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Nezávislý nízkonapěťový trakční asynchronní pohon / Independent Traction Drive with Low-Voltage Induction MachineMatucha, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with creation of an exact mathematical model of a traction drive with low-voltage induction machine (28 V) which is fed from accumulators. This model was developed in MATLAB – Simulink and consists of induction machine model, inverter model and load model. Vector Control was added to models connected together. This complex model allows considering many effects into simulations. These effects are commonly neglected, although they have significant influence on drive behaviour, especially by using low-voltage machine. It is impact of magnetic circuit saturation, impact of temperature and skin effect on winding resistance, impact of inverter nonlinearities such as on-state voltage drops on switching elements, dead times and transistors switching times. The attention was paid to determination of losses in drive parts. The correctness of the model was verified at laboratory workplace established for this purpose. The laboratory drive can be controlled by a microprocessor or by using MATLAB and dSPACE application. The influence of compensations of inverter nonlinearities and DC-link voltage ripple on higher harmonics of inverter output currents was analyzed. Furthermore, the control, which decreased resistive losses, was solved.
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Infectious Disease Risks In Developing Countries: A Non-market Valuation ExerciseSamajpati, Shreejata 01 January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the non-market valuation of health-risks of malaria, an infectious disease that imposes a substantive public health burden across the globe, hitting particularly hard the tropical developing nations of Africa and Asia. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals include malaria control as a priority and large investments are underway to promote effective prevention and treatment. Despite such concerted supply-side efforts, malaria-related mortality and morbidity still abound due to a complex interface of factors like climate-change, poverty, inadequate control behavior, infection and prevention externalities, parasite resistance etc. This research project digs into the demand-side of the health problem, considers the "externality" dimension to prevention, and primarily asks the question: how do individuals in developing countries view competing disease-control (prevention) measures, viz. a publicly-administered community-level malaria control measure as against private preventive choices. A theoretical model is developed to help explore the public-private interplay of health risks of malaria. The malaria-endemic regions of Kolkata (India) and its rural fringes comprise the site for an empirical investigation. A field survey (Malaria Risk and Prevention Survey, October-December, 2011) incorporating a mix of stated and revealed preference techniques of health valuation is implemented. Risk-perceptions of respondents are elicited using a measurable visual-aid and individuals' perceived valuations of health-risk reductions, randomly offered with the public and private health treatments, are empirically ascertained. Using a Likelihood Ratio Test on the structural risk parameters, it is seen that individuals’ valuations of health risk reductions are the same across the private and public treatments. The comparative valuation iv exercise, thus, corroborates the externality dimension to malaria control, calling for greater public action to combat malaria. The viability of such a scaled-up public malaria program, in the context of Kolkata, is discussed by comparing the public treatment willingness to pay estimates with the annual estimated costs that the Kolkata Municipal Corporation, the civic body in the city of Kolkata, maintains on account of vector control. Results from the comparative valuation exercises also support the idea that private prevention is generally responsive to prevention costs, indicating the importance of price incentives to induce greater prevention. The issues of health valuation and price sensitivity are further explored across various split-samples differentiated on the basis of socio-economic attributes, disease exposure, actual prevention efforts and perceived malaria risks of survey respondents. Such auxiliary exercises help analyze the valuation question in greater depth, and generate policy insights into the potential factors that shape private prevention behavior.
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Sensorless Control of Synchronous Reluctance Machines and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines for Pump Applications / Sensorlös reglering av synkrona reluktansmaskiner och permanentmagnetmaskiner för pumptillämpningarLindberg, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Energy efficiency in electric machines is both environmentally and economically important. Water pumps with an integrated Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) and a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM) have challenged the status quo of the Induction Machine (IM) for water pumps. The Synchronous Reluctance Machine (SynRM) is also a viable alternative that does not use permanent magnets. This degree project focuses on the control of SynRM, with particular attention on sensorless control methods. Simulation models for a SynRM and a Surface Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (SPMSM), together with their control systems, were developed in MATLAB Simulink. Two sensorless control methods were implemented and examined: the Luenberger state observer and the Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS). The control system was adapted to use sensorless control methods. The investigated sensorless control methods allowed the application of the speed-torque test profile for two method and motor type combinations, without causing instability. The Luenberger observer was stable with the SPMSM and the MRAS with the SynRM. Parameter sensitivity with respect to the variation of inductance and stator resistance values used by the sensorless methods was also tested. The Luenberger observer kept the control system stable with up to a ±5 % variation of inductance. The MRAS kept the control system stable down to −12 %, but only up to +2 % for an overestimation of the inductance. The variation of stator resistance had a limited impact on the stability of both sensorless schemes. / Energieffektivisering av elektriska maskiner är betydelsefullt både ur ett miljömässigt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. Vattenpumpar med en synkron permanentmagnetsmaskin och en integrerad enhet för variabel hastighetsreglering (VFD) utmanar den mer konventionella lösningen baserad på en asynkronmaskin (IM). Den synkrona reluktansmaskinen (SynRM) är ett annat lämpligt alternativ som inte använder permanentmagneter. Det här examensarbetet behandlar huvudsakligen sensorlös reglering av SynRM. Simuleringsmodeller för reglering av en SynRM och en permanentmagnetiserad synkronmaskin med ytmonterade magneter (SPMSM) utvecklades i MATLAB Simulink. Två metoder för sensorlös reglering undersöktes, en på Luenbergers tillståndsobservatör och en baserad på adaptiv modellreferensreglering (MRAS). Systemet för reglering anpassades till metoderna för sensorlös reglering. De undersökta sensorlösa metoderna testades vid nominell hastighet med steg i vridmoment och hastighet. Luenberger observatören kunde köras med bibehållen stabilitet med en SPMSM och MRAS kördes med en SynRM, också den med bibehållen stabilitet. Även känsligheten för variationer i induktans och statorresistans för de sensorlösa reglermetoderna testades. Luenberger observatören kunde bibehålla stabiliteten med en variation i induktans på ±5 %. MRAS kunde bibehålla stabiliteten ner till en estimering av induktansen på −12 % av induktansen. På uppsidan nådde dock MRAS stabilitet endast upp till en överestimering av induktansen på 2 %. Felestimering av statorresistansen hade minimal påverkan på stabiliteten för båda sensorlösa reglermetoderna.
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Automatic Identification of Machine Parameters for Motor Drives / Automatisk identifiering av maskinparametrar för motor drivenheterPetta, Carla January 2024 (has links)
In industrial settings, a common challenge associated with electrical machines is the lack of parameters, which are not always available from the machine manufacturer. These parameters play a crucial role in tuning the control gains of Field-Oriented Control (FOC). Traditional parameter identification methods, widely accepted in the literature, are the standard IEEE tests such as DC measurement, no-load test, locked-rotor test, and short circuit test. However, their implementation can be impractical as they necessitate additional equipment that may be costly and not readily accessible. This thesis addresses self-commissioning procedures as a solution to this challenge, aiming to automatically identify electrical parameters of machine equivalent circuits. Specifically, this study focuses on the Imperix motor testbench, comprising Induction Machine (IM) and Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (SPMSM). Self-commissioning utilizes signal injection through a power converter and the available sensors, with minimal operator intervention and no additional equipment. For the SPMSM, the parameters under study include the stator resistance, the synchronous inductance, and the Permanent Magnets (PM)-flux. The resistance is estimated through DC current injection considering the inverter non-linearity. The synchronous inductance and its saturation characteristic are examined using high-frequency sinusoidal injection with and without DC bias via a Current Controller (CC), and square wave voltage injection through hysteresis control. The PM-flux is determined by accelerating the SPMSM using the IM as a prime mover in an open circuit configuration. This deviation from the standstill constraint of the self-commissioning procedure is necessary as the PM’s effect becomes visible only when the rotor speed is non-zero. For the IM, the stator resistance, the leakage inductance, the rotor resistance, and the magnetizing inductance are analyzed. The stator resistance and inverter non-linearity are identified using the same method as for the SPMSM. The leakage inductance is tested with a high-frequency sinusoidal injection with stepped DC bias, with which the saturation characteristic is built. Then, a DC-biased low-frequency sinusoidal injection identifies the rotor resistance. The magnetizing inductance is not identified in this work because of the extensive nature of the problem and time constraints. Comparison with standard IEEE tests serves as validation, demonstrating close alignment of the results, except for discrepancies in the unsaturated SPMSM synchronous inductance estimation. The introduced innovation involves adapting existing procedures, initially developed for other AC machines, to SPMSM applications, for which only limited literature is available. Overall, this work makes a valuable contribution to understanding the influence of inverter non-linearity and saturation behavior on parameter identification. It also opens the door to integrating saturation effects into control algorithms, which enables dynamic adjustment of FOC gains, potentially enhancing control performance. / I industriella miljöer är en vanlig utmaning i samband med elektriska maskiner bristen på parametrar, som inte alltid är tillgängliga från maskintillverkaren. Dessa parametrar spelar en avgörande roll för att ställa in kontrollförstärkningarna för fältorienterad kontroll (FOC). Traditionella metoder för parameteridentifiering, som är allmänt accepterade i litteraturen, är standard IEEE-tester som DC-mätning, nollbelastningstest, låst rotortest och kortslutningstest. Implementeringen av dessa kan dock vara opraktisk eftersom de kräver ytterligare utrustning som kan vara kostsam och svåråtkomlig. Denna avhandling behandlar procedurer för självavstängning som en lösning på denna utmaning och syftar till att automatiskt identifiera elektriska parametrar för maskinens ekvivalenta kretsar. Studien fokuserar särskilt på Imperix motortestbänk, som består av induktionsmaskiner (IM) och ytmonterad synkronmaskin med permanentmagnet (SPMSM). Självinkoppling är en stilleståndsprocedur som använder signalinjektion genom en kraftomvandlare och de tillgängliga sensorerna, med minimal operatörsintervention och utan extra utrustning. För SPMSM studeras parametrarna statorresistans, synkroninduktans och permanentmagneter (PM)-flöde. Motståndet uppskattas genom likströmsinjektion med hänsyn till växelriktarens olinjäritet. Den synkrona induktansen och dess mättnadskarakteristik undersöks med hjälp av högfrekvent sinusinjektion med och utan DC-bias via en strömstyrenhet (CC), och fyrkantsvåginjektion genom hysteresstyrning. Flödet PM bestäms genom acceleration av SPMSM med hjälp av IM som drivmotor i en öppen kretskonfiguration. Denna avvikelse från stilleståndsbegränsningen i förfarandet för självavstängning är nödvändig eftersom PM effekt blir synlig först när rotorhastigheten är skild från noll. För IM analyseras statorresistansen, läckinduktansen, rotorresistansen och den magnetiserande induktansen. Statorresistansen och inverterns olinjäritet identifieras med samma metod som för SPMSM. Läckageinduktansen testas med en högfrekvent sinusformad injektion med stegad DC-bias, med vilken mättnadskarakteristiken byggs. Därefter identifierar en DC-baserad lågfrekvent sinusinjektion rotorresistansen. Den magnetiserande induktansen identifieras inte i detta arbete på grund av problemets omfattande natur och tidsbegränsningar. Jämförelse med standard IEEE-tester fungerar som validering och visar att resultaten ligger nära varandra, med undantag för avvikelser i uppskattningen av den omättade synkrona induktansen för SPMSM. Den introducerade innovationen innebär att befintliga procedurer, som ursprungligen utvecklats för andra AC-maskiner, anpassas till SPMSM-tillämpningar, för vilka endast begränsad litteratur finns tillgänglig. Sammantaget ger detta arbete ett värdefullt bidrag till förståelsen av hur omriktarens icke-linjäritet och mättnadsbeteende påverkar parameteridentifieringen. Det öppnar också dörren för att integrera mättnadseffekter i regleralgoritmer, vilket möjliggör dynamisk justering av FOC-förstärkningar, vilket potentiellt kan förbättra reglerprestanda.
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Регулисани погон асинхроног мотора са минималним бројем сензора / Regulisani pogon asinhronog motora sa minimalnim brojem senzora / Vector-controlled induction motor drive with minimal number of sensorsAdžić Evgenije 14 February 2014 (has links)
<p>У тези су предложена два унапређена алгоритма управљања<br />асинхроним мотором у условима када је број сензора који се користи у<br />погону минималан. Број сензора који се користи у повратној спрези<br />управљачког алгоритма сведен је на само један струјни сензор који<br />мери струју једносмерног међукола погонског инвертора. Предложене<br />методе елиминишу карактеристично изобличење реконструисаних<br />фазних струја и постижу бољи квалитет и перформансе управљања у<br />односу на конвенционалну методу. Сва аналитичка разматрања у тези<br />су праћена одговарајућим експерименталним резултатима, који<br />потврђују ефикасност предложених метода управљања.</p> / <p>U tezi su predložena dva unapređena algoritma upravljanja<br />asinhronim motorom u uslovima kada je broj senzora koji se koristi u<br />pogonu minimalan. Broj senzora koji se koristi u povratnoj sprezi<br />upravljačkog algoritma sveden je na samo jedan strujni senzor koji<br />meri struju jednosmernog međukola pogonskog invertora. Predložene<br />metode eliminišu karakteristično izobličenje rekonstruisanih<br />faznih struja i postižu bolji kvalitet i performanse upravljanja u<br />odnosu na konvencionalnu metodu. Sva analitička razmatranja u tezi<br />su praćena odgovarajućim eksperimentalnim rezultatima, koji<br />potvrđuju efikasnost predloženih metoda upravljanja.</p> / <p>This thesis proposes two improved and robust induction motor drive control<br />methods, in the case when there is a minimal number of sensors for<br />providing feedback signals. Number of used sensors is reduced to only one<br />current sensor measuring the inverter dc-link current. Proposed methods<br />cancels offset jitter-like waveform distortion present in the reconstructed<br />motor phase currents, and achieves higher quality and drive performance<br />regard to conventional current reconstruction mechanism. Effectivness of the<br />proposed methods are verified on developed HIL (hardware-in-the-loop)<br />platform and laboratory induction motor drive prototype.</p>
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Ανάπτυξη υψηλής τάξης μοντέλου της διπλά τροφοδοτούμενης επαγωγικής μηχανής κατάλληλο για μελέτες μεταβατικής κατάστασης ενεργειακών συστημάτων, στα οποία εντάσσονται ανεμογεννήτριες που χρησιμοποιούν αυτή τη μηχανήΝιάρου, Θεώνη 19 October 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία πραγματεύεται την μελέτη και ανάλυση ενός υψηλής τάξης μοντέλου διπλά τροφοδοτούμενης επαγωγικής μηχανής, κατάλληλο για μελέτες μεταβατικής κατάστασης αιολικών συστημάτων. Αρχικά, γίνεται μία εισαγωγή στις ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας, με ιδιαίτερη αναφορά στην αιολική ενέργεια. Κατόπιν, περιγράφονται οι διάφοροι τρόποι ταξινόμησης των ανεμογεννητριών που υπάρχουν σήμερα, τα δομικά στοιχεία αυτών, καθώς και η αεροδυναμική τους μετατροπή. Ακολουθεί η γενική παρουσίαση μίας διπλά τροφοδοτούμενης επαγωγικής γεννήτριας. Προκειμένου να γίνει μελέτη των μεταβατικών καταστάσεων, παρουσιάζεται το δυναμικό μοντέλο και ο διανυσματικός έλεγχος μίας διπλά τροφοδοτούμενης επαγωγικής γεννήτριας υψηλής τάξης. Εν συνεχεία, αναλύεται -βάσει εξισώσεων- η συμπεριφορά της εν λόγω γεννήτριας σε τριφασικές και ασύμμετρες βυθίσεις τάσεων, που είναι αποτέλεσμα διαφόρων μεταβατικών καταστάσεων. Τέλος, γίνεται η προσομοίωση ενός αιολικού πάρκου, που περιλαμβάνει ανεμογεννήτριες αυτού του τύπου και μελετώνται διάφορες διαταραχές στο σύστημα, όπως: συμμετρικά και ασύμμετρα βραχυκυκλώματα, απότομες μεταβολές της ταχύτητας του ανέμου, απώλεια και μεταβολή φορτίου. Η προσομοίωση πραγματοποιείται με τη βοήθεια του λογισμικού MATLAB/Simulink, έκδοση 7.6. / The subject of this thesis is the study and analysis of a high-order model of a doubly-fed induction machine (DFIM), suitable for unbalanced condition studies on a wind farm. At first, an introduction is made of the renewable energy sources, with special mention of the wind energy. Then, there is the description of the different types of wind turbines than exist nowadays, their components and their aerodynamic conversion. A general presentation of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is made and after that, for the study of disturbances, the dynamic model and the vector control of a high-order model of a doubly-fed induction generator are presented. Through mathematical equations, the performance of this generator under voltage dips is then described, result of various transition phenomena. Finally, the simulation of a wind farm that includes wind turbines of this type, is made and several disturbances on the grid, such as: symmetrical and asymmetrical faults, sudden changes of the wind speed, loss and change of the load. Simulation is made with the use of the software MATLAB/Simulink, version 7.6.
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Acionamento vetorial de motores de indução trifásicos com enfraque-cimento de campo e maximização do conjugado por ampèreGomes, Luciano Coutinho 08 August 2008 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / This work investigates the operation of three phase induction motors in field weakening and high speed regions. Maximum torque per ampère is imposed by using an indirect vector control strategy. Mathematical models that accounts for magnetic saturation is used for simulations and adjustment of controllers used in control algorithm. The driving structure is characterized by the use of VSI static converter with sinusoidal PWM switching strategy and a vector control technique based on orthogonal components.
Investigations resulted in the development of a digital simulation using discrete models that turned out generic and reliable, and an experimental system using a low cost fixed point DSP platform. Simulated and experimental results are included and shown the robustness and efficiency of the proposed control system under different operating conditions. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a operação de motores de indução trifásicos em regime de enfraquecimento de campo e altas velocidades, com maximização do conjugado por ampère, através de um sistema de acionamento vetorial. Para tanto, foi utilizado uma modelagem matemática completa, por fase, que emprega o conceito de função harmônica magnética e considera as componentes, fundamental e de terceiro harmônico do fluxo de entreferro. A estrutura de acionamento caracteriza-se pela utilização de um inversor de tensão PWM senoidal e da técnica de controle vetorial, esta baseada em componentes ortogonais. A evolução do trabalho resultou no desenvolvimento de uma plataforma de simulação computacional baseada em modelos discretos que é bastante genérica e confiável, e um sistema experimental utilizando um processador digital de sinais de baixo custo com aritmética de ponto fixo. Os resultados de simulação e experimentais que avaliam a eficiência do sistema de controle proposto sob diversas condições de operação e efeitos de dessintonia são apresentados e apontam para robustez do método. / Doutor em Ciências
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Control, Modulation and Testing of High-Power Pulse Width Modulated ConvertersSivaprasad Sreenivasa, J January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Experimental research on high-power converters, particularly in an academic environment, faces severe infrastructural constraints. Usually, power source and loads of required ratings are not available. Further, more importantly, the energy consumption is huge. One possibility is to establish an experimental research platform, comprising of a network of high-power converters, through which power is circulated and which draws only the losses from the mains.
This work deals with the establishment of a circulating power test set-up, comprising of two line-side PWM converters, inclusive of control and modulation methods for the two converters. Two types of circulating power test setups are developed. In the first setup, the converters are connected in parallel, on ac as well as dc sides, such that real and/or reactive power is circulated between them. In the second test setup, the dc buses of the converters are separated; hence, only reactive power circulation is possible. These setups are used to conduct heat-run tests with low energy expenditure on the PWM converters at various operating conditions up to power levels of 150 kVA. Further, these are used to validate analytically-evaluated thermal characteristics of high-power PWM converters. A safe thermal limit is derived for such converters in terms of apparent power (kVA) handled, power factor and switching frequency. The effects of voltage sag and of unequal current sharing between parallel IGBT modules on the safe thermal limit are studied.
While the power drawn by the circulating-power setup from the grid is much lower than the ratings of the individual converters, the harmonic injection into the mains by the setup could be significant since the harmonics drawn by both converters tend to add up. This thesis investigates carrier interleaving to improve the waveform quality of grid current, drawn by the circulating-power test setup. The study of carrier interleaving is quite general and covers various applications of parallel-connected converters such as unity power factor rectification, static reactive power compensation and grid-connected renewable energy systems.
In literature, carrier interleaving has been employed mainly for unity power factor rectifiers, sharing a common dc load equally. In such case, the fundamental components of the terminal voltages of the parallel converters are equal. However, when the power sharing between the two converters is unequal, or when power is circulated between the two converters, the terminal voltages of the two converters are not equal. A method to estimate rms grid current ripple, drawn by parallel-connected converters with equal and/or unequal terminal voltages, in a synchronous reference frame is presented. Further, the influence of carrier interleaving on the rms grid current ripple is studied. The optimum interleaving angle, which minimizes the rms grid current ripple under various applications, is investigated. This angle is found to be a function of modulation index of the converters in the equal terminal voltages case. In the unequal terminal voltages case, the optimum interleaving angle is shown to be a function of the average modulation index of the two parallel converters.
The effect of carrier interleaving is experimentally studied on the reactive power circulation setup at different values of kVA and different dc bus voltages. The grid current ripple is measured for different values of interleaving angle. It is found experimentally that the optimum interleaving angle reduces the rms grid current ripple by between 37% and 48%, as compared without interleaving, at various operating conditions.
Further, the reactive power circulation test set-up is used to evaluate and compare power conversion losses corresponding to different PWM techniques such as conventional space-vector PWM (CSVPWM), bus-clamping PWM (BCPWM) and advanced bus-clamping PWM methods for static reactive power compensator (STATCOM) application at high power levels. It is demonstrated theoretically as well as experimentally that an advanced bus-clamping PWM method, termed minimum switching loss PWM (MSLPWM), leads to significantly lower power conversion loss than CSVPWM and BCPWM techniques at a given average switching frequency.
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Programovn mikrokontrol©r c2000 v programu MATLAB/Simulink / MATLAB/Simulink Model Based Design Using C2000 Microcontrollersoupal, Ondej January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore possibilities of rapid control prototyping, describe the concept of creating the software application in MATLAB/Simulink environment with use for development kit Texas instruments LaunchPad and create an application for DC and induction motor control in this environment. This work describes the application for unipolar/bipolar control H-Bridge of power converter for DC motor, measurement of output currents, speed and its displaying in real time using serial control interface. This thesis also desribes scalar and vector control of induction motor. All software applications with measurements are created in MATLAB/Simulink and attached to the thesis.
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Robustní řízení synchronního stroje s permanentními magnety a spínaným tokem / Fault-Tolerant Control of a Flux-switching Permanent Magnet Synchronous MachineAboelhassan, Mustafa Osman Elrayah January 2013 (has links)
Je jasné, že nejúspěšnější konstrukce zahrnuje postup vícefázového řízení, ve kterém každá fáze může být považována za samostatný modul. Provoz kterékoliv z jednotek musí mít minimální vliv na ostatní, a to tak, že v případě selhání jedné jednotky ostatní mohou být v provozu neovlivněny. Modulární řešení vyžaduje minimální elektrické, magnetické a tepelné ovlivnění mezi fázemi řízení (měniče). Synchronní stroje s pulzním tokem a permanentními magnety se jeví jako atraktivní typ stroje, jejíž přednostmi jsou vysoký kroutící moment, jednoduchá a robustní konstrukce rotoru a skutečnost, že permanentní magnety i cívky jsou umístěny společně na statoru. FS-PMSM jsou poměrně nové typy střídavého stroje stator-permanentní magnet, které představují významné přednosti na rozdíl od konvenčních rotorů - velký kroutící moment, vysoký točivý moment, v podstatě sinusové zpětné EMF křivky, zároveň kompaktní a robustní konstrukce díky umístění magnetů a vinutí kotvy na statoru. Srovnání výsledků mezi FS-PMSM a klasickými motory na povrchu upevněnými PM (SPM) se stejnými parametry ukazuje, že FS-PMSM vykazuje větší vzduchové mezery hustoty toku, vyšší točivý moment na ztráty v mědi, ale také vyšší pulzaci díky reluktančnímu momentu. Pro stroje buzené permanentními magnety se jedná o tradiční rozpor mezi požadavkem na vysoký kroutící moment pod základní rychlostí (oblast konstantního momentu) a provozem nad základní rychlostí (oblast konstantního výkonu), zejména pro aplikace v hybridních vozidlech. Je předložena nová topologie synchronního stroje s permanentními magnety a spínaným tokem odolného proti poruchám, která je schopná provozu během vinutí naprázdno a zkratovaného vinutí i poruchách měniče. Schéma je založeno na dvojitě vinutém motoru napájeném ze dvou oddělených vektorově řízených napěťových zdrojů. Vinutí jsou uspořádána takovým způsobem, aby tvořila dvě nezávislé a oddělené sady. Simulace a experimentální výzkum zpřesní výkon během obou scénářů jak za normálního provozu, tak za poruch včetně zkratových závad a ukáží robustnost pohonu za těchto podmínek. Tato práce byla publikována v deseti konferenčních příspěvcích, dvou časopisech a knižní kapitole, kde byly představeny jak topologie pohonu a aplikovaná řídící schémata, tak analýzy jeho schopnosti odolávat poruchám.
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