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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Úloha Svatého stolce v mezinárodních politických vztazích po II. světové válce / The Role of the Holy See in International Political Relations After the Second World War

Hořejší, Jaroslav January 2007 (has links)
Nejen v běžné publicistice a literatuře, ale často i v odborných statích se setkáváme s jistým hodnocením protagonistů světové politiky. Měřítka, podle kterých se síla toho či onoho subjektu určuje, podle mého názoru, nezabírají často celou škálu faktorů, podle kterých by se z mého pohledu měla míra vlivu na světové dění posuzovat. Není jistě sporu ani pochyb, že vedle bohatství nerostného, teritoriální rozlohy, velikosti armády, síly ekonomiky, je také hledisko duchovní. Moderní výklady dějin se ale více soustředí na neduchovní rozměr toho, čím je kormidlo dějin ovlivňováno. Nicméně stojí minimálně za širší zamyšlení, je-li tomu opravdu tak. Úloha Svatého stolce jako politického hráče byla v posledních desetiletích podceňována. Avšak pováleční papežové, především Jan XXIII. a Jan Pavel II., díky své autoritě, vrátili Svatý stolec zpět mezi důležité politické hráče. Apoštolská stolice však nemůže si do budoucna nemůže automaticky mezinárodní vliv nárokovat. Záleží především na jejím hlavním představiteli, jakým způsobem se svým postavením naloží a jaké ambice zasahovat do mezinárodních událostí bude mít.

Společensko-historické souvislosti československo-vatikánských styků po roce 1945 / Socio-historical context of the Czechoslovak-Vatican diplomatic relations after 1945

KOCHÁNEK, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the Czechoslovak-Vatican diplomatic relations since 1945 up to the departure of internuncio Saverio Ritter from Prague. The dissertation deals with the events connected with the Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia and Vatican since the end of the World War II until 1948 and resultant breaking of the diplomatic relations in 1950. The dissertation pays attention to the restoring of diplomatic relations after the World War II. A part of the dissertation is devoted to the expulsion of the German minority and the associated problems relating to the Czechoslovak-Vatican diplomatic relations. There are also outlined initial disagreements of Czechoslovakia and Vatican. There are also sketched problems between Czechoslovakia and the Church such as the confiscation of property of Church, educational reform in church schools or revision of the land reform and the response of Vatican. The dissertation presents the important ecclesiastical and political events that took place in postwar development. There is observed the gradual development of mutual relations and their deterioration to complete interruption. The key sorces were the materials from the Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in Prague and reports by Czechoslovak and Vatican diplomats. A part of the dissertation is also focused on the problems that occured in Czechoslovakia and Vatican diplomatic relations.

Zobrazení boha ve filmu / The Manifestation of God in Film

Duda, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
Anotation The main gaol of this study is to systematically map the manifestation of God in film with the focus on Hollywood production because it influences the whole western cinematography from its beginning to the present day. It systematically reveals various approaches to adaptation of the topic with regard to the time, cultural and social kontext. It expounds the development of the main aspects and ground of film censorship, which is considerably influenced by religion in secularized societies. It describes the techniques and approaches of individual directors to the topic.

Vatikán a Československo v roce 1968 / Vatican and Czechoslovakia in 1968

Nedvěd, René January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the Czechoslovakia - Vatican relationships in the 1960's with an emphasis on the 1968 Prague Spring time. It summarises the importance of the 2nd Ecumenical Council of the Vatican and demonstrates the transformation of the papacy starting with early 1960's. The core of the thesis is an analysis of the political relations between Czechoslovakia and Vatican in 1968, and the attitude of Pope Saint Paul VI. (1963-1978) to the events in Czechoslovakia, with added emphasis on the personalities of Czech and Slovak bishops, negotiations between the Church and the state, as well as the metamorphoses of the Czechoslovakia-Vatican diplomatic contacts. The diplomatic negotiations present an interesting bonus primarily from the Radio Vaticana archive, which is available, in a digital version, at the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes website. Keywords Communism; Vatican II - Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican; Pope St. Paul VI.; Catholic Church; Vatican.

Nekropole na území Vatikánu. Interpretace výzdoby a její paralely v římském umění. / Necropoleis on the Vatican Hill. The decoration analysis and its paralels Roman art.

Michalcová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The topic of the Diploma thesis is "Necropoleis on the Vatican Hill. The decoration analysis and its parallels in Roman art." The diploma thesis is divided into several parts that are particularly analysed. The first part is focused on the Vatican area layout in ancient world and both ancient and contemporary area layouts are compared. The second part is focused on the analysis of mausoleums along Via Cornelia and their decoration. The thesis tries to find some parallels with the mausoleums in the roman art which proclaim the use of these iconographical materials in other settings and historical backgrounds. The next part describes the necropolis along Via Triumphalis and the most important tombs within the specific sectors. The individual subchapters deal with selected motifs, which meanings intersect the pagan and Christian world. The following part analyzes selected sarcophagi and their decorative motifs. Consequently, both observed contexts are compared. The last part of the thesis provides the dating of several lamps from necropolis along Via Triumphalis. Keywords Vatican, necropolis, Via Cornelia, Via Triumphalis, antiquity, early Christian, roman art, decoration, sarcophagi

Lidská práva ve vztahu Vatikánu a OSN. / Human rights in relationship between Vatican and the United Nations.

BREINDL, Filip January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation deals with a Catholic churches sight of nomenclature and exercise of the human rights, namely in comparison with the activity of the worldcommunity couched in the United Nations. The dissertation shows development of church attitude towards definition and nomenclature of the human rigths from the world authority, and presents answers of Catholic doctrine to current problems in this area - for example disunited definitions, difficult exactablement and other. Thesis of this dissertation should to show, that the Christianity fundamentally contributed to currently formulation of the human rights, which is holded for example in UN-documents. Also at the present time can the Catholic church enter very expertly in this discusion, videlicet thank to hundreds of years old teaching about imago Dei, common good, heritage of the 2nd Vatican council and others documents from 20th and beginning of 21st century or ivolvement of the Holy See in the United Nations or other places from world diplomacy.

Obraz pontifikátu Jana Pavla II. ve Spolkové republice Německo / The image of the pontificate of John Paul II. in Federal Republic of Germany

Šumníková, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
Kateřina Šumníková Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of International Relations, department of German and Austrian studies, field of German and Central European studies Diploma thesis: The image of the pontificate of John Paul II. in Federal Republic of Germany ABSTRACT Pope John Paul II. had indisputable importance not only for the church in Central and Eastern Europe, but also for social change in Eastern Europe. In the Federal Republic of Germany, John Paul II has become a personality who aroused not only polite interest, but also an increasing controversy over the time. The diploma thesis conducts a survey of the exact causes of the distance to his personality as well as the factors of not adoring perception in the Federal Republic of Germany. Part of the work deals with the quantitative media analysis, which provides a media image of John Paul II. in selected periodicals in connection to the announcement of Pope's canonization (July 5, 2014) and subsequent canonization (April 27, 2014).

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