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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv hloubkové závislosti fyzikálních vlastností zemského pláště na charakter termální konvekce / Influence of depth dependence of the Earth's mantle properties on thermal-convection characteristics

Šustková, Hana January 2014 (has links)
Aim of this work is a systematic investigation of the modes of thermal convection (onset of convection, stationary solutions, periodic solutions, chaotic states) in a material whose properties vary with depth like the material of Earth mantle; the problem was solved in Cartesian geometry. The Stokes equation set was consistently formulated in the spectral region not only horizontally but also vertically, and thus in the model consisting of layers with a constant viscosity but with general course of velocity and temperature in each layer. This equation set was solved with matrix method for each wave vector. Thermal equation was solved in the spatial domain and the transition of velocity and temperature between spectral and spatial domains was performed using the fast Fourier transform. This procedure allows a straightforward parallelization, thereby opening the possibility of not only two-dimensional but also three-dimensional modeling and modeling of chaotic regimes. On the basis of the numerical difficulties of method presented here an model investigated in finite elemens was used. The basic modes of thermal convection were then investigated using model assembled in the software Comsol. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Vliv hloubkové závislosti fyzikálních vlastností zemského pláště na charakter termální konvekce / Influence of depth dependence of the Earth's mantle properties on thermal-convection characteristics

Šustková, Hana January 2014 (has links)
Title: Influence of depth dependence of the Earth's mantle properties on thermal-convection characteristics Author: Hana Šustková Department: Department of Geophysics Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Ctirad Matyska, DrSc. Abstract: This thesis concerns the study of convection in Cartesian models in two and three dimensions. Specifically, it deals with the systematic monitoring of critical Rayleigh numbers based on the geometry model, on the functional dependence of the viscosity or of other parameters. Models has been created with layered viscosity and constant or temperature- and depth- dependent parameters (thermal expansion and conductivity). The system has been described by conventional dimensionless Boussinesq approximation. Part of the work is devoted to the application of matrix method for solving the appropriate Stokes flow and use of Euler's method for solving the thermal equation. The actual calculations were then performed in an environment of commercial software Comsol and thus by using the finite element method. It was shown that the dominant influence on the critical Rayleigh numbers has a viscosity model (with increasing viscosity the critical Rayleigh numbers increase), other important parameter is system's geometry (larger size and dimension of the geometry reduce the critical Rayleigh number). The...

Vliv CaO na strukturu a propustnost jílovité zeminy / Influence of CaO on structure and permeability of clayey soil

Pastyriková, Zdeňka January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of quicklime (1 - 8% CaO) and maturation time (1 - 540 days) on the structure of clayey soil compacted at optimum moisture content by Proctor standard energy and whether expected change in structure affects the long - term permeability. The change of pore space of compacted loess with 1-8% lime (CaO) was studied by mercury porosimetry (MIP) for a long period of maturation (from 1 to 540 days). Development of pozzolanic reactions were monitored by measuring the pH. The development of new mineral phases (calcium silicate hydrates, calcium aluminate hydrates and calcium aluminate carbonate hydrate) in the treated soil was investigated by using X-Ray diffraction. The MIP indicated that 2% of CaO were sufficient for long term pozzolanic reaction. The threshold value is below the initial consumption of lime determined from the pH measurements (Eades and Grim, 1966). The alteration of the voids of the lime treated soil is noticeable, but the pH value can not drop below 11.7. At 4% of CaO, at 8% of CaO respectively, the macroporosity kept decreasing due to increasing mesoporosity for 360 curing days, for 540 curing days respectively, due to the new mineral phases. At 2% of CaO, the decrease of the macroporosity stops after 120 days. Below 2% of lime, the...

Fyziologické, anatomické a morfologické reakce sazenic buku lesního a smrku ztepilého na stres suchem a následnou závlahu =:Physiological, anatomical and morphological response of European beech and Norway spruce seedlings on drought stress and subsequent irrigation /

Hájíčková, Martina January 2019 (has links)
European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) are the most abundant deciduous and coniferous tree species in the Czech Republic. Both beech and spruce are due to their sensitivity to drought threatened by ongoing climate change that can cause deterioration of their vitality in current habitats. Drought periods are already becoming longer and stronger and previously rare spring droughts become more frequent. The dissertation thesis is based on experiments with Norway spruce and European beech seedling exposed to different levels of drought (well-watered, moderate drought and severe drought). After three to six weeks of drought, the seedlings were well-watered for another two weeks and their response of physiology, anatomy and morphology was evaluated. Experiments were conducted with seedlings at early stage of leaf development and with fully developer leaves to compare response to spring and summer drought. Overall drought response was stronger in spring. Both spring and summer drought reduced gas exchange parameters (in both beech and spruce seedlings up to 100 %), hydraulic conductivity and less strongly also fluorometric parameters. Efficiency of water use in stressed seedlings decreased in spring, while it increased in summer. Shoot and leaves biomass was more reduced by drought than root biomass. Tree-ring width decreased about two times more in beech seedlings than in spruce seedlings. Vessel and tracheids in stem and shoots reduced their number and size, on the contrary, vessel size increased in beech petioles. After rewatering the reduced parameters increased, however, hydraulic conductivity, anatomy and morphology did not reach values of well-watered seedlings. While most of physiological parameters restored in moderately stressed seedlings, in severely stressed seedlings mainly gas exchange parameters remained lower.

Transport oxidu uhličitého listem hypostomatických rostlin / Carbon dioxide transport through the hypostomatous plant leaf

NEUWIRTHOVÁ, Jitka January 2015 (has links)
Mesophyll conductance is (together with stomatal conductance) a crucial component of diffusion limitations of photosynthesis and it is important to understand the mechanisms of CO2 fluxes through the leaves. Here I tested a new technique for estimation of drawdown in CO2 concentration across hypostomatous leaves based on carbon isotope composition (13C) of leaf cuticle and cuticular waxes isolated from opposite leaf sides.

Stav chemických parametrů stojatých a tekoucích povrchových vod vybrané části Velké podkrušnohorské výsypky na Sokolovsku / Status of standing and flowing surface waters chemical parameters of the selected part of the Podkrušnohorská dump in the Sokolov

KORANDOVÁ, Martina January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the description of the chemistry of stagnant and flowing surface waters in selected part of the Velká podkrušnohorská dump and subsequent statistical processing of data. Sulfates are dominating element of the stagnant and flowing water, which form sulfato complexes with elements Ca2 + and Mg2+. The values CHSKCr in stagnat water are half compared to flowing water (upper and lower reaches). Higher values CHSKCr are result of biochemical, chemical and biological processes in the aquatic environment in stagnant water.

Hodnocení kvality mléka v konvenčním a ekologickém chovu skotu. / Evaluation of Milk Quality in Conventional and Ecological Breeding of Cattle

TSCHERNAYOVÁ, Kateřina January 2007 (has links)
In my work are confronted two farms with cattle breeding in Southbohemical district. One of them is farming ecological and the other conventional. Both farms are situated in the foothills of the Bohemian Forest. On the farms are bred two breeds- Holstein and Czech Spotted Cattle, on each one hundert cattles. I focused on composition of feeding ration, feed quality and its prospective influence on milk composition. In work are graphic compared the reservoir samples of milk from ecological and conventional farm with average values of districts České Budějovice and Český Krumlov. There are also compared for example milk fat, protein and somatic cells. In individual samples were analysed- citric acid, pH and conductivity of milk.

Gelové polymerní elektrolyty s retardéry hoření / Gel polymer electrolytes with fire retardands

Veselkova, Iuliia January 2017 (has links)
This graduate work deals with the study and preparation of gel polymer electrolytes with flame retardants for lithium-ion batteries. The theoretical part describes the types of electrolytes, their features, benefits, how they differ and where they are used in detail. The basis of this section is gel electrolytes with flame retardants, to measure their electrical and electrochemical properties. The experimental part deals with the preparation of samples of gel electrolytes with different percentages of flame retardant, where varied species of flame retardants and measuring their electrical conductivity and potential windows. Impedance spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry and dynamic-analytical thermal analysis were selected as measuring methods.

Syntéza keramických materiálů na bázi Ca-Co-O systému / Synthesis of ceramic materials based on Ca-Co-O system

Žáková, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
In this work synthesis of structure cobaltites based on Ca-Co-O system is discussed. As major way of synthesis was chosen citric acid method. The document is devided into theoretical and experimental part and also into discussion of observed results. Main focus of literary research is general utilization and function of thermoelectric materials, related thermoeletric effects according to structural defects in crystals. Also topic of cobaltite ceramics is described. Due to the fact that calcium-cobalt oxides are conductive, their use is point of interest in high-temperature and energy applications. During experiments differential thermal and thermogravimetric analysis (TG-DTA), X-Ray diffraction, heat microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used.

Tepelná vodivost u nestandardních materiálů pro TZB / The thermal conductivity of non-standard materials for HVAC

Běťák, Karel January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the determination of the thermal conductivity coefficient on the group of thermoplastics used for 3D printing (PLA, ABS, PETG). The thesis describes the materials used for 3D printing and the design of air conditioning for the grocery store. A stationary method was used for the solution. The heat flux passing through the sample was measured and the thermal conductivity coefficient was calculated. By the chosen method, we determined the coefficient is = 0,11-0,13 W/(m·K). Comparison with the available results of other methods and authors has shown that the resulting coefficient is lower. Based on the data, it is possible to compare the thermal properties of 3D printing materials.

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