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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psychopathic Tendencies Found in Some Unwed Mothers

Pratt, Howard Charles 08 1900 (has links)
The study is an attempt to measure psychopathic tendencies in the girl who becomes pregnant out of wedlock compared with the average non-pregnant college co-ed. This characteristic, when evidenced in a subject's personality, may be reflected in a High T score on the Pd scale of the 1MPI.

Cell type-specific transcriptional responses of plants to salinity / Analyses transcriptionnelles de la tolérance à la salinité chez deux types cellulaires de la racine chez 2 plantes modèles

Evrard, Aurélie 12 December 2012 (has links)
La salinité du sol affecte la croissance des plantes glycophytes telle que Arabidopsis thaliana et le riz. Chez les plantes vasculaires, les racines sont composées de divers types de cellules organisées en cercles concentriques. Chaque type de cellules racinaires possède une fonction biologique spécifique et coordonnée avec les autres cellules qui composent cette même racine. Il est probable que la réponse des gènes au stress salin soit spécifique du type cellulaire, ce qui ne peut être révélé par des études à l'échelle de l'organe entier. Afin d'étudier les réponses spécifiques, notre approche a été de générer des profils de transcriptome pour deux types de cellules racinaires chez les plantes modèles, Arabidopsis et riz. Les deux types de cellules étudiées ont été choisis en raison de leur rôle possible soit dans le stockage du sodium dans les cellules corticales, soit dans son transport dans les cellules du péricycle chez Arabidopsis ou du cylindre central chez le riz. Des plantes exprimant la protéine fluorescente verte (GF) spécifiquement dans un type de cellule racinaire furent utilisées pour cette analyse. Les cellules ont donc pu être isolées chez le riz et Arabidopsis grâce à la technique de cytométrie en flux.L'analyse du transcriptome des cellules du péricycle et du cylindre central montrent que les cellules corticales sont plus réactives au stress salin et qu'une large majorité des gènes est sous–exprimée chez les deux plantes modèles. D'après les analyses d'expression des cellules du cortex d'Arabidopsis, trois voies métaboliques sont significativement sous-exprimées en réponse au stress salin: la voie de biosynthèse des phénylpropanoïdes, le transport de l'eau and le métabolisme secondaire. La régulation de gènes impliqués dans le transport de l'eau et des nutriments démontre l'importance des cellules corticales dans le mouvement des solutés. Chez le riz, les profils des deux types cellulaires étudiés révèlent une forte réaction de défense ; en effet le métabolisme protéique et la régulation de la transcription sont fortement sous-exprimés dans les cellules corticales alors que les cellules du cylindre central modifient et activent les gènes correspondant à divers catégories fonctionnelles telles que la réplication de l'ADN et le transport. Des gènes candidats ont été sélectionnés dans les deux types cellulaires d'Arabidopsis. Des lignées mutantes n'exprimant pas ces gènes ont été testées en stress salin dans des conditions hydroponiques. Les résultats ont révélé un phénotype accumulant moins de sodium dans les parties aériennes (20% par rapport au génotype sauvage) pour certaines de ces lignées mutantes. Ce travail est la première étude de transcriptome utilisant des types spécifiques de cellules racinaires chez le riz. L'identification de gènes et voies métaboliques répondant au stress salin dans le cortex et le cylindre central de la racine ouvre de nouveaux axes de recherche et va permettre d'élucider la complexité des processus biologiques d'adaptation au stress salin. / Soil salinity reduces the growth of glycophytic plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana and rice. In vascular plants, roots are organized into concentric layers of cells and each layer has a specific biological function coordinated with other cell types in the root. Therefore, genes differentially expressed in response to a salt stress are also likely to be changing only in specific cell types, and thus may not be revealed at the organ level. In order to identify novel salt-responsive genes, cell-type specific transcriptomic approaches were undertaken in Arabidopsis thaliana and rice, with application of physiologically reasonable salt stress (50mM) over 48 hours. Two cell-types from the root were chosen in both species for their potential role in salt storage and transport: cortical and pericycle/stelar cells respectively. Cell-types of interest expressing specifically Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) were isolated from the rest of the root using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS).The outer layer of the root was found to be responding more than the inner part of the root after 48 hours of salt stress, with an overall down-regulation in both rice and Arabidopsis. Arabidopsis cortical cells responding to salt seem to regulate the cell wall biosynthesis, which may modulate the shape of the cells or alter the apoplastic movements of solutes in response to salt. Genes related to transport were affected by salt in Arabidopsis, with the crucial role of cortical cells in the movement of solutes being evident. Rice cortical cells respond to salt by showing a more extreme defence reaction in changing the protein metabolism and the regulation of transcription. The response of the inner part of the rice root to 48 hours of mild salt stress showed up-regulation of genes implicated in broader functional categories. The biological relevance of genes revealed using cell-type specific transcriptomics was demonstrated in a salt assay using knock-out (KO) lines of candidate genes from both cell-types in Arabidopsis thaliana. Three KO mutant lines showed 20% reduction in shoot sodium after 5 weeks of salt stress and were also able to maintain a higher shoot dry weight. These transcriptomic studies of isolated stelar and cortical cells in response to a mild salt stress have revealed salt responsive genes and pathways, indicating new areas for further study, and contributing to our understanding of the complex responses of plants to their environment at the cellular level.

Druhy civilního procesu / Types of civil procedure

Krejčí, Ivona January 2013 (has links)
Types of civil procedure This thesis deals with various kinds of civil procedure. It defines its character, the purpose of its legislation, its principles, parties and their position, rights and responsibilities, and the course of the five kinds of civil proceedings in the Czech republic. In the first chapter there is described the procedure, in which disputes are solved. Courts binding decide concrete disputes and declare, what is right and what is not right. Parties have to declare their rights and proof it. Otherwise they fail the process. In the second part of the first chapter there are defined kinds of civil procedure in which there is no dispute but it is required to regulate this legal relations, for example when somebody dies or lose some legal document. The second chapter deals with proceeding which leads to enforcement, when somebody doesn't voluntarily perform what he have to perform according to the final legal decision. The court or the executor can force this person to perform his obligation. In the third chapter there is described the bankruptcy proceeding and its institutes. The bankruptcy proceeding is regulated in the quite new Bankruptcy act. This chapter deals also with the ways of solution when somebody declare a bankruptcy. The fourth chapter deals with arbitration, in that parties...

Léčba epilepsie / Treatment of epilepsy

Chaloupková, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Lucie Chaloupková Supervisor: Prof. MUDr. Radomír Hrdina, CSc. Title of diploma thesis: Treatment of epilepsy Epilepsy is a serious chronic disease affecting all ages which can be characterized by recurrent epileptic attacks. It affects about 1,3-4 % of the population and endangers the patient's life at every incoming attack. Long-term treatment must be preceded by thorough diagnosis and classification of the disease, which can be very difficult. The aim of the treatment is to prevent recurrent epileptic attacks, or at least mitigate them while minimizing the side effects of the treatment and reducing the negative impact on the quality of life. When choosing a suitable drug for an adult, the doctor usually decides individually depending on the type of epileptic attack. In children, the choice of the treatment often depends on the diagnosed type of syndrome, which appears more in the lower age category than in adult patients. The doctor should follow expert standards of the treatment of epilepsy, and also their own most recent experience and knowledge gained during the course of lifelong learning. The therapy begins with monotherapy, and only when not successful, it is necessary to...

Druhy civilního procesu / Types of civil procedure

Hošek, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with types of civil procedure and it is divided into six parts. The first part generally focuses on civil procedure, definition of its subject and its relation to substantive law. There is also described its development since era of ancient Rome till presence. The second chapter focuses on the most important type of civil procedure, which is civil trial proceedings, that is divided into contentious and non- contentious proceedings. At first there is described contentious procedure aiming on its basic principles, goal, rights and obligations of participants and its procedure. The part devoted to non-contentious procedure contains common and different characteristics with contentious procedure, basic principles, specification of participants, general procedure and description of chosen types of non-contentious procedure. Based on its continuity the third chapter is dedicated to enforcement procedure. The chapter is subdivided to parts focused on writ of execution, general procedure and possible ways of its end. Next chapter's subjects are conciliation procedure, preliminary injunction and securing of evidence. The fifth chapter is devoted to bankruptcy proceedings, which deals with bankruptcy of debtors in various ways. There are specified its entities, term bankruptcy, its...

Psychopathologie cognitive des processus intentionnels schizophréniques dans l'interaction verbale / Cognitive psychopathology of schizophrenics intentional processes in verbal interaction

Verhaegen, Frédéric 26 October 2007 (has links)
Our purpose is to provide a pragmatic and dialogical model allowing to bring to light, in a "decisive manner", discontinuities which appear in verbal interaction. We discuss the relationship between such discontinuities and possible syndromic specificities of schizophrenic pathology and then the question of inconsistency. We control the influence of antipsychotic drugs on the expression of symptoms as expressed in verbal interaction. This research contributes to describe communication disorders more precisely by developing the concept of "pragmatic pathology". These models of apprehension of discontinuity that we propose turn out to be particularly discriminating when one compares the coherence of the "pathological conversations" with that of the "normal conversations". These models also prove to be useful in accounting for certain specificities associated with coherence of the discursive and dialogical production among the patients inside each of the two diagnostic categories of schizophrenia (paranoid vs disorganized). Finally, our results underline the interest of take into account the antipsychotic treatment variable and its influence on the dialogical behavior and on the complex cognitive processes in the studies about this pathology. Taking into account such a variable will make it possible to discuss the specificities of the cognitive processes connected to the disorders. From a diagnostic point of view, the development of a model of apprehension of the discontinuity suggests the possibility of making operational the concept of "Formal Thought Disorders". This strategy would lead us too set up the early beginnings of a new type of psychopathological theories. / L'auteur se propose d'appréhender et de catégoriser les spécificités des manifestations langagières, discursives et dialogiques de patients schizophrènes dans l'interaction verbale. Nous élaborons des modèles pragmatique et dialogique permettant de mettre au jour le plus objectivement possible les discontinuités qui jalonnent le discours schizophrénique en développant la notion de "pathologie pragmatique". Ces modèles sont confrontés aux spécificités syndromiques de la pathologie schizophrénique tout en contrôlant l'impact des antipsychotiques et leur répercussion sur les spécificités mises au jour. Ces modèles sont particulièrement discrimants pour rendre compte des spécificités associées à la cohérence de la production discursive et dialogique de patients schizophrènes de sous-type clinique paranoïde et désorganisé. L'utilisation des antipsychotiques en tant qu'outils d'investigation se révèle pertinente pour explorer la nature des processus cognitifs élémentaires et complexes intriqués aux troubles. Ces recherches contribuent ainsi à l'élaboration d'instruments diagnostiques qui viennent discuter et compléter les critères utilisés classiquement dans les différentes classifications et laissent entrevoir la possibilité d'opérationnaliser la notion de "Troubles Formels de la Pensée". Ce genre d'investigations permet d'interroger d'autres courants épistémologiques et théoriques contemporains dans la littérature scientifique psychologique ou cognitive, de sorte qu'on parvienne, à plus ou moins long terme, à "d'autres" modèles explicatifs ou interprétatifs des troubles mentaux, voire à poser les prémices d'un nouveau type de théorisation en psychopathologie.

Využívání mediatypů v FMCG kategorii - jogurtové výrobky / Media mix in the FMCG category - yoghurt products

Kraft, Zdeněk January 2010 (has links)
This thesis inquires into media mix in the FMCG category, focusing on yoghurt products. The theoretical part describes the mediamarket entities and functioning, important media indicators, media research projects and monitoring projects of advertising expenditures. After the division of the media from a theoretical point of view comes a chapter exploring the markets of particular media types and their characteristics which results in the evaluation of their advantages and disadvantages in advertising communication. The final part analyzes the media mix and advertising spending over the whole Czech advertising market, the FMCG market and then yoghurt market comparing the communication of the major yoghurt manufacturers.

Caracterização de alvos moleculares em tumores associados ao Papilomavírus Humano / Characterization of molecular targets in tumors associated with Human Papillomavirus

Silveira, Caio Raony Farina 15 March 2019 (has links)
O câncer de cervical é causado por uma infecção persistente por algum dos tipos oncogênicos de Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) e continua a ser um problema de saúde pública, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento. Por Peptide Phage Display, foram selecionadas sequências de peptídeos com afinidade de ligação a linhagens celulares ou a tumores associados ao HPV. Dentre elas, foi possível identificar sequências contidas em moléculas importantes para a progressão de tumores, como a -manosidase e triptase, enzimas que desempenham um papel importante na progressão tumoral. Para caracterizar o efeito da inibição de -manosidase II na terapia de tumores cervicais em camundongos, utilizamos a droga Swainsonina (SW), previamente descrita como inibidor desta enzima. Nós testamos o efeito desta droga tratando animais inoculados com células tumorais que expressam os oncogenes E6 e E7 de HPV16. Observamos que os animais tratados com Swainsonina apresentaram crescimento tumoral significativamente mais rápido do que os animais controle. Investigando os mecanismos por trás desse efeito, descobrimos que embora SW module parcialmente os macrófagos associados aos tumores, o tratamento induz o acúmulo de células com fenótipo mieloderivado supressor no baço dos animais, potencializando o efeito tolerogênico dos tumores sobre o sistema imune. Sendo assim, sugerimos cautela no uso deste fármaco para a terapia de pacientes com tumores HPV&#43. Outro braço do trabalho foi avaliar o papel da triptase, que é produzida por mastócitos, no infiltrado inflamatório. Para isto padronizamos um modelo de co-cultura de esferóides tumorais da linhagem TC-1 com a linhagem de mastócitos murinos PT18. Através deste modelo pudemos observar que a linhagem tumoral consegue induzir a desgranulação dos mastócitos independentemente de anticorpos. Além disso, quando em co-cultura, a linhagem tumoral parece estar aumentando a meia-vida dos mastócitos e estimulando a proliferação destes. Em experimentos in vivo observamos que tumores induzidos com as células PT18 e TC-1 cresceram mais rapidamente do que tumores induzidos apenas com TC-1. Através da imunofenotipagem dos tumores ficou evidenciado um aumento de células CD31+ e no infiltrado inflamatório total de tumores induzidos com o co-cultivo. Justificando o fato destes crescerem mais rapidamente, sugerindo que os mastócitos podem ter efeitos tanto proliferativos quanto no processo de angiogênese tumoral. / Cervical cancer is caused by a persistent infection by some of the oncogenic types of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and continues to be a public health problem, especially in developing countries. By Peptide Phage Display peptide sequences were selected with binding affinity to cell lines or to HPV-associated tumors. Among them, it was possible to identify sequences contained in molecules important for the progression of tumors, such as -mannosidase and tryptase, enzymes that play an important role in tumor progression. To characterize the effect of -mannosidase II inhibition on cervical tumor therapy in mice, we used the drug Swainsonina (SW), previously described as an inhibitor of this enzyme. We tested the effect of this drug by treating animals inoculated with tumor cells expressing HPV16 E6 and E7 oncogenes. We observed that Swainsonine treated animals had significantly faster tumor growth than control animals. Investigating the mechanisms behind this effect, we found that although SW partially modulates tumor-associated macrophages, the treatment induces the accumulation of cells with suppressive myeloderivative phenotype in the animals spleens, enhancing the tolerogenic effect of tumors on the immune system. Therefore, we suggest caution in the use of this drug for the therapy of patients with HPV&#43 tumors. Another arm of the study was to evaluate the role of tryptase, which is produced by mast cells, in the inflammatory infiltrate. For this we standardized a co-culture model of tumor spheroids of the TC-1 lineage with the murine mast cell line PT18. Through this model we could observe that the tumoral lineage can induce mast cell degranulation independently of antibodies. In addition, when co-cultured, the tumoral lineage appears to be increasing the half-life of mast cells and stimulating the proliferation of these. In in vivo experiments we observed that tumors induced with PT18 and TC-1 cells grew faster than tumors induced only with TC-1. Tumor immunophenotyping revealed an increase in CD31&#43 cells and in the total inflammatory infiltrate of tumors induced with co-culture. Justifying the fact that they grow faster, suggesting that mast cells can have both proliferative effects and the process of tumor angiogenesis.

The intelligent data object and its data base interface

Busack, Nancy Long January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Terrier: an embedded operating system using advanced types for safety

Danish, Matthew 08 April 2016 (has links)
Operating systems software is fundamental to modern computer systems: all other applications are dependent upon the correct and timely provision of basic system services. At the same time, advances in programming languages and type theory have lead to the creation of functional programming languages with type systems that are designed to combine theorem proving with practical systems programming. The Terrier operating system project focuses on low-level systems programming in the context of a multi-core, real-time, embedded system, while taking advantage of a dependently typed programming language named ATS to improve reliability. Terrier is a new point in the design space for an operating system, one that leans heavily on an associated programming language, ATS, to provide safety that has traditionally been in the scope of hardware protection and kernel privilege. Terrier tries to have far fewer abstractions between program and hardware. The purpose of Terrier is to put programs as much in contact with the real hardware, real memory, and real timing constraints as possible, while still retaining the ability to multiplex programs and provide for a reasonable level of safety through static analysis.

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