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[pt] O objetivo princioal deste trabalho é estudar a viabilidade do uso de técnicas numéricas
simples para aproximar a solução de uma classe de problemas Elasto-Víscoplasticos no
dominio de pequenas deformações, e estabelecer qualitativamente um domínio de validade
numérico para esta análise. Neste caso o método de Galerkin é utilizado para integrar e
conjunto de equações Elasto-Viseoplastieas no espaço e esquemas de integração Explicitos
do tipo Preditor-Corretor são usados para integrar no tempo o conjunto de equações semi-discreto. O conjunto de leis de comportamento Elasto-Viscoplastico (proposto por Lemaitre e
Chaboche) é desenvolvido num contexto termodinâmico associando-se Variáveis Internas aos
vários Mecanismos Dissipativos que um material Elasto-Viscoplastico apresenta vários Mecanismos Dissipativos que um material Elasto-Viscoplastico apresenta durante sua
evolução. Neste trabalho serão analisados alguns aspectos dos esquemas propostos como a
estabilidade do Esquema de Integração Temporal e o problema de Trancamento da malha
além da abordagem de tópicos como o problema de Contato Unilateral de materiais Elasto-
Viscoplasticos sujeitos a pequenas deformações. / [en] In the present work We study the possibility of appling a simple numerical procedures to
aproximate the solution of Elastic-Viscoplastic problems in the domain of small
deformations. These procedures consists of using Galerkin s method to integrate the system
of Elastic-Viscoplastic equations in space and an Explicit integration tecnique such as
Predictor-Corrector methods for the integration of the semi-discret system of equations. The
Elastic-Viscoplasác behavior of materials such as that treated by Lemaitre and Chaboche is
modeled by associating Internal Vminbles to the observed dissipative phenomems in
Themodinamical context. Some aspects of the proposed procedures such as stability of
Predicta-Conector methods and Mesh Looking problem will be analised. Read more
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A modified viscoplastic formulation for large deformations using a bulk modulus approachRusia, Devendra Kumar January 1987 (has links)
No description available.
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Use of iterative technologies for the rigid-viscoplastic finite element analysisLi, Ching-Chang January 1986 (has links)
No description available.
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An Empirically Validated Multiscale Continuum Damage Model for Thermoplastic Polymers Subjected to Variable Strain RatesFrancis, David K 11 May 2013 (has links)
This dissertation proposes a modi ed internal state variable (ISV) inelastic damage model that was motivated by experimental structure{property relations of thermoplastics. In particular, a new damage model was developed for glassy, amorphous thermoplastics. ISV evolution equations are de ned through thermodynamics, kinematics, and kinetics for isotropic damage arising from two di erent inclusion types: pores and particles. The damage arising from the particles and crazes is accounted for by three processes: damage nucleation, growth, and coalescence. Damage nucleation is de ned as the number density of voids/crazes. The associated ISV rate equation is a function of stress state, molecular weight, fracture toughness, particle size, particle volume fraction, temperature, and strain rate. The damage growth is based upon a single void growing and its growth is de ned by an ISV rate equation that is a function of stress state, strain rate sensitivity, and strain rate. The coalescence ISV equation enables interaction between voids and crazes and is a function of the nearest neighbor distance between voids/crazes, size of voids/crazes, temperature, and strain rate. The damage arising from pre-existing voids employs the Cocks{Ashby void growth rule. The total void volume fraction is a summation of the damage arising from particles, pores, and crazes. Micromechanical modeling results for a single void compare well to experimental ndings garnered from the literature. This formulation is then implemented into a nite element analysis. For damage evolution, comparisons are made between a one-dimensional material point simulator and a three-dimensional nite element (FE) simulation. Finally, good agreement is found between impact experiments and FE impact simulations using the implemented model. Read more
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Modelagem numérica e mecânica de escoamentos elasto-viscoplásticos tixotrópicos : investigações com uma nova função viscoplásticaFerreira, Márleson Rôndiner dos Santos January 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado a modelagem mecânica e numérica de um escoamento elastoviscoplástico tixotrópico, em termos dos campos de velocidade, pressão, tensão e parâmetro de estrutura. A discretização numérica é feita pelo Método de Elementos Finitos Estabilizado, também conhecido como Galerkin Mínimos Quadrados (GMQ), através de elementos quadrangulares bilineares. O clássico problema da cavidade é utilizado nas simulações, a fim de comparar a formulação e o código utilizados com os resultados conhecidos na literatura. Além disso, apresenta-se o estudo de materiais elasto-viscoplástico tixotrópico em uma contração abrupta na escala 4:1, utilizando a formulação descrita e uma nova função viscosidade para fluidos viscoplásticos, denominada função Viscoplástica Harmônica (VPH). Resultados envolvendo a função VPH são introduzidos e discutidos pela primeira vez nesta tese e apresenta um ótimo ajuste de curva, quando comparada com outras funções disponíveis na literatura. Além da fácil implementação, essa função também apresenta um platô para as altas e baixas viscosidades que são fisicamente realistas, visto que não é possível uma viscosidade infinita ou nula. O menor tempo computacional é também uma característica perceptível nas simulações usando a nova função viscoplástica, isso é um atributo do seu equacionamento que não depende de um termo exponencial, como outros modelos. O estudo de qualidade de malha também é apresentado a fim de garantir a escolha do domínio discreto adequado. Apesar do uso de elementos de ordem inferior, o método GMQ mostrou-se estável na aproximação numérica de todos os problemas dispostos, garantindo até mesmo a análise sobre os efeitos da cinemática, da elasticidade e da tixotropia no escoamento dos fluidos dentro da contração abrupta. / In this work the mechanical and numerical modeling of a thixotropic elasto-viscoplastic flow in terms of the velocity, pressure, stress and structure parameter is presented. Numerical discretization is done by the Stabilized Finite Element Method, also known as Galerkin Least Squares (GLS), through bilinear quadrangular elements. The classical liddriven cavity problem is used in the simulations in order to compare the formulation and code used with the results in the literature. In addition, the study of elasto-viscoplastic thixotropic materials in a 4:1 abrupt contraction using the described formulation and a new viscosity function for viscoplastic fluids, called the Harmonic Viscoplastic Function (HVP), is presented. Results involving the HVP function are introduced and discussed for the first time in this thesis and present a better curve fit when compared to other functions available in the literature. Besides to easy implementation, this function also features a plateau for high and low viscosities that are physically realistic, since infinite or zero viscosity is not possible. The shortest computational time is also a perceptible feature in the simulations using the new viscoplastic function, this is an attribute of its equation that does not depend on an exponential term like other models. The mesh quality study is also presented in order to ensure the choice of the appropriate discrete domain. Despite the use of lower-order elements, the GLS method proved to be stable in the numerical approximation of all the problems, guaranteeing even the analysis of the effects of kinematics, elasticity and thixotropy on fluid flow within the abrupt contraction. Read more
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Modelagem numérica e mecânica de escoamentos elasto-viscoplásticos tixotrópicos : investigações com uma nova função viscoplásticaFerreira, Márleson Rôndiner dos Santos January 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado a modelagem mecânica e numérica de um escoamento elastoviscoplástico tixotrópico, em termos dos campos de velocidade, pressão, tensão e parâmetro de estrutura. A discretização numérica é feita pelo Método de Elementos Finitos Estabilizado, também conhecido como Galerkin Mínimos Quadrados (GMQ), através de elementos quadrangulares bilineares. O clássico problema da cavidade é utilizado nas simulações, a fim de comparar a formulação e o código utilizados com os resultados conhecidos na literatura. Além disso, apresenta-se o estudo de materiais elasto-viscoplástico tixotrópico em uma contração abrupta na escala 4:1, utilizando a formulação descrita e uma nova função viscosidade para fluidos viscoplásticos, denominada função Viscoplástica Harmônica (VPH). Resultados envolvendo a função VPH são introduzidos e discutidos pela primeira vez nesta tese e apresenta um ótimo ajuste de curva, quando comparada com outras funções disponíveis na literatura. Além da fácil implementação, essa função também apresenta um platô para as altas e baixas viscosidades que são fisicamente realistas, visto que não é possível uma viscosidade infinita ou nula. O menor tempo computacional é também uma característica perceptível nas simulações usando a nova função viscoplástica, isso é um atributo do seu equacionamento que não depende de um termo exponencial, como outros modelos. O estudo de qualidade de malha também é apresentado a fim de garantir a escolha do domínio discreto adequado. Apesar do uso de elementos de ordem inferior, o método GMQ mostrou-se estável na aproximação numérica de todos os problemas dispostos, garantindo até mesmo a análise sobre os efeitos da cinemática, da elasticidade e da tixotropia no escoamento dos fluidos dentro da contração abrupta. / In this work the mechanical and numerical modeling of a thixotropic elasto-viscoplastic flow in terms of the velocity, pressure, stress and structure parameter is presented. Numerical discretization is done by the Stabilized Finite Element Method, also known as Galerkin Least Squares (GLS), through bilinear quadrangular elements. The classical liddriven cavity problem is used in the simulations in order to compare the formulation and code used with the results in the literature. In addition, the study of elasto-viscoplastic thixotropic materials in a 4:1 abrupt contraction using the described formulation and a new viscosity function for viscoplastic fluids, called the Harmonic Viscoplastic Function (HVP), is presented. Results involving the HVP function are introduced and discussed for the first time in this thesis and present a better curve fit when compared to other functions available in the literature. Besides to easy implementation, this function also features a plateau for high and low viscosities that are physically realistic, since infinite or zero viscosity is not possible. The shortest computational time is also a perceptible feature in the simulations using the new viscoplastic function, this is an attribute of its equation that does not depend on an exponential term like other models. The mesh quality study is also presented in order to ensure the choice of the appropriate discrete domain. Despite the use of lower-order elements, the GLS method proved to be stable in the numerical approximation of all the problems, guaranteeing even the analysis of the effects of kinematics, elasticity and thixotropy on fluid flow within the abrupt contraction. Read more
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Modelling the viscoplastic properties of carbon black filled rubber : A finite strain material model suitable for Finite Element AnalysisÖsterlöf, Rickard January 2016 (has links)
An increased environmental awareness, legal demands and the large part of total costs attributable to fuel cost are all incentives for the automotive industry to reduce fuel consumption. The optimal driveline to enable this reduction depends on the operational conditions and the available infrastructure. Moreover, special care is needed when developing the driveline isolators, since the demands on noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) are the same regardless of driveline. To this end, computer aided calculations can be used in order to evaluate a large number of configurations. However, these calculations are only, at best, as good as the material models employed. In the foreseeable future, rubber with reinforcing fillers will be used in vibration isolators in order to obtain the desired properties of these components. However, the stiffness and damping of rubber with reinforcing fillers are highly non-linear functions, and the available material models in commercial software and in the literature are often insufficient. Therefore, a finite strain viscoplastic material model is derived in the time domain and implemented as a user defined material model in Abaqus Explicit. The model captures the strain amplitude and frequency dependency of the storage and loss modulus for a carbon black filled natural rubber. The model is accurate over a wide range of shear strain amplitudes and frequencies, 0.2-50 % and 0.5-20 Hz, respectively, using only 5 material parameters. In addition, the model correctly captures the response from bimodal excitations. The implementation in Abaqus Explicit enables component characteristics to be evaluated early in the development phase, with material parameters derived from simple test specimens. The improved accuracy of simulations of these components can aid engineers develop more optimized solutions faster than with conventional methods. / En ökad miljömedvetenhet, juridiska krav och den stora delen av de totala kostnaderna som kan hänföras till bränslekostnader är alla incitament för fordonsindustrin att minska bränsleförbrukningen. Den optimala drivlinan för att möjliggöra denna minskning beror på driftförhållanden och den tillgängliga infrastrukturen. Dessutom ställs höga krav på utvecklingen av drivlineisolatorer, eftersom kraven på buller och vibrationer (NVH) är desamma oavsett drivlina. För detta ändamål kan datorstödda beräkningar användas för att utvärdera ett stort antal konfigurationer. Dessa beräkningar är, i bästa fall, endast så bra som de använda materialmodellerna. Inom en överskådlig framtid kommer gummi med förstärkande fyllmedel användas i vibrationsisolatorer för att erhålla de önskade egenskaperna hos dessa komponenter. Men styvheten och dämpningen i gummi med förstärkande fyllmedel är kraftigt icke-linjära funktioner, och de tillgängliga materialmodellerna i kommersiella programvaror och i litteraturen är ofta otillräckliga. Därför är en viskoplastisk materialmodell för finita deformationer framtagen i tidsdomänen och implementeras som ett användardefinierat material i Abaqus Explicit. Modellen fångar töjningsamplitud- och frekvensberoendet av lagrings- och förlustmodulen för ett kimröksfyllt naturgummi. Den är korrekt över ett brett intervall av skjuvtöjningsamplituder och frekvenser, 0.2-50% respektive 0.5-20 Hz, och kräver endast 5 materialparametrar. Dessutom fångar modeller responsen från bimodala excitationer. Implementeringen i Abaqus Explicit gör att komponentegenskaper kan utvärderas tidigt i utvecklingsfasen, med materialparametrar som härrör från enkla provkroppar. Den förbättrade noggrannheten i simuleringar av dessa komponenter kan hjälpa ingenjörer att utveckla mer optimerade lösningar snabbare än med konventionella metoder. / <p>QC 20160406</p> Read more
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Yield-stress dropsGerman, Guy January 2010 (has links)
The behaviour of viscoplastic drops during formation and detachment from a capillary nozzle, free-fall, impact on a solid substrate and subsequent spreading are investigated experimentally by high-speed imaging. Drop dynamic behaviour is an integral component of many contemporary industrial processes ranging from fuelinjection systems in combustion engines to spray coating, agrochemical and pharmaceutical delivery, fire extinguishment and ink-jet printing. Yield-stress fluids are commonly used nowadays in products ranging from mayonnaise to hair-gel. It is hoped that through understanding the dynamics of viscoplastic fluids, additional spray applications can be developed that will help to advance and optimise industrial processes. Viscoplastic fluids exhibit shear-thinning behaviour when the applied stress exceeds a certain threshold value, called the yield-stress. Below this threshold however, the fluid behaves like an elastic solid. By comparing the behaviour of viscoplastic drops with both Newtonian and shear-thinning fluids, yield-stress is shown to be capable of altering detachment behaviour, drop shape during free-fall, impact morphology and the final sessile shape of drops after spreading. For drops attached to the end of a capillary tube, growth continues until a maximum supportable tensile stress is reached in the drop neck. After this critical point, drops become unstable and detach. The critical break-up behaviour of low yield-stress drops is found to be similar to those of Newtonian and shear-thinning fluids. Above a threshold value however, characterised in terms of the ratio between yield-stress magnitude and capillary pressure, yield-stress forces exceed surface tension forces and the maximum tensile stress achievable in the drop neck at critical stability is governed by the extensional yield-stress, established using the von Mises criterion. This threshold value can also be used to characterise equilibrium drop shapes during free-fall. Whereas Newtonian, shear-thinning and low yield-stress fluids form near spherical equilibrium drop shapes, fluids above a threshold value become increasingly more prolate as the yield-stress increases. Upon impact, viscoplastic drops can exhibit central peaks at the end of inertial spreading. The influence of yield-stress magnitude on impact behaviour is qualitatively established by measuring the size of these peaks. Peaks indicate that deformation during impact is localized and within a threshold radius, shear stresses will not be large enough to overcome the yield-stress, therefore fluid within this region will not deform from the drop shape prior to impact. After impact, spreading will be dependent on the surface energy. Again, the ratio of the yield-stress magnitude to the capillary pressure can be used to characterise the final sessile drop shape. Whilst the equilibrium contact angle of Newtonian, shear-thinning and low yield-stress drops is independent of the yield-stress magnitude, above a threshold value, contact angles vary as a function of yield-stress magnitude. Whilst the research presented in this thesis highlights how fluid yield-stress can influence drop dynamics, some results are only qualitative. To establish more quantitative results, computational fluid dynamics methods should be used to examine viscoplastic drop dynamics. This research should focus primarily on impact behaviour, an aspect that has not received much attention previously. Modelling shear-thinning and viscoplastic fluid behaviour can be achieved by incorporating the relevant rheological models into the flow equations and examining impact morphology using a volume of fluid method. Numerical results can then be directly compared with the experimental results. Useful further experimentation could examine the relaxation behaviour of diamagnetically levitated viscoplastic drops. The results from this work could provide further insight into what rheological model best describes viscoplastic behaviour for shear-stresses below the yield-point. Read more
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[pt] Atualmente, o escoamento de fluidos não Newtonianos está
presente em diversos processos industriais e também no dia-
a-dia de todos. Na presente dissertação, inicialmente, é
apresentada uma nova equação constitutiva capaz
de modelar fluidos que possuam tanto elasticidade como
viscoplasticidade, sendo este novo modelo definido como
elasto-viscoplástico. Para a melhor compreensão do modelo,
anteriormente, é realizada, uma breve revisão dos
fluidos não Newtonianos, com maior ênfase para o modelo
viscoplástico SMD e o modelo viscoelástico de Oldroyd-B,
que possuem grande influência no novo modelo constitutivo.
Em seguida é apresentada uma nova metodologia de
adimensionalização levando-se em conta apenas os parâmetros
reológicos neste processo, garantindo a independência das
equações com relação a vazão. Por fim, é realizada a
simulação deste novo modelo em um escoamento com
uma expansão e contração abrupta. Nesta simulação, é
analisado o comportamento do fluido ao passar por esta
cavidade com relação às principais variáveis da equação
constitutiva. A simulação foi realizada pelo método dos
elementos finitos e os resultados mostram a influência do
número de Deborah reológico, da velocidade, do expoente
power-law e da razão entre os tempos de retardo e de
relaxamento, na perda de carga e no padrão de escoamento. / [en] Currently, the flow of non-Newtonian fluids is present in
many industrial
processes and also in day-to-day of all. In this
dissertation, initially it is exposed a
new constitutive equation capable of modeling fluids that
present as much
elasticity as viscoplasticity, and this new model is called
as Elasto-viscoplastic.
For better understanding of this model, previously, a brief
review of non-
Newtonian fluids is done, with a focus on the SMD
viscoplastic model and on the
Oldroyd-B viscoelastic model, both which have a great
influence in this new
constitution model.Afterward, a new methodology of non-
dimensionalization is
presented, taking into account only the rheological
parameters in this process
and ensuring the independence of equations with respect to
flow. Finally, the
simulation of this new model is performed in a flow within
a abrupt expansioncontraction
geometry. In this simulation, it is studied the behavior of
the fluid
through this cavity with respect to key variables of the
constitutive equation. The
simulation was carried out by the finite element method
and, by the analysis of
the results, it is shown the influence of the rheological
Deborah, flow speed, the
power-law exponent and the ratio of the time of retardation
and relaxation on the
head loss and the flow pattern. Read more
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[pt] Materiais viscoplásticos, os quais apresentam tensão limite de escoamento,
podem ser encontrados em vários processos naturais e em diversas
indústrias, tais como: alimentícia, de cosméticos, farmacêutica e do petróleo.
Nessas indústrias o conhecimento preciso das propriedades reológicas dos
materiais viscoplásticos e do comportamento desses materiais em diferentes
escoamentos é fundamental para o sucesso de várias operações. Todavia, a
reometria desse tipo de material ainda apresenta alguns desafios como as
medidas de tensão limite de escoamento, deslizamento aparente, tixotropia
e a quebra da microestrutura na colocação da amostra no reômetro. Alémm
disso, existe o fato de que até hoje alguns fenômenos em diferentes escoamentos
envolvendo materiais viscoplásticos ainda permanecem não tão
bem compreendidos, o que requer uma investigação mais profunda. Nesse
trabalho, uma abordagem dos materiais que apresentam comportamento
viscoplástico, dos métodos utilizados para as medições de suas propriedades
reológicas e do comportamento desses materiais em diferentes tipos de escoamento
é realizada. Além disso, é executada uma análise detalhada de
escoamentos, tais como: viscométricos, através de expansões-contrações, envolvendo
deslocamentos em tubos capilares e de escoamentos envolvendo
deslocamentos em poços de petróleo. / [en] Viscoplastic or yield stress materials are found in a lot of natural processes,
and in a wide variety of industries such as food, cosmetic, farmaceutical and
petroleum. In these industries, knowing the accurate rheological properties
of a viscoplastic material and its behavior in different flows are fundamental
for the success of many operations. Nevertheless, the rheometry of this kind
of material still presents some challenges, such as yield stress measurements,
apparent wall slip, thixotropy and the breakdown of structure on loading the
material into the rheometer geometry used. In addition to that, until now
some phenomena in different flows involving viscoplastic materials are not
well understood, and therefore more investigation is required. This thesis
deals with viscoplastic materials, their rheological properties measurements,
and their behavior in different kinds of flow. Moreover, a detailed analysis
of flows such as viscometric, expansions-contractions, the displacements in
capillary tubes, and the displacements inside oil wells was performed. Read more
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