Spelling suggestions: "subject:"webservices"" "subject:"webbservices""
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A Service Oriented Collaborative Supply Chain Planning Process Definition And Execution PlatformOlduz, Mehmet 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Currently, there are many software applications handling planning, scheduling, material management, invoicing, workflow management within an organization. However, companies need to plan across a wider span of activities and need to collaborate with their partners to optimize the ' / ' / overall' / ' / profitability. This requires collaborative planning within a supply chain and exchange of planning data. Collaborative Planning, Forecast and Replenishment (CPFR) is one of the most prominent initiatives on Collaborative Planning. However, CPFR only provides guidelines, but does not mandate any technology for the definition and execution of planning process. Therefore, companies have difficulties to define and deploy CPFR solutions and there is a need for a Service Oriented, Open Platform for the definition and execution of collaborative planning processes involving many supply chain tiers.
In this work, first of all, the building blocks of the planning process have been defined as machine processable definitions in OASIS ebXML Business Specification Language (ebBP). CPFR Designer Tool developed provides the users to visually create CPFR Processes in ebBP and to convert this ebBP process definition automatically to an executable business process using OASIS Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL). In this way, the supply chain enterprises are able to create customized CPFR processes which are in integration with the underlying intra-enterprise planning processes. Moreover, in the thesis, a CPFR Process Execution Environment is prepared where the generated CPFR Process can be executed.
The work presented in this thesis is realized as a part of IST-213031 iSURF project funded by European Commission under ICT FP7.
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A Web Based Multi User Framework For The Design And Detailing Of Reinforced Concrete Frames - Beams.Anil, Engin Burak 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Structural design of reinforced concrete structures requires involvement of many engineers who contribute to a single project. During the design process engineers have to exchange wide variety of information. Unmanaged data exchange may result in loss of resources. Developing a data model and setting up protocols for the management of data related to various structural design tasks can help to improve the quality of the structural design.
In this study, an object oriented data model was developed for reinforced concrete beams. Geometry of the structure, detailed shape and placement of the reinforcement, and design specific information for beams were defined in the data model. Design code based computations are facilitated by developing a code library.
Another focus of this study is developing a web based, platform independent data management and multi-user framework for structural design and detailing of reinforced concrete frames. The framework allows simultaneous design of a structure by multiple engineers. XML Web Services technology was utilized for the central management of design data. Design data was kept as XML files. Information was exchanged between the server and the engineer on a per-request basis. To design a beam strip, the engineer connects to the server and chooses a series of connected beams. The strip that is selected is locked for modifications of other engineers to prevent any data loss and unnecessary duplicate efforts. When the engineer finalizes the design of a beam strip, data is updated on the server and the lock for this strip is released. Between these requests no active connection is required between the engineer and the server.
As a final task, the framework can produce structural CAD drawings in DXF format.
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A Web Based Multi-user Framework For The Design And Detailing Of Reinforced Concrete Frames-columnsUnal, Gokhan 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In design and detailing of a reinforced concrete frame project, there are many engineers who contribute a single project. Wide variety of information is exchanged between these engineers in design and detailing stages. If the coordination between engineers is not performed sufficiently, data exchange may result in loss of important information that may cause inadequate design and detailing of a structure. Thus, a data model developed for different stages of design and detailing of reinforced concrete structure can facilitate the data exchange among engineers and help improving the quality of structural design. In this study, an object oriented data model was developed for the design and detailing of reinforced concrete columns and beam column joints. The geometry of the structure, amount, shape and placement of reinforcement were defined in this data model. In addition to these, classes that facilitate the design and detailing of reinforced concrete columns and beam column joints according to a building codes were also developed. Another focus of this study is to develop a web based, platform independent data management and multi-user framework for structural design and detailing of reinforced concrete frames. The framework allows simultaneous design of a structure by multiple engineers. XML Web Services technology was utilized for the web based environment in such a way that the design related data was stored and managed centrally by the server in XML files. As a final step, CAD drawings of column reinforcement details in DXF format are prepared.
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Semantic Service Discovery With Heuristic Relevance CalculationOzyonum, Muge 01 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, a semantically aided web service and restful service
search mechanism is presented that makes use of an ontology. The
mechanism relates method names, input and output parameters for
ontology guided matches and offers results with varying relevance
corresponding to the matching degree. The mechanism is demonstrated using an experimental domain that is tourism and travel. An ontology is created to support a set of web services that exist in this domain.
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A Static Analysis Approach For Service Oriented Software Engineering (sose) DesignsCermikli, Can 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, a static analysis approach is introduced in order to develop correct business
processes according to the Web Service Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL)
specification. The modeling of the business processes are conducted with Business Process
Execution Language (BPEL) which is a popular orchestrator of Service Oriented Architectures
(SOA) based system through the description of workflow. This approach is also integrated
to the Service Oriented Software Engineering (SOSE) design technique. The integration
of this approach aims the development of complex business processes more robust and
implementation of them more accurate and low error prone. Moreover, this approach will also
decrease the development cost of the system and rework in the implementation phase. The
implementation of the approach is also conducted and it is integrated to the existing service
oriented architecture based tool named Service Oriented Software Engineering Tool (SOSECASE).
This integration forwards the SOSECASE a step forward to an all-in-one service
oriented architecure software development tool.
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Web Service Testing For Domain Specific Web Service Discovery FrameworkUtku, Selma 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The reliability of web services is important for both users and other service providers, with which they are in interaction. Thus, to guarantee reliability of the web services that are invoked and integrated at runtime, automatic testing of web services is needed.
In web service testing, different test cases for web services are generated. The most important issue is to generate the most appropriate value for input parameters of web services at runtime. In this thesis, we developed a method for automatic web service testing that uses semantics dependency-based and data mutation-based techniques to analyze web services and generate different test cases. Thus, we both check whether the services function correctly by generating appropriate input values from different data sources and check robustness of web services by generating random and error-prone data inputs. With respect to the behaviors of web services, the test values are calculated and saved to the database for each web service.
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Nomadic migration : a service environment for autonomic computing on the GridLanfermann, Gerd January 2002 (has links)
In den vergangenen Jahren ist es zu einer dramatischen Vervielfachung der verfügbaren Rechenzeit gekommen. Diese 'Grid Ressourcen' stehen jedoch nicht als kontinuierlicher Strom zur Verfügung, sondern sind über verschiedene Maschinentypen, Plattformen und Betriebssysteme verteilt, die jeweils durch Netzwerke mit fluktuierender Bandbreite verbunden sind. <br />
Es wird für Wissenschaftler zunehmend schwieriger, die verfügbaren Ressourcen für ihre Anwendungen zu nutzen. Wir glauben, dass intelligente, selbstbestimmende Applikationen in der Lage sein sollten, ihre Ressourcen in einer dynamischen und heterogenen Umgebung selbst zu wählen: Migrierende Applikationen suchen eine neue Ressource, wenn die alte aufgebraucht ist. 'Spawning'-Anwendungen lassen Algorithmen auf externen Maschinen laufen, um die Hauptanwendung zu beschleunigen. Applikationen werden neu gestartet, sobald ein Absturz endeckt wird. Alle diese Verfahren können ohne menschliche Interaktion erfolgen.<br />
Eine verteilte Rechenumgebung besitzt eine natürliche Unverlässlichkeit. Jede Applikation, die mit einer solchen Umgebung interagiert, muss auf die gestörten Komponenten reagieren können: schlechte Netzwerkverbindung, abstürzende Maschinen, fehlerhafte Software. Wir konstruieren eine verlässliche Serviceinfrastruktur, indem wir der Serviceumgebung eine 'Peer-to-Peer'-Topology aufprägen. Diese “Grid Peer Service” Infrastruktur beinhaltet Services wie Migration und Spawning, als auch Services zum Starten von Applikationen, zur Dateiübertragung und Auswahl von Rechenressourcen. Sie benutzt existierende Gridtechnologie wo immer möglich, um ihre Aufgabe durchzuführen. Ein Applikations-Information- Server arbeitet als generische Registratur für alle Teilnehmer in der Serviceumgebung.<br />
Die Serviceumgebung, die wir entwickelt haben, erlaubt es Applikationen z.B. eine Relokationsanfrage an einen Migrationsserver zu stellen. Der Server sucht einen neuen Computer, basierend auf den übermittelten Ressourcen-Anforderungen. Er transferiert den Statusfile des Applikation zu der neuen Maschine und startet die Applikation neu. Obwohl das umgebende Ressourcensubstrat nicht kontinuierlich ist, können wir kontinuierliche Berechnungen auf Grids ausführen, indem wir die Applikation migrieren. Wir zeigen mit realistischen Beispielen, wie sich z.B. ein traditionelles Genom-Analyse-Programm leicht modifizieren lässt, um selbstbestimmte Migrationen in dieser Serviceumgebung durchzuführen. / In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in available compute capacities. However, these “Grid resources” are rarely accessible in a continuous stream, but rather appear scattered across various machine types, platforms and operating systems, which are coupled by networks of fluctuating bandwidth. It becomes increasingly difficult for scientists to exploit available resources for their applications. We believe that intelligent, self-governing applications should be able to select resources in a dynamic and heterogeneous environment: Migrating applications determine a resource when old capacities are used up. Spawning simulations launch algorithms on external machines to speed up the main execution. Applications are restarted as soon as a failure is detected. All these actions can be taken without human interaction. <br />
<br />
A distributed compute environment possesses an intrinsic unreliability. Any application that interacts with such an environment must be able to cope with its failing components: deteriorating networks, crashing machines, failing software. We construct a reliable service infrastructure by endowing a service environment with a peer-to-peer topology. This “Grid Peer Services” infrastructure accommodates high-level services like migration and spawning, as well as fundamental services for application launching, file transfer and resource selection. It utilizes existing Grid technology wherever possible to accomplish its tasks. An Application Information Server acts as a generic information registry to all participants in a service environment. <br />
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The service environment that we developed, allows applications e.g. to send a relocation requests to a migration server. The server selects a new computer based on the transmitted resource requirements. It transfers the application's checkpoint and binary to the new host and resumes the simulation. Although the Grid's underlying resource substrate is not continuous, we achieve persistent computations on Grids by relocating the application. We show with our real-world examples that a traditional genome analysis program can be easily modified to perform self-determined migrations in this service environment.
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An integrated methodology for creating composed Web/grid servicesTan, Koon Leai Larry January 2009 (has links)
This thesis presents an approach to design, specify, validate, verify, implement, and evaluate composed web/grid services. Web and grid services can be composed to create new services with complex behaviours. The BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) standard was created to enable the orchestration of web services, but there have also been investigation of its use for grid services. BPEL specifies the implementation of service composition but has no formal semantics; implementations are in practice checked by testing. Formal methods are used in general to define an abstract model of system behaviour that allows simulation and reasoning about properties. The approach can detect and reduce potentially costly errors at design time. CRESS (Communication Representation Employing Systematic Specification) is a domainindependent, graphical, abstract notation, and integrated toolset for developing composite web service. The original version of CRESS had automated support for formal specification in LOTOS (Language Of Temporal Ordering Specification), executing formal validation with MUSTARD (Multiple-Use Scenario Testing and Refusal Description), and implementing in BPEL4WS as the early version of BPEL standard. This thesis work has extended CRESS and its integrated tools to design, specify, validate, verify, implement, and evaluate composed web/grid services. The work has extended the CRESS notation to support a wider range of service compositions, and has applied it to grid services as a new domain. The thesis presents two new tools, CLOVE (CRESS Language-Oriented Verification Environment) and MINT (MUSTARD Interpreter), to respectively support formal verification and implementation testing. New work has also extended CRESS to automate implementation of composed services using the more recent BPEL standard WS-BPEL 2.0.
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Ανακάλυψη web services σε συστήματα ομοτίμων (Peer- to- Peer)Καλαποδάς, Γεώργιος 18 September 2007 (has links)
Τόσο τα Web Services (WS) όσο και τα P2P Συστήματα, δύο ακμάζουσες μορφές της πληροφορικής και του Διαδικτύου, έχουν τύχει ευρείας αποδοχής στις μέρες μας. Τα Napster, Gnutella και LimeWire, αποτελούν λίγες μόνο από τις υλοποιήσεις της τεχνολογίας των P2P Συστημάτων. Από την άλλη τα WS ακμάζουν στον χώρο των επιχειρήσεων και του επιχειρηματικού σχεδιασμού με κατεύθυνση το Internet. Τα e-Bay, Amazon και Microsoft είναι μόνο λίγες από τις εταιρείες που κάνουν ευρεία χρήση των τεχνολογιών των WS.
Μέχρι σήμερα οι δύο αυτές τεχνολογίες αναπτύσσονται σχεδόν ξεχωριστά η μία από την άλλη. Το κίνητρο το οποίο ενέπνευσε αυτή την εργασία, ήταν η ύπαρξη του UDDI κεντρικού καταλόγου για την αναζήτηση και εκτέλεση των WS.
Ο τρόπος υλοποίησής και λειτουργίας του UDDI καταλόγου, επιφέρει ένα σημαντικό μειονέκτημα, την κεντρικοποίηση του ίδιου του UDDI καταλόγου και την πλήρη απουσία κατανομής του. Τοποθετώντας, όλη την πληροφορία σε ένα σημείο, πολύ γρήγορα μπορούν να εμφανιστούν προβλήματα bottleneck και επομένως κατακόρυφης πτώσης της απόδοσης ενός συστήματος.
Βασικός στόχος επομένως, είναι πώς θα μπορούσε ο UDDI κατάλογος να κατανεμηθεί ώστε να βελτιωθούν οι χρόνοι ανακάλυψης και εκτέλεσης των WS που βρίσκονται σε αυτόν. Στην προσπάθεια αυτή συγκαταλέγεται η λειτουργικότητα και η δομή των P2P Συστημάτων, ως κατανεμημένων δομών.
Στην παρούσα Μεταπτυχιακή εργασία έγινε μια προσπάθεια συγκερασμού των τεχνολογιών των P2P Συστημάτων και των WS, ώστε εξάγοντας τα πλεονεκτήματα από το καθένα, κατασκευάστηκε ένα P2P Σύστημα το οποίο μπορεί να κατανέμει WS και να υποστηρίζει αποδοτικότερη και ταχύτερη ανακάλυψη απ’ ότι στον UDDI κατάλογο. Στην προσπάθεια αυτή ενσωματώθηκαν περαιτέρω, ορισμένες παράμετροι ποιότητας υπηρεσίας των Web Services (Quality of Web Services - QoWS). Βάση αυτών δίνεται η δυνατότητα αποδοτικότερης αναζήτησης WS και η εξαγωγή αμεσότερων αποτελεσμάτων. Οι τεχνολογίες που εξυπηρέτησαν ως υπόβαθρο ανάπτυξης είναι το P-Grid, P2P πρωτόκολλο επικοινωνίας, καθώς και το Gridella, η GUI υλοποίηση αυτού, για την ανακάλυψη αρχείων σε ένα P-Grid P2P δίκτυο. Εν τέλη, εξάγονται συμπεράσματα μέσα από πειράματα και μετρήσεις στην λειτουργία της πρότυπης εφαρμογής, που ονομάστηκε WS-Grid. / -
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A symbolic approach for the verification and the test of service choreographiesNguyễn, Huu Nghia (Hữu Nghĩa) 31 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Service-oriented engineering is an emerging software development paradigm for distributed collaborative applications. Such an application is made up of several entities abstracted as services, each of them being for example a Web application, a Web service, or even a human. The services can be developed independently and are composed to achieve common requirements through interactions among them. Service choreographies define such requirements from a global perspective, based on interactions among a set of participants. This thesis aims to formalize the problems and attempts to develop a framework by which service choreographies can be developed correctly for both top-down and bottom-up approaches. It consists in analyzing the relation between a choreography specification and a choreography implementation at both model level and real implementation level. Particularly, it concerns the composition/decomposition service design, the verification, and the testing of choreography implementation. The first key point of our framework is to support value-passing among services by using symbolic technique and SMT solver. It overcomes false negatives or state space explosion issues due by abstracting or limiting the data domain of value-passing in existing approaches. The second key point is the black-box passive testing of choreography implementation. It does not require neither to access to source codes nor to make the implementation unavailable during the testing process. Our framework is fully implemented in our toolchains, which can be downloaded or used online at address: http://schora.lri.fr.
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