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Air-coupled detection of Rayleigh surface waves to assess material nonlinearity due to precipitation in alloy steelThiele, Sebastian 13 January 2014 (has links)
Nonlinear ultrasonic waves have demonstrated high sensitivities to various microstructural changes in metal including coherent precipitates; these precipitates introduce a strain field in the lattice structure. The thermal aging of certain alloy steels leads to the formation of coherent precipitates, which pin dislocations and contribute to the generation of a higher harmonics in an initially monochromatic wave.
The objective of this research is to develop a robust technique to perform nonlinear Rayleigh wave measurements in metals using a non-contact receiving transducer. In addition a discussion about the data processing based on the two-dimensional diffraction and attenuation model is provided in order to calculate the relative nonlinearity parameter.
A precipitate hardenable material, 17-4 PH stainless steel, is used to obtain different precipitation stages by thermal treatment and the influence of precipitates on the ultrasonic nonlinearity is assessed.
Conclusions about the microstrucutural changes in the material are drawn based on the nonlinear Rayleigh surface wave measurement and complementary measurements of thermo-electric power, mircohardness and ultrasonic velocity.
The results show that the nonlinearity parameter is sensitive to coherent precipitates in the material and moreover that precipitation characteristics can be characterized based on the obtained experimental data.
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Caracterização de tecido ósseo por ultra-som para o diagnóstico de osteoporose. / Assessment of bony tissue by ultrasound for osteoporosis diagnosis.Jose Marcos Alves 02 August 1996 (has links)
A caracterização de tecido ósseo por ultra-som para o diagnóstico de osteoporose tem sido investigada como uma alternativa a densitometria óssea baseada em radiação ionizante. A interação do ultra-som com o tecido ósseo é fundamentalmente diferente da que ocorre com a energia ionizante. O potencial da técnica ultra-sônica baseia-se nos efeitos sobre a propagação do campo acústico causados pela estrutura, composição e massa do tecido que está sendo investigado. Quatro estudos in-vitro e um estudo clínico estão descritos neste trabalho. O primeiro estudo in-vitro compara a correlação entre medidas ultra-sônicas e de densidade mineral óssea (em g/cm3) em tecido trabecular humano e bovino. A velocidade e atenuação ultra-sônicas em amostras ósseas foram determinadas pela técnica de inserção convencional (modo de transmissão) e a medida de densidade mineral óssea foi realizada por absortometria de um fóton (SPA). O mecanismo de interação do ultra-som com osso trabecular é pouco conhecido. O segundo estudo in-vitro investigou como a presença da medula óssea afeta as medidas de velocidade e atenuação. As correlações entre medidas ultrasônicas e de densidade mineral óssea (em g/cm3) por SPA, com e sem a presença da medula óssea, são também determinadas. A medida ultra-sônica de inserção convencional é comparada a medida de inserção por contato. O terceiro estudo in-vitro investigou em amostras de calcâneo as correlações entre medidas ultra-sônicas e de densidade mineral óssea (em g/cm3 e em g/cm2) por SPA. A determinação da densidade mineral Óssea em g/cm2 (BMD) a partir de medidas ultra-sônicas nas amostras foi pela primeira vez investigada, utilizando-se uma técnica de regressão linear univariável e multivariável e uma técnica multivariável não-linear baseada em redes neurais. Um novo parâmetro, baseado na média da frequência instantânea (MIF) do sinal da amostra e de referência, foi proposto para caracterizar o tecido ósseo devido a sua alta correlação com a atenuação. O efeito das corticais ósseas do calcâneo nas medidas ultra-sônicas é pouco conhecido. O quarto estudo in-vitro determinou a correlação entre medidas ultrasônicas e de densidade mineral óssea (em g/cm3) por SPA, com e sem a presença das corticais ósseas. Finalmente, no estudo clínico foram determinadas as correlações entre medidas ultra-sônicas no calcanhar e de densidade mineral óssea por DEXA (em g/cm2) no cólo femoral. A determinação da densidade óssea a partir de medidas ultra-sônicas no calcanhar foi pela primeira vez investigada, utilizando-se uma técnica de regressão linear univariável e multivariável e uma técnica multivariável não-linear baseada em redes neurais. / Ultrasonic assessment of bone for managing osteoporosis has been investigated as an alternative to radition-based bone densitometry technology. In contrast with the ionizing electromagnetic radiation of such clinical bone densitometric technique, ultrasound is a mechanical wave and thus interacts with bone in a fundamentally distinct manner. Ultrasound is viewed as having great potential for assessing bone since its propagation is affected by the structure, composition, and mass of the bone tissue being interrogated. Four in-vitro and one clinical study are reported in this work. In the first in-vitro study a comparison is reported on the ultrasonic assessment of human trabecular and bovine trabecular bone samples. Both ultrasonic velocity and attenuation were evaluated through a standard transmission insertion technique and correlated with bone mineral density (in g/cm3 ) as determined with single photon absorptiometry (SPA). There is a relatively limited understanding of how ultrasound interacts with cancellous bone. One potentially model leads analytically to the demonstration that ultrasound propagation through bone is dependent on several factors, including the properties of the fluid, which saturates the pores of the cancellous bone tissue. The second in-vitro study was carried out to assess how the presence of marrow affects the velocity and attenuation measurements. The correlation between ultrasonic and densitometric measurements (in g/cm3) by SPA, with and without the bone marrow, are also determined. A second part of this study compared the measurements of ultrasonic attenuation and velocity on bovine cancellous bone samples using a standard insertion technique with those obtained using a contac method. The thrid in-vitro study with the calcis trabecular samples investigated the correlations between ultrasonic measurements and bone mineral density (in g/cm3 e em g/cm2) as measured by SPA. A nonlinear multivariate estimation technique based on neural network was the first time investigated to determine the ability of ultrasonic measurements to estimate bone mineral density in g/cm2 (BMD). A linear univariate and multivariate estimation of BMD was compared with the neural network approach. A new parameter to characterize the trabecular bone is been proposed, which is based on the mean instantaneous frequency (MIF) of the sample and reference signals after transmission through the os calcis. It was founded a high correlation between MIF and the attenuation (BUA). Little is known about the effect of the os calcis cortical shell on ultrasonic measurements. The fourth in-vitro study with os calcis samples determined the correlation between ultrasonic and densitometric measurements (in g/cm3) by SPA with and without the cortical shell. Finally, a nonlinear multivariate estimation technique based on neural network was the first time investigated to determine the ability of clinical ultrasonic measurements in the heel to estimate bone mineral density (BMD) in the femoral neck. A linear univariate and multivariate estimation to predict BMD in patients is also compared with the neural network approach.
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Kan ultraljud ersätta konventionell lungröntgen för att diagnostisera barn med misstänkt pneumoni? : En allmän litteraturöversikt / Can ultrasound replace conventional chest x-ray to diagnose children with suspected pneumonia? : A general literature reviewSalmela, Marika, Uggla, Olivia January 2017 (has links)
Pneumoni är globalt sett den största orsaken till sjukdom och mortalitet bland barn under fem år, med 920 000 dödsfall under 2015. I Sverige är pneumoni den största orsaken till sjukdom bland barn, med ett hastigt insjuknande med allmänpåverkan, feber, frossa och andningsproblem. I dagsläget ställs diagnos med hjälp av kliniska symtom och lungröntgen, vilket utsätter barnen för joniserande strålning. Med ultraljud är det möjligt att undersöka lungorna på ett sätt som är harmlöst mot kroppens vävnader. Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på om ultraljud kan ersätta konventionell lungröntgen för att diagnostisera barn med misstänkt pneumoni. Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturöversikt där 13 kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar granskades. Ultraljud är en tillförlitlig metod som har högre sensitivitet och specificitet när det gäller att detektera pneumoni än vad lungröntgen har. Ultraljud är även bättre på att detektera små förändringar i lungorna och pleurautgjutningar jämfört med lungröntgen. Ultraljud kan användas för att diagnostisera barn med pneumoni. Att införa den som en alternativ undersökningsmetod till lungröntgen när det kommer till att diagnostisera pneumoni skulle leda till minskade stråldoser för de barn som söker vård med misstänkt pneumoni. / Pneumonia is globally the largest cause of disease and mortality among children under the age of five years, with 920,000 deaths in 2015. In Sweden, pneumonia is the major cause of childhood disease, with a rapid onset of malaise, fever, chills and respiratory problems. It’s currently diagnosed with the help of clinical signs and chest x-ray, which exposes the children to ionizing radiation. With ultrasound it is possible to examine the lungs in a way that’s not harmful to the body tissues. The purpose of this study was to determine whether ultrasound can replace conventional chest x-ray to diagnose children with suspected pneumonia. The study was conducted as a general literature review where 13 quantitative scientific articles were examined. Ultrasound is a reliable method that has higher sensitivity and specificity when it comes to detecting pneumonia compared to chest x-ray. Ultrasound is also better at detecting small consolidations in the lungs and the presence of pleural effusion compared to chest x-ray. Ultrasound can be used to diagnose children with suspected pneumonia. Introducing it as an alternative method of examination to chest x-ray when it comes to diagnosing pneumonia would lead to reduced radiation doses for those seeking pediatric care with suspected pneumonia.
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Statistical modeling, level-set and ensemble learning for automatic segmentation of 3D high-frequency ultrasound data : towards expedited quantitative ultrasound in lymph nodes from cancer patients / Modélisation statistique, méthodes d'ensemble de niveaux et apprentissage automatique pour la segmentation de données ultrasonores 3D haute fréquence : vers une analyse rapide par ultrasons quantitatifs des ganglions lymphatiques de patients atteints d'un cancerBui Minh, Thanh 02 June 2016 (has links)
Afin d'accélérer et automatiser l'analyse par ultrasons quantitatifs de ganglions lymphatiques de patients atteints d'un cancer, plusieurs segmentations automatiques des trois milieux rencontrés (le parenchyme du ganglion, la graisse périnodale et le sérum physiologique) sont étudiées. Une analyse statistique du signal d'enveloppe a permis d'identifier la distribution gamma comme le meilleur compromis en termes de qualité de la modélisation, simplicité du modèle et rapidité de l'estimation des paramètres. Deux nouvelles méthodes de segmentation basées sur l'approche par ensemble de niveaux et la distribution gamma sont décrites. Des statistiques locales du signal d'enveloppe permettent de tenir compte des inhomogénéités du signal dues à l'atténuation et la focalisation des ultrasons. La méthode appelée LRGDF modélise les statistiques du speckle dans des régions dont la taille est contrôlable par une fonction lisse à support compact. La seconde, appelée STS-LS, considère des coupes transverses, perpendiculaires au faisceau, pour gagner en efficacité. Une troisième méthode basée sur la classification par forêt aléatoire a été conçue pour initialiser et accélérer les deux précédentes. Ces méthodes automatiques sont comparées à une segmentation manuelle effectuée par un expert. Elles fournissent des résultats satisfaisants aussi bien sur des données simulées que sur des données acquises sur des ganglions lymphatiques de patients atteints d'un cancer colorectal ou du sein. Les paramètres ultrasonores quantitatifs estimés après segmentation automatique ou après segmentation manuelle par un expert sont comparables. / This work investigates approaches to obtain automatic segmentation of three media (i.e., lymph node parenchyma, perinodal fat and normal saline) in lymph node (LN) envelope data to expedite quantitative ultrasound (QUS) in dissected LNs from cancer patients. A statistical modeling study identified a two-parameter gamma distribution as the best model for data from the three media based on its high fitting accuracy, its analytically less-complex probability density function (PDF), and closed-form expressions for its parameter estimation. Two novel level-set segmentation methods that made use of localized statistics of envelope data to handle data inhomogeneities caused by attenuation and focusing effects were developed. The first, local region-based gamma distribution fitting (LRGDF), employed the gamma PDFs to model speckle statistics of envelope data in local regions at a controllable scale using a smooth function with a compact support. The second, statistical transverse-slice-based level-set (STS-LS), used gamma PDFs to locally model speckle statistics in consecutive transverse slices. A novel method was then designed and evaluated to automatically initialize the LRGDF and STS-LS methods using random forest classification with new proposed features. Methods developed in this research provided accurate, automatic and efficient segmentation results on simulated envelope data and data acquired for LNs from colorectal- and breast-cancer patients as compared with manual expert segmentation. Results also demonstrated that accurate QUS estimates are maintained when automatic segmentation is applied to evaluate excised LN data.
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Návrh algoritmu pro elektronickou fokusaci uzv sond. / Design of ultrasound probe focusation algorithm.Maceška, Radek January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with electronic focusing of ultrasonic probes. There is theoretically described, what is the electronic focusing. Further, there are calculations that are used to achieve focusing. These calculations are then implemented into the algorithm that was developed in Matlab. The paper also contains the simulation conducted using the proposed algorithm and the GUI. These simulations are then compared with characteristics measured on a real ultrasound probe.
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Aktivní kontury pro segmentaci ultrazvukových dat / Ultrasound image registration based on active contoursHesko, Branislav January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to implement an active contour method for ultrasound image segmentation. Properties of ultrasound images, basic segmentation approaches and a~principle of choosen active contour methods are described within theoretical part. Two different groups of active contour methods exists, methods with use of gradient and without use of gradient as image feature. For comparision, one method of each group is implemented in practical part and subsequently, segmentation efficiency and properties of methods are compared in evaluation part.
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Vizualizace šíření ultrazvuku v lidském těle / Visualisation of Ultrasound Propagation in Human BodyKlepárník, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This work deals with the 2D and 3D visualization of simulation outputs from the k-Wave toolbox. This toolbox, designed to accurately model the propagation of ultrasound waves in the human body, usually generates immense amounts of output data (up to hundreds of GB). That is why new methods for both the visualization and the effective data representation are necessary to be developed to help users to easily understand the simulation results. This thesis elaborates on the data format, simulation outputs are stored in, with the use of the HDF5 library and looking for the best way to quickly read the simulation data. Finally, the thesis presents the design and the implementation of the console-based application for big simulation data pre-processing and the GUI-based application for interactive visualization of the pre-processed data. The most significant features of these applications are downsampling data, changing the format of storing, viewing 2D sections, planar and volumetric visualization and animation of the simulation process. The proposed implementation allows parts of the simulation domain to be visualised within tens of milliseconds even if the simulation domain comprises GBs of data - This significantly streamlines the work of scientists and clinicians in the field of HIFU.
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Transkutane und intraabdominale Ultraschalluntersuchungen des Pankreas am stehenden RindKlein, Astrid 03 April 2012 (has links)
This paper highlights two methods of examining the bovine pancreas by means of ultrasound, with a
view to identifying advantages and disadvantages of the two techniques as well as testing and
comparing their practicability. The goal is to evaluate the applicability of this intraoperative procedure
to large animals - it is quite commonly used on humans - as well as present the resulting findings with
regard to the ultrasonographic anatomy of the bovine pancreas.
The sample consisted of 15 female beef cattle, none of which displayed evidence of any
pancreatopathy based on their medical history, clinical examinations, and laboratory diagnostic
testing. Transcutaneous and intraoperative sonographic examinations were performed on all 15
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Evaluation of Point of Care Ultrasound Training for MidwivesJohnston, Bronte K January 2021 (has links)
MSc. Thesis / Introduction: In 2018, the College of Midwives of Ontario expanded the scope of practice for registered midwives to include performing point of care ultrasound (POCUS) to aid their obstetrical clinical assessments. This project evaluated learner sonography knowledge, skill acquisitions, and integration of this technology following an innovative POCUS curriculum developed for midwives to understand the impacts of this training.
Methods: Concurrent triangulation with mixed methods was used in this study through surveys and interviews. First, the surveys were used to collect data across four time points including before and after the intervention. Five- and seven-point Likert scale questions were analyzed through descriptive statistics. Open-ended questions were qualitatively analyzed using thematic analyses. Second, the semi-structured interviews were conducted to better understand participants’ attitudes and clinical behaviours. Interviews were coded and analyzed using a combination of Corbin and Strauss as well as Charmaz approaches to grounded theory.
Results: The findings demonstrated how there was a positive growth in learner comfort with POCUS and a desire to continue using it during clinical practice. The frequency of POCUS use within antenatal care increased with common applications including fetal presentation and assessment of pregnancy viability. The interviews highlighted five themes: facilitating learning, improving care, refining the role of the midwife, serving community, and maintaining competency. Access to clinical placements and the cost of a device were identified as barriers to promoting POCUS skill sets. Participants who had access to a device and completed the clinical practicum are continuing to use sonography within their clinics to provide more comprehensive client care.
Conclusions: This project demonstrates how POCUS training can positively impact midwives particularly with aiding clinical decision making such as those regarding fetal viability and presentation. However, the challenges with obtaining a clinical practicum to ensure competency and the cost and access to a device, are significant barriers that unless they are addressed, may result in minimal integration within community practices. / Thesis / Master of Health Sciences (MSc) / The ability to conduct ultrasounds has recently been included in Ontario midwives’ scope of practice. This project evaluated a newly developed Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) curriculum for practicing midwives to understand how midwives can learn and apply POCUS into their clinical work. Learners completed surveys at four time points from pre-course to one-year post-course to share their experiences of knowledge and skill acquisition and applying this training to their clinical work. Five midwives also participated in an interview to share their perspectives about the course more in-depth. It was found that Ontario midwives were very interested to learn POCUS to improve client care. Unfortunately, they struggled finding time and opportunities to refine their sonography skills such as securing a clinical practicum or the funds to purchase a device. However overall, POCUS in midwifery was well received, this technology and its respective education should continue to be supported in Ontario.
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Dynamics of smart materials in high intensity focused ultrasound fieldBhargava, Aarushi 06 May 2020 (has links)
Smart materials are intelligent materials that change their structural, chemical, mechanical, or thermal properties in response to an external stimulus such as heat, light, and magnetic and electric fields. With the increase in usage of smart materials in many sensitive applications, the need for a remote, wireless, efficient, and biologically safe stimulus has become crucial. This dissertation addresses this requirement by using high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) as the external trigger. HIFU has a unique capability of maintaining both spatial and temporal control and propagating over long distances with reduced losses, to achieve the desired response of the smart material. Two categories of smart materials are investigated in this research; shape memory polymers (SMPs) and piezoelectric materials.
SMPs have the ability to store a temporary shape and returning to their permanent or original shape when subjected to an external trigger. On the other hand, piezoelectric materials have the ability to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy and vice versa. Due to these extraordinary properties, these materials are being used in several industries including biomedical, robotic, noise-control, and aerospace.
This work introduces two novel concepts: First, HIFU actuation of SMP-based drug delivery capsules as an alternative way of achieving controlled drug delivery. This concept exploits the pre-determined shape changing capabilities of SMPs under localized HIFU exposure to achieve the desired drug delivery rate. Second, solving the existing challenge of low efficiency by focusing the acoustic energy on piezoelectric receivers to transfer power wirelessly.
The fundamental physics underlying these two concepts is explored by developing comprehensive mathematical models that provide an in-depth analysis of individual parameters affecting the HIFU-smart material systems, for the first time in literature. Many physical factors such as acoustic, material and dynamical nonlinearities, acoustic standing waves, and mechanical behavior of materials are explored to increase the developed models' accuracy. These mathematical frameworks are designed with the aim of serving as a basic groundwork for building more complex smart material-based systems under HIFU exposure. / Doctor of Philosophy / Smart materials are a type of intelligent materials that have the ability to respond to external stimuli such as heat, light, and magnetic fields. When these materials respond, they can change their structural, thermodynamical, mechanical or chemical nature. Due to this extraordinary property, smart materials are being used in many applications including biomedical, robotic, space, microelectronics, and automobile industry. However, due to increased sensitivity and need for safety in many applications, a biologically safe, wireless, and efficient trigger is required to actuate these materials. In this dissertation, sound is used as an external trigger to actuate two types of smart materials: shape memory polymers (SMPs) and piezoelectric materials.
SMPs have an ability to store a temporary (arbitrarily deformed) shape and return to their permanent shape when exposed to a trigger. In this dissertation, focused sound induced thermal energy acts as a trigger for these polymers. A novel concept of focused ultrasound actuation of SMP-based drug delivery capsules is proposed as a means to solve some of the challenges being faced in the field of controlled drug delivery.
Piezoelectric materials have an ability to generate electric power when an external mechanical force is applied and vice versa. In this study, sound pressure waves supply the external force required to produce electric current in piezoelectric disks, as a method for achieving power transfer wirelessly. This study aims to solve the current problem of low efficiency in acoustic power transfer systems by focusing sound waves.
This dissertation addresses the fundamental physics of high intensity focused ultrasound actuation of smart materials by developing comprehensive mathematical models and systematic experimental investigations, that have not been performed till now. The developed models enable an in-depth analysis of individual parameters including nonlinear material behavior, acoustic nonlinearity and resonance phenomena that affect the functioning of these smart systems. These mathematical frameworks also serve as groundwork for developing more complex systems.
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