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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les grès d'Annot au N.W. du massif de l'Argentera-Mercantour ( zone subalpine méridionale des Alpes occidentales françaises)- Sédimentologie-paléogéographie.

Jean, Sylvie 26 April 1985 (has links) (PDF)
L'analyse sédimentologique des Grès d'Annot affleurant au NW du massif de l'Argentera-Mercantour amène à distinguer deux domaines de sédimentation actuellement séparés par la faille du Camps des Fourches. Chaque domaine correspond à un cône sous-marin profond avec des directions d'alimentation en provenance du SE. Le cône ouest-Argentera constitue le remplissage d'une dépression étroite structurée en grande partie pendant le dépôt des Calcschistes à Globigérines. Le cône nord*Argentera s'est développé par progradation dans un bassin ouvert. Dans les deux domaines, la complexité des relations Grès d'Annot - Schistes à blocs traduit un changement brutal de la paléogéographie lié au soulèvement des Alpes internes. L'étude pétrographique et la typologie des zircons des grès et des conglomérats de la série ouest-Argentera révèlent le caractère corso*sarde de ce matériel dont la patrie d'origine est probablement à rechercher dans les prolongements orientaux de ce massif (ou dans la partie sud du domaine des "cordillières nummulitiques"). Les sources d'apport proposées jusqu'ici par divers auteurs sont donc remises en question: Argentera (socle et couverture), Maures-Estérel, Flysch à Helminthoïdes, ... Ces résultats s'accordent assez bien avec une position originelle plus orientale des séries étudiées et permettent de proposer un schéma paléogéographique de l'ensemble du domaine des Grès d'Annot au Nummulitique.

Sequence stratigraphic characterisation of petroleum reservoirs in Block 11b/12b of the Southern Outeniqua Basin

Nformi, Emmanuel Nfor January 2011 (has links)
<p>The main purpose of this study was to identify and characterize the various sand prone depositional facies in the deepwater Southern Outeniqua Basin which generally tend to form during&nbsp / lowstand (marine regression) conditions producing progradational facies. It made use of sequence stratigraphy and turbidite facies models to predict the probable location of deepwater&nbsp / reservoirs in the undrilled Southern Outeniqua Basin using data from basin margin Pletmos Basin and the deepwater Southern Outeniqua Basin. Basin margin depositional packages were&nbsp / correlated in time and space with deepwater packages. It was an attempt at bridging the gap between process-related studies of sedimentary rocks and the more traditional economic geology&nbsp / f commercial deposits of petroleum using prevailing state-of-the-art in basin analysis. It enabled the most realistic reconstructions of genetic stratigraphy and offered the greatest&nbsp / application in exploration. Sequence stratigraphic analysis and interpretation of seismics, well logs, cores and biostratigraphic data was carried out providing a chronostratigraphic framework of the study area within which seismic facies analysis done. Nine (9) seismic lines that span the shallow/basin margin Pletmos basin into the undrilled deepwater Southern Outeniqua basin were analysed and interpreted and the relevant seismic geometries were captured. Four (4) turbidite depositional elements were identified from the seismic lines: channel, overbank deposits,&nbsp / haotic deposits and basin plain (basin floor fan) deposits. These were identified from the relevant seismic geometries (geometric attributes) observed on the 2D seismic lines. Thinning attributes, unconformity attributes and seismic facies attributes were observed from the seismic lines. This was preceded by basic structural analyses and interpretation of the&nbsp / seismic lines. according to the structural analysis and interpretation, deposition trended NW-SE and NNW-SSE as we go deepwater into the Southern Outeniqua basin. Well logs from six (6)&nbsp / of the interpreted wells indicated depositional channel fill as well as basin floor fans. This was identified in well Ga-V1 and Ga-S1 respectively. A bell and crescent shape gamma ray log&nbsp / signature was observed in well Ga-V1 indicating a fining up sequence as the channel was abandoned while an isolated massive mound-shape gamma ray log signature was observed in&nbsp / Ga-S1 indicating basin plain well-sorted sands. Core analyses and interpretation from two southern-most wells revealed three (3) facies which were derived based on Walker&lsquo / s 1978, turbidite&nbsp / facies. The observed facies were: sandstone, sand/shale and shale facies. Sequence stratigraphic characterisation of petroleum reservoirs in block 11b/12b of the Southern Outeniqua&nbsp / Basin. Cores of well Ga-V1 displayed fine-grained alternations of thin sandstone beds and shales belonging to the thin-bedded turbidite facies. This is typical of levees of the upper fan channel but&nbsp / could easily be confused with similar facies on the basin plain. According to Walker, 1978 such facies form under conditions of active fan progradation. Ga-S1 cores displayed not only classic&nbsp / turbidite facies where there was alternating sand and shale sections but showed thick uninterrupted sections of clean sands. This is typical of basin plain deposits. Only one well had&nbsp / biostratigraphic data though being very limited in content. This data revealed particular depth sections and stratigraphic sections as having medium to fast depositional rates. Such rates are&nbsp / characteristic of turbidite deposition from turbidity currents. This study as well as a complementary study by Carvajal et al., 2009 revealed that the Southern Outeniqua basin is a sand-prone&nbsp / basin with many progradational sequences in which tectonics and sediment supply rate have been significant factors (amongst others such as sea level change) in the formation of these&nbsp / deepwater sequences. In conclusion, the Southern Outeniqua basin was hereby seen as having a viable and unexplored petroleum system existing in this sand prone untested world class.</p>

Sequence stratigraphic characterisation of petroleum reservoirs in Block 11b/12b of the Southern Outeniqua Basin

Nformi, Emmanuel Nfor January 2011 (has links)
<p>The main purpose of this study was to identify and characterize the various sand prone depositional facies in the deepwater Southern Outeniqua Basin which generally tend to form during&nbsp / lowstand (marine regression) conditions producing progradational facies. It made use of sequence stratigraphy and turbidite facies models to predict the probable location of deepwater&nbsp / reservoirs in the undrilled Southern Outeniqua Basin using data from basin margin Pletmos Basin and the deepwater Southern Outeniqua Basin. Basin margin depositional packages were&nbsp / correlated in time and space with deepwater packages. It was an attempt at bridging the gap between process-related studies of sedimentary rocks and the more traditional economic geology&nbsp / f commercial deposits of petroleum using prevailing state-of-the-art in basin analysis. It enabled the most realistic reconstructions of genetic stratigraphy and offered the greatest&nbsp / application in exploration. Sequence stratigraphic analysis and interpretation of seismics, well logs, cores and biostratigraphic data was carried out providing a chronostratigraphic framework of the study area within which seismic facies analysis done. Nine (9) seismic lines that span the shallow/basin margin Pletmos basin into the undrilled deepwater Southern Outeniqua basin were analysed and interpreted and the relevant seismic geometries were captured. Four (4) turbidite depositional elements were identified from the seismic lines: channel, overbank deposits,&nbsp / haotic deposits and basin plain (basin floor fan) deposits. These were identified from the relevant seismic geometries (geometric attributes) observed on the 2D seismic lines. Thinning attributes, unconformity attributes and seismic facies attributes were observed from the seismic lines. This was preceded by basic structural analyses and interpretation of the&nbsp / seismic lines. according to the structural analysis and interpretation, deposition trended NW-SE and NNW-SSE as we go deepwater into the Southern Outeniqua basin. Well logs from six (6)&nbsp / of the interpreted wells indicated depositional channel fill as well as basin floor fans. This was identified in well Ga-V1 and Ga-S1 respectively. A bell and crescent shape gamma ray log&nbsp / signature was observed in well Ga-V1 indicating a fining up sequence as the channel was abandoned while an isolated massive mound-shape gamma ray log signature was observed in&nbsp / Ga-S1 indicating basin plain well-sorted sands. Core analyses and interpretation from two southern-most wells revealed three (3) facies which were derived based on Walker&lsquo / s 1978, turbidite&nbsp / facies. The observed facies were: sandstone, sand/shale and shale facies. Sequence stratigraphic characterisation of petroleum reservoirs in block 11b/12b of the Southern Outeniqua&nbsp / Basin. Cores of well Ga-V1 displayed fine-grained alternations of thin sandstone beds and shales belonging to the thin-bedded turbidite facies. This is typical of levees of the upper fan channel but&nbsp / could easily be confused with similar facies on the basin plain. According to Walker, 1978 such facies form under conditions of active fan progradation. Ga-S1 cores displayed not only classic&nbsp / turbidite facies where there was alternating sand and shale sections but showed thick uninterrupted sections of clean sands. This is typical of basin plain deposits. Only one well had&nbsp / biostratigraphic data though being very limited in content. This data revealed particular depth sections and stratigraphic sections as having medium to fast depositional rates. Such rates are&nbsp / characteristic of turbidite deposition from turbidity currents. This study as well as a complementary study by Carvajal et al., 2009 revealed that the Southern Outeniqua basin is a sand-prone&nbsp / basin with many progradational sequences in which tectonics and sediment supply rate have been significant factors (amongst others such as sea level change) in the formation of these&nbsp / deepwater sequences. In conclusion, the Southern Outeniqua basin was hereby seen as having a viable and unexplored petroleum system existing in this sand prone untested world class.</p>

Luminescence Dating of Submarine Canyons: Application to the Monterey Canyon, California / Luminiscensdatering av marina raviner. Tillämpningpå Monterey Canyon, Kalifonien

Heerema, Catharina January 2016 (has links)
Submarine canyons are major geomorphic features, transporting large quantities of sediments from land to the deep sea. These sediments contain nutrients, enabling life in the deep sea and potentially forming hydrocarbon reservoirs. The transport of sediments towards the deep sea is also important as it links into fundamental concepts of the Earth’s system, such as the global carbon cycle and land surface denudation. Concepts based on the assumption of direct transport of sediments from land to the deep sea. However, how this transport occurs, on what timescales, and if there is potential storage of sediments along the way, is actually poorly known. The current theory is that gravity flow events, such as turbidity events, are the main mechanism behind canyon formation and maintenance. Luminescence dating, an absolute dating method, has been used in an earlier study to look at sediment transport via turbidity currents down the Monterey Canyon, off the coast of California, USA (Stevens et al., 2014). An active upper canyon was found at 1093 metres depth, with frequent events. At 3555 and 3612 metres depth the turbidity events dated were older and indications of major reworking of sediments were found. To pinpoint this change in environments, the present study used luminescence dating in order to get an age estimate of sediments at 2920 meter depth, creating a sequence of ages in the canyon. These cores have captured sediments that have been transported via sand waves, not turbidites. Sand waves are related to the frequent passing of turbidity events, but exact understanding of the mechanisms at hand is poorly understood. Single grain analysis on quartz is used to obtain the individual properties and ages of grains. This gives representative canyon entry ages of the sediments in addition to intrinsic grain properties. The data shows a skewed distribution of grain ages with a narrow, dominant peak between 180 and 240 years within a single core, indicating frequent flushing events and minor reworking of sediments. This is a similar pattern to the core at 1093 meter depth, albeit with increased age, suggesting temporary storage of sediment to at least a depth of 2920 metres. It is proposed that there is a gradual increase in ages down canyon towards 2900 meters depth with a more abrupt transition in environments with increased storage of sediments between 2900 and 3500 meter depth. Sand waves, and the exact relation to turbidites, remain a poorly understood transport mechanisms, but are potentially capable to transport vast amounts of sediments towards the deep sea. / Marina raviner transporterar stora mängder sand från land till havets botten. Men hur sker detta? I nuläget förklaras sandtransport med gravitationsflöde, att gravitationen drar ner sandkornen mot bottnen. Men sker detta vid ett enda stort skede eller i små gradvisa steg? Och kan det vara så att sand, på sin väg till botten, lagras i ravinerna? Det är dessa frågor som jag försöker att kasta ljus på i och med detta projekt.Målet var att komplettera vår kunskap om hur sand förflyttar sig från land till havsbotten genom att studera ifall det har skett en gradvis eller en abrupt transport av sand i ravinen Monterey Canyon vid Kaliforniens kust. Detta har jag gjort genom att datera åldern av sand vid ett djup av 2 920 meter, som i det här fallet deponerats av sandvågor, och sedan jämfört denna ålder med åldrarna på sanden från ett mindre (1 100 m) och större (3 500 m och djupare) djup, vilka analyserades i en tidigare studie (Stevens et al., 2014). Transportmekanism i den studien skiljer sig med min då det rör sig om gravitationsflöden.Med endast några få sandkorn av annan ålder så var den dominerande åldern på kornen i mitt prov mellan 180 till 240 år gamla. Provet vid 1 100 m djup visade sig också ha en liten spridning av ålder vilket tyder på att det skett återkommande utspolning av gammal sand som istället ersatts av ny. Man kan se att det ändå sker en tillfällig lagring av sediment mellan det minsta, studerade djupet och det nyligen tagna provet på 2 900 m, då en svag ökning i ålder kan mätas. Åldern på sandkornen i proven som kom från ett större djup var istället mycket spridd och generellt mycket högre än de från mindre djup. Att det finns en mix av ålder vid ett och samma djup tyder på att sanden vid återkommande tillfällen omfördelats i ravinen.Denna studie antyder att ravinen i fråga är aktiv upp till ett djup av minst 2 920 meter, med bara en svag stegring i ålder med ökande djup. Mellan 2 920 och 3 500 meter ändras miljön vilket gör att sprid-ningen av ålder ökar. Därutöver var det nya provet taget från en plats med ett annorlunda transport-mekanism, sandvågor istället för gravitationsflöde. Sandvågor, och dess relation till gravitationsflöden, är fortsättningsvis en dåligt förstådd transportmekanism som potentiellt är kapabel till att flytta stora mängder sediment till havets botten.

Sequence stratigraphic characterisation of petroleum reservoirs in Block 11b/12b of the Southern Outeniqua Basin

Nfor, Nformi Emmanuel January 2011 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / The main purpose of this study was to identify and characterize the various sand prone depositional facies in the deepwater Southern Outeniqua Basin which generally tend to form during lowstand (marine regression) conditions producing progradational facies. It made use of sequence stratigraphy and turbidite facies models to predict the probable location of deepwater reservoirs in the undrilled Southern Outeniqua Basin using data from basin margin Pletmos Basin and the deepwater Southern Outeniqua Basin. Basin margin depositional packages were correlated in time and space with deepwater packages. It was an attempt at bridging the gap between process-related studies of sedimentary rocks and the more traditional economic geology f commercial deposits of petroleum using prevailing state-of-the-art in basin analysis. It enabled the most realistic reconstructions of genetic stratigraphy and offered the greatest application in exploration. Sequence stratigraphic analysis and interpretation of seismics, well logs, cores and biostratigraphic data was carried out providing a chronostratigraphic framework of the study area within which seismic facies analysis done. Nine (9) seismic lines that span the shallow/basin margin Pletmos basin into the undrilled deepwater Southern Outeniqua basin were analysed and interpreted and the relevant seismic geometries were captured. Four (4) turbidite depositional elements were identified from the seismic lines: channel, overbank deposits, haotic deposits and basin plain (basin floor fan) deposits. These were identified from the relevant seismic geometries (geometric attributes) observed on the 2D seismic lines. Thinning attributes, unconformity attributes and seismic facies attributes were observed from the seismic lines. This was preceded by basic structural analyses and interpretation of the seismic lines. according to the structural analysis and interpretation, deposition trended NW-SE and NNW-SSE as we go deepwater into the Southern Outeniqua basin. Well logs from six (6) of the interpreted wells indicated depositional channel fill as well as basin floor fans. This was identified in well Ga-V1 and Ga-S1 respectively. A bell and crescent shape gamma ray log signature was observed in well Ga-V1 indicating a fining up sequence as the channel was abandoned while an isolated massive mound-shape gamma ray log signature was observed in Ga-S1 indicating basin plain well-sorted sands. Core analyses and interpretation from two southern-most wells revealed three (3) facies which were derived based on Walker‘s 1978, turbidite facies. The observed facies were: sandstone, sand/shale and shale facies. Sequence stratigraphic characterisation of petroleum reservoirs in block 11b/12b of the Southern Outeniqua Basin. Cores of well Ga-V1 displayed fine-grained alternations of thin sandstone beds and shales belonging to the thin-bedded turbidite facies. This is typical of levees of the upper fan channel but could easily be confused with similar facies on the basin plain. According to Walker, 1978 such facies form under conditions of active fan progradation. Ga-S1 cores displayed not only classic turbidite facies where there was alternating sand and shale sections but showed thick uninterrupted sections of clean sands. This is typical of basin plain deposits. Only one well had biostratigraphic data though being very limited in content. This data revealed particular depth sections and stratigraphic sections as having medium to fast depositional rates. Such rates are characteristic of turbidite deposition from turbidity currents. This study as well as a complementary study by Carvajal et al., 2009 revealed that the Southern Outeniqua basin is a sand-prone basin with many progradational sequences in which tectonics and sediment supply rate have been significant factors (amongst others such as sea level change) in the formation of these deepwater sequences. In conclusion, the Southern Outeniqua basin was hereby seen as having a viable and unexplored petroleum system existing in this sand prone untested world class. / South Africa

Déformation de la marge Est-Sicile et de l'arc calabrais : étude paléosismologique à travers l'enregistrement sédimentaire des turbidites / Eastern Sicilian margin and Calabrian arc deformation : paleoseismology study through the sedimentary recording of turbidites

San Pedro, Laurine 08 December 2016 (has links)
La paléosismologie sous-marine est une discipline basée sur la reconnaissance et l’étude des séismes passés à partir d’archives sous-marines tels que les dépôts turbiditiques. Cette discipline, mise en place à partir des années 1990 au niveau de la zone des Cascades (côte Nord-Ouest des Etats-Unis) a, par la suite, été développée dans d’autres mers, océans et lacs.La mer Ionienne est un petit bassin étroit et profond localisé au centre de la mer Méditerranée bordé par deux prismes d’accrétions, la ride Méditerranéenne à l’Est et le prisme Calabrais à l’Ouest. L’Est de la Sicile et la région Calabre ont été soumises à plusieurs reprises, à des séismes historiques destructeurs, parfois suivit de tsunamis, comme par exemple le séisme de 1693 AD à Catane (magnitude 7,4) ou celui de 1908 à Messine (de magnitude 7,1). Ce dernier séisme a déclenché des glissements sous-marins et des courants de turbidités qui sont à l’origine de rupture de câbles sous-marins. Au niveau de la plaine abyssale Ionienne, un autre type de dépôt est décrit à partir des données sismiques, caractérisées par une couche transparente. Ces méga-dépôts de plusieurs mètres d'épaisseur, sont associés à de grands évènements extrêmes (séismes, tsunamis, éruptions volcaniques) et sont appelés mégaturbidites ou homogénites.Les études réalisées durant cette thèse, se focalisent sur l’interprétation des turbidites et des méga-dépôts observés grâce à un nouveau jeu de données localisé dans la partie Ouest du prisme Calabrais et récolté durant la mission CIRCEE en octobre 2013. La compréhension des sources et des origines de ces dépôts est primordiale pour l’interprétation de l’enregistrement paléosismologique de la région. L’objectif général étant d'améliorer notre compréhension de la chronologie et l'origine des grands événements catastrophiques qui ont affecté la région.Ces nouvelles données, qui incluent des carottes sédimentaires, de la bathymétrie et des profils sismiques (Chirp et HR), ont permis dans un premier temps de revisiter l’interprétation des processus sédimentaires et l’origine des mégadépôts et en particulier, du dépôt le plus récent appelé « dépôt d’Augias ». Ce dernier, dont l’épaisseur atteint les douze mètres en plaine abyssale Ionienne, serait lié au séisme et tsunami de Crête en 365 AD. A partir de sa description sédimentologique et des diverses mesures réalisées, trois types de faciès ont été identifiés (faciès « mégaturbidite », « homogénite » et « turbidite sableuse épaisse ») et qui sont les résultats de différents processus sédimentaires. La deuxième partie de cette thèse représente une étude paléosismologique des derniers 25 ka en mer Ionienne basée sur des modèles d’âges. La période de temps recouverte par les carottes englobe la fin de la dernière période glaciaire, la remontée du niveau marin et la période historique. Cela a permis de différencier les dépôts de la période historique où l’évènement déclencheur principal des courants de turbidités est le séisme. Par contre pour les dépôts antérieurs il a pu être démontré que les variations eustatiques et climatiques ont un fort impact sur la fréquence de turbidites. / Submarine paleoseismology is a discipline based on the recognition and study of past earthquakes from submarine records such as turbidite deposits. This discipline was initially developed in the 1990’s in the Cascadia region (north-west coast of the USA), and was subsequently, applied to other seas, oceans and lakes. The Ionian Sea is a small, narrow and deep basin located in the central Mediterranean Sea and bounded by two accretionary wedges, the Mediterranean Ridge to the east and the Calabrian wedge to the west. Eastern Sicily and Calabria region have been repeatedly struck by destructive historical earthquakes, sometime followed by tsunamis, such as the 1693 AD earthquake in Catania (magnitude to 7.4) or the 1908 AD earthquake in Messina (magnitude to 7.1).This latter earthquake triggered a submarine landslide and turbidity currents that ruptured submarine cables. In the Ionian abyssal plain, another type of deposit is observed in seismic data, expressed as successive transparent layers. These mega-deposits, several meters in thickness, are associated with large extreme events (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis) and are named megaturbidites or homogenites.The research conducted during this thesis focuses on the interpretation of turbidites and mega-deposits, observed by a new data set located in the western part of the Calabrian prism and acquired during the CIRCEE cruise, in October 2013. The understanding of the sources and the origin of these deposits is essential for the interpretation of paleoseismological record in the region. The general objective is to improve our understanding of the chronology and origin of major catastrophic events that have affected the region. These new data, include piston cores, bathymetry and seismic profiles (Chirp and HR), and allow us, for first time, to revisit the interpretation of sedimentary processes and origin of mega deposits and in particular the most recent deposit named "Augias deposit" This deposit, whose thickness reaches 12 meters in Ionian abyssal plain, can be linked to the 365 AD Crete earthquake and associated tsunami. Based on the sedimentological description and different measurements that were conducted, three type facies could be identified ("megaturbidite", "homogenite" and "thick sandy turbidite") that are the expressions of different sedimentary processes.The second part of this thesis represents a paleoseismological study of the last 25 ka in Ionian Sea based on age models. The time period covered by the cores includes the end of the last glacial period, the sea level rise and the historical period. This allowed identification of deposits from the historical period whose main trigger of turbidity currents are earthquakes. On the other hand for earlier deposits, eustatic and climatic variations are shown to have a stong effect on the frequency of turbidites.

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Super-Critical Sediment Gravity Flow Deposits Within the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale, Eastern Utah

Rice, Trezevant Adair 21 April 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Sedimentology and stratigraphy of deep-water reservoirs in the 9A to 14A Sequences of the central Bredasdorp Basin, offshore South Africa

Megner-Allogo, Alain-Cedrique 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Barremian to Albian siliciclastic deep-water deposits of the central Bredasdorp Basin were investigated primarily in terms of their stratigraphic evolution, depositional characteristics and facies distribution. Cores from the deep-water deposits reveal that the facies successions are composed of massive, ripple cross- to parallel-laminated sandstones, conglomerate, massive claystone, alternating laminated to interbedded sandstone/siltstone and claystone, laminated and clay-rich siltstone. These facies are grouped into channel-fill, sheet-lobe, overbank and basin plain deposits, by inference. The application of sequence stratigraphy, based on gamma ray and resistivity log patterns, reveals that all 3rd-order depositional sequences comprise 4thorder cycles. The latter are subdivided into three components (lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts), based on vertical facies changes and internal stratigraphic key surfaces. Taking the 13Amfs as the stratigraphic datum for each well, correlation was possible on a regional basis. Lowstand deposits, comprising thick amalgamated massive sandstones, were interpreted to represent channelfills. Their vertical and horizontal stacking forms channel-fill complexes above Type 1 unconformities. Adjacent thin-bedded intervals, comprising parallel- to ripple cross-laminated sandstones, were interpreted as levee/overbank deposits, whereas clay-rich intervals were interpreted to represent basin plain deposits of hemipelagic origin. Facies associations and their distribution have revealed that channel-fills are associated with overflow deposits and sheet sand units. These deposits, as well as downdip sheet sands associated with small channel-fills within the 9A, 11A/12A, 13A Sequences and the 14A Sequence were interpreted to have been deposited in a middle fan to upper fan setting. A similar association occurs in the 10A Sequence, except that thick conglomerate units are present at the base of proximal channel-fills. This led to interpret the 10A Sequence as being deposited in a base-of-slope to upper fan setting. The thickness of each sequence, as revealed by isochore maps, shows sinuous axial flow path which corresponds to channel-fill conduit. The continuous decrease of this sinuosity upward in the succession was interpreted as being related to basin floor control along the main sand fairways. Successive flows result in erosion-fill-spill processes, which locally favour connectivity of reservoirs over large areas. Recognition of higher-order sequences and key stratigraphic surfaces helps to understand internal stratigraphic relationships and reveals a complex and dynamic depositional history for 3rd-order sequences. However, sparse well control and uneven distribution of boreholes, as well as lack of seismic and other data, limited the models derived for this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Barremiaanse tot Albiaanse silisiklastiese diepwater afsettings van die sentrale Bredasdorp Kom is hoofsaaklik in terme van stratigrafiese evolusie, afsettingskarakteristieke en fasies distribusie ondersoek. Kerne van die diepwater afsettings toon dat die fasies opeenvolgings uit massiewe, riffelkruis- tot parallel-gelamineerde sandstene, konglomerate, massiewe kleistene, afwisselende gelamineerde tot intergelaagde sandstene/slikstene en kleistene, sowel as gelamineerde en klei-ryke slikstene bestaan. Hierdie fasies word onderverdeel in kanaalopvulsel, plaatlob, oewerwal en komvlakte afsettings. Die toepassing van opeenvolgingsstratigrafie gebaseer op gammastraal en resistiwiteit log patrone toon dat alle 3de-orde afsettingsopeenvolgings uit 4deorde siklusse bestaan. Laasgenoemde word onderverdeel in drie komponente (lae-stand, transgressie en hoë-stand sisteemgedeeltes), gebaseer op vertikale fasies veranderinge en interne stratigrafiese sleutel vlakke. Korrelasie op ‘n regionale basis is moontlik gemaak deur die 13Amfs as die stratigrafiese verwysing vir elke boorgat te neem. Lae-stand afsettings, wat uit dik saamgevoegde massiewe sandstene bestaan, word geïnterpreteer as kanaalopvulsels. Die vertikale en horisontale stapeling van die sandstene vorm kanaalopvulsel komplekse bo Tipe 1 diskordansies. Naasliggende dungelaagde intervalle, wat uit parallel- tot kruisgelaagde sandstene bestaan, word geïnterpreteer as oewerwal afsettings, terwyl klei-ryke intervalle geïnterpreteer word as verteenwoordigend van komvlakte afsettings van hemipelagiese oorsprong. Fasies assosiasies en hul verspreiding toon dat kanaalvul geassosieër word met oorvloei afsettings en plaatsand eenhede. Hierdie afsettings, sowel as distale plaatsande geassosieër met klein kanaalopvulsels binne die 9A, 11A/12A, 13A en die 14A Opeenvolgings, word geïnterpreteer as afgeset in ‘n middelwaaier tot bo-waaier omgewing. ‘n Soortgelyke assosiasie bestaan in die 10A Opeenvolging, behalwe dat dik konglomeraat eenhede teenwoordig is by die basis van proksimale kanaalopvullings. Dit het gelei tot die interpretasie van die 10A Opeenvolging as afgeset in ‘n basis-van-helling tot bo-waaier omgewing. Die dikte van elke opeenvolging, soos verkry vanaf isochoor kaarte, toon ‘n kronkelende aksiale vloeipad wat ooreenkom met ‘n kanaalopvulling toevoerkanaal. Die aaneenlopende afname van hierdie kronkeling na bo in die opeenvolging word geïnterpreteer as verwant aan komvloer-beheer langs die hoof sand roetes. Opeenvolgende vloeie veroorsaak erosie-opvul-oorspoel prosesse, wat lokaal die konnektiwiteit van reservoirs oor groot areas bevoordeel. Herkenning van hoër-orde opeenvolgings en sleutel stratigrafiese vlakke dra by tot ‘n goeie begrip van die interne stratigrafiese verhoudings en ontbloot ‘n komplekse en dinamiese afsettingsgeskiedenis vir 3de-orde opeenvolgings. Beperkte boorgatbeheer en ‘n tekort aan seismiese en ander data het egter ‘n beperkende rol gespeel in die daarstel van modelle vir hierdie studie.

Contribution à la géologie du bassin nord oriental de l'île de Java - Indonésie. Sédimentologie d'un bassin d'arrière arc.

Muin, Abdul 28 October 1985 (has links) (PDF)
Le bassin du NE de Java, situé en arrière de l'arc volcanique tertiaire, appartient à des domaines mobiles affectés à la fois de fortes subsidences, et de déplacements tangentiels. soumis à des mouvements de convergences de plaque. L'évolution verticale de la série tertiaire de ce bassin, replacée dans son contexte paléogéographique, est caractérisée par cinq mégaséquences commençant chacune par une phase transgressive, et couronnée par une phase régressive. L'étude sédimentologique, nettement axée sur les pro* blèmes des faciès turbiditiques de la Formation de Kerek dans la zone de Kendeng et sur les Sables de Ngrayong dans la zone de Rembang, a permis de retracer l'histoire spatiotemporelle de ces deux séries détritiques. La Formation de Kerek correspond à un flysch argilo marneux renfermant quelques corps grèso-conglomératique à géométrie chenalisée. Les variations latérales et verticales de la composition minéralogique et l'orientation des structures sédimentaires révèlent trois sources d'apport de matériel détritique: la plus importante est constituée essentiellement par des éléments volcaniques-basaltiques venant du Sud; la seconde, principalement terrigène et bioclastique vient du N. Ces deux sources ont alimenté l'essentiel de la zone de Kendeng depuis la région de Sumberlawang à l'Ouest jusqu'à la région de Miono à l'Est, et ont été favorisé par l'effondrement du bassin avec une migration possible de l'axe et la création de failles de compensation vers le Sud. La troisième source vient de l'Ouest et comporte soit des matériaux volcaniques soit des mélanges bioclastiques et des quartz non volcaniques grossiers; on la rencontre seulement dans la bordure ouest du bassin à la proximité de l'occident N 70°. Les Sables de Ngrayong correspond à un système deltaïque dont les dépôts (sables quartzeux et argiles ligniteuses) proviennent de reliefs encore inconnus situés au Nord. L'interaction de l'écoulement fluvial et de la marée régit cette sédimentation *dans un domaine marin de moyenne à haute énergie complexe et variable selon la position dans le bassin.

Approches sédimentologique et géophysique des accumulations turbiditiques : l'éventail profond du Cap-Ferret (Golfe de Gascogne), la série des grès d'Annot (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence)

Cremer, Michel 02 July 1983 (has links) (PDF)
A l'aide de deux exemples, l'un actuel (l'éventail du Cap-Ferret), l'autre ancien (la série des Grés d'Annot) et par des méthodes d'approche complémentaires (analyse morphologique, sédirnentologique, interprétation sismique) sont caractérisés les facteurs et les processus dynamiques qui conditionnent l'édification des appareils turbiditiques. Le cadre morphostructural de la marge continentale, le climat et les variations du niveau marin déterminent le volume et la nature de l'alimentation terrigène, la dynamique des écoulements gravitaires et par conséquence les modalités de construction et d'évolution des appareils turbiditiques. L'éventail du Cap-Ferret, éloigné des sources terrigènes grossières se caractérise par l'importance des dépôts turbiditiques silto-argileux de débordement, fortement influencés par l'accélération complémentaire de Coriolis. Inversement les Grés d'Annot se mettent en place à pro* ximité des sources terrigènes grossières et forment, dans des dépressions/des remplissages en "onlap", constitués de lobes gréseux très aplatis.

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