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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Statistical analysis of turbidite cycles in submarine fan successions /

Chen, Chengsheng, January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.) --Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1997. / Restricted until November 1998. Bibliography: leaves 220-236. Also available online.

Continuity of sandstone beds in the Ordovician Cloridorme Formation , Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec /

Ma, Cuiyan, January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.)--Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1996. / Bibliography: leaves [98]-105. Also available online.

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of a Matrix-Poor to Matrix-Rich Depositional Continuum in Proximal Basin Floor Strata, Upper Kaza Group, Windermere Supergroup, B.C., Canada.

Popovic, Natasa January 2016 (has links)
Matrix-rich strata (20-70% mud matrix) have been increasingly recognized in deep-marine systems. These beds are thought to be deposited from mud-rich flows in a distal basin-floor setting; however they remain poorly understood, partly because details of lateral lithological changes are poorly known. In this study, matrix-rich strata are common in proximal basin-floor strata of the Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup. The objective of this thesis is to provide detailed description and interpretation of the lithological and mineralogical make-up and lateral facies trends of matrix-rich strata in in a unit 40 m thick and 800 m wide. Here, stratigraphic and petrographic analyses identified five facies: classic turbidites; sandstones; clayey sandstones; sandy claystones and fine-grained banded couplets, which laterally are arranged systematically from matrix-poor sandstones to thin-bedded turbidites. This lateral change is interpreted to represent a depositional continuum along the margins of an efflux jet that formed immediately downflow of an avulsion node.

Ripple-drift Cross-lamination in Turbidites of the Ordovician Cloridorme Formation, Gaspe, Quebec

Bhattacharjee, Shyama 10 1900 (has links)
<p> 49 beds of ripple-drift cross-lamination were measured in the Ordovician Cloridorme Formation of Gaspe, Quebec. Most of the beds are Bouma C (cross-laminated), some are BC (parallel lamination pas sing up into cross-lamination) and a few are AC and ABC types (graded bedding passing up into parallel and cross-lamination). </p> <p> Six climbing patterns have been recognised in the ripple-drift beds, namely: concave -upward, straight, sigmoidal, convex-upward, sinuous, and disconnected-irregular. Angles of climb range from 1 to 44 degrees. Commonly the angle of climb steepens up through the coset to about 1/2 or 3/4 of the coset thickness and then gradually flattens out until the bed is plane. </p> <p> Measurements of wave length, amplitude, stoss -angle, lee-angle, angle of climb and ratio of lee- to stoss-lamina thicknesses show that the wave length continues to increase upward, and the lee/stoss thickness ratio decreases upward through the coset. The amplitude, and stoss- and lee-angles increase upward through that portion of the coset in which the angle of climb increases upward. Simultaneously with the increase in amplitude and angle of climb, the shape of the foreset laminae becomes progressively more and more sigmoidal. </p> <p> Down-current changes in lamination types were recorded in several beds. The most interesting change is from parallel lamination down-current into ripple-drift, continuing downcurrent back into parallel lamination. </p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Depositional Mechanics of Atypical Turbidites, Cloridorme Formation, Gaspé, Quebec

Skipper, Keith 10 1900 (has links)
<p> Thick turbidite beds, belonging to the β1 member, Cloridorme Formation (Ordovician), are exposed on the wavecut platform between St. H‎élier and Fame Point, Gasp‎é, Quebec. The local paleocurrent direction (to the west) is approximately parallel to the east-west strike of the vertical beds.</p> <p> These thick turbidite beds display a sequence of sedimentary structures which differs from the sequence defined by Bouma. Three broad divisions are recognised: a basal division consists of either limestone or quartz granule to pebble conglomerate (0-4 cms thick) or coarse sand greywacke or calcareous wacke (0-15 cms thick). Basal divisions of calcareous wacke frequently display ripple-lamination, parallel lamination, or upstream inclined laminae. Where the upstream inclined laminae form a single set, they occur below a sinuous profile (wavelength 40-80 cms, and amplitude 2-5 cms).</p> <p> A second division (0-330 cms thick) consists in most places of spindle or globular shaped calcareous nodules scattered in an argillaceous matrix. In some beds streaking and lobing of light coloured carbonate bearing material is associated with these nodules. The upper division consists of fine grained siltstone and shale.</p> <p> Thick broken blocks which have fallen from the cliffs, display the internal characteristics of the second division. Hemi-ellipsoid structures, arranged en echelon and convex towards the base of the bed, are displayed by one block.</p> <p> The upstream inclined laminae in the basal divisions of calcareous wacke beds are interpreted as the result of the upstream migration of antidunes. The nodules within the second division developed as 'pseudonodules'. The hemi-ellipsoid structures resemble damped large scale (macroturbulent) eddies associated with the flow of dense grain dispersions. The directions of the internal motions are shown by the orientation of grains and graptolite stipes.</p> <p> Correlation of these beds has been achieved over a distance of 7-1/2 miles. Over this distance the beds show little change in their characteristics. Basal divisions of granule and pebble conglomerate persist over this distance and show that coarse particles may be transported by turbidity currents over long distances. The sedimentary structures of the basal divisions of several calcareous wacke beds give the appearance (probably misleading) of an increase in flow regime downcurrent.</p> <p> The beds were probably deposited from initially low concentration but high density turbidity currents accompanied by a period of coarse grain traction and suspension near to the bed. In the case of calcareous wacke beds this period of traction formed rippled, flat or antidune bed forms. Stratification has been preserved by the rapid deposition of sediment en masse from the subsequent high concentration body of the current. The formation of a succession of 'quick' beds led to the sedimentation of the second division.</p> <p> Calculations suggest that the currents moved over slopes of much less than 1°.</p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Etude de la terminaison méridionale de l'Oural (Mougodjar, Kazakhstan) : évolution tectonique et stratigraphique du bassin d'avant-pays au Paléozoïque (Dévonien à Permien) / Study of southern Urals in Mougodjar (Kazakhstan) : Late Palaeozoic tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of the foreland basin

Abdulanova, Saya 07 July 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est une étude du bassin d’avant-pays de l’Oural méridional au Kazakhstan (Mougodjar) à partir de données sédimentologiques (affleurements) et de sub-surface (profils sismiques, puits). Une étude sédimentologique des séries turbiditiques d’âge Carbonifère terminal-Permien inférieur a été menée dans le Mougodjar. L’étude des dépôts a permis de caractériser les environnements des dépôts turbiditiques et de mettre en évidence des séquences de long terme se succédant du Carbonifère terminal au Permien inférieur. L’analyse des faciès turbiditiques montre que les séquences de long terme sont contrôlées par les fluctuations du niveau marin global sous contrôle glacio-eustatique. L’orogenèse du Permien inférieur associée à la surrection de l’Oural a contrôlé le volume et la nature des apports sédimentaires alimentant le bassin d’avant-pays. Ceci se traduit par l’importance variable des conglomérats et brèches de démantèlement du matériel volcanique et des plate-formes carbonatées situées sur les marges du bassin et par des réorganisations locales des pentes sous-marines (changements de sens des paléo-courants). Les minéraux smectitiques dominent les assemblages argileux analysés dans les séries du Carbonifère terminal au Permien inférieur. L’illite, la kaolinite et la chlorite sont présentes en plus faibles proportions. Les assemblages argileux indiquent une relative pérennité des apports détritiques qui varient au cours du temps selon la distribution des faciès turbiditiques. Les fluctuations climatiques n’apparaissent pas contrôler la distribution des minéraux argileux qui semble plutôt associée (1) à l’érosion de stocks argileux variés en fonction des fluctuations eustatiques et/ou (2) à la redistribution du matériel détritique le long d’un transect proximal-distal sous l’effet de processus de tri granulométrique. La distribution de la matière organique principalement marine du Dévonien moyen au Carbonifère, montre que les paléoenvironnements étaient favorables à de fortes paléo-productivité de surface probablement associées à une dysoxie/anoxie de toute ou partie de la colonne d’eau, dans un contexte de bassin marin restreint. Les plus fortes valeurs de COT (20 %) mesurées dans la coupe de Kiya (Famennien) sont pourraient être associées à un des OAEs majeurs du Dévonien, l’évènement Hangenberg, mais la précision des données biostratigraphiques disponibles ne permet pas de l’assurer. Quoi qu’il en soit, les OAE qui se succèdent au Dévonien auraient pu favoriser l’accumulation et la préservation de la matière organique dans le Dévonien du Mougodjar, en plus des facteurs physiographiques (restriction du bassin vers le sud). Les fortes concentrations en carbone organique (COT 20%) des sédiments dévoniens montrent de bonnes roches mères potentielles. Les teneurs en carbone organique, surtout d’origine terrestre, des sédiments turbiditiques permiens sont plus faibles (COT pouvant cependant atteindre 4%) mais assez élevées dans certains niveaux stratigraphiques. Les faciès silto-sableux proximaux ont livré les plus fortes concentrations en COT. Ces turbidites permiennes ont des caractéristiques de réservoirs. Elles peuvent aussi se révéler de roches-mères gas-prone potentielles. L’interprétation des données de sub-surface nous a permis de préciser la structure du bassin d’avant-pays à l’échelle de l’Oural méridional. Il est constitué de plis et de chevauchements à vergence est qui résultent d’une évolution polyphasée. Les plis s’amortissent vers l’ouest et passent à la partie peu déformée du bassin puis à la plate-forme. A partir de ces données nous avons reconstruit des schémas d’évolution tectono-sédimentaire et des cartes paléogéographiques de la partie occidentale du Mougodjar. / This thesis is dedicated to the study of the foreland basin of southern Ural in Kazakhstan (Mougodjar). Sedimentological data have been collected from field investigations, and sub-surface data (seismic profiles, wells) have been studied. A sedimentological investigation of the turbidites, Carboniferous to Early Permian in age, has been performed. It allowed to characterize the environments of deposition of the turbidites and to evidence the long-term succession from uppermost Carboniferous to early Permian. The analysis of turbides indicates that the long-term sequences are controlled by global sea-level changes controlled by glacio-eustatism. The Early Permian orogeny, associated to the uplift of the Ural chain, controlled the quantity and quality of the sedimentary input sourcing the foreland basin. Important variations in the conglomeratic levels reflect (1) the erosion of material from the volcanic arc and carbonate platforms constituting the margins of the basin, and (2) local reorganizations of sub-marine slopes (changes in paleo-current directions). The smectitic minerals are the most frequent in the clay minerals assemblages reported in the uppermost Carboniferous to Early Permian sequences. Illite, Kaolinite, and chlorite are less frequently observed. This assemblage of clay minerals shows a permanence of detrital sources filling the basin. This pattern is thought to reflect a sorting effect of the clay particles along a proximal-distal transect, either than a direct paleoclimatic control. The distribution of the organic matter, mainly marine from the Middle Devonian to the Carboniferous indicates that the paleoenvironments were looked favourable to high surface paleoproductivities associated to a dysoxy/anoxy of all, or part, of the water column in the context of a restricted marine basin. The highest values of COT (20 %) found in the Kiya section (Fammenian) may be associated to a major Devonian OAE, the Hangenberg event. However, the accuracy of available biostratigraphic data does not allow to ensure such correlation. Indeed, OAE events may have favoured the accumulation and preservation of the organic matter in the Mougodjar, in addition to physiographical effects (e.g., the relative closure of the basin toward the south). The high concentration in organic carbon (COT 20%) of the Devonian sediments shows good potential source rocks. The content in organic matter, mainly from terrestrial origin, of the Permian turbidites are lower (COT reaching up to 4%), but quite high in some stratigraphic levels. The proximal silty-sandy deposits display the higher COT values. These Permian turbidites may be good reservoirs. They could also be potential gas-prone source rocks. The study of the sub-surface data allowed us to determine the structure of the foreland basin at the scale of southern Ural. It is constituted of folds and west-vergent thrusts resulting from a polyphased tectonic evolution. The folds gradually disappear toward the west passing westward either to the stable Russian platform in the north or to the eastern Pre-Caspian basin to the south. We have reconstructed the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the western Mougodjar through paleogeographic maps. Five key periods have been selected between the Devonian to early Permian period. Our reconstructions evidence two main orogenic events: (1) a first collision between the European continent and the Magnitogorsk volcanic arc in Middle Devonian, and (2) the major uralian orogeny during the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian times resulting from the collision of the European continent with the Kazakh and Siberian plates. This event originated the foreland basin, which is almost completely fulfilled by a thick detrital sequence. In Kungurian, the foreland basin is almost completely isolated and a thick evaporitic sequence deposited.

Enregistrement des évènements extrêmes dans les sédiments, à l'est de Taiwan / Record of extreme events in marine sediments offshore eastern Taiwan

Lehu, Rémi 10 November 2014 (has links)
La chaine de Taïwan représente l’une des zones les plus actives au monde. Depuis le début du XXe siècle, plus d’une vingtaine de séismes _Mw 7 ont affecté l’île. Cependant la probabilité d’occurrence de séismes plus importants (_Mw 8) est toujours matière à débat. Dans un tel contexte, il apparait donc important d’obtenir des enregistrements plus anciens pour évaluer l’occurrence de tels évènements. La paléosismologie marine, basée sur l’enregistrement des dépôts issus de la sédimentation gravitaire, apparait comme une alternative sérieuse afin d’illuminer l’histoire de la sismicité sur des périodes anciennes. Ce travail de thèse apporte de nouvelles contraintes sur l’histoire sismique au large, à l’est de Taïwan, au cours des derniers 3000 ans.La première partie de ce travail consiste à caractériser les systèmes sédimentaires récents. Cette étape fut essentielle pour la compréhension des processus, faciès sédimentaires et les facteurs de contrôle de la sédimentation qui régissent l’évolution de la pente sous-marine. Ces résultats ont montré que l’Est de Taïwan est caractérisé par une grande variabilité de processus et que les courants de turbidité dominent l’enregistrement sédimentaire.Les courants de turbidité sont générés par deux facteurs distincts : l’activité tectonique/sismique et l’activité climatique. La deuxième partie de ce travail est consacrée à l’approche paléosismique en utilisant les dépôts de turbidités comme marqueurs des paléoséismes. Pour ce faire, nous avons dans un premier temps testé et validé l’approche à l’échelle du siècle dernier. Ensuite une fois calibré, nous avons pu étendre les séries temporelles à l’échelle de l’Holocène. Nous avons daté les trois plus récents évènements turbiditiques autour de 2001 ± 3 AD, 1950 ± 5 AD et 1928 ± 10 AD. En utilisant des relations empiriques intégrant magnitude, distance et valeur du "peak ground acceleration", nous avons pu calibrer la source sismique et ainsi corréler ces trois turbidites à trois séismes instrumentaux : le séisme de Chengkong (12/10/2003) (Mw 6.8), le séisme de Taitung (11/24/1951) (Mw 7.1) et le séisme de Lutao (9/4/1935) (Mw 7.0). Au-delà du siècle dernier, les datations et modèles d’âges nous permettent d’établir une partie de la chronologie des évènements extrêmes sur une période de 3000 ans et d’estimer un temps de retour pour des évènements de l’ordre _Mw 7. Les résultats ont toutefois montré que ces temps de retour sont nettement supérieurs à ceux connus sur le siècle dernier, ce qui suggère que tous les séismes ne sont pas enregistrés par les dépôts sédimentaires marins. Ce travail de thèse a donc permis de montrer que les dépôts issus de la sédimentation évènementielle peuvent être considérés comme marqueurs de la sismicité et que cette approche peut constituer un outil complémentaire pour les études portant sur le risque sismique. / Taiwan is a young mountain belt, known as one of the most active area in the world. Since the beginning of the 20th century more than twenty _ Mw 7 earthquakes have struck the island. However, the occurrence of larger events (_Mw 8) is still a matter of debate. In this framework it is of key importance to obtain longer record in order to evaluate the occurrence of large past earthquakes. The sub-aqueous paleoseismology, based on the record of the sedimentary gravity deposits, appears as a serious alternative to approach this thematic and is a rapidly advancing field that has the potential to illuminate the long-term history of seismicity.The first part of this work was to investigate the present sedimentary systems off east Taiwan, essential to understand the morphosedimentary features, sedimentary facies and processes governing the evolution of the submarine slope, and the controlling factors of the recent sedimentation. Our results showed that the offshore slope east Taiwan is affected by a variety of sedimentary systems and processes, and that turbidity currents appear as the main erosional processes covering nearly 60% of the sedimentary record. Turbidity currents are generated by distinct controlling factors such as tectonic and climatic activity that enabled us to define twoend-members relative to turbidity currents initiation: Turbidity currents preconditioned by tectonic activity and triggered by earthquakes shaking and likely deposited into intra-slope basin and turbidity currents driven by climatic activity such as extreme floods or typhoons, generated in basin directly connected with onland rivers.The second part consisted to apply a paleoseismic approach, based on turbidites record, at two time-scales. First, we tested and validated the method by correlating turbidites deposits with instrumental earthquakes. Then, once calibrated we extended the time-series back in time. We dated the three most recent turbidites layers circa 2001 ± 3 AD, 1950 ± 5 AD and 1928 ± 10 AD. Using empirical relationship that link peakground acceleration, distance and magnitude to calibrate the seismic sources, we correlate these three turbidites with instrumental earthquakes: the Chengkong Earthquake 12/10/2003 (Mw 6.8), the 11/24/1951 Taitung Earthquake (Mw 7.1) and the 9/4/1935 Lutao Earthquake (Mw 7.0) respectively. Applying criteria to discriminating the different triggering mechanisms for turbidity current generation, we propose that earthquakes are the main triggering mechanisms. Dating and age modeling provided a part of the chronology of extreme events since the last 3000 years and allowed us to estimate return time for earthquakes Mw _ 6.8.This work represents a good starting-point for future investigations in order to better assess Holocene time series of extreme events.

Dynamique de mise en place des réseaux d'intrusions sableuses dans les bassins sédimentaires : impact sur l'évolution post-dépôt des réservoirs et le réseau de migration associé / Dynamic of sand intrusion networks emplacement in sedimentary basins : Impact on post-deposition evolution of reservoirs and associated network migration

Monnier, Damien 02 May 2013 (has links)
Les intrusions sableuses (injectites) sont le plus souvent le produit de la remobilisation post-dépositionnelle des sédiments et de l’injection du sable dans les roches environnantes. Bien que reconnues pour la première fois il y a près de 200 ans, elles ne sont réellement étudiées que depuis quelques dizaines d’années, depuis que les concepts sur les environnements de dépôt dans les domaines marins profonds nous permettent de mieux comprendre les processus de mise en place. Cependant, ces processus restent encore aujourd’hui relativement mal compris. Notre approche repose sur l’étude d’injectites dans le bassin du Bas-Congo à partir de données de sismique et de puits que nous comparerons à un système fossile dans le bassin du sud-est de la France. Nous avons montré que :(1) Dans des systèmes de chenaux turbiditiques enfouis, les dépôts de drapage sur les marges et terrasses de chenaux présentent la même signature géophysique que les injectites de type « wing ». Finalement, le seul critère sismique d’identification des injectites est la présence de réflexions sismiques sécantes vis-à-vis de la stratigraphie associée dans le meilleur des cas au soulèvement des réflecteurs sismiques sus-jacents. (2) Des injectites d’échelle sismique en forme de cône et d’assiette ont été identifiées dans le bassin du Bas-Congo. La remobilisation résulte probablement des pressions anormales induites par l’effet de flottabilité des hydrocarbures piégés dans les marges d’un lobe enfoui sous 160 m de sédiment, puis de l’injection soudaine du sable fluidisé associée à la réactivation de failles.(3) Un réseau d’injectites (dykes, sills/wings et laccolites) s’est formé dans le bassin Vocontien entre la fin de l’Albien supérieur et/ou le début du Cénomanien, depuis un chenal turbiditique de l’Albien inférieur-moyen. La mise en place résulte probablement de la compartimentalisation précoce du chenal au cours de son enfouissement et de l’augmentation du taux de sédimentation générant la surpression et de l’apport ultérieur d’importante quantité de fluides profonds déclenchant l’injection. L’injection du sable a été polyphasée : une première injection a formé des sills et une suivante des dykes. Les sills/wings et les dykes se sont propagés latéralement au chenal source sur environ 2 km et vers la surface sur environ 200 m, mettant en évidence une forte remobilisation latérale plutôt que verticale, contrairement à l’idée classiquement admise à partir de l’interprétation des données sismiques.(4) La formation de ce large réseau d’injectites a été gouverné par des mécanismes d’hydrofracturation. Par conséquent, sa morphologie a été dépendante des hétérogénéités de la roche hôte (milieu isotrope, fracturé), des directions de paléo-contraintes (σ3 = NW-SE) et de la profondeur d’enfouissement de la source (300-600 m) au moment de l’injection. L’étude de ce réseau fossile permet de définir les relations entre morphologie du réseau injecté et état de contraintes au moment de l’injection. Cette relation peut être extrapolée de façon à contraindre la morphologie des réseaux de subsurface au-delà de la visibilité sismique. (5) Les sables injectés dans des lithologies de faible perméabilité témoignent d’un épisode d’échappement de fluide important dans les bassins étudiés mais ont aussi guidé les fluides longtemps après leur formation. Les injectites contribuent ainsi à l’initiation épisodique et la pérennisation de migrations de fluides dans les bassins sédimentaires. Le processus d’injection est associé à l’échappement brutal de fluides, résultant vraisemblablement d’un évènement tectonique et/ou sédimentaire important, et l’architecture des réseaux d’injectites est gouvernée par les paléo-contraintes locales et les hétérogénéités de la roche hôte. Par conséquent, la caractérisation des réseaux d’injectites est une étape importante dans la compréhension de la plomberie des marges, c'est-à-dire l’évolution post-dépôt des bassins sédimentaires. / Sand intrusions (or injectites) are most often the product of post-depositional remobilization of sand leading to its injection into the surrounding rocks. While injectites were recognized for the first time nearly 200 years ago, their emplacement process has been studied for a couple of decades only, since the concepts of deep sea depositional environments have allowed us to better understand their emplacement processes. However, these processes are still relatively poorly understood. Our approach is based on the study of injectites in the Lower Congo Basin from seismic and well data, which we compare to a fossil system in the SE France basin. We have shown that:(1) In buried turbidite channel systems draping deposits on the channel flanks and terraces of channels have the same geophysical signature as ‘wing-like' injectites. Finally, the only criterion for identifying seismic injectites is the presence of bedding-discordant seismic reflections, and in the best case the associated uplift of the overlying seismic reflectors.(2) Seismic-scale conical and saucer-shaped sand injectites have been identified in the Lower Congo Basin. The remobilization is likely due to overpressuring induced by the buoyancy effect of hydrocarbons trapped in the margins of a lobe buried underneath 160 m of sediment, followed by the sudden injection of fluidized sand associated with fault reactivation of faults (with a possible role of nearby salt diapirs).(3) A network of injectites (dykes, sills/wings and laccoliths) was formed in the Vocontian basin during the late Albian and/or early Cenomanian, from a lower-middle Albian turbidite channel. The emplacement is probably due to the early compartmentalization of the channel during its burial and the increase of the sedimentation rate generating overpressure; and the subsequent large influx of deep fluids triggering injection. The injection of sand was polyphased: a first episode formed the sills and another emplaced the dykes. Sills/wings and dykes propagated about 2 km laterally away from the parent sand body and about 200 m up to the surface, revealing a much more extended lateral than vertical reach, contrary to the classically accepted idea from the interpretation of seismic data.(4) The emplacement of this large network of injectites was governed by hydrofracturing. Therefore, its morphology is dependent on the host rock heterogeneity (isotropy, fractures), the paleo-stress orientation (σ3 = NW-SE) and the burial depth of the source (300-600 m) at the time of injection. The study of this fossil network allows us to define the relationship between morphology of the injected network and stress state at the time of injection. This relationship can be extrapolated to constrain the morphology of subsurface networks beyond seismic visibility.(5) Sands injected into low permeability lithologies bear evidence to a major event of fluid escape in the studied basin, but also channeled fluids long after their formation. In this way, injectites both attest to specific episodes of fluid migration in sedimentary basins and contribute to long-lived re-routing of migrating fluids once emplaced.The injection of sand is associated with the sudden escape of fluids, probably resulting from a significant tectonic and/or sedimentary event; in addition, the architecture of injectite networks is governed by the local paleo-stress and heterogeneity in the host rock. Consequently, characterizing injectite networks is an important step in understanding the plumbing systems of continental margins, i.e. the post-depositional evolution of sedimentary basins.

Detrital zircon U-Pb and (U-Th)/He geo-thermochronometry and submarine turbidite fan development in the Mio-Pliocene Gulf of California, Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin, southern California

Cloos, Michael Ethan 27 October 2014 (has links)
The Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin exposes an archive of sediment related to early rifting of the Gulf of California beginning at 8.0 Ma followed by Colorado River delta progradation from 5.3-3.0 Ma. Mio-Pliocene deposits from the Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin of southern California and a sample from the modern Colorado River delta were analyzed through detrital zircon U-Pb (n=1996) and (U-Th)/He (n=280) double-dating in order to better constrain sediment provenance, hinterland exhumation, and Colorado River evolution. Coupling this dataset with outcrop study of the first Colorado River-sourced turbidites into the basin at 5.3 Ma, allows for evolution of the Colorado River system to be viewed from a source-to-sink perspective. Detrital zircon U-Pb and (U-Th)/He (ZHe) ages obtained in this study suggest earliest derivation of sediment was from the Peninsular Ranges followed by more distant sediment sourcing from the Colorado River. Initial Colorado River-sourced deposits show Yavapai-Mazatzal U-Pb ages with Laramide ZHe ages suggesting that the river was sourcing from Laramide basement cored uplifts at the onset of deposition into the Gulf of California, supporting a top-down model of river evolution. An increased percentage of Grenville U-Pb age grains as well as a wider range of ZHe ages associated with western US basement-derived zircon from a modern Colorado River delta sample indicate erosion into older stratigraphic units through time which is consistent with deep erosion on the Colorado Plateau since ~6 Ma. Vertically measured sedimentology logs through the Wind Caves Member, the first Colorado River-sourced unit deposited, were used to determine slope and basin floor architecture as the Colorado River and delta dispersed subaqueous sediment gravity flows into the marine Gulf. Measured sections arrayed along depositional strike show a 4.5 km wide pod of sand-rich turbidites that were delivered through a broad Fish Creek exit point from the paleo-Colorado shelf. The vertical sedimentation trend is one showing thick bedded, amalgamated channelized and sheet-like sandstones initially, shifting to thinnerbedded sheets and more isolated channels higher in the increasingly muddy section. The facies variability up section is interpreted as a change from a submarine basin floor fan to a lower slope environment as the Colorado River prograded its delta into the Gulf. / text


Swift, Peter Norton January 1987 (has links)
Greenschist-facies, Lower Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks of the Johnny Lyon Rills and Little Dragoon Mountains of southeastern Arizona were deposited prior to the intrusion of an approximately 1690 Ma rhyodacite pluton. Well-preserved primary structures indicate deposition by turbidity currents in an intermediate to neardistal setting. Sandstone compositions suggest derivation from either a complex, heterogeneous source or multiple source terranes that provided mature, quartzose sediment as well as lesser quantities of volcaniclastic detritus. Earliest deformation, predating both intrusion of the rhyodacite and metamorphism, produced sections of melange composed primarily of dismembered turbidite beds, but also incorporating large (up to several km long) blocks of deformed basalt. Subsequent deformation, in part post-dating intrusion of the rhyodacite and in part coinciding with metamorphism, affected both melange and coherent strata, and involved isoclinal folding and layerparallel faulting and shearing. It is proposed that turbidite deposition occurred in a trench associated with a north-dipping subduction zone or on ocean floor outboard of such a trench. Melange formed primarily by ductile disruption of unlithified sediments within the subduction zone. Basalt blocks incorporated within the melange represent fragments of oceanic crust or seamounts detached from the lower plate during subduction. Later deformation and intrusion of the rhyodacite occurred within an accretionary prism above the subduction zone. Deformation within the prism ended prior to intrusion of the 1625 ± 10 Ma posttectonic Johnny Lyon Granodiorite.

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