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Forest soils and climatic parameters: the interrelationship between climatic features and chosen soil properties from the viewpoint of changes of air temperatures and precipitationsKaras, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is dealing with interrelationship between chosen soil properties and air temperature and precipitation. Five study plots, located in Training Forest Enterprise Masaryk Forest Křtiny, were sampled during vegetation period and subsequently laboratory analysed for actual soil reaction, potential soil reaction, maximal capillary water capacity and minimal air capacity. From those five study plots were chosen four climatically different (the warmest, the coldest, the wettest and the driest) study plots based on climatic data. The goal of this study is a determination of climate impact on selected soil properties.
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Batůžek informací o vodním světě - soubor didaktických pomůcek pro učitele se skupinou dětí v zooHOĎÁNKOVÁ, Hana January 2018 (has links)
A backpack full of information about a water world a collection of didactical tools for teachers with a group of children in a ZOO is a collection of educational materials and didactic tools that can be used for the work with pupils of primary school under the guidance of a teacher and without the presence of an instructor of a ZOO. It is a set of information and tools (photographs, substances, models etc.), methodical instructions and information for teachers and worksheets for children including solutions for leading groups. The set shows a demonstrative approach of the discussing subjects on expositions of live animals. The author´s field is a tutorship in primary school and that is why the diploma thesis focuses on younger pupils. It is about the superstructure of primary school education. The author sees an advantage in the fact that the program is self-serviced so it can be realized without the presence of an instructor of a ZOO. Pupils are guided by their teacher or a leader of a group who follows a methodical guide of a certain educational program. Pupils are learning about animal species from biological and geographical point of view by playful form directly in a ZOO. A part of the diploma thesis contains concrete didactical tools, map of a ZOO with marked posts, tools to given tasks, worksheets for pupils and methodical guide for a leader of a group.
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Zpracování revitalizační studie vodního toku / Preparation of water course revitalization studyŠINDELÁŘ, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of ox-bow lake revitalization measures, located southwest to the city Strakonice. Due to its charakteristics, ox-bow lake represents high-value biodiversity area. Recently, due to a disturbation in the aquatic regime, this area is threatened in sediment issue. Practical part of the diploma thesis is focused on the sediment and water level research and monitoring of plant and animal species. Obtained data result in particular revitalization measures.
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Výkonové aspekty ve vodním slalomu / Performance aspects in white water slalomBílý, Milan January 2012 (has links)
Title: Performance aspects in white water slalom Aim The study is a summary of articles published between the years 2006 - 2011. The aim is to present the researched issue of top - level sport in the example of white water slalom. Articles are arranged in accordance to the factors of sport performance. The first thematically include articles concerned with conditioning factors of performance, then continue articles analyzing somatic factors and at the end there are listed papers on psychological preparation and psychological factors. Methods These articles were mostly case studies which have been conducted on a sample of national team athletes or top athletes in the Czech Republic. The exception is the articles 5.3 and 5.4, which are descriptive studies on a large sample of top world class athletes. The studies used a survey and testing. Results The individual articles addressed the importance of performance indicators in white water slalom, applied to the selected factors. Results of studies are always subjected to deliberately selected files of athletes, top-level competitors in the Czech Republic and abroad. The results, therefore, cannot be generalized and applied to a population of white water slalom racers, but can show some patterns that could be accepted in practice.
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Analýza techniky jízdy na kajaku při závodech ve slalomu na divoké vodě / Analysis of techniques in wild water kayaking during competitions in wild water slalomBuchtel, Michal January 2018 (has links)
Title: Analysis of techniques in wild water kayaking during competitions in wild water slalom Objectives: 1. To analyze race runs of the best world kayakers in top competitions in wild water slalom in frequency of use of individual types of strokes and technics of passing through upstream and downstream gates 2. Determine the percentage of using forwards and driving strokes in competition runs of best world kayakers Methods: Observationally descriptive study based on organized, non-behavioral observation of a targeted sample of the population of athletes, specifically a group of top kayakers. Sequence video analysis in the Darthfish computer program, based on the recording of predefined technical elements that appear in the competition runs of the best world kayakers. The observation was done by one professional expert by intra-observating method. The data was processed in the Microsoft Excel computer program using basic statistics. The individual outputs were described in details. Results: Top world kayakers are mostly using sweep technique when passing through the upstream gates in competitions There is a high share of forwards strokes against driving strokes in competition runs of top world kayakers Key words: wild water slalom, technique, tactics, competition, passing gates, video analysis
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PROTIPOVOĎNOVÁ OPATŘENÍ NA VYBRANÝCH ÚSECÍCH ŘEKY NOVOHRADKY / Anti - flood measures on chosen parts of the Novohradka riverKULHÁNKOVÁ, Iva January 2013 (has links)
Diploma work that deals with topic of "Anti - flood measures on chosen parts of the Novohradka river" is divided into theoretical and practical treatise. Theoretical treatise contains specific section that deals with laws relating to flood solutions and general part that explains flood as such and everything it involves. Practical part sums up concrete proposed anti - flood measures but it also mentions personal suggestions and evaluations of so far executed measures. This work should especially attract attention of general public and representatives of interested parties.
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Přínosy projekce cestní sítě v komplexních pozemkových úpravách pro protierozní ochranu / The benefits of road network design in comprehensive land adjustment for anti-erosion protectionŠILHA, Radek January 2012 (has links)
The main aim of the work is to demonstrate that properly designed field paths within the comprehensive land adjustment may serve as an important anti-erosion element. The exploration area is the land area Plešovice in the district of Český Krumlov. The anti-erosion effect was studied at properly leaded roads. The road network was evaluated with respect to the condition before and after the comprehensive land adjustment. Firstly field paths that were indicated as anti-erosion ones in the joint facilities plan were located. Further 2 detailed field surveys were carried out in which information and photographs were collected. The partial aim is to determine the vulnerability of agricultural land by water erosion by means of the latest methodology called Protecting agricultural land from erosion, which was published in early 2012. The use of current value of rain erosion factor (R = 20), which today appears to be undervalued, is mainly reflected. At the end of the work technical parameters of field paths were determined so that they comply with the conditions of anti-erosion protection.
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Vznik, provoz a další perspektiva využití vodního díla Lipno / Establishment, operation and further perspective of the hydro-electric plant LipnoHOMMER, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The thesis contains essential information on the methods and possibilities of using water power. The first part deals with the history of water works, and introduction to basic physics of energy conversion. Further research is made available sources of information on the history, technology, power generation and design of hydropower Lipno I and II, with mention of unrealized project pumping plant Lipno III. The conclusion evaluates the defined objectives and creates a short summary.
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Posouzení stavu malých vodních nádrží z hlediska jejich krajinných funkcí. / Assessment of the condition of small water reservoirs in terms of landscape functions.RUČ, Karel January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on evaluation of landscape functions of small water reservoirs. The aim is to analyze their basic parameters. For this purpose a realized project of the whole range of water reservoirs with special focus on revitalization was chosen. The source materials and the field research contributed to the final evaluation of the analysis of the water reservoirs condition before and after their completion. The basic data and revitalizing arrangements were identified according to the chosen indicators and criteria. Prevailing functions of the water reservoirs are derived from these indicators and criteria.
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Návrh managementu břehových porostů u vybraných vodních toků / Proposal of bank vegetation management at the selected streams.ŠTĚPÁN, Vladimír January 2013 (has links)
My thesis deals with the collecting of basic information and data on riparian vegetation in surroundings of the minor watecourse Rosička through field research and subsequent inventory. In the theoretical part, I outlined the theme of watercourses and their modifications, revitalization and solutions. I also focused on vegetation accompaniment of the flows and their typology. I described the riparian and associated vegetation in detail, focused on their functions and establishment and on taking care of them. The final section of the thesis includes data of my field research. Here can be found the current condition of the species structure and the state of health of the riparian vegetation.
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