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I came out of the shadows: South African transgender wellbeing and liminalityMiller, Kirsten Lee 06 November 2019 (has links)
Abstract in English and Zulu / This qualitative study set out to discover the lived experiences of South African transgender
individuals within the liminal space of having been confirmed for gender affirming surgery,
yet who have not completed their surgery. The aim included seeking out how participants’
wellbeing was affected by being within this liminal space. Six participants were recruited in
Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town. Thematic analysis was used to derive themes from the
transcripts. Themes included coming out; relationships; wellbeing; misgendering/misnaming;
support; public and private medical care; and liminality. Recommendations for future studies
are included, and recommendations on interventions and support are discussed. / Lolu cwaningo lohlobo lwekhethelo lenzelwe ukuthola noma ukubheka izinselelo zabantu
abafuna ukushintsha ubulili babo baseNingizimu Afrika ababhekana nazo uma basohlelweni
lokuyohlinzwa ngoDokotela ukuze bakhone ukushintsha ubulili babo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo
ukubheka ngqo kubantu abayihambile lena ndima ukuthi bahlukumezeka kanjani ngesikhathi
basohlelweni lokuthi bashintshe ubulili babo. Abantu abayisithupha abazibandakanye nalolu
cwaningo batholakale eGoli, ePitoli kanye naseKapa. Kusetshenziswe ucwaningo olubheka
indikimba ukuze kutholwe izihloko ezivele embalweni osuselwe enkulumeni eqoshiweyo.
Izihloko ezivelayo yilezi, ubudlelwano; impilo; ukubizwa ngobulili ongasibona/ukubizwa
ngegama okungasilona elakho; ukwesekwa; usizo lwezibhedlela zikahulumeni nezibhedlela
ezizimele; kanye nokuba sesimeni sokushintsha ubulili. Izincomo zocwaningo oluzayo
zifakiwe nazo, kuphindwe kwakhulunywa noma kwabhekwa ukuthi kungangenelelwa kanjani
ngosizo. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)
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I came out of the shadows: South African transgender wellbeing and liminalityMiller, Kirsten Lee 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English and isiZulu / This qualitative study set out to discover the lived experiences of South African transgender individuals within the liminal space of having been confirmed for gender affirming surgery, yet who have not completed their surgery. The aim included seeking out how participants’ wellbeing was affected by being within this liminal space. Six participants were recruited in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town. Thematic analysis was used to derive themes from the transcripts. Themes included coming out; relationships; wellbeing; misgendering/misnaming; support; public and private medical care; and liminality. Recommendations for future studies are included, and recommendations on interventions and support are discussed. / Lolu cwaningo lohlobo lwekhethelo lenzelwe ukuthola noma ukubheka izinselelo zabantu abafuna ukushintsha ubulili babo baseNingizimu Afrika ababhekana nazo uma basohlelweni
lokuyohlinzwa ngoDokotela ukuze bakhone ukushintsha ubulili babo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukubheka ngqo kubantu abayihambile lena ndima ukuthi bahlukumezeka kanjani ngesikhathi
basohlelweni lokuthi bashintshe ubulili babo. Abantu abayisithupha abazibandakanye nalolu cwaningo batholakale eGoli, ePitoli kanye naseKapa. Kusetshenziswe ucwaningo olubheka
indikimba ukuze kutholwe izihloko ezivele embalweni osuselwe enkulumeni eqoshiweyo.
Izihloko ezivelayo yilezi, ubudlelwano; impilo; ukubizwa ngobulili ongasibona/ukubizwa ngegama okungasilona elakho; ukwesekwa; usizo lwezibhedlela zikahulumeni nezibhedlela ezizimele; kanye nokuba sesimeni sokushintsha ubulili. Izincomo zocwaningo oluzayo
zifakiwe nazo, kuphindwe kwakhulunywa noma kwabhekwa ukuthi kungangenelelwa kanjani ngosizo. / M.A. (Clinical Psychology) / Psychology
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Barriers to leaving an abusive relationship amongst heterosexual women living in the Inanda district in KwaZulu-NatalPadayachee, Dhevamoney 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English, with abstracts and keywords in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / South Africa has been known to have the highest rate of gender-based violence globally. This qualitative study locates gender-based violence using the interpretive phenomenological paradigm and multicultural feminism as both allowed participants’ to be given a voice. This
study thus enabled women who have been abused to discuss their perception of their own experiences. The primary aim of the study is orientated towards an increased understanding
of the possible barriers that prevent women from leaving their abusers. The main findings point out how victim manipulation, financial abuse, isolation and responses by social and
legal services serve as barriers to the women leaving their abusive partners. The secondary aim contributes to an understanding of the risk factors influencing gender-based violence.
Furthermore, the study explores the impact of prolonged abuse on the participants.
The criteria used for the selection were women with diverse backgrounds from the Inanda district, who have lived in abusive relationships for two years or longer. Eight participants
completed the research process and were selected using the purposive sampling method.
Significantly, this study provides an insight into the reality of how women process and give meanings to their experiences of abuse. Hence, the research sought to inform the literature and the greater community on the lived experiences of women in abusive relationships. / Suid-Afrika het wêreldwyd die hoogste persentasie van geslagsgebaseerde geweld. Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie plaas geslagsgebaseerde geweld met behulp van die interpretatiewe
fenomenologiese paradigma en multikulturele feminisme, aangesien albei die deelnemers 'n stem laat kry. Hierdie studie het dus vroue wat mishandel is, in staat gestel om hul persepsie van hul eie ervarings te bespreek. Die primêre doel van die studie is gerig op 'n groter begrip van die moontlike hindernisse wat vroue verhoed om hul misbruik te verlaat. Die belangrikste bevindings wys daarop hoe manipulasie van slagoffer, finansiële mishandeling, isolasie en
reaksies deur maatskaplike en regsdienste dien as hindernisse vir die verlaat van hul vrouens met hul maat. Die sekondêre doel dra by tot die begrip van die risikofaktore wat geslagsgebaseerde geweld beïnvloed. Verder ondersoek die studie die impak van langdurige
mishandeling op die deelnemers.
Die kriteria wat gebruik is vir die keuring was vroue met verskillende agtergronde uit die distrik Inanda, wat al twee jaar of langer in beledigende verhoudings leef. Agt deelnemers het die navorsingsproses voltooi en is met behulp van die doelgerigte steekproefmetode gekies.
Hierdie studie bied 'n insig in die werklikheid van hoe vroue hul ervarings van mishandeling verwerk en betekenisse gee. Daarom het die navorsing probeer om die literatuur en die groter gemeenskap in te lig oor die ervarings van vroue in beledigende verhoudings. / Iningizimu Afrika yaziwa ukuthi inesilinganiso esiphakeme kunazo zonke sodlame olususelwa ebulilini emhlabeni jikelele. Lolu cwaningo lwekhwalithi lubheka udlame olususelwa ebulilini kusetshenziswa ukuhumusha okuyi-phenographical paradigm kanye
nobungqingili bezamasiko njengoba bobabili abahlanganyeli bavunyelwe ukuba banikezwe izwi. Lolu cwaningo lwenze ukuthi abesifazane abahlukunyeziwe bakhulume ngokubona
kwabo ngokwenzeka kwabo. Inhloso yokuqala yocwaningo isekelwe ekuqondeni okwandayo kwemigoqo engahle ivimbele abesifazane ukuba bashiye abahlukumezi babo. Okutholakele
okukhulu kuveza ukuthi ukuxhaphaza izisulu, ukuhlukunyezwa ngokwezimali, ukwahlukaniswa nezimpendulo ngezinsizakalo zezenhlalo nezomthetho kusebenza njengezithiyo kwabesifazane beshiya abalingani babo abahlukumezayo. Inhloso yesibili
inomthelela ekuqondeni kwezimpawu zobungozi ezinomthelela udlame olususelwa ebulilini.
Ngaphezu kwalokho, lolu cwaningo lubheka umthelela wokuhlukunyezwa isikhathi eside kwabahlanganyeli.
Abangu-8 ababambe iqhaza baphothula inqubo yokucwaninga futhi bakhethwa besebenzisa indlela enamasampula enenjongo.
Okusemqoka ukuthi lolu cwaningo luhlinzeka ngokuqonda kweqiniso lokuthi abesifazane basebenza kanjani futhi banikeze izincazelo kulokho kwabo okuhlukumezeka. Ngakho-ke, lolu cwaningo lufune ukwazisa izincwadi kanye nomphakathi omkhulu ngokuhlangenwe
nakho kokuphila kwabesifazane ebudlelwaneni bokuhlukumeza. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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Socio-economic and gender determinants of immunisation coverage in the federal capital territory, NigeriaYehualashet, Yared Gettu 05 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English and Zulu / Immunisation is a cost-effective public health intervention that contributes to the
attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). About 40% of children
under the age of five years die from vaccine-preventable diseases in Nigeria. Routine
immunisation has been quite low in Nigeria, where national coverage is estimated to
be 33%, according to a 2016–2017 survey. This empirical research was aimed at
determining the key socio-economic and gender determinants of immunisation in the
Federal Capital Territory (FCT), identifying gaps and proffering solutions. Mixed
methods of data collection and analysis were used. Data were gathered from several
secondary sources and from 11 key informants using semi-structured interviews and
501 household and 26 health-facility surveys using questionnaires mounted on Open
Data Kit. Lot quality assurance sampling and probability to population size methodology
were used to size the samples and identify survey locations. Odds ratio analysis and
logistic regression analysis were conducted to gauge the statistical association
between the determinants and the coverage of immunisation. The main finding that
was reached on the basis of the documents reviewed and the feedback received from
the key informants was that they were gender blind at worst and gender neural at best.
Most of the current strategies give little attention to socio-economic and gender
barriers. Over 40 immunisation variables were identified. The analysis, particularly
using the 2x2 odds ratio, yielded mixed results. The majority of the variables exhibited
a close statistical association as far as immunisation indices were concerned. These
variables included urban residency, married couples, literacy, birth at a health facility,
antenatal care experience, vaccination card possession, immunisation knowledge,
child health information, non-farming earnings, socio-economic status and tolerance of
spouse beating. On the other hand, variables that were found to have no statistical
significance included sex, marital status, marriage type, age, religion, tetanus toxoid
(TT) vaccination and adequacy of income. Immunisation and gender are intertwined,
particularly because of mothers’ biological and social attachment to their children. At
the same time, conducting vaccination avails the opportunity to access almost all
households. Moreover, it is important to recognise that socio-economic and gender
determinants are not totally in control of one ministry. Single agenda interventions will
not produce the desired result. A paradigm shift and the concerted effort of various
sectors and partners are required. Therefore, the Nigerian government should
galvanise the relevant stakeholders to bring gender and socio-economic variables into
the mainstream throughout the immunisation ecosystem and to implement integrated
development initiatives by prioritising vulnerable communities. / Ugonyo yindlela engcono yokungenela kwezempilo yabantu engathela esivivaneni
ekufinyeleleni izinhloso zentuthuko eqhubekela phambili ezaziwa ngelokuthi yi-
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Cishe izingane ezifinyelela ku 40%
ezingaphansi kweminyaka emihlanu zibulawa yizifo ezivimbelekayo ngomgcabo
emitholampilo eNigeria. Ukugonya njalo kusezingeni eliphansi eNigeria, laphokhona
ukwengamela kuzwelonke kulinganiselwa ku 33%, ngokuya kocwaningo olwenziwe
phakathi kuka 2016-2017. Ucwaningo lokuthola ubufakazi lwalunenhloso yokubona
imithelela yezesimo sabantu nomnotho (socio-economic) kanye nobulili ngokugonya
kwi-Federal Capital Territory (FCT) ukubona amagebe kanye nokutholakala
kwezixazululo. Amamethodi axubene okuqokelela ulwazi kanye nohlaziyo
kwasetshenziswa. Ulwazi lwaqokelelwa ngokufunda imithombo yemibhalo (secondary
sources) kanye nakubantu ababalulekile abanolwazi (key informants) abangu 11
ngokusebenzisa ama-semi-structured interview kanye nemizi engu 501 kanye namasurvey
amafasilithi ezempilo angu 26 ngokusebenzisa uhla lwemibuzo yamaquestionnaire
ebifakelwe kwi-Open Data Kit. Kwasetshenziswa nemethodi ye-Lot
quality assurance sampling ne-probability, ngemethodoloji yobuningi babantu,
ukwenza usayizi wamasampuli kanye nokubona izindawo okumele kwenziwe kuzo
ama-survey. Kwenziwa nohlaziyo lwe-Odds ratio analysis kanye ne-logisic regression
analysis ukubona ukuhambelana kwamastatistiki phakathi kwezinto eziwumthelela
kanye nokunaba kongamelo lokwenziwa kogonyo. Okukhulu okutholakele
ngokulandela amadokhumende okufundwe kuwo, kanye nezimpendulo ezivela kulabo
abanolwazi ababalulekile (key informants) kube wukuthi bekungaboneleli ubulili
(gender blind) kanti futhi bekungachemile ngokulandela ubulili (gender neutral)
ngezinga elibi nangokungcono kakhulu. Amasu amaningi amanje awanakekeli kakhulu
izihibe ezimayelana nabantu nezomnotho kanye nezobulili. Kwaphawulwa cishe izinto
ezehlukene zama-variable ezingu 40 mayelana nogonyo. Uhlaziyo, ikakhulukazi
ngokusebenzisa i 2x2 odds ratio, lwaveza imiphumela exubene. Ezinto zama-variable
ehlukene eziningi zikhombise ukuhlobana phakathi kwamastatistiki mayelana namaindices
ogonyo. Lama variable, abandakanye ukuhlala emadolobheni, abantu
abashadile, ikhono lokubhala nokufunda, ukuzalwa kwezingane kumafasilithi ezempilo,
izipiliyoni zonakekelo lwengane ngaphambi kokuzalwa, ukuba nekhadi lomgcabo
wasemitholampilo, ulwazi ngogonyo, ulwazi ngempilo yengane, ukuthola imali
ngemisebenzi engeyona eyokulima, isimo sabantu mayelana nezomnotho, kanye
nokuqinisela ukuhlukunyezwa ngokushaywa kwabesimame. Kanti ngakolunye
uhlangothi, ama-variable atholakale engenakho ukubaluleka ngokwamastatistiki,
abandakanya ubulili, isimo ngokomendo, inhlobo yomendo, iminyaka yobudala, inkolo,
umgcabo we-tetanus toxoid (TT), kanye nokwenela kwengeniso lemali. Ugonyo kanye
nobulili kuyangenelana nokuhambelana, ikakhulukazi ngenxa yokusondelana komama
kanye nezingane zabo. Ngaso leso sikhathi, ukwenziwa kogonyo kuhlinzeka ngethuba
lokufinyelela cishe kuwo yonke imizi eminingi. Nangaphezu kwalokho, kubalulekile
ukwamukela ukuthi isimo sabantu mayelana nezomnotho kanye nobulili kuyizinto
ezinomthelela, azinalo ulawulo oluphelele kumnyango kangqongqoshe owodwa.
Ungenelo ngento eyodwa ngeke kwaveza imiphumela efiswayo. Ukugudluka
ngokomqondo (paradigm shift), kanye nemizamo eqhubekela phambili yemikhakha
ehlukene kanye nabasebenzisani kuyadingeka. Ngakho-ke uhulumeni waseNigeria,
kumele agqugquzele ababambiqhaza abafanele ukuhlanganisa nokufaka emkhakheni
ofanele izinto ezimayelana nabantu nomnotho kanye nobulili, kuyo yonke inqubo
yokusebenzisana kwemikhakha okumele isebenzisane nehlangene ukusebenza
ngokulandela inqubo yentuthuko ehlangane ngokubonelela imiphakathi ekwizimo
ezibucayi / Development Studies / D. Phil. (Development Studies)
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Gender mainstreaming in agricultural value chains : the quest for gender equality, employment and women's empowerment in Arsi zone, EthiopiaBeshir Butta Dale 06 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This thesis investigates gender relations in agricultural value chains by examining gender differentials in terms of gender roles in agricultural production and marketing, gender division of labour within the household, gendered daily and seasonal activities in the household, decision-making power within the household, and access to productive resources and agricultural support services. The study also assessed historical, socio-cultural, and institutional factors constraining gender equality and women’s empowerment in agricultural value chains. Employing critical theory, the study used a qualitative research approach, specifically basic classical ethnographic methods - participant observation, field notes, in-depth interviews, semi-structured interviews, key informant interviews, focus group discussions and secondary documents. The study also used a time-use survey and seasonal calendar as its primary source of data. The study revealed that women are generally underrepresented in most profitable nodes of the value chains. However, agricultural value chain interventions have different outcomes for women in female-headed households (FHHs) and women in male-headed households (MHHs). The commercialization of agriculture, particularly in MHHs, has led women to lose control over the commodities they traditionally used to control, as these commodities have fallen into the hands of men. Therefore women in this category are either disempowered or at least not empowered by the value chain interventions. Nevertheless, for women of FHHs, gender mainstreaming in agricultural value chains has contributed to improving gender equality, employment, and women’s empowerment by boosting their economic, social, and personal empowerment levels, though they still lag behind the men in many aspects. The participation of women in managing and controlling high-value crops is constrained by unequal power relations within the household and society. This could be explained in terms of limited resources, low level of literacy, shortage of labour and time, limited access to productive inputs, technologies, market information and agricultural extension services, restriction of mobility, and other socio-cultural and institutional barriers. / Hierdie studie handel oor genderverhoudings in landbouwaardekettings deur genderkenmerke te ondersoek ten opsigte van genderrolle in landbouproduksie en -bemarking, die verdeling van take by die huis op grond van gender, daaglikse en seisoenale werksaamhede tuis volgens gender, besluitnemingsbevoegdheid in die huishouding, en toegang tot produktiewe hulpbronne en landbouhulpdienste. Die studie verreken ook die historiese, sosiaal-kulturele en institusionele faktore wat gendergelykheid en die bemagtiging van vroue in landbouwaardekettings belemmer. Genderverhoudings word deur die lens van die kritiese teorie bekyk. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gevolg en klassieke etnografiese metodes is toegepas, waaronder deelnemerwaarneming, veldaantekeninge, deurtastende en halfgestruktureerde onderhoude, onderhoude met sleutelinformante, fokusgroepbesprekings en sekondêre dokumente. ʼn Tydbenuttingsopname en seisoenale kalender was die primêre databronne.
Uit die studie het geblyk dat vroue by die mees winsgewende skakels van die waardeketting grotendeels onderverteenwoordig is. Die uitkomste van landbouwaardekettingintervensies vir vrouehuishoudings (VH) (huishoudings waarin ʼn vrou die broodwinner is) verskil van dié vir mannehuishoudings (MH) (huishoudings waarin ʼn man die broodwinner is). Weens die kommersialisering van die landboubedryf, in veral MH’s, het beheer oor die kommoditeite van vroue se hande in dié van mans oorgegaan. Gevolglik word vroue in hierdie kategorie ontmagtig of ten minste nie deur die waarde van kettingintervensies bemagtig nie. Ofskoon ʼn groter genderbewustheid in die landbouwaardeketting gelyke indiensneming en die ekonomiese, maatskaplike en persoonlike bemagtiging van vroue bevorder het, het vroue steeds ʼn groot agterstand. Ongelyke magsverhoudings tuis en in die samelewing beperk vroue se bestuur van en beheer oor lonende gewasse. Die redes hiervoor is onder meer beperkte hulpbronne, ongeletterdheid, ʼn tekort aan arbeid en tyd, beperkte toegang tot produktiewe insette, tegnologieë, markinligting en landbouverlengingsdienste, beperkte mobiliteit en talle ander sosiaal-kulturele en institusionele struikelblokke. / Lolu cwaningo luphenya ubudlelwano kwezobulili kwezemisebenzi yokukhiqiza ngasemkhakheni wezolimo , lokhu kwenziwa ngokuthi kuhlolwe izimpawu ezahlukile kwezobulili, mayelana nezindima ezidlalwa ubulili emkhakheni wezemikhiqizo yezolimo kanye nokuthengiswa kwemikhiqizo, ukwehlukaniswa kwabasebenzi ngokobulili ngaphakathi kwekhaya kanye nokutholakala kwemithombo yokukhiqiza kanye nemisebenzi yokuxhasa ezolimo. Isifundo futhi sihlola izinto ezithinta umlando, inhlalakahle yabantu kwezolimo kanye nezimo/nezinto ezikumaziko ezidala ukungalingani kobulili kanye nokuhlonyiswa ngamandla kwabesimame emisebenzini yezokukhiqiza kwezolimo. Ukusebenzisa umqondo ogxekayo (critical theory), kusetshenziswe indlela yokucwaninga eyencike kwingxoxo, ikakhulukazi izindlela zokuqala ze-ethinogilafi, phecelezi (basic classical ethnographic methods) – ukubhekisisa izenzo zabadlalindima, ukuthatha amanothi wokwenzeka ezinkundleni zokusebenza ezingaphandle, ukwenza izinhlolo vo ezijulile, ukwenza izinhlolo vo ezimbaxambili, ukwenza izinhlolovo zomuntu onolwazi olunzulu, izingxoxo zeqembu eliqondiwe kanye nemibhalo yesigaba sesibili. Isaveyi yesikhathi ebizwa nge (time-use survey) kanye nekhalenda yenkathi (seasonal calendar ) zisetshenziswe njengemithombo yokuqala yedatha. Ucwaningo luveze ukuthi abesimame ngokwenjwayelo bamele inani elincane labesimame emikhakheni eminingi yezokukhiqiza, okuyimikhakha engenisa inzuzo eningi. Yize kunjalo, imizamo yokuxhasa imisebenzi yokukhiqiza kwezolimo inemiphumela eyehlukahlukene kwabesimame kumakhaya aphethwe abesimame (FHHs) futhi le mizamo inemiphumela eyehlukahlukene kwabesimame kumakhaya aphethwe ngabesilisa (MHHs). Ukufakwa kwemboni yezolimo kwibhizinisi, ikakhulukazi kwimizi ephathwe ngabesilisa (MHHs), sekuholele ekutheni abesimame balahlekelwe yilawulo kwimithombo yezomnotho ebebejwayele ukuyiphatha, njengoba le mithombo yezomnotho seyiwele ngaphansi kwezandla zabesilisa. Ngakho-ke abesimame kulo mkhakha mhlawumbe bephucwe amandla noma mhlawumbe abahlonyisiwe ngokwanele ngamandla ngamakhono okuxhasa imisebenzi yezokukhiqiza. Yize-kunjalo, ngasohlangothini lwabesimame abaphethe imizi FHHs, ukulinganisa amanani ngokobulili kwimisebenzi yezolimo sekube negalelo ekuthuthukiseni ukulingana ngokobulili, kwezemisebenzi kanye nokuhlomisa ngamandla kwabesimame ngokuxhasa amazinga abo ezomnotho, ukuhlonyiswa kwamazinga abantu kanye nomuntu ngamunye, yize abesimame basahamba emuva kwabesilisa emikhakheni eminingi. Ukubandakanyeka kwabesimame ekuphatheni kanye nasekulawuleni kwezitshalo zecophelo eliphezulu kukhinyabezwa ukungalingani ngamandla ngaphakathi kwekhaya kanye nomphakathi. Lokhu kungachazwa ngokwemithombo yomnotho emincane, ngokwamazinga aphansi emfundo, ngokusweleka kwabasebenzi kanye nesikhathi, ngokwamathuba amancane okufinyelela izinsiza zokukhiqiza, ngokwezixhobo zobuchwepheshengokuswela ulwazi lwezimakethe kanye nokwandiswa kwemisebenzi yezolimo, ngokwemigomo evimbezela ukuhamba kanye nezinye izihibe ezivimbela inhlalakahle yabantu kwezolimo kanye nezihibe zamaziko. / Development Studies / D. Phil. (Development Studies)
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