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Visuell återkoppling i casinospel : Visuell återkoppling påverkar spelandet i casinospel / Visual feedback in casino games : Visual feedback affects gaming in casino gamesBjarre, Hanna, Richardsson, Matilda January 2019 (has links)
Nya casinon dyker upp allt oftare och spelberoende är ett återkommande ämne i nyheterna. Trots alla nya onlinecasinon finns det inga studier idag som undersöker hur den visuella aspekten av dessa onlinespel påverkar spelarna. Denna studie undersöker hur visuell återkoppling påverkar individernas spelande och risktagande när de spelar på onlinecasinon. För att studera dessa effekter genomfördes en studie på 45 studenter som delades in i två grupper. Båda grupperna blev ombedda att spela en prototyp av en enarmad bandit skapad för denna studie som heter "Casino Slotmachine". En grupp såg en vanlig grå pop-up ruta med resultat, medan den andra gruppen utsattes för animeringar i form av fallande konfetti när de vann och en mer estetiskt tilltalande popup-box i en ljusgul ton med resultat. Under spelet registrerades deltagarnas satsningar per runda, tid per runda samt antalet klick per runda. Varje deltagare spelade 20 rundor av spelet. Efter spelet svarade deltagarna på en enkät om deras spelupplevelse. Resultaten visar att deltagarna som fick visuell återkoppling tog större risker under sessionen än gruppen som inte fick visuell återkoppling. Visuell återkoppling kan därför vara en underliggande faktor till varför vissa spelare i onlinecasinon tar större risker idag. Undersökningen visar också på att de som fick visuell återkoppling blev mindre stressade av spelet än de som inte gjorde det. Både män och kvinnor påverkades på samma sätt av den visuella återkopplingen. / New casinos appear online constantly, and gambling addiction is a recurring subject in the news. Despite all the new online casinos, there are no studies today that investigate how the visual aspect of these online games affects the players. This study examines how visual feedback affects individuals' gambling and risk-taking when gambling on online casinos. To study these effects, a study was conducted on 45 students who were divided into two groups. Both groups were asked to play a prototype of a slot machine created for this study called "Casino Slotmachine". One group saw a regular gray pop-up box displaying net profit, while the other group was exposed to animations in the form of falling confetti when winning, and a more aesthetically pleasing pop-up box in a light yellow tone displaying net profit. During the game, the participants' bet per round, time per round and the amount of clicks per round was recorded. Each participant played 20 rounds of the game. After playing, the participants responded to a survey about their gaming experience. The results show that the participants who received visual feedback took more risks during the session than the group that did not receive visual feedback. Visual feedback can therefore be an underlying factor to why some players in online casinos are taking greater risks today. The survey also shows that those who received visual feedback became less stressed by the game than those who did not. Both men and women were similarly affected by the visual feedback.
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MULTI-RATE VISUAL FEEDBACK ROBOT CONTROLSolanes Galbis, Juan Ernesto 24 November 2015 (has links)
[EN] This thesis deals with two characteristic problems in visual feedback robot control: 1) sensor latency; 2) providing suitable trajectories for the robot and for the measurement in the image. All the approaches presented in this work are analyzed and implemented on a 6 DOF industrial robot manipulator or/and a wheeled robot.
Focusing on the sensor latency problem, this thesis proposes the use of dual-rate high order holds within the control loop of robots. In this sense, the main contributions are:
- Dual-rate high order holds based on primitive functions for robot control (Chapter 3): analysis of the system performance with and without the use of this multi-rate technique from non-conventional control. In addition, as consequence of the use of dual-rate holds, this work obtains and validates multi-rate controllers, especially dual-rate PIDs.
- Asynchronous dual-rate high order holds based on primitive functions with time delay compensation (Chapter 3): generalization of asynchronous dual-rate high order holds incorporating an input signal time delay compensation component, improving thus the inter-sampling estimations computed by the hold. It is provided an analysis of the properties of such dual-rate holds with time delay compensation, comparing them with estimations obtained by the equivalent dual-rate holds without this compensation, as well as their implementation and validation within the control loop of a 6 DOF industrial robot manipulator.
- Multi-rate nonlinear high order holds (Chapter 4): generalization of the concept of dual-rate high order holds with nonlinear estimation models, which include information about the plant to be controlled, the controller(s) and sensor(s) used, obtained from machine learning techniques. Thus, in order to obtain such a nonlinear hold, it is described a methodology non dependent of the machine technique used, although validated using artificial neural networks. Finally, an analysis of the properties of these new holds is carried out, comparing them with their equivalents based on primitive functions, as well as their implementation and validation within the control loop of an industrial robot manipulator and a wheeled robot.
With respect to the problem of providing suitable trajectories for the robot and for the measurement in the image, this thesis presents the novel reference features filtering control strategy and its generalization from a multi-rate point of view. The main contributions in this regard are:
- Reference features filtering control strategy (Chapter 5): a new control strategy is proposed to enlarge significantly the solution task reachability of robot visual feedback control. The main idea is to use optimal trajectories proposed by a non-linear EKF predictor-smoother (ERTS), based on Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) algorithm, as new feature references for an underlying visual feedback controller. In this work it is provided both the description of the implementation algorithm and its implementation and validation utilizing an industrial robot manipulator.
- Dual-rate Reference features filtering control strategy (Chapter 5): a generalization of the reference features filtering approach from a multi-rate point of view, and a dual Kalman-smoother step based on the relation of the sensor and controller frequencies of the reference filtering control strategy is provided, reducing the computational cost of the former algorithm, as well as addressing the problem of the sensor latency. The implementation algorithms, as well as its analysis, are described. / [ES] La presente tesis propone soluciones para dos problemas característicos de los sistemas robóticos cuyo bucle de control se cierra únicamente empleando sensores de visión artificial: 1) la latencia del sensor; 2) la obtención de trayectorias factibles tanto para el robot así como para las medidas obtenidas en la imagen. Todos los métodos propuestos en este trabajo son analizados, validados e implementados utilizando brazo robot industrial de 6 grados de libertad y/o en un robot con ruedas.
Atendiendo al problema de la latencia del sensor, esta tesis propone el uso de retenedores bi-frequencia de orden alto dentro de los lazos de control de robots. En este aspecto las principales contribuciones son:
-Retenedores bi-frecuencia de orden alto basados en funciones primitivas dentro de lazos de control de robots (Capítulo 3): análisis del comportamiento del sistema con y sin el uso de esta técnica de control no convencional. Además, como consecuencia del empleo de los retenedores, obtención y validación de controladores multi-frequencia, concretamente de PIDs bi-frecuencia.
-Retenedores bi-frecuencia asíncronos de orden alto basados en funciones primitivas con compensación de retardos (Capítulo 3): generalización de los retenedores bi-frecuencia asíncronos de orden alto incluyendo una componente de compensación del retardo en la señal de entrada, mejorando así las estimaciones inter-muestreo calculadas por el retenedor. Se proporciona un análisis de las propiedades de los retenedores con compensación del retardo, comparándolas con las obtenidas por sus predecesores sin compensación, así como su implementación y validación en un brazo robot de 6 grados de libertad.
-Retenedores multi-frecuencia no lineales de orden alto (Capítulo 4): generalización del concepto de retenedor bi-frecuencia de orden alto con modelos de estimación no lineales, los cuales incluyen información tanto de la planta a controlar, como del controlador(es) y sensor(es) empleado(s), obtenida a partir de técnicas de aprendizaje. Así pues, para obtener dicho retenedor no lineal, se describe una metodología independiente de la herramienta de aprendizaje utilizada, aunque validada con el uso de redes neuronales artificiales. Finalmente se realiza un análisis de las propiedades de estos nuevos retenedores, comparándolos con sus predecesores basados en funciones primitivas, así como su implementación y validación en un brazo robot de 6 grados de libertad y en un robot móvil con ruedas.
Por lo que respecta al problema de generación de trayectorias factibles para el robot y para la medida en la imagen, esta tesis propone la nueva estrategia de control basada en el filtrado de la referencia y su generalización desde el punto de vista multi-frecuencial.
-Estrategia de control basada en el filtrado de la referencia (Capítulo 5): una nueva estrategia de control se propone para ampliar significativamente el espacio de soluciones de los sistemas robóticos realimentados con sensores de visión artificial. La principal idea es utilizar las trayectorias óptimas obtenidas por una trayectoria predicha por un filtro de Kalman seguido de un suavizado basado en el algoritmo Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) como nuevas referencias para un controlador dado. En este trabajo se proporciona tanto la descripción del algoritmo como su implementación y validación empleando un brazo robótico industrial.
-Estrategia de control bi-frecuencia basada en el filtrado de la referencia (Capítulo 5): generalización de la estrategia de control basada en filtrado de la referencia desde un punto de vista multi-frecuencial, con un filtro de Kalman multi-frecuencia y un Kalman-smoother dual basado en la relación existente entre las frecuencias del sensor y del controlador, reduciendo así el coste computacional del algoritmo y, al mismo tiempo, dando solución al problema de la latencia del sensor. La validación se realiza utilizando un barzo robot industria asi / [CA] La present tesis proposa solucions per a dos problemes característics dels sistemes robòtics el els que el bucle de control es tanca únicament utilitzant sensors de visió artificial: 1) la latència del sensor; 2) l'obtenció de trajectòries factibles tant per al robot com per les mesures en la imatge. Tots els mètodes proposats en aquest treball son analitzats, validats e implementats utilitzant un braç robot industrial de 6 graus de llibertat i/o un robot amb rodes.
Atenent al problema de la latència del sensor, esta tesis proposa l'ús de retenidors bi-freqüència d'ordre alt a dins del llaços de control de robots. Al respecte, les principals contribucions son:
- Retenidors bi-freqüència d'ordre alt basats en funcions primitives a dintre dels llaços de control de robots (Capítol 3): anàlisis del comportament del sistema amb i sense l'ús d'aquesta tècnica de control no convencional. A més a més, com a conseqüència de l'ús dels retenidors, obtenció i validació de controladors multi-freqüència, concretament de PIDs bi-freqüència.
- Retenidors bi-freqüència asíncrons d'ordre alt basats en funcions primitives amb compensació de retards (Capítol 3): generalització dels retenidors bi-freqüència asíncrons d'ordre alt inclouen una component de compensació del retràs en la senyal d'entrada al retenidor, millorant així les estimacions inter-mostreig calculades per el retenidor. Es proporciona un anàlisis de les propietats dels retenidors amb compensació del retràs, comparant-les amb les obtingudes per el seus predecessors sense la compensació, així com la seua implementació i validació en un braç robot industrial de 6 graus de llibertat.
- Retenidors multi-freqüència no-lineals d'ordre alt (Capítol 4): generalització del concepte de retenidor bi-freqüència d'ordre alt amb models d'estimació no lineals, incloent informació tant de la planta a controlar, com del controlador(s) i sensor(s) utilitzat(s), obtenint-la a partir de tècniques d'aprenentatge. Així doncs, per obtindre el retenidor no lineal, es descriu una metodologia independent de la ferramenta d'aprenentatge utilitzada, però validada amb l'ús de rets neuronals artificials. Finalment es realitza un anàlisis de les propietats d'aquestos nous retenidors, comparant-los amb els seus predecessors basats amb funcions primitives, així com la seua implementació i validació amb un braç robot de 6 graus de llibertat i amb un robot mòbil de rodes.
Per el que respecta al problema de generació de trajectòries factibles per al robot i per la mesura en la imatge, aquesta tesis proposa la nova estratègia de control basada amb el filtrat de la referència i la seua generalització des de el punt de vista multi-freqüència.
- Estratègia de control basada amb el filtrat de la referència (Capítol 5): una nova estratègia de control es proposada per ampliar significativament l'espai de solucions dels sistemes robòtics realimentats amb sensors de visió artificial. La principal idea es la d'utilitzar les trajectòries optimes obtingudes per una trajectòria predita per un filtre de Kalman seguit d'un suavitzat basat en l'algoritme Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) com noves referències per a un control donat. En aquest treball es proporciona tant la descripció del algoritme així com la seua implementació i validació utilitzant un braç robòtic industrial de 6 graus de llibertat.
- Estratègia de control bi-freqüència basada en el filtrat (Capítol 5): generalització de l'estratègia de control basada am filtrat de la referència des de un punt de vista multi freqüència, amb un filtre de Kalman multi freqüència i un Kalman-Smoother dual basat amb la relació existent entre les freqüències del sensor i del controlador, reduint així el cost computacional de l'algoritme i, al mateix temps, donant solució al problema de la latència del sensor. L'algoritme d'implementació d'aquesta tècnica, així com la seua validaci / Solanes Galbis, JE. (2015). MULTI-RATE VISUAL FEEDBACK ROBOT CONTROL [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/57951
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Kompenzace poruchy posturální stability v čase u pacientů po resekci vestibulárního schwannomu / Compensation of balance disoder in time in patients after vestibular schwannana resectionHajná, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
Introduction: Disorders of balance and dizziness are characteristic symptoms in patients after vestibular schwannoma surgery and often have a negative impact on their quality of life. This thesis deals with impairment of postural stability particularly in patients at the long time period after surgery. The aim of this study is to observe the longitudinal development of vestibular compensation from acute postoperative period to time of several years after surgery. Another aim is to evaluate the short-term effect of vestibular rehabilitation in a long time period after surgical treatment, and to compare the results of measuring the subjective visual vertical, posturography, score of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory questionnaire, age and tumor size in these patients. Methods: Examined group consisted of 10 patients after resection of vestibular schwannoma (mean age 41.4 ± 12.1 years; 2 women and 8 men). All patients underwent intensive rehabilitation program in the acute phase after surgery. 7 patients did exercise with visual feedback, and 3 patients had conventional rehabilitation without visual feedback. In long time period after surgery all patients underwent one exercise unit with visual feedback. Patients underwent computerized posturography examination using force platform Balance Master® in...
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肢體感測回饋對序列動作學習之影響 / The effects of body posture visual feedback on motor sequence learning黃郁茹, Huang, Yu Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以使用者為中心之設計角度出發,探討 Kinect 提供的肢體感測回饋,如何影響序列動作學習,並試圖找出在設計回饋資訊時應注意的要素。本研究提出兩項假設,探討在序列動作學習時,有無肢體感測回饋資訊,對動作表現的影響:
H1 使用者在序列動作學習時,提供其肢體感測回饋,可以提高使用者「動作部位精確度」的學習效果。
H2 使用者在序列動作學習時,提供其肢體感測回饋,可以提高使用者對「序列動作完整度」的學習效果。
透過影片分析,研究者針對「動作部位精確度」及「序列動作完整度」進行評分,以檢視控制組與實驗組在動作表現上之差異。實驗結果卻與研究預期相反,在「動作部位精確度 」與「序列動作完整度」,實驗組都表現較差,且達顯著水準。亦即提供肢體感測回饋,並未提升序列動作的精確度或完整度表現。針對此實驗結果,綜合問卷所得之受測者需求分析,本研究歸因於肢體感測回饋資訊設計不良所致。回饋訊息未能針對使用者需求設計。受測者最需要知道的資訊:動作正確與否、如何修正以及評分標準,實驗組並未能有效獲得。因此,本研究提出肢體感測回饋資訊設計上的三點建議:
1. 系統應給予學習者宏觀概念圖,事先告知學習者序列動作之項目順序。
2. 系統應讓學習者清楚瞭解每個動作之學習項目。
3. 系統除了提供學習者表現獲知的回饋資訊,更需提供修正線索。 / This research was based on user-center design thinking, and discussed how the body posture visual feedback provided by Kinect influenced the learner on motor sequence learning. We tried to find out the key elements of designing feedback. Here we proposed two hypotheses to probe the effects of body posture visual feedback on motor sequence learning:
H1 When learning motor sequence, users provided body posture sensing feedback would learn better in “accuracy of moving parts”.
H2 When learning motor sequence, users provided body posture sensing feedback would learn better in “completeness of sequence order”.
We recruited 60 subjects, and they were distributed into control and experiment group randomly. The control group learned the motor sequence only with demonstrating video; experiment group, on the other side, were provided body posture visual feedback at the same time. All the subjects should practice the motor sequence, which included 6 items, 5 times, then tried to demonstrate the sequence without any cue. They were videotaped at the same time. After that, they should fill out a questionnaire.
The researcher scored “accuracy of moving parts”, and “completeness of sequence order” through video analysis, then comparing the differences between two groups. The results were different from what we expected. The experiment group performed significantly worse than control group both in “accuracy of moving parts” and “completeness of sequence order”, which meant providing body posture visual feedback did not enhance the performance of motor sequence learning in both aspects. In the light of the results and the requirements suggested in the questionnaire by subjects, we thought the results caused by bad design of body posture visual feedback, which couldn't fit the users’ needs. The subjects didn’t get the information they need most, like the correctness of their performance, how to adjust the performance and the criteria of scroing. Therefore, we proposed three suggestions on designing body posture visual feedback:
1. The system should provide learners the macro concept of the whole sequence order in advance.
2. The system should let leaners to understand all the movements clearly and thoroughly.
3. The system should provide the information of “Knowledge of Performance”; and further, providing the hints of adjustments.
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Hodnocení kompenzace stabilometrických parametrů u pacientů po operaci vestibulárního schwannomu / The assessment of the compensation of stabilometric parameters in patients after vestibular schwannoma surgeryKozlová, Eva January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, we have been dealing with the evaluation of progressing of the postural stability in the patients after the operation of the vestibular schwannoma (VS). The stability was evaluated by means of stabilometric parameters (COP trajectory length, COP confidence ellipse area). We measured the development of the parameters before operation, immediately after resection and before the discharge. The set contained 17 patients (n = 17). The level of static importance we determined p ≤ 0,05. We found a statistically significant difference between the measurement before the operation and the measurement immediately after the operation (COP confidence ellipse area: p = 0,0183, COP trajectory length: p = 0,0355). On the other hand, the change in both parameters in the measurement before the discharge and the testing after the resection wasn't statistically significant (COP confidence ellipse area: p = 0,4081, COP trajectory length: p = 0,9991). Our next goal was to find out if the stability fault correlates with the disorder of function VOR. We testing the function of t-VOR by the subjective visual vertical (SVV) (n = 24), the function of the r-VOR by the dynamic visual acuity (DVA) (n = 28) and the caloric test (n = 21). We found a statistically significant correlation of both stabilometric...
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Pressões respiratórias estáticas máximas: parâmetros de análise e influência do estímulo visualCoelho, Cristina Martins 29 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-07-20T13:18:12Z
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Previous issue date: 2011-03-29 / Introdução: A força muscular respiratória é geralmente estimada a partir das pressões geradas nas vias aéreas pela contração dos músculos respiratórios. Dentre os testes disponíveis para este fim, o mais amplamente utilizado na prática clínica é a avaliação das pressões respiratórias estáticas máximas (PREM) ao nível da boca: pressão inspiratória máxima e pressão expiratória máxima. Atualmente, recomenda-se a utilização de transdutores de pressão em substituição aos manovacuômetros aneróides durante as medidas das PREM. Entretanto, os parâmetros de definição de pressão máxima a serem empregados a partir da utilização deste tipo de equipamento ainda são motivo de debate. Uma das possíveis vantagens relacionadas à utilização dos transdutores de pressão é a visualização do próprio esforço realizado por parte dos indivíduos. Porém, não foram encontrados na literatura consultada estudos que avaliassem objetivamente os efeitos desta estratégia sobre os valores pressóricos mensurados. Objetivos: Investigar diferentes parâmetros de definição de pressão máxima descritos na literatura para as medidas das PREM, bem como avaliar a influência do estímulo visual sobre o desempenho dos voluntários durante estas medidas. Materiais e métodos: Estudo transversal, do qual participaram 49 sujeitos saudáveis, de ambos os sexos, com média de idade de 23,08 ± 2,5 anos, índice de massa corporal que não caracterizasse desnutrição ou obesidade, e função ventilatória dentro dos limites da normalidade. Os voluntários foram recrutados na comunidade acadêmica da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, e todos assinaram o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido previamente às avaliações. Para as medidas das PREM, foi utilizado um transdutor de pressão da marca EMG System do Brasil Ltda. Os testes foram realizados em duas ocasiões, com intervalo mínimo de duas semanas, com e sem a utilização do estímulo visual. Os parâmetros de definição de pressão máxima avaliados foram estimados a partir de algoritmo matemático desenvolvido para a pesquisa, a saber: pressão de pico, pressão de platô, pressão média máxima e pressão segundo a área. Além disso, foram avaliados ainda o tempo para atingir o valor de pico e a área normalizada. Para análise estatística, foram empregados a média e o desvio padrão para caracterização da amostra, além dos testes de
Friedman, Wilcoxon, e da correlação de Spearman para análise das variáveis. Resultados: Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre todos os parâmetros de definição de pressão máxima estudados (p < 0,05). Com relação à utilização do estímulo visual, este esteve relacionado a maiores valores pressóricos apenas no primeiro dia de avaliação (p < 0,05), indicando neste caso o efeito do aprendizado. Conclusão: Foram evidenciadas diferenças significativas entre todos os parâmetros de definição de pressão máxima estudados. Além disso, a utilização do estímulo visual durante os testes pareceu não resultar em melhoria do desempenho dos sujeitos avaliados. / Introduction: Respiratory muscle strength is usually estimated from the pressures generated on the airways by the respiratory muscles contraction. Among the available tests, the most widely used in clinical practice is the assessment of the maximal static respiratory pressures (MSRP) generated at the mouth: maximum static inspiratory pressure and maximum static expiratory pressure. Nowadays, the use of pressure transducers during the measurements of the MSRP, in substitution to the aneroid manometers, is recommended. However, the definition parameters of maximum pressure that should be applied when using this device are still to be defined. One of the possible advantages related to the use of pressure transducers is the real time visualization, by the subjects, of their own effort. Nevertheless, studies that objectively evaluated the effects of this strategy upon the pressure values obtained were not found in the literature. Objectives: To investigate different definition parameters of maximum pressure described in the literature for the MSRP measurements, as well as to assess the influence of the visual feedback upon the performance of the volunteers. Methods: Transversal study, in which 49 healthy subjects from both sexs took part, mean age 23,08 ± 2,5 years, body mass index that did not characterize obesity or malnutrition, and ventilatory function within normal limits. The volunteers were recruited from the academic community of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, and all gave their informed written consent prior to the measurements. The assessments of the MSRP were made using an EMG System do Brasil Ltda. pressure transducer. The tests were conducted in two occasions, with a two-week minimum interval, with and without visual feedback. The definition parameters of maximum pressure were estimated from a mathematical algorithm developed to the research and were, namely, peak pressure, plateau pressure, mean pressure and pressure according to the area. It was also evaluated the time to reach the peak pressure and the normalized area. For statistical analysis, it was used the mean and the standard deviation for sample characterization, and the Friedman and Wilcoxon tests, as well as the Spearman correlation, for the data analysis. Results: There were found significant differences among all the definition parameters of maximum pressure studied. Regarding the tests undertaken with visual feedback,
they were related to higher pressure values only in the first day of assessments (p > 0,05), indicating, in this case, the learning effect. Conclusion: There were found significant differences among all the definition parameters of maximum pressure studied. In addition, the use of visual feedback during the testes seems to be unable to improve the volunteers’ performance.
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<p>While pronunciation has previously been described as a neglected skill in the second language classroom, a growing body of literature has demonstrated that pronunciation training improves students’ productions (Derwing & Munro, 2005). Mispronunciations have been shown to impact comprehensibility, intelligibility, and accentedness (Derwing & Munro, 2009). As pronunciation instruction methods have begun to be the subject of empirical research, Visual Feedback (VF) has begun to emerge as a novel method for teaching pronunciation. This method has been shown to be particularly effective for teaching voice onset time (VOT), a characteristic of voiceless stop consonants (e.g., /p, t, k/). Worth noting, English and Spanish differ concerning VOT, with English employing long VOTs (30-100ms) and Spanish short VOTs (0-30ms) (Lisker & Abramson’s, 1964). Previous research has focused exclusively on employing VF for shortening VOT, although there are some compelling reasons to question whether the size and nature of the effect would be similar for lengthening VOT. The present study examines the potential effectiveness of VF as a means of lengthening the VOT of Spanish learners of English.</p>
<p>The participants of the study were twenty-six students from a large Colombian university. The experiment design consisted of a pretest, three VF interventions, a posttest, and a delayed posttest. The tests were composed of two tasks, differing in their complexity: recording words in isolation and words in utterances. Stimuli consisted of English words (n= 4266) with word-initial voiceless stops (/p, t, k/). Stimuli were controlled for stress, following vowel, and word familiarity and were measured for VOT using Praat (Boersma & Weenink, 2022).</p>
<p>Results from statistical analysis coupled with a visual inspection of the data indicated that the experimental group performed similarly in the three stages of the study and that the visual feedback paradigm did not result in changes in VOT. However, some degree of variation was found among the participants concerning their average VOTs. While some participants showed an overall increase (i.e., improvement) in English VOTs for the three phonemes /p/, /t/, and /k/ over time, other participants did not. In general, most of the participants produced English-like VOTs in the pretest, constituting a degree of ceiling effects. The rate of exposure to the target language and the saliency of English are factors that could have played a role in the development of the VOT scores of the participants before the study. Therefore, the discussion focuses on both the nature of the individual variability and the theoretical implications of ceiling effects found in the current study versus the lack of ceiling effects in other studies with similar populations.</p>
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Using Realistic Visual Biofeedback for the Treatment of Residual Speech Sound ErrorsMental, Rebecca Lyn, Mental 01 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Speed, precision and grip force analysis of human manual operations with and without direct visual input / Analyse de la précision, de la rapidité et de la force de gestes humains guidés par informations visuelles directes ou par image 2D/3DBatmaz, Anil Ufuk 03 July 2018 (has links)
Le système perceptif d’un chirurgien doit s’adapter aux contraintes multisensorielles liées à la chirurgie guidée par l’image. Trois expériences sont conçues pour explorer ces contraintes visuelles et haptiques pour l’apprentissage guidé par l’image. Les résultats montrent que les sujets sont plus rapides et plus précis avec une vision directe. La stéréoscopie 3D n’améliore pas les performances des débutants complets. En réalité virtuelle, la variation de la longueur, largeur, position et complexité de l'objet affecte les performances motrices. La force de préhension appliquée sur un système robotique chirurgical dépend de l'expérience de l'utilisateur. En conclusion, le temps et la précision sont importants, mais la précision doit rester une priorité pour un apprenti. L'homogénéité des groupes d'étude est important pour la recherche sur la formation chirurgicale. Les résultats ont un impact direct sur le suivi des compétences individuelles pour les applications guidées par l'image. / Perceptual system of a surgeon must adapt to conditions of multisensorial constrains regard to planning, control, and execution of the image-guided surgical operations. Three experimental setups are designed to explore these visual and haptic constraints in the image-guided training. Results show that subjects are faster and more precise with direct vision compared to image guidance. Stereoscopic 3D viewing does not represent a performance advantage for complete beginners. In virtual reality, variation in object length, width, position, and complexity affect the motor performance. Applied grip force on a surgical robot system depends on the user experience level. In conclusion, both time and precision matter critically, but trainee gets as precise as possible before getting faster should be a priority. Study group homogeneity and background play key role in surgical training research. The findings have direct implications for individual skill monitoring for image-guided applications.
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Smarta kläder, användbarhet och påverkan på arbetsbeteende – användartestning av en prototyp / Smart clothes, usability and influence on work behaviour – usability testing of a prototypeKasyanov, Dmitrij, Mikhaltchouk, Inga January 2019 (has links)
Smarta kläder är en kroppsnära teknik som består av kläder som har i sig integrerade/invävda sensorer vilka mäter kroppssignaler, arbetsställningar och rörelser och visar information om eventuella överbelastningar. Syftet i denna studie var att utvärdera prototyp 1 av ett smart arbetsklädersystem genom att utreda användarnas upplevelse (user experience) och användbarhet av prototypen samt prototypens påverkan på testpersonernas arbetsbeteende. En kombinerad studiedesign valdes. Den experimentella studien kompletterades med enkät och intervju. Tolv testpersoner deltog i undersökningen, fördelade lika på tre grupper: en kontrollgrupp och två experimentgrupper. Via tekniska mätningar samlades kinematisk data gällande: handledens vinkelhastighet och tummens tryckkraft; överarmens vinkel för höger- och vänster arm; överarmens vinkelhastighet för höger och vänster arm samt bålens vinkel vid fram- och bakåtböjningar. Signifikanta arbetsbeteendeförändringar kunde ej konstateras, men det förekom stora skillnader i de individuella resultaten i varje grupp. Dock kunde inte något specifikt mönster i arbetsbeteendeförändringar från de olika grupperna urskiljas. Hypotesen att arbetsbeteendeförändringar kan tillskrivas påverkan från prototypen stöddes inte av data. Resultatet från intervju- och enkätundersökning kring användarnas upplevelse och användbarhet visade att prototypen skattades som användarvänlig och användbar i sin helhet. Testpersonerna önskade förändringar i prototypens konstruktion gällande prototypens material och storlek, typ av feedback samt placering av sensorer. Vissa brister i design och utförandet av användartesterna och experimentmätningen konstateras och deras inverkan på studiens validitet och reliabilitet diskuteras. Rekommendationer ges gällande framtida testning av nästa prototyp utifrån de upptäckta bristerna. / Smart clothes are a group of technical aids that consist of clothing that has integrated/built-in sensors that measure body postures and movements and display information about possible physical overload. The purpose of this study was to evaluate prototype 1 of a smart workwear system by investigating its user experience and usability, as well as the impact of the prototype on the test subjects' work behavior. A combined study design was chosen. The experimental study was supplemented with questionnaire and interview. Twelve test subjects split in three equal groups participated in the study: one control group and two experimental groups. Through technical measurements, kinematic data was collected: angular velocity of the wrist and thumb pressure; right and left arm's angle; angular velocity for the right and left arm as well as the torso angle during forward and backward bending. Changes in work behavior were found. However, large differences in the individual results within each group were observed, with no obvious pattern of changes in work behavior between groups. The collected data did not support the hypothesis that work behavior changes can be associated with the impact of the prototype. The result of analysis of the interviews and questionnaires about user experience and usability showed that the prototype was considered user-friendly and useful in general. Test subjects requested changes in the prototype’s construction regarding the prototype’s material and size, type of feedback and location of sensors. Some shortcomings are observed in the test design, data collection and also in how the tests were conducted. Their impact on the validity and reliability of the study is discussed; accordingly, recommendations addressing the detected shortcomings are given regarding the future testing of the next prototype.
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