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Interaction in virtual restorative environments : How do different possibilities to interact affect the perceived restorativeness of a virtual environment?Helmisaari, Minnamari January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on virtual restorative environments – specifically, the way that natural environments have been created in a virtual context to elicit beneficial effects on restoration and stress recovery. As the field of restorative environment research is mostly concerned with studying the environment itself, the interaction between participant and environment tends to consist of open exploration, and other ways to interact are often overlooked. The aim of this thesis was therefore to construct a virtual restorative environment with an additional possibility to interact, and to explore how the interaction is connected to a virtual environment’s perceived restorativeness. To gain deeper understanding about how different people perceived the virtual environments, the experiment was conducted using qualitative measures such as questionnaires, open questions and interviews. The results indicate that the perception of a virtual environment’s restorativeness is a very subjective matter, as the individual differences between the participants affected the way that they perceived the environments.
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The Comparative Effects of Three Virtual Nature Exposure Methods on State Social Motivation: A Randomized Controlled TrialCastelblanco, Samantha A. 01 May 2022 (has links)
It is well established in the research literature that exposure to nature positively affects physical and mental health. However, research regarding the effects of nature exposure on social health is less developed. Prior research found that watching a video of nature improved state social motivation. Building on this research, the current study compared the effects of three methods of virtual nature exposure on state social motivation in a randomized controlled trial. In this 3X3 between-subjects experiment, participants (N = 426) 18 to 73 (MAge = 27.69, SD = 12.19) were randomly assigned to experience 3-minutes of nature exposure (wilderness nature, urban non-nature control, indoor non-nature control) through one of three methods (video, photo, guided imagery) and then completed survey questions related to state social motivation (State Motivation to Foster Social Connections (SMSC), State Positive Affect (SA), State Anxiety (SA)). Three two-way 3 X 3 ANOVAs revealed a statistically significant interaction between type of exposure and method of exposure on PA, F(4, 417) = 4.125, p = .003, partial η2 = .038, and no significant interactions for SMSC or SA. Compared to virtual non-nature controls, results suggest that one aspect of state social motivation, PA, is greater after exposure to a nature photo, but not after exposure to a nature video or nature guided imagery. Nature exposure may have a favorable impact on the creation and maintenance of social ties, according to these findings, and should be investigated further as a social health intervention aimed at enhancing overall health.
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Executive Function Impairment and the Influence of a Break in a Virtual Nature EnvironmentVarkala, Kipras 01 January 2020 (has links)
60 (44 in the final sample) full-time or part-time employed or full-time student participants at the University of Central Florida were recruited to see whether a break in virtual nature will help improve upon executive functioning (EF) processing speed; especially in an EF impaired population. The main interest is that if virtual nature breaks aid with mental performance, then the application of virtual nature break can prove beneficial to both normal and, most importantly, the cognitively impaired. The lack of methodological consistency and the limited research on the subject yields mixed results in previous literature. The present study tries to address some of these gaps. Participants had to fill out a demographics survey, perform a cognitive load (Mental Rotation Task) and processing speed task (Stroop Color-Word Task), and then engage in a simulated 15-minute break in nature (video & sounds). Afterwards, they performed the processing speed task again to measure for change. The results failed to demonstrate that a moderately short break consisting of a nature video helps boost EF performance in the normal group. Those who demonstrated impairment in EF in the treatment group had to small of a sample size to be tested on. Numerous limitations and weak statistical power, especially in the impaired group, calls into question the validity of the study. As a result, the study findings are inconclusive.
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A configuração do espaço de convivência digital virtual : A cultura emergente no processo de formação do educador / La Configuration de l’Espace de Convivialité Numérique Virtuelle : culture émergente dans le processus de formation des enseignants / The configuration of digital virtual co-living space : the emergent culture from teacher educational processBackes, Luciana 12 December 2011 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est d'étudier la construction de la culture émergente dans les espaces virtuels numériques ainsi que les processus de formation des enseignants. Les discussions ont été orientées de manière à comprendre comment les êtres humains coexistent dans la nature numérique virtuelle, quels aspects de la nature numérique virtuelle contribuent à construire une «nouvelle culture» et quels sont les éléments du processus de formation et de pratique pédagogique impliqués dans la construction de la culture émergente dans les espaces numériques virtuels.Pour la compréhension du problème, nous nous sommes appuyés sur les théories de la biologie de la cognition de Maturana et Varela, de la biologie de l'Amour de Maturana et de la Biologie-culturelle de Maturana et Yáñez. Ces théories ont été complétées par des théories contemporaines qui traitent de questions liées à la technologie numérique virtuelle, notamment des mondes numériques virtuels en 3D et des processus d'enseignement et d'apprentissage dans les espaces de la nature numérique virtuelle.Les processus de formation propres à cette recherche ont été développés dans des espaces hybrides, configurés par plusieurs technologies numériques, dans un contexte commun au Brésil et à la France, afin d'établir un dialogue entre la théorie et la façon de vivre des étudiants.La recherche s'est développée à partir des méthodes scientifiques proposées par Maturana et Varela, sur la base des données recueillies dans l'étude des processus d'interactions, processus identifiés pendant la formation des enseignants. L'analyse des données est une analyse de contenu de natures qualitative et quantitative. Ces données ont ensuite été analysées en trois étapes. La première est une analyse qualitative qui consiste à identifier les facteurs significatifs, la seconde est l'analyse quantitative des ces facteurs à travers une analyse statistiques implicative (software CHIC), et la troisième consiste à reprendre l'analyse qualitative avec l'éclairage apporté par les résultats de l'analyse statistique. Cette analyse complexe des données a permis l'identification des processus d'interaction dans des couplages structurels de trois ordres : couplage structurel, couplage structurel technologique et couplage structurel de la nature numérique virtuelle.Les espaces numériques virtuels sont configurés par l'autonomie des acteurs, leur statut d'auteur et la congruence avec la technologie numérique virtuelle. La coexistence dans la nature numérique virtuelle trouve sa source dans l'émotion, la perturbation et la récurrence des différentes actions. La dialectique entre cette configuration et cette coexistence permet la construction, par les étudiants en processus de formation, de la culture émergente, dans le respect mutuel, la légitimité et la notion de culture dans l'éducation.La formation des étudiants contribue à renforcer la construction de la culture émergente lorsqu'on utilise une pratique pédagogique qui problématise et contextualise les connaissances, dans laquelle les relations se font par le dialogue et où tous sont co-enseignants et co-apprenants. Dans ce contexte, les êtres humains sont conscients de leurs actions et auteurs de leurs choix. / The object of this thesis research is the study of culture that emerges from virtual digital spaces during teacher educational processes. The considerations about that intend to understand how the co-living based on virtual digital nature is constituted, to identify aspects of this digital virtual nature of co-living that may contribute to build a “new culture” and to apprehend elements from the educational process and pedagogical practice that imply emergent culture from digital virtual spaces. The comprehension of this problematic is built on a theoretical basis, which includes: Biology of Knowledge, by Maturana and Varela; Biology of Love, by Maturana; Cultural-Biology, by Maturana and Yáñez. This basis is complemented by contemporary theorists who approach questions related to digital virtual technology, especially about digital virtual worlds in 3D (MDV3D), and teaching and learning processes in spaces of digital virtual nature.The data results from the development of educational processes, in spaces designed by digital technological hybridism, on a Brazil – France context, in order to establish a dialog among theories and living and co-living of students from these countries. The research is developed using a scientific method, proposed by Maturana and Varela, and the collected data from the interaction processes during teaching education. The data analysis is from a qualitative and quantitative nature, submitted to a content analysis. This analysis occurs in three moments. The first moment is based on qualitative analysis of data, by the identification of the units of the analysis. In the sequence, on a second moment, the data that were analyzed qualitatively are submitted to CHIC software to do an implicative statistical analysis and, at the end, it is done a qualitative analysis again, designing the third moment of the data analysis process. This complex data analysis makes possible to identify, in interactional processes, structural couplings that are from three orders: structural coupling, structural technological coupling and structural coupling of digital virtual nature. It is also possible to identify dialectical characteristics between the design of co-living digital virtual space (through autonomy, authorship and congruence TDV) and co-living form virtual digital nature (by feeling emotions throughout perturbation and recursion), to build an emergent culture (with mutual respect, legitimacy of the other self and elements from culture in education) from the students during educational process.Considering the dialectical aspect on an emergent culture building, it is possible to conclude that the educational process needs to be done using pedagogical practices that takes into perspective the proposition of problems and contextualization of knowledge using dialogical relationships, where everybody is co-teacher and co-learner. / O objeto de investigação desta tese consiste no estudo da cultura que emerge nos espaços digitais virtuais em processos de formação do educador. As reflexões abordadas intencionam compreender como se constitui a convivência de natureza digital virtual, identificar os aspectos dessa convivência de natureza digital virtual que podem contribuir para construir uma “nova cultura” e apreender os elementos do processo formativo e da prática pedagógica que implicam na cultura emergente nos espaços digitais virtuais.A compreensão dessa problemática é construída a partir de uma fundamentação teórica que inclui: a Biologia do Conhecer, de Maturana e Varela; a Biologia do Amor, de Maturana; e a Biologia-Cultural, de Maturana e Yáñez. Esta fundamentação é complementada por teóricos contemporâneos que abordam questões referentes à tecnologia digital virtual, sobretudo a de mundos digitais virtuais em 3D (MDV3D), e processos de ensinar e aprender em espaços de natureza digital virtual. A empiria resulta do desenvolvimento de processos formativos, em espaços configurados pelo hibridismo tecnológico digital, no contexto Brasil e França, a fim de estabelecer o diálogo entre as teorias e o viver e conviver de estudantes desses dois países.A pesquisa se desenvolve por meio do método científico, proposto por Maturana e Varela, e a partir dos dados coletados nos processos de interação durante a formação dos educadores. A análise desses dados é de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, submetida a uma análise de conteúdo. Esta análise ocorre em três momentos. O primeiro momento configura-se na análise qualitativa dos dados, por meio da identificação das unidades de análise. Na sequência, num segundo momento, os dados analisados qualitativamente são submetidos ao software CHIC para a análise estatística implicativa e, por fim, realiza-se novamente uma análise qualitativa, configurando o terceiro momento do processo de análise de dados.Esta análise complexa dos dados possibilita identificar, nos processos de interação, acoplamentos estruturais de três ordens: acoplamento estrutural, acoplamento estrutural tecnológico e acoplamento estrutural de natureza digital virtual. Também é possível identificar a dialeticidade entre a configuração do espaço digital virtual de convivência (por meio da autonomia, autoria e congruência TDV) e a convivência de natureza digital virtual (no emocionar, por meio da perturbação e recursão), para a construção da cultura emergente (no respeito mútuo, legitimidade do outro e com elementos da cultura na educação) dos estudantes em processo formativo. Considerando-se o aspecto dialético na construção da cultura emergente, concluímos que o processo formativo precisa se efetivar em práticas pedagógicas que contemplem a problematização e contextualização dos conhecimentos por meio de relações dialógicas, onde todos são co-ensinantes e co-aprendentes. Nesse processo formativo, os seres humanos, e-habitantes, são conscientes de suas ações e autores de suas escolhas.
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