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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Remoção da biomassa algal e determinação da concentração de microcistina pelo Método ELISA em ensaios de coagulação, sedimentação, filtração e adsorção / Removal of algal biomass and determinacy of microcystins concentration through ELISA method in tests of coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and adsorption

Luciana Pallone Hespanholo Ferreira 17 September 2004 (has links)
Nessa pesquisa são relatados os resultados da determinação das concentrações de microcistina e de biomassa algal após as várias etapas de tratamento de amostras de água coletadas junto ao reservatório de Barra Bonita-SP visando obtenção de água potável. O tratamento foi realizado em escala de laboratório com e sem aplicação de carvão ativado em pó (CAP) e as etapas foram: coagulação com aplicação de cloreto férrico, sedimentação, filtração em papel de filtro. Foi possível observar que a pré-clarificação desse tipo de água por coagulação seguida de sedimentação requereu dosagens relativamente elevadas de cloreto férrico (80 mg/L), tendo sido verificada eficiência muito baixa de remoção de microcistina nas etapas de tratamento por sedimentação seguida de filtração, quando não foi aplicado CAP. Apenas com a aplicação de CAP a microcistina foi reduzida à níveis que atendessem os padrões de potabilidade previstos na Portaria 518/04 (concentração menor que 1 &#956g/L). A determinação de microcistina pelo método que utiliza Imunoadsorventes Ligados à Enzima (ELISA) mostrou-se uma ferramenta útil e confiável para detectar e quantificar essa toxina, embora ainda apresente custo relativamente elevado. / This report presents the results of the quantification of microcystins and algae biomass concentrations after treatment of water samples taken from the Barra Bonita reservoir, for production of potable water. Bench-scale tests were carried out with and without powdered activated carbon (PAC) and the treatment processes used were: coagulation with ferric chloride (FeCl3), sedimentation and filtration with paper filter. It was determined that pre-clarification followed by sedimentation required substantial dosages of ferric chloride (80 mg/L). The removal of microcystins using sedimentation followed by filtration was ineffective without PAC. The use of PAC is required to produce water that meets current potability standards for microcystins removal as specified in Decree 518/04 (concentration less than 1 &#956g/L). Analysis of microcystins using the Enzime-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Method (ELISA) has proven to be an effective and reliable procedure to detect and quantify this toxin, although relatively expensive.

Produção e caracterização de membranas de microfiltração e ultrafiltração pelo método de inversão de fases, utilizando polisulfona como matéria-prima. / Production and characterization of microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes via phase inversion process employing polysulfone as raw material.

Pucca, Paulo Tadeu Pimentel 08 October 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa consistiu em produzir membranas sintéticas pelo processo de inversão de fases via precipitação por imersão e levantar dados operacionais relativos ao preparo das soluções poliméricas e respectivos espalhamentos sobre um suporte inerte, de forma a obter-se membranas uniformes, livres de imperfeições que possam afetar seu desempenho. Tal uniformidade requer a produção de soluções poliméricas homogêneas, sem a presença de bolhas, isentas de sólidos em suspensão e com viscosidade adequada, para que o filme espalhado com espessura controlada se mantenha íntegro até o momento da solidificação do polímero, que formará as membranas propriamente ditas. Para condução dos experimentos utilizou-se a polisulfona como polímero, a N-metil- 2 pirrolidona como solvente, não-tecido em poliéster como suporte inerte e água desmineralizada como não-solvente. As soluções foram preparadas com concentrações de cerca de 15 %, 20 % e 25 % em massa de polímero e imersas em banhos de coagulação contendo água desmineralizada a temperaturas de aproximadamente 23°C, 40°C e 50°C. As membranas obtidas após precipitação foram enxaguadas em água desmineralizada morna e então avaliadas morfologicamente através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura, bem como submetidas a alguns outros testes como o ensaio de permeabilidade e o ensaio de tração e de ângulo de contato. Partindo-se de alguns poucos parâmetros encontrados em literatura, procurou-se obter um maior número de dados que permitam definir um procedimento de preparação de membranas através do processo mencionado. Os ensaios indicaram que a utilização de matérias-primas com um grau de pureza elevado, preparo da solução em temperatura, velocidade de rotação, umidade relativa e tempo de agitação adequados, além de filtração, se necessário, são condições muito importantes para a obtenção de soluções homogêneas. A utilização de equipamento aplicador de filme com ajuste de espessura, controles de velocidade de espalhamento e temperatura, e o controle da umidade da atmosfera são essenciais para a obtenção de um filme bem definido, garantindo a reprodutibilidade da síntese de membranas com a qualidade desejada. A utilização de não-tecido adequado como suporte inerte, de superfície lisa e homogênea é de fundamental importância para se obter uma camada polimérica bem homogênea e com espessura uniforme, garantindo condições morfológicas adequadas para a obtenção de níveis de produtividade e seletividade, compatíveis com os processos onde tipicamente se empregam membranas. / The proposal of this research is to produce synthetic membranes through the process of phase inversion via immersion precipitation, and obtain some operational data relating to the preparation of the polymeric solution and its casting on an inert support layer, in order to obtain uniform membranes, free from flaws which might affect its performance. Such uniformity requires the production of homogeneous polymer solutions, free from bubbles or suspended solids and with a suitable viscosity, in order to avoid loss of thickness until the solidification of polymer occurs. Polysulfone was employed as polymer, N-methyl-2 pyrrolidone as a solvent, nonwoven polyester as inert support and demineralized water as non-solvent. The solutions were prepared with concentrations of polymer of approximately 15%, 20% and 25% and, after casting, immersed in a coagulation bath containing demineralized water at approximately 23°C, 40°C and 50°C. The membranes obtained after precipitation were rinsed in demineralized water and evaluated through scanning electron microscopy, and some other tests, as the permeability, the mechanical and contact angle tests. Taking a few parameters found in the literature, we intended to obtain additional data to define a procedure for the preparation of membranes using the afore mentioned process. The tests indicated that the use of high purity raw materials and proper solution preparation parameters as temperature, speed, relative humidity and stirring time are very important to obtain an homogeneous solution. Besides, the use of motorized film application equipment with adjustments for film thickness, casting speed, temperature, and controlled water content in air are essential in obtaining a good film definition, and ensuring the reproducibility in the synthesis of membranes with a desired quality. The use of suitable non-woven fabric as a inert support with smooth and homogeneous surface is very important in order to obtain uniform polymer layers, ensuring morphological conditions suitable for achieving levels of productivity and selectivity, compatible with processes where typically membranes are employed.

Estudo sobre a adequação ambiental dos serviços de água e esgoto / Study of environmental adequateness of water and wastewater services

Pecci Filho, Rogério 23 March 2005 (has links)
A consideração dos fatores ambientais no processo decisório sobre a implementação de atividades econômicas é condição básica para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal avaliar a possibilidade de um serviço de água e esgoto atuar ou proceder visando a sustentabilidade ambiental, notadamente observando os dispositivos legais de gestão ambiental. Para a consecução de tal objeto, foi realizada uma ampla revisão bibliográfica para a definição dos fatores ambientais, instrumentos de gestão ambiental e dispositivos legais pertinentes que foram considerados na adequação ambiental de serviços de água e esgoto, a partir da elaboração de uma matriz de impactos, com decorrente identificação desses fatores frente aos diferentes processos dessas atividades. Foram consideradas todas as etapas, quais sejam: captação, adução, tratamento, distribuição, coleta, tratamento de esgoto e lançamento no corpo receptor, inclusive os respectivos resíduos, como o lodo. Os estudos realizados foram aplicados ao DAAE de Araraquara como um caso prático, aproveitando que este dispõe de tratamentos de água e esgoto e uma autarquia bem estruturada e com informações disponíveis. Por fim, foram apresentados os resultados obtidos no estudo de caso e feitas discussões a respeito dos impactos ambientais e das (in)conformidades diagnosticadas no DAAE Araraquara. / Consideration of environmental factors in the decision making procedure when a new enterprise is being planned is a basic condition to mantain a sustainable development. Taking this into consideration the objective of this work was the study of environmental adequateness of water and wastewater services. To reach such an objective, study and definition of environmental variables, environmental management mechanisms and related legal resources was carried out, considering the environmental fitting of water and wastewater services, through an impact matrix, with resulting identification of these variables with regard to the different procedures of these activities. All stages of the water and wastewater service were considered: pipeing, distribution, water treatment, collection, sewage treatment and disposal of the treated sewage and solids from the treatment. A case study, considering the city of Araraquara, was carried out as this city has a well structured company and a good data bank. Finally, results obtained in the case study were presented and discussions about environmental impact and (non-)conformities found in Araraquara\'s DAAE were carried through.

Biosand Water Filter Evaluation: Pilot Study of Field Use Indicators in Cyegera, Rwanda

O'Connell, Bethesda, Slawson, Deborah, Quinn, Megan, Scheuerman, Phillip R., Ogunleye, Olushola 27 August 2018 (has links)
Diarrheal diseases are a global public health burden, killing 1.8 million people annually. Diarrhea disproportionately affects children and those in poverty. Most diarrheal cases can be prevented through safe drinking water, basic hygiene and/or sanitation measures, with drinking water interventions having the most impact on reducing diarrheal disease. There is no generally agreed-upon field method for determining biosand water filter effectiveness that is usable in low-resource communities. A pilot study was conducted of potential field use indicators, including the Colilert coliform presence/absence (P/A) test, hydrogen sulfide, alkalinity, hardness, pH, and fluorescently labeled latex microspheres. The study included both laboratory and field testing. The Colilert P/A test had the highest correlation to the United States Environmental Protection Agency standard method (IDEXX Quanti-trays), but more data are needed before making a recommendation. This study adds to understanding about evaluation of biosand water filters and provides preliminary data to address the need for a field use indicator for biosand water filters.

Development of electrospun nanofiber composites for point-of-use water treatment

Peter, Katherine T. 01 December 2016 (has links)
A range of chemical pollutants now contaminate drinking water sources and present a public health concern, including organic compounds, such as pharmaceuticals and pesticides, and both metalloids and heavy metals, such as arsenic and lead. Metalloids and heavy metals have been detected in private drinking water wells, which do not fall under federal drinking water regulations, as well as in urban tap water, due to the introduction of contamination to the drinking water distribution system. Further, many so-called “emerging organic contaminants,” which are present in drinking water sources at detectable levels but have unknown long-term health implications, do not fall under federal drinking water regulations. To protect the health of consumers, drinking water treatment at the point-of-use (POU) (i.e., the tap) is essential. Next-generation POU treatment technologies must require minimal energy inputs, be simple enough to permit broad application among different users, and be easily adaptable for removal of a wide range of pollutants. Nanomaterials, such as carbon nanotubes and iron oxide nanoparticles, are ideal candidates for next-generation drinking water treatment, as they exhibit unique, high reactivity and necessitate small treatment units. However, concerns regarding water pressure requirements and nanomaterial release into the treated supply limit their application in traditional reactor designs. To bridge the gap between potential and practical application of nanomaterials, this study utilizes electrospinning to fabricate composite nanofiber filters that effectively deploy nanomaterials in drinking water treatment. In electrospinning, a high voltage draws a polymer precursor solution (which can contain nanomaterial additives, in the case of nanocomposites) from a needle to deposit a non-woven nanofiber filter on a collector surface. Using electrospinning, we develop an optimized, macroporous carbon nanotube-carbon nanofiber composite that utilizes the sorption capacity of embedded carbon nanotubes, and achieves a key balance between material strength and reactivity towards organic pollutants. Additionally, via single-pot syntheses, we develop two optimized polymer-iron oxide composites for removal of heavy metal contamination by inclusion of iron oxide nanoparticles and either cationic or anionic surfactants in the electrospinning precursor solution. In hybrid materials that contain a well-retained quaternary ammonium surfactant (tetrabutylammonium bromide) and iron oxide nanoparticles, ion exchange sites and iron oxide sites are selective for chromate and arsenate removal, respectively. We demonstrated that a sulfonate surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate, acted as a removable porogen and an agent for surface segregation of iron oxide nanoparticles, thus enhancing composite performance for removal of lead, copper, and cadmium. Notably, nanoparticles embedded in composites exhibited comparable activity to freely dispersed nanoparticles. Collectively, the composites developed in this work represent a substantial advance towards the overlap of effective nanomaterial immobilization and utilization of nanomaterial reactivity. Outcomes of this work advance current knowledge of nanocomposite fabrication, and contribute to the responsible and effective deployment of nanomaterials in POU drinking water treatment.

Development of chemically active metal oxide composite nanofiber filters for water treatment

Greenstein, Katherine E. 01 December 2016 (has links)
Small drinking water systems, often financially and resource-limited, face unprecedented challenges due to the current diversity and ubiquity of water pollutants. Well-characterized inorganic legacy pollutants, including arsenic, copper, hexavalent chromium, and lead, remain persistent in drinking water systems. In addition, emerging organic contaminants, like endocrine disrupting compounds and pharmaceuticals, are largely uncharacterized but prevalent in the environment and water supplies, calling into question what levels of these relatively new contaminants are truly safe in drinking water. Point-of-use (POU) and point-of-entry (POE) water treatment devices, installed at a specific tap or at the water entry point to a single facility, respectively, are necessary to ensure safe drinking water in contexts where centralized water treatment is not available or cannot adapt to meet new regulatory standards. While existing POU and POE technologies, including reverse osmosis and packed bed media filters, are effective for removing contaminants, installation costs, energy demands, and spatial footprints of these systems can inhibit their implementation. There is a need for new POU and POE technologies that remove a diversity of water contaminants while maintaining a small application footprint. Nanotechnology, referring to technology using material with at least one dimension or feature less than 100 nm in length, is ideal for meeting this need in drinking water treatment. With high surface area-to-volume ratios, nano-enabled treatment technologies exhibit enhanced reactivity with less material, keeping overall footprint relatively small. Specifically, electrospinning, a process in which a polymer precursor solution is electrified to produce a cohesive sheet of nanofibers, can be used to easily synthesize chemically active nanofiber filters for water treatment applications. In this study, we develop electrospun nanofiber filters that harness nano-scaled hematite (Fe2O3) for sorption of inorganic contaminants (e.g., As, Pb) and nano-scaled titanium dioxide (TiO2) for use with ultraviolet (UV) and visible light as an advanced oxidation process (AOP) for removal of emerging organic contaminants (e.g., benzotriazole, carbamazepine, DEET). Most importantly, we strive to optimize both reactivity and material strength to develop cohesive, durable filtration platforms that overcome barriers to use of nanomaterials in water treatment (e.g., concerns over leaching of nanoparticles deployed as suspensions). Herein, we first demonstrate reactivity optimization of pure (though brittle) TiO2 nanofiber photocatalysts by noble metal catalyst (Au) surface loading. Additionally, we optimize polymer-Fe2O3 composite nanofibers for reactivity while maintaining material flexibility by coating the doped polymer with additional Fe2O3 surfaces available for metal/metalloid uptake. Finally, we apply reactivity optimization and strategies to maintain material strength in the development of carbon/TiO2 nanofiber composites used for (photo)chemical filtration of water containing emerging organic contaminants. Ultimately, we find that nanofiber composites exhibit substantial reactivity and structural integrity in water treatment platforms. Outcomes of this work contribute to making nanomaterials, which have been studied for decades but have yet to be commercially employed for water treatment, practical for chemically active water filtration.

Development of a novel magnetic photocatalyst : preparation, characterisation and implication for organic degradation in aqueous systems

Beydoun, Donia, Chemical Engineering & Industrial Chemistry, UNSW January 2000 (has links)
Magnetic photocatalysts were synthesised by coating a magnetic core with a layer of photoactive titanium dioxide. This magnetic photocatalyst is for use in slurry-type reactors in which the catalyst can be easily recovered by the application of an external magnetic field. The first attempt at producing this magnetic photocatalyst involved the direct deposition of titanium dioxide onto the surface of magnetic iron oxide particles. The photoactivity of these Fe3O4/TiO2 was lower than that of single-phase TiO2 and was found to decrease with an increase in the heat treatment. These observations were explained in terms of an unfavourable heterojunction between the titanium dioxide and the iron oxide core. Fe ion diffusion from the iron oxide core into the titanium dioxide matrix upon heat treatment, leading to a highly doped TiO2 lattice, was also contributing to the observed low activities of these samples. These Fe3O4/TiO2 particles were found to be unstable, with photodissolution of the iron oxide phase being encountered. This photodissolution was dependent on the heat treatment applied, the greater the extent of the heat treatment, the lower the incidence of photodissolution. This was explained in terms of the stability of the iron oxide phases present, as well as the lower photoactivity of the titanium dioxide matrix. In fact, the observed photodissolution was found to be induced-photodissolution. That is, the photogenerated electrons in the titanium dioxide phase were being injected into the lower lying conduction band of the iron oxide core, leading to its reduction and then dissolution. Thus, the approach of directly depositing TiO2 onto the surface of a magnetic iron oxide core proved ineffective in producing a stable magnetic photocatalyst. The introduction of an intermediate passive SiO2 layer between the titanium dioxide phase and the iron oxide phase inhibited the direct electrical contact and hence prevented the photodissolution of the iron oxide phase. Improvements in the photoactivity were seen to be due to the inhibition of both the electronic and chemical interactions between the iron oxide and titanium dioxide phases. Preliminary optimisation experiments revealed that a thin SiO2 layer is sufficient for inhibiting the photodissolution. The thickness of the TiO2 coating was found not to have a significant effect on the photocatalytic performance of the coated particles. Finally, heat treating for 20 minutes at 450??C was sufficient for converting the titanium dioxide into a photoactive phase, longer heating times had no beneficial effect on the photoactivity.

The implementation and initial performance of a wetland system constructed for urban runoff treatment in the Blue Mountains

Swanson, P., n/a January 1996 (has links)

Preventing Microbial Growth on pall-rings when upgrading biogas using absorption with water wash

Håkansson, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>For produced biogas to be usable as vehicle fuel it has to be upgraded to a higher energy content. This is accomplished by elevation of the methane concentration through removal of carbon dioxide. Absorption with water wash is the most common upgrading method used in Sweden today. The upgrading technique is based on the fact that carbon dioxide is more soluble in water than methane. Upgrading plants that utilises this method have problems with microbial growth in the system. This growth eventually leads to a stop in operation due to the gradually drop in upgrading capacity.</p><p>The aim of this thesis were to evaluate the possibility to through some kind of water treatment maintain an acceptable level of growth or altogether prevent it in order to maintain an acceptable process capacity and thereby avoid the need to clean. Through collection of literature the implementation possibilities were evaluated with regard to efficiency, economic sustainability and if there would be a release of any harmful substances.</p><p>In order to prevent the microbial growth in the columns the treatment should either focus on removing microorganisms or limit the accessible nutrients. For the single pass system it is concluded that the treatment should reduce the biofilm formation and be employed in an intermittent way. Among the evaluated treatments focusing on the reduction of microorganisms the addition of peracetic acid seems to be the most promising one. For the regenerating system the treatment method could focus on either one. As for the single pass system peracetic acid could be added to reduce the amount of microorganism. To reduce the amount of organic matter an advanced oxidation process could be deployed with the advantage that it also could remove the microorganisms.</p> / <p>För att kunna använda den producerade biogasen som fordonsgas måste dess energiinnehåll höjas. Detta åstadkoms genom avskiljning av koldioxid så att metankoncentrationen ökar. Den vanligaste förekommande uppgraderingstekniken i Sveriges är absorption med vatten, som bygger på att koldioxid är mer lösligt än metan i vatten under tryck. Uppgraderingsanläggningarna har mikrobiell tillväxt på fyllkropparna i absorptionskolonnen, vilket ofrånkommligen orsakar en lägre uppgraderingskapacitet och slutligen är ett stopp i produktionen nödvändig för kunna tvätta fyllkropparna. Anläggningarna som recirkulerar processvattnet kan även ha tillväxt i kolonnen, där den lösta koldioxiden tas bort.</p><p>Syftet med detta arbete var att genom en litteraturstudie undersöka om det vore möjligt att undvika eller åtminstone hålla tillväxten under en acceptabel nivå genom någon typ av vattenrening. De olika reningsmetoderna utvärderades med avseende på möjlighet att implementeras i det befintliga uppgraderings systemet, effektivitet, möjliga utsläpp och ekonomisk hållbarhet.</p><p>För att begränsa tillväxt i kolonnerna ska vattenreningen antingen fokusera på att ta bort mikroorganismer eller begränsa tillgången på näringsämnen för bakterierna som når kolonnerna via biogasen, luften som används för att ta bort koldioxiden från vattnet, eller via vattnet. För uppgraderingsanläggningar där processvattnet bara passerar kolonnen en gång rekommenderas en reningsmetod som fokuserar på reducera bildandet av biofilmen. Av de utvärderade metoderna ter sig perättiksyra som det bästa alternativet. För system med recirkulerande processvatten skulle reningsmetoden fokusera på antingen reduktion av mikroorganismer, organiskt material eller både och. Som för anläggningar med icke-cirkulerande vatten verkar perättiksyra vara det bästa alternativet för reduktion av mikroorganismer. En avancerad oxidationsprocess skulle kunna användas för att reducera mängden mikroorganismer och organiskt material.</p>

Removal of Natural Organic Matter and Control of Trihalomethanes Formation in Water Treatment

Kalibbala, Herbert Mpagi January 2012 (has links)
Volcanic ash, pumice and Moringa oleifera (M. oleifera) were investigated as indigenous materials for removal of natural organic matter (NOM) at Kampala and Masaka water treatment plants in Uganda. Coagulation and filtration experiments were done using raw water at Kampala (Ggaba) and Masaka (Boma) National Water &amp; Sewerage Corporation water treatment plants. Assessment of the two plants was done and they were found to be faced with differing challenges given the nature of their raw water sources. Therefore, the study was conducted to seek appropriate treatment processes that suite the conditions at the respective plant and avoid or minimize formation of unwanted chlorination by-products. The results from the study indicated that there were both operational and design handicaps at the Ggaba treatment plant with a need to modify the filtration and clarification units. At Masaka, pre-chlorination led to increases in total trihalomethanes as high as 4000%. The characterization studies indicated the major fraction of NOM to be hydrophilic and there was no variation in the character of NOM along the unit treatment processes investigated. On the other hand experiments conducted at both the pilot and laboratory scale gave promising results. Simple horizontal flow roughing filter at Masaka gave rise to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and ferrous iron removals of 27% and 89% respectively. With a combined use of pumice and hydrogen peroxide in the filter, DOC removals of up to 68% were achieved. The results from jar test experiments also indicated that use of alum with M. oleifera coagulant extracted with sodium chloride solution as coagulant aid is promising as a first stage in the treatment train for waters with a humic materials and high content of iron, typical of swamp water sources. Therefore the findings show that it is possible to avoid the formation of unwanted by-products by application of roughing filtration with hydrogen peroxide in place of the pre-chlorination process. Assessment of the characteristics of the volcanic ash showed that it meets the requirements for a filtration material; and results obtained from the pilot study showed that it was a suitable alternative material for use in a dual media filtration system. There was an increase in the filter run length of about two and half fold in the dual media filtration column compared to the mono medium column. / Vulkanaska, pimpsten och Moringa oleifera (M. oleifera) undersöktes som inhemska material for borttagande av naturligt organiskt material (NOM) i Kampala och Masaka reningsverk i Uganda. Koagulation och filtreringsexperiment gjordes med hjalp av råvatten i Kampala (Ggaba) och Masaka (Boma)reningsverk, som ingår i Nationella Vatten- och avloppsreningsverk, ett företag i Uganda. En bedömning av de två anläggningarna gjordes och det visade sig stå inför olika utmaningar på grund av de olika råvattnens karaktär. Den här studien genomfördes för att söka lämpliga processer för behandling av anpassade till förhållandena vid respektive anläggning samt för att undvika eller minimera uppkomsten av olika klorerade biprodukter. Resultatet från studien visade att det fanns problem både när det gäller design och arbetsrutiner på reningsverket Ggaba med ett behov att ändra filtrerings- och klarningsenheternaI Masaka ökade förkloreringsprocessen den totala mängden trihalometaner med 4000 %. Karakteriseringen av naturligt organiskt material (NOM) visade på en stor andel hydrofilt material och att ingen förändring av det organiska materialets karaktär skedde längs den undersökta processenheten. Å andra sidan visade både laboratorieförsök och experiment i pilotanläggningen att lovande resultat. Ett enkelt horisontellt flöde genom ett grovt filter i pilotanläggningen i Masaka resulterade i 89% mindre järn och 27% mindre NOM. Med en kombination av pimpsten och väteperoxid i filtret var avlägsnandet av löst organiskt material(DOC) från vattnet 68%. Resultaten från batchexperiment (jar test) i laboratoriet visade också lovande resultat för aluminium tillsammans med en koagulant extraherad med natriumklorid från Moringa oleifera (MOC-SC), som ett första steg för vatten från sumpmark med höga halter av järn och organiskt material. Således visar resultaten att det går att undvika bildandet av höga halter av trihalometan (THM) genom genom tillämpning av grovfitrering med väteperoxid i stället för förkloreringsprocessen. Utvärderingen av vulkanaskans egenskaper visade att vulkanaskan uppfyller kraven på ett filtermaterial och resultaten från pilotanläggningen visade att det är ett lämpligt material i ett filtreringssystem med två media. Den utnyttjade delen av filtret var 2,5 gånger längre i körningen med dubbla medier jämfört med ett medium. / <p>QC 20120910</p> / MAKERERE – Sida/SAREC RESEARCH COLLABORATION

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