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Gelový infuzní clonový systém pro dodatečnou hydroizolaci různých druhů zdiva s využitím druhotných surovin / Gel infusion screen system for additional waterproofing of various types of masonry with share of secondary raw materialsMelichar, Jindřich Unknown Date (has links)
Virtually any construction project in our climate zone is facing some form of moisture. Older and historical buildings are mostly affected by the negative impact of water. Previously, the additional reduction of the moisture was executed only by mechanical methods, pushing insulating sheets or breaking through and cutting of masonry. Over time chemical methods were also invented, which are compared to the mechanical considerably simpler and user friendly applications to statics of treated buildings, making them ideal for the treatment of historical buildings or buildings that would not bear significant disruption. The main principle of chemical methods of redevelopment of wet masonry is the application of special material into the line of drilled holes with a given pitch. Subsequent penetration of the grouting material is believed to intersect an arc of individual drill holes, and thus to create so-called grout curtain that prevents the accumulation of water above it. Injection material may also contain a proportion of secondary raw materials, thereby reducing the influence of the impact of production on the environment. Efficiency infusion materials in masonry affected by many factors, such as temperature, humidity, or the type of material treated. It is also an important factor to determine the effectiveness of the remediation of the material, proving its ability to penetrate the building material by identifying its presence in it.
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Člověk jako faktor kvality vzduchu / Air quality in buildingsKops, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to find out by measuring the production of carbon dioxide that man produces in various types of physical activity. Using the model, the goal is to simulate real carbon dioxide production for a type object and to design a way of automatic regulation, air supply and drainage to obtain better indoor environment (represented by carbon dioxide).
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Diagnostické metody použitelné pro monitorování sušícího procesu cihlářských výrobků / Diagnostic Methods Suitable for Monitoring of Drying Process of Brick ProductSarvaš, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This work deals with the study of diagnostic methods suitable for monitoring of the drying process of brick raw materials. Based on the extensive literature search, several parameters are selected, which are appropriate to monitoring during drying. In addition, a methodology for measuring these selected parameters is proposed. In the experimental part, the use of all described methods is gradually verified on the brick raw material with and without shortening additive (also known as grog). Was carried out: measurement of the surface temperature in the climatic chamber, determination of humidity distribution in the sample, determination of moisture diffusivity, determination of tensile strength, determination of ultrasonic wave velocity and determination of dynamic E-modulus of elasticity. Results of experiments and the gained experiences show, that at least two of the above-mentioned monitoring methods are very appropriate and beneficial – determination of moisture diffusivity and determination of tensile strength. In the work was described in detail the procedure of determination of moisture diffusivity of material. The dependence of moisture diffusivity on the moisture content of the dried material, has been described. Also, differences between raw material with grog and without grog has been described. As part of the practical verification of the experiment designed to determine the tensile strength at different humidity levels of test samples. A new shape of the test specimens and a new device were designed to allow them to be attached to a hydraulic press. The results of this work show that the tensile strength of the ceramic green bodies is primarily dependent on the moisture content of the material. The type of raw material almost does not affect the tensile strength.
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Měření infiltrace v terénu pomocí MiniDiskového infiltrometru / Measurement of infiltration in the field using MiniDisk infiltrometerVláčilíková, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with measuring of infiltration by MiniDisk method and its evaluation, but also with analysis of intact and grab soil sample, by means of which it is possible to assess the soil quality. The measurements took place on 30.4.2019, 4.5.2019, 12.5.2019, 2.6.2019, 30.6.2019, 2.7.2019, 31.8.2019 and 21.9.2019 on grassland near the town of Luhačovice. Grab and intact soil samples were taken from the upper soil layer and processed in a pedological laboratory. The Zhang method was used to evaluate the infiltration results. The results of soil analyzes and infiltration were processed numerically, plotted and subsequently described and compared.
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Analýza metod měření vlhkosti ve stavebních materiálech / Analysis of methods used for measurement of moisture in building materialsHrabálková, Eliška January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the issue of measuring the moisture content in building materials using indirect methods that allow its long-term measurement. The theoretical part of the thesis provides an overview of the forms of moisture in porous building materials and provide an overview of the principles of measuring moisture content. In the experimental part of the thesis, the aim is to verify the available methods for long-term monitoring of moisture in building materials built into building structures. Proven methods of measuring humidity include resistance, capacitive and microwave methods and their comparison with the results of gravimetric measurements. At the end of the work is an evaluation of knowledge and recommendations for further research in this area.
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Studium vlastností ohýbaných FRP výztuží / Study of properties of bent FRP reinforcementLipoldová, Marie January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the study of bent FRP reinforcements with the main focus on the methods of production of bent FRP reinforcement, examples of their application in structures. The work also mentions the effects of aggressive environments on the durability of FRP. In the practical part, a search of the possibilities of testing the properties of bent FRP reinforcement. Subsequently, an experiment is designed and performed to monitor changes in the properties of straight and bent FRP reinforcement exposed to the alkaline environment and water at 20 °C and 40 °C. Finally, the evaluation of changes in mechanical properties and observation of reinforcements using optical and scanning electron microscopy is performed.
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Pasivace aktivní vrstvy perovskitových solárních článků s invertovanou strukturou / Passivation of the active layer in perovskite solar cells with inverted architectureBabincová, Kristina January 2021 (has links)
The topic of this work is the passivation of the active layer of perovskite solar cells with an inverted structure. The work is divided into theoretical and experimental part. The theoretical part describes in particular the passivation and modification of the perovskite layer as well as the characteristic properties of perovskite, including structure and stability. The experimental part deals with the preparation of photovoltaic cells with an inverted structure. For the characterization of photovoltaic cells, reference samples were prepared and their active layer was modified by plasma. The most used deposition technique for the preparation of layers was the spin coating method. From the performed experiments it can be concluded that the preparation of samples and their subsequent modification under laboratory conditions does not lead to the improvement of the final parameters of photovoltaic conversion. By transferring the sample preparation and passivation of the active layer to an inert atmosphere, it was possible to produce cells with higher efficiencies (compared to the reference sample), around 10 %. Another advantage of this plasma treatment of the active layer is that it also improves the stability of the prepared structures, which even after a few days in air show almost 80 % of the original efficiency.
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Platforma pro měření atmosférických veličin / Platform for Measurement of Atmospheric QuantitiesHanák, Jiří January 2021 (has links)
This work is dealing with the design and implementation of an embedded system for aerology measuring. The aim of the system is to monitor atmospheric states during an ascent in the suspension under an meteorological balloon. First of all, attention is given to the Earth's atmosphere and its quantities, then an overview of existing systems for performing aerological measurements. The core of the work is focused on the choice of measurement techniques and the selection of suitable measuring elements for a given scenario. The aerological probe is using atmospheric sensors HIH-8131-021-001, MS5611-01BA03 and PT1000-550 for temperature sensing, while GNSS data is received using the MAX-M8Q-0 module and the measured data is stored on a microSD card and transmitted in parallel using the MTX2-434.650-10 radio module. The system is controlled by STM32L1 from STMicroelectronics programmed in C using HAL abstraction layer.
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Analýza vícefaktorového namáhání elektroizolačních materiálů / Multistress ageing analysis of the electroinsulating materialsJeřábek, Michal January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with not-aged and thermally, electric and multistress aged slotted isolations dielectric properities experimental probing. Dutiny experiment is watched influence moisture on dielectric properties insulating materiále ISONOMŽNMN. Especially both two permitivity complex components are surveyed, in dependence on the frequency and the temperature changes during thermal, electric and multistress ageing. These characteristics are viewed in light of application the isolation in practice.
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Energetické hodnocení obytných budov / Energy Evaluation of Residential BuildingsFojtů, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis offers two cost-saving measures to reduce the energy consumption of a residential building. These measure include insulation of the building envelope, domestic hot water by solar colectors and heat recovery.
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