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Венецианская колония Негропонт в конце XIV–XV в.: особенности политического и социально-экономического развития : магистерская диссертация / The Venetian Colony of Negropont in the Late XIV–XV Centuries: the Specifics of Political and Socio-economic DevelopmentРоманова, А. А., Romanova, A. A. January 2024 (has links)
В настоящей работе анализируется политическое устройство и социально-экономическая ситуация в венецианской колонии Негропонт в конце XIV–XV в. Автор приходит к выводу, что власти Республики св. Марка пытались поддерживать социальную и политическую стабильность в Негропонте, лавируя между различными этнорелигиозными группами колонии. Негропонт, его сельское и лесное хозяйство играли важную роль в обеспечении бесперебойного функционирования венецианской колониальной системы в конце XIV–XV в. / This paper analyses the political structure and socio-economic situation in the Venetian colony of Negropont in the late XIV‒XV centuries. The author concludes that the Venetian authorities tried to maintain social and political stability in Negropont, manoeuvring between different ethno-religious groups of this colony. Negropont and its agriculture and forestry played an important role in the sustained functioning of the Venetian colonial system in the late fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
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Âge, éducation et compagnies de jeunesse à Venise, début du XVIe siècleTrottier-Gascon, Caroline 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire insère les compagnie della calza dans le parcours de vie des patriciens vénitiens. Après avoir présenté une théorisation de l’âge comme système de catégorie, nous décrivons le fonctionnement des institutions encadrant l’âge dans la République vénitienne avant l’enregistrement obligatoire des naissances, qui commence en 1506. Ensuite, nous montrons comment, au même titre que l’intégration progressive aux institutions républicaines, les compagnie della calza participaient au processus d’éducation des jeunes patriciens. Nous avançons l’hypothèse que les transformations que connaît la réglementation de l’âge dans le premier tiers du XVIe siècle auraient pu contribuer à la disparition des compagnie della calza : à partir de 1531, l’ouverture du poste de Savio ai Ordini aux jeunes de vingt-ans ans aurait plutôt favorisé l’éducation des jeunes de l’élite patricienne dans les institutions républicaines, retirant une des raisons d’être des compagnies. Enfin, il présente une étude de cas consacrée à deux compagnies, les Reali et les Floridi. En retraçant les carrières politiques des anciens compagnons, nous confirmons l’idée, avancée par Robert Finlay, d’une République vénitienne gérontocratique, dominée par les patriciens les plus âgés. / This dissertation inserts the compagnie della calza within the life paths of Venetian patricians. After a theorisation of age as a system of categories, we describe how the institutions regulating age in the Venetian Republic worked before the mandatory registration of birth (starting in 1506). We then show how participation to compagnie della calza was part of the education process of young patricians, in parallel to their progressive assimilation into republican institutions. Therefore, we argue that the transformations of age regulations in the first third of the 16th-century contributed to the disappearance of the compagnie della calza : after 1531, the opening of the office of savio ai ordini to 25 year olds instead favoured the education of elite patrician youth within republican institutions, which impacted the purpose of the companies. Finally, we offer a case study of two companies, the Reali and the Floridi. By following the political careers of former members, we confirm the hypothesis put forward by Robert Finlay of a Venetian gerontocracy dominated by the oldest of patricians.
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La place de Venise dans le parcours militaire et politiques de notables ruraux corses au XVIIIe siècle. / The place of Venice in the military and political careers of Corsican notables in the XVIIIth centuryGiappiconi, Thierry 17 December 2010 (has links)
En 1729, la Corse débute quarante ans de révolte militairement organisée, justifiée par des arguments historiques, juridiques et théologiques contre la République de Gênes. L’instabilité d’une île de la Méditerranée occidentale occupant une position stratégique de première importance pour le commerce et la guerre maritimes, devient un enjeu dans les rivalités des monarchies occidentales. Sous l’impulsion de Luigi Giafferi, capitaine à Venise lors de la première guerre de Morée, porte-parole des Nobles XII, le mouvement s’appuie sur un réseau de notables de la côte orientale de la Corse et d’officiers corses résidant dans les États de Venise : le lieutenant colonel Giafferi, frère de Luigi, les colonels Giappiconi et Zicavo, au service de la République, et le brigadier général Boeri, ancien colonel vénitien passé au service de la Cour de Parme puis de l’Espagne. A partir de sources originales d’archives, cette thèse rétablit le rôle central des prédécesseurs de Pascal Paoli, illustre quelques aspects mal connus de la complexité des rivalités internationales autour de la Corse, et met en lumière le rôle des entrepreneurs de guerre corses dans l’orientation et le financement de l’insurrection. / In 1729, Corsica entered a forty year period of militarily organised revolt against the Republic of Genoa, justified by historical, legal and theological arguments. The instability of this western Mediterranean island, situated as it was at a strategic position of prime importance for commerce and naval warfare, made it an important factor in the rivalries between Western monarchies. Under the leadership of Luigi Giafferi, a captain in the Venetian army during the first Morean War and the representative of the “Noble Twelve”, the movement was supported by a group of clan leaders from the East coast of Corsica and Corsican officers based in the Venetian States: Lieutenant Colonel Giafferi, the brother of Luigi, Colonels Giappiconi and Zicavo, in the service of the Venetian republic, and the Brigadier General Boeri, a former colonel in the Venetian army who had gone on to serve at the courts of Parma and of Spain. Based on original archival sources, this thesis reconstructs the central role played by the predecessors of Pascal Paoli, sheds light on some lesser known aspects of the complex international rivalries over Corsica and underlines the role of Corsican “entrepreneurs de guerre” in financing and influencing the direction of the insurrection.
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Étude de la fonction symbolique du paysage dans les tableaux dévotionnels de Giovanni BelliniStaniscia, Mélanie 03 1900 (has links)
Dans les années 1500, la villa qui se présentait comme une alternative à la ville permettait aux hommes de reprendre contact avec la nature. Cette dernière, qui possédait selon les théoriciens, hommes de lettres, architectes et médecins de l'époque des vertus sacrées et curatives contribuait au bonheur de l'être humain. Alors que les villas se multipliaient dans les campagnes vénitiennes l'on vit apparaître dans les années 1500, une tendance à incorporer la villégiature dans les tableaux de paysage. Les peintres comme Giovanni Bellini avaient recours à la nature pour créer la charge sacrée de leurs oeuvres et instaurer un sentiment de bien-être chez le spectateur. Le paysage dans lequel gravitaient les figures saintes contenait alors de nombreux symboles renvoyant à l'image de la Vierge Marie et du Christ. Les Vierges à l'enfant connurent ainsi une vague de popularité en Italie et en Flandres où le paysage symbolique avait pour effet de stimuler la dévotion des fidèles. / During the 1500's,the villa was as a safe alternative to the city, offering to men the possibility to establish a relationship with nature. The villa was for writers, architects, and doctors a safe haven equipped with curative as well as sacred virtues that contributed to the happiness of mankind. While villas where multiplying in the Venetians countryside, they also began to be integrated in landscape paintings. Giovanni Bellini used nature to create the religious character of his works and to give a sense of well-being to his public. The bucolique landscape in which the religious figures gravited were presented with many symbols of the Virgin Mary and Child. The images of the Madonna, widely collected in Flanders and in Italy, stimulated the devotion of worshippers. / « Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de ses documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal ».
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Venise, mutations d’une puissance navale au XVIIe siècle / Venice, changes of a naval power in the XVIIth centuryCandiani, Guido 21 January 2011 (has links)
La composition, l’organisation et le fonctionnement de la marine de guerre vénitienne ont fait l’objet de nombreuses études pour l’époque médiévale et le XVIe siècle, mais les historiens ont largement négligé le XVIIe siècle. Pourtant, cette période joue un rôle crucial dans l’histoire maritime de la Sérénissime. Alors qu’à l’orée du XVIIe siècle, la marine vénitienne était exclusivement composée de galères, elle comprend cent ans plus tard une majorité de vaisseaux de ligne, tandis que les trirèmes vénitiennes, qui sont toujours utilisées en période de paix pour assurer la police de l’Adriatique et de la mer Ionienne, ne servent plus que de force d’appoint dans les moments de guerre.Le présent travail considère cette évolution, sous l'aspect soit opérationnel qui gestionnaire et d'organisation. À ce but, il a été réparti en deux tranches. En la première, on a parcouru les événements qui ont intéressé la marine vénitienne dans la période qui va de 1572 au 1699. Ici, jusqu'à 1635 environ, les principaux adversaires ne furent plus les Turcs, mais les force des Habsbourg, dans leur double déclinaison italique-espagnole et autrichienne, et seulement après le 1645 allèrent recommencer les conflits avec l'Empire Ottoman. Dans la seconde tranche du travail on a analysées les structures sur lesquels s’articulaient la marine vénitienne et ses hommes. En particulier on a distinguées les forces ordinaires de celles extraordinaires, en opérant une séparation nette entre les deux composants de la flotte et les correspondantes organisations. / The composition, the organization and the functioning of the Venetian Navy have been the subject of numerous studies for the medieval time and the XVIth century, but the historians have disregarded the XVIIth century. Yet, this period plays a crucial role in the maritime history of the Serenissima. Whereas to the verge of the XVIIth century, the Venetian Navy was composed exclusively of galleys, a hundred years later it consisted of a majority of ships-of-the-line, while the Venetian triremes, which were always used in period of peace to assure the police of the Adriatic and the sea Ionian, acted only by balancing force in the wars. The present work considers this evolution, under the aspect either operational then of administration and organization. To this purpose, it has been distributed in two sections. The first part looks at the events that interested the Venetian Navy in the period that go from 1572 to 1699. Here, until about 1635, the main adversaries were not anymore the Turks, but the Hapsburg forces, in their double Spanish-Italic and Austrian declination, and only after the 1645 the conflicts with the Ottoman empire were going to restart. The second part of the work analyses the structures on which were articulated the Venetian Navy and her tools and men. In particular it has distinguished the ordinary forces from those extraordinary, operating a clean separation between the two components of the fleet and the respective organizations.
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Étude de la fonction symbolique du paysage dans les tableaux dévotionnels de Giovanni BelliniStaniscia, Mélanie 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Carpaccio’s “Hunting on the Lagoon” and “Two Venetian Ladies”: A Vignette of Fifteenth-Century Venetian LifeNorris, Rebecca M. 24 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Guida agli archivi dei rettori della Repubblica di Venezia (sec. XIII - 1797)Talamini, Stefano 08 January 2025 (has links)
Il lavoro ha come obiettivo la compilazione di una guida agli archivi dei rettori della Repubblica di Venezia, cioè dei rappresentanti della Serenissima inviati a reggere, per un periodo di tempo compreso tra i 16 e i 32 mesi, i territori che compongono lo Stato marciano.
Il lavoro si articola in due parti. Nella prima parte, di carattere introduttivo, sono delineate le caratteristiche della forma di governo adottata da Venezia per il suo Stato. Il primo capitolo è dedicato alla descrizione delle istituzioni di governo, mentre il secondo è incentrato sugli apparati burocratici al servizio delle istituzioni e sui relativi archivi prodotti dagli uffici e cancellerie. Si trova poi un terzo capitolo in cui viene ricostruita la tradizione degli archivi tra Otto e Novecento in Italia, lungo la costa istriano-dalmata e nelle Isole Ionie. Infine il quarto capitolo approfondisce alcuni spunti innovativi emersi nel corso della ricerca.
Nella seconda parte della tesi si trova la guida agli archivi. La guida è ripartita tra il Dogado, lo Stato da Mar e lo Stato da Terra; a loro volta queste zone sono divise in ulteriori aree geografiche identificate per ragioni storiche o per coerenza geografica. Di ogni area geografica sono descritte le singole sedi di reggimento, con dati sulle istituzioni veneziane di governo, sui relativi uffici e sulla tradizione otto e novecentesca degli archivi. Al termine di ogni scheda si trovano i dati inerenti al patrimonio archivistico ancora oggi conservato che si può attribuire agli archivi dei rettori.
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Jaromír Neumann: znalec benátské malby / Jaromír Neumann: The connoisseur of Venetian paintingLišková, Julie January 2014 (has links)
The work is dedicated to the personality Jaromír Neumann as an expert of Venetian painting in our country, whose approach is documented on a number of paintings from several institutions, which autorship determinated. Specifically, the images of the Prague Castle Picture Gallery, National Gallery in Prague, Olomouc Picture Gallery and significant Titian painting of Kroměříž Picture Gallery, which concentrated his interest for a long time. These are the works of painter's family Bassano, Paolo Veronese, Jacopo and Domenico Tintoretto, Bonifazio Veronese, Rocco Marconi, Pordenone and Titian. More generally, the work deals with issues of connoisseurship and restoration, but is not the purpose of extensive analysis, the more necessary as outlined in the context of the theme of the work. The result should be the definition and specification process of Neumann's autorship determination and the pursuit of affect key points that form its determination.
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Benátské vlivy na dílo Boccaccia Bocaccina / Venetian influances on the Boccaccio Boccaccino's workJiráková, Hana January 2013 (has links)
(in English) The key theme of my thesis are venetian influences on the Boccaccio Boccaccino's work, who was one of the most important exponents of the Cremonese school of painters. Initially he worked in Genoa, Cremona and Milan and he was influenced by the painters as Leonardo, Bramantino and Boltraffio. In the years 1497-1500 Boccaccino is documented in Ferrara. In this period he executed so-called tondo Gronau, The Christ on the way to Calvary, The Virgin and Child, now in Boston, The Virgin and Child, now in Padua, The Adoration of the Shepherds, now in Naples and Dead Christ supported by an Angel. This works show the influence of Bramantino, umbrian school but also early influence of venetian art. In 1500 or 1501 he painted the altarpiece with Virgin and Child with Sts Peter, Michael, John the Baptist and John the Evangelist for the church of S. Giuliano in Venice. Models of this composition are the S. Cassiano altarpiece of Antonello da Messina and Virgin and Child with Saints which Giovanni Bellini executed for the church of S. Giobbe. Boccaccino's image in S.Giuliano is also inspired by Ercole de'Roberti and Lorenzo Costa. His colours show the influence of Giorgione. In 1506 is Boccaccino documented in Venice but also in Cremona. In the years 1500-1506 he stayed probably in Venice, but he...
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