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A Variable-Stiffness Compliant Mechanism for Stiffness-Controlled Haptic InterfacesHawks, Jeffrey C 01 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In this research a variable-stiffness compliant mechanism was developed to generate variable force-displacement profiles at the mechanisms coupler point. The mechanism is based on a compliant Roberts straight-line mechanism, and the stiffness is varied by changing the effective length of the compliant links with an actuated slider. The variable-stiffness mechanism was used in a one-degree-of-freedom haptic interface to demonstrate the effectiveness of varying the stiffness of a compliant mechanism. Unlike traditional haptic interfaces, in which the force is controlled using motors and rigid links, the haptic interface developed in this work displays haptic stiffness via the variable-stiffness compliant mechanism. The force-deflection behavior of the mechanismwas analyzed using the Pseudo-Rigid Body Model (PRBM), and two key parameters, KQ and g,were optimized using finite element analysis (FEA) to match the model with the behavior of the device. One of the key features of the mechanism is that the inherent return-to-zero behavior of the compliant mechanism was used to provide the stiffness feedback felt by the user. A prototype haptic interface was developed capable of simulating the force-displacement profile of Lachmans Test performed on an injured ACL knee. The compliant haptic interface was capable of displaying stiffnesses between 4200 N/m and 7200 N/m.
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Statistical Methods for Functional Genomics Studies Using Observational DataLu, Rong 15 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Teoría de distribución de valores de funciones meromorfas y sus aplicacionesAchahuanco Gamarra, Garry 13 February 2017 (has links)
Rolf Nevanlinna, matemático finlandés (1895-1980), fue reconocido por sus trabajos en el campo de las funciones de variable compleja. Su trabajo más significativo estuvo relacionado con la teoría de la distribución de los valores de las funciones meromorfas, donde probó los dos teoremas que llevan su nombre, con importantes consecuencias en dicha teoría.
Es conocido que la resolución de ciertos problemas teóricos y prácticos dependen a veces del comportamiento de las raíces de la ecuación f(z) = a; donde f(z) es una función entera o meromorfa y a es un valor complejo. Por ende es de vital importancia investigar el número n(r; f = a) de las raíces de la ecuación anterior y su distribución en el disco DR, cada raíz será contada de acuerdo a su multiplicidad.
En el último siglo, el famoso matemático E. Picard obtuvo un resultado importante: toda función entera no constante f(z) toma cada valor complejo infinitas veces, con la posible excepción de un valor. Después, E. Borel introdujo el concepto de orden de una función entera y otros matemáticos profundizaron el teorema de Picard, como el teorema grande de Picard y el teorema de Picard-Borel. Estos resultados tenían limitaciones importantes, por ejemplo trataban solamente el caso de funciones enteras, es decir no consideraban funciones meromorfas y por otro lado se imponía la restricción de que fueran funciones de orden finito.
La teoría de distribución de valores tiene significativas aplicaciones, por ejemplo a las ecuaciones diferenciales complejas.
Finalmente indicamos que a lo largo del tiempo se han desarrollado métodos diferentes para demostrar los resultados de Nevanlinna, pero en este trabajo se ha seguido los resultados originales en muchos casos de esta teoría. / Tesis
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Kinematically singular pre-stressed mechanisms as new semi-active variable stiffness springs for vibration isolationAzadi Sohi, Mojtaba 11 1900 (has links)
Researchers have offered a variety of solutions for overcoming the old and challenging problem of undesired vibrations. The optimum vibration-control solution that can be a passive, semi-active or active solution, is chosen based on the desired level of vibration-control, the budget and the nature of the vibration source. Mechanical vibration-control systems, which work based on variable stiffness control, are categorized as semi-active solutions. They are advantageous for applications with multiple excitation frequencies, such as seismic applications. The available mechanical variable stiffness systems that are used for vibration-control, however, are slow and usually big, and their slowness and size have limited their application. A new semi-active variable stiffness solution is introduced and developed in this thesis to address these challenges by providing a faster vibration-control system with a feasible size.
The new solution proposed in this thesis is a semi-active variable stiffness mount/isolator called the antagonistic Variable Stiffness Mount (VSM), which uses a variable stiffness spring called the Antagonistic Variable stiffness Spring (AVS). The AVS is a kinematically singular prestressable mechanism. Its stiffness can be changed by controlling the prestress of the mechanisms links. The AVS provides additional stiffness for a VSM when such stiffness is needed and remains inactive when it is not needed. The damping of the VSM is constant and an additional constant stiffness in the VSM supports the deadweight. Two cable-mechanisms - kinematically singular cable-driven mechanisms and Prism Tensegrities - are developed as AVSs in this thesis. Their optimal configurations are identified and a general formulation for their prestress stiffness is provided by using the notion of infinitesimal mechanism.
The feasibility and practicality of the AVS and VSM are demonstrated through a case study of a typical engine mount by simulation of the mathematical models and by extensive experimental analysis. A VSM with an adjustable design, a piezo-actuation mechanism and a simple on-off controller is fabricated and tested for performance evaluation. The performance is measured based on four criteria: (1) how much the VSM controls the displacement near the resonance, (2) how well the VSM isolates the vibration at high frequencies, (3) how well the VSM controls the motion caused by shock, and (4) how fast the VSM reacts to control the vibration. For this evaluation, first the stiffness of the VSM was characterized through static and dynamic tests. Then performance of the VSM was evaluated and compared with an equivalent passive mount in two main areas of transmissibility and shock absorption. The response time of the VSM is also measured in a realistic scenario.
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Kinematically singular pre-stressed mechanisms as new semi-active variable stiffness springs for vibration isolationAzadi Sohi, Mojtaba Unknown Date
No description available.
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On specification and inference in the econometrics of public procurementSundström, David January 2016 (has links)
In Paper [I] we use data on Swedish public procurement auctions for internal regularcleaning service contracts to provide novel empirical evidence regarding green publicprocurement (GPP) and its effect on the potential suppliers’ decision to submit a bid andtheir probability of being qualified for supplier selection. We find only a weak effect onsupplier behavior which suggests that GPP does not live up to its political expectations.However, several environmental criteria appear to be associated with increased complexity,as indicated by the reduced probability of a bid being qualified in the postqualificationprocess. As such, GPP appears to have limited or no potential to function as an environmentalpolicy instrument. In Paper [II] the observation is made that empirical evaluations of the effect of policiestransmitted through public procurements on bid sizes are made using linear regressionsor by more involved non-linear structural models. The aspiration is typically to determinea marginal effect. Here, I compare marginal effects generated under both types ofspecifications. I study how a political initiative to make firms less environmentally damagingimplemented through public procurement influences Swedish firms’ behavior. Thecollected evidence brings about a statistically as well as economically significant effect onfirms’ bids and costs. Paper [III] embarks by noting that auction theory suggests that as the number of bidders(competition) increases, the sizes of the participants’ bids decrease. An issue in theempirical literature on auctions is which measurement(s) of competition to use. Utilizinga dataset on public procurements containing measurements on both the actual and potentialnumber of bidders I find that a workhorse model of public procurements is bestfitted to data using only actual bidders as measurement for competition. Acknowledgingthat all measurements of competition may be erroneous, I propose an instrumental variableestimator that (given my data) brings about a competition effect bounded by thosegenerated by specifications using the actual and potential number of bidders, respectively.Also, some asymptotic results are provided for non-linear least squares estimatorsobtained from a dependent variable transformation model. Paper [VI] introduces a novel method to measure bidders’ costs (valuations) in descending(ascending) auctions. Based on two bounded rationality constraints bidders’costs (valuations) are given an imperfect measurements interpretation robust to behavioraldeviations from traditional rationality assumptions. Theory provides no guidanceas to the shape of the cost (valuation) distributions while empirical evidence suggeststhem to be positively skew. Consequently, a flexible distribution is employed in an imperfectmeasurements framework. An illustration of the proposed method on Swedishpublic procurement data is provided along with a comparison to a traditional BayesianNash Equilibrium approach.
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Une nouvelle famille de modèles linéaires généralisés (GLMs) pour l'analyse de données catégorielles ; application à la structure et au développement des plantes.Peyhardi, Jean 09 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Le but de cette thèse est de proposer une nouvelle classe de GLMs pour une variable réponse catégorielle structurée hiérarchiquement, comme une variable partiellement ordonnée par exemple. Une première étape a été de mettre en évidence les différences et les point communs entre les GLMs pour variables réponses nominale et ordinale. Sur cette base nous avons introduit une nouvelle spécification des GLMs pour variable réponse catégorielle, qu'elle soit ordinale ou nominale, basée sur trois composantes : le ratio de probabilitées r, la fonction de répartition F et la matrice de design Z. Ce cadre de travail nous a permis de définir une nouvelle famille de modèles pour données nominales, comparable aux familles de modèles cumulatifs, séquentiels et adjacents pour données ordinales. Puis nous avons défini la classe des modèles linéaires généralisés partitionnés conditionnels (PCGLMs) en utilisant des arbres orientés et la specification (r,F,Z). Dans notre contexte biologique, les données sont des séquences multivariées composées d'une variable réponse catégorielle (le type de production axillaire) et de variables explicatives (longueur de l'entre-noeud par exemple). Dans les combinaisons semi-markoviennes de modèles linéaires généralisés partitionnés conditionnés (SMS-PCGLM) estimées sur la base de ces séquences, la semi-chaîne de Markov sous-jacente représente la succession et les longueurs des zones de ramification, tandis que les PCGLMs représentent, l'influence des variables explicatives de croissance sur les productions axillaires dans chaque zone de ramification. En utilisant ces modèles statistiques intégratifs, nous avons montré que la croissance de la pousse influençait des événements de ramification particuliers.
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The potential benefits of combined heat and power based district energy gridsDuquette, Jean 28 February 2017 (has links)
In this dissertation, an assessment is conducted of the potential benefits of combined heat and power (CHP) based district energy (DE) grids in energy systems of different scale having significant fossil fuel fired electrical generation capacity. Three studies are included in the research.
In the first study, the potential benefits of expanding CHP-based DE grids in a large scale energy system are investigated. The impacts of expanding wind power systems are also investigated and a comparison between these technologies is made with respect to fossil fuel utilization and CO2 emissions. A model is constructed and five scenarios are evaluated with the EnergyPLAN software taking the province of Ontario, Canada as the case study. Results show that reductions in fuel utilization and CO2 emissions of up to 8.5% and 32%, respectively, are possible when switching to an energy system comprising widespread CHP-based DE grids.
In the second study, a high temporal resolution numerical model (i.e. the SS-VTD model) is developed that is capable of rapidly calculating distribution losses in small scale variable flow DE grids with low error and computational intensity. The SS-VTD model is validated by comparing simulated temperature data with measured temperature data from an existing network. The Saanich DE grid, located near Victoria, Canada, is used as the case study for validation.
In the third study, the potential benefits of integrating high penetrations of renewable energy via a power-to-heat plant in a small scale CHP-based DE grid are investigated. The impacts of switching to a CHP-based DE grid equipped with an electric boiler plant versus a conventional wave power system are compared with respect to fossil fuel utilization and CO2 emissions. The SS-VTD model is used to conduct the study. The energy system of the Hot Springs Cove community, located on the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada is used as the case study in the analysis. Results show that relative to the conventional wave power system, reductions in fuel utilization and CO2 emissions of up to 47% are possible when switching to a CHP-based DE grid. / Graduate
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Análise e projeto de um motor de relutância chaveado com o auxílio do método dos elementos finitos. / Analysis and design of a switched reluctance motor using the finite-element method.Paula, Pedro Pereira de 19 October 1993 (has links)
Este trabalho se insere num contexto de desenvolvimento da capacitação para aplicações de motores de relutância chaveados, com ênfase aos aspectos eletromagnéticos do acionamento. Inicialmente, são apresentados os principais aspectos construtivos do motor e de funcionamento do seu conversor. São discutidos os fluxos de energia do acionamento e sao apresentadas as suas características operacionais, bem como as possibilidades para o seu controle. Foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de projeto embasada numa formulação empírica e no método dos elementos finitos, implementado através do programa flux2d. Desta forma, foi projetado um protótipo para desenvolver meio newton-metro a três mil rotações por minuto. A formulação empírica baseia-se na adoção de diversas hipóteses simplificadoras do circuito ferromagnético. O método dos elementos finitos foi empregado com a finalidade da obtenção de um refinamento do dimensionamento do motor. O protótipo projetado foi fabricado e testado. Os objetivos dos ensaios foram a confrontação com os diversos valores calculados no projeto e a verificação do seu desempenho em diversas condições de carga. Finalizando o trabalho, os resultados obtidos são analisados, ressaltando-se os aspectos relevantes ocorridos durante o seu desenvolvimento. São também apresentadas, as atividades subsequêntes previstas. / This work is related to the development activities of switched reluctance motors, mainly on their electromagnetic characteristics. The motor\'s basic construction features and the converter\'s operation characteristics are showed, as well as, the energy flows, performance aspects and the effects of the control parameters. The principal elements of motor desigm are discussed. A method of design is developed based on empirical formulas and on finite elements method (using the software FLUX2D). Thus, a prototype was designed with ratings of 0,5 Nm at 3000 rpm. The empirical formulas are developed on a simplified model of the motor and taking into account the referred author\'s experience. The finite elements method was used with the aim of getting a design refinement, as well as, the static torque characteristics, inductances and flux as a function of rotor position and current. The prototype was built and tested. The tests were conducted to compare the actual with the designed parameters and to evaluate the performance characteristics. Finally, the results are analysed and the main facts observed during the development of the work are reported. The next planned activities are also showed.
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Análise e projeto de um motor de relutância chaveado com o auxílio do método dos elementos finitos. / Analysis and design of a switched reluctance motor using the finite-element method.Pedro Pereira de Paula 19 October 1993 (has links)
Este trabalho se insere num contexto de desenvolvimento da capacitação para aplicações de motores de relutância chaveados, com ênfase aos aspectos eletromagnéticos do acionamento. Inicialmente, são apresentados os principais aspectos construtivos do motor e de funcionamento do seu conversor. São discutidos os fluxos de energia do acionamento e sao apresentadas as suas características operacionais, bem como as possibilidades para o seu controle. Foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de projeto embasada numa formulação empírica e no método dos elementos finitos, implementado através do programa flux2d. Desta forma, foi projetado um protótipo para desenvolver meio newton-metro a três mil rotações por minuto. A formulação empírica baseia-se na adoção de diversas hipóteses simplificadoras do circuito ferromagnético. O método dos elementos finitos foi empregado com a finalidade da obtenção de um refinamento do dimensionamento do motor. O protótipo projetado foi fabricado e testado. Os objetivos dos ensaios foram a confrontação com os diversos valores calculados no projeto e a verificação do seu desempenho em diversas condições de carga. Finalizando o trabalho, os resultados obtidos são analisados, ressaltando-se os aspectos relevantes ocorridos durante o seu desenvolvimento. São também apresentadas, as atividades subsequêntes previstas. / This work is related to the development activities of switched reluctance motors, mainly on their electromagnetic characteristics. The motor\'s basic construction features and the converter\'s operation characteristics are showed, as well as, the energy flows, performance aspects and the effects of the control parameters. The principal elements of motor desigm are discussed. A method of design is developed based on empirical formulas and on finite elements method (using the software FLUX2D). Thus, a prototype was designed with ratings of 0,5 Nm at 3000 rpm. The empirical formulas are developed on a simplified model of the motor and taking into account the referred author\'s experience. The finite elements method was used with the aim of getting a design refinement, as well as, the static torque characteristics, inductances and flux as a function of rotor position and current. The prototype was built and tested. The tests were conducted to compare the actual with the designed parameters and to evaluate the performance characteristics. Finally, the results are analysed and the main facts observed during the development of the work are reported. The next planned activities are also showed.
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