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Wienerovská vlnková filtrace signálů EKG / Wiener Wavelet Filtering of ECG SignalsSizov, Vasily January 2012 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá možností využití vlnkové transformace v aplikacích, které se zabývají potlačením šumu. Především se jedná o oblast filtrace signálu EKG. Úkolem je zhodnotit vliv různých parametrů nastavení samotné filtrace a zjistit jaký vliv má různé nastavení prahování wavelet koeficientů. Výsledkem práce je také stanovení hodnot prahů, stanovení nejlepšího způsobu rozkladu signálu a volba rekonstrukčních bank filtrů. Text obsahuje výsledky Wienerovy filtrace, při které byly testovány různé banky rozkladových a rekonstrukčních filtrů.Všechny popsané filtrační metody byly testovány na reálných záznamech EKG s aditivním myopotenciálním šumem. Algoritmy byly realizovány v prostředí MATLAB.
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An Analysis of Aliasing and Image Restoration Performance for Digital Imaging SystemsNamroud, Iman 17 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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A Collaborative Adaptive Wiener Filter for Image Restoration and Multi-frame Super-resolutionMohamed, Khaled Mohamed Ahmied 27 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Reduced Rank Adaptive Filtering Applied to Interference Mitigation in Wideband CDMA SystemsSud, Seema 01 May 2002 (has links)
The research presented in this dissertation is on the development and application of advanced reduced rank adaptive signal processing techniques for high data rate wireless code division multiple access (CDMA) communications systems. This is an important area of research in the field of wireless communications. Current systems are moving towards the use of multiple simultaneous users in a given channel to increase system capacity as well as spatial and/or temporal diversity for improved performance in the presence of multipath and fading channels. Furthermore, to accommodate the demand for higher data rates, fast signal processing algorithms are required, which often translate into blind signal detection and estimation and the desire for optimal, low complexity detection techniques. The research presented here shows how minimum mean square error (MMSE) receivers implemented via the multistage Wiener filter (MWF) can be employed at the receiving end of a CDMA system to perform multiuser detection (MUD) or interference suppression (IS) with no loss in performance and significant signal subspace compression better than any previous reduced rank techniques have shown. This is important for optimizing performance because it implies a reduction in the number of required samples, so it lessens the requirement that the channel be stationary for a time duration long enough to obtain enough samples for an accurate MMSE estimate. The structure of these receivers is derived for synchronous and asynchronous systems for a multipath environment, and then it is shown that implementation of the receiver in a reduced rank subspace results in no loss in performance over full rank methods. It is also shown in some instances that reduced rank exceeds full rank performance. Multiuser detectors are also studied, and the optimal reduced rank detector is shown to be equivalent to a bank of parallel single user detectors performing interference suppression (IS). The performance as a function of rank for parallel and joint multiuser detectors are compared. The research is then extended to include joint space-code (i.e. a joint multiuser detector) and joint space-time processing algorithms which employ receiver diversity for low complexity diversity gain. Non-linear techniques, namely serial interference cancellation (SIC) and parallel interference cancellation (PIC), will also be studied. The conventional matched filter correlator will be replaced by the MWF, thereby incorporating IS at each stage of the interference canceller for improved performance. A closed form expression is derived for the probability of error, and performance gains are evaluated. It will be further shown how the receiver structure can be extended when space-time codes are employed at the transmitter for additional diversity gain with minimal impact on complexity. The MMSE solution is derived and implemented via the MWF with some examples. It is believed that these new techniques will have a significant impact on the design of fourth generation (4G) and beyond cellular CDMA systems. / Ph. D.
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Robust Steering Vector Mismatch Techniques for Reduced Rank Adaptive Array Signal ProcessingNguyen, Hien 29 October 2002 (has links)
The research presented in this dissertation is on the development of advanced reduced rank adaptive signal processing for airborne radar space-time adaptive processing (STAP) and steering vector mismatch robustness. This is an important area of research in the field of airborne radar signal processing since practical STAP algorithms should be robust against various kinds of mismatch errors. The clutter return in an airborne radar has widely spread Doppler frequencies; therefore STAP, a two-dimensional adaptive filtering algorithm is required for effective clutter and jamming cancellation. Real-world effects in nonhomogeneous environments increase the number of adaptive degrees of freedom required to adequately suppress interference. The increasing computational complexity and the need to estimate the interference from a limited sample support make full rank STAP impractical. The research presented here shows that the reduced rank multistage Wiener filter (MWF) provides significant subspace compression better than any previous techniques in a nonhomogeneous environment. In addition, the impact of steering vector mismatch will also be examined on the MWF. In an airborne radar environment, it is well known that calibration errors and steering vector mismatch can seriously degrade adaptive array performance and result in signal cancellation. These errors can be caused by many non-ideal factors such as beam steering angle errors, multipath propagation, and phase errors due to array imperfections. Since the MWF centrally features the steering vector on its formulation, it is important to assess the impact of steering vector mismatch. In this dissertation, several novel techniques for increasing robustness are examined and applied to the MWF. These include derivative constraints, quiescent pattern control (QPC) techniques, and covariance matrix tapers (CMT). This research illustrates that a combination of CMT and QPC, denoted CMTQ, is very effective at mitigating the impact of steering vector mismatch. Use of CMTQ augmentation provides the steering vector mismatch robustness that we desire while improving the reduced-rank and reduced sample characteristics of the MWF. Results using Monte Carlo simulations and experimental Multichannel Airborne Radar Measurements (MCARM) data confirm that the use of CMTQ gives superior performance to steering vector errors at a much reduced rank and sample support as compared to conventional techniques. / Ph. D.
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Simulation Studies of Digital Filters for the Phase-II Upgrade of the Liquid-Argon Calorimeters of the ATLAS Detector at the High-Luminosity LHCMadysa, Nico 14 June 2021 (has links)
Am Large Hadron Collider und am ATLAS-Detektor werden umfangreiche Aufrüstungsarbeiten vorgenommen. Diese Arbeiten sind in mehrere Phasen gegliedert und umfassen unter Anderem Änderungen an der Ausleseelektronik der Flüssigargonkalorimeter; insbesondere ist es geplant, während der letzten Phase ihren Primärpfad vollständig auszutauschen. Die Elektronik besteht aus einem analogen und einem digitalen Teil: während ersterer die Signalpulse verstärkt und sie zur leichteren Abtastung verformt, führt letzterer einen Algorithmus zur Energierekonstruktion aus. Beide Teile müssen während der Aufrüstung verbessert werden, damit der Detektor interessante Kollisionsereignisse präzise rekonstruieren und uninteressante effizient verwerfen kann.
In dieser Dissertation werden Simulationsstudien präsentiert, die sowohl die analoge als auch die digitale Auslese der Flüssigargonkalorimeter optimieren. Die Korrektheit der Simulation wird mithilfe von Kalibrationsdaten geprüft, die im sog. Run 2 des ATLAS-Detektors aufgenommen worden sind. Der Einfluss verschiedener Parameter der Signalverformung auf die Energieauflösung wird analysiert und die Nützlichkeit einer erhöhten Abtastrate von 80 MHz untersucht. Des Weiteren gibt diese Arbeit eine Übersicht über lineare und nichtlineare Energierekonstruktionsalgorithmen. Schließlich wird eine Auswahl von ihnen hinsichtlich ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit miteinander verglichen.
Es wird gezeigt, dass ein Erhöhen der Ordnung des Optimalfilters, der gegenwärtig verwendete Algorithmus, die Energieauflösung um 2 bis 3 % verbessern kann, und zwar in allen Regionen des Detektors. Der Wiener Filter mit Vorwärtskorrektur, ein nichtlinearer Algorithmus, verbessert sie um bis zu 10 % in einigen Regionen, verschlechtert sie aber in anderen. Ein Zusammenhang dieses Verhaltens mit der Wahrscheinlichkeit fälschlich detektierter Kalorimetertreffer wird aufgezeigt und mögliche Lösungen werden diskutiert.:1 Introduction
2 An Overview of High-Energy Particle Physics
2.1 The Standard Model of Particle Physics
2.2 Verification of the Standard Model
2.3 Beyond the Standard Model
3 LHC, ATLAS, and the Liquid-Argon Calorimeters
3.1 The Large Hadron Collider
3.2 The ATLAS Detector
3.3 The ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeters
4 Upgrades to the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeters
4.1 Physics Goals
4.2 Phase-I Upgrade
4.3 Phase-II Upgrade
5 Noise Suppression With Digital Filters
5.1 Terminology
5.2 Digital Filters
5.3 Wiener Filter
5.4 Matched Wiener Filter
5.5 Matched Wiener Filter Without Bias
5.6 Timing Reconstruction, Optimal Filtering, and Selection Criteria
5.7 Forward Correction
5.8 Sparse Signal Restoration
5.9 Artificial Neural Networks
6 Simulation of the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics
6.2 Hit Generation and Sampling
6.3 Pulse Shapes
6.4 Thermal Noise
6.5 Quantization
6.6 Digital Filters
6.7 Statistical Analysis
7 Results of the Readout Electronics Simulation Studies
7.1 Statistical Treatment
7.2 Simulation Verification Using Run-2 Data
7.3 Dependence of the Noise on the Shaping Time
7.4 The Analog Readout Electronics and the ADC
7.5 The Optimal Filter (OF)
7.6 The Wiener Filter
7.7 The Wiener Filter with Forward Correction (WFFC)
7.8 Final Comparison and Conclusions
8 Conclusions and Outlook
Appendices / The Large Hadron Collider and the ATLAS detector are undergoing a comprehensive upgrade split into multiple phases. This effort also affects the liquid-argon calorimeters, whose main readout electronics will be replaced completely during the final phase. The electronics consist of an analog and a digital portion: the former amplifies the signal and shapes it to facilitate sampling, the latter executes an energy reconstruction algorithm. Both must be improved during the upgrade so that the detector may accurately reconstruct interesting collision events and efficiently suppress uninteresting ones.
In this thesis, simulation studies are presented that optimize both the analog and the digital readout of the liquid-argon calorimeters. The simulation is verified using calibration data that has been measured during Run 2 of the ATLAS detector. The influence of several parameters of the analog shaping stage on the energy resolution is analyzed and the utility of an increased signal sampling rate of 80 MHz is investigated. Furthermore, a number of linear and non-linear energy reconstruction algorithms is reviewed and the performance of a selection of them is compared.
It is demonstrated that increasing the order of the Optimal Filter, the algorithm currently in use, improves energy resolution by 2 to 3 % in all detector regions. The Wiener filter with forward correction, a non-linear algorithm, gives an improvement of up to 10 % in some regions, but degrades the resolution in others. A link between this behavior and the probability of falsely detected calorimeter hits is shown and possible solutions are discussed.:1 Introduction
2 An Overview of High-Energy Particle Physics
2.1 The Standard Model of Particle Physics
2.2 Verification of the Standard Model
2.3 Beyond the Standard Model
3 LHC, ATLAS, and the Liquid-Argon Calorimeters
3.1 The Large Hadron Collider
3.2 The ATLAS Detector
3.3 The ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeters
4 Upgrades to the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeters
4.1 Physics Goals
4.2 Phase-I Upgrade
4.3 Phase-II Upgrade
5 Noise Suppression With Digital Filters
5.1 Terminology
5.2 Digital Filters
5.3 Wiener Filter
5.4 Matched Wiener Filter
5.5 Matched Wiener Filter Without Bias
5.6 Timing Reconstruction, Optimal Filtering, and Selection Criteria
5.7 Forward Correction
5.8 Sparse Signal Restoration
5.9 Artificial Neural Networks
6 Simulation of the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics
6.2 Hit Generation and Sampling
6.3 Pulse Shapes
6.4 Thermal Noise
6.5 Quantization
6.6 Digital Filters
6.7 Statistical Analysis
7 Results of the Readout Electronics Simulation Studies
7.1 Statistical Treatment
7.2 Simulation Verification Using Run-2 Data
7.3 Dependence of the Noise on the Shaping Time
7.4 The Analog Readout Electronics and the ADC
7.5 The Optimal Filter (OF)
7.6 The Wiener Filter
7.7 The Wiener Filter with Forward Correction (WFFC)
7.8 Final Comparison and Conclusions
8 Conclusions and Outlook
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Restauração de imagens mamográficas digitais utilizando o filtro de Wiener no domínio de Anscombe e o filtro inverso da MTF no domínio da frequência / Digital mamographic images restoration using Wiener filter in Anscombe domain and inverse MTF filter in frequency domainRomualdo, Larissa Cristina dos Santos 07 October 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma nova técnica de pré-processamento de imagens mamográficas digitais para melhorar o desempenho dos esquemas computacionais de auxílio ao diagnóstico (CAD) e para auxiliar na detecção precoce do câncer de mama. O método proposto efetua uma restauração nas imagens mamográficas utilizando, em uma primeira etapa, a transformada de Anscombe e o filtro de Wiener para redução do ruído quântico. Posteriormente, é utilizado o filtro inverso da função de transferência de modulação (MTF) do sistema de imagem para realce das estruturas de interesse na mamografia, como as microcalcificações, que podem ser um indicativo de câncer de mama em seu estágio inicial. Imagens mamográficas restauradas pelo método proposto foram utilizadas na avaliação de um esquema CAD para detecção automática de microcalcificações. Os resultados mostraram que o desempenho do esquema CAD apresentou uma melhora significativa quando imagens restauradas foram utilizadas, mesmo para imagens de mamas densas, que resultam normalmente em baixa taxa de detecção devido ao baixo contraste. / This work aims to developing a new technique for pre-processing digital mammographic images in order to improve the performance of computer aided-diagnosis schemes (CAD) and to assist in early detection of breast cancer. The proposed method performs a restoration in mammographic images using in a first step, the Anscombe transform and Wiener filtering to reduce image quantum noise. Subsequently, it was used the inverse modulation transfer function filtering (MTF) considering the imaging system to enhance structures of interest in mammography, such as microcalcifications, which may be an indicative of breast cancer in its early stage. Mammographic images restored by the proposed method were used in the evaluation of a CAD scheme for automatic detection of microcalcifications. The results showed that the performance of the CAD scheme had a significant improvement when restored images were used, even for images of dense breasts, which often results in low detection rate due to low contrast.
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Simulated mirror displays have a promising prospect in applications, due to its capability for virtual visualization. In most existing mirror displays, cameras are placed on top of the displays and unable to capture the person in front of the display at the highest possible resolution. The lack of a direct frontal capture of the subject's face and the geometric error introduced by image warping techniques make realistic mirror image rendering a challenging problem. The objective of this thesis is to explore the use of a robotic camera in tracking the face of the subject in front of the display to obtain a high-quality image capture. Our system uses a Bislide system to control a camera for face capture, while using a separate color-depth camera for accurate face tracking. We construct an optical device in which a one-way mirror is used so that the robotic camera behind can capture the subject while the rendered images can be displayed by reflecting off the mirror from an overhead projector. A key challenge of the proposed system is the reduction of light due to the one-way mirror. The optimal 2D Wiener filter is selected to enhance the low contrast images captured by the camera.
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Restauração de imagens mamográficas digitais utilizando o filtro de Wiener no domínio de Anscombe e o filtro inverso da MTF no domínio da frequência / Digital mamographic images restoration using Wiener filter in Anscombe domain and inverse MTF filter in frequency domainLarissa Cristina dos Santos Romualdo 07 October 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma nova técnica de pré-processamento de imagens mamográficas digitais para melhorar o desempenho dos esquemas computacionais de auxílio ao diagnóstico (CAD) e para auxiliar na detecção precoce do câncer de mama. O método proposto efetua uma restauração nas imagens mamográficas utilizando, em uma primeira etapa, a transformada de Anscombe e o filtro de Wiener para redução do ruído quântico. Posteriormente, é utilizado o filtro inverso da função de transferência de modulação (MTF) do sistema de imagem para realce das estruturas de interesse na mamografia, como as microcalcificações, que podem ser um indicativo de câncer de mama em seu estágio inicial. Imagens mamográficas restauradas pelo método proposto foram utilizadas na avaliação de um esquema CAD para detecção automática de microcalcificações. Os resultados mostraram que o desempenho do esquema CAD apresentou uma melhora significativa quando imagens restauradas foram utilizadas, mesmo para imagens de mamas densas, que resultam normalmente em baixa taxa de detecção devido ao baixo contraste. / This work aims to developing a new technique for pre-processing digital mammographic images in order to improve the performance of computer aided-diagnosis schemes (CAD) and to assist in early detection of breast cancer. The proposed method performs a restoration in mammographic images using in a first step, the Anscombe transform and Wiener filtering to reduce image quantum noise. Subsequently, it was used the inverse modulation transfer function filtering (MTF) considering the imaging system to enhance structures of interest in mammography, such as microcalcifications, which may be an indicative of breast cancer in its early stage. Mammographic images restored by the proposed method were used in the evaluation of a CAD scheme for automatic detection of microcalcifications. The results showed that the performance of the CAD scheme had a significant improvement when restored images were used, even for images of dense breasts, which often results in low detection rate due to low contrast.
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Intérêt des algorithmes de réduction de bruit dans l’implant cochléaire : Application à la binauralité / Interest of algorithms for noise reduction in cochlear implants : binaural applicationJeanvoine, Arnaud 17 December 2012 (has links)
Les implants cochléaires sont des appareils destinés à la réhabilitationdes surdités profondes et totales. Ils assurent la stimulation du nerf auditif en plaçant des électrodes dans la cochlée. Différentes études ont été établis afin d’améliorer l’intelligibilité de la parole dans le bruit chez le patientporteur de cet appareil. Les techniques bilatérales et binaurales permettent dereproduire une audition binaurale, car les deux oreilles sont simulées (commepour les personnes normo-entendantes). Ainsi la localisation et la perceptiondes sons environnants sont améliorées par rapport à une implantationmonaurale. Toutefois, les capacit´es de reconnaissances des mots sont trèsvite limitées en pr´esence de bruits. Nous avons d´evelopp´es des techniquesde r´eduction de bruit afin d’augmenter les performances de reconnaissance.Des améliorations de 10% à 15% suivant les conditions ont été observées. Néanmoins, si la perception est améliorée par les algorithmes, ils focalisent sur une direction, et ainsi, la localisation est alors réduite à l’angle delocalisation. Une seconde étude a alors été effectuée pour mesurer l’effetdes algorithmes sur la localisation. Ainsi, le beamformer donne les meilleurs résultats de compréhension mais la moins bonne localisation. La ré-injectiond’un pourcentage du signal d’entrée sur la sortie a permis de compenser laperte de la localisation sans détériorer l’intelligibilité. Le résultat de ces deux expériences montre qu’il faut un compromis entre laperception et la localisation des sons pour obtenir les meilleures performances. / Cochlear implants are to sail for the rehabilitation of deep and totaldeafness. They provide stimulation of the auditory nerve by placing electrodesin the cochlea. Various studies have been established to improve thespeech intelligibility in noise in the patient of this device. Bilateral andbinaural techniques allow reproducing a binaural hearing, since both earsare simulated (as for normal hearing people). Thus localization and theperception of the surrounding sounds are improved from a monauralimplantation. However, the recognition of the words capabilities are limitedvery quickly in the presence of noise.We developed noise reduction techniquesto increase the performance of recognition. Improvements of 10% to 15%depending on the conditions were observed. Nevertheless, if the perception isenhanced by algorithms, they focus on a direction, and thus the location isthen reduced at the corner of localization. Then, a second study was madeto measure the effect of localization algorithms. Thus, the beamformer givesthe best results of understanding but the less good location. The re-injectionof a percentage of the input to the output signal helped offset the loss of thelocation without damaging the intelligibility.The result of these two experiments shows that it takes a compromisebetween perception and sound localization for best performance.
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