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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evidence for the Eutrophication of Selected Coastal Dunal Lakes: Historical Comparison of Indices for Nutrient Enrichment

Dagget, Steven Gregory 26 April 1994 (has links)
Three coastal Oregon dunal lakes, Mercer Lake, Munsel Lake, and Woahink Lake, were studied in an effort to determine if eutrophication has occurred since initial studies were conducted in 1938 and to determine each lake's current trophic status. Data collected in 1991 and 1992 for phytoplankton primary productivity; chlorophyll gi phytoplankton species, biovolumes, and densities; nutrients; optical characteristics; and dissolved oxygen were compared with historical data sets. Additional data for zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, and other relevant limnological data were used to more completely characterize each lake. Phytoplankton primary productivity measurements indicate that biological productivity has increased at each lake since 1969-1971. Chlorophyll ~ concentrations appear to have increased only at Mercer Lake. Other limnological data are insufficient to determine if and to what extent these lakes have eutrophicated. Based on data collected in 1991 and 1992, the current trophic state of each lake can be described as follows: Mercer Lake is mesotrophic to eutrophic but closer to mesotrophic, Munsel Lake is oligotrophic to mesotrophic but closer to mesotrophic, and Woahink Lake is oligotrophic to mesotrophic but closer to oligotrophic.

Water Quality Modeling of the Tualitin River

Berger, Christopher John 10 September 1993 (has links)
Water quality problems related to excessive algal growth, high nutrient loading, and low flows have been occurring along Oregon's Tualatin River. The Tualatin River is 86 miles long and has a drainage basin of 711 square miles. The drainage basin incorporates forest, agricultural, and urban areas. Located in the Portland metropolitan area, these problems have been acerbated by the effects of urban growth. To help analyze pollution control alternatives, a river model study, funded by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ}, was undertaken. An in-stream model of hydraulics and water quality was developed. The Corps of Engineer's CE-QUAL-W2 model, a twodimensional, laterally averaged, dynamic model of hydrodynamics and water quality was applied to the Tualatin system. Calibration of the main pool model of the Tualatin River was from field data taken during June through August of 1991. Verification of the model was performed from field data taken during the summer of 1990. After calibration and verification of the model, management alternatives were evaluated in order to achieve DEQ mandated water quality standards. Environmental performance criteria were determined to evaluate differences between model scenarios. Management alternatives focused on the reduction of point and non-point sources of pollution, flow augmentation, and structural changes in the river system, such as removal of the Lake Oswego Diversion Dam.

Phosphorus loading in Baker Creek, Oregon

Stewart, Scott R. 31 August 1992 (has links)
Graduation date: 1993

Water Quality Within East Portland Terraces

Tawfik, Fouad Mohamed 16 May 1974 (has links)
Groundwater from thirty-three wells which are randomly distributed within 42 square miles of the residential, agricultural and industrial area of East Portland Terraces have been analyzed. The area is moderately wet with an annual precipitation of about 37 inches. Residual and transported sediments from different sources, dominantly volcanic, comprise the subsurface lithology. The sedimentary units that were deposited by means of rivers and lakes have filled an original structural and erosional valley in the area. This relatively unconsolidated valley filling is about 900 feet of predominantly lenticular, stratified and cross-bedded lenses of clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders. The topsoil throughout the area has generally similar mechanical characteristics with good drainage. Due to the physical characteristics of the rocks, soils and topography, the area has an open hydraulic system that contains a substantial amount of usable subsurface water. The wells sampled are relatively shallow and their aquifers receive their main recharge from percolated rainfall water. Most of these aquifers occur within the Troutdale Formation rock unit. The major sources of the dissolved elements in the water are the rock units and the organic material of present or buried soils. These sources, along with mixing of water through subsurface migration, created similar compositions in all the tested aquifers, except nitrates and probably phosphates which show a general minor change from east to west, generally correlative with population density. These major mechanisms, man-made activities and/or analytical errors produced only minor differences in the analyses. No major change was detected which could be related to the minor lithologic differences or of the small changes in soils. Comparison with a few older analyses did not indicate a change with time. Alkaline earths in the water exceeded alkalies and weak acids alee exceeded strong ones. This meteoric ground water is bicarbonaceous-siliceous and is good for general use. It is diluted, neutral, fresh, moderately hard and has low salinity hazard.

The effects of coypu Myocaster coypus (nutria) trapping on the water quality of South Johnson Creek, Beaverton, Oregon

Frankel, Deborah Jean 01 January 2007 (has links)
Nutria are semi-aquatic rodents, non-native to Oregon. They are an invasive species that damage stream banks with burrowing and cause destruction of native vegetation; activity that may cause deterioration of stream water quality. I hypothesized that my study's duration and pattern of nutria trapping along South Johnson Creek would be sufficient to lead to a significant change in turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), total dissolved solids (TDS), total solids (TS), and total suspended solids (TSS).

Hydrogeologic Characterization of Dutch Canyon, Scappoose, Oregon

Wagner, Derrick Lee 03 July 2013 (has links)
Dutch Canyon is located directly west of the City of Scappoose in Columbia County Oregon. This area is proximate to Highway 30, a major access corridor to downtown Portland, and is experiencing a population increase, which is expected to continue and likely accelerate. As a result, there is growing pressure on water resources. Individual and community efforts to utilize groundwater resources have been hampered by generally poor groundwater yields and water quality concerns outside of the Columbia River corridor and a lack of published hydrogeologic information for the region. The intent of this study is to identify the water-bearing units present in Dutch Canyon and to characterize water quality within these units. The physical hydrogeology of Dutch Canyon was assessed mainly through the collation of 196 local well reports that contained lithologic information from which individual hydrostratigraphic units were identified and characterized. Hydraulic parameters for individual units were estimated using pump rates and drawdowns provided in select well reports. Water quality for the units identified was assessed through the collection of 48 samples of well, spring, and stream water from Dutch Canyon. Measurements of pH, specific conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, reduction potential, and alkalinity were recorded in the field and samples were analyzed for major ions, arsenic, and stable isotopes. The major water-bearing units of Dutch Canyon were separated into five physically distinct hydrostratigrapic units: the lower, middle, and upper units of the sedimentary Lower Miocene Scappoose Formation, and the Wapshilla Ridge and Ortley members of the Lower to Middle Miocene Grande Ronde Basalt. Groundwater flow likely occurs in discrete, relatively thin (~2- to 10-m thick) zones within the Grand Ronde Basalt members. These units only occur along the slopes and ridges of Dutch Canyon west of the Portland Hills Fault, which parallels the eastern margin of the study area. The Scappoose Formation units contain clay- and silt-rich layers and lenses that limit the useable aquifer volume and vertical movement of groundwaters. In general, all hydrostratrigraphic units east of the Portland Hills Fault have low transmissivities and water wells completed in each of them are commonly low- yielding wells, though there are some exceptions. Geochemically, the lower and middle units of the Scappoose Formation were similar to one another with many wells yielding groundwater with high total dissolved solids (TDS) contents (mean TDS = 330 mg L-1; n = 27). Nearly 20% of the wells sampled that were screened in these units (5 of 27) yielded groundwater that exceeded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Secondary (non-enforceable) Drinking Water Regulation standard of 500 mg L-1 TDS. The upper unit of the Scappoose Formation and the overlying Grande Ronde Basalt members generally yield water with lower TDS contents (mean < 200 mg L-1; maximum = 342 mg L-1; n = 20). Groundwater resources in Dutch Canyon are limited and low well yields are common. The primary water quality concern is saline water, which is generally found in the lower and middle units of the Scappoose Formation near the valley floor. Low recharge rates determined from hydrograph analysis of stream discharge measurements are consistent with the geology and steep terrain of the area and further limit the available groundwater and the degree of flushing of what may be connate waters in the deeper units.

The effect of human activity on the middle course of the Tualatin River, Oregon

Carter, Lolita M. 01 January 1975 (has links)
A diurnal study of biological, chemical, and physical parameters was made on the middle course of the, Tualatin River, which drains a 1840 km2 (711 mi2) basin adjacent to metropolitan Portland, Oregon. This portion of the river lies along land in transition of use from rural agriculture to highly urbanized development. There is no nutrient loading of the river from farming practices because there was no return of water from summer, sprinkler irrigation of commercial crops. However, irrigation significantly reduces the volume of water in the river in the summers. Effluents from sewage treatment plants flowing into the tributaries that drain the highly urbanized eastern areas of the river basin are the main cause of degraded water quality and algal biomass in the lower reaches of the river. The Tualatin River above the mouth of Rock Creek is relatively unpolluted, but downstream from Rock Creek the river is highly eutrophic and during the periods of low flow in the summer serves as a sewage oxidation channel. In this same portion of the river there is also evidence that nitrification occurs. Winter floods leach nitrate-nitrogen from the basin, but in the summer the possibility exists. that nitrate-nitrogen may be a limiting nutrient for algal productivity in the river above Hillsboro. The principal source of poly-phosphates is from sewage treatment plant effluents, but concentrations of poly-phosphates in the middle reaches of the river indicate that there is a natural source of poly- and/or ortho-phosphates in the watershed. Removal of phosphorous compounds from the effluents probably would not affect the large algal blooms occurring in the river below Hillsboro. Trace metal analyses indicated that iron, potassium, nickel, zinc, lead, copper, cobalt, and chromium concentrations were higher during flooding. Turbidity readings suggest that these trace elements are deposited on the floodplain. Melted snow water, which caused one of the winter floods, contained concentrations of zinc, ·copper, and lead greater than those found in the river during the flood. Greater concentrations of arsenic and zinc came from farmland than from urban areas. Diversities of the net plankton as measured by the Shannon-Weaver Index did not change from season to season, nor with downstream flow. Species in the net plankton were benthic forms at the upper stations and planktonic forms downstream from Hillsboro, especially in the summer when the reduced flow caused the river to pond. The enriched effluents from Rock Creek did not affect the diversity of the organisms downstream, but supported a larger biomass. By rating the diversities with other studies it was found that the middle course of the Tualatin River is eutrophic but not heavily polluted. A diurnal study was especially valuable from April to September, inclusive, when insolation and temperatures favored biological activities such as photosynthesis and decomposition. From November to January little diurnal change in the water quality was found. Farming had its greatest impact in the quantity of water and municipalities had a more serious impact on the water quality in the middle course of the Tualatin River. Even with the reduced flow from agricultural irrigation, the river can maintain relatively good water quality, except when effluents from sewage plants caused highly eutrophic conditions.

Modeling of Flow and Water Quality in Henry Hagg Lake near Forest Grove, Oregon

Knutson, Michael T 10 September 1993 (has links)
Increased population growth in Washington County, Oregon, has helped cause the water quality of the Tualatin River to decline. Henry Hagg Lake is a storage reservoir which was built to augment summer low flows in the Tualatin River. Hagg Lake also supplies the Tualatin River Basin with both irrigation and municipal water in the summer. Using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's model CE-QUAL-W2 (a two-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model) , a model of Henry Hagg Lake was created. The model was calibrated using water quality and hydraulic data for 1990 at the Hagg Lake outflow in Scoggins Creek. A verification simulation was performed with similar field data for 1991. The model was used to evaluate the water quality of Henry Hagg Lake if more flow were allowed out of the reservoir than current allocations permit. This model simulation showed that the water quality of Hagg Lake would not be severely affected, however, recreation in the lake would be. Additional particle sizes for inorganic suspended solids introduced to the lake by streamflow were added to the model. The model was used to track suspended solids in Hagg Lake through a summer season. Field data for the modeling of Hagg Lake were very limited. Thus, firm conclusions about the validity of the model would require further field data.

Evaluating Oregon's beach sites and assessing twenty-six coastal beach areas for recreational water quality standards

Benedict, Rae T. 10 June 2003 (has links)
With congressional passage of the BEACH Act in October of 2000, Coastal and Great Lakes states were mandated to assess coastal recreation waters for the application of ambient water quality standards. This research encompasses two components involved in applying the BEACH Act statues to Oregon. The first component was to select beach sites in Oregon. The second component involves applying bacterial recreational water standards to select Oregon beaches. Using the guidelines provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this study develops a method to appraise Oregon marine recreational waters taking into account the following factors: use, available information, pollution threats, sanitary surveys, monitoring data, exposure considerations, economics, and development. In an effort to protect the public from swimming-associated illness attributable to microbial pollution, 24 beaches were identified in Oregon. Of these, 19 beaches were classified as tier 1, or high priority, and five sites were classified as medium priority, or tier 2. Future studies should be directed at ascertaining the beach lengths utilized by Oregon marine recreators since this is an important parameter in targeting bacterial monitoring. Ongoing monitoring of these 24 sites is warranted and new information could be used to update beach tier levels in Oregon. In the second phase of this study, bacterial monitoring data was used for comparison to recreational water quality standards. In October of 2002, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) sampled 26 beaches for enterococci and Escherichia coli (E. coli) densities. Of the water sampled from all 26 beach sites, nine exceeded s single sample maximum density of 104 enterococci colony forming units (cfu) per 100 milliLiters (mL). The Oregon beach with the highest exceedance occurred at Otter Rock's South Cove where the enterococci concentration was 4352 most probable number (MPN)/100 mL. A comparison of the 26 sampled beaches to ODEQ's estuarine E. coli standard of 406 organisms/100 mL resulted in two beaches with exceedances. Otter Rock at South Cove had the highest E. coli concentration at 1850 MPN/100 mL. Based on the limited data used in this study, should Oregon adopt the enterococci standard in lieu of the current ODEQ estuarine E. coli standard, more beaches will have exceedances of the recreational water standard. Additional bacterial monitoring is warranted to further characterize the nature and extent of the problem in Oregon. To protect the health of the marine recreating public, future Oregon marine water quality studies should delineate the "no swim" zone around creeks and model the impacts of rainfall on beach sites. / Graduation date: 2004

Hydrologically Informed Development: A Landscape Analysis of the Impacts of Rural Residential Development on Drinking Water Quality in the Lower McKenzie Watershed, Oregon / Landscape Analysis of the Impacts of Rural Residential Development on Drinking Water Quality in the Lower McKenzie Watershed, Oregon

Evers, Cody R., 1981- 06 1900 (has links)
xii, 60 p. : ill. (some col.) / Exurban growth is prevalent in watersheds nationwide and of special concern in areas important for their undeveloped qualities. The McKenzie River, Oregon, is a natural amenity of great public, aesthetic and recreational value and provides drinking water for much of the southern Willamette Valley. These qualities also make the basin an attractive place to live, and their preservation is often in conflict with the rights and gains of private landowners. However, current containment strategies of development can be arbitrary from a hydrological perspective, especially when adapted from urban contexts. This study introduces a spatially-explicit and physically-based approach for identifying hydrologically sensitive lands in periurban watersheds and then applies that model as a framework for assessing current risk to municipal drinking water sources from exurban residential development. / Committee in charge: Robert Parker, Chair; David Hulse, Member; Scott Bridgham, Member

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