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Návrh otopné soustavy pro rekonstruovaný dům / A heating system in a retrofitted houseValášek, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The master’s thesis contains a complete design scheme of the heating system for a family house after additional thermal insulation of some structures. In the first part, we will learn about the house and the climatic conditions. In the next section there is the calculation of the overall heat transfer coefficients for building structures and also of the heat losses of the building before and after additional insulation. In the next section there is a selection of the temperature gradient, radiators, heat proposal for an option with a single source as well as for an option with two sources. The pressure losses through each element were calculated and hydraulic balancing using the thermo-regulation valves was performed. In the conclusion the safety components were checked and the total costs of both the implementation and the drawing documentation were assessed.
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Technická zařízení budov v budovách s téměř nulovou spotřebou. / Building services of near zero energy buildingsŠťastný, Radek January 2017 (has links)
Master´s thesis is focusing on zero energy building with technical equipment. The building was built in 70. decade of last century. It has been using for sport and cultular events until these days. Restaurant was connected to sport hall. First part is focusing on zero energy building and technical equipment, their using, combination and optimal connecting in systém. Second part solving how many fotovoltaic panels must be in the system to reching economic advantage. In third part is solving how to connecting fotovoltaic panels to the system.
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Sensible Air to Air Heat Recovery Strategies in a Passive HouseRodriguez-Anderson, Santiago Martin 08 January 2015 (has links)
Due to rising energy costs and concerns about global climate change, high performance buildings are more in demand than ever before. With roughly 20% of the total energy consumption in the United States being devoted to residential use, this sector represents a significant opportunity for future savings. There are many guidelines and standards for reducing building energy consumption. One of the most stringent is the Passive House Standard. The standard requires that that air infiltration is less than or equal to 0.6 air changes per hour at a 50 Pascal pressure difference (ACH 50), annual heating energy is less than or equal to 15kWh/m2, and total annual source energy is less than or equal to 120 kWh/m2. For comparison, the typical West coast US residence has an ACH50 of 5 and annually uses more than 174 kWh/m2 of source energy according to the 2009 Residential Energy Consumption Survey. With these challenging requirements, successful implementation of the Passive House Standard requires effective strategies to substantially reduce energy consumption for all end uses.
Heating and cooling loads are low by necessity in a Passive House. As such this makes end uses like water heating a much larger fraction of total energy use than they would be in a typical building. When air to water heat pumps are employed the energy consumption by water heating is lowered significantly. By employing innovative heat recovery strategies the energy consumption for water heating and HVAC can be reduced even further. This study uses energy modeling and project cost analysis to evaluate three innovative control strategies. Results for a Passive House in Portland Oregon show a savings of about $70 annually with a payback period of 10 years. The same Passive House in Fairbanks Alaska with a different strategy would save $150 annually with a payback period of 5 years.
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Provozní účinnost plynových kotlů / Operational efficiency of gas boilersMarčiš, Šimon January 2022 (has links)
This master’s thesis elaborates a design of water heating and heating system for a building of a rehabilitation center in Horný Hričov. The theoretical section describes operational efficiency of gas boilers and associated calculation methods. The experimental section covers measurements of condensing gas boiler at various temperatures of heating water conducted in university laboratory. Operational efficiency was then calculated using indirect method based on the measurement results. Subsequently, calculated values and values measured by an operational efficiency analyzer were compared. The comparison revealed minor deviations in operational efficiency values and different values of condensing heat utilization between the calculations and the analyzer results. The analytical section of the thesis consists of complex designs of two versions of the heating system and the water heating. The first design version uses condensing gas boilers as a heat source while the second version uses a water-air heat pump instead. The project section of the thesis is executed in the scope for a building permit and consists of a technical report and a design documentation.
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Systémy se stěnovým vytápěním / With wall heating systemsBendová, Martina January 2012 (has links)
This work deals with the topic "Systems with wall heating". On this theme is elaborated theoretical part. Further experimental part, which deals with the measurement of wall heating and comparing the results with the software CalA. Subsequently, this topic is applied to the specified building in which the wall heating, among other things dealt with. The project addresses the design of central heating, water heating, water heater design power units and air tempering lawn for future newly built free-standing facilities football club. The project is designed in two versions. In the first variant of the heat source heat pumps air-water. In the second variant is the heat source hot water pipe which is connected to transfer water-water station with plate heat exchangers.
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Zdravotně technické instalace v bytovém domě s podzemními garážemi / Sanitation installations in a multiple dwelling house with underground garagesStraník, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The Master's thesis solves questions about sanitation installations in a multiple dwelling house with underground garages in Brno. The theoretical part of this work focuses on the analysis of the topic with an emphasis on the management with rainwater. The work also focuses on the possible alternative solutions of the given specialization. Technical part solves the installation of sanitary of this apartment building in the selected variant. It is a multiple storey building, where five floors are used for housing and two underground floors are used mostly for parking.
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Study of scroll compressors with vapor-injection for heat pumps operating in cold climates or in high-temperature water heating applicationsTello Oquendo, Fernando Mauricio 05 April 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Esta tesis doctoral presenta un estudio de compresores scroll con inyección de vapor (SCVI) para bombas de calor que operan en climas fríos o para aplicaciones de calentamiento de agua a alta temperatura. Para ello, se comparó experimentalmente un SCVI con un compresor de dos etapas de pistones (TSRC) trabajando con R-407C en condiciones extremas. La comparación se realizó en términos de eficiencias del compresor, capacidad, COP y rendimientos estacionales tanto para el modo calefacción como para el modo refrigeración. Los resultados proporcionan una idea general sobre el rango de aplicación de los compresores estudiados y sobre las diferencias en los rendimientos de los compresores. Sin embargo, se identificaron varias limitaciones en la caracterización de los compresores y en el análisis del ciclo. Esto motivó a profundizar en el estudio del ciclo de compresión de dos etapas y sus componentes. El siguiente paso fue realizar un análisis teórico de los ciclos de compresión de dos etapas para aplicaciones de calefacción, en donde se identificó a la presión intermedia y a la relación de inyección como los parámetros del sistema más influyentes sobre el COP. La presión intermedia se optimizó para dos configuraciones de inyección (tanque de separación y economizador) utilizando varios refrigerantes. Basándose en los resultados de la optimización, se propuso una correlación que permite obtener la presión intermedia óptima del ciclo, considerando la influencia del subenfriamiento a la salida del condensador. Además, se analizó la influencia del diseño de los componentes del sistema sobre el COP del ciclo.
Posteriormente, el estudio se profundizó a nivel de componentes. El factor más crítico en el sistema es el rendimiento del compresor. Por lo tanto, el siguiente paso fue evaluar la influencia de varios sistemas de compresión con inyección de vapor sobre el COP. Se tomaron en cuenta tres tecnologías de compresores, un SCVI, un TSRC y un compresor scroll de dos etapas (TSSC). Estas tecnologías de compresores fueron caracterizadas y modeladas para estudiar su rendimiento. Para ello, se propuso una nueva metodología para caracterizar compresores scroll con inyección de vapor. Esta metodología permite evaluar el rendimiento del compresor independientemente del mecanismo de inyección que se utiliza en el ciclo. Se identificó una correlación lineal entre la relación de inyección de refrigerante y la relación de compresión intermedia. Esta correlación se utiliza para determinar el flujo másico de inyección en función de la presión intermedia. Posteriormente, se propuso un modelo semi-empírico de compresores scroll y una metodología para extender dicho modelo para compresores scroll con inyección de vapor. Los modelos fueron ajustados y validados usando datos experimentales de cuatro compresores scroll trabajando con R-290 y un SCVI trabajando con R-407C. Finalmente, se comparó un SCVI con dos compresores de dos etapas, un TSSC y un TSRC, trabajando en condiciones extremas. Se optimizó la relación de volúmenes de los compresores de dos etapas. Los resultados muestran que, en las condiciones nominales de funcionamiento (Te=-15 °C, Tc=50 °C), la relación de volúmenes óptima del TSSC es 0.58, y del TSRC es 0.57. El TSSC consigue un COP 6% mayor que el SCVI y un COP 11.7% mayor que el TSRC. Bajo un amplio rango de condiciones de operación, el SCVI presenta una mejor eficiencia y COP para relaciones de presión inferiores a 5. Para relaciones de presión más altas, el TSSC presenta mejor rendimiento y consigue una temperatura de descarga más baja. Se concluye que el SCVI es una solución fácil de implementar, desde el punto de vista del mecanizado, y que permite extender el mapa de trabajo de los compresores de una etapa. Sin embargo, los resultados muestran que la compresión en dos etapas consigue mejorar en mayor medida el COP del ciclo y la capacidad, con una mayor redu / [CA] Aquesta tesi doctoral presenta un estudi de compressors scroll amb injecció de vapor (SCVI) per a bombes de calor que operen en climes freds o per a aplicacions d'escalfament d'aigua a alta temperatura. Per a això, es va comparar experimentalment un SCVI amb un compressor de dues etapes de pistons (TSRC) treballant amb R-407C en condicions extremes. La comparació es va realitzar en termes d'eficiències del compressor, capacitat, COP i rendiments estacionals tant per al mode calefacció com per al mode refrigeració. Els resultats proporcionen una idea general sobre el rang d'aplicació dels compressors estudiats i sobre les diferències en els rendiments dels compressors. No obstant això, es van identificar diverses limitacions en la caracterització dels compressors i en l'anàlisi del cicle. Això va motivar a aprofundir en l'estudi del cicle de compressió de dues etapes i els seus components. El següent pas va ser realitzar una anàlisi teòrica dels cicles de compressió de dues etapes per a aplicacions de calefacció, on es va identificar la pressió intermèdia i la relació d'injecció com els paràmetres del sistema més influents sobre el COP. La pressió intermèdia es va optimitzar per a dues configuracions d'injecció (tanc de separació i economitzador) utilitzant diversos refrigerants. Basant-se en els resultats de l'optimització, es va proposar una correlació que permet obtindre la pressió intermèdia òptima del cicle, considerant la influència del subrefredament a l'eixida del condensador. A més, es va analitzar la influència del disseny dels components del sistema sobre el COP del cicle.
Posteriorment, l'estudi es va aprofundir a nivell de components. El factor més crític en el sistema és el rendiment del compressor. Per tant, el següent pas va ser avaluar la influència de diversos sistemes de compressió amb injecció de vapor sobre el COP. Es van prendre en compte tres tecnologies de compressors, un SCVI, un TSRC i un compressor scroll de dues etapes (TSSC). Aquestes tecnologies de compressors van ser caracteritzades i modelades per a estudiar el seu rendiment. Per a això, es va proposar una nova metodologia per a caracteritzar compressors scroll amb injecció de vapor. Aquesta metodologia permet avaluar el rendiment del compressor independentment del mecanisme d'injecció que s'utilitza en el cicle. Es va identificar una correlació lineal entre la relació d'injecció de refrigerant i la relació de compressió intermèdia. Aquesta correlació s'utilitza per a determinar el flux màssic d'injecció en funció de la pressió intermèdia. Posteriorment, es va proposar un model semi-empíric de compressors scroll i una metodologia per a estendre aquest model per a compressors scroll amb injecció de vapor. Els models van ser ajustats i validats utilitzant dades experimentals de quatre compressors scroll treballant amb R-290 i un SCVI treballant amb R-407C. Finalment, es va comparar un SCVI amb dos compressors de dues etapes, un TSSC i un TSRC, treballant en condicions extremes. Es va optimitzar la relació de volums dels compressors de dues etapes. Els resultats mostren que, en les condicions nominals de funcionament (Te=-15 °C, Tc=50 °C), la relació de volums òptima del TSSC és 0.58, i del TSRC és 0.57. El TSSC aconsegueix un COP 6% major que el SCVI i un COP 11.7% major que el TSRC. Sota un ampli rang de condicions d'operació, el SCVI presenta una millor eficiència i COP per a relacions de pressió inferiors a 5. Per a relacions de pressió més altes, el TSSC presenta millor rendiment i aconsegueix una temperatura de descàrrega més baixa. Es conclou que el SCVI és una solució fàcil d'implementar, des del punt de vista del mecanitzat, i que permet estendre el mapa de treball dels compressors d'una etapa. No obstant això, els resultats mostren que la compressió en dues etapes aconsegueix millorar en major mesura el COP del cicle i la capacitat, amb una major reducció de la / [EN] This Ph.D. thesis presents a study of scroll compressors with vapor-injection (SCVI) for heat pumps operating in cold climates or in high-temperature water heating applications. To do so, firstly, an SCVI was experimentally compared with a two-stage reciprocating compressor (TSRC) working with R-407C under extreme conditions. The comparison was made in terms of compressor efficiencies, capacity, COP, and seasonal COP, both for heating and cooling modes. The results give a general idea about the application range of the studied compressors and the differences in the compressors' performance. Nevertheless, several restrictions in the compressors' characterization and the cycle analysis were identified. This motivated us to deepen in the study of the two-stage compression cycle and its components. The next step was performing a theoretical analysis of two-stage compression cycles for heating applications, where the intermediate pressure and the injection ratio were identified as the most influential system parameters on the COP. The intermediate pressure was optimized for two vapor-injection configurations (flash tank and economizer) using several refrigerants. Based on the optimization results, a correlation was proposed that allows obtaining the optimal intermediate pressure of the cycle, considering the influence of the subcooling at the condenser outlet. In addition, a theoretical analysis of the influence of the design of the system components on the COP of the cycle was performed.
Once the thermodynamic analysis of the two-stage cycle was carried out, the study was deepened at the component level. The most critical factor in the system is the compressor performance. Hence, the next step was evaluating the influence of several compression systems with vapor-injection on the COP. Three compressor technologies were taken into account, an SCVI, a TSRC and a two-stage scroll compressor (TSSC). These compressor technologies were characterized and modeled in order to study their performance. To do so, a new methodology to characterize SCVI was proposed. This methodology allows evaluating the compressor performance independently of the injection mechanism used in the cycle. A linear correlation was identified between the refrigerant injection ratio and the intermediate compression ratio. This correlation is used to determine the injection mass flow as a function of the intermediate pressure. Then, a semi-empirical model of scroll compressors and a methodology to extend the model for scroll compressors with vapor-injection was proposed. The models were adjusted and validated using experimental data from four scroll compressors working with R-290 and an SCVI compressor working with R-407C. Finally, an SCVI was compared with two two-stage compressors, a TSSC, and a TSRC, working in extreme conditions. The displacement ratio of the two-stage compressors was optimized. Results show that, at the nominal operating conditions (Te=-15 °C, Tc=50 °C), the optimal displacement ratio of the TSSC is 0.58, and of the TSRC is 0.57. The TSSC achieves 6% larger COP than the SCVI and 11.7% larger COP than the TSRC. Under a wide range of operating conditions, the SCVI presents a better efficiency and COP for pressure ratios below 5. For higher-pressure ratios, the TSSC presents better performance and achieves lower discharge temperature. It is concluded that the SCVI is an easy solution to implement from the point of view of machining, which allows extending the working map of the single-stage compressors. However, the results show that the two-stage compression technology gets further improve the COP of the cycle and the capacity, with a greater reduction of the discharge temperature operating under extreme conditions. / I thank the financial support provided by the Secretaría de Educación
Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENESCYT) of Ecuador, through the
international scholarship program for postgraduate studies “Convocatoria Abierta
2013 Segunda Fase, Grant No 2015-AR37665”. / Tello Oquendo, FM. (2019). Study of scroll compressors with vapor-injection for heat pumps operating in cold climates or in high-temperature water heating applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/120473 / Compendio
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Armatury v otopných soustavách / Fittings of heating systemsKlus, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis is fittings of heating systems and it is divided into three parts. The first part deals with this topic on theoretical level. In the second part, there is a calculations and drawings that deals with heating and water heating of the apartment building in Uherské Hradiště. This part is solved in two variants concerning hydraulic balancing and regulation of the heating system. The last part of the thesis is an experimental solution and processing of pressure loss results of selected valves. These results are compared with the values reported by the manufactures of the valve.
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Zdravotně technické a plynovodní instalace v průmyslové hale / Sanitation installation and gas installation in a factory unitMaslík, Michal January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with health - technical and gas pipeline installations in the industrial hall. The building is situated in Frydek Mistek. The theoretical part compares the applicable technical rules for gas in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The work also deals with the issue of determining the size of the reservoir water heater in several variants and compared to surveys by the use of hot water in similar objects. The design part is then developed addressing health - technical and gas pipeline installation for the specified object of the industrial hall.
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Provoz a řízení sprchových rekuperačních výmeníků / Operation and management of shower heat recovery exchangerVeselská, Monika January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the operation and management of shower recuperative heat exchangers, energy recovery from them and further use of this energy. This work is divided into four parts. The first presents the possibilities of using energy from wastewater. The second part deals with the design possibilities of energy recovery from waste water in the building, design water and sewer . The third part is devoted to the specification of the shower regenerative heat exchanger, its operation, regulation and control, culminating in economic evaluation of the proposed exchanger. The last part is a technical report and annexes drawings of the project.
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