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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Real-time detection of planar regions in unorganized point clouds / Detecção em tempo real de regiões planares em nuvens de pontos não estruturadas

Limberger, Frederico Artur January 2014 (has links)
Detecção automática de regiões planares em nuvens de pontos é um importante passo para muitas aplicações gráficas, de processamento de imagens e de visão computacional. Enquanto a disponibilidade de digitalizadores a laser e a fotografia digital tem nos permitido capturar nuvens de pontos cada vez maiores, técnicas anteriores para detecção de planos são computacionalmente caras, sendo incapazes de alcançar desempenho em tempo real para conjunto de dados contendo dezenas de milhares de pontos, mesmo quando a detecção é feita de um modo não determinístico. Apresentamos uma abordagem determinística para detecção de planos em nuvens de pontos não estruturadas que apresenta complexidade computacional O(n log n) no número de amostras de entrada. Ela é baseada em um método eficiente de votação para a transformada de Hough. Nossa estratégia agrupa conjuntos de pontos aproximadamente coplanares e deposita votos para estes conjuntos em um acumulador esférico, utilizando núcleos Gaussianos trivariados. Uma comparação com as técnicas concorrentes mostra que nossa abordagem é consideravelmente mais rápida e escala significativamente melhor que as técnicas anteriores, sendo a primeira solução prática para detecção determinística de planos em nuvens de pontos grandes e não estruturadas. / Automatic detection of planar regions in point clouds is an important step for many graphics, image processing, and computer vision applications. While laser scanners and digital photography have allowed us to capture increasingly larger datasets, previous techniques are computationally expensive, being unable to achieve real-time performance for datasets containing tens of thousands of points, even when detection is performed in a non-deterministic way. We present a deterministic technique for plane detection in unorganized point clouds whose cost is O(n log n) in the number of input samples. It is based on an efficient Hough-transform voting scheme and works by clustering approximately co-planar points and by casting votes for these clusters on a spherical accumulator using a trivariate Gaussian kernel. A comparison with competing techniques shows that our approach is considerably faster and scales significantly better than previous ones, being the first practical solution for deterministic plane detection in large unorganized point clouds.

Real-time detection of planar regions in unorganized point clouds / Detecção em tempo real de regiões planares em nuvens de pontos não estruturadas

Limberger, Frederico Artur January 2014 (has links)
Detecção automática de regiões planares em nuvens de pontos é um importante passo para muitas aplicações gráficas, de processamento de imagens e de visão computacional. Enquanto a disponibilidade de digitalizadores a laser e a fotografia digital tem nos permitido capturar nuvens de pontos cada vez maiores, técnicas anteriores para detecção de planos são computacionalmente caras, sendo incapazes de alcançar desempenho em tempo real para conjunto de dados contendo dezenas de milhares de pontos, mesmo quando a detecção é feita de um modo não determinístico. Apresentamos uma abordagem determinística para detecção de planos em nuvens de pontos não estruturadas que apresenta complexidade computacional O(n log n) no número de amostras de entrada. Ela é baseada em um método eficiente de votação para a transformada de Hough. Nossa estratégia agrupa conjuntos de pontos aproximadamente coplanares e deposita votos para estes conjuntos em um acumulador esférico, utilizando núcleos Gaussianos trivariados. Uma comparação com as técnicas concorrentes mostra que nossa abordagem é consideravelmente mais rápida e escala significativamente melhor que as técnicas anteriores, sendo a primeira solução prática para detecção determinística de planos em nuvens de pontos grandes e não estruturadas. / Automatic detection of planar regions in point clouds is an important step for many graphics, image processing, and computer vision applications. While laser scanners and digital photography have allowed us to capture increasingly larger datasets, previous techniques are computationally expensive, being unable to achieve real-time performance for datasets containing tens of thousands of points, even when detection is performed in a non-deterministic way. We present a deterministic technique for plane detection in unorganized point clouds whose cost is O(n log n) in the number of input samples. It is based on an efficient Hough-transform voting scheme and works by clustering approximately co-planar points and by casting votes for these clusters on a spherical accumulator using a trivariate Gaussian kernel. A comparison with competing techniques shows that our approach is considerably faster and scales significantly better than previous ones, being the first practical solution for deterministic plane detection in large unorganized point clouds.

Komparace organizovaného a neorganizovaného cestovního ruchu obyvatel České republiky do USA / Comparison of Organized and Unorganized Tourism of Czech Residents to the United States of America

Nývltová, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with tourism of Czech residents do the United States of America and is focused on comparison of organized and unorganized tourism to this destination. The first part including the first and second chapter defines terms used in the diploma thesis and summarizes main attractions of the United States of America which are suitable for incoming tourism. Possibilities of organized and unorganized tourism -- tourism services and package tours available on the Czech market -- are analyzed in the second part of the thesis (the third and fourth chapter). The last part of the thesis summarizes results of a research which was focused on interest and preferences of different segments of Czech residents regarding organized and unorganized tourism to the United States of America.

Real-time detection of planar regions in unorganized point clouds / Detecção em tempo real de regiões planares em nuvens de pontos não estruturadas

Limberger, Frederico Artur January 2014 (has links)
Detecção automática de regiões planares em nuvens de pontos é um importante passo para muitas aplicações gráficas, de processamento de imagens e de visão computacional. Enquanto a disponibilidade de digitalizadores a laser e a fotografia digital tem nos permitido capturar nuvens de pontos cada vez maiores, técnicas anteriores para detecção de planos são computacionalmente caras, sendo incapazes de alcançar desempenho em tempo real para conjunto de dados contendo dezenas de milhares de pontos, mesmo quando a detecção é feita de um modo não determinístico. Apresentamos uma abordagem determinística para detecção de planos em nuvens de pontos não estruturadas que apresenta complexidade computacional O(n log n) no número de amostras de entrada. Ela é baseada em um método eficiente de votação para a transformada de Hough. Nossa estratégia agrupa conjuntos de pontos aproximadamente coplanares e deposita votos para estes conjuntos em um acumulador esférico, utilizando núcleos Gaussianos trivariados. Uma comparação com as técnicas concorrentes mostra que nossa abordagem é consideravelmente mais rápida e escala significativamente melhor que as técnicas anteriores, sendo a primeira solução prática para detecção determinística de planos em nuvens de pontos grandes e não estruturadas. / Automatic detection of planar regions in point clouds is an important step for many graphics, image processing, and computer vision applications. While laser scanners and digital photography have allowed us to capture increasingly larger datasets, previous techniques are computationally expensive, being unable to achieve real-time performance for datasets containing tens of thousands of points, even when detection is performed in a non-deterministic way. We present a deterministic technique for plane detection in unorganized point clouds whose cost is O(n log n) in the number of input samples. It is based on an efficient Hough-transform voting scheme and works by clustering approximately co-planar points and by casting votes for these clusters on a spherical accumulator using a trivariate Gaussian kernel. A comparison with competing techniques shows that our approach is considerably faster and scales significantly better than previous ones, being the first practical solution for deterministic plane detection in large unorganized point clouds.

Relation entre la proximité à des infrastructures récréatives et le maintien des pratiques d’activités physiques organisées et non-organisées lors de la transition entre l’enfance et l’adolescence / Relationships between proximity to physical activity infrastructures and maintenance of organized and unorganized physical activities in youth

Mackenzie, Jason January 2015 (has links)
Résumé : Introduction : Les infrastructures récréatives telles que les parcs et les pistes cyclables peuvent fournir des opportunités pour pratiquer l’activité physique (AP). Comme les déterminants de l’AP organisée et non-organisée (APO et APNO) pourraient différer, nous avons investigués si la proximité à des infrastructures récréatives est associée avec le maintien de la participation à l’APO et à l’APNO sur une durée de trois ans lors de la transition entre l’enfance et l’adolescence. Méthodes : 187 jeunes, initialement âgées de 10 à 12 ans, ont rapporté leur participation à l’APO et l’APNO trois fois par an pendant trois ans pour un total de neuf cycles d’observations. Les données sur la proximité des infrastructures récréatives ont été obtenues par le biais de questionnaires téléphoniques auprès des parents. Les scores de proximité ont été divisés en tertiles. Des analyses Kaplan-Meier et des modèles de risques proportionnels de Cox ont été utilisés pour estimer les associations univariées et multivariées entre la proximité aux infrastructures récréatives et le nombre de cycles moyen dans lequel l’APO et l’APNO a été maintenu. Résultats : Aucune différence, brute ou ajustée, de la durée moyenne du maintien de la participation à l’APO [nombre de cycles d’observation moyen (intervalle de confiance 95%) était 6.6 (5.7, 7.5), 6.3 (5.5, 7.1), et 5.8 (5.1, 6.6)] et à l’APNO [6.8 (6.2, 7.4), 5.9 (5.3, 6.5), 6.6 (5.9, 7.3)] a été observée entre les tertiles de proximités bas, moyen et haut, respectivement. Conclusion : Les résultats suggèrent que la proximité aux infrastructures récréatives n’influence pas le maintien de l’APO et de l’APNO lors de la transition entre l’enfance et l’adolescence. D’autres aspects de l’environnement physique pourraient avoir un effet sur le maintien de l’APO et de l’APNO. / Abstract : Background: Physical activity (PA) infrastructures such as parks and cycle lanes can provide youth opportunities to engage in physical activity. As the determinants of organized and unorganized PA (OPA and UPA) are likely to differ, we investigated if proximity to PA infrastructure was associated with maintenance of participation in OPA and UPA over 3 years during the transition from childhood to adolescence. Methods: Youth (n=187) initially 10-12 years self-reported participation in OPA and UPA at 4 month intervals over 3 years for a total of nine survey cycles. Data on proximity to PA infrastructures was obtained from parents through phone-based questionnaires. Proximity scores were divided into tertiles. Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazard models were used to assess univariate and multivariate associations between proximity to PA infrastructure and number of cycles in which OPA and UPA were maintained. Results: There were no crude or adjusted differences in average duration of maintenance of participation in OPA [mean number of survey cycle participation (95% confidence interval) was 6.6 (5.7, 7.5), 6.3 (5.5, 7.1), and 5.8 (5.1, 6.6)] and UPA [6.8 (6.2, 7.4), 5.9 (5.3, 6.5), 6.6 (5.9, 7.3)] across low, moderate and high tertiles of proximity to PA infrastructure scores, respectively. Conclusion: Findings are suggestive that proximity to PA infrastructure alone does not affect maintenance of participation in OPA or UPA during adolescence. Other aspects of the environment may have a greater effect. Thus, further research is needed on these aspects before firm conclusions can be drawn.

Život seniorů na venkově s ohledem na volnočasové aktivity / Life of seniors in the country with regard to their leisure activities

Kocurová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the life of current seniors in the country with regard to their leisure activities. The first part defines key terms, such as aging and old age; senior; active aging; ageism; Leisure, its functions and the factors that affect it. The second section deals with the different types of organized and unorganized leisure activities for seniors. The main part is the qualitative research of the life of seniors in the country. The research was conducted by interviewing fifteen seniors living in rural areas.

Pohybová aktivita žen pravidelně sportujících. / Physical activity of women with regular participation in sport activities.

Schubertová, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The issue: The issue of lack of physical activity refers to as the population of children and youth, as well as the adult population. Properly chosen and regularly performed sports games in terms of health may make recommendations of physical activity sufficient. This thesis deals with the physical activity of the adult population of women with regular physical activity. Objectives: The aim is to determine the amount of physical activity in the adult population of women with regular organized physical activity, and the results of comparison with older school-age girls without regular organized physical activity. At the same time to relate the observed results to health physical activity recommendations. Tasks and Methodology: Physical activity is detected using accelerometers ActiGraph GT3X supplemented the written record and physical activity. Results: The result of the study confirmed our hypothesis. The women with regular organised physical activity reported significantly higher energy expenditure peer week, work days and weekend days in comparison with without organised physical activity. Women with regular organised physical activity met the health physical activity recommendations in six days from all seven days of measuring. Older school-aged girls met the health physical activity...

Projevy rizikového chování adolescentů a možnosti prevence v Nízkoprahovém zařízení pro děti a mládež ve Zlíně / Manifestations of risky behaviour adolescents and possibilities of prevention in Low-Treshold facility for children and youth in Zlín

Haničincová, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
Thesis examines Low-Treshold facility for children and youth T klub in Zlín in more details. Thesis is focused on life situation of target group of Low-Treshold facility for children and youth T klub which involves ocurrence of unfavorable and risky behaviour of youth, their needs and individual aims. Thesis is also examines the scope of activities of Low-Treshold facility for children and youth focused on prevention of risky behaviour of youth and the strategies of social work with adolescent population using social workers. Empirical research of qualitative research monitors the influence Low-Treshold facility T klub for life of their clients and the sense of Low-Treshold facility for children and youth for adolescent population in Zlín.

Nízkoprahová zařízení pro děti a mládež a práce s rizikovou mládeží / Low treshold institutions for children and youth aut work with high risk youth

Šoporová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the Low threshold facilities (shortly LTF) for children and youth and a method of work with high risk youth The aim is to desribe and analyse the methods of work in this facilities. In the theoretical part, this analysis is based on the study of professional literature. The theoretical part explains the situation that affects children and adolescents in a risk ways. The practial part is based on qualitative research, which were provided in concrete LTF through the interview with clients and employee of LTF. Method of interview was supplied by involved observation. The data analysis resulted in several facts. Free time activities became the important motive for attendace at club. Through free time activities, social work is provided with the help of other method such as consultancy, informative service, situation and crisis intervention. Streetwork is a specific method, where all services are provided to the target group at the street.

Podmínky pro organizovaný i neorganizovaný sport dětí ve věku 11-15 let v Brandýse nad Labem - Staré Boleslavi / Conditions for the organized and unorganized sport children aged 11-15 years in Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav

Krupička, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
Title: Conditions for the organized and unorganized sport children aged 11-15 years in Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav Targets: The aim of this thesis is find out the relation of children aged 11-15 years in Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav to sports activities and find out their satisfaction with the spatial and material conditions for the sport. Methods: To obtain the necessary data was used the method of quantitative empirical research using questionnaires. It was also used data analysis and semi-structured interviews. Quantitative data were processed by PC programs Microsoft Excel and Statistica. Results: The results of the survey revealed satisfaction of the respondents with the conditions for the organized and unorganized sport in the city. It was also found out what kinds of sports facilities and sports clubs are missed by the respondents in Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav. Key words: Organized Sport, unorganized sport, conditions for sport, sport facilities, sport organizations, children aged 11-15 years, Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav.

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