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Developing a framework for the effective structuring and implementation of entrepreneurship education in Consumer StudiesDu Toit, Adri 06 1900 (has links)
Entrepreneurship education can contribute beneficially to learners’ schooling and should be structured and implemented (within programmes or curricula) to facilitate these benefits. In the South African secondary school curriculum, only Consumer Studies includes significant entrepreneurship education. Despite this potential of Consumer Studies, entrepreneurship education benefits do not always reach learners, due to underprepared teachers and the ineffective implementation of the curriculum. The study aimed to explore how and to what extent entrepreneurship education is embedded in the
intended and enacted curriculum for Consumer Studies, with the purpose of proposing a framework to provide guidance to teachers for the effective structuring and implementation of entrepreneurship education in Consumer Studies. A multi-phase sequential exploratory and descriptive mixed-methods research design, rooted in constructivism, was used. Document analysis, an online survey and focus group interviews were used for data collection. Initially, entrepreneurship education in the overall South African secondary school curriculum was explored. Subsequently, entrepreneurship education in the Consumer Studies curriculum was focused on,
investigating (a) the potential value it contributes to the subject, (b) the extent to which the curriculum is structured to support trepreneurship education, and (c) how teachers implement it in practice. Phase 3 identified best practice for entrepreneurship education internationally, which was compared to the findings from the previous two phases. Based on the previous findings, a framework for the effective structuring and implementation of entrepreneurship education in Consumer Studies, was ultimately proposed. It was apparent from the findings that entrepreneurship education only appears infrequently,
unstructured and in isolated subjects in South Africa. Furthermore, even though Consumer Studies has great potential to contribute value to learners’ lives and is well structured to support constructivist entrepreneurship education, it transpired that this potential does not always reach learners, owing to the ineffective structuring and
implementation of the curriculum. This study revealed the dearth of well-structured entrepreneurship education as part of the South African secondary school curriculum, with the exception of Consumer Studies. We anticipate that the framework will enhance teachers’ implementation of entrepreneurship education in Consumer Studies, which should augment the benefits thereof for learners. / Summary in English, Xhosa and Zulu / Thuto ya bogwebi e ka tshwaela ka tsela e e mosola mo go ithuteng ga morutwana mme e tshwanetse go rulaganngwa le go diragadiwa (mo mananeong gongwe kharikhulamo) go gokaganya dipoelo tseno. Mo kharikhulamong ya dikolo tsa sekontari tsa Aforikaborwa, ke fela Dithuto tsa Badirisi tse di akaretsang thuto e e botlhokwa ya bogwebi. Le fa go ntse go na le bokgoni jono mo Dithutong tsa Badirisi, dipoelo tsa thuto ya bogwebi ga di fitlhelele barutwana ka gale ka ntlha ya barutabana ba ba sa ipaakanyang mo go lekaneng le tiragatso e e seng mosola ya kharikhulamo. Maikaelelo a thutopatlisiso e ne e le go sekaseka gore thuto ya bogwebi e tseneletse go le kana kang le gone jang mo kharikhulamong e e lebeletsweng le e e fetisitsweng ya Dithuto tsa Badirisi, ka maikaelelo a go tshitshinya letlhomeso la go tlamela barutabana ka kaedi ya go rulaganya le go diragatsa thuto ya bogwebi mo Dithutong tsa Badirisi ka tsela e e mosola. Go dirisitswe mokgwa wa patlisiso wa magatomantsi le o o kopaneng mme o theilwe mo go lebeleleng maitemogelo. Go dirisitswe tshekatsheko ya dikwalo,
tshekatsheko ya mo inthaneteng mmogo le dipotsolotso tsa ditlhopha tse di rileng go kokoanya data. Kwa tshimologong go ne ga sekasekiwa thuto ya bogwebi mo kharikhulamong ya dikolo tsa sekontari tsa Aforikaborwa ka kakaretso. Morago ga moo, go ne ga lebelelwa thuto ya bogwebi mo kharikhulamong ya Dithuto tsa Badirisi, go sekasekiwa (a) boleng jwa bokgoni jo e bo tshwaelang mo serutweng, (b) gore kharikhulamo e rulagantswe go tshegetsa thuto ya bogwebi go fitlha fa kae, le (c) ka moo barutabana ba e diragatsang ka gona. Legato la 3 le supile ditiragatso tse di gaisang tsa thuto ya bogwebi boditšhabatšhaba, tse di neng tsa bapisiwa le diphitlhelelo go tswa kwa magatong a mabedi a a fetileng. Go ikaegilwe ka phitlhelelo tse di fetileng, go ne ga felelediwa go tshitshintswe letlhomeso la go rulaganya le go diragatsa thuto ya bogwebi ka bokgoni mo Dithutong tsa Badirisi. Go ne go bonala go tswa mo diphitlhelelong gore thuto ya bogwebi e tlhagelela fale le fale, e sa rulagana mme gape e le mo dirutweng tsele le tsele mo Aforikaborwa. Mo godimo ga moo, le fa Dithuto tsa Badirisi di na le bokgoni jo bogolo jwa go oketsa boleng mo matshelong a barutwana mme di rulagane sentle go ka tshegetsa thuto ya bogwebi e e ikaegang ka maitemogelo, go tlhageletse gore ga se gantsi bokgoni jono bo fitlhelelang barutwana, ka ntlha ya thulaganyo le
tiragatso e e seng mosola ya kharikhulamo. Thutopatlisiso eno e senotse tlhaelo ya thuto ya bogwebi e e rulaganeng sentle jaaka karolo ya kharikhulamo ya dikolo tsa sekontari tsa Aforikaborwa, kwa ntle fela ga Dithuto tsa Badirisi. Re solofela gore letlhomeso le tlaa tokafatsa tiragatso ya barutabana ya thuto ya bogwebi mo Dithutong tsa Badirisi, tse di tshwanetseng go oketsa mesola mo barutwaneng. / Imfundo yezamabhizinisi (intrepreneurship education) ingalekelela kakhulu impela, ihlomulise umfundi emfundweni yakhe, futhi kumele ihleleke futhi iqaliswe (ngaphakathi ezinhlelweni zokufunda noma amakharikhulamu) ngendlela ezohlinzeka umfundi ngale mihlomulo. Kwikharikhulamu yezikole zamabanga aphezulu (amasekhondari)
zaseNingizimu Afrika, yisiFundo Sezabathengi (Consumer Studies) kuphela esiqukethe ingxenye enkundlwana impela yemfundo yezamabhizinisi. Nakuba isiFundo Sezabathengi sihlinzeka ngalolu sizo, imfundo yezamabhizinisi ayivamisile ukufinyelela kubafundi, ngenxa yothisha abangavuthiwe kahle noma abangazilungiselele
ngokwanele, kanye nokuqaliswa nokuqhutshwa kwekharikhulamu ngendlela engagculisi neze futhi engakhiqizi izithelo ezinhle. Lolu cwaningo kuhloswe ngalo ukuhlola nokuhlaziya ukuthi imfundo yezamabhizinisi ifakwe kanjani futhi kangakanani kwikharikhulamu ehlosiwe futhi esiphasisiwe yesiFundo Sezabathengi, ngenhloso
yokwenza isiphakamiso sohlaka oluzolekelela futhi lube ngumhlahlandlela wothisha ekuhleleni kahle nokuqhuba imfundo yezamabhizinisi esiFundweni Sezabathengi. Kulolu cwaningo kwasetshenziswa idizayini yocwaningo ehlolayo ezigaba-ziningi
ezilandelanayo kanye nedizayini yocwaningo esebenzisa izindlela ezixubile ezichazayo, ezigxile ku-constructivism. Ukuhlaziywa kwemibhalo, ucwaningokuhlola (isaveyi) lweinthanethi kanye nezimposamibuzo (interviews) ezigxile emaqenjini athile,
kwasetshenziselwa ukuqoqa idatha. Ekuqaleni, kwahlolwa futhi kwahlaziywa imfundo yezamabhizinisi kwikharikhulamu yonkana yezikole zamabanga aphezulu zaseNingizimu Afrika. Emva kwalokho, kwagxilwa kwimfundo yezamabhizinisi esiFundweni
Sezabathengi, kuphenywa (a) ubugugu nokubaluleka kwemfundo yezamabhizinisi kulesi sifundo, (b) izinga lokuhleleka kwekharikhulamu ukuze ikwazi ukweseka imfundo yezamabhizinisi, kanye (c) nokuthi othisha bangayiqalisa futhi bayiqhube kanjani ngokoqobo futhi ngendlela ephathekayo imfundo yezamabhizinisi. Isigaba 3 sahlonza
inkambiso yemfundo yezamabhizinizi ephuma phambili emhlabeni wonke jikelele, eyaqhathaniswa nalokho okwatholwa ezigabeni ezimbili ezedlule. Ngokususela kulokho okwatholwa ezigabeni ezedlule, kwahlongozwa uhlaka lokuhlelwa nokuqaliswa kahle kwemfundo yezamabhizinisi esiFundweni Sezabathengi. Uma kubhekwa izinto
ezatholakala ocwaningweni, kwabonakala ngokucacile ukuthi imfundo yezamabhizinisi yayithe gqwa gqwa laphaya nalaphaya, futhi itholakala ngendlela engahlelekile, ezifundweni ezithile, ezimbalwa eNingizimu Afrika. Ngaphezu kwalokho, nakuba isiFundo Sezabathengi singaba nomthelela omuhle kakhulu ezimpilweni zabafundi futhi sikulungele noma sihleleke kahle ukuze sikwazi ukweseka i-constructivist
entrepreneurship education, kwahlaluka ukuthi lo mthelela omuhle awuvamisile nezeukufinyelela kubafundi, ngenxa yokungahlelwa kahle kanye nokungaqaliswa ngendlela efanele kwekharikhulamu. Lolu cwaningo lwabonisa ukuntuleka kwemfundo yezamabhizinisi ehleleke kahle, njengengxenye yekharikhulamu yezikole zamabanga aphezulu zaseNingizimu Afrika, ngaphandle kwesiFundo Sezabathengi. Sibheke ukuthi lolu hlaka lwenze ngcono ukuqaliswa nokuqhutshwa kwemfundo yezamabhizinisi ngaphansi kwesiFundo Sezabathengi, futhi lokho kuyokhulisa imihlomulo yemfundo yezamabhizinisi kubafundi. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Phil. (Curriculum Development)
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Determinants of financial market development : the role of institutionsMadheu, Violet 10 1900 (has links)
This study aims to determine the main drivers of financial market development, with a
specific interest in the relationship between the stock and bank credit markets, as proxies
of financial market development, and the role of institutional quality, in ten African
countries for the period of 2009 to 2017. A number of econometric techniques such as
the General Methods of Moments (GMM) model for dynamic panel data, autoregressive
distribution lag (ARDL) bound testing approach to cointegration, vector error correction
model (VECM), and granger causality tests were applied in the study. We further
developed a composite index for both financial market development and institutional
quality using Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The results demonstrate that
institutional quality, as well as infrastructure development, economic growth, and inflation
are the main determinants of financial market development in our sample of ten African
countries. Findings from the ARDL bound testing approach confirm the existence of a
long-run association between institutional quality and financial market development.
Although financial market development has no effect on economic growth, institutional
quality was found to have a positive and highly significant effect on economic growth.
Furthermore, employing the Granger causality test, we found uni-directional granger
causality between financial market development and institutional quality, implying that
financial market development is a significant causal factor for institutional quality. In
consideration of these findings, policy formulation by governments should be designed
towards enhancing financial and institutional quality development, and this can be
possibly achieved by effective enforcement of law to encourage compliance, while
simultaneously eliminating corruption and other institutional hindrances to development / Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuveza izinhlaka ezingabaphembeleli abasemqoka
ekuthuthukisweni kwezimakethe zezimali, kugxilwe kakhulu kubudlelwano obuphakathi
kwesitoko kanye nezimakethe zamabhangi ahlinzekana ngezikweletu, njengabancedisi
abathuthukisa izimakethe zezimali, kanye nendima emayelana nezinga leziko, emazweni
ase-Afrika ayishumi esikhathini esiphakathi kuka 2009 ukufikela ku 2017. Inani lezindlela
zokulinganisa izinga lomnotho ezinjenge-General Methods of Moments (GMM) model
yedatha yephaneli eguquguqukayo, i-autoregressive distribution lag (ARDL) bound
testing approach to cointegration, i-vector error correction model (VECM), Kanye negranger causality tests zisetshenzisiwe kucwaningo. Siqhubekele phambili nokwakha
inkomba ehlangene yazo zombili izinhlaka; ukuthuthukiswa kwezimakethe zezimali
Kanye nezinga leziko ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lwe-Principal Components Analysis (PCA).
Imiphumela ikhombisile ukuthi izinga leziko, Kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwengqalasizinda,
ukuhluma komnotho, Kanye nezinga lamandla email yizinkomba ezisemqoka
zokuthuthukiswa kwezimakethe zezimali kusampuli yethu elula yamazwe ase-Afrika
ayishumi. Ulwazi olutholakele ku-ARDL bound testing approach luqinisekisa ubukhona
kobudlelwano besikhathi eside obuphakathi kwezinga leziko kanye nokuthuthukiswa
kwezimakethe zezimali. Yize ukuthuthukiswa kwemakethe yezimali kungenawo
umthelela kwezokuhluma komnotho, izinga leziko lona liye latholakala ukuthi linomthelela
omuhle nosemqoka kakhulu ekukhuleni komnotho. Ngaphezu kwalokho, uma
sisebenzisa uhlelo lweGranger causality test, sifumene i-uni-directional granger causality
phakathi kwemakethe yezimali Kanye nezinga leziko, lokhu kuchaza ukuthi
ukuthuthukiswa kwezimakethe zezimali kuyimbangela esemqoka yezinga leziko. Uma
kubhekwa lolu lwazi olutholakele, imigomo eyakhwa uhulumeni kufanele yakhiwe
ngenhloso yokuqinisa ukuthuthukiswa kwezinga lezimali Kanye nezinga leziko, kanti
lokhu kungafinyelelwa ngokuqinisa kahle umthetho ukukhuthaza ukulandelwa
komthetho, kanti ngakolunye uhlangothi kuncishiswe izinga lenkohlakalo Kanye nezinye
izihibhe eziphazamiso ukuthuthukiswa kweziko. / Maikaelelo a thutopatlisiso ke go swetsa ka ditsamaisi tse dikgolo tsa tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya ditšhelete, ka kgatlhego e rileng mo kamanong magareng ga mebaraka ya setoko le ya sekoloto sa dibanka, jaaka kemedi ya tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya ditšhelete,
le seabe sa boleng jwa ditheo, mo dinageng di le lesome tsa Aforika mo pakeng ya 2009 go ya go 2017. Go dirisitswe dithekeniki di le mmalwa tsa ikonometiriki di tshwana le sekao sa General Methods of Moments (GMM) sa data ya phanele e anameng, molebo wa tekeletso e kopanyang ya autoregressive distribution lag (ARDL), sekao sa vector error correction (VECM) le diteko tsa sesusumetsi tsa Granger. Gape re tlhamile tshupane ya dikarolo ya tlhabololo ya mmaraka wa ditšhelete le boleng jwa ditheo re dirisa Tokololo ya Dikarolo tse Dikgolo (Principal Components Analysis (PCA)). Dipholo di bontsha gore boleng jwa ditheo, gammogo le tlhabololo ya mafaratlhatlha, kgolo ya ikonomi le infoleišene ke diswetsi tsa tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya ditšhelete mo sampoleng ya rona ya dinaga di le lesome tsa Aforika. Diphitlhelelo go tswa mo molebong wa teko e kopanyang ya ARDL di tlhomamisa go nna teng ga kamano ya paka e telele magareng ga boleng jwa ditheo le tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya ditšhelete. Le fa tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya ditšhelete e sa ame kgolo ya ikonomi ka gope, boleng jwa ditheo bo fitlhetswe bo na le ditlamorago tse di siameng e bile di le botlhokwa mo kgolong ya ikonomi. Mo godimo ga moo, ka go dirisa teko ya Granger ya sesusumetsi, re fitlhetse go
na le sesusumetsi sa ntlha e le nngwe sa Granger magareng ga lhabololo ya mebaraka ya ditšhelete le boleng jwa ditheo, mo go rayang gore tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya ditšhelete ke ntlha e e botlhokwa ya sesusumetsi sa boleng jwa ditheo. Fa go lebelelwa
diphitlhelelo tseno, go dirwa ga dipholisi ke dipuso go tshwanetse ga dirwa gore go tokafatse tlhabololo ya boleng jwa ditšhelete le ditheo, mme seno se ka fitlhelelwa ka tiragatso e e bokgoni ya molao go rotloetsa kobamelo mme go ntse go fedisiwa bobodu le dikgoreletsi tse dingwe tsa tlhabololo mo ditheong. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management (Finance))
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A hybrid framework for assessing the cost of road traffic crashes in South AfricaMoyana, Hlengani Jackson 02 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Tsonga and Zulu / Mitlumbo ya mifambafambo ya le magondzweni i xin’wana xa miringeto (risks) yo biha ku tlula hinkwayo ya swifambo swa le gondzweni emisaveni hinkwayo, leswi yimelaka xiphiqo lexikulu xa swohanyaswin’we-ikhonomi ngopfu-ngopfu eka matiko lama ya ha hluvukaka tanihi Afrika-Dzonga. Ku va ku nyikiwa masungulo yo tiya ya xiikhonomi eka swiboho swa mbekiso ku tirhana na ntlhontlho lowu, i swa nkoka swinene ku hlela ndhurho wa mitlumbo leyi. Mipimanyeto leyi yi tirha tanihi nxopaxopo wa swinghenisiwa swa mbuyelo wa ndhurheriwo ku endlela ku kuma mphakelo wa switirhisiwa wo tirha kahle eka ku nghenelela eka ku tirhana na mitlhontlho leyi vangiwaka hi mitlumbano ya le magondzweni. Tiko ra Afrika-Dzonga a ri nga ri ku pfuxeteni ka mahungu ya mipimanyeto ya midurho ya mitlumbano ya le magondzweni nkarhi na nkarhi, naswona leyi a yi endliwa a yi tirhisa maendlelo lamo soriwa ngopfu yo languta nkoka wa vanhu (human capital). Hikwalaho, mipimanyeto leyi nga kona a yi nga ta va leyi tshembekaka eka ku kunguhata na ku pimaniseka na mipimanyeto ya matiko man’wana.
Hi le ka ku landzelela vundzhaku lebyi laha dyondzo leyi yi nga tumbuluka na ku kombisa matirhiselo ya rimba ra ntirho wo katsa (hybrid) ku kambela ndhurho wa mitlumbo ya swifambo swa le magondzweni eAfrika-Dzonga. Rimba leri ri tirhisa endlelo ro kongomisa eka nkoka wa vanhu na ku pfumela ku hakela (willingness-to-pay), eka dyondzo yi ri yin’we. Mipimanyeto ya midurho ya nkoka wa vanhu ya laveka ku va yi pfuna eka ku kunguhata leswaku yi tlakusa swinenenene swihumesiwa swa rixaka, loko hala tlhelo mipimanyeto yo pfumela ku hakela yona yi ri yona yi fanelaka swinene eka ku pfuneta minghenelelo yo tlakusa nhlayiseko wa vanhu hi ku hunguta ku vaviseka na ku fa. Endlelo ro pfumela ku hakela ri tirhisa maendlelo ya swo ka swi nga ri swa makete (contingent valuation) na ya maendlelo yo langa (preference). Khwexinere yo valanga leyi a yi ri na maendlelo yo ka ya nga ri ya swa makete na swilangiwa leswi a swi boxiwile, yi tirhisiwile hi magoza mambirhi ku sampula vaanguri va 273 eka ntirho wa swo tleketla. Eka mhaka ya endlelo ro kongomisa eka nkoka wa vanhu, mipimanyeto ya ndhurho eka xiviko xa 2016 xa Cost of Crashes in South Africa yi hundzuluxiwile hi ku katsa inifulexini, ku tirhisiwa mpimo wa 2017 wa 5.3% ku kuma mipimanyeto ya ndhurho ya 2017.
Dyondzo leyi yi paluxile leswaku endlelo ro kongomisa eka nkoka wa vanhu ri kayiveta ku vona ndhurho wa mitlumbo ya le magondzweni. Dyondzo leyi yi hoxa xandla eka ntsengo wa vutivi hi ku tirhisa endlelo ro languta nkoka wa vanhu na endlelo ro pfumela ku hakela eka dyondzo yi ri yin’we ku kombisa ntirhiseko wa endlelo leri ra nkatso (hybrid)/nhlanganiso eka xiyimo xa Afrika-Dzonga. Ndzavisiso wa nkarhi lowu taka wu fanele ku engeta dyondzo leyi hi sampulu leyi humaka eka swifundzakulu hinkwaswo swa nkaye swa Afrika-Dzonga, leswaku mipimanyeto ya ndhurho yi yimela vanhu va tiko hinkwaro. / Road traffic crashes are one of the worst risks of road mobility worldwide, representing a huge socio-economic problem particularly in developing countries such as South Africa. In order to provide a sound economic basis for investment decisions to address this challenge, it is critical to assess the cost of these crashes. These estimates serve cost-benefit analysis inputs to facilitate a more efficient resources allocation for interventions to address the challenge posed by road crashes. South Africa has not been updating crash cost estimates on a regular basis, and those that were conducted used the much criticised human capital approach. Therefore, the available estimates could not be relied upon for planning purposes and comparison with the estimates of other countries.
It is against this background that this study developed and illustrated the application of a hybrid framework for assessing the cost of road traffic crashes in South Africa. The framework uses the human capital approach and the willingness-to-pay approach in one study. Human capital approach cost estimates are needed to inform planning to maximize the national output, while the willingness-to-pay estimates are more suitable when the main concern is to inform interventions to increase social welfare by reducing injuries and fatalities. The willingness-to-pay approach uses the contingent valuation and the stated preference methods. A survey questionnaire with contingent valuation and stated preference questions was administered in two phases to a sample of 273 respondents within the transport industry. For the human capital approach, the cost estimates in the 2016 Cost of Crashes in South Africa report were adjusted for inflation using the 2017 rate of 5.3% to obtain 2017 cost estimates.
This study revealed that the human capital approach underestimates the cost of road crashes. The study contributes to the body of knowledge by using the human capital approach and the willingness-to-pay approach in one study to illustrate the applicability of this hybrid/ combination within the South African context. Future research needs to replicate this study on a sample drawn from all nine provinces of South Africa, so that the cost estimates are representative of the country’s population. / Ukuphazamiseka komgwaqo kungenye yezingozi ezimbi kakhulu zokuhamba komgwaqo emhlabeni jikelele, ezimele inkinga enkulu yenhlalo nezomnotho ikakhulukazi emazweni asathuthuka njengeNingizimu Afrika. Ukuze unikeze isisekelo sezomnotho esizwakalayo ezinqumeni zokutshala izimali ukubhekana nale nselele, kubalulekile ukuhlola izindleko zalezi zingozi. Lezi zilinganiso zisebenza njengeziphakamiso zokuhlaziywa kwezindleko zokuhlomula ukuze kube lula ukunikezwa kwezinsiza ezenzelwe ukuxazulula inselele ebangelwa ukuphazamiseka komgwaqo. INingizimu Afrika ayizange ibuyekeze ukulinganisa izindleko zezingozi njalo, futhi lezo ezenziwa zisebenzise indlela enkulu yokugxeka ukusebenzisa abantu. Ngakho-ke, izilinganiso ezitholakalayo azikwazanga ukuthenjelwa kuzona ngezinjongo zokuhlela nokuqhathaniswa nezilinganiso zamanye amazwe.
Lokhu kuphikisana nalesi sigaba ukuthi lolu cwaningo lusungulwe futhi luboniswe ukusetshenziswa kohlaka oluxubile lokuhlola izindleko zokuphazamiseka komgwaqo eNingizimu Afrika. Uhlaka lusebenzisa indlela yokusebenzisa abantu kanye nendlela yokuzimisela-ukukhokha ocwaningweni olulodwa. Ukulinganiselwa kwezindleko zokusebenzisa abantu kuyadingeka ukuze kwaziswe ukuhlela ukwandisa umkhiqizo kazwelonke, kanti ukulinganiselwa kokuzimisela-ukukhokhela kukulungele kakhulu ukwazisa ukungenelela ukwandisa inhlalakahle yomphakathi ngokunciphisa ukulimala nokubulawa kwabantu. Indlela yokuzimisela-ukukhokha isebenzisa ukuhlaziywa kwesilinganiso kanye nezindlela okukhethwa ngazo. Imibuzo yokuhlola ngokuhlaziywa kwesilinganiso kanye nemibuzo ekhethwe ngayo yenziwa ngezigaba ezimbili embonakalisweni yabaphendulile abangama-273 embonini yezokuthutha. Ngokwendlela yokusebenzisa abantu, izindleko ezilinganiselwa ku-2016 Izindleko Zokushayisana eNingizimu Afrika kubikwa ukuthi zalungiselwa ukwenyuka kwamandla emali, kusetshenziswa isilinganiso sango-2017 esingu-5.3% ukuthola izindleko zango-2017.
Lolu cwaningo luveze ukuthi indlela yokusebenzisa abantu ithatha kancane izindleko zokuphazamiseka komgwaqo. Ucwaningo lunomthelela emzimbeni wolwazi ngokusebenzisa indlela yokusebenzisa abantu kanye nendlela yokuzimisela-ukukhokha ocwaningweni olulodwa ukukhombisa ukufaneleka kwalesi sivumelwano / inhlanganisela ngaphakathi komongo waseNingizimu Afrika. Ucwaningo lwesikhathi esizayo ludinga ukuphindaphinda lolu cwaningo embonakalisweni othathwe kuzo zonke izifundazwe eziyisishiyagalolunye zaseNingizimu Afrika, ukuze ukulinganiswa kwezindleko kummele abantu bezwe / Business Management / D. Phil. (Management Studies)
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An evaluation of intelligence analysis in detecting corruption in the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police DepartmentNkhoma, Moses Thabo 01 1900 (has links)
The Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) is one of the South African institutions with growing levels of corruption. This is despite the presence of several anti-corruption strategies as well as institutions implemented to deal with this epidemic. The ineffectiveness of these strategies and institutions is attributed to, amongst others, the application of ineffective detection methods.
The under-detection of corruption in the JMPD is affecting road safety, the economy, and the image of the JMPD itself. It is against this background that the researcher sought to establish how intelligence analysis could add value in detecting corruption in the JMPD. A qualitative research approach was applied to investigate this problem. As such, it has been proven that the use of hotlines and the over-reliance on whistleblowers is less effective in detecting corruption in the JMPD. The results have further shown that intelligence analysis may add value in detecting corruption in the JMPD. / Umnyango wamaphoyisa edolobha elikhulu eGoli (JMPD) ungenye yezikhungo zaseNingizimu Afrika ezithola amazinga akhulayo enkohlakalo. Lokhu kungakhathaliseki ukuthi kukhona amasu amaningi okulwa nenkohlakalo kanye nezikhungo ezisetshenziselwa ukubhekana nesifo sobunkohlakalo. Ukungafezeki kwalawa masu kanye nezikhungo kubhekwa ukuthi, phakathi kwabanye, ukusetshenziswa kwezindlela ezingafenele zokuthola.
Ukutholakala kwezinkohlakalo ku-JMPD kuthinta ukuphepha komgwaqo, umnotho nomfanekiso we-JMPD uqobo. Kungokumelene nalesi sizinda ukuthi umcwaningi lufuna ukusungula ukuthi ukuhlaziywa ngobuhlakani kungasiza kanjani ekutholeni inkohlakalo ku-JMPD. Indlela yokucwaninga efanele yasetshenziswa ukuphenya le nkinga. Njengalokhu, kuye kwafakazelwa ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kwama-hotlines nokuxhaswa ngokweqile kwababika ngenkohlakalo akwanele ukuthola inkohlakalo ku-JMPD. Imiphumela ibonise ukuthi ukuhlaziywa kobuhlakani kungasiza ekutholeni inkohlakalo ku-JMPD. / Lefapha la Sephodisa la Teropokgolo ya Johannesburg (JMPD) ke nngwe ya ditheo tsa Aforika Borwa tse di itemogelang maemo a a golang a bobodu. Seno ke kwa ntle ga go nna teng ga ditogamaano tse dingwe tse di kgatlhanong le bobodu ga mmogo le ditheo tse di diragadiwang go samagana le leroborobo la bobodu. Go se nne le nonofo ga ditogamaano tseno le ditheo e amana, mo go tse dingwe, le tiragatso ya mekgwa ya go lemoga go se nne le nonofo.
Go nna kwa tlase ga go lemoga bobodu mo go JMPD go ama pabalesego ya tsela, ikonomi le setshwantsho sa JMPD ka boyona. Ke mabapi le lemorago leno gore mmatlisisi o ne a batla go tlhomamisa gore tshetshereganyo ya tsa matlhale e ka thusa mo go lemogeng bobodu mo go JMPD. Boitlhagiso jwa patlisiso ya boleng bo ne jwa diragadiwa go tlhotlhomisa bothata jono. Fa go le jalo, go ne ga netefatswa gore tiriso ya megala ya tlhamalalo e e kgethegileng ya tshoganyetso le go ikaega thata ka batho ba ba tlaleyang ga go a lekana go lemoga bobodu mo go JMPD. Dipholo di bontshitse gape gore tshekatsheko ya tsa matlhale e ka thusa go lemoga bobodu mo go JMPD. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminal Justice)
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Art acquisition policy of the University of South Africa (Unisa) Art Gallery during and after apartheid : a critical analysis / Umgomo omayelana nokutholwa komsebenzi wobuciko kwisikhungo Sombukiso Wobuciko saseNyuvesi yaseNingizimu Afrika ngesikhathi sombuso wengcindezelo nangemuva kwesikhathi sombuso wengcindezelo : uhlaziyo olunqala / Pholisi ya phitlhelelo ya botsweretshi ya Lefelo la Botsweretshi la Yunibesiti ya Aforika Borwa (Unisa) ka nako ya, le morago ga tlhaolele : tokololo e e sekasekang / Kunsaankoopbeleid van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika (Unisa) se kunsgalery tydens en ná apartheid : ʼn kritiese ontledingMkhonza, Bongani W. 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Sesotho, isiZulu and Afrikaans. Translated titles in Sesotho, isiZulu and Afrikaans / In the thesis, I critically examine the art acquisition policy of the Unisa Art Gallery (UAG) during and after apartheid in South Africa. The Unisa Art Gallery acquisition policy (UAGAP) is investigated against the transformation imperatives as informed by national policies on arts and culture. I take the view that the process of art acquisition does not exist outside of the sociopolitical discourse. Although the thesis is registered in the subject of Art History, the research adopts a multidisciplinary approach as it straddles the domains of visual art and cultural policy. Therefore, its focus on acquisition policy requires a combination of methodologies that can accommodate the intended research objectives.
The study is based on the hypothesis that the collecting of art and acquisition policies are still untransformed from the Eurocentric paradigm of thought. I adopt Afrocentricity and decoloniality as theoretical frames of analysis. University museums are public cultural institutions, and the South African Constitution guarantees the right to culture. Therefore, the reluctance of public institutions to uphold the imperatives demonstrates a level of resistance to transformation.
In the study, I investigate circumstances that influence the positive or negative way the UAGAP seemingly responds to the socio-economic and political imperatives of national policies in post-apartheid South Africa. Data analysis shows that there is no explicit relation between the White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage (WPACH) (DAC 1996) and the UAGAP. Another finding is that artworks collected in the past were mainly informed by epistemologies which were predominantly Eurocentric, whereby especially the black society has little or no say in the development of university museum policies. Lastly, the perception of arts practitioners is that the pace of transformation of university art collection policies is slow. The findings give rise to a recommendation that government should go beyond “the arms-length approach” (Deacon 2010) in the transformation of arts institutions, and intervene. Another recommendation is that unless the government White Papers are translated into law, they will continue to be ignored by public institutions. / Kule thesisi, ngiphenya ngendlela egxekayo ukutholakala komsebenzi wobuciko. Umgomo omayelana nokutholwa komsebenzi wobuciko kwisikhungo Sombukiso Wobuciko saseNyuvesi yaseNingizimu Africa (Unisa Art Gallery) ngesikhathi sombuso wengcindezelo nangemuva kwesikhathi sombuso wengcindezelo eNingizimu Africa. Umgomo omayelana nokutholakala kwemisebenzi yobuciko yesikhungo Sombukiso Wobuciko eNyuvesi yaseNingizimu Africa uphenywa kubhekwe kwezinto ezinhle ezilethwa yizinguquko njengoba lokhu kugunyazwa yimigomo yezwe kwezobuciko kanye namasiko. Ngithatha umbono othi uhlelo lwezokutholakala kobuciko alwenzeki ngaphandle kwemithelela yezenhlalakahle yabantu kwezepolitiki. Yize ithesisi ibhaliswe kwisifundo soMlando weZobuciko, ucwaningo lwamukela indlela equkethe izifundo eziningi njengoba le thesisi ifinyelela emikhakheni yomsebenzi wobuciko obukwayo kanye nakumgomo wosiko. Ngakho-ke, impokophelo yale thesisi kumgomo wokutholakala komsebenzi wobuciko ifuna inhlanganyela yezindlela zokuhlaziya ezingaxuba phakathi izinhloso zocwaningo eziqondiwe.
Ucwaningo lususelwa kwihayiphothesisi/isihlambiselelo esithi imigomo emayelana nokuqoqwa kwemisebenzi yobuciko kanye nokutholakala kwemisebenzi yobuciko ayikaguquki kwizimpande zemibono yaseNtshonalanga/yaseYurophu. Ngamukela imibono egxile kubu-Afrika nemibono eqeda ubukoloni njengezinhlaka zemibono yokuhlaziya. Izikhungo zokugcina amagugu asenyuvesi zingamaziko wamasiko omphakathi, kanti uMthethosisekelo waseNingizimu Afrika unikeza ilungelo lokwenza usiko. Ngakho-ke, ukuba manqikanqika kwamaziko ombuso ukuphakamisa ubuhle bamasiko ngokuhlukahlukana kwawo njengokomgomo kukhombisa izinga lokunqaba ushintsho.
Kulolu cwaningo, ngiphenya izimo ezinomthelela phezu kwendlela enhle noma embi uhlelo lwe-UAGAP elibonakala libheka ngayo nezindaba ezimayelana nenhlalakahle yabantu kwezomnotho nakwezepolitiki, ezindabeni zemigomo yezwe esikhathi sangemuva kombuso wengcindezelo eNingizimu Africa. Ukuhlaziywa kwedatha kukhombisa ukuthi abukho ubudlelwane obubonakalayo phakathi kwe-White Paper kwezoBuciko, ezamaSiko kanye nama-Gugu (WPACH) (DAC 1996) kanye nohlelo lwe-UAGAP. Okunye okutholakele ukuthi imisebenzi yobuciko eqoqwe esikhathini esedlule beyincike kakhulu kuma-ephistemoloji ebegxile kwingqubo yase-Yurophu/yaseNtshonalanga, kanti-ke, umphakathi ompisholo ikakhulu akukho nokuncane noma akukho ongakukhuluma mayelana nemigomo yokuthuthukiswa kwezikhungo zokugcina ubuciko bamagugu. Okokugcina, umqondo wabasebenzi kwezobuciko uthi izinhlelo zezinguquko zemigomo yokuqoqwa kwemisebenzi yobuciko emanyuvesi zihamba ngonyawo lonwabu. Ulwazi olutholakele kucwaningo luphakamisa isinqumo sokuthi uhulumeni kufanele asebenze ngomgomo owodwa “the arms-length approach” (Deacon 2010) kuhlelo lwezinguquko kumaziko obuciko, bese angenelele. Esinye isinqumo ukuthi ngaphandle kokuthi ama-White Paper kahulumeni ashicilelwe abe wumthetho, amaziko ombuso azoqhubeka nokuwashaya indiva. / Mo polelotheong eno, ke tlhatlhobile pholisi ya phitlhelelo ya botsweretshi ya Lefelo la Botsweretshi la Unisa (UAG) ka tsela ya tshekatsheko ka nako ya, le morago ga tlhaolele mo Aforikaborwa. Pholisi ya phitlhelelo ya Lefelo la Botsweretshi ya Unisa (UAGAP) e batlisisiwa e bapisitswe le ditlhokego tsa phetogo jaaka di kaelwa ke dipholisi tsa bosetšhaba tsa botsweretshi le setso. Ke akanya gore tirego ya phitlhelelo ya botsweretshi ga e diragale kwa ntle ga puisano ya politiki ya loago. Le fa e le gore polelotheo e kwadisitswe mo setlhogong sa Hisetori ya Botsweretshi, patlisiso e tsaya boitlhagiso jwa melebomentsi jaaka fa e paraletse mo mefameng ya botsweretshi jwa pono le pholisi ya setso. Ka jalo, go tota ga yona pholisi ya phitlhelelo go tlhoka motswako wa mekgwa e e ka amogelang maikemisetso a patlisiso a a lebeletsweng.
Thutopatlisiso e ikaegile ka tshitshinyo ya gore dipholisi tsa kokoanyo le phitlhelelo ya botsweretshi di sa ntse di sa fetoga go tswa mo mogopolong wa setso sa Yuropa. Ke tsaya boikaego jwa Aforika le tloso ya bokoloniale jaaka letlhomeso la tiori la tokololo. Dimusiamo tsa diyunibesiti ke ditheo tsa setso tsa setšhaba, mme Molaotheo wa Aforikaborwa o sireletsa tshwanelo ya setso. Ka jalo, go belaela ga ditheo tsa setšhaba go tsweletsa ditlhokego go bontsha go kgaratlha kgatlhanong le diphetogo.
Mo thutopatlisisong, ke batlisisa mabaka a a tlhotlheletsang mokgwa o o siameng gongwe o o sa siamang o go lebegang e kete UAGAP e tsibogela ka ona ditlhokego tsa ikonomiloago le sepolitiki tsa dipholisi tsa bosetšhaba tsa Aforikaborwa ya morago ga tlhaolele. Tokololo ya data e bontsha gore ga go na kgolagano e e tlhamaletseng magareng ga Pampiritshweu ya Botsweretshi, Setso le Ngwaoboswa (WPACH) (DAC 1996) le UAGAP. Phitlhelelo e nngwe ke ya gore ditiro tsa botsweretshi tse di kokoantsweng mo nakong e e fetileng di ne di ikaegile bogolosegolo ka diepisetemoloji tse di neng di na le phekeetso e kgolo ya setso sa Yuropa, moo tota setšhaba sa bantsho se nang le tshwaelo e e seng kalo gongwe se se na tshwaelo epe mo go tlhamiweng ga dipholisi tsa dimusiamo tsa diyunibesiti. Kwa bokhutlong, kakanyo ya badiragatsi ba botsweretshi ke gore kgato ya diphetogo ya dipholisi tsa kokoanyo ya botsweretshi jwa diyunibesiti e bonya. Diphitlhelelo di baka katlenegiso ya gore puso e tshwanetse go dira go feta “molebo o o sa gateleleng taolo gongwe tekanyetso” (Deacon 2010) mo diphetogong tsa ditheo tsa botsweretshi, mme e tsereganye. Katlenegiso e nngwe ke ya gore kwa ntle ga gore Dipampiritshweu tsa puso di fetolelwe go nna molao, ditheo tsa setšhaba di tlaa tswelela go di ikgatholosa. / In hierdie tesis ondersoek ek die kunsaankoopbeleid van die Unisa Kunsgalery (UKG) tydens en ná apartheid. Die kunsaankoopbeleid van die Unisa Kunsgalery (KABUKG) word volgens die nasionale transformasiebeleid oor kuns en kultuur beoordeel. Kunsaankope staan na my mening nie los van die sosiopolitieke diskoers nie. Ofskoon hierdie tesis onder die vak Kunsgeskiedenis ingeskryf is, word ʼn multidissiplinêre benadering gevolg aangesien die navorsing die terrein van die visuele kunste en dié van kultuurbeleid bestryk. Om die navorsingsdoelwitte te behaal, is ʼn kombinasie van metodologieë dus nodig.
Die studie berus op die hipotese dat die versameling van kunswerke en die aankoopbeleid steeds Eurosentries gerig is en nie getransformeer het nie. Ek neem Afrosentrisiteit en dekolonialiteit as teoretiese ontledingsraamwerke. Universiteitsmuseums is openbare kultuurinstellings en die Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet waarborg burgers die reg op kultuur. Openbare instellings se onwilligheid om die opdragte uit te voer, dui op ʼn weerstand teen transformasie.
Ek verken die omstandighede wat bepaal hoe die KABUKG ná apartheid op die sosioëkonomiese en politieke opdragte reageer. Die dataontleding toon dat daar tussen die Witskrif oor Kuns, Kultuur en Erfenis (WKKE) (DAC 1996) en die KABUKG geen verband bestaan nie. Voorts is bevind dat kunswerke wat in die verlede aangekoop is, oorwegend Eurosentries was. Buitendien het swart mense tans weinig of geen seggenskap in universiteite se museumbeleide. Ten slotte is die tempo waarteen universiteite se aankoopbeleide transformeer volgens kunspraktisyns uiters traag. Daarom word op grond van die bevindings aanbeveel dat die regering sy armlengtebenadering (Deacon 2019) tot die transformasie van kunsinstellings laat vaar, en ingryp. As witskrifte nie wet gemaak word nie, sal openbare instellings aanhou om hulle te ignoreer. / Arts and Music / D. Phil. (Art)
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