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2D Effects of Geomorphology and Discharge on Hyporheic Exchange—a HEC-RAS Modelling Study / Effekter av geomorfologi och vattenföring på hyporheiskt utbyte—en HEC-RAS-studie i 2DPreston, Olivia January 2020 (has links)
Hyporheic exchange is an ecologically and biogeochemically essential function of rivers and streams. One important driver of hydrostatic (hyporheic) exchange is gra- dients in the hydrostatic hydraulic head at the streambed. This thesis investigates the impact of discharge on hydrostatic exchange in two stream reaches in Uppland, Sweden, with different geomorphological characteristics. By comparing 1D approx- imations of hydrostatic head variations along different longitudinal profiles across the streams, the use of a 2D hydraulic model for defining such variations is evaluated. Channel topography and discharge data have been obtained through field surveys in the two streams and form the basis for the setup of two HEC-RAS 2D models. The models have been calibrated against stream-depth measurements, validated against stream depth and stream velocity, and used for simulation of a range of discharges in both reaches. Water surface elevations, obtained for the different discharges in three profiles along each reach, have been used as input in a spectral model evaluating flow across streambed area; average hyporheic exchange velocity W. The results show that W , and thereby the hydrostatic exchange, decreases with increasing dis- charge and varies between different longitudinal profiles in the reach with the most complex geomorphology. For the reach with simpler geomorphology, the effects of discharge, as well as variations across the streams, are negligible. This implies that a 1D approximation of the hydrostatic head variations at the streambed can be sat- isfactory for a stream with simple geomorphology, whereas a 2D evaluation is more accurate for a stream with a complex geomorphology. / Denna uppsats handlar om hur ett vattendrags geomorfologi (form och geologi) och vattenföring påverkar hyporheiskt utbyte. Hyporheiskt utbyte är en process där ytvat- ten tränger igenom vattendragets botten, flödar i den så kallade hyporheiska zonen och blandas med grundvatten för att sedan återvända till vattendraget. Det är en vik- tig funktion på grund av dess påverkan på ekologi och biogeokemiska reaktioner, exempelvis genom syresättning av botten. Hyporheiskt utbyte påverkas bland annat av variationer i vattnets energinivå (hydrau- lisk tryckhöjd) vid bottnen. Den hydrauliska tryckhöjden varierar med vattenytans höjd, som är summan av bottnens topografi och vattnets djup. Målet med studien var att undersöka vattenföringens påverkan på hydrostatiskt, hyporheiskt utbyte i två vattendrag med olika geomorfologiska egenskaper. Endimensionella (1D) approx- imationer av hydraulisk tryckhöjd används ibland vid modellering av hyporheiskt utbyte. Därför var ytterligare ett mål att utvärdera flera endimensionella (1D) ap- proximationer av hydraulisk tryckhöjd vid botten, för att på så sätt undersöka om tvådimensionell (2D) modellering tillför mer information. För att uppnå målen genomfördes fältstudier vid två vattendrag i Uppland, vid vilka topografimätningar och spårämnesförsök gjordes. Dessa lade grunden för uppbygg- nad av 2D-modeller över vattendragen i modelleringsverktyget HEC-RAS. Model- lerna kalibrerades mot uppmätta djupdata och användes sedan för simulering av ett antal olika vattenföringar. Longitudinella profiler placerades i mitten samt till vänster respektive höger om mitten i vattendragen. Längs dessa profiler, för de olika vatten- föringarna, erhölls vattenytans höjd, som blev indata till en spektral modell. Utifrån topografi och vattenytans höjd längs en profil beskriver den spektrala modellen hur den hydrauliska trycknivån varierar med hjälp av en Fourier-serie. Den spektrala modellen beräknar det hyporheiska utbytets medelhastighet W , vil- ken är ett mått på hur stor volym vatten som genomtränger bottenarea per tid. Re- sultaten visar att för vattendraget med mest komplex geomorfologi minskar W med ökande vattenföring, och W varierar också mellan de olika longitudinella profilerna. För det andra vattendraget, som har en enklare geomorfologi, syns inga betydande skillnader, varken mellan olika vattenföringar eller profiler. Därutöver är W mind- re för vattendraget med enklare geomorfologi jämfört med vattendraget med kom- plex geomorfologi. Resultaten antyder därmed att 1D-approximationer av hydraulisk tryckhöjd vid bottnen är tillräckliga för vattendrag med enkel geomorfologi, medan 2D-modellering tillför information för ett vattendrag med komplex geomorfologi.
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Investigation Of Hydrodynamic Demands Of Tsunamis In Inundation ZoneOzer, Ceren 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzed the new parameter hydrodynamic demand representing the damage of tsunami waves on structures and coastlines,maximum positive amplitudes and current velocities occurred during tsunami inundation by using the numerical model TUNAMI-N2. Regular shaped basins were used with two different bottom slopes in analyses in order to understand the behaviour of tsunami wave and investigate the
change of important tsunami parameters along different slopes during tsunami inundation. In application, different initial conditions were used for wave profiles such as solitary wave, leading elevation single sinusoidal wave and leading depression sinusoidal wave. Three different initial wave
amplitudes were used in order to test the change of distribution of the hydrodynamic demand. The numerical results were compared and discussed with each other and with the results of existing analytical and experimental studies.
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Tsunami Hydrodynamics In Coastal ZonesOzer, Ceren 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This study analyzes the parameter &ldquo / hydrodynamic demand&rdquo / that is also defined by the square of Froude Number representing the damage of tsunami waves on structures and coastlines, and other hydrodynamic parameters, i.e., the distribution of instantaneous flow depths, runup values and the direction of maximum currents, occurred during tsunami inundation by using advanced numerical modeling. The analyses are performed on regular-shaped basins with different bottom slopes and real-shaped topographies using different wave shapes, wave periods and types. Various orientation and amount of coastal and land structures are used in simulations to have results for many different cases. This study provides the opportunity to define the damage of level in residential areas and to test the performance of coastal protection structures. The behavior of tsunami hydrodynamic parameters in shallow and inundation zone is investigated and a correlation is obtained between the average maximum values of square of Froude Number with the wave characteristics and sea bottom slope. After determining hydrodynamic parameters in regular shaped basins, a case study is applied by modeling the March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami with finer resolution in nested domains. The determination of hydrodynamic parameters in inundation zone during 2011 Japan event is performed in one of the most damaged coastal city Kamaishi.
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Vliv orientace přítoku na charakteristiky přepadu přes širokou korunu / Influence of inflow orientation on overflow characteristics over broad-crestMajor, Jakub Unknown Date (has links)
Weirs belong to the basic water structures mainly creating vertical contraction of stream against the flumes, which creating mainly horizontal contraction of stream. In the case of the flow over weir usually occurs change from subcritical flow over critical with critical depth to supercritical flow, therefore overflow. Weirs with rectangular control section are described rectangular longitudinal and transverse profile and horizontal crest. Can be distinguish three basic inflow directions to weir. The first is frontal inflow, which is the most frequent in practice. The second is lateral inflow used in distribution and consumption objects. The third is lower inflow used as laboratory weirs, weirs with deeply submerged wall, etc. In terms of knowledge of influence listed directions of inflows, currently are not sufficiently researched the cases of frontal inflow with side contraction and lower inflow on all types of weirs. Due to extent of the issue, labour is focused only on frontal inflow over broad-crested weir with side contraction and lower inflow over broad-crested weir without side contraction. The goal of the labour was to summarize the current knowledge of the flow over broad-crested weir with side contraction and lower inflow over broad-crested weir without side contraction, describe the character of the flow at the overflow and on the basis of it determine recommendations for measurement and calculation of discharge. Further to define unexplored area, specify methods of solution and verify own measurements. The research dealt with application and optimal numerical model setting for to solve the problem.
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Quantification of the Effect of Bridge Pier Encasement on Headwater Elevation Using HEC-RASSharma Subedi, Abhijit 21 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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