatinine présente d'importantes limites en tant que marqueur de filtration glomérulaire, en particulier en raison d'une diminution de la masse musculaire. La cystatine C représente dans ce contexte une alternative intéressante puisque ce marqueur n'est pas dépendant de la masse musculaire. Des algorithmes utilisant la cystatine C, seule ou en association avec la créatinine ont récemment été proposés dans la litérrature.Dans une seconde partie, nous nous interressons aux marqueurs cardiaques. Les troponines cardiaques sont des protéines présentes au niveau de l'appareil contractile du cardiomyocyte, relarguées dans la circulation en cas de nécrose cellulaire. L'arrivée récente de méthodes capables de mesurer des concentrations circulantes dans une part importante de la population saine a obligé d'une part à un contrôle strict des procédés analytiques par les fabricant et d'autre part à une adaptation des cliniciens afin de tirer partie des nouvelles informations apportées par ces marqueurs dans différentes populations présentant des élévations chroniques (sujets âgés, insuffisants rénaux chroniques) ou aiguës (cinétiques post infarctus du myocarde). Enfin, une étude concernant le ST2 soluble, marqueur émergent de fibrose dans l'insuffisance cardiaque est également présentée.En conclusion, l'optimisation de l'usage des biomarqueurs s'oriente à l'heure actuelle vers des stratégies multimarqueurs, comme l'association créatinine et cystatine C dans l'estimation du débit de filtration glomérulaire ou le développement de scores pronostics associant troponine, peptides natriurétiques et ST2 soluble dans l'insuffisance cardiaque. / Profound interactions exist between cardiac and renal functions. Acute or chronic dysfunction of an organ may induce acute or chronic dysfunction of the other. These complex interactions have been grouped under the term cardiorenal syndrome.A Biomarker is defined as a characteristic that is objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal biological processes, pathogenic processes, or pharmacologic responses to a therapeutic intervention. Biological markers are useful for the exploration of pathological renal and cardiac phenomenon. In clinical practice, renal function is estimated from glomerular filtration markers, mainly creatinine and cystatin C. Much progress has recently been made recently toward exploration of cardiac dysfunction. From an analytical point of vue, improvement in measurement of cardiac troponine led to the so-called hypersensitive cardiac troponin assays. Furthermore, new markers of cardiac dysfunction are under initensive inverstigation. These markers(soluble ST2, galectin-3) provide information regarding specific pathophysiological pathways, such as fibrosis.After a review of the litterature regarding cardiac and renal biomarkers, this work aims at optimize the interpretation of abovementioned biological markers.In the fist part, consacred to renal markers, this work tries to optimize the estimation of glomerular filtration rate, firstly regarding analytical process then in clinical practice. Glomerular filtration rate is in clincal practice derived from creatinine level. Analytically, our work indaicates that compensated Jaffe methods for the measurement of creatinine should be replaced with enzymatic ones, which are muche more performant. These conclusions have been drawn in different populations, from hospital databases and in cirrhotic patients. In this population , creatinine as a filtration marker suffers from important limitations, mainly beacause of the loss of muscle mass observed in these patients. Cystatin C is an alternative filtration marker whose level is independent of muscle mass. Some algorithms predicting glomerular filtration rate from cystatin C, sole or in association with creatinine have recently been proposed.The second part of this work is consacred to cardiac markers. Cardiac troponins , proteins which are part of the contractile apparatus, are released in the blood flow in case of necrosis. The recent improvement of analytical methods, enabling measurement of cardiac troponine levels in at leats 50% of a healthy reference population require a precise control of manufacturing process. Furthermore, hypersensitive troponins require from physician an exact interpretation in patients with chronic (elderly, chronic kidney disease patients) or acute (post myocardial infarction kinetics) elevation. A study regarding soluble ST2, a n emerging marker of cardiac fibrosis, is also presentedOptimization of the use of biomarkers move nowadays toward multimarkers strategies as illustrated by approaches combining cystatin C with creatinine for estimating glomerular filtration rate or the development of scores for predicting mortality risk in heart failure patients based on cardiac troponins, natriuretic peptides and soluble ST2.

Einfluss der kardialen Biomarker N-terminales pro Brain natriuretisches Peptid und kardiales Troponin T auf plötzlichen Herztod, Schlaganfall, Myokardinfarkt und Gesamtmortalität bei Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 an der Hämodialyse / Effect of the cardial markers N-terminal-pro-B-type-natriuretic-peptide and Troponin T on the risk of sudden death, stroke, myocardial infarction, and all-cause mortality in type 2 diabetic patients on hemodialysis

Arquint, Flurina January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser post-hoc Analyse der Deutschen Diabetes und Dialyse Studie wurde der Einfluss von NT-proBNP und Troponin T auf plötzlichen Herztod, Schlaganfall, Myokardinfarkt und die Gesamtmortalität während vierjähriger Studiendauer bei 1255 Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 an der Hämodialyse analysiert. Des Weiteren wurde die Bedeutung einer longitudinalen Messung der Biomarker nach 6 Monaten auf die Endpunkte untersucht. Patienten mit dem höchsten NT-proBNP respektive Troponin T wiesen die größte Ereignisrate für plötzlichen Herztod, Schlaganfall und die Gesamtmortalität auf. In der multivariaten Regressionsanalyse waren sowohl NT-proBNP als auch Troponin T jeweils starke unabhängige Prädiktoren für plötzlichen Herztod, Schlaganfall und die Gesamtmortalität. Eine Assoziation von NT-proBNP mit dem Auftreten von Myokardinfarkten wurde nicht gesehen. Nicht nur ein hoher Ausgangswert der Biomarker, sondern auch eine Zunahme von NT-proBNP und Troponin T nach 6 Monaten waren assoziiert mit einer schlechteren Langzeitprognose / This post-hoc analysis of the German Diabetes and Dialysis study examined the effect of baseline and change from baseline after 6 months of NT-proBNP and Troponin T on sudden death, stroke, myocardial infarction, and all-cause mortality in 1255 hemodialysis patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with a median follow up of 4 years. Patients with increasing baseline NT-proBNP and Troponin T exhibited a higher risk of sudden death, stroke, and all-cause mortality. In multivariate regression analysis both, NT-proBNP and Troponin T, were independent predictors of sudden death, stroke, and all-cause mortality. Neither baseline nor change in NT-proBNP was significantly associated with myocardial infarction. Increased longitudinal levels of NT-proBNP and Troponin T during follow up were associated with higher risks of adverse cardiovascular outcomes and death.

Intracellular regulation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 activity: the roles of caveolin-1 and troponin I phosphorylation

Chow, Ava Kalyca 11 1900 (has links)
Matrix metalloproteinase2 (MMP2) was recently revealed to have targets and actions within the cardiac myocyte. In ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, MMP2 is activated and degrades troponin I (TnI) and actinin. The regulation of intracellular MMP2 activity is relatively unknown and is thus the subject of this thesis. The localization of MMP2 in caveolae of endothelial cells suggests that caveolin1 (Cav1) may play a role in regulating MMP2. Whether Cav1 is responsible for regulating MMP2 in the heart is unknown. A Cav1 knockout mouse model was used to explore the role Cav1 may play in the regulation of MMP2 activity. The initial studies found that MMP2 and Cav1 were colocalized in cardiomyocytes and that MMP2 activity in Cav1/ hearts was markedly enhanced. Additionally, the caveolin scaffolding domain inhibited MMP2 activity in a concentrationdependent manner. To explore whether increased MMP2 in Cav1/ hearts translates to impaired cardiac function, Cav1+/+ and Cav1/ isolated working hearts were physiologically challenged with increasing increments of left atrial preload followed by increasing concentrations of isoproterenol. Cav1/ hearts show similar or better cardiac function compared to Cav1+/+ hearts following preload challenge or adrenergic stimulation in vitro, and this appears unrelated to changes in MMP2. Though the function of Cav1/ hearts appears similar to that of Cav1+/+ hearts during physiological situations, whether this is the case during I/R injury is not known. Cav1+/+ and Cav1/ isolated working mouse hearts exposed to global, noflow ischemia showed no functional differences. However, Cav1/ hearts had significantly higher levels of both TnI and actinin following I/R than Cav1+/+ hearts. Posttranslational modifications of the intracellular MMP2 substrates could alter susceptibility to MMP2 proteolysis. Isolated working mouse hearts were exposed to isoproterenol and/or I/R injury to examine the phosphorylation status of TnI. Isoproterenol and I/R both result in the phosphorylation of TnI, however, isoproterenol lead to a more highly phosphorylated form of TnI than that observed in hearts exposed I/R alone. These and subsequent studies will further reveal the molecular mechanisms that underlie the complex interactions between Cav1 and MMP2. This may eventually lead to a novel avenue of therapeutic intervention for heart diseases.

Clinical significance of measurement of cardiac troponin Ⅰ in Emergency Room

斉木, 厚, Saiki, Atsushi 25 March 2008 (has links)
名古屋大学博士学位論文 学位の種類:博士(医療技術学) (課程) 学位授与年月日:平成20年3月25日

Fast skeletal muscle fiber-type-specificity of the troponin I (fast) gene IRE enhancer resides in a 30 base-pair region

Kumar, Angela January 2003 (has links)
Troponin I (TnI), like many striated muscle contractile proteins, consists of multiple isoforms encoded by a multigene family whose members are differentially expressed in the different striated muscle cell types. Two TnI genes, TnIfast and TnIslow, are expressed in skeletal muscle the former in fast muscle fibers, the latter in slow fibers. The tissue- and fiber-type-specificities of the TnI fast and slow genes are driven by transcriptional enhancer elements: a Slow Upstream Regulatory Element (SURE) upstream of the TnIslow gene and a fast Intronic Regulatory Element (IRE) within the first intron of the TnIfast gene. Within the 144 bp IRE, there are 4 known cis elements, and the aim of this work was to initiate the studies to map the element(s) that are chiefly responsible for directing the fast-fiber-specificity of IRE-driven gene expression. This was approached by making IRE end-deletion constructs lacking either the left-most or right-most IRE cis-element. These IRE derivatives were coupled to a reporter gene consisting of a minimal (enhancer-dependent) TnIfast promoter linked to E. coli beta-galactosidase coding sequences. The transcriptional activity of these constructs was first evaluated in cell culture transfection experiments, and then by in vivo gene transfer into adult mouse skeletal muscles. The conclusion of these experiments was that fast-fiber-specificity of IRE-driven gene expression resides in the left-most 30 bp of the IRE, a region including an E-box binding site for myogenic regulatory factors of the MyoD family.

Intracellular regulation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 activity: the roles of caveolin-1 and troponin I phosphorylation

Chow, Ava Kalyca Unknown Date
No description available.

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