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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Srovnání evropských sociálních modelů z hlediska jejich udržitelnosti / Comparison of European social models in terms of their sustainability

Trousilová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
Social policy in individual EU countries are different, but at it's core based on the sharing of basic, social and human values. Based on the level of state involvement in social practice to differentate free respectively four ideal types of social policy defined by Esping-Andersen. There are specific indicators such as economic growth, unemployment rate or the level of social expenditure, which can identify different types and distinguish between the level of state particition. The aim of my work is to analyze the European social model and social behavior of states distinguished by thedifferent models they use (Sweden, Germany, Great Britain and Spain). Defined by the European social model, at a certain abstraction of identifying the essential characteristics of social policy in seleted European countries in order to determine which intellectual concept in the typology of social policy is the closest.

Financování a plnění rozpočtu územních samosprávných celků v konkrétních podmínkách města Klatovy / Financing and budgetary fulfilment of regional government units under the specific conditions of the town of Klatovy

Sedláková, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
Graduation theses describes municipalities and delimits their legal standing, competency and municipality bodies. The theses deals with possible receipts and expenditures of municipality budgets. Second part of the theses focuses on receipts and expenditures of town Klatovy and their fulfilment in years 2006 until 2009.

Porovnání hospodaření města Pelhřimov s obcí Hořepník / Comparison of economical management of city Pelhřimov and municipality Hořepník

Šenkýřová, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The thesis consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part desribes of general problem of the management and perfomance of municipal authorities. It contains characteristic of municipalities, definition of independent and delegated authority, a description of municipal bodies and primarily definition of budget revenues, budget expenditures and budgeting method. The practical part includes characteristic of city Pelhřimov and municipality Hořepník. Afterwards it analyzes the management of this city and municipality during the years 2007-2009 and their mutual comparison.

Ekonomika vybraných obcí v oblasti krizového řízení / The economics of selected municipalities in the field of crisis management.

STASKOVÁ, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is "Economy of Selected Municipalities in the Field of Crisis Management". Each municipality should allocate funds in its approved annual budget, expenditure part, according to Section 25 of Act No. 240/2000 Coll., on crisis management and on amendment to certain acts (crisis act), to ensure preparation for crisis situations and the special-purpose reserve of financial resources to deal with crisis situations and eliminate their consequences. Most municipalities, however, do not earmark, or earmark these funds, but to the extent necessary. This situation was detected by a study and subsequently confirmed by the National Security Audit, which was approved by the Government of the Czech Republic in 2016. The aim of this thesis was to verify how selected municipalities of the South Bohemian Region, specifically in the territory of ORP České Budějovice, plan financial resources for the preparation and resolution of crisis situations according to Act No. 240/2000 Coll., on crisis management and on amendment to certain acts (crisis act). In order to obtain data related to the research question if the selected municipalities of the South Bohemian Region are planning funds for the preparation and resolution of crisis situations was chosen a questioning method, the questionnaire technique. A total of 109 municipalities in the South Bohemian Region in the territory of ORP České Budějovice were contacted within the questionnaire survey. The obtained data were analysed, subsequently graphically displayed and evaluated. Through the research investigation, it was found that the selected municipalities do not sufficiently plan funds for the preparation and resolution of crisis situations. The financial reserve is planned only by municipalities with a basic extent of state administration, but only at their discretion, not with regard to the development of crisis situations in the municipality or with regard to the amount of damage to municipal property or exceptionally. Municipalities with extended powers, municipalities with an authorized municipal office, do not plan funds at all or at least.

Zdravotní politika v České republice

Benešová, Lucie January 2006 (has links)
Obecná část diplomové práce se zabývá vymezením základních pojmů souvisejících se zdravotnictvím (zdraví a péče o něj, zdravotnické služby, zdravotní politika a zdravotnictví), zdravotnickým systémem a jeho typologií, možnostmi financování a úhrad zdravotní péče. Analytická část je věnována českému systému zdravotnictví, výdajům na zdravotnictví v ČR a možným návrhům na zlepšení situace.

Státní dluh České republiky

Mutafov, Jiří January 2007 (has links)
Svoji diplomovou práci jsem zaměřil na problematiku spojenou se státním dluhem. Práci jsem rozdělil do tří kapitol. První část obsahuje ekonomickou teorii vztahující se ke státnímu dluhu a veřejným financím jako celku. Poté následuje vývoj státního dluhu mezi roky 1993-2005. Po úvodní kapitole následuje část věnovaná řízení státního dluhu a transformačním institucím. V této části najdeme informace o struktuře státního dluhu, způsobech financování státního dluhu a také o možných rizicích týkajících se státního dluhu. Dále jsou zde informace o poskytnutých státních garancích a činnosti České konsolidační agentury. Následuje třetí kapitola. Na začátku kapitoly je provedena predikce budoucího makroekonomického a demografického vývoje. Na tuto predikci navazuje část věnující se mandatorním výdajům a jejich budoucímu růstu pod tlakem stárnutí populace. Jako další jsou zde vyčísleny celkové náklady transformace české ekonomiky a to mezi roky 1991-2004. Následuje část věnující se problematice rozpočtové disciplíny a také chování politiků při rozpočtovém procesu.

Analýza novinářské nezávislosti v segmentu stavebních spořitelen v souvislosti s jejich výdaji na reklamu

Lagová, Lucie January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce zkoumá potenciální závislost mezi články o stavebních spořitelnách publikovanými v médiích během června 2005 a května 2006 a mezi jejich reklamními výdaji do relevantních médií. V teoretické části je představen historický vývoj tří stěžejních témat diplomové práce ? žurnalistiky, reklamy a public relations. V dalších kapitolách jsou představeny stavební spořitelny na trhu, jejich komunikační strategie, reklamní výdaje a články o nich publikované. Analytická část obsahuje dvě samostatné analýzy. Obecná analýza zkoumá existenci/neexistenci závislosti mezi články publikovanými v médiích a reklamními výdaji spořitelen bez rozlišení jednotlivých médií. Výběrová analýza pak zkoumá existenci/neexistenci vztahů mezi sledovanými proměnnými v závislosti na typu médií, a dále pak v jednotlivých mediálních titulech.

Solidarita a sociální spravedlnost ve společnosti / Solidarity nad Social Justice in Society

Kankrlík, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The paper focuses on the welfare state, which is enjoying the favor on the one hand and facing the strong criticism on the other hand. The work aims to assess the relationship of the social expenditure share in GDP and the GDP growth in the selected European countries, namely Sweden, Germany and Great Britain. Within the solution of this question the work focuses first on the theory of the welfare state and the state intervention approaches applied in the exercise of social policy. Further the work points to the adverse effects of the social policy. In the applied part the paper analyzes the countries in terms of the structure of social expenditures, their share in GDP and the GDP growth in the period. The paper focuses particularly on the relationship of the share of social expenditures in GDP and the GDP growth. In all three cases the demonstration of the dependence of observed variables based on correlation analysis failed. At the conclusion the work provides evaluation of the relationship of the social expenditure share in GDP and the unemployment rate, where the dependence of both indicators was confirmed.

Veřejné investice státu a územně samosprávných celků jako stabilizátory hospodářského cyklu. / The size and role of central and local governments and their public investments as a stabilizators of business cycle

Vaško, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This work deals with stabilization policy of central Government and also local governments in the Czech republic, which is in present time very important question. There was made an analysis of available data on the central Government and local Government Levels. The analysis was made on time period 2001-2011. The data were compared with GDP growth for the central Government level or tax revenue from personal income for local governments. On the basis of this data, the conclusion has been made. Central and also local governments work as a stabilizator of business cycle and the hypothesis, that state and local governments work against business cycle, was confirmed.

Rozdíly v hospodaření různých velikostních skupin obcí a jejich zhodnocení / Differences in the financial management of different size categories of municipalities and their assessment

Vosyková, Martina January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on financial management of different size categories of municipalities, differences between them and their assessment. It is divided into two parts: theoretical-methodological part and following analytical part. The former one focuses on the status and functions of municipal government in the public administration system of Czech Republic, both currently and in terms of historical development that preceded the present state and also affected it. Furthermore, this part focuses on general financial management of municipalities in the Czech Republic, shows the structure of municipal budgets and their development in recent years. It also introduces the issue of budgetary tax allocation, which focuses on its development from the 90th years of the 20th century and planned changes in the future. The analytical part is then focused more on differences in the financial management of different size categories of municipalities. Based on the findings of research reports assesses the development undergone by the financial management of different size categories in the years 2006 -- 2010, where it focuses particularly on small municipalities that are often discussed as problematical in terms of their efficiency. Part of the analytical work is formed by author's own analysis of revenue and expenditure side of budgets of selected three municipalities in the years 2006 -- 2010 in terms of their structure and development in the reporting period. The municipalities were chosen to represent smaller municipalities (201 -- 1 000 inhabitants), medium-sized towns (10 001 -- 20 000 inhabitants) and also large towns (50 0001 -- 100 000 inhabitants). Subsequently, the data for each municipality are compared with each other, with an average of municipalities throughout the whole republic, as well as with the average of the appropriate size category to which a given municipality belongs to. In order to be able to compare the data and in order to eliminate any fluctuations between years, all the data are used in average numbers and in the per capita form.

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