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Challenges Within V2X : A cybersecurity risk assessment for V2X use casesBrorsson, Adrian January 2022 (has links)
Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) is referred to as the technology enabling communication and data exchange between vehicles and is considered a significant milestone within automotive. By enabling inter-vehicle communication, the vehicles will be more aware of their surroundings—including things outside their current line-of-sight (LOS). The vehicles utilizing this technology are in Europe referred to as Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS). A single vehicle is referred to as an ITS station (ITS-S). These are the terms presented in the European V2X standard called the ETSI ITS. This thesis considered the ETSI ITS standard since it is one of the most mature within the V2X standardization flora. This thesis investigated some significant V2X use cases and conducted a risk assessment on a selection of these use cases. These significant use cases were discovered by performing semi-structured interviews with five candidates within the field. The conducted risk assessment was performed according to a method called Threat, Vulnerability, and Risk Assessment (TVRA), which ETSI has developed. The results of this thesis work became a set of safety-functional use cases that were considered significant. The cybersecurity risk varied and spanned from critical to minor risk concerning the attacks taken into account. Since security and hardening are critical aspects of automotive connectivity, this thesis provides some future research directions at the end of this thesis. One of these topics is, for example, the privacy perspective on V2X, which was not considered in this thesis.
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Resource management in dense wireless networksMosavat-Jahromi, Seyed Hamed 22 December 2020 (has links)
Recently, the wide range of communication applications has greatly increased the number of connected devices, and this trend continues by emerging new technologies such as Internet-of-Things (IoT) and vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). The increase in the number of devices may sooner or later cause wireless spectrum shortage. Furthermore, with the limited wireless spectrum, transmission efficiency degrades when the network faces a super-dense situation. In IEEE 802.11ah-based networks whose channel access protocol is basically a contention-based one, the protocol loses its efficiency when the total number of contending users grows. VANETs suffer from the same problem, where broadcasting and receiving safety messages, i.e., beacons, are critical. An inefficient medium access control (MAC) can negatively impact the network's reliability. Effective resource management solutions are needed to improve the network's reliability and scalability considering the features of different types of networks. In this work, we address the resource management problem in dense wireless networks in vehicle-to-everything (V2X) systems and IoT networks.
For IoT networks, e.g., sensor networks, in which the network topology is quite stable, the grouping technique is exploited to make the stations (STAs) compete in a group to mitigate the contention and improve the channel access quality. While, in VANETs, devices are mobile and the network topology changes over time. In VANETs, beacons should be broadcast periodically by each vehicle reliably to improve road safety. Therefore, how to share the wireless resources to ensure reliability and scalability for these dense static and mobile wireless networks is still a difficult and open problem.
In static IoT networks, we apply the Max-Min fairness criterion to the STAs' throughput to group the STAs to ensure network performance and fairness. Formulation of the problem results in a non-convex integer programming optimization problem which avoids hidden terminals opportunistically. As solving the optimization problem has a high time complexity, the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) method is applied to the problem to find the sub-optimal solution.
To support reliable and efficient broadcasting in VANET, wireless resources are divided into basic resource units in the time and frequency domains, and a distributed and adaptive reservation-based MAC protocol (DARP) is proposed. For decentralized control in VANETs, each vehicle's channel access is coordinated with its neighbors to solve the hidden terminal problem. To ensure the reliability of beacon broadcasting, different kinds of preambles are applied in DARP to support distributed reservation, detect beacon collisions, and resolve the collisions. Once a vehicle reserves a resource unit successfully, it will not release it until a collision occurs due to topology change. Protocol parameters, including transmission power and time slots duration, can be adjusted to reduce collision probability and enhance reliability and scalability. Simulation of urban mobility (SUMO) is used to generated two different city traces to assess the DARP's performance.
Then, a distributed network coding-based MAC protocol (NC-MAC) is proposed to support reliable single-hop vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) beacon broadcasting. We combine the preamble-based feedback mechanism, retransmissions, and network coding together to enhance broadcasting reliability. We deploy the preamble mechanism to facilitate the negative acknowledgment (NACK) and retransmission request procedures. Moreover, linear combinations of missed beacons are generated according to the network coding (NC) principles. We also use SUMO to evaluate the NC-MAC's performance in highway and urban scenarios.
Group-casting and applying multi-hop communication can ensure reliability in V2X systems. As an extension of the proposed NC-MAC, a distributed grouping and network coding-assisted MAC protocol (GNC-MAC) is proposed to support reliable group-casting and multi-hop communication, which can address blockchain protocols' requirements. We propose a new grouping protocol by combining preamble-based feedback mechanism, multi-hop communication, and network coding to improve group-casting reliability. The preamble mechanism is responsible for reporting a NACK and requesting retransmission due to beacon missing. The missed beacons are combined according to the NC principles and sent on a resource block. / Graduate
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Evaluation of Simulated 802.11p and LTE Communication at Road Intersections and Urban Area of Self Driving CarsOdelstav, Albin January 2021 (has links)
Det här arbetet har undersökt hur mycket end-to-end delay, packet reception ratio och throughput påverkas av antal bilar, bilars hastighet samt avståndet mellan bilar i en simulerad miljö när standarden IEEE 802.11p och LTE-V2X används för kommunikation. Båda teknologierna använder det licensierade Intelligent Transport System-bandet på 5,9 GHz. För att simulera IEEE 802.11p användes ramverket Veins som kombinerar nätverkssimulatorn OMNeT++ med trafiksimulatorn SUMO, och för LTE-V2X användes SimuLTE. Alla bilar skickade säkerhetsmeddelanden på 320 byte var 100 millisekund. I stadsområdet, korsningen och den raka vägen som studerades presterade IEEE 802.11p bättre än LTE-V2X. Kommunikation med LTE-V2X visade sig vara mycket känsligare för förändringar än när IEEE 802.11p används. När antalet bilar blev fler ändrades delayen betydligt mer för LTE-V2X än IEEE 802.11p. Delayen var nära 0,12 millisekunder i alla tester när IEEE 802.11p användes, medan LTE-V2X varierade från 14 millisekunder till 10 sekunder. Antalet mottagna paket var också mycket högre för IEEE 802.11p än LTE-V2X. Medan packet reception ratio var nära 100% i alla test då IEEE 802.11p användes var LTE-V2X under 50% i de flesta fall. / This study has evaluated the impact on the end-to-end delay, packet reception ratio and throughput of vehicle density, vehicles speed and the distance between vehicles in a simulated environment, where the vehicles were communicating with the standards IEEE 802.11p and LTEV2X. Both technologies operate in the licensed Intelligent Transport System band of 5.9 GHz. The network simulator OMNeT++ was combined with the traffic simulator SUMO to build the V2X simulator. The framework Veins was used to simulate IEEE 802.11p and SimuLTE was used to simulate LTE-V2X. All vehicles sent out safety messages of 320 byte at a rate of 10 Hz, i.e., every 100 milliseconds. In the urban area, intersection and straight road that were studied, IEEE 802.11p performed better than LTE-V2X. It was shown that LTE-V2X is far more sensitive to changes than IEEE 802.11p. When the density got higher the end-to-end delay was changed significantly more for LTE-V2X than IEEE 802.11p. End-to-end delay was near 0.12 milliseconds in all tests when IEEE 802.11p was used, while LTE-V2X ranged from 14 milliseconds to 10 seconds. Packet reception ratio was much higher for IEEE 802.11p than LTE-V2X. While it was near 100% when IEEE 802.11p was used in all tests, LTE-V2X showed a packet reception ratio less than 50% in most cases.
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Preparing for V2X Deployment: Evaluating Current Anonymity Implementations, and Developing a Framework for Gauging Roadside Unit NetworkabilitySharp, Daniel Arnaudov 17 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis we answer two questions relating to the impending deployment of V2X. We answer, "What is the state of current privacy measures implemented to prevent tracking and promote anonymity?" We answer this by showing that tracking methods used to circumvent changing IDs are possible. We also show through conservative calculations that this problem will not go away on its own and requires direct effort. We also answer, "Is the available production V2X hardware ready for scalable deployment?" To do this we develop a framework for evaluating RSUs and many of their core functions related to deployment, scalability, and management. We find that generally RSUs perform their tasks sufficiently. The areas lacking the most align with the areas with the most change in the last several years. During the course of this research, we had access to production-level hardware and data sets from deployed V2X test networks. We believe this gives extra weight to our work as we have not found another research group with the breadth of access we were granted. We hope this work will provide clear and accurate insight into the developmental landscape of V2X and inform industry and regulatory leaders on critical decisions which need to be made about security and V2X development.
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Régulation coopérative des intersections : protocoles et politiques / Cooperative Intersection Management : Protocols and policiesPerronnet, Florent 27 May 2015 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous exploitons le potentiel offert par les véhicules autonomes coopératifs, pour fluidifier le trafic dans une intersection isolée puis dans un réseau d’intersections. Nous proposons le protocole SVAC (Système du Véhicule Actionneur Coopératif) permettant de réguler une intersection isolée. SVAC est basé sur une distribution individuelle du droit de passage qui respecte un ordre précis donné par une séquence de passage.Pour optimiser la séquence de passage, nous définissons la politique PED (Politique d’Evacuation Distribuée) permettant d’améliorer le temps d’évacuation total de l’intersection. La création de la séquence de passage est étudiée à travers deux modélisations. Une modélisation sous forme de graphes permettant le calcul de la solution optimale en connaissant les dates d’arrivée de tous les véhicules, et une modélisation de type réseaux de Petri avec dateurs pour traiter la régulation temps-réel. Des tests réels avec des véhicules équipés ont été réalisés pour étudier la faisabilité du protocole SVAC. Des simulations mettant en jeu un trafic réaliste permettent ensuite de montrer la capacité de fluidifier le trafic par rapport à une régulation classique par feux tricolores.La régulation d’un réseau d’intersections soulève les problèmes d’interblocage et de réorientation du trafic. Nous proposons le protocole SVACRI (Système du Véhicule Actionneur Coopératif pour les Réseaux d’Intersections) qui permet d’éliminer à priori les risques d’interblocage à travers la définition de contraintes d’occupation et de réservation de l’espace et du temps. Nous étudions également la possibilité d’améliorer la fluidité du trafic à travers le routage des véhicules, en tirant avantage du protocole SVACRI. Enfin, nous généralisons le système de régulation proposé pour la synchronisation des vitesses aux intersections. / The objective of this work is to use the potential offered by the wireless communication and autonomous vehicles to improve traffic flow in an isolated intersection and in a network of intersections. We define a protocol, called CVAS (Cooperative Vehicle Actuator System) for managing an isolated intersection. CVAS distributes separately the right of way to each vehicle according to a specific order determined by a computed sequence.In order to optimize the sequence, we define a DCP (Distributed Clearing Policy) to improve the total evacuation time of the intersection. The control strategy is investigated through two modeling approaches. First graph theory is used for calculating the optimal solution according to the arrival times of all vehicles, and then a timed Petri Net model is used to propose a real-time control algorithm. Tests with real vehicles are realized to study the feasibility of CVAS. Simulations of realistic traffic flows are performed to assess our algorithm and to compare it versus conventional traffic lights.Managing a network of intersections raises the issue of gridlock. We propose CVAS-NI protocol (Cooperative Vehicle actuator system for Networks of Intersections), which is an extension of CVAS protocol. This protocol prevents the deadlock in the network through occupancy and reservation constraints. With a deadlock free network we extend the study to the traffic routing policy. Finally, we generalize the proposed control system for synchronizing the vehicle velocities at intersections.
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Practical Algorithms and Analysis for Next-Generation Decentralized Vehicular NetworksDayal, Avik 19 November 2021 (has links)
The development of autonomous ground and aerial vehicles has driven the requirement for radio access technologies (RATs) to support low latency applications. While onboard sensors such as Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), Radio Detection and Ranging (RADAR), and cameras can sense and assess the immediate space around the vehicle, RATs are crucial for the exchange of information on critical events, such as accidents and changes in trajectory, with other vehicles and surrounding infrastructure in a timely manner. Simulations and analytical models are critical in modelling and designing efficient networks.
In this dissertation, we focus on (a) proposing and developing algorithms to improve the performance of decentralized vehicular communications in safety critical situations and (b) supporting these proposals with simulation and analysis of the two most popular RAT standards, the Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) standard, and the Cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) standard.
In our first contribution, we propose a risk based protocol for vehicles using the DSRC standard. The protocol allows a higher beacon transmission rate for vehicles that are at a higher risk of collision. We verify the benefits of the risk based protocol over conventional DSRC using ns-3 simulations. Two risk based beacon rate protocols are evaluated in our ns-3 simulator, one that adapts the beacon rate between 1 and 10 Hz, and another between 1 and 20 Hz. Our results show that both protocols improve the packet delivery ratio (PDR) performance by up to 45% in congested environments using the 1-10 Hz adaptive beacon rate protocol and by 38% using the 1-20 Hz adaptive scheme. The two adaptive beacon rate protocol simulation results also show that the likelihood of a vehicle collision due to missed packets decreases by up to 41% and 77% respectively, in a three lane dense highway scenario with 160 vehicles operating at different speeds.
In our second contribution, we study the performance of a distance based transmission protocol for vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) using tools from stochastic geometry. We consider a risk based transmission protocol where vehicles transmit more frequently depending on the distance to adjacent vehicles. We evaluate two transmission policies, a listen more policy, in which the transmission rate of vehicles decreases as the inter-vehicular distance decreases, and a talk more policy, in which the transmission rate of vehicles increases as the distance to the vehicle ahead of it decreases. We model the layout of a highway using a 1-D Poisson Point process (PPP) and analyze the performance of a typical receiver in this highway setting. We characterize the success probability of a typical link assuming slotted ALOHA as the channel access scheme. We study the trends in success probability as a function of system parameters.
Our third contribution includes improvements to the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Release 14 C-V2X standard, evaluated using a modified collision framework. In C-V2X basic safety messages (BSMs) are transmitted through Mode-4 communications, introduced in Release 14. Mode-4 communications operate under the principle of sensing-based semi-persistent scheduling (SPS), where vehicles sense and schedule transmissions without a base station present. We propose an improved adaptive semi-persistent scheduling, termed Ch-RRI SPS, for Mode-4 C-V2X networks. Specifically, Ch-RRI SPS allows each vehicle to dynamically adjust in real-time the BSM rate, referred to in the LTE standard as the resource reservation interval (RRI). Our study based on system level simulations demonstrates that Ch-RRI SPS greatly outperforms SPS in terms of both on-road safety performance, measured as collision risk, and network performance, measured as packet delivery ratio, in all considered C-V2X scenarios. In high density scenarios, e.g., 80 vehicles/km, Ch-RRI SPS shows a collision risk reduction of 51.27%, 51.20% and 75.41% when compared with SPS with 20 ms, 50 ms, and 100 ms RRI respectively.
In our fourth and final contribution, we look at the tracking error and age-of-information (AoI) of the latest 3GPP Release 16 NR-V2X standard, which includes enhancements to the 3GPP Release 14 C-V2X standard. The successor to Mode-4 C-V2X, known as Mode-2a NR-V2X, makes slight changes to sensing-based semi-persistent scheduling (SPS), though vehicles can still sense and schedule transmissions without a base station present. We use AoI and tracking error, which is the freshness of the information at the receiver and the difference in estimated vs actual location of a transmitting vehicle respectively, to measure the impact of lost and outdated BSMs on a vehicle's ability to localize neighboring vehicles. In this work, we again show that such BSM scheduling (with a fixed RRI) suffers from severe under- and over- utilization of radio resources, which severely compromises timely dissemination of BSMs and increases the system AoI and tracking error. To address this, we propose an RRI selection algorithm that measures the age or freshness of messages from neighboring vehicles to select an RRI, termed Age of Information (AoI)-aware RRI (AoI-RRI) selection. Specifically, AoI-aware SPS (i) measures the neighborhood AoI (as opposed to channel availability) to select an age-optimal RRI and (ii) uses a modified SPS procedure with the chosen RRI to select BSM transmission opportunities that minimize the overall system AoI. We compare AoI-RRI SPS to Ch-RRI SPS and fixed RRI SPS for NR-V2X. Our experiments based on the Mode-2a NR-V2X standard implemented using system level simulations show both Ch-RRI SPS and AoI-RRI SPS outperform SPS in high density scenarios in terms of tracking error and age-of-information. / Doctor of Philosophy / An increasing number of vehicles are equipped with a large set of on-board sensors that enable and support autonomous capabilities. Such sensors, which include Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), Radio Detection and Ranging (RADAR), and cameras, are meant to increase passenger and driver safety. However, similar to humans, these sensors are limited to line-of-sight (LOS) visibility, meaning they cannot see beyond other vehicles, corners, and buildings. For this reason, efficient vehicular communications are essential to the next generation of vehicles and could significantly improve road safety. In addition, vehicular communications enable the timely exchange of critical information with other vehicles, cellular and roadside infrastructure, and pedestrians. However, unlike typical wireless and cellular networks, vehicular networks are expected to operate in a distributed manner, as there is no guarantee of the presence of cellular infrastructure.
Accurate simulations and analytical models are critical in improving and guaranteeing the performance of the next generation of vehicular networks. In this dissertation, we propose and develop novel and practical distributed algorithms to enhance the performance of decentralized vehicular communications. We support these algorithms with computer simulations and analytical tools from the field of stochastic geometry.
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Feasibility Study and Performance Evaluation of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communications ApplicationsChoi, Junsung 13 September 2018 (has links)
Vehicular communications are a major subject of research and policy activity in industry, government, and academia. Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) is currently the main protocol used for vehicular communications, and it operates in the 5.9 GHz band. In addition to DSRC radios, other potential uses of this band include Wi-Fi, LTE-V, and communication among unlicensed devices. This dissertation presents an architecture and a feasibility analysis including field measurements and analysis for vehicle-to-train (V2T) communications, a safety-critical vehicular communication application. The dissertation also presents a survey of research relevant to each of several possible combinations of radio-spectrum and vehicular-safety regulations that would affect use of the 5.9 GHz band, identifies the most challenging of the possible resulting technical challenges, and presents initial measurements to assess feasibility of sharing the band by DSRC radios and other devices that operate on adjacent frequencies using different wireless communication standards.
Although wireless technology is available for safety-critical communications, few applications have been developed to improve railroad crossing safety. A V2T communication system for a safety warning application with DSRC radios can address the need to prevent collisions between trains and vehicles. The dissertation presents a V2T early warning application architecture with a safety notification time and distance. We conducted channel measurements at a 5.86–5.91-GHz frequency and 5.9-GHz DSRC performance measurements at railroad crossings in open spaces, shadowed environments, and rural and suburban environments related to the presented V2T architecture. Our measurements and analyses show that the DSRC protocol can be adapted to serve the purpose of a V2T safety warning system.
The 5.9 GHz band has been sought after by several stakeholders, including traditional mobile operators, DSRC proponents, unlicensed Wi-Fi proponents and Cellular-Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) proponents. The FCC and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the two major organizations that are responsible for regulations related to vehicular communications, have not finalized rules regarding this band. The relative merits of the above mentioned wireless communication standards and coexistence issues between these standards are complex. There has been considerable research devoted to understanding the performance of these standards, but in some instances there are gaps in needed research. We have analyzed regulation scenarios that FCC and NHTSA are likely to consider and have identified the technical challenges associated with these potential regulatory scenarios. The technical challenges are presented and for each a survey of relevant technical literature is presented. In our opinion for the most challenging technical requirements that could be mandated by new regulations are interoperability between DSRC and C-V2X and the ability to detect either adjacent channel or co-channel coexisting interference. We conducted initial measurements to evaluate the feasibility of adjacent channel coexistence between DSRC, Wi-Fi, and C-V2X, which is one of the possible regulatory scenarios. We set DSRC at Channel 172, Wi-Fi at Channel 169 for 20 MHz bandwidth and at Channel 167 for 40 MHz, and C-V2X at Channel 174 with almost 100% spectrum capacity. From the measurements, we observed almost no effects on DSRC performance due to adjacent channel interference. Based on our results, we concluded that adjacent channel coexistence between DSRC, C-V2X, and Wi-Fi is possible.
DSRC systems can provide good communication range; however, the range is likely to be reduced in the presence of interference and / or Non-Line-of-Sight (NLoS) conditions. Such environmental factors are the major influence on DSRC performance. By knowing the relationship between DSRC and environmental factors, DSRC radios can be set up in a way that promotes good performance in an environment of interest. We chose propagation channel characteristics to generate DSRC performance modelling by using estimation methods. The conducted DSRC performance measurements and propagation channel characteristics are independent; however, they share the same distance parameters. Results of linear regression to analyze the relationship between DSRC performance and propagation channel characteristics indicate that additional V2T measurements are required to provide data for more precise modeling. / PHD / Researchers and regulators in industry, government, and academic institutions are interested in vehicular communications. Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) is currently the standard protocol for communication between vehicles, including for safety applications, and operates in the band of radio frequencies near 5.9 GHz. In addition to operators of DSRC radios, other potential users are interested in using the 5.9 GHz band. This dissertation presents an architecture and a feasibility analysis including field measurements for vehicle-to-train (V2T) communications, a safety-critical vehicular communication application. The dissertation also identifies major technical challenges that could become important in the future for users of the 5.9 GHz band. The challenges will be different depending on what decisions government regulators make about the types of radios and communication protocols that are allowed in the 5.9 GHz band and about which types of radios should be used for vehicular safety.
Although wireless technology is available for safety-critical communications, few applications have been developed to improve railroad crossing safety. To prevent collisions between trains and vehicles, we present a vehicle-to-train (V2T) communication system that uses DSRC radios to provide safety warnings to motorists. Although the term V2T is used, the emphasis is on communication from the train to vehicles. We present a high-level design, or architecture, of the warning system that includes goals for safety notification time and vi distance. We conducted measurements of radio channels near 5.9 GHz as well as measurements of 5.9 GHz DSRC radio link performance at the same locations (railroad crossings in open spaces, shadowed or obstructed environments, and rural and suburban environments). The measurements were performed to help decide whether the V2T warning system architecture would work.
A DSRC system can provide good communication range; however, that range could be reduced if the DSRC system experiences interference from other radios or if the signal is partially blocked due to objects between the DSRC radios. The environmental factors are the most important influence on DSRC performance. By knowing the relationship between DSRC and environmental factors, manufacturers and operators can set up the radios to perform well in environments of interest. Although DSRC performance and radio channel characteristics were measured separately, they were measured in the same locations near railroad crossings. This made it possible to perform a statistical analysis of the relationship between DSRC performance and propagation channel characteristics. This analysis indicated that additional measurements will be required to collect enough data to develop robust statistical models that relate DSRC performance directly to measured channel characteristics. However, the results of the V2T measurements that we conducted near rural and suburban railroad crossings with varying numbers and types of obstacles to the radio signals provide a strong indication that DSRC can be used for to provide V2T safety warnings.
The 5.9 GHz band has been sought after by several stakeholders, including traditional mobile operators and others who support use of the band for DSRC, unlicensed Wi-Fi, and CellularVehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) communication. The FCC and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the two major organizations that are responsible for vii regulations related to vehicular communications, have not finalized the rules regarding this band. The relative merits of the above mentioned communication standards and coexistence issues between these standards are complex. There has been considerable research devoted to understanding the performance of these standards, but in some instances there are gaps in needed research. We have analyzed regulation scenarios that FCC and NHTSA are likely to consider and have identified the technical challenges associated with these potential regulatory scenarios. The technical challenges are presented and for each a survey of relevant technical literature is presented. In our opinion for the most challenging technical requirements that could result from new regulations are interoperability between DSRC and C-V2X and the ability to detect either adjacent channel or co-channel coexisting interference. We conducted initial measurements to evaluate the feasibility of adjacent channel coexistence between DSRC, Wi-Fi, and C-V2X, which is one of the possible regulatory scenarios. From the measurements, we observed almost no effect on DSRC performance when other types of radios used frequencies adjacent to the frequencies used by the DSRC radios. Based on our results, we concluded that adjacent channel coexistence between DSRC, C-V2X, and Wi-Fi is possible.
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Reliability and Throughput Improvement in Vehicular Communication by Using 5G TechnologiesDey, Utpal-Kumar 12 1900 (has links)
The vehicular community is moving towards a whole new paradigm with the advancement of new technology. Vehicular communication not only supports safety services but also provides non-safety services like navigation support, toll collection, web browsing, media streaming, etc. The existing communication frameworks like Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) and Cellular V2X (C-V2X) might not meet the required capacity in the coming days. So, the vehicular community needs to adopt new technologies and upgrade the existing communication frameworks so that it can fulfill the desired expectations. Therefore, an increment in reliability and data rate is required. Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO), 5G New Radio, Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) Code, and Massive MIMO signal detection and equalization algorithms are the latest addition to the 5G wireless communication domain. These technologies have the potential to make the existing V2X communication framework more robust. As a result, more reliability and throughput can be achieved. This work demonstrates these technologies' compatibility and positive impact on existing V2X communication standard.
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Relay Selection for Heterogeneous Transmission Powers in Connected VehiclesAlotaibi, Maryam January 2017 (has links)
It is widely believed that the advances of Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications will help to remodel the prospect of road transportation systems. By virtue of V2V communications, information generated by the vehicle control system, on-board sensors or passengers can be effectively disseminated among vehicles in proximity, or to vehicles in multiple hops away in a vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET). Without assistance from any built infrastructure, a variety of active road safety applications (e.g., Vehicle-Based Road Condition Warning, Cooperative Collision Warning, Approaching Emergency Vehicle Warning) and traffic efficiency management applications (e.g., Wrong Way Driver Warning) are enabled by inter-vehicle wireless links. The purpose of connecting vehicle technologies is to improve road safety, awareness, and transportation systems efficiency.
The Wireless Access for Vehicular Environments (WAVE) technology/Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) is the main enabling wireless technology for both V2V and vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications. From USDOT and stakeholders detailed analysis, it is resolved that WAVE is the only viable option for critical safety and other low latency mobility and environmental applications. WAVE technology has reached to a mature stage and a basic V2V system is expected to be deployed in the next few years. In the late part of 2015, USDOT announce that WAVE is sufficiently robust to proceed with the preparation for deployment of connected vehicle environments. The USDOT has created a roadmap with preliminary plans to guide industries and public agencies implementation efforts. However, there are persisting major concerns regarding the V2V initiative needing more analysis and testing. One of the concerns is the channel congestion. Channel congestion may impact WAVE effectiveness, which may in turn impact the effectiveness of supported safety applications. Suggested solutions to mitigate congestion are focused on supporting adaptive control of the message transmission power. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) have included transmit power component per packet to be used for channel congestion control mechanism. The adjustment of transmission powers has created an environment of vehicles with different transmission powers. Such environment will affect the performance of the proposed protocols to disseminate warning messages. It may also affect the performance of periodic beaconing that is required by most of the safety applications. Thus far, several protocols have been proposed to help identify appropriate relay vehicles. However, such approaches neglect the fact that vehicle transmission ranges are typically heterogeneous due to different transmission power values or dynamic adjustment of power to alleviate congestion. The proper selection of relay nodes governs high delivery ratio, acceptable overall end-to-end delay and efficient bandwidth usage. In this work, area-based relay selection protocols that work in heterogeneous transmission powers are introduced. Mathematical functions are developed for a timer and decision probability to be used by each vehicle receiving the message. The values of the two functions allow the vehicle to determine if it is the next to act as relay node or not. Geometric taxonomy for all possible overlap patterns in wireless environment is constructed with the related math calculations. Moreover, an adaptive expiry time for neighbours-table entries that harmonizes with dynamic beacon scheduling is proposed.
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Demo: Real-Time Vehicle Movement Tracking on Android Devices Through Bluetooth Communication With DSRC DevicesAhmed, Md Salman, Hoque, Mohammad A., Khattak, Asad J. 02 July 2016 (has links)
© 2016 IEEE. This demo paper describes the architecture and communication protocols - both single hop and multi-hop - for DSRC devices. The paper also describes an Android application that enables visualization of real-time vehicle movements on Google map using DSRC and Bluetooth communication. The application receives information about position, speed and direction of mobility that multiple vehicles obtain through the GPS Receiver attached to their DSRC OBU. The android application communicates with one of the DSRC units through Bluetooth to gather real-time traces collected from all DSRC-equipped vehicles. The application displays live movement of these vehicles on Google map with their path history, speed and direction. The source code and installation files of this application will be released through the Open Source Application Development Portal (OSADP) hosted by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
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