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An assessment of programs, activities and facilities for physically handicapped students at Ball State UniversityThomsen, Gregory Lee January 1978 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to assess programs, activities and facilities for physically handicapped students at Ball State University.Study participants included eighty-five individuals identified by University officials. Participants included fifty-six physically handicapped students, nine non-handicapped undergraduate students, ten administrators and ten faculty. Physically handicapped students were divided into seven disability groups including: (1) blind; (2) visually impaired; (3) deaf; (4) hearing impaired; (5) wheelchair confined; (6) limited ambulatory and (7) "other" disabilities.An interview assessment instrument was developed consisting of fifty items divided into five sections. Participants were interviewed for assessment of specific accommodations, general information, legislation, communication and attitudes concerning programs, activities and facilities for physically handicapped students at Ball State University. Fourteen trained interviewers conducted interviews with assigned participants.Physically handicapped students completed assessments from all five sections of the assessment instrument. Non-handicapped undergraduate students, administrators and faculty completed assessments from general information, legislation, communication and attitudes sections.Analyses of assessment data included-profile comparisons by number and percentage of participant responses. Response choices to assessment instrument items were: (1) a great degree; (2) moderate degree;(3) small degree; (4) none and (5) I don't know also collected from all study participants.The following summary of findings is based on analyses of assessment responses received from the study population.1. University transportation services were not as useful for handicapped students as non-handicapped students.2. Physical education facilities were not as useful for handicapped as for non-handicapped.3. Intramural sports provisions were not adequate for handicapped participation.4. Nobility impaired students reported difficulty with University door accommodations.5. Blind and visually impaired reported a greater need for brail and auditory information in public places at the University.6. Deaf and hearing impaired students reported a greater need for visual fire alarms and amplified telephones at the University.7. Wheelchair confined, limited ambulatory and "other" disability students reported little convenience in use of University parking facilities.8. Twenty of fifty-six handicapped students reported inconvenience in use of library card catalogs.9. Six wheelchair confined, one limited ambualtory, one blind, one visually impaired and three "other" disability students reported a need for more appropriate University Health Services.10. Handicapped students reported limited participation in social organizations and special interest groups.11. Twenty-two percent of the handicapped reported a greater need in consideration of handicapped for employment at the University.12. Limited ambulatory students reported a greater need for non-slip floors and surfaces at the University.13. All but five handicapped participants were not familiar with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.14. Participants reported that all institutions of higher education should be accessible to the handicapped.15. Non-handicapped persons reported that handicapped students had more personal adjustment problems than non-handicapped students.16. A greater number of handicapped than non-handicapped students reported that handicapped college graduates secure jobs as easily as non-handicapped college graduates.17. Thirty-six percent of the handicapped students had no information on which to base an opinion concerning career and vocational counseling services at Ball State University.18. Forty-seven percent of the handicapped students had no information on which to base an opinion concerning placement services at Ball State University.Study findings were dispersed to University officials for use in University accessibility development for the handicapped.
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The effects of service-learning on millennial studentsSmith, Kathy L. 28 June 2011 (has links)
When service-learning began to gain prominence as a legitimate academic pedagogy in the early 1990's, it was believed that through intensive service experiences, students developed a greater understanding of themselves, felt empowered to make a difference in their community, made a connection to course material, and made a commitment to continue serving their communities post-graduation. Research conducted in the mid to late 1990's confirmed that students completing service-learning courses were responding positively in all these stated areas (Eyler, Giles, & Braxton, 1997; Osborne, Hammerich, & Hensley, 1998). However, a new generation of students began entering higher education institutions in the fall of 2000. Labeled the Millennial generation and because these students were different from any other previous generation (Howe & Strauss, 2000), it was appropriate to ask whether these students would respond to service-learning experiences in the same way.
The purpose of this study was to assess whether the assumptions made about the effects of service-learning were accurate for the contemporary Millennial student, as defined by Howe and Strauss (2000), and to more accurately know whether those service-learning experiences were meeting students' expectations. This research assessed the way Millennial students at Ball State university were affected by service-learning in three primary ways: Expanding Academic Learning, Personal Growth and Development, and Civic and Social Awareness.
A sample of 256 undergraduates enrolled in service-learning courses at Ball State University at the beginning of the fall 2009 semester were given a service-learning pre-assessment test that consisted of 18 questions in three different subcategories: Expanding Academic Learning, Personal Growth and Development, and Civic and Social Awareness. The pre-assessment was designed to evaluate what students expected to gain from their service-learning experience. A post-assessment was given at the end of the fall 2009 semester and asked students to report on what they actually received from the service-learning experience.
Overall, Ball State Millennial students reacted in very similar ways to their service-learning experience as the generation before them. Ball State Millennial students had high expectations that, as a result of their service-learning experiences, their classroom studies would be more meaningful, their higher level thinking skills would be enhanced, and their service-learning experiences would be an important part of their education. There was not a statistically significant difference between the pre-assessment (expectations of service-learning) and the post-assessment (service-learning experiences). Students had high expectations for what they would achieve from their service-learning experience and overall their expectations were met. When looking at the individual subcategories, there were statistically significant differences between the pre- and post- assessment for Expanding Academic Learning, Personal Growth and Development, and Civic and Social Awareness, but not for Personal Growth and Development. This research also demonstrated that service-learning affects students in similar ways regardless of the age of the students, class standing, grade point average and years of previous service. There was, however, a statistically significant difference based on service-learning course taken. / Department of Educational Studies
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Ripples, waves, and tides: AGES and graduate student engagement at the University of Victoria in the Faculty of EducationCorner, Susan 15 December 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to develop a clearer understanding of how involvement with the Association of Graduate Education Students (AGES) at the University of Victoria effects students' experiences of graduate school. Participants included graduate students who belonged to the AGES committee between 2001 and 2005 and faculty members who interacted with those members and supported program initiatives. Faculty participants were purposefully selected following the student interviews as important influences on the development of AGES. AGES records, including meeting minutes and a growth plan were accessed during the research. Key findings included the effect of short-term leadership on the development of the organizing committee; the important role that faculty members played in the health of a student organization, and the importance of social events when you leave your career cloak behind to become a full-time graduate student.
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An Exploration of the Experience of Chinese Emerging Adults-University Students Transitioning to Mature AdulthoodPang, Wuji, W.P. 23 November 2011 (has links)
Recent research has proposed a new stage in human development, termed emerging adulthood by Jeffrey Arnett, which is characterized by a prolonged journey to adult roles and responsibilities. This thesis explores the experience of Chinese emerging adults, university students aged 20-25 years using Erikson’s and Levinson’s developmental theories as a theoretical framework. These authors proposed that three major developmental tasks are necessary for the transition to adulthood: separating from family of origin, forming an adult identity and finding the place for the self in the larger society.
Qualitative interviews were conducted virtually with 12 Chinese university students to understand their perceptions and lived experience. Qualitative thematic analysis was used to analyze the interview transcripts. The results suggest Chinese emerging adults (a) have a low level of separation from parents; (b) have not formed a clear sense of identity and have not achieved a self-definition in adulthood; and (c) have not made initial commitments to love and work. It is speculated that the Chinese sociocultural context may further postpone its young adults’ independence and autonomy, and this prolonged transition to adulthood is both positive and problematic to Chinese young adults.
This study lends support to Arnett’s emerging adulthood theory through its exploration of emerging adulthood in China, where, to date, little research has been done on this subject. It provides rich descriptions of the experience of Chinese emerging adults’ lives and enhances understandings of the role of culture in influencing the emerging adulthood period.
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Wellness And It' / s Correlates: Relationship Status, Gender, Place Of Residence, And GpaSari, Tugba 01 April 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among wellness, relationship status, gender, place of residence, and GPA among university prep-school students. The study was carried out on a sample of 506 prep-school students from BaSkent University. The students were asked to fill out Wellness Inventory and the demographic data sheet. In order to investigate the differences between wellness sub-scales&rsquo / scores (Relational Self, Social Interest and Empathy, Self Consistency, Mastery Orientation, Physical Wellness, Humor, Love, and Environmental Sensitivity) of the subjects with respect to gender, relationship status, place of residence, and GPA / four separate MANOVA&rsquo / s were conducted.
The results of this study revealed significant gender differences in self-consistency, love, environmental sensitivity sub-scales&rsquo / scores in favor of male students, but in social interest and empathy sub-scales in favor of female students. The findings also showed that students who were in a committed relationship scored significantly higher in love sub-scale, whereas students who were not in a committed relationship scored significantly higher in physical wellness sub-scale. Results indicated no significant differences in terms of the place of residence. The results also revealed that students, whose GPA ranged between 90-100, scored significantly higher on mastery orientation sub-scale of Wellness Inventory than students, whose GPA level ranged between 50-70 and below 50.
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Academic Procrastination: Prevalence, Self-reported Reasons, Gender Difference And It' / s Relation With Academic AchievementUzun Ozer, Bilge R. 01 May 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the present study was mainly fourfold / 1) to examine the undergraduate students&rsquo / level of academic procrastination in relation to gender / 2) to investigate the undergraduate students&rsquo / prevalence of procrastination in relation to gender in six areas of academic functioning namely / writing a term paper, studying for an exam, keeping up reading weekly assignments, performing academic administrative tasks, attendance tasks, and school activities in general / 3) to find out the relationship between academic procrastination score and academic achievement of undergraduate students / and 4) to reveal the self-reported reasons of academic procrastination in relation to gender.
The Procrastination Assessment Scale-Students (PASS) was translated and adapted into Turkish and used as the data collection instrument. The data was gathered from 784 undergraduate students from different grades and 37 departments of Middle East Technical University.
The results of the study revealed that 52% of METU students procrastinate on their academic tasks and the findings revealed that male students procrastinate more than female students. Moreover, the results of the prevalent analysis showed that the students nearly always or always engage in procrastination on the areas of studying for an exam, writing a term paper, and reading weekly reading assignments more than the other three areas namely / academic administrative tasks, attendance tasks and the tasks related to school activities in general. In addition, the results regarding the relationship between academic procrastination and academic achievement revealed a significant negative relationship between the two variables. Finally, factor analysis was conducted to find out the self-reported reasons of academic procrastination and four factors were found as excuses of students namely / fear of failure, risk taking, laziness, and rebellion against control.
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Predictors Of Disordered Eating Among Turkish University StudentsPembecioglu, Umit 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the present study is twofold: First, to assess to what extent gender, age, body mass index, weight satisfaction, body satisfaction and coping styles predict disordered eating attitudes of Turkish university students. Second, to examine whether there is a significant difference between female and male university students&rsquo / expert preference in case of a weight problem and importance of significant other&rsquo / s opinion regarding their weight. Three instruments- Eating Attitudes Test, Coping Styles Inventory, and a Demographic Data Form were administered to 525 students from four (3 state, 1 private) universities of Ankara. A stepwise multiple regression analysis was conducted to evaluate how well emotion focused coping, problem focused coping, gender, age, body mass index, weight satisfaction and body satisfaction predicted the disordered eating attitudes of Turkish university students. A two way contingency table analysis was conducted to evaluate whether there was a significant difference between female and male university students regarding their expert preference in case of a weight problem, and whether there was a significant difference between female and male university students with respect to the importance of significant other&rsquo / s opinion regarding their weight. The variables found to be most predictive of disordered eating attitudes and entered the regression equation were weight satisfaction, gender, emotion focused coping, age, and body mass index. Of the five variables, weight satisfaction was strongly negatively related to disordered eating attitudes. Results indicated that proportions of female students preferring dietitian and fitness expert in case of a weight problem were nearly same, whereas male students prefered fitness expert, medical doctor and dietitian, respectively. Regarding the importance of significant other&rsquo / s opinion in relation to weight, there were no significant differences between two groups. Opposite sex friend&rsquo / s opinion in relation to weight was found to be the most important source for both female and male students.
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[pt] O estudo teve como objetivo investigar à luz da Teoria Bioecológica do
Desenvolvimento Humano que fatores impactaram de forma positiva o
desenvolvimento de estudantes universitários diagnosticados com TDAH, que os
fizeram alcançar e cursar o ensino superior. Participaram da pesquisa 10 estudantes
de graduação de uma universidade privada do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram
produzidos por meio de entrevista semiestruturada no contexto da própria
universidade. As análises foram realizadas com uma abordagem qualitativa de
análise de conteúdo. As categorias e subcategorias foram construídas a partir do que
emergiu dos dados das entrevistas, considerando-se o modelo PPCT (Processo,
Pessoa, Contexto, Tempo), característico das pesquisas aportadas no modelo
Bioecológico. Os dados apontaram para um conjunto de fatores que impactaram
positivamente a trajetória acadêmica desse grupo de estudantes, seja para a chegada
à universidade, seja para lá permanecer, seja para ambos. Durante todo o ensino
básico, os fatores foram: (a) um ambiente escolar atraente, acolhedor e
incentivador; (b) uma sala de aula organizada, com poucos alunos, apresentando a
possibilidade de diálogo entre os pares e professores; (c) mediação da aprendizagem
com: os professores contratados pelos pais para reforço escolar, os familiares, os
colegas de sala de aula e, os professores da escola durante a recuperação e; (d) as
inciativas parentais que ajudaram a direcionar o percurso acadêmico. No ensino
superior os fatores ressaltados pelos estudantes foram: (a) o tempo estendido para
realização das avaliações e; (b) o suporte pedagógico, psicológico e
psicopedagógico oferecido pela instituição de ensino. E durante toda a trajetória
acadêmica, ou seja, da educação infantil até o ensino superior fatores como: (a)
diagnóstico, (b) tratamento medicamentoso e/ou psicoterapêutico; (c) estratégias
metacognitivas; (d) características do professor como ser atencioso e explicar
devagar e de várias formas; (e) características pessoais; (f) identificação com o
professor; (g) suporte afetivo familiar e escolar e; (h) socialização, foram os
elementos que, segundo eles, trouxeram benefícios para suas trajetórias. Os
resultados nos permitiram inferir que no contexto dessas trajetórias não existe um
protocolo a ser seguido para que haja sucesso acadêmico de estudantes
diagnosticados com TDAH. Conclui-se, entretanto que, os entrevistados deram
indicações simples, porém relevantes sobre alguns aspectos que, se colocados em
prática, podem contribuir grandemente para o desenvolvimento acadêmico de todos
os discentes; não importando se têm algum diagnóstico ou não. Porém, entende-se
que se existir por parte da família, da escola e da sociedade, atitudes que busquem
destacar e fortalecer as características e habilidades particulares desses estudantes
reduzindo a força da patologização, os resultados poderão ser melhores. Que para
além dos estereótipos macrossistêmicos da sociedade contemporânea, que
enfatizam deficiências e prejuízos, assim como um discurso determinista de
fracasso acadêmico de estudantes diagnosticados com TDAH, que haja um olhar
direcionado para o que eles pensam, o que conseguem realizar e o modo como
aprendem. Por fim, recomenda-se a reflexão sobre o desenvolvimento de
metodologias de ensino e aprendizagem que possam ser aplicadas na escola e fora
do espaço escolar, de maneira que essa relação ocorra de maneira mais fluida e que
abarque as diversas modalidades de aprendizagem, independente de diagnósticos. / [en] The objective of this study was to investigate, from the perspective of
Bronfenbrenner s Bioecological Model of Human Development the factors that
impact the development of university students diagnosed with ADHD so that they
achieve success in admission to an undergraduate school. A total of 10
undergraduate students from a private university in Brazil took part in the study.
Data were collected through a semi-structured interview carried out at the
University. The analyses used the qualitative approach of content analysis. The
categories and subcategories were built based on PPCT (Process, Person, Context,
Time) which is a part of Bronfenbrenner s model. The results pointed to a positive
trajectory for these students, be it for getting admitted into college, for remaining
there, or for both. When looking at their basic and high school educational
trajectory, we found that the presence of a few factors stood out in the data, such as
(a) an attractive school that is welcoming and encouraging; (b) a structured
classroom, with few students, which allows for ample interchange among students
and between them and their teachers; (c) the mediation of learning by teachers hired
by the parents as teaching aids, by family members, classroom mates and school
teachers and; (d) parents initiatives in helping them gear their academic
development towards a successful one. As for their college history the influencing
factors encountered where: (a) extra time for tests and; (b) pedagogical,
psychological, and academic support. When looking at their academic trajectory as
a whole, that is, from early childhood education up to college, the factors to which
students attributed their success were: (a) having had or not a diagnosis; (b)
medicinal and/or psychotherapy treatment; (c) metacognitive strategies; (d)
teachers characteristics – thoughtful and caring in explaining concepts slowly and
using different methods; (e) personal characteristics; (f) identifying themselves with
the teacher/professor; (g) family and school support and; (h) socialization.The
results lead us to infer that in the context of these students academic history, there
is no set protocol that can be followed that will ensure academic success. We saw
that students gave us pointers which nonetheless were relevant, if considered as a
practice that can greatly contribute to their development, whether or not they have
been diagnosed. However, it is our understanding that if there are attitudes and
actions from the part of the family, the school and society that highlight and
strengthen the individual characteristics and abilities of such students, thus reducing
the power of pathologizing, we should see a better outcome. We also understand
that, beyond the macrosystemic stereotypes from today s society which emphasize
deficiencies and impairments, as well as a deterministic discourse of school failure
for students diagnosed with ADHD, one should focus instead on how those students
think, what they can actually accomplish and how they learn. Finally, we
recommend that more resources be allocated to the development of learning and
teaching methods that can be applied in school, as well as in other contexts, so that
the process can be smoother, including different modalities of learning, whether or
not there is a diagnosis for the student.
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Pohled do hodnotové orientace současných vysokoškoláků. / View of value orientation of modern university students.BRÁZDOVÁ, Pavlína January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis is of theoretic-empirical character with focus on values and value system of university students these days. First part deals with following concepts: adolescence, cognitive changes, emotionality, identity, sexuality, socialization, generational conflict. Further it specifies and explains what is value, its types and historical background, then evaluation and attitudes. The last part of theoretical section discusses young generation of today, covers moral and value development, future objectives, summarizes the overall view of youth of today with regards to executed research. It also reflects value changes of German adolescents. The practical section was carried out through questionnaire survey. Obtained information served for comparison of value system between students of Pedagogical Faculty at University of South Bohemia and university students from Augsburg, Bayreuth and Braunschweig. The goal of this thesis is thus to compare the value system between Czech and German university students.
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Análisis de los anglicismos informáticos crudos del léxico disponible de los estudiantes universitarios de traducciónBolaños-Medina, Alicia, Luján-García, Carmen 25 September 2017 (has links)
La mayor parte de la terminología especializada de la informática provienede calcos del inglés, y a menudo se prefiere el anglicismo al término traducidopor diversos motivos, entre ellos, por economía lingüística. En estetrabajo, recogemos los resultados de un estudio empírico sobre la frecuenciade uso de anglicismos crudos entre alumnos de licenciatura en Traducciónde la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (España). El grado deutilización de anglicismos léxicos por parte de la muestra seleccionada pareceser relativamente elevado, pero sensiblemente inferior al detectado enun estudio preliminar parcial realizado con una muestra de estudiantes deinformática. Los estudiantes que mayor número de términos propusieronpara las definiciones fueron también los que más sinónimos sugirieron ymás anglicismos utilizaron. / Most technical terms in the field of Computer Science are Englishloanwords. English words are frequently preferred to Spanish terms because of different reasons, for instance, because of linguistic economy. Inthis paper, we reveal the results of an empirical study about the frequencyof use of pure anglicisms. It has been carried out among students ofTranslating and Interpreting at the University of Las Palmas de GranCanaria (Spain). The scope of use of lexical anglicisms by individuals in theanalysed sample seems to be relatively high, but slightly lower than thatof Computer Science students who participated in another preliminarypartial study. Those students who provided more words for definitionsalso suggested more synonyms for the terms, and also used more Englishterms.
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