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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Male and female consumers' knowledge, perceptions and use of clothing labels / Anna Magdalena Niemann (neé Krüger)

Niemann, Anna Magdalena January 2010 (has links)
Background and motivation Clothing labels concern the permanently attached labels as well as the temporarily attached labels known as hangtags that are found on clothing products. Clothing labels assist consumers when they are deciding whether or not to purchase clothing products, by providing product information and potential care instructions. Clothing labels are made up of two attributes, namely the physical nature of clothing labels in addition to the information on clothing labels. Adequate knowledge, positive perceptions and optimal use of clothing labels may result in satisfied consumers who make responsible and informed purchases. The aim of this study was subsequently, to determine male and female consumers’ knowledge, perceptions and use of clothing labels. The provision of clothing labels does not guarantee that consumers will read, understand or apply the information on clothing labels. Therefore this research is based on retailers’ assumption that the provision of informative clothing labels is sufficient to encourage the usage thereof and that all consumers understand and perceive the clothing labels as intended. Due to the lack of research that exists in South Africa in the field of clothing labels, it is not known whether consumers have adequate knowledge and positive perceptions of clothing labels and the information on them, and whether they use the labels optimally. Methodology The research design of this study was non–experimental, quantitative, exploratory, and descriptive. Questionnaires were used as the measuring instrument to collect the data. The study population included all the consumers in three municipalities in the North–West Province above the age of 18 years, male as well as female, who can read and who had purchased a clothing product some time from one of the selected stores. Data collection was undertaken in the Bonjana, Platinum and Southern district municipalities, which included, Rustenburg, Klerksdorp and Potchefstroom. A total of 304 usable questionnaires were obtained. Results and discussion On average 71% of the respondents had adequate knowledge of the information presented on clothing labels (excluding the care instructions) and 65.6% had adequate knowledge regarding the care instructions. Respondents perceived colours in general (79.9%), letter size (83%) and readability (77.7%) of information on clothing labels as positive. They found it very important that the information on clothing labels will not fade (68.8%), and that the positioning remains constant (78.8%), in addition to not showing (84.9%). Respondents perceived the indication of information on clothing as positive, regarding the fibre content (84.2%), country of origin (61.2%), size indication (89.5%) as well as additional information, such as applied special finishes (76.4%) and indication of eco friendly clothing (69.5%) and licensed trade marks (78%). Respondents sufficiently made use of the care instructions in words (68.1%) and symbols (63.2%) when purchasing similar items. More than half (56.9%) of the respondents used the indication of special finishes applied to clothing during the pre– and post purchasing phase. The indication of eco friendly clothing was used by the respondents (51%) for future reference and 63.5% made use of the licensed trademarks when purchasing similar products. In conclusion the results generally indicated that the respondents had adequate knowledge and positive perceptions of clothing labels, and made use of clothing labels before, during and after purchasing clothing products. Furthermore only small significant differences were found between male and female respondents’ knowledge, perceptions and use of clothing labels. It was established that relationships do exist between respondents’ knowledge, perceptions and use of clothing labels. / Thesis (M. Consumer Science)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Male and female consumers' knowledge, perceptions and use of clothing labels / Anna Magdalena Niemann (neé Krüger)

Niemann, Anna Magdalena January 2010 (has links)
Background and motivation Clothing labels concern the permanently attached labels as well as the temporarily attached labels known as hangtags that are found on clothing products. Clothing labels assist consumers when they are deciding whether or not to purchase clothing products, by providing product information and potential care instructions. Clothing labels are made up of two attributes, namely the physical nature of clothing labels in addition to the information on clothing labels. Adequate knowledge, positive perceptions and optimal use of clothing labels may result in satisfied consumers who make responsible and informed purchases. The aim of this study was subsequently, to determine male and female consumers’ knowledge, perceptions and use of clothing labels. The provision of clothing labels does not guarantee that consumers will read, understand or apply the information on clothing labels. Therefore this research is based on retailers’ assumption that the provision of informative clothing labels is sufficient to encourage the usage thereof and that all consumers understand and perceive the clothing labels as intended. Due to the lack of research that exists in South Africa in the field of clothing labels, it is not known whether consumers have adequate knowledge and positive perceptions of clothing labels and the information on them, and whether they use the labels optimally. Methodology The research design of this study was non–experimental, quantitative, exploratory, and descriptive. Questionnaires were used as the measuring instrument to collect the data. The study population included all the consumers in three municipalities in the North–West Province above the age of 18 years, male as well as female, who can read and who had purchased a clothing product some time from one of the selected stores. Data collection was undertaken in the Bonjana, Platinum and Southern district municipalities, which included, Rustenburg, Klerksdorp and Potchefstroom. A total of 304 usable questionnaires were obtained. Results and discussion On average 71% of the respondents had adequate knowledge of the information presented on clothing labels (excluding the care instructions) and 65.6% had adequate knowledge regarding the care instructions. Respondents perceived colours in general (79.9%), letter size (83%) and readability (77.7%) of information on clothing labels as positive. They found it very important that the information on clothing labels will not fade (68.8%), and that the positioning remains constant (78.8%), in addition to not showing (84.9%). Respondents perceived the indication of information on clothing as positive, regarding the fibre content (84.2%), country of origin (61.2%), size indication (89.5%) as well as additional information, such as applied special finishes (76.4%) and indication of eco friendly clothing (69.5%) and licensed trade marks (78%). Respondents sufficiently made use of the care instructions in words (68.1%) and symbols (63.2%) when purchasing similar items. More than half (56.9%) of the respondents used the indication of special finishes applied to clothing during the pre– and post purchasing phase. The indication of eco friendly clothing was used by the respondents (51%) for future reference and 63.5% made use of the licensed trademarks when purchasing similar products. In conclusion the results generally indicated that the respondents had adequate knowledge and positive perceptions of clothing labels, and made use of clothing labels before, during and after purchasing clothing products. Furthermore only small significant differences were found between male and female respondents’ knowledge, perceptions and use of clothing labels. It was established that relationships do exist between respondents’ knowledge, perceptions and use of clothing labels. / Thesis (M. Consumer Science)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Stedelike Afrikaanssprekende verbruikers se houding, voorkeur en selfgelding ten opsigte van Afrikaanse bemarkingskommunikasie (Afrikaans)

Slippers, Johanna Yvonne 07 November 2008 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Afrikaans, as een van 11 amptelike landstale, bevind homself in ’n unieke posisie as ’n belangrike bemarkingskommunikasietaal. Die assosiasie tussen Afrikaans en die apartheidsregering het die beeld van Afrikaans, oor jare, groot skade berokken. Afrikaanssprekendes is egter vir baie jare reeds die taalgroep met die grootste besteebare inkomste en ʼn teikengroep wat maklik bereikbaar is. Tog word Afrikaans dikwels nie ernstig deur die reklame-industrie opgeneem nie. Weinig is egter bekend oor wat Afrikaanssprekende verbruikers se houding teenoor bemarkingskommunikasie in Afrikaans is, of hulle dit hoegenaamd verkies en of hulle bereid is om daarvoor te vra. Die primêre navorsingsdoel van die studie was om stedelike Afrikaanssprekende verbruikers se houding, voorkeur en selfgelding ten opsigte van Afrikaanse bemarkingskommunikasie te bepaal en verder te ondersoek. Primêre data is met behulp van rekenaargesteunde telefoononderhoude ingesamel. Die teikenpopulasie was stedelike Afrikaanssprekende verbruikers in Suid-Afrika van 19 jaar en ouer. ’n Verteenwoordigende steekproef van 306 voltooide onderhoude is op ’n nie-ewekansige wyse met behulp van ʼn kwotasteekproef verkry. Die studie het bevind dat stedelike Afrikaanssprekende verbruikers ’n positiewe houding ten opsigte van Afrikaanse bemarkingskommunikasie het; dat hulle tot ’n baie groot mate ’n voorkeur vir Afrikaanse bemarkingskommunikasie bo Engelse bemarkingskommunikasie het, maar dat hulle tot ’n mindere mate bereid is om waarskynlik selfgeldend ten opsigte van Afrikaanse bemarkings-kommunikasie op te tree. Die resultate dui ook aan dat daar, met die uitsondering van verskillende ouderdomsgroepe, verskeie beduidende verskille in stedelike Afrikaanssprekende verbruikers se houding, voorkeur en selfgelding ten opsigte van Afrikaanse bemarkingskommunikasie voorkom, wat betref: demografiese profiel (inkomste, ras en geslag); Engelse taalvaardigheid; taalgroepidentiteit; die bemarkingskommunikasiemedium (kontakpersoneel, tasbare kommunikasie, reklame en verpakking); produkbetrokkenheid (ooreenkomstig die FCB-matriks); en produkte se posisie op die goedere-dienstekontinuum (suiwer diens, goedere-dienstekruising en suiwer produk). Onder meer toon die resultate dat vroulike respondente ’n positiewer houding het, ’n groter voorkeur het en meer waarskynlik selfgeldend sal optree ten opsigte van Afrikaanse bemarkingskommunikasie as manlike respondente. Die resultate toon ook dat, waar dienste en kontakpersoneel ter sprake is, stedelike Afrikaanssprekende verbruikers by uitstek Afrikaanse bemarkingskommunikasie verkies. Aspekte soos hierdie behoort in ag geneem te word wanneer ’n bemarkingskommunikasieplan, wat hierdie teikengroep insluit, ontwikkel word. Bemarkers en maatskappye wat daarin belangstel om met stedelike Afrikaanssprekende verbruikers ’n verhouding te bou, behoort ongetwyfeld die moeite te doen om met hierdie teikengroep in Afrikaans te kommunikeer. ENGLISH: Afrikaans, as one of the country’s 11 official languages, finds itself in a unique position as an important marketing communication language. The association between Afrikaans and the apartheid government, over years caused much damage to the image of Afrikaans. Afrikaans speakers, however, have for many years been the language group with the largest disposable income and are a target group that is easily reached. In spite of this, Afrikaans is frequently not being taken seriously by the advertising industry. Little is however known about the attitude of Afrikaans-speaking consumers towards marketing communication in Afrikaans, whether it is at all preferred by them and if they are prepared to ask for it. The primary research goal of the study was to determine and further investigate the attitude, preference and assertiveness of urban Afrikaans-speaking consumers in terms of Afrikaans marketing communication. Primary data was collected by means of computer-assisted telephone interviews. The target population was urban Afrikaans-speaking consumers in South Africa aged 19 years and older. A representative test sample of 306 completed interviews was obtained by means of a nonprobability quota sample. The study found that urban Afrikaans-speaking consumers have a positive attitude towards Afrikaans marketing communication; that they, to a very large extent, prefer Afrikaans marketing communication to English marketing communication, but that they are to a lesser extent prepared to likely act assertively with regards to Afrikaans marketing communication. The results further show that, with the exception of different age groups, various significant differences exist in urban Afrikaans-speaking consumers’ attitudes, preferences and assertiveness with regards to Afrikaans marketing communication concerning: demographic profile (income, race and gender); English language proficiency; language group identity; the marketing communication medium (contact personnel, tangible communication, advertising and packaging); product involvement (according to the FCB grid); and products’ position on the goods-services continuum (pure service, goods-services hybrid; pure tangible goods). Amongst other things, the results show that female respondents have a more positive attitude, a greater preference and are more likely to act assertively with regards to Afrikaans marketing communication than male respondents. The results also show that, especially where services and contact personnel are concerned, urban Afrikaans-speaking consumers prefer Afrikaans marketing communication. Aspects like these should be taken into consideration when a marketing communication plan, which includes this target group, is developed. Marketers and companies, who are interested in building a long-term relationship with urban Afrikaans-speaking consumers, should undoubtedly make the effort to communicate with this target group in Afrikaans. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Communication Management / PhD / Unrestricted

Assessing the perceptions of consumers on wastewater reuse in the Vaal Triangle / Lelethu Conelia Bungu

Bungu, Lelethu Conelia January 2014 (has links)
Many countries, including South Africa, are facing the reality of insufficient water supplies to meet their present and future water demands due to decreasing freshwater availability and increasing demand. Increased populations and climate changes further exacerbate the problem. South Africa is considered the thirtieth driest country in the world with limited supplies of water which are unevenly distributed. Thus there is a need for alternative water sources to augment the freshwater supply. Wastewater reuse has been identified worldwide as a viable option to augment water supplies. While technologies are available to ensure proper treatment of wastewater to even potable standards, many countries have experienced public resistance to wastewater reuse due to negative perceptions of consumers. For wastewater reuse initiatives to be successful public acceptance is imperative. The aim of this study was to assess perceptions of consumers in the Vaal Triangle on wastewater reuse. This is the first study conducted in the Vaal Triangle on wastewater reuse hence this information can be valuable in future when wastewater reuse projects are implemented A questionnaire to measure perceptions of consumers on wastewater reuse was developed based on previous studies and distributed to people residing in the Vaal Triangle area. A response rate of 74% (515 completed questionnaires) was obtained from 700 distributed questionnaires. The results showed that socio-demographic factors such as age, race, qualification and level of employment affect the perceptions of consumers on wastewater reuse. Additionally, knowledge of wastewater reuse and water scarcity had a positive effect on consumer‟s perceptions. Some of the major reasons why consumers are not receptive to wastewater reuse are health concerns, lack of trust in the implementing agencies, poor management of the plants and safety of chemicals used to treat the water. Lack of knowledge on wastewater reuse was raised as a major concern in the study. All these concerns need to be addressed to ensure success of wastewater reuse projects within the area. Limitations within the study were identified and recommendations for future research were made. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Assessing the perceptions of consumers on wastewater reuse in the Vaal Triangle / Lelethu Conelia Bungu

Bungu, Lelethu Conelia January 2014 (has links)
Many countries, including South Africa, are facing the reality of insufficient water supplies to meet their present and future water demands due to decreasing freshwater availability and increasing demand. Increased populations and climate changes further exacerbate the problem. South Africa is considered the thirtieth driest country in the world with limited supplies of water which are unevenly distributed. Thus there is a need for alternative water sources to augment the freshwater supply. Wastewater reuse has been identified worldwide as a viable option to augment water supplies. While technologies are available to ensure proper treatment of wastewater to even potable standards, many countries have experienced public resistance to wastewater reuse due to negative perceptions of consumers. For wastewater reuse initiatives to be successful public acceptance is imperative. The aim of this study was to assess perceptions of consumers in the Vaal Triangle on wastewater reuse. This is the first study conducted in the Vaal Triangle on wastewater reuse hence this information can be valuable in future when wastewater reuse projects are implemented A questionnaire to measure perceptions of consumers on wastewater reuse was developed based on previous studies and distributed to people residing in the Vaal Triangle area. A response rate of 74% (515 completed questionnaires) was obtained from 700 distributed questionnaires. The results showed that socio-demographic factors such as age, race, qualification and level of employment affect the perceptions of consumers on wastewater reuse. Additionally, knowledge of wastewater reuse and water scarcity had a positive effect on consumer‟s perceptions. Some of the major reasons why consumers are not receptive to wastewater reuse are health concerns, lack of trust in the implementing agencies, poor management of the plants and safety of chemicals used to treat the water. Lack of knowledge on wastewater reuse was raised as a major concern in the study. All these concerns need to be addressed to ensure success of wastewater reuse projects within the area. Limitations within the study were identified and recommendations for future research were made. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Consumer perceptions regarding labels on clothing and household textile products : a study in Gauteng / Liezl Steyn

Steyn, Liezl January 2010 (has links)
Textile product labels are provided on the clothing and household textile products to assist consumers with important product information. However, the assumption cannot be made that because the label is available on these products it will be used by consumers. Consumers do not base their pre– and post–purchasing decisions on reality but rather on what they perceive to be the reality. Thus consumers’ perceptions of textile product labels need to be studied as it influences their pre– and post–purchasing decisions and use of these labels. Consumers use their perceptions as a frame of reference for making purchasing decisions. This study determined consumers’ perceptions, in order to form a better understanding of their textile pre– and post–purchasing decisions. However, perception is not a singular concept but an interactive process. Therefore, the present study, done in the Gauteng Province, aimed to determine consumers’ perceptions of clothing and household textile labels, by focusing on the perceptual process of consumers. The first objective was to determine consumers’ awareness of labels on clothing and household textile products. Secondly, it was determined whether consumers’ attention is drawn to labels of clothing and household textile products. Thirdly it was determined whether labels on textile products are important to consumers and finally, whether consumers interpret labels on textile products. An interviewer–administered questionnaire was used as the data collection technique. A total of 411 questionnaires were administered by trained fieldworkers. The study location was three different regions in Gauteng Province, namely: Pretoria, Vereeniging and the West Rand. Public locations were used for the recruitment of respondents selected within the three regions, which included: schools, retirement villages, parking areas and government institutions. This contributed to the probability that a diverse group of respondents participated. The study population consisted of 44.5% males and 55.5% females. The home languages most spoken among the respondents were English (20.9%), Afrikaans (21.1%) or isiZulu (16.5%). Respondents generally tended to have a positive perception regarding textile product labels. The results illustrated that respondents tended to agree to be aware of label information and that the front and back panels of the label draw their attention. However respondents tended to be neutral as to whether the information is important enough to read. Respondents mostly agreed that they interpret the symbols on textile product labels. Although respondents tended to perceive textile product labels positively, it still remains unclear whether it is important enough for consumers to use these labels found on textile products. By striving to improve consumers’ perceptions regarding textile product labels through better labelling initiatives and consumer education on labels, consumers might view labels as important and use them before and after purchasing a textile product. This will in effect teach consumers how to clean and maintain textile products to extend the product’s lifespan. This would in turn contribute to the consumer’s pre– and post–purchasing satisfaction. This study additionally found that respondents’ perceptions of textile product labels were influenced by some of their demographic characteristics. Although there were no large effect sizes which illustrated practical significance, there were some small to medium tendencies regarding respondents’ perceptions of textile product labels and their demographic characteristics. Different tendencies were especially found when analysing the relationships between respondents’ perceptions and age or language. Older respondents (60 and older) tended to have a more positive perception of textile product labels than younger respondents (18 to 29 years). In addition, respondents with an African language as their home language seemed to differ from Afrikaans and English respondents. To understand South African consumers fully, researchers should understand the diversity and political history of South Africa, by focusing on cultural differences and reasons thereof. Different age generations need to be examined in further South African studies in order to determine the perceptions of consumers from different age groups regarding textile product labels. / Thesis (M. Consumer Science)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Consumer perceptions regarding labels on clothing and household textile products : a study in Gauteng / Liezl Steyn

Steyn, Liezl January 2010 (has links)
Textile product labels are provided on the clothing and household textile products to assist consumers with important product information. However, the assumption cannot be made that because the label is available on these products it will be used by consumers. Consumers do not base their pre– and post–purchasing decisions on reality but rather on what they perceive to be the reality. Thus consumers’ perceptions of textile product labels need to be studied as it influences their pre– and post–purchasing decisions and use of these labels. Consumers use their perceptions as a frame of reference for making purchasing decisions. This study determined consumers’ perceptions, in order to form a better understanding of their textile pre– and post–purchasing decisions. However, perception is not a singular concept but an interactive process. Therefore, the present study, done in the Gauteng Province, aimed to determine consumers’ perceptions of clothing and household textile labels, by focusing on the perceptual process of consumers. The first objective was to determine consumers’ awareness of labels on clothing and household textile products. Secondly, it was determined whether consumers’ attention is drawn to labels of clothing and household textile products. Thirdly it was determined whether labels on textile products are important to consumers and finally, whether consumers interpret labels on textile products. An interviewer–administered questionnaire was used as the data collection technique. A total of 411 questionnaires were administered by trained fieldworkers. The study location was three different regions in Gauteng Province, namely: Pretoria, Vereeniging and the West Rand. Public locations were used for the recruitment of respondents selected within the three regions, which included: schools, retirement villages, parking areas and government institutions. This contributed to the probability that a diverse group of respondents participated. The study population consisted of 44.5% males and 55.5% females. The home languages most spoken among the respondents were English (20.9%), Afrikaans (21.1%) or isiZulu (16.5%). Respondents generally tended to have a positive perception regarding textile product labels. The results illustrated that respondents tended to agree to be aware of label information and that the front and back panels of the label draw their attention. However respondents tended to be neutral as to whether the information is important enough to read. Respondents mostly agreed that they interpret the symbols on textile product labels. Although respondents tended to perceive textile product labels positively, it still remains unclear whether it is important enough for consumers to use these labels found on textile products. By striving to improve consumers’ perceptions regarding textile product labels through better labelling initiatives and consumer education on labels, consumers might view labels as important and use them before and after purchasing a textile product. This will in effect teach consumers how to clean and maintain textile products to extend the product’s lifespan. This would in turn contribute to the consumer’s pre– and post–purchasing satisfaction. This study additionally found that respondents’ perceptions of textile product labels were influenced by some of their demographic characteristics. Although there were no large effect sizes which illustrated practical significance, there were some small to medium tendencies regarding respondents’ perceptions of textile product labels and their demographic characteristics. Different tendencies were especially found when analysing the relationships between respondents’ perceptions and age or language. Older respondents (60 and older) tended to have a more positive perception of textile product labels than younger respondents (18 to 29 years). In addition, respondents with an African language as their home language seemed to differ from Afrikaans and English respondents. To understand South African consumers fully, researchers should understand the diversity and political history of South Africa, by focusing on cultural differences and reasons thereof. Different age generations need to be examined in further South African studies in order to determine the perceptions of consumers from different age groups regarding textile product labels. / Thesis (M. Consumer Science)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Consumers' preferences for private and national brand food products / L. Wyma

Wyma, Louise January 2010 (has links)
Introduction: The importance of brands and the competition between private and national brands in different food categories increased in recent years. According to literature, except for packaging and price, there is virtually no difference between the contents of food products in the majority of private and national brands. Private brands are usually cheaper than national brands. Previous research indicated consumers’ preferences for private and national brand food products to differ between various products and in different regions. Objective: The aim of this study was thus to determine the relationship between consumers’ brand preferences for different food products, in relation to their demographics and psychographics in a South African context. Setting: A mall intercept, interviewer administered questionnaire was used as a quantitative method in this study in Potchefstroom in a South African context. Consumers’ preferences for private and national brand food products in different product categories were explored, using preference, psychographics and demographical questions simultaneously. Results: Respondents in this study preferred to purchase national brands in all products categories except for cooking oil. Considering eight psychographic factors that were extracted by exploratory factor analysis, two factors could be associated with positive reactions, while neutral reactions were evident for six factors. Respondents being indecisive on the majority of factors could be due to the fact that national brands were preferred for most products by respondents in the present study. Conclusions: Although brand preference depended on demographics and psychographics in previous research, the present study did not find significant relationships with psychographics when different products were used. Although a combination of demographic factors (mainly gender, education level, home language and employment status) could be useful in determining brand preference when used with specific products, home language and education level seem to be the most important factors. Therefore, brand preference depended on specific demographics for each product, while psychographic factors did not play a significant role. This implied that brand preference research should be product and region specific using specific demographic variables. / Thesis (M. Consumer Science)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Consumers' preferences for private and national brand food products / L. Wyma

Wyma, Louise January 2010 (has links)
Introduction: The importance of brands and the competition between private and national brands in different food categories increased in recent years. According to literature, except for packaging and price, there is virtually no difference between the contents of food products in the majority of private and national brands. Private brands are usually cheaper than national brands. Previous research indicated consumers’ preferences for private and national brand food products to differ between various products and in different regions. Objective: The aim of this study was thus to determine the relationship between consumers’ brand preferences for different food products, in relation to their demographics and psychographics in a South African context. Setting: A mall intercept, interviewer administered questionnaire was used as a quantitative method in this study in Potchefstroom in a South African context. Consumers’ preferences for private and national brand food products in different product categories were explored, using preference, psychographics and demographical questions simultaneously. Results: Respondents in this study preferred to purchase national brands in all products categories except for cooking oil. Considering eight psychographic factors that were extracted by exploratory factor analysis, two factors could be associated with positive reactions, while neutral reactions were evident for six factors. Respondents being indecisive on the majority of factors could be due to the fact that national brands were preferred for most products by respondents in the present study. Conclusions: Although brand preference depended on demographics and psychographics in previous research, the present study did not find significant relationships with psychographics when different products were used. Although a combination of demographic factors (mainly gender, education level, home language and employment status) could be useful in determining brand preference when used with specific products, home language and education level seem to be the most important factors. Therefore, brand preference depended on specific demographics for each product, while psychographic factors did not play a significant role. This implied that brand preference research should be product and region specific using specific demographic variables. / Thesis (M. Consumer Science)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Exploring the resilience of nurses providing mental health care to involuntary mental health care users / Rudo Juliet Ramalisa

Ramalisa, Rudo Juliet January 2014 (has links)
Providing mental health care to involuntary mental health care users (MHCUs) is challenging and an ethical adversity nurses often have to deal with. The literature, in general, indicates that nurses might possess coping and resiliency in the work environment where they are often faced with adversities. However there is a paucity of information regarding the resilience of nurses providing mental health care (MHC) to involuntary MHCUs. Therefore the research objectives explored the resilience of nurses using the Connor-Davidson scale (CD-RISC), to explore and describe how nurses cope and strengthen their resilience in providing MHC to involuntary MHCUs and to formulate guidelines to strengthen the resilience of these nurses to provide quality nursing care in the work environment where MHCUs are often involuntarily admitted. To achieve these objectives, the research followed both a qualitative and quantitative approach and an exploratory and descriptive design which was contextual in nature. A convenience sampling method was used to achieve a sample size of 28 participants, who were handed questionnaires to complete, containing demographical information, the CD-RISC and a narrative. A response rate of 85.7% was reached. Quantitative data was analysed by using the SPSS programme while data from narratives, for the qualitative data, were grouped and themed. The results in the first phase indicated that resiliency was high amongst participants, as the mean score of the CD-RISC was 79.9 out of a total score of 100; whilst only one participant scored below 50. The mean for the highest scores was on item 25 (pride in your achievements) (3.8) and item 10 (best effort no matter what) (3.6) and two critical aspects which scored low were item 18 (make unpopular or difficult decisions) and item 19 (can handle unpopular feelings) (2.3) amongst participants. Interestingly, the majority of participants (66.7%) do not have training in psychiatric nursing. In the second phase, two themes were identified from the questions. The first theme “Coping mechanisms” identified four methods to cope with involuntary MHCUs. These subthemes are “support system”, “knowledge, skills and experience”, “nurse-patient relationship” and “spirituality and selfcare”. The second theme “Resilience strategies” brought forth five subthemes as follows: “support”, “trained staff”, “security measures and safety”, “teamwork” and “in-service training and education”. Conclusions suggest that nurses are resilient to provide MHC for involuntary MHCUs. Furthermore, they take pride in their achievements and have passion for their work. On the contrary, they find it difficult to make unpopular decisions which affect others and to handle unpleasant feelings. This is indicative of internal conflict and difficulty in being assertive. Nurses take pride in their achievements and want to give nursing care that’s in the best interest of the MHCUs whilst they feel that they might not always be able to do so due to the involuntary nature of the MHCUs admission and treatment. Recommendations for nursing practice, namely guidelines to strengthen the resilience of nurses providing mental health care to involuntary MHCUs could be developed from the research findings. Facilitating assertiveness and a supportive environment might strengthen resilience and should be addressed by management and supervisors. Recommendations for nursing education and further research were also formulated. / MCur, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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