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Charakterizace hyaluronanu a jeho interakcí s tenzidy ultrazvukovou spektroskopií a densitometrií / Ultrasonic and Densitometric Characterization of Hyaluronan and its Interaction with SurfactantHurčíková, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
This disertation thesis is focused on the study of physico-chemical interactions of hyaluronan (with molecular weights from 10 to 1750 kDa) with cationic surfactants measured using uncommon technique named high resolution ultrasonic spectroscopy. Densitometer was also used for the study of these interactions, in measuring of density and ultrasonic velocity of hyaluronan with different molecular weight in dependence on elevated temperature (25 50 °C). The aim is the determination of critical micelle concentration (CMC) and critical aggregation concentration (CAC) of the suractants in the absence and in the presence of hyaluronan with various molecular weights. Interactions in this system are important for the design of the systems for the targeted delivery, especially for the drugs. The experiments were made in water and sodium chloride solution. The significant breakpoint in the ultrasonic velocity showed changes in the system hyaluronan-surfactant.
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Modelová studie účinků ultrazvuku na vývoj plodu / Model Study of Ultrasound Effects on Fetal DevelopmentJaroš, Josef January 2009 (has links)
The progress in ultrasound techniques goes hand in hand with increasing of diagnostic machine acoustic outputs. Ultrasound biological effects can adversely influence the development of human fetus. Recent studies of thermal effect on biological tissues are usually based on simulation of simple ultrasound transducers. The aim of this work is to build a flexible model of diagnostic system to simulate temperature increase during fetal development. Different types of ultrasound probes were used for generation of acoustic field with simulated piezoelectric element properties. Optimized linear and phased arrays were modeled with dynamic beam steering and focus. Computer simulations were concentrated on extreme conditions in obstetric ultrasonography and 3D tissue model was compared with real ultrasound probes measurements. To detect temperature increase, the bone tissue phantom was used. Results point out potential risks for fetus with diagnostic ultrasound probes. Based on the results of this work, practical recommendations increasing safety of obstetric examinations were drawn.
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Nelineární elektro-ultrazvuková spektroskopie rezistorů / Non-Linear Electro-Ultrasonic Spectroscopy of Resistive MaterialsTofel, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
Elektro-ultrazvuková spektroskopie je založena na interakci dvou signálů, elektrického střídavého signálu s frekvencí fE a ultrazvukového signálu s frekvencí fU. Ultrazvukový signál mění vzdálenost mezi vodivými zrny ve vzorku a tím mění jeho celkový elektrický odpor R. Změna odporu R je proměnná s frekvencí ultrazvukového signálu fU. Vzorek, který obsahuje mnoho defektů ve své struktuře, vykazuje vysokou změnu odporu R v porovnání se vzorkem bez defektů při stejné hodnotě ultrazvukového a elektrického signálu. V disertační práci je popsána elektro-ultrazvuková metoda na tlustovrstvých rezistorech, hořčíkových slitinách, monokrystalech Si a CdTe, varistorech a také jeden z prvních pokusů aplikace elektro-ultrazvukové spektroskopie na horninové vzorky a tak diagnostikovat jejich stav poškození. V našem případě byl proměřen vzorek žuly. Jelikož se jedná o nedestruktivní metodu testování, tak má tato metoda velmi perspektivní budoucnost. Tato metoda je citlivá na všechny defekty ve vzorku. Její výhodou je, že se měří velikost signálu ne frekvenci danou rozdílem nebo součtem budících frekvencí fE a fU a tím se dá dosáhnout vysoké citlivosti. V mém případě byl vždy měřen signál na rozdílové frekvenci fi = fE-fU.
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Realizace úzce směrového akustického měniče / Implementation narrowly directed beeperHladký, David January 2016 (has links)
The present final thesis discusses the transmission of a narrowly directional parametric sound beam through an amplitude-modulated ultrasonic wave, utilizing the effect of auto-demodulation in a nonlinear medium and ensuring the subsequent processing of the input signal for the parametric sound transmitter. Emphasis is placed on the mathematical tools that relate to parametric sound transmission in a nonlinear medium. The basic part of the thesis describes a parametric speaker and the associated amplitude modulation techniques, which constitute a major prerequisite for the processing of the transmitted signal. In the following section, the author then analyzes the computational intensity of these techniques, considering applicable hardware approaches. Finally, the fabrication and practical use of the proposed solution are discussed, including the measurement of typical parameters such as the spatial radiation characteristics, total harmonic distortion, and transmission channel bandwidth.
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Využití dynamických nedestruktivních metod pro zjišťování pevností cementů z cementárny Hranice / The use of dynamic non-destructive methods for determining the strength of cement from cement plant HraniceProcházková, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
Nondestructive testing methods are employed as a tool for evaluation of parameters of building materials, especially to ascertain strength properties and to determine alteration occured during durability tests. An ultrasonic pulse velocity method is one of the most used nondestructive methods. A resonance method is employed among the nondestructive methods less. The aim of this work is to establish the calibration relationships between parameters of nondestructive testing and compressive strength value and flexural tensile strength value, respectively. Moreover, applicability of the calibration relationships is also discussed.
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Studium vlastností betonů s nanočásticemi / Study of concrete properties with nanoparticlesMichnová, Kamila January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the basics of nanotechnology as a science and nanotechnology of concrete. Additionally, it describes carbon nanotubes and the possibilities of their dispersion using high shear mixing and sonication. This thesis further provides findings about ultrasonic dispersion parameters and characteristics of materials with the addition of carbon nanotubes. The experimental of part of this thesis focuses on the possibility of dispersing carbon nanotubes, deals with the issue of incorporating carbon nanotubes into the concrete matrix and describes its effects on the final properties of concrete. It has been observed to which extent the carbon nanotubes may affect selected physico-mechanical properties and durability of concrete.
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Monitorování a analýza koroze výztužné oceli v železobetonových prvcích a konstrukcích akustickými metodami / Monitoring and Analysis of Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel in Reinforced Concrete Elements and Structures Using the Acoustic MethodsTimčaková, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with the study of non-destructive acoustic methods as instruments for monitoring and analysing corrosion of reinforcing steel in reinforced concrete elements. Four acoustic methods were selected for this task - the impact-echo method, the nonlinear acoustic spectroscopy method, the acoustic emission method, and the ultrasonic pulse velocity method. To verify the functionality of these methods, testing was carried out on three sets of reinforced concrete samples that had been exposed to the effects of sodium chloride, which corroded the embedded steel reinforcement in these samples. Suitable parameters were proposed for individual acoustic methods to monitor corrosion of the reinforcements. In addition, experiments were designed to demonstrate the ability of the selected acoustic methods to reveal the corrosion of steel reinforcement and its influence on the concrete matrix and to assess the condition of the degraded elements and structures. The analysis of the measurement results based on their comparison shows the advantages and disadvantages of the individual methods and of their practical applications. To verify the results, correlation with common methods that are currently used for the study of corrosion was carried out and included for example the electrical resistivity measurement of the reinforcement and simultaneous monitoring of the sample surface using a confocal microscope to record the development of microcracks during the degradation.
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Metodika zkoušek historických cihel a zdiva / Methodology of historical bricks and masonry testsBartoň, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on methodology for sorting of solid fired bricks for reconstruction of historical buildings. The theorethical part of this thesis includes description of production technology of solid fired bricks and diagnostic methods. In practical part there are these methods aplied on the solid fired bricks, which are intended for reconstruction of the bridge in Sedlec. There are monitored changes in structure of solid fired bricks caused by repeated freezing and defrosting. This changes are monitored by resonant frequency method and ultasonic pulse method.
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Kalibrace nepřímých metod pro zjišťování vlastností alkalicky aktivovaných betonů / Calibration of indirect methods for maesurement of properties of alkali activated concretesVrba, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
This work solves creation of calibration relations to determine cube compressive strength, dynamic and static elastic modulus of alkali-activated concrete by non-destructive methods. Alkali-activated concrete is spoken of as a new material used in civil engineering. It shows different properties than normal concrete based on Portland cement. That's why the modification of common calibration relation seems necessary. Fresh concrete was made in the concrete plan ŽPSV a.s., Uherský Ostroh in three mixtures and always in the number of 18 cubes and 3 prisms. The samples were tested by impact hammer Schmidt type L, type N, SilverSchmidt PC-N and by ultrasound in 6 time periods of three specimens. After that, the cube compressive strength was determined. Status of static elastic modulus was determined in a time period of 28 days. The results are calibration relations to determine the progress of compressive strength and modulus of elasticity for each method and their combination.
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Využití kapalinové chromatografie pro stanovení reziduí léčiv / The Use of Liquid Chromatography for Determination of Drug ResiduesDvořáková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
This work is based on the occurrence of drug residues in the environment. This study is focused on the development and optimization methods for determination of selected drugs in the surface water, aquatic sediment and sewage sludge from waste water treatment plant. From the group of drugs were chosen antibiotics. Antibiotics presented in the environment can cause adverse effects including toxic effects, immunity disorders and indirect bioalteration effects. Sulfonamide antibiotics, which are used in the treatment of urinary and respiratory tract infections as well as in the treatment of other infectious diseases, were chosen as a target compounds. Three optimized analytical methods for determination of sulfonamide antibiotics were developed. For the optimization of extraction were tested: solid phase extraction, pressurized solvent extraction, microwave extraction and ultrasonic extraction. For the final analysis was used liquid chromatography with two detectors - diode array detector and mass spectrometer. These optimized methods were applied for the analysis of real samples. The surface water and sediment samples were collected from two Moravian rivers (the Svratka river and the Svitava river). Samples of sewage sludge were collected from waste water treatment plant Brno-Modřice. Fish samples from the Svratka river were also collected. It was observed that all the selected sulfonamide antibiotics are present in real sediment samples (ug.kg-1). Simultaneously presence of some target analytes in real surface water (ug.l-1) and in sewage sludge (ug.kg-1) samples has been confirmed. In samples of surface water from the Svitava river and in fish samples sulfonamide antibiotics were not detected or their concentrations were below the limit of detection.
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