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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Karnavaleske elemente in die uitbeelding van geweld in Blood Meridian deur Cormac McCarthy en Buys deur Willem Anker

Stehle, Rudolf January 2017 (has links)
In this dissertation a comparative study is undertaken of an Afrikaans novel, Willem Anker’s Buys: ’n Grensroman (2014) and an American novel, Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian, or The Evening Redness in the West (1985). The study focuses on the nature and function of carnivalesque elements in the portrayal of violence in the two novels. The theory of the carnivalesque, as developed by Mikhail Bakhtin in Rabelais and His World (1984), serves as a broad theoretical point of departure, while Steven Frye’s article “Blood Meridian and the Poetics of Violence” (2013) serves more specifically as a theoretical approach for the investigation into the protrayal of violence in the two novels. Following on Frye’s view of the carnivalesque as an “aesthetic strategy”, reference is made to the views of Terry Eagleton, Kenneth Burke and Fredric Jameson who regard the text as a strategic reaction to a given situation or context. The novels are consequently approached with due consideration to the violent contexts in which they were written, namely America in the wake of the Vietnam War in the case of Blood Meridian and the violence-ridden postcolonial South Africa in Buys’s case. Connections between the carnivalesque and postcolonial discourse as well as between the carnivalesque and violence are explored. The aestheticisation of extreme violence in Blood Meridian and Buys through the utilisation of carnivalesque images coupled with poetic, richly imagistic language which involves the reader emotionally, is briefly demonstrated. Ethical reservations regarding the aestheticisation of violence in literature are explored, while the ethical value Kearney atrributes to a narrative approach to historical violence is also considered. This is followed by a comparative analysis of violent scenes in the two novels in which the grotesque body, carnivalesque clothing, the carnivalesque blending of the kitchen with the battlefield and carnivalesque language occur. Finally the study concludes that the utilisation of carnivalesque imagery in scenes of violence in Blood Meridian and Buys is an aesthetic strategy whereby the reader’s experience of those historic atrocities are intensified as a result of being emotionally drawn to the events. This hightens the reader’s consciousness of the historical reality of moral transgression – a function performed by the original Medieval carnival – and calls attention to the fact that the violence demands an ethical response. / In hierdie verhandeling word ’n vergelykende studie onderneem van ’n Afrikaanse roman, Willem Anker se Buys: ’n Grensroman (2014), en ’n Amerikaanse roman, Cormac McCarthy se Blood Meridian, or The Evening Redness in the West (1985). Die studie fokus op die aard en funksie van karnavaleske elemente in die uitbeelding van geweld in die twee romans. Die teorie van die karnavaleske, soos ontwikkel deur Mikhail Bakhtin in Rabelais and His World (1984) dien as breë teoretiese vertrekpunt, terwyl Steven Frye se artikel “Blood Meridian and the Poetics of Violence” (2013) meer spesifiek as teoretiese invalshoek dien vir die ondersoek na die uitbeelding van geweld in die twee romans. Na aanleiding van Frye se beskouing van die karnavaleske as ’n “estetiese strategie” word daar ook aansluiting gevind by Terry Eagleton, Kenneth Burke en Fredric Jameson se sienings van die literêre teks as ’n strategiese reaksie op ’n gegewe situasie of konteks. Die romans word dus benader met inagneming van die gewelddadige kontekste waarbinne hulle gestalte gekry het, te wete Amerika in die nadraai van die Viëtnam-oorlog in die geval van Blood Meridian en die geweldgeteisterde postkoloniale Suid-Afrika in Buys se geval. Verbande word getrek tussen die karnavaleske en die postkoloniale diskoers, asook tussen die karnavaleske en geweld. Daar word kortliks aangetoon hoedat ekstreme geweld in Blood Meridian en Buys verestetiseer word deur karnavaleske beelde wat gepaard gaan met poëtiese, beeldryke taalgebruik wat die leser emosioneel betrek. Daar word stilgestaan by etiese voorbehoude oor die verestetisering van geweld in literatuur, terwyl die etiese waarde wat Kearney heg aan ’n narratiewe benadering tot historiese geweld ook onder die loep kom. Dit word gevolg deur ’n vergelykende ontleding van geweldstonele in die twee romans waarin die groteske liggaam, karnavaleske kleredrag, die karnavaleske vermenging van die kombuis en die slagveld en karnavaleske taalgebruik voorkom. Ten slotte word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die aanwending van karnavaleske beelde in geweldstonele in Blood Meridian en Buys ’n estetiese strategie is waardeur die leser se ervaring van daardie geweldsvergrype in die verlede geïntensiveer word deurdat hy emosioneel daarby betrek word. Dit verhoog die leser se bewustheid van die historiese werklikheid van morele transgressie – ’n rol wat ook deur die oorspronklike karnaval in die Middeleeue vertolk is – en maak ’n appèl op die leser dat die geweldsvergrype ’n etiese respons vereis. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns / Afrikaans / MA / Unrestricted

Fokalisasie en vertelinstansie in die representasie van gestremdheid in geselekteerde Afrikaanse romans / Babette Viljoen.

Viljoen, Babette January 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation the boundaries between normality and disability are investigated, as well as how these boundaries can be represented and changed through literary works. The purpose of this study is to examine the representation of disabled characters according to the theoretical insights of cognitive narratology. In order to analyse the boundary between normality and disability, this study focuses on focalisation and the narration as narrative techniques. The representation of disabled characters is a well-known phenomenon in literature in general but this dissertation analyses and discusses four novels which have been identified as texts in which the representation of disabled characters plays a significant role. These novels are: Is Sagie (1987) by Jan van Tonder, Raaiselkind (2001) by Annelie Botes, Siegfried (2007) by Willem Anker en Een vir Azazel (1964) by Etienne Leroux. Disablility, as a deviation from normality, is represented in different ways in literature, and has different functions. The theoretical argument is that the investigation and interpretation of the representation of disablilty in literature will provide insight in disability as a social phenomenon, as a literary act and as an act of understanding. Cognitive narratology uses the theoretical concepts of frames and scripts to describe the way in which human perceptions are structured and may even become fossilised in the human mind. Subsequent expreriences and information are therefore determined by existing codes and rules. The understanding or negotiation of new information is based on preferences that evolve from prior knowledge and programming. Cognitive choices are made on the basis of existing frames and scripts and determine whether a concept is new, standard, stereotypical, unusual, indefinite or ambiguous. This study shows how frames and scripts on disability are undermined within the novels and how disability is used as a functional novel element. / Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Fokalisasie en vertelinstansie in die representasie van gestremdheid in geselekteerde Afrikaanse romans / Babette Viljoen.

Viljoen, Babette January 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation the boundaries between normality and disability are investigated, as well as how these boundaries can be represented and changed through literary works. The purpose of this study is to examine the representation of disabled characters according to the theoretical insights of cognitive narratology. In order to analyse the boundary between normality and disability, this study focuses on focalisation and the narration as narrative techniques. The representation of disabled characters is a well-known phenomenon in literature in general but this dissertation analyses and discusses four novels which have been identified as texts in which the representation of disabled characters plays a significant role. These novels are: Is Sagie (1987) by Jan van Tonder, Raaiselkind (2001) by Annelie Botes, Siegfried (2007) by Willem Anker en Een vir Azazel (1964) by Etienne Leroux. Disablility, as a deviation from normality, is represented in different ways in literature, and has different functions. The theoretical argument is that the investigation and interpretation of the representation of disablilty in literature will provide insight in disability as a social phenomenon, as a literary act and as an act of understanding. Cognitive narratology uses the theoretical concepts of frames and scripts to describe the way in which human perceptions are structured and may even become fossilised in the human mind. Subsequent expreriences and information are therefore determined by existing codes and rules. The understanding or negotiation of new information is based on preferences that evolve from prior knowledge and programming. Cognitive choices are made on the basis of existing frames and scripts and determine whether a concept is new, standard, stereotypical, unusual, indefinite or ambiguous. This study shows how frames and scripts on disability are undermined within the novels and how disability is used as a functional novel element. / Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

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