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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řešení protierozní ochrany na modelovém povodí matematickým modelováním. / Solution of erosion protection at the model basin using mathematical modeling

KŘÍHA, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The contents of this thesis is an examination and assessment of erosion processes in the catchment Budského stream. The area of interest falls into three cadastral territory, Malče, Besednice a Soběnov. Catchment area is 7.1 km2. Integral part of work is the pedological and hydrological research. It was evaluated the impact of waste in the surrounding villages. In the catchment basin, has a significant influence Besednice reservoir. It was assessing its impact on the environment and erosion control functions. Using the acquired information has been calculated N-year water and the amount of drifted soil by Wischmeier and Smith. Another goal is to process this data using software modeling and evaluate output. Against this background and the results are recommended measures to reduce soil loss from these plots.

Optimalizace vytápění nadzemních požárních nádrží / Heating optimization aboveground tanks

Král, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes analysis and optimization of existing heating system aboveground fire sprinkler water tanks. The purpose is to design a heating system so as to achieve optimal operating and economic conditions for the operation of heating in winter. I will use available computer software and adhere to the applicable regulations and standards. Using experi-mental methods and computer simulations I will assess the current state of the heating system which in turn will provide an optimizing its use and operation.

Koagulace neproteinové složky látek produkovaných fytoplanktonem / Coagulation of non-protein algal organic matter

Lukeš, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with characterizing properties of non-proteinaceous cellular organic matter (COM) of green alga Chlorella vulgaris in connection with its coagulation using aluminium sulphate and polyaluminiumchloride. As a part of this work, interaction mechanisms were also studied. It has been found out that non-proteinaceous COM of Chlorella vulgaris is made up by saccharides (25 % DOCNP, 21 % of dry biomass of non- protein matter) and other unspecified non-protein substances. It has been found out by fractionation of molecular weights that non-protein COM is formed primarily by substances with MW < 3 kDa and substances with MW > 100 kDa. Coagulation by aluminium sulphate taken place in interval pH 5 - 8,5 and coagulation by polyaluminiumchlorid taken place in interval pH 7 - 10 depending on coagulation agent dose. The maximum DOC removals were 17 - 22 % depending on selected coagulation agent, on its dose and pH. Polyaluminiumchloride showed higher DOC removal rates than aluminium sulphate. The highest effectiveness of coagulation was in the area of neutral pH for both agents. In all the coagulation tests the values of residual concentrations of aluminium were higher than the hygienic limit for drinking water (0.2 mg.L-1 ). Primarily high-molecular matter was removed by coagulation and...

Integrated Approach of Intelligent Asset Maintenance and Resource Conservation for Circular Economy / Integrated Approach of Intelligent Asset Maintenance and Resource Conservation for Circular Economy

Chin, Hon Huin January 2021 (has links)
Rychlá globální industrializace a urbanizace kladla velkou zátěž na spotřebu přírodních zdrojů. Například nedostatek vody a znečištění vody již dlouhou dobu ovlivňují lidské životy a hospodářský rozvoj a uchýlení se k čisté sladké vodě se stává důležitým problémem. Rostoucí problémy s nepravidelným zásobováním vodou a znečištěním vody vyžadují pokročilejší metodiky hodnocení vodních zdrojů, které by vedly k praktickému využívání vody a hospodaření s ní. Dalším známým problémem je akumulace plastového odpadu v této možnosti, což vyvolává znepokojivé obavy ohledně dosažení optimální sítě pro zachování zdrojů, směřující k cíli oběhového hospodářství. Koncept cirkulární ekonomiky se zaměřuje nejen na ochranu zdrojů, ale také zdůrazňuje důležitost zachování a zachování životnosti aktiv. Tato práce je zaměřena na vývoj pokročilých přístupů k ochraně zdrojů a údržbě majetku Tato práce představuje rozšířenou analýzu metod založených na Pinch při zachování materiálových zdrojů pro průmyslové místo. Hlavní rozšíření zahrnují koncepční analýzu sítě pro zachování zdrojů, která zahrnuje omezení několika kvalit, cílení a syntézu záhlaví a syntézu sítě pro zachování materiálu v rámci celého webu. Tyto metody slouží uživatelům jako grafické uživatelské rozhraní k výběru preferovaných možností návrhu a zároveň zajišťují minimální spotřebu čerstvých zdrojů. Studie také rozšiřuje začlenění různých typů zdrojů, jako je teplo a voda, do ochranné sítě. Otázky řízení, jako je řízení zdrojů, dotace a rozdělování nákladů, jsou rovněž studovány pro ekologický průmysl. S ohledem na prodloužení životnosti aktiva je do této studie začleněno dlouhodobé plánování procesu nebo průmyslového areálu pokrývajícího věk majetku, odpisy a spolehlivost. Nástroje pro integraci procesů jsou navrženy tak, aby plánovaly náklady na údržbu na časové období a plánování pracovní síly. Studie je také rozšířena o další analýzu zahrnující investice do pohotovostních jednotek a technologií pro jakýkoli proces. Kombinace výkonu aktiv s ochranou zdrojů, rámce diagnostiky chyb a prognózy se aplikuje na plánování údržby majetku Total Site/Eco-industrial park.

Návrh komplexního automatizovaného systému pro akvaristy / Design of a complex automated system for aquarists

Hedvíček, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Thesis deals with the theoretical design of an automatic control system for the aquarium and following simulation software environment Proteus ISIS. Due to simulation program can verify the behavior of the microprocessor in the specified functions, the correctness of electrical connections and errors in source code. The second part is analysis of commercial systems, their characteristics and applications. Apart from available commercial systems, there is a basic overview of commonly used peripherals in the aquarium, including their comparison and evaluation. Furthermore, the implementation of a complex system is done and the procedures and methods needed to set up the system are described. This topic also deals with cooling and reliability tests.

Provozní účinnosti zdrojů tepla / Performance of heat

Kocandová, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is the operational efficiency of heat sources . The thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part a theoretical solution of the heat sources efficiency can be found. In the second part there is a calculation solution of the project. The project solves the heating of a football stadium. Two variants of the heating source and warm water preparation are suggested and the variants are consequently compared and evaluated. The last part is experimental - the topic of the experiment is the efficiency of heat sources.

Zdravotně technické a plynovodní instalace v předškolním zařízení / Sanitation installations and gas installations in Preschool

Műller, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the technical and gas installation with the use of precipitation water in pre-school facilities. The theoretical part deals with fat traps. The experimental part is focused on water flows, pre-school facilities. In the design and calculation part are drafted sewerage, water supply, gas pipeline, use of rain water and connection of the building to utility networks. The thesis was elaborated according to current standards, laws and decrees

Nakládání s odpadními vodami v obci Sudice / Wastewater management in the village Sudice

Hoferková, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is written due to the poor quality of the stream Sudický potok and the fish kills in nearby ponds supplied by the stream. The goal is evaluating the results of the water samples obtained from the four local spots. Polluted quality in the stream in the Sudice town then proceed to design three various solutions of the sewage collection systems. The first option is designing the municipal wastewater treatment plant and the draining wastewater by single sewerage or sanitary sewerage. The second choice designs the domestic waste water treatment plants. The third solution is designing the sanitary sewerage and effluent sewerage to the nearby waste water treatment plant in Šebetov town. All variants are economically evaluated. In conclusion the first solution, municipal waste water treatment plant with the single sewerage, is recommended.

Vytápění objektu se vzduchotechnikou / Heating of building with air conditioning

Toboláková, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
The main goal of the diploma thesis is to design a heating system and hot water heating for a newly built wellness hotel placed on the beach nearby reservoir Vranov. The theoretical part is focused on the build heating with solid fuels specifically pellets. In the calculation part is processed the proposal of heating systems, the heat sources, the water heater and other equipment. The last part of the project includes a technical report and drawing documentation at the level of implementation of the project.

Tvorba a estimace modelu malé vodní elektrárny v programu PSCAD / Creation and estimation of small hydro power plant model in PSCAD

Razyapova, Aygul January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focused on creating a model of a small hydropower plant model (SHPP) and a part of the electricity network in the simulation software "PSCAD" (basing on real sources). The model will be specified on the basis of the data obtained from the measurements to correspond with the real equipment.

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