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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling och utvärdering av en stokastisk vädergenerator för simulering av korrelerade temperatur- och nederbördsserier, för tillämpningar på den nordiska elmarknaden

Svensson, Johanna January 2006 (has links)
Stochastic weather generators produce synthetic time series of meteorological data based on the statistical characteristics of observed weather at that specific location. It is important to note that weather generators are not weather forecasting algorithms, and thus are quite different from deterministic weather models. Stochastic model outputs behave statistically like weather data, but it is not expected that any particular simulated weather sequence will be duplicated in weather observations for a given location at a given time. Stochastic weather generators have for example been used in hydrological, agricultural and ecosystem studies. The synthetic time series of meteorological data then provide those conditions needed for a long term planning and risk analyses within these areas. In this study a stochastic weather generator, based on the approach reviewed in Richardson [1981], is developed and evaluated. The aim of the model is to provide the energy company E.ON’s models for hydrology and energy consumption with synthetic, correlated series of temperature and precipitation. The model is based on observed temperature and precipitation series from Gunnarn in the north of Sweden. A bipartite model composes the stochastic weather generator, one for the generation of temperature and one for the generation of precipitation. The two model parts are connected via the correlation between the two variables. Evaluation and tests of the stochastic weather generator are based on the specific requirements and the usage that the model is intended for. This includes for example the stochastic weather generator’s ability to simulate mean and variance of temperature as a function of the day of the year, monthly mean precipitation and average precipitation per period of precipitation as a function of the length of the period. The ability to simulate periods where the dominant factor is either warm or cold as well as dry and wet weather conditions was also investigated. All test results were very good, with the exceptions for one. The model encountered difficulties catching the characteristic double peak of the observed temperature distribution. Further investigations indicate that the problem occurred due to the fact that the observed temperature distribution exhibits skewness with seasonal variation. A solution is suggested, but for optimal performance further studies are required. This particular problem is not mentioned in accessible literature, thus it is hard to say if the problem has been ignored or not yet been noticed. The stochastic weather generator fulfills the requirements in a very good way. The model produce in a great extent synthetic time series of temperature and precipitation that statistically behave like observed weather data. / Stokastiska vädergeneratorer är modeller som genererar syntetiska tidsserier av meteorologiska variabler, genom att simulera egenskaperna hos observerad meteorologisk data. Det är viktigt att skilja en stokastisk vädergenerator från en deterministisk prognosmodell. Den resulterande tidsserien från en stokastisk vädergenerator har samma statistiska egenskaper som observerad väderdata, men det förväntas inte att någon viss simulerad sekvens skall kunna observeras på en viss plats under en viss tidpunkt. Stokastiska vädergeneratorer används bland annat för generering av indata till modeller för hydrologi, växtodling och ekologi. De simulerade serierna av meteorologiska variabler ger då förutsättningar för långsiktig planering och riskanalys inom dessa områden. I det här arbetet utvecklas och utvärderas en stokastisk vädergenerator av Richardson-typ, vars syfte är att förse energibolaget E.ONs modeller för hydrologi och energiförbrukning med syntetiska, korrelerade, temperatur- och nederbördsserier. Modellen är uppbyggd och anpassad efter observerade temperatur- och nederbördsserier från Gunnarn, som ligger i norra Sverige. Den stokastiska vädergeneratorn är uppbyggd av två delmodeller, en för temperaturgenerering och en för nederbördsgenerering, som kopplats ihop med hjälp av korrelationen mellan dessa variabler. Utvärdering och test av modellen baserar sig främst på de specifika krav och användningsområden som modellen är konstruerad för. Detta inkluderar bland annat undersökningar av den stokastiska vädergeneratorns förmåga att fånga temperaturens medelvärde och standardavvikelse som funktion av dag på året samt månadsmedelnederbörd och snittnederbörd per nederbördsperiod, som funktion av periodlängd. Även modellens förmåga att fånga antalet perioder (konsekutiva dagar) då temperaturen är kallare (≤ 2 °C) och varmare (≥ 2 °C) än medeltemperatur samt förmågan att fånga antalet perioder med uppehåll och med nederbörd undersöks. Överlag visar samtliga test ett mycket bra resultat, med ett undantag. Modellen har svårt att fånga den karakteristiska dubbeltoppen i den observerade temperturfördelningen. Vidare undersökningar tyder på att problemet orsakas av att den observerade temperaturseriens fördelning har en årstidsvarierande skevhet som försvårar modellens beskrivning av den samma. Ett förslag på lösning presenteras, men vidare studier krävs för att problemet skall lösas på ett optimalt sätt. Problemet har inte uppmärksammats i tillgänglig litteratur, vilket gör det svårt att veta om det har ignorerats eller om det inte har belysts tidigare. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att den stokastiska vädergeneratorn på ett mycket bra sätt lever upp till de krav som ställs. Modellen genererar syntetiska tidsserier av temperatur och nederbörd som i stor utsträckning har samma egenskaper som observerad data.

Modeling hydrometeorological extremes in Alpine catchments / Modellering av hydrometeorologiska extremvärden i alpina avrinningsområden

Voulgaridis, Theo January 2017 (has links)
Uncertainties with a modeling framework consisting of a weather generator, two precipitation disaggregation models and the hydrological HBV model was assessed with respect to hydrometeorological extremes in Tyrol, Austria. Extreme precipitation events are expected to increase in intensity and frequency in the Alps during a warmer climate. The Alpine regions may be particularly vulnerable to such changes in climate where many floods in Europe occurred during recent years and caused major damage and loss of life. Weather generators typically provide time series at daily resolution. Different disaggregation methods have therefore been proposed and successfully tested to increase temporal resolution in precipitation. This is essential since flood peaks may be maintained for as little as minutes. Here, the non-parametric method of fragments was tested and compared with the multiplicative microcanonical cascade model with uniform splitting on the reproduction of precipitation extremes. It is also demonstrated that the method of fragments model can be transformed to disaggregate temperature with slight changes in the model structure. Preliminary test results show that the simulation of discharge peaks can be improved by disaggregating temperature in comparison with using daily averages as input in the HBV model.  Test results show that precipitation extremes were simulated within confidence bounds for Kelchsauer and Gurglbach when using historical observations as input. These two catchments had longer records of data available in comparison with Ruetz where the majority of simulated precipitation extremes were found outside confidence ranges. This indicates that the model is data driven. Synthetic data series were constructed with the weather generator from historical data and disaggregated with the two disaggregation models. The differences between the models were bigger for Ruetz where less observed data was available. The method of fragments simulates extremes with the closest resemblance to extremes. This is also true for the reproduction of wet spells and simulated variance. To account for parameter uncertainty in the HBV model, it is highly motivated to simulate discharge with different but suitable parameter sets to account for equifinality. However, the large amount of data produced when disaggregating the weather generated time series transcended the data capacity of the HBV model and made it crash. Other uncertainties related to the framework are the use of theoretical probability distributions in the weather generator and the dependence of high-resolution data for the disaggregation model. Despite these uncertainties, the framework is closer to a physical understanding of the causes of floods than the uncertain frequency analysis method. The framework is also applicable to land-use and climate change studies.

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