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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pohybové schopnosti dětí mladšího školního věku / Motor Skills of Children of Primary School Age

Mirovská, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The deal of these thesis is to determinate the level of physical abilities of elementary school children, specifically children aged 6 to11 years. Testing was conducted at two schools - Elementary School Kladská 1in Prague and Elementary School Bedřicha Hrozného in Lysá nad Labem. Furthermore, I focused on the results differences between the Prague school and the school outside Prague and the differences between the results of physically active and physically inactive pupils. For testing purposes, I used the test battery UNIFITTEST. Used were the following tests: long jump with take-off from the place, sit-ups / 60 seconds and endurance shuttle run. Obtained results were put in the norms identified in 1993 by Měkota and Kovář. KEYWORDS: physical abilities, primary school age pupil , UNIFITTEST (6-60), motor tests

Intervenční program XY a jeho efekt v redukci hmotnosti / Intervention program XY and its effect in weight reduction

Wolf, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Title: Intervention program XY and its effect in weight reduction Objectives: The main aim of the master thesis was to find out the influence of a commercial intervention program XY containing nutritional recommendations on selected indicators of physical fitness and body composition Methods: This thesis was implemented as a quasi-experimental study in which the results were evaluated by both quantitative and qualitative methods. Results: We can evaluate the results in two groups, namely according to the results of body composition and the indicator of physical fitness. In addition to the long jump test, the mean values improved statistically significantly (p <0.05) in all monitored variables. In general, the XY intervention program aimed at weight reduction can be evaluated positively. Key words: obesity, body composition, unifittest (6-60)

Vztah mezi tělesnou zdatností a úrovní pohybové aktivity u dětí staršího školního věku / The relationship between physical fitness and level of physical activity in older school age childres.

Hrušková, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
Title: The relationship between physical fitness and level of physical activity in older school age childres. Objectives: The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of physical activity on physical fitness and somatotype. To determine the level of physical fitness of older school-age children at Davle school using the diagnostic system Unifittest (6-60). Further determine physical activity using a pedometer and a questionnaire during a one week evaluation. To find out the relationship between movement mode and somatoype which was determined by the method Heath - Carter. Methods:. The main scientific theoretical - empirical method is the method of testing and observation. The research involved 57 children aged 12 to 14 years in the second grade of Davle school. Testing was performed during physical education classes. To determine physical fitness, the subjects underwent four parts of the Unifittest (6-60) and anthropometric tests to determine the somatotype according to the Heath-Carter method. Using a pedometer and then filling out a questionnaire, the testers wrote down their physical activity during one week and the physical activity performed at medium - high intensity. The object of the research employed basic descriptive statistics, correlation analyzes and the Shapiro-Wilk test to analyze...

Hodnocení motorické výkonnosti dětí mladšího věku / Assessment of motor performance in primary school age

Polívka, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Title: Assessment of motor performance in primary school age Objective: The work had to determinate the condition of motor performance children. Children were from 7 to 11 years old. We wanted to demonstrate increase of motor performance as consequence of natural evolution. We investigated the condition of motor performance and a level of motor abilities. Methods: The main method was the test battery Unifittest 6- 60. This battery showed basic motor performance. We found the condition of movement regime of questionnaire. Results: Bmi moves in a normal category. The basic motor performance moves below average. Girls have the worst results in 11 years. Boys have the worst results in 10 years. Girls have the best results in 7 years. Boys have the best results in 8 years. Motor performace decreases with age. Movement regime don't neglected. The most children visit sports club at least once a week (42,9%). Some children visit sports clubs 3-4 times a week (37%). The most favorite sports are colective games, dancing and swimming. Conclusion: The results show decline of basic motor performance. Dominant physical abilities don't evolve in revelant age. Movement regime isn't neglected, but regime doesn't suffice for development. Children choose of many activities. Children commute to activities often. Key...

Volnočasové aktivity a motorická výkonnost u dětí staršího školního věku / Leisure time activities and motor performance among school aged children

Bohata, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
Title: Leisure time activities and motor performance among school aged children Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to evaluate a level of motor performance and leisure time activities among school children aged 12 - 14 years, on elementary school Boženy Němcové in Litoměřice. We want to know, if students with extended teaching of music and aesthetics will get worse results compared to students without extended teaching. Methods: Study presents empirical quantitative research and 86 students participate in it. Level of motor performance was determined by the test battery called Unifittest 6 - 60 and structure of leisure time activities was monitored by the part of the sociological questionnaire called COMPASS II. Amount of substucaneous fat was measured by the multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). We werified our hypotheses by the two sample t-test and with coefficient of effect size Cohens'd. Results: On the basis of evaluated results the statistically signifiant diference was not found in all hypotheses between comparator groups with level of significance (p ≤ 0,05). Cohens'd proved only small or no effect size, except for girls in Leger test where we proved medium effect size (d = 0,5). There wasn't signifiant diference in the structure of leisure time activities. Key words:...

Motorické testování dětí v základní etapě plaveckého tréninku / Motor testing of children in basic stage of swimming training

Trč, Stanislav January 2017 (has links)
Title: Motor testing of children in elementary stage of swimming training Target: The main goal of the thesis is to determine level of motor skills of swimmers in elementary stage of training by means of UNIFITTEST (6-60) test battery. Findings will be compared with selected results of other groups of sporting and unsporting children age 10 - 12. Methods: Two basic methods were selected to obtain required data. A controlled interview with swimming coach was used in order to select the research group. Consequently selected swimmers were tested for motor condition according to UNIFITTEST (6 - 60) test battery (Měkota, Kovář et al. 2002). Data acquired from the selected tests were processed and graphically expressed using mathematic - statistical method. Comparative method was used to compare results of group unsporting children with selected group of children from modern pentathlon. Results: By evaluating all results from four basic tests UNIFITTEST (6 - 60) 61 % of the swimmers have acquired above average evaluation of motor performance. Comparison of swimming group and unsporting children proved better results of swimmers in 12 minute run and shudder. In other tests results of boys from swimming and unsporting children were comparable. Among girls the swimming group was significantly better. Modern...

Hodnocení zdatnosti žáků vybraných ZŠ pomocí UNIFITTESTU / The evaluation of selected elementary school students' physical fitness by using UNIFITTEST

Vélová, Adéla January 2020 (has links)
The title of the bachelor thesis: The evaluation of selected elementary school students' physical fitness by using UNIFITTEST Prepared by: Bc. Adéla Vélová Thesis supervisor: PhDr. Ales Kaplan, Ph.D. Objectives: The aim of the diploma thesis was to find out the current level of the fitness of the 5th graders at selected primary schools in the district of Jablonec nad Nisou, which do not focus on sports. These were pupils who fall into the age category of 10 and 11 years. I processed the ascertained results. Subsequently, I made a comparison between the individual primary schools to find out which of the tested schools achieved better results. Methodology: The main method of the research was the practical testing of students by using a test battery UNIFITTEST (6-60), from which I applied four motor tests (two-footed jump, sit- ups repeatedly for 60 seconds, shuttle run 4x10 m and the Cooper's test - 12 minutes run). I compared all the measured data with the relevant UNIFITTEST standards for the given age category (10-11 years). Another part of my diploma thesis was a short anonymous questionnaire designed for physical education teachers, refering to the finding out opinions of physical education of the 5th graders. Results: The results for the boys and the girls were very balanced. Both sexes across...

Vliv absence hodin tělesné výchovy na výsledky motorických testů u dětí ze základní školy / The impact of the absence of physical education lessons on results of motor tests in elementary school children

Vosáhlová, Jana January 2021 (has links)
Author: Bc. Jana Vosáhlová Title: The impact of the absence of physical education lessons on results of motor tests in elementary school children Goals: The aim of this work is to determine the effect of the absence of physical edu- cation classes on the results of motor tests, specifically on the results of the UNIFIT- TEST test battery (6-60) and on leisure time physical activity of primary school children aged 9-14 and to compare the results obtained with the results of a previously performed study which was carried out in the period during which physical education was taught in the usual way. Methods: A total of 87 children aged 9 to 14 (47 girls and 40 boys) from Husova 170 Elementary School in Jičín participated in the study. Pupils were tested using the UNIFITTEST test battery (6-60) from motor tests (standing long jump, repea- ted sit-ups, endurance shuttle running, shuttle running) and somatic measurements. However, due to the closure of schools as a result of the serious epidemiological situation, it was not possible to complete the entire motor test battery. Another part of the study was a questionnaire survey focused on the child's leisure activity during the coronavirus and summer holidays. Results: The negative effect of the absence of physical education was manifested only in the...

Tělesná zdatnost a pohybová aktivita studentů učitelství na Pedf UK v Praze. Porovnání prvních ročníků oborů TVS a Učitelství pro 1. st. ZŠ / Physical Fitness and Physical Activity for Teacher Students of the Pedf UK in Prague. Comparison of first-year students of Physical Education and Sport and of Teacher Training for the 1. st. Elementary School

Dobis, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Physical fitness and physical activity for teacher students at Pedf UK This work describes the issues of physical fitness and physical activity. The teoretical part clarifies the basic concepts movement, physical fitness in global. Special attention will be paid to the definition of physical fitness - its components, significance, monitoring, testing, and measurement. Physical activity and its relationship to physical fitness and health are also elaborated in detail. The main objective of this work is to compare the physical fitness and physical activity of the full-time students of Specialization in Pedagogy, the field of Physical Education and Sport, with a focus on education, and students of Teacher Training for the 1. st. elementary school. The set of tests UNIFITTEST 6-60 is used as a comparison to their physical fitness. Physical activity of the students is assessed using the IPAQ questionnaire. The project of testing and investigation is the subject of the practical part, which introduces proposals, implementations and findings. Keywords IPAQ, movement, physical activity, UNIFITTEST 6-60, physical fitness, health

Testování úrovně pohybové aktivity u studentek v Mělníku / Testing of a movement activity quality of Mělník female students

Kalkantová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
Title: Testing of a movement activity quality of Mělník female students. Objectives: The aim of the work is to evaluate the movement mode and the movement activity quality of adolescent girls and in addition we will evaluate their body composition with the help of BMI and caliperation method. Methods: We have worked out the thesis on the base of studying literary sources. 32 adolescent girls aged from 17 to 18 years studying the Secondary Grammar school of Jan Palach made up the examined file, their average body height was 170, 2 ± 6 cm, body weight 63,3 ± 8,8 kilograms. The body composition was assessed with the help of BMI and caliperation method. Then we measured the amount of walked footsteps a day with the help of Omron pedometer and on the base of found out results we evaluated the movement mode of female students. Finally we evaluated each student's movement activity quality with the help of test set Unifittest 6-60. All the measuring and testing took place in standardized conditions with minimization of external impacts to provide the objectivity of measuring. Results: It has been clear from the results of somatic measuring of body heights and weights that in comparison with the average of girls of the same age in the Czech Republic our examined file is 2,7 cm taller and 4,8 kg heavier in...

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