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Aeracijos zonos modeliai ir jų taikymai radioaktyviųjų atliekų kapinyno saugos analizei / Unsaturated zone models and their application for radioactive waste repository safety alalyseSkuratovič, Žana 15 November 2013 (has links)
Šiame darbe eksperimentiniais ir modeliavimo metodais buvo nagrinėjami skirtingose hidrogeologinėse sąlygose esančių branduolinių objektų aikštelių aeracijos zonos gruntuose vystantys drėgmės (ir priemaišų) pernašos procesai. Aeracijos zonos profiliai buvo palyginti atlikus eksperimentinius tyrimus ir apibendrinus duomenis apie gruntų hidraulines savybes, drėgnį ir izotopinę sudėtį. Krituliuose ir aeracijos zonos grunto profilių drėgmėje buvo nustatyti globaliai paplitusio radionuklido tričio bei vandens molekulės izotopinių traserių pasiskirstymo ypatumai. Nustatyta, kad krituliuose pasireiškiančios stabiliųjų izotopų sezoninės variacijos aeracijos zonoje ir ypač gruntiniame vandenyje beveik išnyksta, tačiau išlieka nežymūs sezoninių smailių pėdsakai, kurie Maišiagalos aikštelėje yra šiek tiek kontrastiškesni nei Stabatiškės aikštelėje, kadangi Maišiagalos aikštelėje drėgmės tranzito aeracijos zonoje laikas trumpesnis. Priėmus hipotetines žemės paviršiaus užtvindymo sąlygas esant žemam, vidutiniškam ir aukštam slėgiui, momentiniam ir pastoviam priemaišų įvedimui, palyginimui buvo išnagrinėti šeši scenarijai. Sudarytas tričio pernašos aeracijos zonoje modelis parodė, kad paros įvesties parametrų suvidurkinimas atskiram mėnesiui gali riboti tričio koncentracijos aeracijos zonos profilyje ir vandens balanso elementų pasiskirstymo atkūrimą. / Two nuclear waste disposal sites (Maišiagala radioactive waste storage facility site and Stabatiškė near surface repository site) were compared in terms of the contaminant movement through the unsaturated zone. Extensive data sets of the hydraulic properties, water content and isotope composition have been collected and summarized. Distribution features of globally widespread radionuclide tritium and the water molecule tracer isotopes in precipitation, unsaturated zone soil moisture profiles and groundwater were determined. Stable isotopes seasonal variation occurring in precipitation almost disappears in the unsaturated zone soil moisture and especially in shallow groundwater, but in both sites slight seasonal peak traces remain, which at the Maišiagala site are a bit more contrasting in comparison with the Stabatiškė site. Both sites were modelled by using unsaturated flow and transport models. Six scenarios have been developed to simulate the water and solute movement under low, moderate, and high water input, and instantaneous and continuous solute input conditions. In order to validate the representativeness of the hydraulic parameters, the model has been used to estimate the tritium distribution in the unsaturated zone, which properly represents the dynamics of the unsaturated zone. The uniformity of the daily input in each month should be kept in mind in the evaluation of the smooth changes of the tritium profile and water budget elements.
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Análise experimental e numérica de trincheiras de infiltração em meio não saturado / Experimental and numeric analysis of infiltration trenches in unsaturated zoneValter Cleber Guedes da Rocha Lima 05 May 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivos avaliar, para eventos de chuvas simuladas, o comportamento hidráulico de uma trincheira de infiltração experimental instalada na EESC/USP e propor uma nova metodologia de dimensionamento para trincheiras de infiltração. Para realizar a avaliação, foram conduzidos ensaios experimentais para determinar o volume infiltrado, sendo este calculado pela diferença entre o volume de entrada, medido através de vertedor triangular, e o volume armazenado na trincheira, medido a partir de medidor de nível. Em relação à nova metodologia de dimensionamento, esta foi proposta com base no modelo de Green-Ampt adaptado ao processo de infiltração horizontal. Os parâmetros de entrada do modelo: umidade, potencial matricial e condutividade hidráulica saturada, foram determinados, respectivamente, através de sondas que utilizam a Reflectometria no Domínio do Tempo (TDR), por curvas de retenção determinadas em laboratório pela técnica do papel filtro e câmara de Richards e por ensaio laboratorial com permeâmetro de carga constante. As curvas de retenção além de serem determinadas por dois métodos laboratoriais também foram avaliadas em função da distribuição uni e bimodal do tamanho médio dos poros. Para isto, utilizou-se a tomografia computadorizada para analisar o comportamento dos poros no solo estudado. O solo onde foi instalada a trincheira constitui-se de areia média a fina argilosa e apresenta a condutividade hidráulica saturada em torno de 9,06.\'10 POT.-6\' m/s. A câmara de Richards foi o método de determinação da curva de retenção que melhor caracterizou o solo quanto à sua porosidade. Os resultados demonstraram que a trincheira de infiltração é eficiente, controlando 100% do volume escoado, mesmo para chuvas com intensidades superiores aos projetos de microdrenagem. Verificou-se também que o modelo de Green-Ampt se ajusta bem ao processo de infiltração horizontal e que a metodologia de dimensionamento proposta contribui de forma eficiente e economicamente eficaz para o dimensionamento de dispositivos de infiltração. / This work assessed the hydraulic behavior of a experimental infiltration trench built at the EESC/USP and proposed a new sizing methodology for infiltration trench, for simulated events. In order to evaluate the hydraulic behavior experimental tests were taken to determine the infiltrated volume. The infiltrated volume was calculated through the difference between the entry volume, obtained by triangular weir, and the volume stored in the trench, determined by level meter. The sizing methodology proposed was based on Green-Ampt model adapted to horizontal infiltration process. The model parameters: water content, pressure head and saturated hydraulic conductivity were determined by Time Domain Reflectometer, retention curve and constant head permeameter, respectively. Retention curves were determined applying two laboratorial methods: Richards camara and filter-paper method, and were evaluate by the unimodal and bimodal distributions of the medium size of the pores. Tomography computerized was used to analyze the behavior of the soil pores. Infiltration trench was installed in a sand soil which presents the saturated hydraulic conductivity around 9,06.\'10 POT.-6\' m/s. The Richards\'s camera was the method that better represented the soil porosity. The results proved the efficiency of the infiltration trench, which controlled 100% of the runoff, even for events with intensities greater than drainage systems design storms. It was also verified that Green-Ampt model has good adjustments to horizontal infiltration process and the sizing methodology proposed is efficient for sizing of infiltration dispositive.
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Apports des équilibres calco-carboniques et du carbone 13 pour l’étude de l’air et des écoulements d’eau dans la zone non saturée du karst : application au système karstique perché de la grotte de Cussac (Dordogne, France) / The use of calco-carbonic equilibriums and carbon for water and air flow study in karst unsaturated zone : application on Cussac cave perched aquifer system (Dordogne, France)Peyraube, Nicolas 24 June 2011 (has links)
La protection de la grotte ornée de Cussac, inventée en 2000, se base en partie sur la compréhensionde ses relations avec le massif karstique et des conditions d’écoulement dans la zone non saturée deseaux liées à la cavité.Nous bénéficions à Cussac d’un accès à plusieurs écoulements provenant de différentes parties de laZone Non Saturée (ZNS) et d’une petite zone saturée ainsi que de la présence d’une grotte interceptantdes écoulements à l’intérieur du massif. Les paramètres aérologiques de la cavité dont la pressionpartielle de CO2 (pCO2) et la température ont fait l’objet d’un suivi depuis 2003 pour élaborer unmodèle simple de ses relations avec l’atmosphère extérieure et l’atmosphère de la ZNS.Une première partie de l’étude est consacrée à la caractérisation des écoulements par le suivihydrochimique et hydrodynamique depuis 2008. Elle aboutit à un schéma général du fonctionnementdu système karstique perché de Cussac.Au-delà de l’utilisation des outils classiques pour l’étude des aquifères karstiques nous avons souhaitéétudier les écoulements hydrologique et aérologique à travers l’une des spécificités du systèmekarstique : l’interdépendance des phases gazeuse, liquide et solide.Les échanges entre la roche, l’eau et la pCO2 de l’air de la ZNS ont été estimés à partir de l’utilisationdes équations d’équilibre calco-carboniques. Le schéma de fonctionnement est enrichi par une visionconceptuelle des conditions d’écoulement et une localisation dans les différentes parties du massif desprocessus de dissolution et évasion de CO2 et de dissolution et précipitation de carbonate.L’étude du delta13C apporte des précisions sur l’évolution de la pCO2 dans la ZNS et dansl’environnement particulier qu’est la cavité. La signature isotopique du CO2 de la ZNS est estimée àpartir des mesures de delta13C dans les eaux. Cela nécessite de prendre en compte les processusd’évolution du carbone minéral total dissout au cours des écoulements. / The protection of Cussac engraved cave, discovered in 2000, is based upon the comprehension of itsrelationship with the karstic system and flow conditions in the unsaturated zone (UZ) understanding.Cussac site gives access to several springs from different parts of the UZ and a small saturated area.The cave itself is accessible and allows interception of flow inside the karst environment. Aerologicparameters including CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) and temperature of the cave have been monitoredsince 2003 to build a simple model of its relations with external atmosphere air and UZ air.A first part of the work is dedicated to the characterisation of the flows by a monitoring since 2008 ofwater chemistry and dynamics. This part lead to a Cussac perched aquifer functioning general scheme.To complete these classical investigations we wished to define hydrologic and aerologic flows in karstaquifers using one of its specificity: interdependency of gaseous, liquid and solid phases.Exchanges between rock, water and pCO2 of the UZ are estimated using calco-carbonic equilibriumequations. Functioning scheme is enriched by a conceptual view of flow conditions and a localisationin the karst of the CO2 dissolution or evasion and carbonate dissolution or precipitation process.Precisions on pCO2 evolution in UZ and in the particular environment of the cave are given by d13C.Unsaturated Zone CO2 isotopic composition is estimated from d13C measurement in water. This needto take in account total dissolved inorganic carbon variations process.
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Transport and Fate of Escherichia coli in Unsaturated Porous MediaEngström, Emma January 2011 (has links)
The unsaturated zone could provide an effective barrier against pathogenic microbes entering the groundwater. Knowledge relating to microbial fate in this zone is therefore important for increased understanding of groundwater vulnerability. This thesis examines the published literature that is related to the transport, retention and survival processes that apply to the fecal indicator bacterium Escherichia coli in unsaturated porous media. The main focus concerns the research findings under steady-state flow in homogeneous filter media, and under unfavorable attachment conditions, which are the most common in the natural environment. Experimental results in the literature for the pore-, column- and field-scale are examined and compared to commonly applied theories and modeling approaches. An analysis of the main factors that influence attenuation and biofilm formation is provided. Further, the findings are illustrated in a model of an unplanted, vertical flow constructed wetland. The results indicate that retention at the solid-air-water interface is a major attenuation process. In addition, they suggest that the flow velocity (as dependent on the grain size and the saturation) is a key influencing factor. However, it has not yet been established how the research findings relating to the main processes and influencing factors can be incorporated into predictive models; in the literature, a multitude of models have been proposed and alternative theories could describe the same observation. In this study, the transport and fate of Escherichia coli in different sand filters is, therefore, modeled using various literature models - derived under similar experimental conditions - in order to assess the possibility to compare and generalize the equations, evaluate their implications considering the different saturation settings and filter depths, and to define the spectra of the reduction efficiencies. It is discovered that the bacterial attenuation behaviors vary largely. This calls for clarification regarding the underlying processes. Future research is also recommended to include the ef-fects of structured filter media and sudden changes in the flow rate. / QC 20111208
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Avaliação da contaminação de uma fossa negra desativada na zona não-saturada do aqüífero Adamantina em Urânia (SP) / Evaluation of an inactive cesspit contamination in the unsaturated zone of the Adamantina Aquifer in Urânia (SP)Varnier, Claudia Luciana 24 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho estudou o impacto do nitrato, proveniente de uma fossa negra desativada nas zonas não-saturada e saturada no Aqüífero Adamantina (Urânia, SP), através do acompanhamento hidrogeoquímico dos íons maiores (incluindo a série nitrogenada), menores, isótopos estáveis (15NNO3, 15NN2O, 18ON2O, 18ONO3, 18OO2, 13CCO2) e gases (O2, CO2, N2O e CH4). Os três anos de monitoramento da fossa negra, desativada desde 2002, se deu pela construção de uma estação experimental, constituída de um poço cacimba com 11,20 m de profundidade. Foram instalados, ao longo de sua parede até a zona saturada, 12 tensiômetros e 12 lisímetros de sucção (0,5 a 9,0 m), bem como um poço de monitoramento instalado no fundo da estação, para o monitoramento dos processos hidráulicos e da qualidade da água infiltrada. Os resultados obtidos sobre a hidráulica de infiltração mostraram que a zona nãosaturada apresenta condutividade hidráulica média vertical entre 3,1x10-6 a 1,4x10-5 m/s. As tensões capilares medidas indicaram a ocorrência de variações laterais e em profundidade, cuja origem está relacionada às heterogeneidades do material geológico. Tais constatações possibilitaram a identificação de três diferentes zonas hidráulicas: a primeira, entre 0,5 e 2,0 m; a segunda, de 2,0 a 7,0 m e a terceira, a partir de 7,0 m até o nível d´água. A taxa de recarga na área é de 171 mm, o que corresponde a 13% da precipitação anual. As velocidades das frentes de molhamento indicaram um tempo de trânsito de 90 dias para a água se deslocar de 0,5 até 9,0 m de profundidade. As análises químicas da água ao longo do perfil da zona não-saturada e do poço de monitoramento, apontaram concentrações altas de nitrato ao longo de todo o perfil (até 2028,94 mg/L). Os parâmetros físico-químicos, isotópicos e de gases analisados apresentaram variações, sazonais e em profundidade, de suas concentrações. Os perfis de concentração de gases, isótopos e série nitrogenada indicam que estes parâmetros apresentam um comportamento ?zigue-zague? sendo os maiores valores a 2,0; 4,0 e 6,0 m de profundidade. Este comportamento seria condicionado pelas características texturais do material geológico, o que leva a considerar a existência de áreas de menor permeabilidade nestes pontos, restringindo o acesso de águas ricas em oxigênio e de gases ao longo da zona não-saturada e co-existência de zonas redutoras em meio a zonas oxidantes (microcosmos). Este monitoramento detalhado possibilitou o estabelecimento dos principais processos hidrogeoquímicos atuantes na zona não-saturada: i) oxidação da matéria orgânica, ii) amonificação, iii) nitrificação, iv) metanogênese e v) desnitrificação. Um fator muito importante a ser levantado é a simultaneidade entre os mecanismos de nitrificação e desnitrificação na zona não-saturada. Várias foram as constatações que reforçam esta hipótese, exemplificadas pelas seguintes relações: i) 15NN2O e 18ON2O; ii) 15NN2O e 15NNO3 e iii) 18ONO3 e15NNO3. Os valores de ?15NNO3 obtidos foram de +6,80 a +30,09? (estação úmida) e +9,54 a +23,25? (estação seca). Valores mais enriquecidos de ?15NNO3, comparados à assinatura isotópica reportada para dejetos humanos (+8,1? a +13,1?), em conjunto com os resultados de ?18ONO3 (-3,60 a 4,50 ?), razão de fracionamento destes isótopos e os coeficientes de regressão, obtidos em outros trabalhos, reforçaram a coexistência de desnitrificação e nitrificação na área estudada. Os resultados de ?15NN2O e ?18OO2 também são indicativos de desnitrificação. As assinaturas destes dois isótopos (-16,16 a -11,94? e 28,05 a 30,69?, respectivamente), confrontados aos valores reportados em outros trabalhos (-37 a -11? e -21 a +57?), indicam que o N2O, detectado na área, seria produzido por esse processo. Contudo, cabe salientar que o uso de isótopos de 18OO2 e 15NN2O constitui-se ainda em técnica muito recente em estudos hidrogeológicos, carecendo de trabalhos que stabeleçam as assinaturas isotópicas para os processos de nitrificação e desnitrificação considerando as diferentes fontes de contaminação de nitrato. / The present work studied the impact of nitrate from an inactive cesspit to the unsaturated and saturated zones of the Adamantina Aquifer (Urânia, São Paulo, Brazil), through the hydrogeochemistry of major ions (including the nitrogen series), minor ions, stable isotopes (15NNO3, 15NN2O, 18ON2O, 18ONO3, 18OO2, 13CCO2) and gases (O2, CO2, N2O and CH4). The cesspit, which has been inactive since 2002, was monitored for three years after the construction of a monitoring station. The station is comprised by a 11.20m deep dug well, in which 12 tensiometers and 12 suction lysimeters were installed from the surface down to the saturated zone (0.5-9.0 m). A monitoring well was installed at the bottom of the monitoring station. The station was used to examine the hydraulic processes and the quality of the infiltrating water. The results from the hydraulics of the water infiltration show that the unsaturated zone presents average hydraulic conductivity between 3.1x10-6 and 1.4x10-5 m/s. The capillary tension varies laterally and vertically, which is attributed to the heterogeneities of the geological material. These results allowed the identification of three different hydraulic zones: the first one, between the depths of 0.5 and 2.0 m; the second one, between 2.0 and 7.0 m and the third one, from the depth of 7.0 m down to the water level. The recharge rate of the area is 171 mm, which corresponds to 13% of the annual precipitation. The velocities of the wetting fronts indicated a travel time of 90 days for the water to move between the depths of 0.5 m and 9.0m. The chemical analyses of the water of the unsaturated and saturated zones indicated high concentration of nitrate, along the entire unsaturated zone (up to 2028,94 mg/L). The physico-chemical, isotopic and gases data vary seasonally and spatially. The concentration of gases, isotopes and nitrogen species show a ?zig-zag? behavior, with peaks of concentration at the depths 2.0; 4.0 and 6.0 m. This behavior is a consequence of the textural features of the geological material, with less permeable areas occuring at these depths, which can restrict the access of oxygen- and gases-rich waters along the unsaturated zone and the coexistence of reducing zones among oxidizing ones (microcosms). The detailed monitoring provided data to establish the main hydrogeochemical processes occuring in the unsaturated zone: i) oxidation of organic matter, ii) ammonification, iii) nitrification, iv) methanogenesis and v) denitrification. A very important fact is the simultaneous occurrence of nitrification and denitrification processes in the unsaturated zone. This fact is verified by a series of observations, which can be demonstrated by the following relationships: i) 15NN2O and 18ON2O; ii) 15NN2O and 15NNO3 and iii) 18ONO3 and15NNO3. The values obtained for ?15NNO3 are between +6.80 and +30.09? (wet season) and between +9.54 and +23.25? (dry season). The values of ?15NNO3, which are more enriched than the isotopic fingerprint for sewage (+8.1? to +13.1?), along with the results for ?18ONO3 (-3.60 to 4.50 ?), the fractionation ratio of this isotopes and the linear regression coefficient, obtained by other authors, reinforced the coexistence of denitrification and nitrification in the studied area. The results of ?15NN2O and ?18OO2 also indicated the presence of denitrification. The signatures of these two isotopes (-16.16 to -11.94? and 28.05 to 30.69?, respectivelly), compared to values reported by other authors (-37 to -11? and -21 to +57?), indicate that the N2O detected in the area is produced by this process. However, it is worth emphasizing that the use of 18OO2 and 15NN2O isotopes is still a very new technique in hydrogeological studies, and more studies are needed to establish the isotopic fingerprints of the nitrification and denitrification processes, considering the different sources of nitrate contamination.
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Avaliação da contaminação de uma fossa negra desativada na zona não-saturada do aqüífero Adamantina em Urânia (SP) / Evaluation of an inactive cesspit contamination in the unsaturated zone of the Adamantina Aquifer in Urânia (SP)Claudia Luciana Varnier 24 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho estudou o impacto do nitrato, proveniente de uma fossa negra desativada nas zonas não-saturada e saturada no Aqüífero Adamantina (Urânia, SP), através do acompanhamento hidrogeoquímico dos íons maiores (incluindo a série nitrogenada), menores, isótopos estáveis (15NNO3, 15NN2O, 18ON2O, 18ONO3, 18OO2, 13CCO2) e gases (O2, CO2, N2O e CH4). Os três anos de monitoramento da fossa negra, desativada desde 2002, se deu pela construção de uma estação experimental, constituída de um poço cacimba com 11,20 m de profundidade. Foram instalados, ao longo de sua parede até a zona saturada, 12 tensiômetros e 12 lisímetros de sucção (0,5 a 9,0 m), bem como um poço de monitoramento instalado no fundo da estação, para o monitoramento dos processos hidráulicos e da qualidade da água infiltrada. Os resultados obtidos sobre a hidráulica de infiltração mostraram que a zona nãosaturada apresenta condutividade hidráulica média vertical entre 3,1x10-6 a 1,4x10-5 m/s. As tensões capilares medidas indicaram a ocorrência de variações laterais e em profundidade, cuja origem está relacionada às heterogeneidades do material geológico. Tais constatações possibilitaram a identificação de três diferentes zonas hidráulicas: a primeira, entre 0,5 e 2,0 m; a segunda, de 2,0 a 7,0 m e a terceira, a partir de 7,0 m até o nível d´água. A taxa de recarga na área é de 171 mm, o que corresponde a 13% da precipitação anual. As velocidades das frentes de molhamento indicaram um tempo de trânsito de 90 dias para a água se deslocar de 0,5 até 9,0 m de profundidade. As análises químicas da água ao longo do perfil da zona não-saturada e do poço de monitoramento, apontaram concentrações altas de nitrato ao longo de todo o perfil (até 2028,94 mg/L). Os parâmetros físico-químicos, isotópicos e de gases analisados apresentaram variações, sazonais e em profundidade, de suas concentrações. Os perfis de concentração de gases, isótopos e série nitrogenada indicam que estes parâmetros apresentam um comportamento ?zigue-zague? sendo os maiores valores a 2,0; 4,0 e 6,0 m de profundidade. Este comportamento seria condicionado pelas características texturais do material geológico, o que leva a considerar a existência de áreas de menor permeabilidade nestes pontos, restringindo o acesso de águas ricas em oxigênio e de gases ao longo da zona não-saturada e co-existência de zonas redutoras em meio a zonas oxidantes (microcosmos). Este monitoramento detalhado possibilitou o estabelecimento dos principais processos hidrogeoquímicos atuantes na zona não-saturada: i) oxidação da matéria orgânica, ii) amonificação, iii) nitrificação, iv) metanogênese e v) desnitrificação. Um fator muito importante a ser levantado é a simultaneidade entre os mecanismos de nitrificação e desnitrificação na zona não-saturada. Várias foram as constatações que reforçam esta hipótese, exemplificadas pelas seguintes relações: i) 15NN2O e 18ON2O; ii) 15NN2O e 15NNO3 e iii) 18ONO3 e15NNO3. Os valores de ?15NNO3 obtidos foram de +6,80 a +30,09? (estação úmida) e +9,54 a +23,25? (estação seca). Valores mais enriquecidos de ?15NNO3, comparados à assinatura isotópica reportada para dejetos humanos (+8,1? a +13,1?), em conjunto com os resultados de ?18ONO3 (-3,60 a 4,50 ?), razão de fracionamento destes isótopos e os coeficientes de regressão, obtidos em outros trabalhos, reforçaram a coexistência de desnitrificação e nitrificação na área estudada. Os resultados de ?15NN2O e ?18OO2 também são indicativos de desnitrificação. As assinaturas destes dois isótopos (-16,16 a -11,94? e 28,05 a 30,69?, respectivamente), confrontados aos valores reportados em outros trabalhos (-37 a -11? e -21 a +57?), indicam que o N2O, detectado na área, seria produzido por esse processo. Contudo, cabe salientar que o uso de isótopos de 18OO2 e 15NN2O constitui-se ainda em técnica muito recente em estudos hidrogeológicos, carecendo de trabalhos que stabeleçam as assinaturas isotópicas para os processos de nitrificação e desnitrificação considerando as diferentes fontes de contaminação de nitrato. / The present work studied the impact of nitrate from an inactive cesspit to the unsaturated and saturated zones of the Adamantina Aquifer (Urânia, São Paulo, Brazil), through the hydrogeochemistry of major ions (including the nitrogen series), minor ions, stable isotopes (15NNO3, 15NN2O, 18ON2O, 18ONO3, 18OO2, 13CCO2) and gases (O2, CO2, N2O and CH4). The cesspit, which has been inactive since 2002, was monitored for three years after the construction of a monitoring station. The station is comprised by a 11.20m deep dug well, in which 12 tensiometers and 12 suction lysimeters were installed from the surface down to the saturated zone (0.5-9.0 m). A monitoring well was installed at the bottom of the monitoring station. The station was used to examine the hydraulic processes and the quality of the infiltrating water. The results from the hydraulics of the water infiltration show that the unsaturated zone presents average hydraulic conductivity between 3.1x10-6 and 1.4x10-5 m/s. The capillary tension varies laterally and vertically, which is attributed to the heterogeneities of the geological material. These results allowed the identification of three different hydraulic zones: the first one, between the depths of 0.5 and 2.0 m; the second one, between 2.0 and 7.0 m and the third one, from the depth of 7.0 m down to the water level. The recharge rate of the area is 171 mm, which corresponds to 13% of the annual precipitation. The velocities of the wetting fronts indicated a travel time of 90 days for the water to move between the depths of 0.5 m and 9.0m. The chemical analyses of the water of the unsaturated and saturated zones indicated high concentration of nitrate, along the entire unsaturated zone (up to 2028,94 mg/L). The physico-chemical, isotopic and gases data vary seasonally and spatially. The concentration of gases, isotopes and nitrogen species show a ?zig-zag? behavior, with peaks of concentration at the depths 2.0; 4.0 and 6.0 m. This behavior is a consequence of the textural features of the geological material, with less permeable areas occuring at these depths, which can restrict the access of oxygen- and gases-rich waters along the unsaturated zone and the coexistence of reducing zones among oxidizing ones (microcosms). The detailed monitoring provided data to establish the main hydrogeochemical processes occuring in the unsaturated zone: i) oxidation of organic matter, ii) ammonification, iii) nitrification, iv) methanogenesis and v) denitrification. A very important fact is the simultaneous occurrence of nitrification and denitrification processes in the unsaturated zone. This fact is verified by a series of observations, which can be demonstrated by the following relationships: i) 15NN2O and 18ON2O; ii) 15NN2O and 15NNO3 and iii) 18ONO3 and15NNO3. The values obtained for ?15NNO3 are between +6.80 and +30.09? (wet season) and between +9.54 and +23.25? (dry season). The values of ?15NNO3, which are more enriched than the isotopic fingerprint for sewage (+8.1? to +13.1?), along with the results for ?18ONO3 (-3.60 to 4.50 ?), the fractionation ratio of this isotopes and the linear regression coefficient, obtained by other authors, reinforced the coexistence of denitrification and nitrification in the studied area. The results of ?15NN2O and ?18OO2 also indicated the presence of denitrification. The signatures of these two isotopes (-16.16 to -11.94? and 28.05 to 30.69?, respectivelly), compared to values reported by other authors (-37 to -11? and -21 to +57?), indicate that the N2O detected in the area is produced by this process. However, it is worth emphasizing that the use of 18OO2 and 15NN2O isotopes is still a very new technique in hydrogeological studies, and more studies are needed to establish the isotopic fingerprints of the nitrification and denitrification processes, considering the different sources of nitrate contamination.
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An Investigation of Linked Physical And Biogeochemical Processes In Heterogeneous Soils In The Vadose ZoneHansen, David Joseph 2011 August 1900 (has links)
Chemical dynamics in the vadose zone are poorly understood due to the transient nature of chemical and hydrologic conditions, but are nonetheless critical to understanding contaminant fate and transport. This work explored the effects of soil structure (i.e. layers, lenses) on linked geochemical, hydrological, and microbiological processes under changing hydrologic conditions (e.g. rainfall, introduction of groundwater, and fluctuating water table heights). A homogenized medium-grained sand, homogenized organic-rich loam and a sand-over-loam layered column were constructed for the first series of experiments. The second series of experiments employed two soil columns with lenses that were packed identically with sterilized and untreated sediments. Each consisted of two lenses of organic-rich loam in a medium-grained sand matrix. Lenses were located at different vertical depths and were horizontally offset. In-situ collocated probes collected soil hydrologic and chemical data.
In the layered column, enhanced biogeochemical cycling was observed over the texturally homogeneous soil columns. Enumerations of Fe(III) and SO42- reducing microorganisms also show 1-2 orders of magnitude greater community numbers in the layered column. The greatest concentrations of aqueous FeS clusters (FeSaq) were observed in close proximity to the soil interface. To our knowledge, this was the first documentation of FeSaq in partially saturated sediments. Mineral and soil aggregate composite layers were also most abundant near the soil layer interface; the presence of which, likely contributed to an order of magnitude decrease of hydraulic conductivity.
In the live lens column, Fe-oxide bands formed at the fringes of the lenses that retarded water flow rates by an order of magnitude compared to the sterilized column. Microbial activity also produced insoluble gases and that led to the creation of a separate gas phase that reduced hydraulic conductivity. This limited the interaction between groundwater with soil-pore waters that led to the formation of geochemically distinct water masses in relatively close proximity to one another. No such changes were observed in the sterilized column.
When compared to homogenous columns, the presence of soil heterogeneities altered biogeochemical and hydrologic processes considerably which highlights the need to consider soil heterogeneity in contaminant fate and transport models. These findings suggest that quantifying coupled hydrologic-biogeochemical processes occurring at small scale soil interfaces is critical to accurately describing and predicting chemical changes at the larger system scale.
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Caractérisation du fonctionnement de la zone non saturée des aquifères karstiques : Approche directe par études hydrodynamiques et hydrochimiques sur le Bassin de Recherche, d'Expérimentation et d'Observation de Fontaine de Vaucluse – Laboratoire Souterrain à Bas Bruit de Rustrel – Pays d’Apt / Functioning of karst aquifers unsaturated zone : Direct hydrodynamic and hydrochemical studies, Fontaine de Vaucluse – Laboratoire Souterrain à Bas Bruit de Rustrel – Pays d’Apt Research, Experimentation and Observation karst watershedBarbel-Périneau, Aurore 13 September 2013 (has links)
La première étude du fonctionnement de la zone non saturée (ZNS) des aquifères karstiques, par accès direct, a été réalisée dans la galerie souterraine du LSBB, sur le bassin expérimental de la Fontaine de Vaucluse. Cette galerie recoupe arbitrairement le réseau karstique et les écoulements de la ZNS. Ceux-ci sont répartis tout au long de la galerie sous différentes épaisseurs de roche calcaire (de 30 à 514 m). 45 points d’écoulements ont été prélevés au moins une fois. Les suivis hydrodynamiques et hydrochimiques sur 8 ans montrent : (i) l’organisation des écoulements en fonction de la profondeur et de la densité de fracturation, (ii) les modalités de réponses hydrodynamiques et hydrochimiques des écoulements en fonction des précipitations et de l’état initial du système, (iii) la nécessité de prendre en compte la non-linéarité des réponses impulsionnelles dans la modélisation.Trois composantes d’écoulement sont caractérisées : (i) une composante lente, pérenne et caractérisée par des longs temps de séjour, (ii) une composante rapide, active seulement en période de très forte recharge, marquée par les traceurs d’infiltration et caractérisée par de faibles temps de séjour, (iii) une composante intermédiaire, associée à des comportements hystérétiques, également marquée par les traceurs d’infiltration et caractérisée par des temps de séjour intermédiaires. Ces observations directes justifient la prise en compte du phénomène d’hystérèse dans la modélisation de la ZNS. Confirmant des modèles conceptuels existants, ce travail contribue au développement d’un modèle de fonctionnement de l’aquifère karstique, qui devra à terme être transposable aux autres systèmes méditerranéens. / The first study of karst aquifers unsaturated zone (UZ) functioning, by direct access, was conducted on the experimental area of the Fontaine de Vaucluse, including the underground gallery of the LSBB. This gallery intersects arbitrarily, within the UZ, the karst network and flow paths. Observed flows are distributed throughout the gallery corresponding to different limestone thicknesses (30 to 514m). 45 flow points were observed and followed at least once. The hydrodynamic and hydrochemical monitoring over 8 years show that: (i) the flows spatial and temporal organisation is a function of depth and the fracturing density, (ii) the hydrodynamic and hydrochemical flows signatures are based on rainfall amount also as the initial state of the system (iii) in order to precise the conceptual model of karst aquifers is necessary to consider the nonlinearity of the hydrodynamic system’s responses.Three flow components are deduced: (i) a slow component, permanent, which is active regardless of hydrological conditions, and is characterized by significant residence time, (ii) a fast component, active only during strong recharge periods as marked by infiltration tracers. This component is characterized by low residence time and (iii) an intermediate component, highlighted by hysteretic behavior, as marked also by the infiltration tracers and is characterized by intermediate residence times. Considering the hysteresis phenomenon in UZ modeling by these direct observations confirms earlier conceptual models. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the development of a karst aquifer model, which could be transposed to other Mediterranean karst systems.
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Etude hydrogéophyique de la structure et du fonctionnement de la zone non saturée du karst / Hydrogeophysical study of karst unsaturated zone structure and functioningCarriere, Simon Damien 03 February 2014 (has links)
La Zone Non Saturée (ZNS) peut jouer un rôle majeur pour la circulation et le stockage de l'eau dans les hydrosystèmes karstiques mais ces mécanismes restent peu connus. L'hydrogéophysique peut-elle permettre d'évaluer les variations spatiales et temporelles du stock de l'eau de la ZNS pour améliorer la compréhension de son fonctionnement ? En 2011 et 2012 différents outils ont été utilisés sur un site expérimental à l'aplomb du Laboratoire Souterrain à Bas Bruit de Rustrel (LSBB) dans le bassin d'alimentation de la Fontaine de Vaucluse afin d'en étudier la structure et le fonctionnement hydrogéologique. Ces investigations se sont déroulées selon une méthodologie comprenant quatre phases : (1) phase préliminaire d'étude géologique et hydrogéologique (2) caractérisation géophysique de la stucture géologique (3) caractérisation hydrogéophysique du fonctionnement hydrodynamique (4) synthèse par géomodélisation 3 D. Les résultats obtenus sur le site expérimental soulignent le potentiel de l'hydrogéophysique en milieu karstique et valident la méthodologie proposée. Les investigations ont permis d'identifier rapidement des structures géologiques pouvant jouer un rôle majeur dans la régulation des flux d'eau. Des variations saisonnières du stock d'eau ont été mesurées jusqu'à plusieurs dizaines de mètres dans la ZNS. Le suivi géophysique évènementiel a permis d'imager l'hétérogénéité spatiale et temporelle de la recharge. Enfin, la géomodélisation s'avère essentielle dans la méthologie proposée pour synthétiser les connaissances du site, finaliser le schéma de fonctionnement et poser les bases de futurs travaux de modélisation hydrodynamique dans la ZNS du karst. / Karst Unstatured Zone can play a major hydrodynamic role but water flow and storage mechanisms remains poorly known. Can hydrogeophysics help assessing the spatial and temporal waterstorage variation in UZ and improve understanding karst UZ functioning ? In 2011 and 2012, various tools have been employed on an experimental site above the low noise underground research laboratory of Rustrel (LSBB) within the Fontaine de Vaucluse catchment, in order to study the hydrogeological structure and functioning. These investigations were conducted using a methodology including four phases : (1) Preliminary study of geological and hydrogeological contexte, (2) Geophysical characterization of the geological features, (3) Hydrogeophysical characterization of the hydrodynamic functioning, (4) 3D geomodeling of the karst UZ. The acquired results highligth the potential of hydrogeophysical investigation in karst media and validated the proposed methology. These investigations allowed a fast identification of geological structures which may play a major role in water flow regulation. Seasonal variations in water storage were measured until several tens of meters deep within the UZ. Hydrogeophysical monitoring allowed imaging spatial and temporal heterogeneityof recharge; Finally, the geomodeling is essential within the proposed methology to synthesize site knowledge, finalize the conceptual functioning schema and lay the foundation for future work of hydrodynamicmodeling in karst UZ / La Zona No Saturada (ZNS) puede jugar un papel importante en la circulación y el almacenamiento del agua en los hidrosistemas kársticos, sin embargo sus mecanismos son poco conocidos. ¿La hidrogeofísica podría evaluar las variaciones espaciales y temporales del agua subterránea de la ZNS para mejorar la comprensión de su comportamiento?En el año 2011 y 2012, diferentes herramientas fueron utilizadas en un sitio experimental del Laboratorio Subterráneo de Bajo nivel de Ruido (LSBB, siglas en francés) ubicada en la cuenca de alimentación de la Fontaine de Vaucluse (Francia) con el propósito de estudiar su estructura y comportamiento hidrogeológico. Estas investigaciones fueron desarrolladas según una metodología compuesta de cuatro fases: (1) una fase preliminar de estudio geológico e hidrogeológico, (2) una caracterización geofísica de la estructura geológica, (3), una caracterización hidrogeofísica del comportamiento hidrodinámico, y (4) una síntesis por geomodelización 3D.Los resultados obtenidos en el campo validan la metodología utilizada y muestran la importancia del uso de la hidrogeofísica en el estudio del medio kárstico. Las investigaciones permitieron identificar rápidamente las estructuras geológicas que juegan un rol importante en la regulación de los flujos de agua. Las variaciones temporales del agua subterránea fueron medidas hasta varias decenas de metros de profundidad en la ZNS. El monitoreo geofísico de eventos puntuales permitió realizar una representación grafica de la heterogeneidad espacial y temporal de la recarga. Finalmente, la geomodelización es considerada como parte esencial en la metodología propuesta para sintetizar los conocimientos del área de estudio, finalizar el esquema del funcionamiento y proponer las bases de los futuros trabajos en modelización hidrodinámica de la ZNS del karst. / يمكن للطبقة غير المشبعة٬ في نظم المياه الجوفية ذات الطبيعة الجيرية (الكارست) أن تلعب دورا مهما في حركة و تخزين المياه الجوفية٬ لكن آليات عمل هذه الطبقة تبقى إلى حد ما مبهمة. إن السؤال الذي يبقى مطروحا : هل بإمكان علم الهيدروجيوفيزياء أن يمكننا من تقييم التغيرات في البعدين المكاني و الزمني لمخزون المياه في الطبقة غير المشبعة بغية تطوير فهمنا لآلية عملها؟خلال الفترة الممتدة بين سنتي 2011 – 2012 م٬ تم إستخدام العديد من الأدوات في حقل تجريبي على مستوى المختبر التحت أرضي عديم التشويش بروستال بفرنسا (LSBB de Rustel)٬ والذي يتواجد في حوض التغذية لمنبع الفوكلوز(Fontaine de Vaucluse) بغية دراسة بنية الطبقة غير المشبعة للكارست و كيفية أدائها فيما يتعلق بالمياه الجوفية. إن هذه الأبحاث نفذت بمنهجية مكونة من أربعة مراحل٬ و هن كالآتي: (1) المرحلة الابتدائية و تخص الدراسة الجيولوجية و الهيدروجيولوجية٬ (2) التوصيف الجيوفيزيائي للبنية الجيولوجية٬ (3) التوصيف الهيدروجيوفيزيائي لحركة الطبقة المائية٬ (4) الخلاصة من خلال إنشاء نموذج جيولوجي ثلاثي الأبعاد.إن النتائج المتحصل عليها في الموقع التجريبي أظهرت أهمية الهيدروجيوفيزياء في الوسط الكارستي و أكدت نجاعة المنهجية المقترحة. إن الأبحاث المنجزة٬ مكنت في وقت وجيز٬ من تحديد البنيات الجيولوجية التي يمكن أن تلعب دورا مهما في معادلة التدفقات المائية. من منظور آخر٬ مكنتنا الطريقة المقترحة من قياس التغيرات الموسمية للمخزون المائي في الطبقة غير المشبعة (ZNS) و ذلك على عمق عشرات الأمتار. إن الرصد الجيوفيزيائي الحدثي مكن من تصوير التغيرات المكانية و الزمنية لإعادة التغذية. أخيرا يظهر جليا أن النمذجة الجيولوجية ثلاثية الأبعاد ذات الأسس الجيولوجية٬ الهيدروجيولوجية و الجيوفيزيائية٬ أمر أساسي بالنسبة للمنهجية المقترحة من أجل حوصلة معلوماتنا بخصوص الموقع المدروس٬ تكملة مخطط التشغيل و وضع أسس الأعمال المستقبلية لنماذج حركة المياه خلال الطبقة غير المشبعة لأحواض المياه الجوفية ذات الطبيعة الجيرية (الكارست Karst).المفردات الرئيسية:الهيدروجيوفيزياء (علم جيوفيزياء المياه الجوفية)، الكارست (حوض مائي جوفي ذو طبيعة جيرية)، إعادة تغذية الطّبقة المائيّة، الطّبقة غير المشبّعة (ZNS)، النّمذجة الجيولوجيةGéomodélisation) )، منبع الفوكلوز (ontaine deF Vaucluse)، المختبر التحت أرضي عديم التشويش بروستال بفرنسا (LSBB de Rustel). / 非饱和带对喀斯特地区水分的运动和存储具有重要作用,但是这一机制仍然不太清楚。水文地球物理学方法是否有助于评估非饱和带水分存储的时空变异,并深化我们对喀斯特非饱和带功能的认识?为了研究沃克吕兹泉流域的水文地质结构和功能,分别于2011和2012年,在吕斯特勒地区地下低噪声试验室(lsbb)上方的试验点进行了各种试验。研究内容包括四个部分:(1):初步的地质和水文地质调查;(2):地质结构的地球物理方法勘探;(3):水动力过程的水文地球物理监测;(4) 喀斯特非饱和带结构的三维模拟。研究结果表明,水文地球物理学方法在喀斯特地区的研究中具有很大应用潜力,并检验了我们提出的方法的可靠性。利用这种方法,对对水流调节起主要作用的地质结构进行了快速识别;对深达几十米的非饱和带储水量的季节性变化进行了监测;对地下补给过程的时空异质性进行了成像。最后,综合研究区的各种信息,建立地学模型,确定了水文地质结构和功能的概念模式,为后续喀斯特非饱和带水动力学过程模拟研究奠定了基础。
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Modélisation hydrogéologique de dépôts hétérogènes : l'alluvium de la Komadougou Yobé (bassin du lac Tchad, sud-est nigérien) / Hydrogeological modeling of heterogeneous deposits : the Komadugu Yobe alluvium (Lake Chad basin, southeastern Niger)Le Coz, Mathieu 06 December 2010 (has links)
La vallée de la Komadougou Yobé constitue un site privilégié de recharge de l'aquifère quaternaire du bassin du lac Tchad. Depuis les années 1980, le développement des cultures de rente (p. ex. poivron) a conduit à un doublement des surfaces irriguées (1995-2005) dans sa partie aval. Afin de quantifier la recharge supplémentaire induite, une modélisation des flux hydriques verticaux dans la zone non-saturée (0-8 m) a été engagée. La première étape, objet de ce travail de thèse, consiste à décrire l'organisation spatiale et les propriétés hydrodynamiques des corps sédimentaires constitutifs de l'alluvium.Des forages à travers les formations superficielles mettent en évidence des alternances sable-sable argileux dans la totalité de la zone non-saturée, conséquence des migrations du lit mineur de la Komadougou Yobé. Le calcul de la corrélation entre les forages indique une forte analogie avec les hétérogénéités identifiées en surface à partir de données de télédétection (Landsat 7 binarisée). Ces données sont donc utilisées pour l'apprentissage de statistiques multipoints représentatives des hétérogénéités et un modèle géologique 3D de l'alluvium est généré via l'algorithme snesim.Des suivis neutroniques de l'humidité le long de plusieurs profils caractéristiques des différentes unités sédimentaires associées à ce modèle sont réalisés pour des conditions de flux contrôlées en surface. A partir de simulations numériques 1D, des jeux de paramètres hydrodynamiques permettant de reproduire les humidités mesurées sont déterminés par une approche de type Monte-Carlo. Des densités de probabilité intégrant l'incertitude sur les mesures sont obtenues pour les paramètres de Mualem - van Genuchten décrivant les courbes de rétention et de conductivité hydraulique des sédiments.Une procédure 1D-distribuée est utilisée pour simuler les écoulements non-saturés verticaux au sein de plusieurs réalisations du modèle géologique et pour différents jeux de paramètres hydrodynamiques probables. La recharge diffuse calculée se montre particulièrement sensible au paramètre de pression d'entrée d'air attribué aux dépôts superficiels, siège des principales interactions sol-plante-atmosphère, ainsi qu'aux contrastes verticaux de conductivité hydraulique. / The downstream part of the Komadugu Yobe River is an important recharge area for the Lake Chad Quaternary aquifer. Since the 1980s, cash crop development (e.g. sweet pepper) has led to the doubling (1995-2005) of irrigated surfaces in the vicinity of the river. A modeling approach of vertical water fluxes through the vadose zone (0-8 m) was designed to quantify the related increase in groundwater recharge. The first step, which is the main topic of this PhD thesis, consisted in describing both spatial arrangement and hydrodynamic properties of the sedimentary bodies that make up the alluvium.Boreholes in surficial deposits highlighted sandy to clayey alternations within the whole unsaturated zone; this was interpreted as the result of frequent migrations of the River channel. Spatial correlation between bore logs showed strong similarities with heterogeneities depicted on ground by means of remote sensing data (binarized Landsat 7 image). This data were therefore used to train multiple-point statistics representative of heterogeneities, and a 3D geological model was generated through the snesim algorithm.For each representative sedimentary unit, soil moisture under controlled hydraulic surface conditions was monitored by vertical neutron probe soundings. Using 1D numerical simulations, different data sets of hydrodynamic properties that reproduced moisture measurements were determined by a Monte-Carlo approach. Probability density functions including measurement uncertainties were deduced for the Mualem - van Genuchten parameters which describe both retention and hydraulic conductivity curves.A 1D-distributed procedure was applied for modeling vertical flows in the unsaturated zone within several geological model realizations with different probable sets of hydrodynamics parameters. The simulated diffuse recharge was shown to be particularly sensitive to two main parameters: air-entry pressure linked to superficial deposits, where soil-plant-atmosphere interactions do occur, and vertical hydraulic conductivity contrasts within the alluvium.
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