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An Institutional Assessment Of World Bank Projects For Effective Provision Of Urban ServicesAlbayrak, Turgay 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The main aim of this thesis is to assess the institutional arrangements shaped with a perspective of &ldquo / good governance&rdquo / in provision of urban services with reference to the shift of the World Bank&rsquo / s approach to the problem of poverty after 1990s. In spite of the change in the World Bank&rsquo / s perspective, there remain significant problems related with the expected reflection of these institutional arrangements to the practice through certain process and stages of the implemented projects. Regarding this fact, thesis seeks to determine not only the reasons of these problems but also ways for solving them to attain effective provision of urban services.
In this thesis, also, as an institutional comparative assessment, some implemented service projects of the World Bank in Turkey are examined by stressing on the institutional dimension of the project objectives.
At last, thesis makes suggestions about the unsuccessful dimensions and reveals the roles of institutions in the achievement of projects by using the institutional assessment method for the institutions whose institutional capacity has been developed or the institutions created within the World Bank projects implemented in Turkey. This will be achieved by the evaluations on projects with the outputs of institutional assessment and the research on factors for the achievement of the projects.
The results obtained with this thesis study are noteworthy for the evaluation with a new perspective of the projects implemented in Turkey not only by the World Bank but also by other international institutions quite increased in number in recent years.
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Managing infrastructure systems: who's heard in the decision making process?Smith, Sheri LaShel 30 September 2004 (has links)
Citizen participation includes those activities by citizens who are not public officials that are more or less intended to influence the actions taken by government (Verba & Nie, 1972). Citizen initiated contacts are one such form of participation. In 1999, the volume of complaint and service related calls received by the Department of Public Works and Engineering equaled almost 20 percent of the city's population. Via Houston's Customer Response Center, these contacts are logged in, directed to the appropriate department and incorporated into the department's infrastructure management system (IMS).
The goal of the IMS is to provide a systems approach to making cost-effective decisions about the design, rehabilitation, construction, retrofitting, maintenance or abandonment of the city's infrastructure (Grigg, 1988). To date, the effectiveness of this program is perceived as less than ideal and the public is critical of the results (Graves, 2002). Residents express concerns that infrastructure projects are targeted towards business and industrial areas while neighborhood needs are being ignored. Politicians are concerned that projects are not equally distributed among the districts. Meanwhile, public works' staff are concerned because there isn't enough money to address citizen calls, business and industrial needs and political concerns in addition to the problems they have identified.
The purpose of this research is twofold: to determine if citizen initiated contacts have been a significant factor in the selection of water and sewer projects and, to identify other factors that may play a role in the decision making process.
This study is longitudinal in nature, covering the time period between 1992 and 1999. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis were applied to the various data sets provided by the City of Houston. The results of the analysis supports the following:
- Citizen contacts have been significant in determining the allocation of water and sewer CIP projects; however, that has not been consistent through the years.
- Factors such as race, class, line type, material, size, age and location also factor into the decision making process.
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Gouverner la métropole par les déchets : Service urbain, action publique territoriale et écologie urbaine à Buenos Aires / How waste governs the metropolis : Urban service, territorial public action and urban ecology in Buenos AiresCarré, Marie-Noëlle 23 October 2013 (has links)
L'accroissement de la production de déchets ménagers dans les grandes villes du monde depuis les années 1970 engendre un débat sur leur traitement et l'échelle de leur gestion qui s'articule avec la question de la protection environnementale et de la salubrité publique. il doit aussi composer avec les inégalités du service de gestion des déchets privatisé, source d'un urbanisme en fragmentation lié à la différenciation socio-spatiale des métropoles.a buenos aires, ce débat apparaît lors de la crise argentine (1999-2003), quand plusieurs milliers de cartoneros pauvres arrivent du conurbano pour récupérer et revendre les déchets recyclables de la capitale. il coïncide avec des protestations riveraines et environnementalistes face à la saturation des décharges contrôlées du modèle métropolitain de gestion des déchets. enfin, les municipalités veulent intervenir dans la gouvernance métropolitaine en décidant des modalités de gestion des déchets sur leur territoire.au regard de la fragmentation urbaine par les services, il faudra analyser les recompositions territoriales de la gestion des déchets et ses nouveaux acteurs, en se demandant si le concept de développement durable, au-delà de l'outil de marketing urbain, produit une prise de responsabilité fondée sur la valorisation des ordures ménagères et si la montée de la gouvernance locale engendre un modèle métropolitain participatif de gestion des déchets. / Last debates on environmental, social and economical urban performances have given a great share to waste management problems and shown that asserting one’s point of view on urban refuse also commits the metropolitan territories. In Buenos Aires (Argentina), socio-economical fragmentation, suburbanization and decentralization processes challenge the centralized sociotechnical system created in 1977. A difficult transition in the city’s urban ecology put at stake the waste recollection and treatment urban services organization. During the last military dictatorship (1976-1983), sanitarism had been a guide for waste metropolization as well as for the cinturón ecológico project. Nevertheless, this paradigm lasted until the failure of the liberal economic system popped out with the 2001 crisis. Massive wastepicking and recycling by the cartoneros opened the way for waste to become a public environmental problem. Transformations in public action enlighten new issues. At the international level, decision-makers try to promote urban sustainable management, by institutionalizing the waste picking activity, supporting secondary-raw material trade and protecting natural resources. But those projects often convey sanitary and real estate uncertainties among social actors, who try to participate into their governance. They use contestation as a way to put forward their own scenarios, either for transjuridictional and reticular waste picking territories or for waste treatment ones, on the metropolitan edges.
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No description available.
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Impacts of urban containment policies on urban growth and structureWoo, Myungje 10 December 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Solid waste management through partnerships : a study on the role of facilitating agenciesAhmed, Shafiul Azam January 2004 (has links)
This research examined the role of facilitating agencies in promoting public-private partnerships (PPP). Bangladesh's solid waste management sector was taken as a case study. As is the case in many developing countries, municipalities in Bangladesh could not cope with rapid urbanization resulting in a large proportion of solid waste remaining uncollected. The private sector took the opportunity to fill this gap in service. They started providing house-to-house garbage collection and charging citizens for this service. Therefore, two streams of service providers-public and private-became active in the sector. In some cities the two streams remained separate without coordination. In other cities the two sectors formed partnership with support from facilitating agencies. This research investigated the roles played by the facilitating agencies. Three broad aspects were investigated: (1) necessity of facilitating agencies, (2) the role of a facilitating agency in sustainability of partnership, and (3) the role of a facilitating agency in effectiveness of partnership. Four cities were included in the study with varying degree of PPP and facilitation. Primary data were collected from public and private sector staff, elected representatives, and citizens through interview, questionnaire survey and observation. PPP is a promising mechanism for urban service delivery. This study on the role of facilitating agencies may illustrate how to achieve and sustain PPPs in developing countries.
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都市服務設施意象之研究 / The image of urban service facilities林啟賢, Lin, Chi-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
而經以面訪的方式對設籍於臺北市的242位居民進行調查後發現,在設施意象的建構過程中雖會受到外界資訊的引導與暗示,但是意象的內容卻未必會受到影響。再者,對受訪居民而言都市服務設施無非是公共設施的代名詞,且幾乎都是指對生活具有正面效果的設施,如果不是經常受到環境的刺激,並不會在意象圖中強調具有鄰避(NIMBY, Never-In-My-Back-Yard)效果的設施。在本研究的調查中也發現形成都市服務設施意象的最重要元素是商業及服務業設施,除了公用事業設施之外,各類設施的重要程度都會隨著空間範圍的大小不同而有所改變,而這些受訪者的都市服務設施意象在空間上不但有集中於居住地點、臺北車站附近以及臺北市政府附近等三個地區的趨勢,並傾向於將具有地方特色或當地象徵的設施表現出來,受訪者的設施意象亦多半會沿著主要的交通軸線延展而表現出與移動能力之間的某種關聯性。
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Smart parking : Network, infrastructure and urban service / Parking intelligent : Réseaux, infrastructures et services urbainsLin, Trista Shuenying 17 December 2015 (has links)
Le parking intelligent, permettant aux conducteurs d'accéder aux informations de stationnement sur leurs appareils mobiles, réduit les difficultés des usagers. Tout d'abord, nous mettons en lumière la manière de recueillir les informations de parking en introduisant une architecture de réseaux de capteurs multi-saut, et les modèles d'intensité applicative en examinant la probabilité d'arrivées et de départs de véhicules. Puis nous étudions la stratégie de déploiement des réseaux de capteurs et définissons un problème multi-objectifs, puis nous le résolvons sur deux cartes de parking réelles. Ensuite, nous définissons un service Publish-Subscribe pour fournir aux conducteurs des informations pertinentes. Nous illustrons le système dans des réseaux véhiculaires et mobiles et soulignons l'importance du contenu et du contexte du message au conducteur. Afin d'évaluer la résilience du système, nous proposons un modèle Publish-Subscribe étendu et nous l'évaluons dans différentes circonstances imprévues. Notre travail est basé sur la prémisse que les capteurs de parking sont déployés à une grande échelle dans la ville. Nous considérons une vue d'ensemble des services urbains du point de vue de la municipalité. Ainsi, nous faisons la lumière sur deux thèmes principaux: la collecte d'informations sur le déploiement de capteurs et un modèle étendu de Publish-Subscribe. Notre travail donne un guide avant de démarrer un projet de parking intelligent ou tout service urbain similaire en temps réel. Il fournit également une plate-forme d'évaluation valable pour tester des jeux de données plus réalistes, comme des traces de véhicules ou de trafic réseau. / Smart parking, allowing drivers to access parking information through their smart-phone, is proposed to ease drivers' pain. We first spotlight the manner to collect parking information by introducing the multi-hop sensor network architecture, and how the network is formed. We then introduce the traffic intensity models by looking at the vehicle's arrival and departure probabilities, following the heavy-tailed distribution. We study the deployment strategy of wireless on-street parking sensor layouts. We define a multiple-objective problem and solve it with two real street parking maps. In turn, we present a Publish-Subscribe service system to provide good parking information to drivers. We illustrate the system with a vehicular network and point out the importance of content and context of a driver’s message. To evaluate the resilience, we propose an extended Publish-Subscribe model, and evaluate it under different unforeseen circumstances. Our work is based on the premise that large-scale parking sensors are deployed in the city. We look at the whole picture of urban service from viewpoint of the municipality. As such, we shed light on two main topics: the information collection on sensor deployment and an extended version of Publish-Subscribe messaging paradigm. Our work gives a guideline from network-related perspectives for city before launching a smart parking or any similar real-time urban service. It also provides a meaningful evaluation platform for testing more realistic datasets, such as real vehicle traces or network traffic.
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都市服務設施鄰避效果之研究 / A Study of the NIMBY Effect of the Urban Service Facilities何紀芳, Ho, Chi Fang Unknown Date (has links)
四、策略建議方面:建議從法規面、規劃者角色定位、土地使用規劃、及都市服務設施管理方面考慮改善鄰避效果之策略。 / Urban service facilities are those that provide "social, cultural, economic, political, and religious functions." Due to different types and functions, these facilities will have varied impacts on environment. Some are positive, and hence "YIMBY" (Yes-ln-My-Back-Yard) facilities; some are negative, and hence "NIMBY" (Not-ln-My-Back-Yard) facilities; some have both effects.
Previous studies dealing with NIMBY effects were mostly case studies or studies that focused on certain types of facilities. In addition, most previous studies were based on subjective concepts to define NIMBY effects. Therefore, this thesis adopts Environment-Behavior research method to study NIMBY effects of urban service facilities in Taipei area. Using the "willingness-to-accept" concept and the "NIMBY indicator," this thesis defines NIMBY effects of urban service facilities. This thesis also seeks to explore why citizens demonstrate NIMBY syndrome, and what factors affect NIMBY syndrome. The conceptual model of NIMBY effects is verified as well.
The conclusion and suggests are as follows:
1. The conceptual model of "NIMBY effects urban service facilities" consists of information, motivation, environmental attitudes, experience, personal attributes, and urban hierarchy. The intervening factor is the willingness to accept.
2. According to the willingness to accept, urban service facilities can be categorized as "not-willing-to-accept," "mixed attitudes," and "willing-to-accept." Using the NIMBY indicator concept to measure NIMBY effects, NIMBY effects can be classified as "no NIMBY effects," "small NIMBY effects," "moderate NIMBY effects," and "serious NIMBY effects."
3. Most environmental attitudes will not vary in different urban hierarchies. The results of factor structures of environmental attitudes are varied in different urban hierarchies. After adjustment, four factors influencing the willingness to accept urban service facilities can be extracted: information, environmental attitudes, motivation, and experience. In addition, in examining the relationships between the conceptual model and the willingness to accept, only experience and hierarchies are consistent with our hypotheses.
4. This thesis suggests four possible directions to mitigate NIMBY effects and the NIMBY syndrome: regulations, planners' roles, land use planning, and urban facility management.
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