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Acoustic Holograms for Hyperthermia and Transcranial UltrasoundAndrés Bautista, Diana 04 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] Los ultrasonidos se han empleado desde los años 90 para el tratamiento de múltiples patologías gracias a su carácter no invasivo y no ionizante, desde el tratamiento localizado del cáncer hasta terapias neurológicas. La focalización de estas ondas de presión y la conformación del haz ha sido un problema que desde varias perspectivas se ha intentado abordar, con el uso de lentes focalizadoras, transductores focalizados y los más sofisticados sistemas phased-array compuestos por múltiples transductores con control electrónico de amplitud y fase. Estos sistemas presentan varios inconvenientes, como el escaso control del haz que ofrecen los transductores focalizados, con un foco fijo y sin control de las posibles distorsiones del campo que puede introducir el medio, o el elevado coste derivado de la compleja electrónica de los sistemas phased-arrays, aunque proporcionan un mejor control del foco y compensación de aberraciones.
La revolucionaria idea de los hologramas acústicos como elementos pasivos impresos con tecnología 3D llegó como una alternativa de bajo coste a los previos sistemas. En primer lugar se describió su uso en medios homogéneos para generar las más diversas imágenes acústicas, pero pronto se empezó a estudiar su viabilidad para focalizar haces de ultrasonidos en el interior del cerebro, resultando ser muy útiles en la corrección de las aberraciones que el cráneo introduce en el frente de ondas. Las lentes holográficas son capaces de codificar tanto el campo que se desea generar como las distorsiones de fase que puede introducir el medio en el que se propagan los ultrasonidos.
En esta tesis se estudia el diseño de hologramas acústicos y su aplicación en el ámbito biomédico. La tesis puede ser dividida en tres grandes partes: una primera en la cual se describen nuevos métodos para el diseño de lentes holográficas, una segunda en la que se emplean los hologramas ultrasónicos para generación de hipertermia, y una tercera en la que se estudia su uso para terapias transcraneales.
En la primera parte de la tesis se investiga el diseño de lentes holográficas para transductores con geometría esférica como alternativa a las lentes planas ya descritas previamente. Además, se estudia un nuevo método para codificar el campo acústico en las lentes de forma que se mejore la imagen producida por ellas, ajustándose más a la deseada.
En la segunda parte se estudia cómo es el patrón térmico que genera el campo acústico producido por una lente holográfica cuando se aplica sobre un material con absorción acústica y cómo afecta la difusión térmica a éste. Esta difusión tiene como efecto que el patrón térmico con el tiempo no se parezca al acústico, y que las lentes deban tener en cuenta este proceso en su diseño para aplicaciones térmicas, especialmente si se desean regiones uniformes de calentamiento. Se demuestra cómo la hipertermia generada por ultrasonidos es más dañina en esferoides de células tumorales que la hipertermia tradicional.
En la tercera parte se demuestra la viabilidad de los hologramas ultrasónicos para tratamientos neurológicos, aplicados desde la ventana temporal para reducir el eventual calentamiento del hueso que se produce. Además, se estudia en experimentos ex-vivo el campo acústico producido por lentes holográficas a través de un cráneo de macaco, aplicando técnicas de proyección holográfica para obtener aún más información de estas medidas y se diseña un sistema para aplicar estos hologramas en experimentos in-vivo con macacos y comprobar la viabilidad de la apertura de la barrera hematoencefálica de forma localizada.
Esta tesis se enfoca a un mejor diseño y entendimiento de las emergentes lentes holográficas, así como a estudiar su validez en aplicaciones biomédicas de gran interés como son la hipertermia, la neuromodulación y la apertura de la barrera hematoencefálica para la administración de fármacos en el cerebro. / [CA] Els ultrasons s'han emprat des dels anys 90 per al tractament de múltiples patologies gràcies al seu caràcter no invasiu i no ionitzant, des del tractament localitzat del càncer fins a teràpies neurològiques. La focalització d'estes ones de pressió i la conformació del feix acústic ha sigut un problema que des de diverses perspectives s'ha intentat abordar, amb l'ús de lents focalizadores, transductors focalitzats i els més sofisticats sistemes phased-array compostos per múltiples transductors amb control individual d'amplitud i fase. Estos sistemes presenten diversos inconvenients, com l'escàs control del feix que ofereixen els transductors focalitzats, amb un focus fix i sense control de les possibles distorsions del camp que pot introduir el medi, o l'elevat cost derivat de la complexa electrònica dels sistemes phased-array, encara que proporcionen un millor control del focus i compensació d'aberracions.
La revolucionària idea dels hologrames acústics com a elements passius impresos amb tecnologia 3D va arribar com una alternativa de baix cost als previs sistemes. En primer lloc es va descriure el seu ús en medis homogenis per a generar les més diverses imatges acústiques, però prompte es va començar a estudiar la seua viabilitat per a focalitzar feixos d'ultrasons a l'interior del cervell, resultant ser molt útils en la correcció de les aberracions que el crani introduïx en el front d'ones. Les lents hologràfiques són capaces de codificar tant el camp que es desitja generar com les distorsions de fase que pot introduir el medi en el qual es propaguen els ultrasons.
En esta tesi s'estudia el disseny d'hologrames acústics i la seua aplicació en l'àmbit biomèdic. La tesi pot ser dividida en tres grans parts: una primera en la qual se descriuen nous mètodes per al disseny de lents hologràfiques, una segona en la qual s'empren els hologrames ultrasònics per a generació d'hipertèrmia i una tercera en la qual s'estudia el seu ús per a teràpies transcranials.
En la primera part de la tesi s'investiga el disseny de lents hologràfiques per a transductors amb geometria esfèrica com a alternativa a les lents planes ja descrites prèviament. A més, s'estudia un nou mètode per a codificar el camp acústic en les lents de manera que es millore la imatge produïda per elles, ajustant-se més a la desitjada.
En la segona part s'estudia com és el patró tèrmic que genera el camp acústic produït per una lent hologràfica quan s'aplica sobre un material absorbent i com afecta la difusió tèrmica a aquest. Esta difusió té com a efecte que el patró tèrmic amb el temps no se semble a l'acústic, i les lents hagen de tindre en compte aquest procés en el seu disseny per a aplicacions tèrmiques, especialment si es desitgen regions uniformes de calfament. Es demostra com la hipertèrmia generada per ultrasons és més nociva en esferoides tumorals que la hipertèrmia tradicional.
En la tercera part es demostra la viabilitat dels hologrames ultrasònics per a tractaments neurològics, aplicats des de la finestra temporal per a reduir el calfament de l'os que es produïx. A més, s'estudia en experiments ex-vivo el camp acústic produït per lents hologràfiques a través d'un crani de macaco, aplicant tècniques de projecció hologràfica per a obtindre encara més informació d'estes mesures i es dissenya un sistema per a aplicar estos hologrames en experiments in-vivo amb macacos i comprovar la viabilitat de l'obertura de la barrera hematoencefàlica de forma localitzada.
Esta tesi s'enfoca a un millor disseny i enteniment de les emergents lents hologràfiques, així com en l'estudi de la seua validesa en aplicacions biomèdiques de gran interès com són la hipertèrmia, la neuromodulació i l'obertura de la barrera hematoencefàlica per a l'administració de fàrmacs en el cervell. / [EN] Ultrasound has been used since the 1990s for the treatment of multiple pathologies thanks to its non-invasive and non-ionising nature, from localised cancer treatment to neurological therapies. The focusing of these pressure waves and beam shaping has been a problem that has been tackled from various perspectives, with the use of focusing lenses, focused transducers and the more sophisticated phased-array systems composed of multiple transducers with electronic amplitude and phase control. These systems have several drawbacks, such as the poor beam control offered by focused transducers, with a fixed focus and no control of possible field distortions introduced by the medium, or the high cost due to the complex electronics of phased-array systems, although they provide better focus control and aberration compensation.
The revolutionary idea of acoustic holograms as passive 3D printed elements came as a low-cost alternative to these previous systems. They were first described to be used in homogeneous media to generate a wide range of acoustic images, but their feasibility for focusing ultrasound beams inside the brain was soon studied and proved to be very useful in correcting the aberrations that the skull introduces into the wavefront. Holographic lenses are capable of encoding both the field to be generated and the phase distortions that may be introduced by the medium in which the ultrasound propagates.
This thesis studies the design of acoustic holograms and their application in the biomedical field. The thesis can be divided into three main parts: a first one in which new methods for the design of holographic lenses are described, a second one in which ultrasonic holograms are used for hyperthermia generation, and a third one in which their use for transcranial therapies is studied.
The first part of the thesis investigates the design of holographic lenses for transducers with spherical geometry as an alternative to the previously described flat lenses. In addition, a new method is studied to encode the acoustic field in the lenses in order to improve the image produced by them, adjusting it more closely to the desired image.
The second part studies the thermal pattern generated by the acoustic field produced by a holographic lens when it is applied to an absorbing material and how thermal diffusion affects it. This diffusion has the effect that the thermal pattern over time does not resemble the acoustic pattern, and lenses must take this process into account in their design for thermal applications, especially if uniform regions of heating are desired. The method is tested on multiple tumour spheroids, and results show that ultrasound-mediated hyperthermia is shown to be more damaging to tumour cell spheroids than traditional hyperthermia.
The third part demonstrates the feasibility of ultrasonic holograms for neural treatments, applied from the temporal window to reduce the bone heating that occurs. In addition, the acoustic field produced by holographic lenses through a macaque skull is studied in ex-vivo experiments, applying holographic projection techniques to obtain even more information from these experiments. A system is designed to apply these holograms in in-vivo experiments with macaques to test the feasibility of opening the blood-brain barrier in a localized manner.
This thesis focuses on a better design and understanding of the emerging holographic lenses, as well as on studying their validity in biomedical applications of great interest such as hyperthermia, neuromodulation and the opening of the blood-brain barrier for drug delivery to the brain. / Andrés Bautista, D. (2024). Acoustic Holograms for Hyperthermia and Transcranial Ultrasound [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/205788
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Monitoring cell and tissue damage during ablation by high-intensity focussed ultrasoundNandlall, Sacha D. January 2011 (has links)
High Intensity Focussed Ultrasound (HIFU) ablation is a promising technology for the non-invasive, targeted treatment of certain types of cancer. The technique functions by subjecting tumours to a cytotoxic level of intense, localised heating, while leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed. However, a number of limitations in the available HIFU treatment monitoring methods are currently hampering the effectiveness and clinical adoption of the therapy. This work aims to develop improved metrics of HIFU-induced biological damage that are specifically suited to monitoring and controlling HIFU ablation. Firstly, an optical method that enables straightforward quantification of thermal damage in protein-embedding hydrogels is developed. Secondly, hydrogels embedded with different cell lines are used to assess the performance of common temperature-based metrics of cell death across a range of HIFU-relevant conditions. Finally, a novel, passive acoustic detector designed for the real-time monitoring of HIFU-induced tissue damage is proposed. The detector is shown to predict lesioning with over 80% accuracy in regimes that are very likely to create lesions (60 J of acoustic energy or more), with an error rate of less than 6% for exposures that are too short to cause lesioning (up to 1 s long). The proposed detector could therefore provide a low-cost means of effectively monitoring clinical HIFU treatments passively and in real time.
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Ultrasound-triggered drug release from liposomes using nanoscale cavitation nucleiGraham, Susan M. January 2014 (has links)
Side effects of current chemotherapeutics limit their use in cancer therapy. Although many current drugs are highly toxic and potent, the effects they have on non-cancerous tissue are unbearable for patients. Targeting these drugs may provide a means to restrict their toxic effects to only cancer tissue while leaving healthy tissue unaffected. This approach requires that the drug is only available in cancer tissue, which has been achieved here by encapsulating drugs into liposomal nano-capsules which are capable of passively accumulating in cancerous tissue via the enhanced permeability and retention effect (EPR). In addition to localisation, a threshold dose must be achieved to deliver the desired toxic effect to the target tumour tissue. Previous strategies have relied on passive 'leaching' of the drug from liposomes, however this 'leaching' does not necessarily achieve the threshold dose required. In the present work, a new generation of liposomes has been developed whereby release is solely achieved in the presence of ultrasound triggered cavitation. Instigation of such cavitation events would normally require the target tissue be exposed to high and possibly damaging ultrasound pressures. To remove the need for these high pressures, cavitation nuclei have been developed to lower the cavitation threshold of surrounding media. To allow for improved co-localisation and treatment deeper into cancer tissue, cavitation nuclei were developed to be in the nanoscale size range. Two types of novel cavitation nuclei were produced, a rough surfaced carbon nanoparticle (CNP, ~180 nm) and smooth shaped polymeric nano-cup particle (NC, ~150, 470, or 770 nm). Both types of particle are solid nanoparticles with gas entrapped on their surface which was capable of cavitating in response to ultrasound without greatly affecting the particle itself. These particles are classified as cavicatalytic nanoparticles due to their ability to reduce the cavitation threshold of their surrounding media without being destroyed themselves. Finally, an entirely nanoscale release system was developed and tested in vitro and in vivo. The drug carrier (the liposome) and effector agent (the cavicatalytic nanoparticle) were used to demonstrate ultrasound triggered drug release, specifically in response to the generation of cavitation events. These cavitation events could be non-invasively monitored and characterised, adding to the potential clinical utility of the technologies developed and described here.
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Efeitos do ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade sobre a musculatura lisa e sobre o epitélio endometrial em úteros de ratas adultas, após uterotomia: estudo experimental / Effects of the pulsed ultrasound of low intensity on the flat musculature and on the epithelium endometrial in uteruses of adult female rats, after uterotomia: experimental studyVieira, Humberto Stelita 28 February 2007 (has links)
Esta investigação experimental teve como finalidade de avaliar os efeitos do ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade sobre a regeneração do miométrio e do endométrio de ratas submetidas à uterotomia. Foram utilizadas neste experimento 20 ratas adultas da raça Wistar, submetidas a uma uterotomia mediante incisão longitudinal de 1,5 cm total de uma das paredes do corno uterino. As ratas foram divididas em 2 grupos de 10 animais cada, sendo que um grupo foi submetido à estimulação ultra-sônica por 10 dias durante 15 minutos diários e outro grupo, chamado controle, foi submetido à estimulação fictícia pelo mesmo tempo e período. Seis horas antes do sacrifício, os animais receberam via intramuscular 0,10 mg de colchicina para cada 100 g de peso corporal com a finalidade de bloquear as mitoses em metáfase. A avaliação dos tecidos baseou-se na análise comparativa entre a contagem de células em mitose do endométrio e do miométrio de animais estimulados com o de animais controle. Os achados morfológicos foram analisados estatisticamente e são sugestivos de que o U.S.P. estimula a regeneração do miométrio bem como do endométrio de ratas. / This experimental investigation had the purpose to evaluate the low-intensity pulsed ultrasound effects under the regeneration of the myometrium and the endometrium of the rats that were submitted to uterotomia. It was used, in this experiment, twenty adult rats of the Wistar race, submitted to uterotomia beyond the longitudinal incision of total 1, 5 cm of one of the uterine horn walls. The rats were divided in two groups of ten animals each, the first group went trough fifteen daily minutes ultra-sound stimulation during ten days, and the second group, called control, went through fictional stimulation by the same time and period of the first group. Six hours before the sacrifice, the animals received, by intra muscular, 0, 10 mg of colchicine for each 100 g of body weight, with the intention to block the mitosis in metaphase. The evaluation of the tissue was based on the comparative analysis between the mitosis cell count of the stimulated animals\' endometric tissue and the control animals\' one. The morphologic findings were statistically analyzed.
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Efeitos da estimulação ultra-sônica sobre a espermatogênese de ratos pré-púberes e adultos: estudo experimental / Effects of the stimulation ultrasonic about for spermatogenesis of rats prepubertal and adult: experimental studySilva, Ruberval Farias da 02 March 2007 (has links)
Esta investigação tem a finalidade estudar experimentalmente os efeitos do ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade sobre a espermatogênese de ratos pré-púberes e adultos. Foram utilizados 40 ratos machos da raça Wistar, sendo 20 pré-púberes e 20 adultos, os quais tiveram os testículos estimulados por 15 minutos durante 10 dias consecutivos. Cada grupo experimental constou de 10 animais pré-púberes ou adultos, estimulados com o ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade ou não estimulados. Administrou-se Colchicina, 6 horas antes do sacrifício dos animais com a finalidade de bloquear a divisão das células em metáfase para facilitar a avaliação do ciclo espermatogenético. Mediante morfometria estimou-se as áreas dos túbulos seminíferos e fez-se a avaliação dos estadios do ciclo espermatogenético quando foi constatado um aumento significativo das áreas dos túbulos seminíferos dos animais estimulados. O ciclo espermatogenético de ratos pré-púberes e adultos foi avaliado mediante contagens de associações celulares do ciclo nos estadios VII e VIII e XIV, correspondentes ao fim e início de cada ciclo. Houve aumento temporal do ciclo espermatogenético por apresentar maior número de associações com características dos estadios VIII significando acentuada maturidade de espermatozóides nos ratos pré-púberes estimulados. Os testículos dos animais adultos estimulados apresentaram aumento de peso em relação aos dos controles, exibindo uma diferença significativa. Nossos resultados são compatíveis com a hipótese de que o ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade estimula o aumento do peso dos testículos dos ratos adultos e das áreas dos túbulos seminíferos, bem como acelerando o ciclo espermatogenético em ratos pré-púberes. / This is an experimental study of the effects of low intensity pulsed ultrasound on the spermatogenesis of prepubertal and adult male rats. Forty male Wistar rats - twenty prepubertal and twenty adults -, whose testicles were stimulated for fifteen minutes for ten consecutive days were studied. Each experimental group was composed of ten prepubertal or adult animals, stimulated with low intensity pulsed ultrasound or not. Six hours before killing, the rats were given Colchicine to block the division of metaphasic cells, in order to facilitate the assessment of the spermatogenetic cycle. The area of the seminiferous tubule was done estimated by morphometry and the stages of spermatogenetic cycle were assessed, showing a significant increase of the areas of the seminiferous tubules of the stimulated animals. The spermiogenesis of prepubertal and adult rats was assessed through counts of cell associations in the stages VII and VIII and XIV, corresponding to the end and beginning of each cycle. There was a temporal increase in the spermatogenetic cycle due to a higher number of the associations with stage VIII characteristics, which means accentuated sperm cell maturity of the stimulated prepubertal rats. The testicles of the stimulated animals were weight increase regarding the of the control animals, showing a significant difference. Our results are compatible with the hypothesis that the low intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulates the increase of the testicle weight, the rats adults, and the area of the seminiferous tubules as well as accelerating the spermatogenetic cycle in rats prepubertal.
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Analyse des facteurs pronostics d’efficacité du traitement de la spasticité par injection de toxine botulinique. De l’analyse du muscle spastique en imagerie ultrasonore à l’immunisation post injection de toxine botulinique / Analysis of prognostic efficacy factors for the treatment of limb spasticity with botulinum toxin injection. From spastic muscle ultrasound analysis to immunization post botulinum toxin injectionsMathevon, Laure 05 June 2018 (has links)
Notre objectif était de rechercher une méthode d’évaluation musculaire afin de déterminer des facteurs de non réponse tissulaire à une injection de toxine botulique (TB) dans un muscle spastique, chez l’adulte post AVC et chez l’enfant paralysé cérébral (PC). Une étude de reproductibilité et 3 revues systématiques de la littérature ont été réalisées. Les mesures échographiques de l’épaisseur et de l’angle des pennation des fibres du muscle gastrocnémien médial en 2D sont reproductibles. La mesure du module d’élasticité par Shear Wave Ultrasound Elastography délivre une information fiable sur la rigidité du muscle gastrocnémien médial spastique au repos.L’analyse du devenir du muscle post-injection rapporte que la TB participe au remodelage du muscle spastique avec une atrophie persistante, répétition d’injections dépendante.L’étude de l’impact des traitements adjuvants à la TB chez l’enfant PC montre que le renforcement musculaire intensif, y compris des muscles injectés, permet de lutter contre l’atrophie sans renforcer la spasticité. Les plâtres d’allongement permettent d’optimiser le fonctionnement articulaire mais les preuves sur la diminution de la raideur musculaire restent faibles. Dans la description des facteurs pronostics d’efficacité, plus de la moitié des patients identifiés comme secondairement non-répondeurs à la TB dans la spasticité des membres ne sont pas immunisés contre la TB. Les anticorps neutralisants ne sont donc pas la principale cause de non-réponse secondaire. Une évaluation de la qualité musculaire échographique comme facteur pronostic de réponse à la TB et pour mesurer l’impact des traitements adjuvants devrait être réalisée régulièrement afin de déterminer à quel moment ces traitements ne sont plus favorables au système musculaire. / The aim was to investigate a muscle evaluation method to determine tissue factors leading to non-responsiveness to an injection of botulinum toxin (BTX) into a spastic muscle in adult post stroke and children with cerebral palsy (CP). A reproducibility study and 3 systematic literature reviews were carried out. 2D ultrasound measurements of thickness and pennation angle of medialis gastrocnemius muscle fibers are reproducible. Measurement of the modulus of elasticity by shear wave ultrasound elastography provides a reliable information about the rigidity of the spastic medial gastrocnemius muscle at rest.Analysis of the post-injection muscle fate found that BTX participates in the remodeling of the spastic muscle with persistent atrophy that is dependent on the repetition of the injections.Analysis of the impact of BTX adjuvant therapies in CP children showed that intensive muscle strengthening, including of the injected muscles, may help combat atrophy without increasing spasticity. Stretching casts are used to optimize joint function, but there is little evidence for a reduction in muscle stiffness. In the description of prognostic efficacy factors, more than half of patients identified as secondariy non-responders to BTX in limb spasticity tests were not immunized against BTX. Neutralizing antibodies were therefore not the main cause for secondary non-responsiveness. An ultrasound evaluation of muscle quality as a prognostic factor for BTX response and to measure the impact of adjuvant treatments must be regularly performed to determine when these treatments are no longer favourable for the muscle system.
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Targeted release from lyso-thermosensitive liposomal doxorubicin (ThermoDox®) using focused ultrasound in patients with liver tumoursLyon, P. C. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Precisão da ultra-sonografia bidimensional convencional e da ultra-sonografia tridimensional na avaliação do nível da lesão em fetos com espinha bífida aberta / Precision of conventional two-dimensional and threedimensional sonography in the evaluation of the lesion level in fetuses with open spina bifidaMárcio José Rosa Requeijo 18 March 2009 (has links)
Introdução: A espinha bífida tem incidência de 0,5 a 0,8 / 1.000 nascimentos, com mortalidade neonatal ao redor de 33% e sequelas em torno de 65% nos sobreviventes. Em relação ao diagnóstico, a ultrasonografia é capaz de diagnosticar cerca de 80% a 100% dos casos de espinha bífida. Objetivo: Avaliar comparativamente a precisão da ultrasonografia bidimensional e da ultra-sonografia tridimensional em determinar o nível da lesão vertebral (primeira vértebra aberta ) em casos espinha bífida aberta fetal comparada à avaliação pós-natal realizada por exame radiológico da coluna vertebral do recém-nascido. Método: Estudo prospectivo longitudinal analisou fetos com espinha bífida aberta atendidos no Setor de Medicina Fetal da Clínica Obstétrica do HCFMUSP, durante o período compreendido entre os anos de 2004 a 2008. Foi estabelecido o nível da lesão vertebral em 45 fetos por meio de exames ultra-sonográficos bidimensionais e tridimensionais ( dois examinadores em cada método). O nível da lesão no pós-natal foi estabelecido por exame radiológico (radiografia simples) da coluna do recém-nascido, considerado o padrão ouro para sua definição, sendo então comparado ao nível encontrado nos exames ultra-sonográficos bidimensionais e tridimensionais pré-natais. As gestações foram seguidas no ambulatório de pré-natal e o parto programado para correção cirúrgica pós-natal imediata. Resultado: Precisão diagnóstica do nível de lesão da espinha bífida pela ultra-sonografia bidimensional de 47,7 %, elevando-se para 77,7 %, se considerado o erro de até um nível, 87,7 % com até dois níveis e de 100 % com até três níveis, com boa concordância interobservador neste método. Precisão diagnóstica do nível de lesão da espinha bífida pela ultra-sonografia tridimensional de 44,4 %, elevando-se para 80,0 % se considerado o erro de até um nível, 88,8 % com até dois níveis e de 100 % com até três níveis, com boa concordância interobservador neste método. Nos casos em que houveram erro no diagnóstico do nível da lesão, tendência a subestimação do nível da lesão nos dois métodosbidimensional: 55,3% dos casos e tridimensional: 62% dos casos). Conclusões:. Não houve diferença percentual relevante entre a detecção realizada pela ultra-sonografia bidimensional e pela tridimensional, não se demonstrando vantagens no uso da metodologia tridimensional no diagnóstico do nível de lesão nos casos de espinha bífida. Houve têndencia a subestimar o erro em ambas as metodologias. / Introduction: Incidence of spina bifida is about 0.5 to 0.8 per 1,000 births, with neonatal mortality around 33% and handicap in about 65% of survivors. Sonography diagnoses about 80% to 100% of cases. Objective: To evaluate the precision of both two-dimensional and three-dimensional sonography in determining vertebral lesion level (the first open vertebra) in open spina bifida cases compared to postnatal radiological assessment of the newborn. Methods: This was a prospective longitudinal study comprising fetuses with open spina bifida attending the Fetal Medicine division of the Obstetrics Department, HCFMUSP, from 2004 to 2008. Vertebral lesion level was established by both two-dimensional and three-dimensional sonography in 45 fetuses (two examiners in each method). Lesion level in the neonatal period was established by radiological assessment (simple X-rays) of the spine, considered as the gold standard. This was compared to the level found in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional prenatal scans. All pregnancies were followed in our hospital prenatally and delivery was scheduled in order to allow immediate postnatal surgical correction. Results: Two-dimensional sonography precisely estimated the spina bifida level in 47.7% of cases. In 77.7% of cases, the estimate error was within one vertebra, in 87.7% up to two vertebrae and in 100% up to three vertebrae, showing a good interobserver agreement. Three-dimensional sonography precisely estimated the lesion level in 44.4 of cases. In 80 % of cases, the estimate error was within one vertebra, in 88.8% up to two vertebrae and in 100% up to three vertebrae, also showing a good interobserver agreement. Whenever an estimate error was observed, both two-dimensional and three-dimensional scans tended to underestimate the true lesion level (55.3% of cases in twodimensional scans and 62% in three-dimensional). Conclusions: No relevant differences between diagnostic performance of two-dimensional and three-dimensional scans were observed. The use of three-dimensional sonography showed no additional benefit in diagnosing the lesion level in cases of spina bífida. Errors in both methods showed a tendency to underestimate the lesion level.
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Development of acoustic tissue mimicking materials for preclinical ultrasound imaging applicationsRabell Montiel, Adela January 2018 (has links)
Many applications of ultrasound test phantoms require that the acoustical properties of the phantom should closely match those of soft tissue. Numerous commercial test phantoms of this type are available for use with clinical ultrasound scanners, which use frequencies up to 20 MHz. However, scanners designed for imaging small animals in preclinical studies, typically operate at much higher frequencies. No commercially available test phantoms exist for use at frequencies above 20 MHz. The aim of this work was to develop a tissue-mimicking-material (TMM) that closely matches the acoustic properties of small animal tissues at high frequencies (HF). Such a material would, therefore, be suitable for ultrasound test phantoms for application with HF ultrasound scanners (20 MHz to 50 MHz). A three-step approach was adopted to address this lack of a suitable HF-TMM. Firstly, verify the acoustic characteristics of the existing IEC agar-based TMM. Secondly, establish the acoustic properties (speed of sound and attenuation coefficient) of small animal tissue at high frequencies. Thirdly, develop a TMM which exhibits, as closely as possible, these small animal tissue acoustic characteristics. A pulse-echo substitution method was used throughout to characterise the materials and the tissue samples. The speed of sound and attenuation coefficient of an IEC agar-based TMM were measured using two different techniques. Initially, a widely used method was tried, where samples are wrapped in film and placed in degassed, deionised water for assessment. The second technique was developed and validated for use in this work. In this method, TMM samples were uncovered (without film) and were both stored and assessed in a TMM preserving fluid. The second method provided up to four times more consistent results. The acoustical properties of the individual components of the IEC agar-based TMM were then measured in order to determine whether the overall attenuation coefficient of the agar TMM was a linear sum of the attenuation coefficients of its component parts. Within experimental uncertainties, this was found to be the case. This is a key observation from which the formulation of an agar TMM, matching the acoustic properties of small animal tissue, can be facilitated. The acoustical properties (speed of sound and attenuation coefficient) of mouse brain, liver, and kidney were measured using a preclinical ultrasound scanner.
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Ultrassonografia vascular comparada à intravascular no diagnóstico das obstruções venosas ilíacas em portadores de insuficiência venosa crônica / Vascular ultrasound compared to intravascular in the diagnosis of iliac venous obstruction in chronic venous insufficiency carriersMetzger, Patrick Bastos 04 November 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O tratamento da Insuficiência Venosa Crônica (IVC) é baseado na correção dos refluxos e obstruções ao fluxo sanguíneo venoso. A detecção, a gravidade e o tratamento dessas obstruções venosas, responsáveis pelos sinais e sintomas da IVC, têm sido recentemente estudados e melhor compreendidos. Estes estudos não definem qual o grau de obstrução significativa nem os critérios ultrassonográficos para sua detecção. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar critérios ultrassonográficos para o diagnóstico das obstruções venosas ilíacas, avaliando a concordância deste método com o ultrassom intravascular (UI) em pacientes portadores de IVC avançada. Métodos: Foram avaliados 15 pacientes (30 membros; 49,4 ± 10,7 anos; 1 homem) com IVC inicial (Classificação Clínica-Etiológica-Anatômica-Physiopatológica - CEAP C1-2) no grupo I (GI) e 51 pacientes (102 membros; 50,53 ± 14,5 anos; 6 homens) com IVC avançada (CEAP C3-6) no grupo II (GII) pareados por sexo, idade e etnia. Todos pacientes foram submetidos à entrevista clínica e à ultrassonografia vascular com Doppler (UV-D), sendo obtidas as medidas de fasicidade de fluxo, os índices de fluxo e velocidades venosas femorais, e as relações de velocidade e de diâmetro da obstrução ilíaca. Foi analisado o escore de refluxo multisegmentar. Os indivíduos do GI foram avaliados por 3 examinadores independentes. Os pacientes do GII foram submetidos ao UI, sendo obtidos a área dos segmentos venosos comprometidos e comparados com os resultados obtidos pelo UV-D, agrupados em 3 categorias: obstruções < 50%; obstruções entre 50-79% e obstruções >= 80%. Resultados: A classe de severidade clinica CEAP predominante no GI foi C1 em 24/30 (80%) membros, e C3 em 54/102 (52,9%) membros no GII. O refluxo foi severo (escore de refluxo multisegmentar >= 3) em 3/30 (10%) membros no grupo I, e em 45/102 (44,1%) membros no grupo II (p<0,001). Houve uma concordância moderadamente elevada entre o UV-D e o UI, quando agrupadas em 3 categorias (K=0,598; p<0,001), e uma concordância elevada quando agrupadas em 2 categorias (obstruções <50% e >= 50%) (K= 0,784; p<0,001). Os melhores pontos de corte e sua correlação com o UI foram: índice de velocidade (0,9; r=-0,634; p<0,001); índice de fluxo (0,7; r=-0,623; p<0,001); relação de obstrução (0,5; r=0,750; p<0,001); relação de velocidade (2,5; r= 0,790; p<0,001); A ausência de fasicidade de fluxo esteve presente em 88,2% dos pacientes com obstrução >=80% ao UV-D. Foi construído um algoritmo ultrassonográfico vascular, utilizando as medidas e os pontos de corte descritos obtendo-se uma acurácia de 79,6% para 3 categorias (K=0,655; p<0,001) e de 86,7% para 2 categorias (k=0,730; p<0,001). Conclusões: O UV-D apresentou uma concordância elevada com o UI na detecção de obstruções >= 50%. A relação de velocidade na obstrução >= 2,5 é o melhor critério para detecção de obstruções venosas significativas em veias ilíacas. / Introduction: The treatment of Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) is based on correction of reflux and obstruction of venous blood flow. The detection, severity and treatment of venous obstructions, responsible for signs and symptoms of CVI have been recently studied and better understood. These studies did not define the degree of significant obstruction or the sonographic criteria for its detection. The purpose of this study was to determine the sonographic criteria for diagnosis of iliac venous outflow obstruction by assessing the correlation of this method with intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) in patients with advanced chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Methods: The evaluation included 15 patients (30 limbs, age 49.4 ± 10.7 years; 1 man) with initial CVI symptoms (Clinical-Etiology-Anatomy-Pathophysiology classification - CEAP C1-2) in group I (GI) and 51 patients (102 limbs, 50.53 ± 14.5 years, 6 men) with advanced CVI symptoms (CEAP C3-6) in group II (GII). Patients from both groups were matched by gender, age and ethnicity. All patients underwent a clinic interviews and Duplex Ultrasound (DU), measuring the flow phasicity, the femoral volume flows and velocities, and the velocities and obstructions ratios in the iliac vein. The Reflux Multisegment Score were analyzed. Three independent observers evaluated individuals in GI. GII patients were submitted to IVUS, in which the area of the impaired venous segments was obtained and compared to the DU results, and then grouped into 3 categories: obstructions < 50%; obstructions between 50 and 79% and obstructions >= 80%. Results: The predominant clinical severity CEAP class was C1 in 24/30 (80%) limbs in GI and C3 in 54/102 (52.9%) limbs in GII. Reflux was severe (reflux multisegment score >= 3) in 3/30 (10%) limbs in GI and 45/102 (44.1%) limbs in GII (p<0.001). There was a moderately high agreement between DU and IVUS findings when grouped into 3 categories (k= 0.598; p<0.001), and high agreement when grouped into 2 categories (obstructions <50% and >= 50%) (k=0.784; p<0.001). The best cut-off points and their correlation with IVUS were 0.9 for the velocity index (r =-0.634; p< 0.001); 0.7 for the flow index (r=-0.623; p<0.001); 0.5 for the obstruction ratio (r=0.750; p<0.001), and 2.5 for the velocity ratio (r=0.790; p<0.001). Absence of flow phasicity was observed in 62.5% of patients with obstructions >= 80%. An ultrasound algorithm was created using the measures and the described cut-off points with accuracy of 86.7% for detecting significant obstructions (>= 50%) with high agreement (k=0.73; p< 0.001). Conclusions: DU presented high agreement with IVUS for detection of obstructions >= 50%. The velocity ratio in obstructions >= 2.5 is the best criteria for detection of significant venous outflow obstructions in iliac veins.
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