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<b>Real–time performance comparison of environments created using traditional geometry rendering versus Unreal Nanite technology in virtual reality.</b>Tianshu Li Sr. (17596065) 26 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This study talks about the use of Nanite in Unreal Engine 5.3 in a VR environment and evaluates its impact on scene performance and image quality. Through experimental studies, it was found that Nanite significantly reduced the number of triangles and draw calls for complex scenes. However, Nanite may have caused FPS drops and excessive GPU load, limiting its application areas. Additionally, as a prior condition for Nanite, disabling forward shading reduces performance even though it has positive impacts on graphic quality. The results show that Nanite may have potential in VR environments but requires further optimization to improve its performance. Future research should focus on new optimization methods and expand the use of Nanite in different fields while hardware technology improves.</p>
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Análise da resposta da frequência cardíaca de adultos jovens saudáveis durante performance em um jogo de realidade virtual de imersão / Analysis of heart rate response of healthy young adults during performance in a virtual reality game immersionBarbosa, Cláudia Daniele Pestana 07 February 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-07 / The rehabilitation of people with various disorders has been implemented with the technological advances of virtual reality when using the games immersion in therapeutic programs in clinics and hospitals. However, no studies to guide therapists in relation to levels of physical effort required by the games most often used in virtual reality based rehabilitation. The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of the boxing game on the Nintendo Wii in heart rate response (HR) in healthy young adults seated and standing positions. We selected 28 college students, male, aged 18 to 30 years. A cardiac monitor captured the FC during periods of rest during the game and recovery under two conditions: in the seated position (S) and in the standing position (St). HR increased with running the game, both in S as St (S = 113.90 ± 18.63; St = 125.75 ± 22.4) compared with rest (S = 76.23 ± 9.68 , St = 83.29 ± 10.07) and recovery (S = 82.98 ± 12.33; St = 82.98 ± 12.33) (p = 0.001). During the game, the heart rate was higher in the St (125.75 ± 22.4) than in S (113.90 ± 18.63), considering p ≤ 0.05. The subjects achieved levels of physical exertion as moderate, playing standing or seated. It is concluded that the boxing game appears to be safe for the system heart healthy young adults. Alert up for this game as therapeutic indication only in young patients who may perform physical activity and moderate aerobic. / A reabilitação de pessoas com variadas disfunções tem sido implementada com os avanços tecnológicos da realidade virtual ao se utilizar os jogos de imersão nos programas terapêuticos em clínicas e hospitais. No entanto, não foram encontrados estudos que orientem os terapeutas em relação aos níveis de esforço físico exigido pelos jogos mais frequentemente utilizados na reabilitação baseada na realidade virtual . O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a influência do jogo de boxe do Nintendo Wii na resposta da frequência cardíaca (FC) em adultos jovens saudáveis na posição sentada e ortostática. Foram selecionados 28 universitários, do sexo masculino, com idade entre 18 a 30 anos. Um monitor cardíaco captou a FC nos períodos de repouso, durante o jogo e de recuperação, em duas condições: na postura sentada (PS) e na posição ortostática (PO). A FC aumentou com a execução do jogo, tanto na PS quanto PO (PS = 113,90±18,63; PO = 125,75±22,4) em comparação com o repouso (PS= 76,23±9,68; PO= 83,29±10,07) e com a recuperação (PS= 82,98±12,33; PO=82,98±12,33) (p=0,001). Durante a realização do jogo, a frequência cardíaca foi maior na PO (125,75±22,4), do que na PS (113,90±18,63), considerando-se p≤0,05. Os sujeitos atingiram níveis de esforço físico de leve a moderado, jogando em pé ou sentados. Conclui-se que o jogo de boxe parece ser seguro para o sistema cardíaco de adultos jovens saudáveis. Alerta-se para a indicação desse jogo como terapêutico apenas em pacientes jovens que possam realizar atividade física aeróbica leve e moderada.
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Mission Climbossible : A study ofimmersive vertical locomotion inimpossible spaces for virtual realityReuterswärd, Hedvig January 2020 (has links)
In recent years, the edges between reality and virtual reality have been further smudged as today’s software and hardware allows for wireless immersive experiences. In an attempt to solve locomotion as the last piece of the puzzle of perfecting immersive virtual realities, impossible spaces have been developed to support natural locomotion. This in-between subject study investigated the effects of the combination of climbing and free walking on immersion in an impossible space environment with 20 participants. Users tended to greatly underestimate the distance climbed (which contradicts a previous study), concentrate, lose track of time, describe their experience more positively and differently than the controls group. Signs of spatial, emotional, cognitive and tactical immersion were shown in aspects of concentration, time, feelings of freedom, narrative, presence, safety, mental stimulation and locomotion user strategies to name a few. Minimal cues may have been present while future studies might fully confirm and define the immersive potential of vertical locomotion in impossible spaces. / De senaste årens utveckling har fortsatt sudda ut kanterna mellan verklighet och virtuell verklighet då dagens teknik stödjer trådlösa immersiva verkligheter. I ett försök att lösa locomotion som det sista biten av pusslet för att göra virtuella verkligheter perfekta har s.k impossible spaces utvecklats för att stödja naturlig locomotion. Den här A/B-gruppsstudien undersökte effekter på immersion med kombinationen av naturlig och vertikal locomotion i en impossibel space miljö med 20 deltagare. Användare tenderade att grovt underskatta längden de klättrade (vilket motsäger en tidigare studie), koncentrera sig, tappa tidsuppfattningen, beskriva deras upplevelsen mer positivt och annorlunda än kontrollgruppen. Tecken på rumslig, emotionell, kognitiv och taktil immersion visade sig i form av koncentration, tid, känslor av frihet, narrativ, närvaro, säkerhet, mental stimulation och locomotion- användarstrategier för att nämna några. Minimala element kan ha uppnåtts medan framtida studies kan bekräfta och definiera den immersiva potentialen med vertikal locomotion i impossibel spaces till fullo.
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Abschlussbericht VRmed - Virtual Reality in der medizinischen Lehre: Ein Projekt der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig, Referat Lehre, Bereich MedienLachky, Alexander, Eckardt, Franziska, Stange, Ingmar, Schwarzer, Max-Philip 13 December 2021 (has links)
The advance of digitization influences medical sciences in various areas, increasingly including medical education. Therefore the Teaching Department of the Medical Faculty of the University of Leipzig constantly considers new technical developments and their possibilities for use in medical teaching. The focus is on the fact that teaching should be supplemented and explicitly not replaced by digital media. Virtual reality (hereinafter referred to as 'VR') represents a technology that can be expected to offer promising potential. In order to determine to what extent VR represents an added value for the study of human medicine and which hardware and software is suitable, the project VRmed – Virtual Reality in Medical Teaching was initiated in the Media section of the Teaching Department of the MF. This was funded as part of the Digital Fellowship Program by the University Didactic Center Saxony and the Working Group E-Learning of the LRK Saxony. The present report represents the final report of the project, which was created on its own initiative. In order to investigate the question of implementation possibilities for medical studies, four VR glasses (three different models) and four VR applications were purchased. Two simulation applications and two anatomy applications were selected as applications. The former are i:medtasim and StepVR applications. In addition, the anatomy applications 3D Organon VR Anatomy and Medicalholodeck were purchased. The initially extensive multi-stage evaluation with lecturers and students could not be implemented in 2020/2021 due to the pandemic-related restrictions and was therefore only applied in limited extent. Thus, hardware and software were evaluated qualitatively and in depth in the context of three presentation events by lecturers and media didactics. In particular, the simulation applications are considered to be helpful and useful extensions for teaching. The anatomy application 3D Organon VR Anatomy could also be used profitably in medical studies, especially in the early semesters. With regard to i:medtasim, there are initial considerations to include this in the curriculum as part of a medical elective. Another perspective is the establishment of a VR lab in which students and lecturers can freely use the technology. It should also be noted that VR is associated with many technical challenges and both the setup and the first use require expertise. In addition, the purchase is cost-intensive and hardware and software develop very quickly. Nevertheless, the potentials and the added value predominate. VR can be used to meet a wide range of learning types, practice scenarios bridge the gap between theory and practice, and students and lecturers can connect to technical developments.:1. Einleitung
2. Theoretische Hinführung
3. VR an Medizinischen Fakultäten und Universitäten außerhalb des Standorts Leipzig
4. Projektbeschreibung VRmed – Virtual Reality in der medizinischen Lehre Leipzig
5. VR Hardware und Software für den medizinischen Einsatz
6. Evaluation
7. Fazit und Ausblick
8. Literaturverzeichnis
9. Online-Quellen
A) Projektstrukturplan
B) Zeitplan
C) Poster
D) Evaluationsprotokolle / Das Voranschreiten der Digitalisierung beeinflusst die Medizin in verschiedenen Bereichen, weshalb deren Relevanz auch im Medizinstudium zunimmt. Daher werden im Referat Lehre der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig stetig neue technische Entwicklungen und deren Möglichkeiten für den Einsatz in der medizinischen Lehre betrachtet. Im Fokus steht, dass die Lehre ergänzt und explizit nicht durch digitale Medien ersetzt werden soll. Virtual Reality (im Folgenden „VR“) stellt dabei eine Technologie dar, die in der ersten Auseinandersetzung vielversprechende Potentiale erwarten lässt. Um festzustellen, inwiefern VR einen Mehrwert für das Humanmedizinstudium darstellt und welche Hard- und Software dabei in Frage kommt, wurde im Bereich Medien des Referats Lehre der MF das Projekt VRmed – Virtual Reality in der medizinischen Lehre initiiert. Dies wurde im Rahmen des Digital Fellowship-Programms vom Hochschuldidaktischen Zentrum Sachsen und dem Arbeitskreis E-Learning der LRK Sachsen gefördert. Der hier vorliegende Bericht stellt den Abschlussbericht des Projektes dar, welcher aus Eigenantrieb erstellt wurde. Um der Frage nach Implementierungsmöglichkeiten für das Medizinstudium nachzugehen, wurden vier VR-Brillen (drei verschiedene Modelle) und vier VR-Anwendungen angeschafft. Als Anwendungen wurden zwei Simulationsanwendungen und zwei Anatomieanwendungen ausgewählt. Bei ersterem handelt es sich um die Anwendungen i:medtasim und StepVR. Zudem wurden die Anatomieanwendungen 3D Organon VR Anatomy und Medicalholodeck eingekauft. Die zunächst umfangreich angelegte mehrstufige Evaluation mit Dozierenden und Studierenden konnte aufgrund der pandemiebedingten Einschränkungen in den Jahren 2020/2021 nicht umgesetzt werden und wurde eingegrenzt. Somit wurde Hard- und Software im Rahmen von drei Präsentationsveranstaltungen von Dozierenden und Mediendidaktiker:innen qualitativ und tiefgehend evaluiert. Insbesondere die Simulationsanwendungen werden als hilfreiche und sinnvolle Erweiterungen für die Lehre eingeschätzt. Auch die Anatomieanwendung 3D Organon VR Anatomy könnte im Medizinstudium, insbesondere in die frühen Semester, gewinnbringend eingesetzt werden. Bezüglich i:medtasim existieren erste Überlegungen, dies im Rahmen eines humanmedizinischen Wahlfachs in das Curriculum einzubinden. Eine weitere Perspektive ist die Etablierung eines VR-Labs, in dem Studierende und Dozierende die Technik frei nutzen können. Es bleibt auch festzuhalten, dass VR mit vielen technischen Herausforderungen verbunden ist und sowohl das Einrichten als auch die erste Nutzung Expertise bedürfen. Zudem ist die Anschaffung kostenintensiv und Hard- und Software entwickeln sich sehr schnell. Dennoch überwiegen die Potentiale und der Mehrwert. Durch VR kann vielfältigen Lerntypen begegnet werden, durch Übungsszenarien wird eine Brücke zwischen Theorie und Praxis geschlagen und Studierende wie auch Dozierende können an technische Entwicklungen anschließen.:1. Einleitung
2. Theoretische Hinführung
3. VR an Medizinischen Fakultäten und Universitäten außerhalb des Standorts Leipzig
4. Projektbeschreibung VRmed – Virtual Reality in der medizinischen Lehre Leipzig
5. VR Hardware und Software für den medizinischen Einsatz
6. Evaluation
7. Fazit und Ausblick
8. Literaturverzeichnis
9. Online-Quellen
A) Projektstrukturplan
B) Zeitplan
C) Poster
D) Evaluationsprotokolle
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