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Zhodnocení stávajícího stavu stavby kravína v Zubčicích z hlediska mikroklimatických a stavebně technických podmínekSTUDENÁ, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the specific agricultural buildings for housing and breeding of dairy cows in terms of civil engineering and microclimatic conditions. The theoretical part describes the requirements for microclimate in stables, general and legislative requirements for indoor environmental quality, methods and tools for measuring microclimate, materials and construction of stable objects for cattle breeding. The second (practical) part of the thesis shows the research of selected buildings. This part examines the internal microclimate of the stables and technical condition of the buildings. It is based on the author's own investigation and measurement. The results are then presented in the form of charts and graphs. Finally the thesis evaluates and suggests steps to create the best possible microclimate conditions throughout the year, regardless of the season.
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Vývoj napadení porostů ozimé pšenice významnými patogeny v České republiceŠedá, Ilona January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with important pathogens affecting winter wheat, in particular the speckled glume and leaf blotch on wheat(Phaeosphaeria nodorum), septoria leaf blotch on wheat(Mycosphaerella graminicola)and tan spot on wheat(Pyrenophora trtici-repentis. It outlines the biology, symptoms that appear on wheat plants, and economic importance of these diseases and emphasizes the climatic conditions needed for their development and spread .The conclusion sumarizes the occurence data of the above-mentioned 3 diseases from 3 production(corn, beetroot and potato) areas and 4 districts (2 Moravian and 2 Bohemian districts per each production area) in the period of 1971 to 2010 and compares their frequency of occurrence. That work also includes the occurrence data of the diseases from 2012 when their occurrence on winter wheat was monitored at the training experimental station of the Mendel University in Brno in Žabčice.
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Faktory určující rychlost půdního dýchání v travinném mokřadním ekosystému / Factors determining soil respiration rate in herbaceous wetland ecosystemSTARÁ, Alžběta January 2009 (has links)
Annotation: Soil respiration represents an important flow of CO2 between atmosphere and soil. Carbon bounded in the process of photosynthesis may be fixed in soil, but also may be released back to atmosphere in the form of CO2. An accurate evaluation of global carbon balance is a key for the estimation of future development of atmospheric concentration of CO2 and prediction of climate changes. The soil respiration of selected wetland biotopes with graminoid vegetation was studied in relation to concentration of soil carbon, nutrient availability, soil moisture and soil temperature during the vegetation season 2008. The observed wetlands included a locality located near the village of Hamr with mineral soil and the nature reserve Záblatské meadows with organic soil. Soil respiration was measured as CO2 release from soil with the use of the equipment LiCor 6400 with soil chamber. The influence of fertilizer application on CO2 release was not proved for either locality. A relationship between soil respiration and soil moisture was found on Záblatské meadows, where the CO2 release declined with increasing soil moisture.
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Vliv ionizace vzduchu na vzdušnou prašnost v porodně pro prasnice / The influence of the ionization on the air dustiness in the farrowing houseBROŽOVÁ, Jindřiška January 2011 (has links)
Air ionization is a method used at air treatment of closed spaces. Properly applied air ionization improves health condition of bred animals, lowers the costs of pharmaceuticals and increases their efficiency. Negative ions attach themselves to particles of dust causing them to drop to the ground. The aim of the thesis was to analyse the influence of air ionization on air dustiness in a relation to temperature changes and relative air humidity in a farrowing house for sows. The farm used litter in the lairage pens. Sows were fed with dampened mixture. By the help of a data logger was measured the temperature [°C] and the relative air humidity [%]. The readings were recorded at hourly interval. Speed of the air circulation [m.s-1] in the stall and the cooling power [mcal.cm-2.s-1] were measured in the resting stage. The air dustiness in the stall was measured on the level of a lying sow in the state of resting, activity and after an activity. The data of the concentration of dust molecules in the air were recorded at interval of 10 seconds. The length of the measuring for each period was set for 8 minutes. The size adjustment of the dust molecules wasn?t specified. On selected days was applied the air ionization. At high temperature and relative humidity it came to binding of ions to the molecules of dust. At low temperature, high relative humidity and reduced intensity of air change in the stall the ionization didn?t have any influence on the dustiness because the dust settled as a result of the relative air humidity.
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Vliv těžebních technologií na lesní ekosystémy v Národním parku Šumava / Influence of timber harvestings on forest ecosystems in Šumava National Park.VOKÁČ, Otakar January 2010 (has links)
The consequence of the differentiation of a care of forest ecosystems in NP Šumava is the existence of localities where timber harvesting causes damage to forest ecosystem. One of the most affected ecosystems is the soil ecosystem. The surface is usually disrupted by numbers of passing over the same path the machines. Forwarders are the harvesting machineries that execute the largest number of passes in the forest. The aim of the diploma work is to gain and analyse data dealing with harvesting technologies, and to evaluate their impact on soil ecosystems. The impact was determinate from measuring of the recessing of the track in the surface, of the soil compaction and of the soil sampling for determination of an amount of the water in the soil. The data were measured in different selected localities in NP Šumava. The negative influences of the harvesting technologies were defined for both {--} water and air regime of soil. Recommendation for reduction of negative consequences of the harvesting on soil are parts of diploma work as well.
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Sledování trvanlivosti výztuží z kompozitních materiálů s polymerní matricí a dlouhovláknovou výztuží / Study of durability of FRP reinforcementsDipold, Václav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with monitoring the durability of FRP reinforcement in different types of environments which cause degradation. The theoretical part of the thesis describes reinforcing fibers, matrix materials, manufacturing technology of composite reinforcements by pultrusion and durability of FRP materials in environmental degradation. In the experimental part of this thesis was carried storing samples reinforcements in alkaline environment with various temperatures. As suitable were selected temperatures of 20 °C, 40 °C and 60 °C. Subsequently are described changes in physical properties of the reinforcements and tracking optical microscope.
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Rekonstrukce Knurrova paláce, Fulnek / Reconstruction of the Knurr palace, FulnekKvapilová, Vendula January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the reconstruction and rehabilitation of a real cultural monument in Fulnek. It is a four-winged object with almost rectangular atrium. The main subject of the diploma thesis is the change in the use of the building and the proposals for remediation of damp walls. Knurr's palace has three above-ground floors and is non-decked, covered by a classic shell with fiber cement. The use of the object is mainly designed as a civic amenities, now the building is not used. The building is located in close proximity to the slope and the building is adjacent to the building. The project is solved at the level of the documentation for construction.
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Teplotně vlhkostní namáhaní stěny dřevostavby / Hygrothermal processes in walls of wooden housesVeselá, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the thermal-humidity stress of the wooden wall. The work is focused on the connection of the wall to the base structure of the building. Three details were chosen. The work was focused on detail with the most common structure of an external wall used in the Czech Republic on the composition with a supporting structure made of KVH columns, which are filled with mineral insulation. This construction is covered with plate elements. The insulation from the exterior is made of ETICS with expanded polystyrene thermal insulation. This detail was assessed in the software. To compare the results calculated by real-time software, an experimental model was made, which was subjected to experimental measurements. Part of the diploma thesis is a comparison of detail stress under different boundary design conditions, with or without anchoring.
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Vztah mezi termo-oxidační stabilitou půdy a indikátory půdní kvality / Relationship between thermo-oxidative stability and soil quality indicatorsSvatoň, Karel January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the use of thermogravimetry as quick and low-cost method in the analysis of soil quality. Most of the currently used methods for analyzing some soil properties are, unlike thermogravimetry, demanding especially for pretreatment and analysis time. Previous research has shown an interesting correlation between thermogravimetry data and some soil properties, but to obtain these correlations, it is necessary to keep the analyzed soils at 76% relative humidity. The aim of this work was to determine whether similar correlations can also by achieved at lower relative humidities. Therefore, soil samples in this work were thermogravimetrically analyzed at 43% relative humidity. That humidity is closer to laboratory conditions and it is also easier to be reached by most of commercially available thermogravimeters. Next aim of this thesis was to find whether thermogravimetric data correlate with other soil properties, especially microbiological indicators of soil quality. Results showed that thermogravimetry of soil samples correlates with standard methods even at 43% humidity. Furthermore, it was found that they also correlate with selected microbiological parameters, such as anaerobic ammonification or urease activity. These results suggest the possibility of using thermogravimetry analysis at broader spectrum of soil properties, without the need for pretreatment of samples and at different (relevant) soil moisture.
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Vliv kontaminace a degradace maziva na chování mazacího filmu / The effect of lubricant contamination and degradation on lubricating film behaviorStrnad, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Lubrication contamination and degradation is one of the major causes of unexpected failure of tribological nodes. As a result, different levels of maintenance are introduced in practice, leading to a longer service life of the lubricated node. These systems often include sophisticated on-line diagnostic tools that can be used to evaluate a sample of a lubricant using certain variables such as viscosity, number of particles, humidity, dielectric constant, etc. Based on changes of these variables some systems can make corrective measures such as filtering or complete replacement of lubricant. Therefore, the aim of this experimental thesis is to determine the influence of lubrication contamination (solid particles, moisture) and degradation (oxidation) on the lubricating film behavior with respect to its limit bearing capacity. To examine the thickness of the lubricating film, friction and wear, an optical and MTM tribometer, in the ball-on-disc configuration, was used.
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