Spelling suggestions: "subject:"atual""
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Cenová tvorba při dražbách nemovitého majetku / Pricing of Real Estate at AuctionsHáva, Karla January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is an explanation of Real Estate Auctions in the Czech republic. It is a document, to be used by the Auctioneer and also by the organization of the Auction for issued expenses. This thesis describes how the price of property can be created. It also explains methods to detect the usual Auction price of the property, in the experts opinion, and it provides specific case estimates of the prices of auctioned property. Further this thesis analyzes the growth of Auctions in the Czech republic in time and cost savings against the usual price of property, which can be reached by the bidder in a public Auction.
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L'habitude en matière de conduite automobile : une analyse de ses composantes et du rôle qu'elle joue dans le maintien et la régulation des comportements de conduiteBeaulieu, Nathalie 07 1900 (has links)
« La grande majorité des accidents demeure liée aux comportements dangereux des usagers de la route ». Cet énoncé, lapidaire, fait aujourd’hui figure d’évidence au sein de la communauté des intervenants en sécurité routière. Il repose pourtant sur des prémisses discutables. Le problème le plus fondamental réside dans le fait que la recherche des dernières décennies s’est presque toute entière vouée à l’analyse des seuls aspects défaillants de la conduite (l’accident, les infractions, les erreurs et les fautes de conduite, les conducteurs à risque ou dysfonctionnels, les attitudes et traits de caractère incitant à la conduite dangereuse, etc.). Ce faisant, on a fini par oublier qu’il nous restait encore beaucoup de choses à apprendre sur le fonctionnement usuel de la conduite automobile. Comment, en effet, peut-on escompter élucider tous les rouages de la dynamique accidentelle sans avoir au préalable cerné, et bien compris, les mécanismes de la conduite « ordinaire » ? Comment peut-on parvenir à approfondir notre compréhension des comportements de conduite si l’on fait totalement abstraction de toutes les activités courantes, « normales », auxquelles se livrent les conducteurs lorsqu’ils sont au volant de leur véhicule ? C’est dans la perspective de mieux comprendre les comportements de conduite, dans leur complexité et dans leur diversité, que la présente thèse a été réalisée. Y a plus spécifiquement été examinée la question des habitudes en raison de leur prédominance dans l’activité de la conduite, mais également en raison de leur résistance, des obstacles bien concrets qu’elles sont susceptibles d’opposer à tous ceux qui tentent de modifier les comportements individuels de conduite. Des entrevues en profondeur, menées auprès de trente conducteurs et conductrices âgé(e)s de 17 à 54 ans, devaient permettre de répondre, entre autres, aux questions suivantes : De quoi sont constituées les différentes habitudes en matière de conduite automobile ? Quelle place occupent-elles dans la conduite des individus ? En quoi constituent-elles un frein au changement, à la modification des pratiques adoptées ? Quelles sont les dimensions qui participent à leur installation ? Les résultats de l’analyse ont permis de jeter les bases d’un modèle des comportements de conduite où les sensations corporelles se voient conférer un rôle des plus centraux, et où l’habitude – bien davantage caractérisée par la notion de confort que par celles d’automatisme ou de répétition – concourt non seulement à la pérennité, mais également à la régulation des conduites adoptées sur la route. / “The vast majority of accidents remain related to the dangerous behaviors of road users”. This straightforward statement is now accepted as a truism by the road safety community, although it is based on questionable premises. The most basic problem is that the research done during last decades was almost completely focused on analyzing solely the failing aspects of driving – accidents, traffic offences, driving errors and mistakes, high-risk and dysfunctional drivers, attitudes and psychological traits that may lead to dangerous driving, etc. In so doing, we came to forget that we still have plenty to learn about the art of ordinary driving. How can we expect to address the entire process of road accidents without first having identified, and clearly understood, the mechanisms of “regular” driving? How can we deepen our understanding of driving behaviors if we are completely ignoring all the usual, “normal” activities people do as they are driving their vehicles? This thesis was realized with the view to better understanding the driving behaviors, taking into account their diversity and richness. The study more specifically looked into the issue of habits, as they are a significant aspect of driving behaviors, but also as they are resilient, in that they pose real barriers to all those who are trying to change individual driving behaviors. In-depth interviews with 30 drivers, male and female, aged between 17 and 54, were meant to answer the following questions, among others: What are the different driving habits made of? To what extent do they direct driving behaviors? How do they hamper the change or modification of adopted practices? What are the factors that lead them to set in? The results of the analysis laid the foundations of a driving behaviors model in which body sensations take a central role, and the habit – which is more related to the idea of comfort than to ideas of automatism or repetition – contributes not only to the sustainability, but also to the regulation of the various behaviors adopted on the roads.
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Právní úprava regulace nájmu bytu - regulované nájemné / Legislation providing for the regulation of the lease of flats - regulated rentalŠimr, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
- RESUMÉ The need for housing is undoubtedly one of the basic human needs of each individual. Not everyone, however, is the owner of the house or the apartment. To address this situation, when do not have their own housing, serves the institute of the tenancy. Here, however, the two interests conflict groups clash, landlords and tenants, who represent completely different interests. This is one of the reasons for states to actively intervene to the tenancy to ensure the right to housing for the tenants and also to protect property rights of the landlords. Many states came to the way of the housing policy, which is based on the belief that the tenant is the weaker party to the lease. In this way, this is a legal regulation of the rent and the lease. My thesis, entitled "The legislation regulating tenancy - a regulated rent" aims primarily to describe developments in this area in the Czech Republic in the last 20 years, noted that the regulation of the rent is definitely not just a phenomenon of this decade. The work focuses primarily on the regulation of the rent, as is clear from its title, because this has become a main topic of many debates and tries to describe the deregulatory efforts in the Czech legal order for the last period, including the achieved result, which at the time of the...
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Intermediate Effects of a Social Ecological Modeled, Community-Based Intervention on the Food Security and Dietary Intake of Rural, Midwestern, Adult Food Pantry ClientsBreanne N. Wright (5930408) 14 May 2019 (has links)
insecurity, or limited access to enough foods for an active, healthy life,
characterizes the situation of 65% of US food pantry clients. Food insecurity
is associated with poor dietary intake of key food groups and nutrients,
diet-related chronic disease, poor physical and mental health, and reduced
quality of life. Although food pantry clients are prevalently food insecure,
there is a sizeable proportion of clients who are classified as food secure
(FS), or report having adequate access to healthy foods. Previous studies
suggest that food secure pantry clients may use pantry resources differently,
and have diets that differ in quality and intake, compared to food insecure
clients (including low food secure [LFS] and very low food secure [VLFS] clients).
pantries may be an important venue for interventions to improve food security
and dietary outcomes. Since dietary intake and use of food pantries may differ
by food security status, the efficacy of such interventions may also differ by
food security status. A social ecological modeled (SEM), community-based
intervention in the food pantry setting is promising in sustaining local change
efforts and may facilitate long-term implementation of strategies to improve diet-related
outcomes among food pantry clients. Therefore, the aims of this dissertation
were to 1) characterize differences in diet quality and intake between FS, LFS
and VLFS pantry clients; 2) explore associations between the nutritional
quality of the pantry food environment (foods in stock and foods distributed to
clients) and client diet quality by food security status; and 3) evaluate the
intermediate effects of a SEM, community-based intervention to improve diet-related
outcomes among pantry clients with comparison by food security status.</p><p>Aim
1 was addressed by examining associations between food security and both diet
quality and usual intake (in separate mixed multiple linear regression models)
in a cross-sectional analysis of adult food pantry clients at baseline. FS
status was associated with a higher Healthy Eating Index-2010 (HEI-2010) whole
grains score, as well as a higher mean usual intakes of whole grains and iron,
compared to LFS status. FS status was also associated with higher mean usual
intakes of dark green vegetables and total dairy compared to LFS and VLFS
2 was addressed by evaluating the relationship between the quality of the mix
of foods in stock (pantry inventories) and distributed (client food bags) at
food pantries with client diet quality, and investigating how these
relationships varied by food security status, in a cross-sectional analysis of
adult food pantry clients at baseline. Client food bag HEI-2010 scores were
positively associated with client diet scores for the total vegetables, total
fruit, total protein foods, and sodium components, while pantry inventory
HEI-2010 scores were negatively associated with client diet scores for the
total score and for the total fruit and fatty acids components. VLFS clients
consumed more whole grains from client food bags compared to FS clients, and
consumed more greens and beans from pantry inventories compared to LFS clients.</p><p>Aim
3 was addressed by evaluating longitudinal changes in adult food security, diet
quality and usual intake over the first two years (baseline to midpoint) of a
three-year SEM, community-based food pantry intervention‒ Voices for Food
(Clinical Trial Registry: NCT0356609). Adult food security score improved in
the intervention group, while HEI-2010 total score and several component scores
improved in the comparison group. When comparing the change in main outcomes
over time between the intervention and comparison groups, no favorable
differences were observed at this intermediate time point.</p><p>
pantries do not comprise a homogeneous population of clients. Pantry clients
have different quality diets and rely on pantries to acquire different types of
foods depending on their food security status. Food pantries may be an
important venue to target interventions that improve diet-related outcomes,
with consideration for the complex interplay between food security status, the
pantry food environment and availability of resources to prepare healthy foods.
of the final study time point, as well as further investigation of the
dose-dependent effect of each intervention component and other individual
community characteristics, may elucidate the relationship between the intervention and client outcomes.</p><p></p>
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Serviços ecossistêmicos de carbono e biodiversidade e os projetos de lei sobre pagamento por serviços ambientais no Brasil: uma análise sobre o panorama atual / Carbon and biodiversity ecosystem services and the law\'s projects on payment for ecosystem services in Brazil: an analysis about current situationSilva, Samara Martins 20 April 2016 (has links)
Na atualidade, os serviços ambientais podem ser descritos como as atividades antrópicas que auxiliam no aumento dos benefícios ao meio ambiente, enquanto os serviços ecossistêmicos são processos ecossistêmicos capazes de fornecer sustentação à vida sendo dois temas mundialmente pesquisados. Neste sentido o pagamento por práticas que forneçam a melhoria da qualidade ambiental conhecidas como pagamento por serviços ambientais (PSA) têm surgido e avançado no Brasil nos últimos anos, embora ainda não possuam regulamentação legal específica. No primeiro capítulo procurou-se analisar os projetos de lei (PLs) em trâmite no Congresso Nacional PL 792/2007, PL 5.487/2009, Projeto de Lei do Senado (PLS) 276/2013 e PL 312/2015 com relação à adicionalidade, princípios do direito ambiental e teorias econômicas que regulamentam o PSA no Brasil. No segundo capítulo foi realizada a estimativa de serviços ecossistêmicos de biodiversidade de abelhas e carbono na região do Xingu na Amazônia brasileira, onde utilizou-se a equação alométrica para cálculo da biomassa e índices de diversidade para avaliar a diversidade de plantas e abelhas, e verificou-se a possível relação entre a diversidade de plantas e abelhas e o carbono estocado na vegetação para avaliar a relação dos serviços ecossistêmicos de carbono e biodiversidade na região. Esta dissertação apresenta um panorama sobre a legislação atual de PSA no Brasil e um estudo de caso de quantificação de adicionalidade ambiental provida pelos serviços ecossistêmicos de carbono e biodiversidade na área do Rio Xingu, no estado do Pará. Embora os estudos sobre serviços ecossistêmicos e as funções do ecossistema tenham surgido há muito tempo, pouco tem sido estudado sobre a adicionalidade ambiental destes serviços. Logo, como descrito no art. 5 do Paris Agreement da COP 21, as Partes são encorajadas a realizar pagamentos através de incentivos e políticas sobre redução de emissões de desmatamento e degradação florestal no papel da conservação na gestão sustentável das florestas, enquanto que na Contribuição Nacionalmente Determinada (INDC) o Brasil incluiu como uma das metas a implementação de atividades de REDD+ e pagamento por seus resultados representando possíveis avanços para o PSA em nível nacional e mundial. / Environmental services described as human activities that help to enhance the benefits to the environment and ecosystem services on ecosystem processes capable of providing support to life are two highly specific topics discussed on all the world. Payment for environmental services (PES) have emerged and advanced in Brazil in recent years, though it is still not regulated. In the first chapter we tried to analyze the Law\'s project (PL) in current analisys on National Brazilian Congress PL 792/2007, PL 5.487/2009, Federal Senate (PLS) PLS 276/2013 and 312/2015 regarding additionality principles of environmental law and economic theories involved in PLs. Although studies on ecosystem services and ecosystem functions, have arisen for over fifty years ago, few has been studied about the provision of these services together through environmental additionality. In the second chapter was held on ecosystem services and carbon estimate bee biodiversity in the Xingu endemic region of the Brazilian Amazon. For this we used the allometric equation for calculating the biomass and diversity index to evaluate the diversity of plants and bees, there had a relationship between the diversity of plants and bees and the carbon stocked in the vegetation to assess the relationship of ecosystem services of carbon and biodiversity in the region. Soon, as defined by the Art. 5 of the Paris Agreement of COP 21, Parties are encouraged to make payments through incentives and policies on reduction of deforestation and forest degradation emissions in the role of conservation in sustainable forest management while in INDC (Intended Nationally Determined Contribution), Brazil included as goals from other actions the implementation of REDD + activities and payment by results reprensenting major advances can be made to the PSA at the national and global levels. So this paper presents an overview of the current project legislation on PSE in Brazil and a case study to quantify environmental business as usual provided by the ecosystem service of carbon and biodiversity in the Xingu River area in the state of Pará as contemporary and integrated assessment on the topic involving environmental additionality.
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Serviços ecossistêmicos de carbono e biodiversidade e os projetos de lei sobre pagamento por serviços ambientais no Brasil: uma análise sobre o panorama atual / Carbon and biodiversity ecosystem services and the law\'s projects on payment for ecosystem services in Brazil: an analysis about current situationSamara Martins Silva 20 April 2016 (has links)
Na atualidade, os serviços ambientais podem ser descritos como as atividades antrópicas que auxiliam no aumento dos benefícios ao meio ambiente, enquanto os serviços ecossistêmicos são processos ecossistêmicos capazes de fornecer sustentação à vida sendo dois temas mundialmente pesquisados. Neste sentido o pagamento por práticas que forneçam a melhoria da qualidade ambiental conhecidas como pagamento por serviços ambientais (PSA) têm surgido e avançado no Brasil nos últimos anos, embora ainda não possuam regulamentação legal específica. No primeiro capítulo procurou-se analisar os projetos de lei (PLs) em trâmite no Congresso Nacional PL 792/2007, PL 5.487/2009, Projeto de Lei do Senado (PLS) 276/2013 e PL 312/2015 com relação à adicionalidade, princípios do direito ambiental e teorias econômicas que regulamentam o PSA no Brasil. No segundo capítulo foi realizada a estimativa de serviços ecossistêmicos de biodiversidade de abelhas e carbono na região do Xingu na Amazônia brasileira, onde utilizou-se a equação alométrica para cálculo da biomassa e índices de diversidade para avaliar a diversidade de plantas e abelhas, e verificou-se a possível relação entre a diversidade de plantas e abelhas e o carbono estocado na vegetação para avaliar a relação dos serviços ecossistêmicos de carbono e biodiversidade na região. Esta dissertação apresenta um panorama sobre a legislação atual de PSA no Brasil e um estudo de caso de quantificação de adicionalidade ambiental provida pelos serviços ecossistêmicos de carbono e biodiversidade na área do Rio Xingu, no estado do Pará. Embora os estudos sobre serviços ecossistêmicos e as funções do ecossistema tenham surgido há muito tempo, pouco tem sido estudado sobre a adicionalidade ambiental destes serviços. Logo, como descrito no art. 5 do Paris Agreement da COP 21, as Partes são encorajadas a realizar pagamentos através de incentivos e políticas sobre redução de emissões de desmatamento e degradação florestal no papel da conservação na gestão sustentável das florestas, enquanto que na Contribuição Nacionalmente Determinada (INDC) o Brasil incluiu como uma das metas a implementação de atividades de REDD+ e pagamento por seus resultados representando possíveis avanços para o PSA em nível nacional e mundial. / Environmental services described as human activities that help to enhance the benefits to the environment and ecosystem services on ecosystem processes capable of providing support to life are two highly specific topics discussed on all the world. Payment for environmental services (PES) have emerged and advanced in Brazil in recent years, though it is still not regulated. In the first chapter we tried to analyze the Law\'s project (PL) in current analisys on National Brazilian Congress PL 792/2007, PL 5.487/2009, Federal Senate (PLS) PLS 276/2013 and 312/2015 regarding additionality principles of environmental law and economic theories involved in PLs. Although studies on ecosystem services and ecosystem functions, have arisen for over fifty years ago, few has been studied about the provision of these services together through environmental additionality. In the second chapter was held on ecosystem services and carbon estimate bee biodiversity in the Xingu endemic region of the Brazilian Amazon. For this we used the allometric equation for calculating the biomass and diversity index to evaluate the diversity of plants and bees, there had a relationship between the diversity of plants and bees and the carbon stocked in the vegetation to assess the relationship of ecosystem services of carbon and biodiversity in the region. Soon, as defined by the Art. 5 of the Paris Agreement of COP 21, Parties are encouraged to make payments through incentives and policies on reduction of deforestation and forest degradation emissions in the role of conservation in sustainable forest management while in INDC (Intended Nationally Determined Contribution), Brazil included as goals from other actions the implementation of REDD + activities and payment by results reprensenting major advances can be made to the PSA at the national and global levels. So this paper presents an overview of the current project legislation on PSE in Brazil and a case study to quantify environmental business as usual provided by the ecosystem service of carbon and biodiversity in the Xingu River area in the state of Pará as contemporary and integrated assessment on the topic involving environmental additionality.
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Okazionaliųjų frazeologizmų stilistinės išgalės publicistiniame stiliuje / Stylistic potential of occasional phraseological units in the publicistic styleButkutė, Laura 01 April 2010 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektas – okazionalieji, t.y. individualios vartosenos, frazeologiniai junginiai, patarlės ir priežodžiai.
Disertacijos tikslas – išnagrinėti frazeologinį vaizdą ir jo kūrimo būdus, okazionaliųjų frazeologizmų, patarlių ir priežodžių stilistinius atspalvius remiantis pasirinktais šaltiniais.
Bendrosioms frazeologizmų funkcijoms, semantikai, struktūrai kalbininkai skiria daug dėmesio, o stilistinėms jų ypatybėms – gerokai mažiau. Iki šiol lietuvių kalbotyroje nebuvo nė vienos disertacijos, skirtos okazionaliajai frazeologijai. Iš tikrųjų šių frazeologinių junginių stilistinių ypatumų aptarimas yra ne ką mažiau svarbus negu frazeologizmų kilmės, semantikos ar struktūros tyrinėjimai: kalba nuolat kinta, o okazionalieji frazeologizmai, patarlės ir priežodžiai kaip tik ir atspindi šį procesą, tai rodo komponentų keitimas, sudėties plėtimas, reikšmės kitimas, frazeologinių junginių plėtojimas į platesnį kontekstą ir pan. Modifikacijos būdai parodo junginių pritaikymo šiandieninio gyvenimo situacijoms, reiškiniams galimybes, aktualumą komunikacijos procese. Kalbos ir stiliaus kitimas aiškiai matomas publicistikoje, kurioje fiksuojami svarbiausi žmonių gyvenimo, valstybės, kultūros pokyčiai. Taigi okazionaliai vartojamų frazeologizmų tyrinėjimas publicistikoje yra naujas ir aktualus. Šia disertacija norima atkreipti dėmesį į okazionaliųjų frazeologinių junginių, taip pat patarlių, priežodžių vartosenos ypatumus dabartinės lietuvių kalbos publicistiniame stiliuje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the research this Dissertation – occasional phraseological units, common proverbs and sayings, i.e., units of individual usage. The latter are discussed not only when they are used in Lithuanian but also when found in texts in their original language. Purpose of the Dissertation – based on the selected references, to examine the phraseological image and image formation methods as well as stylistic shades of occasional phraseological units, common proverbs and sayings. General functions of phraseological units, semantics and structure are given vast attention by linguists whereas their stylistic characteristics receive rather less consideration. Dissertations regarding occasional phraseology are absent from Lithuanian linguistics thus far. In fact, consideration of stylistic patterns of these phraseological word combinations is none the less important than research of their origin, semantics and structure: language is continuously changing, and occasional phraseological units, common proverbs and sayings are the ones that reflect this process; it is evidenced by the change and replacement of components, expansion of composition, change of meaning, development of phraseological units into the broader context, etc. Types of modification show adaptability potential of word combinations and their communicative flexibility. Process of speech and style changing is obvious in the publicistic writings where fundamental changes in human life, state and culture are captured.
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Okazionaliųjų frazeologizmų stilistinės išgalės publicistiniame stiliuje / Stylistic potential of occasional phraseological units in the publicistic styleButkutė, Laura 01 April 2010 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektas – okazionalieji, t.y. individualios vartosenos, frazeologiniai junginiai, patarlės ir priežodžiai.
Disertacijos tikslas – išnagrinėti frazeologinį vaizdą ir jo kūrimo būdus, okazionaliųjų frazeologizmų, patarlių ir priežodžių stilistinius atspalvius remiantis pasirinktais šaltiniais.
Bendrosioms frazeologizmų funkcijoms, semantikai, struktūrai kalbininkai skiria daug dėmesio, o stilistinėms jų ypatybėms – gerokai mažiau. Iki šiol lietuvių kalbotyroje nebuvo nė vienos disertacijos, skirtos okazionaliajai frazeologijai. Iš tikrųjų šių frazeologinių junginių stilistinių ypatumų aptarimas yra ne ką mažiau svarbus negu frazeologizmų kilmės, semantikos ar struktūros tyrinėjimai: kalba nuolat kinta, o okazionalieji frazeologizmai, patarlės ir priežodžiai kaip tik ir atspindi šį procesą, tai rodo komponentų keitimas, sudėties plėtimas, reikšmės kitimas, frazeologinių junginių plėtojimas į platesnį kontekstą ir pan. Modifikacijos būdai parodo junginių pritaikymo šiandieninio gyvenimo situacijoms, reiškiniams galimybes, aktualumą komunikacijos procese. Kalbos ir stiliaus kitimas aiškiai matomas publicistikoje, kurioje fiksuojami svarbiausi žmonių gyvenimo, valstybės, kultūros pokyčiai. Taigi okazionaliai vartojamų frazeologizmų tyrinėjimas publicistikoje yra naujas ir aktualus. Šia disertacija norima atkreipti dėmesį į okazionaliųjų frazeologinių junginių, taip pat patarlių, priežodžių vartosenos ypatumus dabartinės lietuvių kalbos publicistiniame stiliuje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the research this Dissertation – occasional phraseological units, common proverbs and sayings, i.e., units of individual usage. The latter are discussed not only when they are used in Lithuanian but also when found in texts in their original language. Purpose of the Dissertation – based on the selected references, to examine the phraseological image and image formation methods as well as stylistic shades of occasional phraseological units, common proverbs and sayings. General functions of phraseological units, semantics and structure are given vast attention by linguists whereas their stylistic characteristics receive rather less consideration. Dissertations regarding occasional phraseology are absent from Lithuanian linguistics thus far. In fact, consideration of stylistic patterns of these phraseological word combinations is none the less important than research of their origin, semantics and structure: language is continuously changing, and occasional phraseological units, common proverbs and sayings are the ones that reflect this process; it is evidenced by the change and replacement of components, expansion of composition, change of meaning, development of phraseological units into the broader context, etc. Types of modification show adaptability potential of word combinations and their communicative flexibility. Process of speech and style changing is obvious in the publicistic writings where fundamental changes in human life, state and culture are captured.
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L'habitude en matière de conduite automobile : une analyse de ses composantes et du rôle qu'elle joue dans le maintien et la régulation des comportements de conduiteBeaulieu, Nathalie 07 1900 (has links)
« La grande majorité des accidents demeure liée aux comportements dangereux des usagers de la route ». Cet énoncé, lapidaire, fait aujourd’hui figure d’évidence au sein de la communauté des intervenants en sécurité routière. Il repose pourtant sur des prémisses discutables. Le problème le plus fondamental réside dans le fait que la recherche des dernières décennies s’est presque toute entière vouée à l’analyse des seuls aspects défaillants de la conduite (l’accident, les infractions, les erreurs et les fautes de conduite, les conducteurs à risque ou dysfonctionnels, les attitudes et traits de caractère incitant à la conduite dangereuse, etc.). Ce faisant, on a fini par oublier qu’il nous restait encore beaucoup de choses à apprendre sur le fonctionnement usuel de la conduite automobile. Comment, en effet, peut-on escompter élucider tous les rouages de la dynamique accidentelle sans avoir au préalable cerné, et bien compris, les mécanismes de la conduite « ordinaire » ? Comment peut-on parvenir à approfondir notre compréhension des comportements de conduite si l’on fait totalement abstraction de toutes les activités courantes, « normales », auxquelles se livrent les conducteurs lorsqu’ils sont au volant de leur véhicule ? C’est dans la perspective de mieux comprendre les comportements de conduite, dans leur complexité et dans leur diversité, que la présente thèse a été réalisée. Y a plus spécifiquement été examinée la question des habitudes en raison de leur prédominance dans l’activité de la conduite, mais également en raison de leur résistance, des obstacles bien concrets qu’elles sont susceptibles d’opposer à tous ceux qui tentent de modifier les comportements individuels de conduite. Des entrevues en profondeur, menées auprès de trente conducteurs et conductrices âgé(e)s de 17 à 54 ans, devaient permettre de répondre, entre autres, aux questions suivantes : De quoi sont constituées les différentes habitudes en matière de conduite automobile ? Quelle place occupent-elles dans la conduite des individus ? En quoi constituent-elles un frein au changement, à la modification des pratiques adoptées ? Quelles sont les dimensions qui participent à leur installation ? Les résultats de l’analyse ont permis de jeter les bases d’un modèle des comportements de conduite où les sensations corporelles se voient conférer un rôle des plus centraux, et où l’habitude – bien davantage caractérisée par la notion de confort que par celles d’automatisme ou de répétition – concourt non seulement à la pérennité, mais également à la régulation des conduites adoptées sur la route. / “The vast majority of accidents remain related to the dangerous behaviors of road users”. This straightforward statement is now accepted as a truism by the road safety community, although it is based on questionable premises. The most basic problem is that the research done during last decades was almost completely focused on analyzing solely the failing aspects of driving – accidents, traffic offences, driving errors and mistakes, high-risk and dysfunctional drivers, attitudes and psychological traits that may lead to dangerous driving, etc. In so doing, we came to forget that we still have plenty to learn about the art of ordinary driving. How can we expect to address the entire process of road accidents without first having identified, and clearly understood, the mechanisms of “regular” driving? How can we deepen our understanding of driving behaviors if we are completely ignoring all the usual, “normal” activities people do as they are driving their vehicles? This thesis was realized with the view to better understanding the driving behaviors, taking into account their diversity and richness. The study more specifically looked into the issue of habits, as they are a significant aspect of driving behaviors, but also as they are resilient, in that they pose real barriers to all those who are trying to change individual driving behaviors. In-depth interviews with 30 drivers, male and female, aged between 17 and 54, were meant to answer the following questions, among others: What are the different driving habits made of? To what extent do they direct driving behaviors? How do they hamper the change or modification of adopted practices? What are the factors that lead them to set in? The results of the analysis laid the foundations of a driving behaviors model in which body sensations take a central role, and the habit – which is more related to the idea of comfort than to ideas of automatism or repetition – contributes not only to the sustainability, but also to the regulation of the various behaviors adopted on the roads.
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Ekologinės ir įprastinės žemės ūkio gamybos poveikis Virvyčios upės vandens kokybei / Organic and conventional agricultural production on water quality of the river VirvyčiaŠerlinskaitė, Monika 13 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas: Virvyčios upės vandens kokybė.
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti pasklidosios taršos, iš ekologinės ir įprastinės žemės ūkio gamybos poveikį Virvyčios upės vandens kokybei.
Darbo uždaviniai: atlikti Virvyčios upės vandens kokybės analizę ties ekologinės gamybos ūkiu ir greta esančiu įprastinės gamybos ūkiu pagal svarbiausius taršos rodiklius; nustatyti sezoninę upės vandens kokybės rodiklių kaitą; palyginti ekologinės ir įprastinės žemės ūkių gamybos poveikį Virvyčios upės vandens kokybei. .
Tyrimo metodai: loginis – analitinis, matematinis – statistinis.
Vandens ištekliai nuolat atsinaujina, tačiau dėl taršos blogėjanti vandens kokybė riboja vandens naudojimą, kelia grėsmę mūsų sveikatai ir vandens ekosistemų funkcionavimui. Paviršinio vandens kokybė labiausiai priklauso nuo į vandens telkinius patenkančių teršalų savybių ir jų kiekių. Pagrindiniai upių cheminiai vandens teršalai yra organinės medžiagos, azoto ir fosforo junginiai, patenkantys iš pasklidosios ir sutelktosios taršos šaltinių.
Darbe analizuojama Virvyčios upės vandens kokybė. Remiantis Lietuvos Respublikos aplinkos apsaugos agentūros duomenimis, Virvyčios upė priklauso vandens telkinių rizikos grupei dėl vagos ištiesinimo ir vandens kokybės, nes yra veikiama pasklidosios žemės ūkio taršos. Žemės ūkio taršą, patenkančią į paviršinius vandenis, yra sunku išmatuoti ir kontroliuoti, nes ji patenka iš šaltinių, plačiai pasklidusių tam tikroje teritorijoje. Darbe siekta nustatyti pasklidosios taršos poveikį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object: Virvyčia river water quality
Research aim: assessment of diffuse pollution from organic and conventional agricultural production, the impact on the water quality of the river Virvyčia.
Objectives: Perform Virvyčia river water quality analysis on organic farm and an adjacent conventional farms by main pollution indicators; Identify seasonal river water quality parameters change; Compare organic and conventional production on the farm Virvyčia river water quality.
Water resources are constantly renewing, but due to the pollution, water quality is declining and limiting the water usage, threatening our health and lives in the aquatic ecosystems. Surface water quality is the most dependent on the pollutants discharged into water bodies, their characteristics and quantities. The main chemical pollutants in river water are organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, finding their way from diffuse or point sources of pollution.
This article analyzes the water quality of Virvyčia River, which belongs to the Venta River basin. According to the Lithuanian Environmental Protection Agency, Virvyčia river water may be at risk due to channel straightening and water quality, as it is exposed to diffuse agricultural pollution. Agricultural pollution discharged into the surface water is difficult to measure and control, because it comes from sources widely scattered in a certain area.
The research was aimed to determine the effects of diffuse pollution influence to... [to full text]
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